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Dummer. ゛☀
The white willow (Salix alba) is a majestic tree with leaves that have a magic of their own. Tall and graceful, the undersides of its leaves are silvery white, giving the tree its common name. Read on for more white willow information, including tips on how to grow a white willow and white willow care.[图片]What is a White Willow Tree? White willows are lovely, fast-growing trees that can shoot up to 70 feet in your garden. White willows are not native to this country. Rather, they grow wild in Europe, central Asia and northern Africa. White willow cultivation began in the United States in the 1700s. Over the years, the tree has naturalized in many parts of the country. Once you read up on white willow information, you’ll know why the tree has many fans. It not only leafs early, but it holds onto its leaves late into autumn. This tree is one of the first to leaf in the spring, and one of the last to drop its leaves in the fall. The bark is furrowed, and the branches droop gracefully, though not as much as a weeping willow. In spring, attractive catkins appear on the trees. The seeds ripen in June.[图片]White Willow Cultivation These trees thrive in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 3 through 8, and generally do not require much white willow care. If you want to grow a white willow, plant it in moist loam. The ideal pH range for white willow cultivation is between 5.5 and 8.0. Choose a sunny spot or at least one with partial sun, since white willows don’t do well in deep shade. These willows attract wildlife. Many different animals use the spreading branches for cover. They also provide food for the caterpillars of different moth species including the puss moth, willow ermine and red underwing. The catkins provide bees and other insects early spring nectar and pollen. On the other hand, before you jump into white willow cultivation, you’ll want to note the downsides. These include weak wood; a marked susceptibility to pests and disease; and shallow, moisture-seeking roots.[图片]White Willow Care For white willow care, irrigation is important – more rather than less. White willows can survive severe flooding but don’t do well with drought. On the other hand, they tolerate sea spray and urban pollution. Like many willow species, white willows love wetlands. For ideal white willow cultivation, plant your trees around ponds or rivers. That reduces white willow care, since the tree roots have a source of water.
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Weeping willow is a lovely, graceful tree for a large scale garden. Many consider weeping trees romantic additions to their garden. Featuring silvery green foliage in summer and turning yellow in the fall, these are fast growing, large trees useful for screening or as a focal point in the garden.[图片]Weeping Willow Information The weeping willow (Salix babylonica) is native to China. These trees are popular worldwide for their unusual weeping branches. Utilized and admired in gardens and the subject of legends from ancient times, these trees grow throughout the Eastern United States, thriving from Michigan to Central Florida and west to Missouri. Some believe the ‘weeping’ refers to the way raindrops stream down the branches, dripping ‘tears’ from the tips. Therefore, this willow is a beloved tree in cemeteries and memorial gardens.[图片]Planting Weeping Willow Trees When planting weeping willow trees, consider where to place them. They are happiest while basking in full sun with their feet slightly wet. Thus, a lakeside location is recommended. Be aware of their eventual size (60 x 60 feet height and spread potential, or 18 m.) while noting locations of underground pipes. Willow roots tend to seek out and clog pipes. These trees are easy to establish and tolerate soils from acidic to alkaline. Consequently, when planting weeping willow trees, they need only a bit of compost (in poor soil) and a sprinkling of all-purpose fertilizer. Consistent watering helps.[图片]Weeping Willow Care Weeping willow care may increase as they grow, since they host many insects. Caterpillars and borers feast on the leaves and bark. Caring for a weeping willow includes monitoring the branches too. Keeping an eye on the tree is necessary because branches tend to crack and fail due to age, especially during ice and snow events. The foliage is prone to fungal diseases, and as a result, becomes spotted and unattractive. Insect and disease problems may require treatment to keep the tree looking its best.[图片]Weeping Willow Tree Varieties Salix babylonica is the variety of weeping willow most commonly planted. Alternatives to the weeping willow include the Niobe Golden willow (Salix alba tristis) and the Dwarf weeping willow (Salix caprea ‘Kilarnock’).
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Dummer. ゛☀
Willow trees are suitable for moist sites in full sun. They perform well in almost any climate, but the limbs and stems are not strong and may bend and break in storms. There are many types of willow trees for the home landscape. Learn how to grow a willow tree for a fast growing, easy-to-care for screen or specimen tree.[图片]Types of Willow Trees There are tree and shrub willows, all of which are characterized by their love for moist soil and rangy, sometimes invasive root systems. You may even find a willow tree growing at the edge of a stream or river. Weeping and pussy willows are probably two of the better-known types of willow trees, but there are many others. Weeping willows – Weeping willows have graceful arching stems that dangle delicately and shiver in the breeze. Pussy willows – Pussy willows put on a spring display of fuzzy buds that are charming and reminiscent of childhood.[图片]Gold or White willows – Golden and white willows are introduced species from Europe and often used as screens and part of shelterbelts. Black willows – Black willows are native to parts of North America and common along waterways. Corkscrew willows – Corkscrew willows have attractive decorative stems, which spiral appealingly and provide interest in winter.[图片]How to Grow a Willow Tree You can grow a willow tree from cuttings. Take a cutting from a live terminal branch that is 18 inches long. Insert the cut end into moist soil in a pot with good drainage or straight into garden soil. Keep it moderately moist until the cutting roots. A more common method of willow tree growing is from bare root trees that are at least 1 year old. These need to have the roots soaked in a bucket before planting and soil worked to twice the depth and diameter of the root spread. Push soil in and around the roots when planting willow trees, and water the soil in well. Thereafter, follow good willow tree care for a fast growing tree or shrub.[图片]Planting Willow Trees Consider carefully where you plant your tree or shrub. Not all types of willow tree are invasive, but many are and you do not want their root system all over your planting bed. Provide a collar around young trees to protect them from wildlife. Young trees are especially susceptible to the nibbling of deer, elk and even rabbits. They need to be kept quite moist but not soggy as the roots establish.[图片]Willow Tree Care Willow trees are easy to grow and require moderate care. Prune young trees to keep lower limbs up for easier maintenance. Otherwise, willows do not need trimming and only removal of old and dead wood is required, though many people prefer to keep pussy willows trimmed. Willows flourish in moist organic-rich soils. If your soil is poor and has limited nutrients, work in compost at the time of planting and fertilize with an all-purpose plant food in early spring.[图片]Water willows in periods of drought and watch for pests and disease. Willows are not bothered by many problems but it is easier to nip them in the bud at the first sign rather than wait until the plant’s health is compromised.
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Yellow oleander trees (Thevetia peruviana) sound as if they should be closely related to oleander, (genus Nerium) but they aren’t. Both are members of the Dogbane family, but they reside in different genera and are very different plants. Read on for yellow oleander information and tips on yellow oleander care.[图片]Yellow Oleander Information Yellow oleander trees are so small that many consider them large bushes. Yellow oleander information suggests that these evergreen plants rarely get over 10 feet when cultivated, although they can get to 20 feet in the wild. The flower of yellow oleander looks like a narrow tube that flares out at the tip into five petals, twisted into a spiral shape. They are fragrant, about 2 inches long and grow in clusters. A mechanism inside the throat of the flowers helps with pollination. It coats insects coming for the sweet nectar with pollen, making sure that they will transfer pollen to the next flower. Yellow oleander trees’ thick fruit has four sides and changes colors as it matures. The fruit starts out green, then turns a lipstick red, but finally matures into a dull black. The stone inside is brown and smooth and makes nice necklaces.[图片]Uses for Yellow Oleander Yellow oleander trees grow in savannahs and riparian areas in their native range in Africa. They can become invasive if grown in open regions, and the trees have been listed as noxious weeds in South Africa. In other countries, the uses for yellow oleander are largely ornamental. In the United States, the tree is cultivated as a garden plant, despite its toxicity. Is yellow oleander poisonous? Yes, it is. Every part of the plant is poisonous.[图片]Yellow Oleander Care Many gardeners choose to grow yellow oleander in spite of its toxicity, seduced by the plant’s luxurious, tropical look and long-lasting blossoms. If you want to grow this plant, it’s nice to know that yellow oleander care is not difficult nor time consuming. Just be cautious about growing it around small children and pets. Plant yellow oleander trees in part or full sun, since they like heat. The trees do best in well-draining soil with lots of organic content, so work in compost before you plant.[图片]You’ll need to water these plants regularly. Pruning and litter cleanup (wear gloves) will take a little of your time as well. Generally, however, these are low-maintenance plants.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dwarf myrtle trees are small evergreen shrubs native to moist or dry sandy areas of pine-hardwoods in East Texas, east to Louisiana, Florida, North Carolina and north to Arkansas and Delaware. They are also referred to as dwarf wax myrtle, dwarf candleberry, bayberry, waxberry, wax myrtle, and dwarf southern wax myrtle and are a member of the family Myricaceae. The plant’s hardiness zone is USDA 7.[图片]Difference Between Wax Myrtle and Dwarf Myrtle Depending on who you talk to, dwarf myrtle is thought to be simply a smaller variety of its common sister species, Morella cerifera, or the common wax myrtle. Apparently, the genus Myrica was split into Morella and Myrica, so wax myrtle is sometimes called Morella cerifera and sometimes called Myrica cerifera. Wax myrtle will generally have larger leaves than the dwarf variety and will attain a height a couple of feet taller (5 to 6) than the dwarf.[图片]Growing Dwarf Wax Myrtle Valued for its aromatic, evergreen foliage and its 3 to 4 foot manageable height, growing dwarf myrtle is also adaptable to full sun or partial shade in a wide range of soils from boggy to arid. The fine wispy foliage of dwarf wax myrtle looks lovely as a pruned hedge or it may be limbed up to form an attractive specimen plant. Dwarf wax myrtle has a stoloniferous root system or spreading habitat (through underground runners) that tends to produce a thicket or dense colony of plants that are useful for erosion management. This thicket-like growth can be curtailed through pruning the plant to contain its spread as part of the care of dwarf myrtle.[图片]The leaves of the dwarf wax myrtle are heavily dotted with resin on both the dark green top and the brownish olive undersides, giving it a two-toned appearance. Dwarf wax myrtle is a dioecious plant, which bears silvery blue-grey berries on female plants following the yellow spring/winter blossoms. The new spring growth has a scent akin to bayberry when the foliage is bruised.[图片]Dwarf Myrtle Plant Care Dwarf myrtle plant care is fairly straightforward when grown in the correct USDA zone, as the plant is highly adaptable to a variety of conditions. Dwarf wax myrtle is susceptible to the cold, especially freezing winds, which will cause leaf drop or severely browned leaves. Branches also become brittle and may split or break under the weight of ice or snow. However, dwarf myrtle plant care and growth is possible in areas of salt spray, which the plant is very tolerant of. Dwarf myrtle plants can be propagated through cuttings.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Growing wax myrtle (Myrica cerifera) as an evergreen shrub or small tree is an excellent addition to the landscape. Learning how to plant wax myrtle is relatively simple. The wax myrtle tree or shrub is often used for a fast growing hedge or privacy screen and may be used singly as an attractive specimen plant in the yard.[图片]Wax Myrtle Care Tips Wax myrtle care involves fertilization and pruning for shape or pruning when limbs are damaged or split off by heavy ice and snow. Historically, leaves of the wax myrtle tree were used for fragrance and flammability when making candles. This fragrance, still used today, has earned the shrub a common name of southern bayberry. Wax myrtle often exhibits growth of 3 to 5 feet a year. As a shrub it has a rounded, narrow form and is attractive when limbed up for use as a small tree. Use the wax myrtle tree in mixed shrub borders and as shade for the deck or patio. When growing wax myrtle, avoid planting annuals and perennials around the roots of this plant. Root disturbance or injury results in numerous suckers that must be pruned to keep the plant healthy and for proper wax myrtle care.[图片]Fruit of the wax myrtle tree is an important source of food for birds in the winter. Grayish-white clusters of fruit with a bluish, waxy coating remain on the plant throughout the winter in USDA Zones 7 -9, where the growing wax myrtle is hardy. Include the wax myrtle tree in your natural or wildlife friendly area. Flowers appear in spring; small with a greenish tint.[图片]How to Plant Wax Myrtle Plant wax myrtle in a full sun to part sun area where roots will not be disturbed. This plant is salt tolerant and takes sea spray well, making it an exceptional beach front planting. The wax myrtle is adaptable to a range of soils, but prefers the soil to be moist. When growing wax myrtle, plant it where you can enjoy the bayberry fragrance emitting from the glossy leaves and berries.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Native to the Eastern U.S., the tupelo tree is an attractive shade tree that thrives in open areas with plenty of room to spread and grow. Find out about tupelo tree care and maintenance in this article.[图片]Care and Uses for Tupelo Trees There are many uses for tupelo trees in areas large enough to accommodate their size. They make excellent shade trees and can serve as street trees where overhead wires aren’t a concern. Use them to naturalize low, boggy areas and places with periodic flooding. Tupelo trees are an important food source for wildlife. Many species of birds, including wild turkeys and wood ducks, eat the berries and a few species of mammals, such as raccoons and squirrels, also enjoy the fruit. White-tailed deer browse on the tree’s twigs.[图片]Tupelo tree growing conditions include full sun or partial shade and deep, acidic, evenly moist soil. Trees planted in alkaline soil die young. Even though they prefer wet soil, they tolerate brief periods of drought. One thing they won’t tolerate is pollution, whether it is in the soil or the air, so it’s best to keep them out of urban environments.[图片]Types of Tupelo Trees The white tupelo gum tree (Nyssa ogeche ‘Bartram’) is limited by its environment. It has a native range that centers around Northwest Florida in a low area fed by the Chattahoochee River system. Although it grows in other areas as well, you won’t find another region with the concentration of white tupelos equal to this 100-mile long stretch near the Gulf of Mexico. The area is famous for its high-quality tupelo honey.[图片]The most common and familiar tupelo trees are the black gum tupelo trees (Nyssa sylvatica). These trees stand up to 80 feet tall at maturity. They usually have a 1.5- to 3-foot wide, straight trunk, although you may occasionally see a split trunk. The leaves are shiny and bright green in summer, turning several lovely shades of red, orange, yellow and purple in fall. The tree remains interesting in winter because its regular, horizontal branches give it an attractive profile. The birds that visit the tree to clean up the last of the berries also add winter interest.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Although travelers palm (Ravenala madagascariensis) displays big, fan-like leaves, the name is actually a bit of a misnomer, as travelers palm plants are actually more closely related to banana trees. This exotic plant produces small, creamy white flowers, which often appear year round. Want to learn about growing travelers palm in your garden? Find out below.[图片]Travelers Palm Hardiness Travelers palm is definitely a tropical plant, suitable for growing in the warm climates of USDA plant hardiness zones 10 and 11. Travelers palm plants may survive in zone 9, but only if they are well protected in the event of occasional frost.[图片]How to Grow a Travelers Palm Travelers palm plants tolerate sandy and clay-based soils, but prefer moist, rich soil. Although the plant is relatively disease resistant, a well-drained planting site produces healthiest growth. Provide shade for the base of the plants after planting. Once established, a sunny spot is best, but the travelers palm does fine with a little light shade. Provide shelter from strong winds, which may tear and tatter the huge leaves. This is a good-sized plant that reaches heights of 30 to 50 feet and sometimes even more, so provide plenty of space for travelers palm. Allow a minimum of 8 to 10 feet from a house or other structure, and 12 feet is even better. If you’re planting more than one, space them at least 8 to 10 feet apart to prevent crowding.[图片]Caring for Travelers Palms Water as needed to keep the soil evenly moist, but never soggy or waterlogged. Feed travelers palm plants once in spring, summer and autumn, using a fertilizer formulated for tropical plants or palms. A good, all-purpose fertilizer is also acceptable. Prune outer leaf branches as needed, and deadhead wilted blooms if you don’t want the plant to self-seed.
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Dummer. ゛☀
If you’ve never heard of the exotic Tipuana tipu, you aren’t alone. It isn’t grown extensively in most parts of the country. What is a tipu tree? It’s a medium-sized flowering legume tree native to Bolivia. If you are thinking of growing a tipu tree, read on. You’ll find lots of Tipuana tipu information as well as tips on how to grow a Tipuana tree.[图片]What is a Tipu Tree? A tipu tree (Tipuana tipu) is a shade tree planted frequently in the warmer parts of the world. In the United States it is used as a flowering accent tree or a landscape tree. The tree has a single trunk and a high spreading canopy. It can grow to over 60 feet (18 m.) in height and about the same in width. However, in cultivation the trees usually don’t get that big. Beautiful yellow flowers cover the tipu’s canopy during the summer months. These turn into the tipu fruit, large brown seed pods. Both flowers and pods create litter below, so this is something you should consider prior to planting.[图片]Additional Tipuana Tipu Information If you are thinking of growing a tipu tree in your garden, you’ll need to know a little more about the species. The first rule for how to grow a tipuana tree involves climate. The tipu is a tropical tree. It only thrives in very warm climates such as in U.S. Department of Agriculture hardiness zones 9 through 11. However, even zone 9 may be too cold and you’ll have to consider protection. If you are able to grow tipu trees, you’ll find them to be some of the most beautiful flowering trees for warm climates. The blossoms are yellow or apricot and pea-shaped. Tipu trees grow quite quickly. With proper tipu tree care, they can live to 150 years.[图片]Tipu Tree Care To start growing a tipu tree, plant the tree in a site with full sun or partial sun. Be a little careful about selecting a site. The tipu has a large trunk that buttresses out at the base. In time, the roots may be able to lift sidewalks. If you want to know how to grow a tipu tree, you’ll be happy to learn that the trees are not picky about soil. They will grow in moist or dry soil, in clay, loam or sand. They prefer acidic soil but also tolerate slightly alkaline soil.[图片]Although tipu trees are reputedly drought resistant, tipu tree care means providing regular irrigation. This is particularly important during dry spells.
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