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Dummer. ゛☀
There are many kinds of maple tree diseases, but the ones that people are most commonly concerned with affect the trunk and bark of maple trees. This is because bark diseases of maple trees are very visible to a tree’s owner and are often bring about dramatic changes to the tree. Below you will find a list of diseases that affect maple trunk and bark.[图片]Maple Tree Bark Diseases and Damage Canker Fungus Maple Tree Bark Disease Several different kinds of fungi will cause cankers on a maple tree. These fungus are the most common maple bark diseases. They all have the same thing in common, which is that they will create lesions (also called cankers) in the bark but these lesions will look different depending on the canker fungus that is affecting the maple bark. Nectria cinnabarina canker – This maple tree disease can be identified by its pink and black cankers on the bark and typically affects parts of the trunk that were weak or dead. These cankers can become slimy after rain or dew. Occasionally, this fungus will also appear as red balls on the bark of the maple tree.[图片]Eutypella canker – The cankers of this maple tree fungus looks similar to Nectria galligena canker but the layers on the canker will normally be thicker and will not peel away from the tree trunk easily. Also, if the bark is removed from the canker, there will be a layer of visible, light brown mushroom tissue. Valsa canker – This disease of maple trunks will normally affect only young trees or small branches. The cankers of this fungus will look like small shallow depressions on the bark with warts in the center of each and will be white or grey. Steganosporium canker – This maple tree bark disease will create a brittle, black layer over the bark of the tree. It only affects bark that has been damaged by other issues or maple diseases.[图片]Cryptosporiopsis canker – The cankers from this fungus will affect young trees and starts out as a small elongated canker the looks as though someone pushed some of the bark into the tree. As the tree grows, the canker will continue to grow. Often, the center of the canker will bleed during the rising of spring sap. Bleeding canker – This maple tree disease causes the bark to appear wet and is often accompanied by some bark coming away from the maple tree trunk, especially lower down on the trunk of the tree. Basal canker – This maple fungus attacks the base of the tree and rots away the bark and wood beneath. This fungus looks very similar to a maple tree root disease called collar rot, but with collar rot, the bark typically does not fall away from the base of the tree.[图片]Galls and Burls It is not uncommon for maple trees to develop growths called galls or burls on their trunks. These growths often look like large warts on the side of the maple tree and can get to massive sizes. Though often alarming to see, galls and burls will not harm a tree. That being said, these growths do weaken the trunk of the tree and can make the tree more susceptible to falling during wind storms.[图片]Environmental Damage to Maple Bark While not technically a maple tree disease, there are several weather and environment related bark damages that can happen and may look like the tree has a disease. Sunscald – Sunscald most frequently occurs on young maple trees but can happen on older maple trees that have thin skin. It will appear as a long discolored or even barkless stretches on the trunk of the maple tree and sometimes the bark will be cracked. The damage will be on the southwest side of the tree.[图片]Frost cracks – Similar to sunscald, on the southern side of the tree cracks, sometimes deep cracks will appear in the trunk. These frost cracks will most commonly happen in late winter or spring. Over mulching – Poor mulching practices can cause the bark around the base of the tree to crack and fall off.
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Dummer. ゛☀
A red maple tree (Acer rubrum) gets its common name from its brilliant red foliage that becomes the focal point of the landscape in autumn, but red colors play a large part in the tree’s ornamental display in other seasons as well. Red flower buds form in winter, opening into showy red flowers before the tree leafs out. New twigs and leaf stems are also red, and after the flowers fade, reddish-colored fruit takes their place. Read on to find out how to grow a red maple tree.[图片]Growing Red Maple Red maple trees vary in size depending on the location and the cultivar. They grow 40 to 70 feet tall with a spread of 30 to 50 feet. Red maples tend to be shorter in the southernmost part of their growing range, which is USDA plant hardiness zones 3 through 9. For small urban lots, consider growing smaller cultivars, such as ‘Schlesingeri,’ which rarely exceeds 25 feet in height. Before you plant, you should know that there are a couple of problems associated with growing red maple trees. They have thick, strong roots that grow near or above the surface of the soil. Although they aren’t as destructive and invasive as those of silver maple trees, they can raise sidewalks and make lawn maintenance a difficult chore. Exposed roots are easily injured if you run over them with a lawn mower.[图片]In addition, the thin bark can sustain damage from string trimmers and flying debris from lawn mowers. These injuries provide entry points for diseases and insects. Buying a red maple sapling isn’t as straightforward as it may seem. First of all, not all red maples have red fall foliage. Some turn brilliant yellow or orange, and although they are striking, they are a disappointment if you were expecting red. One way to make sure you get the color you want is to buy in fall from a local nursery. Fall is an excellent time to plant, and you can see the color of the foliage before you buy. You should also make sure you purchase a tree grown on its own roots rather than a grafted tree. Grafting creates weak points in red maples and makes them more susceptible to breaking.[图片]Red Maple Tree Care and Planting Choose a wet site located in full sun or partial shade. If the site isn’t naturally moist or wet, the tree will need frequent irrigation throughout its life. The soil should be acid to neutral. Alkaline soil leads to pale, sickly leaves and poor growth. Water red maples before the soil has a chance to dry. Slow, deep watering is better than frequent light applications because it encourages deeper roots. A 2- to 3-inch layer of organic mulch helps the soil hold moisture longer.[图片]Red maples probably don’t need fertilization every year. When you do fertilize, apply a general purpose fertilizer in early spring. The leaves are naturally light green in color, so you can’t depend on them to tell you when you need to fertilize. If you buy your red maple tree from a good nursery, you probably won’t need to prune it after you plant. If in doubt, remove branches with narrow angles that appear to be trying to grow straight up. Wide angles between the trunk and the branches add strength to the overall structure of the tree, and they are less likely to break.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Your maple trees are absolutely gorgeous yellow, orange and red fireballs every fall – and you look forward to it with a great deal of anticipation. When you discover that your tree is suffering from tar spot of maples, you may start to fear that it spells the end to beautiful fall scenery forever. Never fear, maple tree tar spot is a very minor disease of maple trees and you’ll have plenty of fiery falls to come.[图片]What is Maple Tar Spot Disease? Maple tar spot is a very visible problem for maple trees. It starts with small yellow spots on growing leaves, and by late summer these yellow spots expand into large black blotches that look just like tar has been dropped on the leaves. This is because a fungal pathogen in the genus Rhytisma has taken hold. When the fungus initially infects a leaf, it causes a small 1/8-inch wide yellow spot. As the season progresses, that spot spreads, eventually growing up to 3/4 inches wide. The spreading yellow spot also changes colors as it grows, slowly turning from a yellow-green to a deep, tarry black.[图片]The tar spots don’t emerge right away, but are typically obvious by mid to late summer. By the end of September, those black spots are at full size and may even appear to be rippled or deeply grooved like fingerprints. Don’t worry, though, the fungus only attacks the leaves, leaving the rest of your maple tree alone. The black spots are fairly unsightly, but they don’t do any harm to your trees and will be shed when the leaves fall. Unfortunately, maple tree tar spot is spread on the wind, which means that your tree can get reinfected next year if spores happen to hitch a ride on the right breeze.[图片]Maple Tar Spot Treatment Because of the way maple tar spot disease is transmitted, complete control of maple tar spot is virtually impossible on mature trees. Prevention is the key with this disease, but if nearby trees are infected, you can’t reasonably expect to totally destroy this fungus without community support. Start by raking all your maple’s fallen leaves and burning, bagging or composting them to eliminate the closest source of tar spot spores. If you leave the fallen leaves on the ground until spring, the spores on them will likely reinfect the new foliage and start the cycle again. Trees that have trouble with tar spots year after year may also be struggling with excessive moisture. You’ll do them a great favor if you increase the grade around them to eliminate standing water and prevent moisture build-up.[图片]Young trees may require treatment, especially if other trees have had a lot of their leaf surfaces covered by tar spots in the recent past. If you’re planting a younger maple in an area prone to maple tar spot, though, applying a fungicide, like triadimefon and mancozeb, at bud break and twice again in 7- to 14-day intervals is recommended. Once your tree is well-established and too tall to easily spray, it should be able to fend for itself.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Maple trees come in all shapes and sizes, but they all have one thing in common: outstanding fall color. Find out how to grow a maple tree in this article.[图片]How to Grow a Maple Tree In addition to planting nursery-grown maple trees, there are a couple of ways to go about maple tree growing: Growing maple trees from cuttings Growing maple trees from cuttings is an easy way to get free saplings for your garden. Take 4-inch cuttings from the tips of young trees in midsummer or mid-autumn, and remove the leaves from the lower half of the stem. Scrape the bark on the lower stem with a knife and then roll it in powdered rooting hormone. Stick the lower 2 inches of the cutting in a pot filled with moist rooting medium. Keep the air around the plant moist by enclosing the pot in a plastic bag or covering it with a milk jug with the bottom cut out. Once they take root, remove the cuttings from their coverings and place them in a sunny location.[图片]Planting maple tree seeds You can also start a tree from seeds. Maple tree seeds mature in either spring to early summer or late fall, depending on the species. Not all species require special treatment, but it’s best to go ahead and treat them with cold stratification to be sure. This treatment tricks them into thinking winter has come and gone, and it’s safe to germinate. Plant the seeds about three-quarters of an inch deep in moist peat moss and place them in a plastic bag inside the refrigerator for 60 to 90 days. Place the pots in a warm location when they come out of the refrigerator, and once they germinate, place them in a sunny window. Keep the soil moist at all times.[图片]Planting and Caring for Maple Trees Transplant seedlings and cuttings into a pot filled with good quality potting soil when they are a few inches tall. Potting soil provides them with all of the nutrients they will need for the next couple of months. Afterward, feed them with half-strength liquid houseplant fertilizer every week to 10 days. Fall is the best time for planting maple tree seedlings or cuttings outdoors, but you can plant them anytime as long as the ground isn’t frozen. Choose a location with full sun or partial shade and well-drained soil. Dig a hole as deep as the container and 2 to 3 feet wide. Set the plant in the hole, making sure the soil line on the stem is even with the surrounding soil. Burying the stem too deeply encourages rot.[图片]Fill the hole with the soil you removed from it without adding fertilizer or any other amendments. Press down with your foot or add water periodically to remove air pockets. Once the hole is full, level the soil and water deeply and thoroughly. Two inches of mulch will help keep the soil moist. Don’t fertilize the tree until the second spring after planting. Use 10-10-10 fertilizer or an inch of composted manure spread evenly over the root zone. As the tree grows, treat it with additional fertilizer only if needed. A maple tree with bright leaves that is growing according to expectations doesn’t need fertilizer. Many maples have problems with brittle branches and wood rot if forced to grow too fast.
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Dummer. ゛☀
From the little 8-foot Japanese maple to the towering sugar maple that can reach heights of 100 feet or more, the Acer family offers a tree just the right size for every situation. Find out about some of the most popular maple tree varieties in this article.[图片]Types of Acer Maple Trees Maple trees are members of the genus Acer, which includes a lot of variety in size, shape, color and growth habit. With all of the variations, it’s hard to pinpoint a few obvious features that make a tree a maple. To make maple tree identification a little easier, let’s begin by dividing them into two main groups: Hard and soft maples. One distinction between the two maple tree types is the rate of growth. Hard maples grow very slowly and live a long time. These trees are important to the lumber industry and include black maples and sugar maples, known for their superior quality syrup.[图片]All maples have leaves divided into three, five or seven lobes. The lobes on some maples are mere indentations in the leaves, while others have lobes so deeply divided that a single leaf can look like a cluster of individual, thin leaves. Hard maples usually have leaves with moderate indentations. They are dull green on top and a lighter color underneath. Soft maples include a wide variety of trees, such as red and silver maples. Their rapid growth results in a soft wood. Landscapers use these trees to get quick results, but they may become a problem in the landscape as they age. Quick growth results in brittle branches that break and fall easily, often causing property damage. They are subject to wood rot, and landowners have to pay the high cost of tree removal or risk collapse. Another thing that all maples have in common is their fruit, called samaras. They are essentially winged seeds that twirl to the ground when ripe, much to the delight of children who get caught in a shower of “whirlybirds.”[图片]How to Identify Maple Trees Here are a few distinguishing characteristics of some of the more common types of Acer maple trees: Japanese Maple (Acer palmatum) Highly ornamental trees, Japanese maples may only grow to 6 to 8 feet in cultivation but can reach heights of 40 to 50 feet in the wild Brilliant fall color The trees are often wider than they are tall[图片]Red Maple (Acer rubrum) Heights of 40 to 60 feet with a width of 25 to 35 feet in cultivation but may reach over 100 feet in the wild Bright red, yellow and orange fall color Red flowers and fruit The lower branches droop as the tree matures Silver Maple (Acer saccharinum) These trees grow 50 to 70 feet tall with canopies that are 35 to 50 feet wide The dark green leaves are silvery underneath, and they appear to glimmer in the wind Their shallow roots buckle sidewalks and foundations, making it nearly impossible to grow grass under the canopy [图片]Sugar Maple (Acer saccharum) This large tree grows 50 to 80 feet tall with a dense canopy that spreads 35 to 50 feet wide Attractive, pale yellow flowers bloom in spring Brilliant fall color with many shades on the tree at the same time
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Many people think of sap as a tree’s blood and the comparison is accurate to a point. Sap is the sugar produced in a tree’s leaves by the process of photosynthesis, mixed with water brought up through the tree’s roots. The sugars in sap provide fuel for the tree to grow and thrive. When the pressure changes inside a tree, usually due to changing temperatures, the sap is forced into the vascular transporting tissues. Any time those tissues are punctured in a maple tree, you may see a maple tree oozing sap. Read on to find out what it means when your maple tree is dripping sap.[图片]Why is My Maple Tree Leaking Sap? Unless you are a maple sugar farmer, it is disconcerting to see your maple tree oozing sap. The cause of sap leaking from maple trees can be as benign as birds eating the sweet sap to potentially fatal diseases of the maple.[图片]Maple Tree Sap Dripping for Syrup Those who harvest sap for maple sugar production reply on sap leaking from maple trees for their income. Essentially, maple sugar producers pierce the vascular transporting tissues of a maple tree by drilling a tap hole into those tissues. When the maple tree is dripping sap, it is caught in buckets hung on the tree, then later boiled down for sugar and syrup. Each tap hole can yield from 2 to 20 gallons of sap. Although sugar maples yield the sweetest sap, other types of maples are tapped as well, including black, Norway, red and silver maple.[图片]Other Reasons for Sap Leaking from Maple Trees Not every maple tree oozing sap has been drilled for syrup. Animals – Sometimes birds peck holes in the tree trunks in order to access the sweet sap. If you see a line of holes drilled in a maple trunk about 3 feet from the ground, you can assume that birds are looking for a meal. Other animals also deliberately take action to get the maple tree sap dripping. Squirrels, for example, might break off branch tips. Pruning – Pruning maple trees in late winter/early spring is another cause of sap leaking from maple trees. As temperature rises, the sap begins to move and oozes out of the breaks in vascular tissue. Experts say that this is not dangerous for the tree.[图片]Disease – On the other hand, sometimes it is a bad sign if your maple tree is dripping sap. If the sap comes from a long split in the trunk and kills the tree trunk wherever it touches the bark, your tree may have a potentially lethal disease called bacterial wetwood or slime flux. All you can do is to insert a copper tube in the trunk to allow the sap to get to the ground without touching the bark. And if your tree is a silver maple, the prognosis could be just as bed. If the tree has cankers oozing sap and the sap leaking from the maple trees is dark brown or black, your tree may have bleeding canker disease. If you catch the disease early, you can save the tree by removing cankers and treating the trunk surface with an appropriate disinfectant.
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Dummer. ゛☀
The tree in the backyard that blazes with red, orange and yellow foliage in autumn is most likely a maple. Maple trees are known for their brilliant fall color as well as the ease with which they “bleed” sap. The species’ tendency to lose sap from wounds makes gardeners question the wisdom of pruning maple trees. However, maple tree pruning is an essential part of maple tree maintenance. It’s important to learn how to prune maple trees and to pick the best time for pruning maples.[图片]When to Prune a Maple Tree Many gardeners are confused about when to prune a maple tree. In late winter, when the days are warm and the nights are cold, root pressure causes sap to flow from any wound made in the bark of the tree. This makes it look as if the tree is suffering. However, maple tree pruning in winter generally won’t hurt a mature tree. You would have to remove an entire limb for the loss of sap to negatively impact a fully grown tree. If the tree is just a sapling, however, loss of sap may cause problems. You can avoid this issue if you wait until summer to prune maples. Once the leaf buds open, the sap is no longer under pressure and won’t leak out from pruning wounds. For this reason, many gardeners say that the best time for pruning maples is in summer after the tree is fully in leaf.[图片]How to Prune Maple Trees Gardeners trim maple trees for a variety of reasons. Regular maple tree pruning helps keep a tree the desired size and stops a tree from encroaching on its neighbors. Pruning also assists the tree develop a sound branch structure. Carefully removing branches can reduce or eliminate structural issues in a tree. It can also open up the center of the tree to let sun and air move through the canopy. This prevents certain types of diseases.[图片]When you are pruning maple trees, it is always a good idea to remove broken, diseased or dead branches. Otherwise, the decay-producing fungi can infect healthy parts of the trees.
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Dummer. ゛☀
If you are thinking of planting sugar maple trees, you probably already know that sugar maple are among the best-loved trees on the continent. Four states have picked this tree as their state tree – New York, West Virginia, Wisconsin and Vermont – and it is also the national tree of Canada. While grown commercially for its sweet syrup and value as lumber, sugar maple also makes an attractive addition to your backyard. Read on for more sugar maple tree facts and to learn how to grow a sugar maple tree.[图片]Sugar Maple Tree Facts Sugar maple tree facts provide lots of interesting information about this remarkable tree. Well before colonists began sugar maple tree growing in this country, Native Americans tapped the trees for their sweet syrup and used the sugar made from it for bartering. But sugar maples are lovely trees in and of themselves. The dense crown grows in an oval shape and offers ample shade in the summer. The leaves are dark green with five distinct lobes. The small, green flowers grow in groups hanging downward on slender stems. They flower in April and May, producing the “helicopter” winged seeds that mature in autumn. About that same time, the tree puts on a fantastic fall show, its leaves turning to bright shades of orange and red.[图片]How to Grow a Sugar Maple Tree If you are planting sugar maple trees, select a site in full sun for best results. The tree will also grow in partial sun, with at least four hours of direct, unfiltered sun every day. A sugar maple tree growing in deep, well-drained soil is happiest. The soil should be acidic to slightly alkaline. Once you have finished planting sugar maple trees, they will grow at a slow to medium rate. Expect your trees to grow from one foot to two feet each year.[图片]Caring for Sugar Maple Trees When you are caring for sugar maple trees, irrigate them during dry weather. Although they are fairly drought tolerant, they do best with soil that is constantly moist but never wet. A sugar maple tree growing in too small a space will only create heart ache. Be sure you have sufficient room to grow one of these beauties before planting sugar maple trees – they grow to 74 feet tall and 50 feet wide.
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Maple trees can decline for a variety of reasons. Most maple are susceptible, but urban trees need special care to prevent stress factors that cause decline. Read on for information about maple tree decline treatment.[图片]Maple Decline Information Adverse conditions can cause a maple tree so much stress that it no longer thrives. City maples become the victims of air and water pollution, road salts, and construction and landscaping injuries. In the country, trees can be completely defoliated by insects, and putting on a new flush of leaves uses up valuable energy resources. Without energy reserves, trees become vulnerable to decline. A maple tree depletes its energy reserves when it has to fight off environmental stress, and physical injuries leave trees open to secondary infections. Other causes of maple decline include root breakage and soil compaction from heavy equipment, nutritional imbalance, prolonged drought and vandalism. Almost anything that causes a tree to expend energy to recover can weaken the tree, and if it happens repeatedly the tree goes into decline.[图片]Maple Decline Treatment If you suspect maple tree dying, here is a list of symptoms of maple tree decline: Failure to put on adequate new growth can indicate a problem. Twigs should add about two inches to their length every year. Maples that are declining may have paler, smaller and few leaves than in previous years. Maple dieback includes symptoms such as dead twigs or branch tips and dead areas in the canopy. Leaves that change to fall colors before the end of summer are a sure indication of decline.[图片]Early intervention can prevent a declining maple tree from dying. Try to identify the cause of the problem and correct it. If your tree is being sprayed with road salts, raise the height of the curb or construct a berm. Divert runoff from roadways away from the tree. Water the tree every week or two in the absence of rain. Make sure the water penetrates to a depth of 12 inches. Fertilize annually until the tree shows signs of recovery. Use a slow-release fertilizer, or even better, a two-inch layer of compost. Quick release fertilizers add an excess of chemical salts to the soil.[图片]Prune the tree to remove dead twigs, growth tips and branches. When you remove only part of a branch, cut back to just below a side branch or twig. The side branch will take over as the growth tip. Although it’s alright to remove dead branches any time of year, keep in mind that pruning encourages new growth. When you prune in late summer, the new growth may not have time to harden before cold weather sets in.
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Common in older landscapes because of their quick growth, even the slightest breeze can make the silver undersides of silver maple trees look like the whole tree is shimmering. Because of its wide use as a fast-growing tree, most of us have a silver maple or a few on our urban blocks. In addition to their use as fast-growing shade trees, silver maples were also widely planted in reforestation projects. Continue reading to learn more silver maple tree information.[图片]Silver Maple Tree Information Silver maples (Acer saccharinum) prefer to grow in moist, slightly acidic soil. They are moderately drought tolerant, but are more recognized for their ability to survive in standing water for long periods of time. Because of this water tolerance, silver maples were often planted along river banks or edges of other waterways for erosion control. They can tolerate high water levels in spring and receding water levels in midsummer.[图片]In natural areas, their early spring blooms are important to bees and other pollinators. Their prolific seeds are eaten by grosbeaks, finches, wild turkeys, ducks, squirrels and chipmunks. Its leaves provide food for deer, rabbits, cecropia moth caterpillars and white tussock moth caterpillars. Growing silver maple trees are prone to forming deep holes or cavities that provide homes for raccoons, opossums, squirrels, bats, owls and other birds. Near waterways, beavers often eat silver maple bark and use their limbs for building beaver dams and lodges.[图片]How to Grow Silver Maple Trees Hardy in zones 3-9, silver maple tree growth is about 2 feet or more per year. Their vase-shaped growth habit can top out at anywhere from 50 to 80 feet tall depending on location and can be 35 to 50 feet wide. While they were once widely used as quick growing street trees or shade trees for landscapes, silver maples are not so popular in recent years because their brittle limbs are prone to breakage from strong winds or heavy snow or ice. Silver maple’s large vigorous roots can also damage sidewalks and driveways, as well as sewer and drain pipes. The soft wood that is prone to forming holes or cavities can also be prone to fungus or grubs.[图片]Another drawback to silver maples is that their prolific, winged seed pairs are highly viable and seedlings will quickly sprout up in any open soil without any special requirements, like stratification. This can make them a pest to agriculture fields and quite annoying to home gardeners. On the positive side, this makes silver maples very easy to propagate by seed. In recent years, red maples and silver maples have been bred together to create the hybrid Acer freemanii. These hybrids are fast growing like silver maples but more durable against strong winds and heavy snow or ice. They also have prettier fall colors, usually in reds and oranges, unlike the yellow fall color of silver maples.[图片]If planting a silver maple tree is a project you’d like to undertake but without the downsides, then opt for one of these hybrid types instead. Varieties in the Acer freemanii include: Autumn Blaze Marmo Armstrong Celebration Matador Morgan Scarlet Sentinel Firefall
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