Miss Chen
Miss Chen
La Damiana (Turnera Diffusa), también conocida por otros nombres como hierba de la pastora, pastorcilla, oreganillo o hierba del venado, es una planta medicinal que crece en suelos más bien secos y con mucho sol. Es un arbusto que puede crecer hasta los 2 metros de altura y posee unas flores amarillas muy vistosas y aromáticas. Para fines medicinales se utilizan sus hojas. [图片]turnera diffusa Propiedades medicinales de la Damiana (Turnera Diffusa): Estimula el sistema nervioso central Es muy efectiva para tratar la depresión Es una planta medicinal que da energía Mejora la fertilidad Combate la fatiga, astenia y cansancio crónico Alivia la tos Regula el ciclo menstrual Mejora el asma y la bronquitis Combate el dolor de cabeza Cuida del hígado Es afrodisíaca Combate la disfunción eréctil Está indicada para la diabetes Mejora la digestión y protege el estómago Estimula la acción de los riñones, por lo que esulta muy diurética Está indicada para aliviar los sofocos derivados de la menopausia Se utiliza para limpiar los pulmones Mejora las infecciones urinarias como la cistitis, uretritis e incluso nefritis Está contraindicada durante el embarazo y lactancia (por los alcaloides) y no se debe mezclar con otros estimulantes (como té o café) Cómo tomar la Damiana: Se elabora una con las hojas frescas o secas. Echa una cucharadita de hojas en una taza y añade 150 ml de agua muy caliente pero que no llegue a hervir. Tapa y deja reposar durante 5 minutos. Luego cuela y bebe poco a poco. Puedes endulzar con Stevia o estos endulzantes saludables
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
La Nepeta cataria, conocida como menta de gato o también como hierba gatuna o simplemente gatera, es una planta perenne muy aromática con propiedades medicinales que ya los romanos conocían y aprovechaban. Tiene un olor muy agradable, parecido a la menta (son de la misma familia). La planta puede medir entre 50 y 100 cm de altura, sus hojas tienen forma ovalada y tiene pequeñas flores blancas o lilas que forman ramilletes y que podremos ver florecer de junio a agosto. Esta planta está muy ligada a los gatos porque a éstos les atrae especialmente y su olor es capaz de estimularles y sedarles a partes iguales. No causa ningún daño a los gatos, es más, les encanta. [图片]Propiedades de la Nepeta cataria, menta de gato o hierba gatuna nepeta cataria Posee acción antibiótica Combate la tos Elimina o reduce el dolor de cabeza Alivia dolores musculares y articulares Tiene efecto antiséptico Mejora los problemas gastrointestinales Alivia el dolor de muela Está indicada para amigdalitis Tiene efecto sedante [图片]Regula la menstruación Posee acción expectorante Combate el insomnio Es un potente anticatarral Ayuda a hacer bien la digestión Es muy útil para tratar la bronquitis Los gatos la comen para relajarse Reduce las hemorroides La Nepeta cataria ayuda a eliminar líquidos por su efecto diurético El aceite esencial repele los mosquitos, pulgas, cucarachas y termitas Cómo consumir la nepeta cataria Se puede consumir elaborando una infusión con una cucharadita de la planta por cada taza de agua, se tapa y se deja reposar 3 minutos. Después se cuela y se bebe. Se puede endulzar con stevia. También se puede añadir fresca a los batidos verdes y los zumos naturales, a ensaladas, etc. La podemos preparar en tintura, emplastes e incluso se puede masticar directamente.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Palm trees have a distinctive tropical flavor, but most of them become 60-foot tall or more monsters. These huge trees are not practical in the private landscape due to their size and the difficulty of maintenance. The Christmas tree palm poses none of these problems and comes with the characteristic silhouette of its bigger cousins. Growing Christmas palm trees in the home landscape is a perfect way to get that tropical feel without the hassle of the bigger specimens in the family. Let’s learn more about these palms.[图片]What is a Christmas Palm? The Christmas palm (Adonidia merrillii) forms a lovely smaller tropical tree suitable for home landscapes. What is a Christmas palm? The plant is also known as the Manila palm or dwarf Royal. It is native to the Philippines and useful in United States Department of Agriculture zone 10. The tree only gets 20 to 25 feet in height and is self-cleaning. Lucky warm season gardeners should know how to grow Christmas palm tree for diminutive tropical flair but easy maintenance. The Christmas palm gets started growing with a bang, achieving 6 feet in height quite rapidly. Once the tree is established to its site, the growth rate slows down considerably. The smoothly ridged trunk can grow 5 to 6 inches in diameter and the tree’s elegantly bowed crown may spread out to 8 feet.[图片]Christmas tree palms bear arching pinnate leaves that may approach 5 feet in length. One of the more interesting Christmas palm tree facts is why it came by its name. The plant bears bright red clusters of fruits that ripen just about the same time as the Advent season. Many gardeners consider the fruit a debris nuisance, but removing them before ripening usually solves any messy issues.[图片]How to Grow a Christmas Palm Tree Landscapers like to plant these trees quite close together because they have small root balls and will produce a natural looking grove. Be aware that growing Christmas palm trees too close can cause some of them to fail to thrive due to excess competition. Planting in too little light can also produce spindly trunks and sparse fronds. If you want to try growing your own Christmas tree palm, collect seeds in late fall to early winter when they are ripe. Clean off the pulp and immerse the seed in a solution of 10% percent bleach and water. Plant seeds shallowly in flats or small containers and place them in a location with temperatures of 70 to 100 degrees Fahrenheit (21 to 37 C.). Keep the container moist. Germination in Christmas tree palm seeds happens fairly rapidly and you should see sprouts in just a few weeks.[图片]Christmas Palm Tree Care This tree prefers well-drained, slightly sandy soil in full sun, although it can tolerate light shade. The plants require supplemental water as they establish, but once mature, these trees can withstand short periods of drought. They are also quite tolerant of saline soils. Fertilize every 4 months with a time release palm food. Because the plants are self-cleaning, you rarely have to do any pruning.[图片]The palms are susceptible to Lethal Yellowing. This disease will eventually take the palm. There is a preventative inoculation that is administered before the plant contracts the disease. A few fungal diseases are also of concern; but for the most part, Christmas palm tree care is a piece of cake, which is why the plant is so popular in warm climates.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Golden chinquapin (Chrysolepis chrysophylla), also commonly called golden chinkapin or giant chinquapin, is a relative of chestnuts that grows in California and the Pacific Northwest of the United States. The tree is easily identifiable by its long, pointy leaves and spiky yellow nuts. Keep reading to learn more chinquapin information, such as caring for chinquapins and how to grow golden chinquapin trees.[图片]Golden Chinquapin Information Golden chinquapin trees have a very broad height range. Some are as small as 10 feet (3 m.) high and are really considered to be shrubs. Others, however, can grow to as tall as 150 feet. (45 m.). This huge variance has to do with elevation and exposure, with the shrubbier specimens usually found at high elevations in harsh, windswept conditions. The bark is brown and very deeply furrowed, with ridges that are 1 to 2 inches (2.5-5 cm.) thick. The leaves are long and spear shaped with distinctive yellow scales on the underside, earning the tree its name. The tops of the leaves are green. The tree produces nuts that are enclosed in bright yellow, spiny clusters. Each cluster contains 1 to 3 edible nuts. The trees range natively throughout coastal California and Oregon. In the state of Washington, there are two distinct stands of trees that contain golden chinquapins.[图片]Caring for Chinquapins Golden chinquapin trees tend to perform best in dry, poor soil. In the wild, they are reported to survive in temperatures ranging from 19 F. (-7 C.) to 98 F. (37 C.). Growing giant chinquapins is a very slow process. A year after planting, seedlings may be only 1.5 to 4 inches (4-10 cm.) tall. After 4 to 12 years, the seedlings usually only reach between 6 and 18 inches (15-46 cm.) in height.[图片]The seeds do not need to be stratified and can be planted immediately after harvest. If you are looking to collect golden chinquapin seeds, look into the legality of it first. Your local county extension office should be able to help with that.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Chinese perfume tree (Aglaia odorata) is a small evergreen tree in the mahogany family. It is an ornamental plant in American gardens, typically growing to 10 feet or under and producing intensely fragrant sprays of unusual yellow flowers. If you want to start growing Chinese perfume trees, read on for information on these lovely plants and for tips on Chinese perfume tree care.[图片]Chinese Perfume Tree Facts Chinese perfume trees, also called Aglaia odorata plants, are native to low regions of China. They also grow in Taiwan, Indonesia, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam. The plant’s genus name comes from Greek mythology. Aglaia was the name of one of the three Graces. In the wild, Aglaia ordorata plants can grow to 20 feet high. They grow in thickets or sparse forests. In the United States, they grow only in cultivation and are often planted for their fragrant blossoms.[图片]You’ll find some interesting Chinese perfume tree facts when you read about those blossoms. The tiny yellow flowers—each about the size and shape of a grain of rice—grow in panicles about 2 to 4 inches long. They are shaped like tiny balls but do not open when the flowers bloom. The scent exuded by Chinese perfume tree flowers is sweet and lemony. It is stronger during the day than at night.[图片]Growing Chinese Perfume Trees If you are growing Chinese perfume trees, you need to know that an individual tree will bear either male or female flowers. Both types of flowers are fragrant, but only a pollinated female flower produces the fruit, a small berry with one seed inside. Chinese perfume tree care begins with planting the tree in an appropriate location. The trees are only hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 10 through 11. In cooler regions, you can grow Aglaia odorata plants in containers and move them indoors when temperatures drop. The trees will need well-draining soil and a location with full or partial sun. Plant them in a location with some shade if your region is hot in the summer.[图片]Container plants brought inside should be located next to sunny windows. They’ll need moderate but regular irrigation. The soil must dry out between watering times.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Native to Pakistan, India, Southeast Asia and Australia, chinaberry tree information tells us it was introduced as an ornamental specimen to the United Sates in 1930 and for a period of time became the darling of landscapers in the southern United States. Today, the chinaberry tree is considered something of a pest due to its reseeding propensity and easy naturalization.[图片]What is Chinaberry? Chinaberry is a member of the Mahogany family (Meliaceae) and is also known as “China Tree” and “Pride of India.” So, what is chinaberry tree? Growing chinaberry trees (Melia azedarach) have a dense spreading habitat attaining heights of between 30 to 50 feet tall and hardy in USDA zones 7-11. Growing chinaberry trees are prized as shade trees in their native habitat and bear pale purple tube-like blooms with a heavenly scent much like southern magnolia trees. They are found in fields, prairies, along roadsides and at the edge of wooded areas. The resulting fruit, marble sized drupes, are light yellow gradually becoming wrinkled and white over the course of the winter months. These berries are toxic to humans when eaten in quantity but the juicy pulp is enjoyed by many bird varieties, often resulting in rather “drunken” behavior.[图片]Additional Chinaberry Tree Information The leaves of the growing chinaberry tree are large, about 1 ½ feet long, lance shaped, slightly serrated and dark green atop and paler green below. These leaves smell nowhere near as enchanting as the flower; in fact, when crushed they have a particularly obnoxious odor. Chinaberry trees are resilient specimens and can be quite messy from the dropping berries and leaves. They spread easily, if allowed, and, as such, are classified as an invasive tree in the southeastern United States. This prolific mahogany member grows rapidly but has a short life span.[图片]Chinaberry Uses As mentioned above, the chinaberry is a valuable shade tree in its endemic regions due to its large, spreading canopy. Chinaberry uses in the southeastern regions of the United States have been used for just this attribute and were commonly added to the home landscape prior to the 1980’s. The most commonly planted variety is the Texas umbrella tree with a slightly longer life span than other chinaberries and a lovely, distinct rounded shape. Chinaberry fruit can be dried, dyed and then strung into necklaces and bracelets as beads. At one time, the seeds of the drupes were used as a narcotic; refer to the toxicity of the fruit and the tipsy, gorging birds. Today, the chinaberry is still sold in nurseries but is less likely to be utilized in landscapes. Not only is it a threat to the natural ecosystem by its encroaching habit, but its messy and, more importantly, shallow root systems tend to clog drains and damage septic systems. Growing chinaberry trees also have weak limbs too, which break easily during severe weather, creating yet another mess.[图片]Chinaberry Plant Care If, after reading all the above information, you decide you just must have a specimen of the chinaberry in your garden, purchase a disease free certified plant at the nursery. Chinaberry plant care is not complex once the tree is established. Plant the tree in full sun in most any soil type within the USDA zones 7-11. The tree should be watered regularly, although it will tolerate some drought and needs no irrigation through the winter months.[图片]Prune your chinaberry tree to remove root and shoot suckers and maintain the umbrella-like canopy.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
What is chinaberry bead tree? Commonly known by a variety of names such as chinaball tree, China tree or bead tree, chinaberry (Melia azederach) is a deciduous shade tree that grows in a variety of difficult situations. Like most non-native plants, it is highly resistant to pests and disease. This tree may be considered friend or foe, depending on location and growing conditions. Read on for more information about this tough, sometimes problematic, tree.[图片]Chinaberry Bead Tree Information Native to Asia, chinaberry was introduced to North America as an ornamental tree in the late 1700s. Since that time, it has naturalized across much of the South (in the U.S.). An attractive tree with brownish-red bark and a rounded canopy of lacy foliage, chinaberry reaches heights of 30 to 40 feet (9-12 m.) at maturity. Loose clusters of small purple blooms appear in spring. Hanging bunches of wrinkly, yellow-brown fruit ripens in autumn and provide feed for birds throughout the winter months.[图片]Is Chinaberry Invasive? Chinaberry grows in USDA plant hardiness zones 7 through 10. Although it is attractive in the landscape and is frequently welcome in urban settings, it can form thickets and become weedy in disturbed areas, including natural areas, forest margins, riparian areas and roadsides. Home gardeners should think twice before growing a bead tree. If the tree spreads via root sprouts or bird-dispersed seeds, it can threaten biodiversity by outcompeting native vegetation. Because it is non-native, there are no natural controls by diseases or pests. The cost of chinaberry control on public lands is astronomical. If growing a chinaberry tree still sounds like a good idea, check with your local university cooperative extension agent first, as Chinaberry may be banned in certain areas and is generally not available in nurseries.[图片]Chinaberry Control According to cooperative extension offices in Texas and Florida, the most effective chemical control is herbicides containing triclopyr, applied to bark or stumps within five minutes after cutting the tree. Applications are most effective in summer and fall. Multiple applications are usually required. Pulling seedlings isn’t usually effective and may be a waste of time unless you can pull or dig every little root fragment. Otherwise, the tree will regrow. Also, hand pick the berries to prevent disbursal by birds. Dispose of them carefully in plastic bags.[图片]Additional Bead Tree Information A note about toxicity: Chinaberry fruit is toxic to humans and pets when eaten in large quantities and may cause stomach irritation with nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, as well as irregular breathing, paralysis and respiratory distress. The leaves are also toxic.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
What is a cherry plum tree is not as simple a question as it sounds. Depending on whom you ask, you may get two very different answers. “Cherry plum” can refer to Prunus cerasifera, a group of Asian plum trees that are commonly called cherry plum trees. It could also refer to the hybrid fruits which are literally a cross between plums and cherries. How to grow cherry plum trees also depends on which one you have. This article will explain the differences of trees commonly called cherry plums.[图片]Cherry Plum Information Prunus cerasifera is a true plum tree native to Asia and hardy in zones 4-8. They are mostly grown in the landscape as small ornamental trees, though with the correct pollinator nearby, they will produce some fruit. The fruit they produce are plums and have no attributes of a cherry, but still they became known commonly as cherry plum trees. Popular varieties of Prunus cerasifera are: ‘Newport’ ‘Atropurpurea’ ‘Thundercloud’ ‘Mt. St. Helens’ While these plum trees make beautiful ornamental trees, they are a favorite of Japanese beetles and can be short lived. They are also not drought tolerant, but cannot tolerate areas that are too wet either. Your cherry plum tree care should take these factors into account.[图片]What is a Cherry Plum Tree Hybrid? In recent years, another tree known as cherry plum has flooded the market. These newer varieties are hybrid crosses of fruit bearing plum and cherry trees. The resulting fruit is larger than a cherry but smaller than a plum, approximately 1 ¼ inch in diameter. These two fruit trees were first cross-bred to create cherry plum fruit trees in the late 1800s. The parent plants were Prunus besseyi (Sandcherry) and Prunus salicina (Japanese plum). The fruit from these first hybrids was alright for canning jellies and jams but lacked the sweetness to be considered dessert quality fruit.[图片]Recent efforts of major fruit tree breeders have produced many highly sought after varieties of delicious cherry plum bearing fruit trees and shrubs. Many of these new varieties have sprung from the crossing of Black Amber Asian plums and Supreme cherries. Plant breeders have given these new varieties of fruit cute names, such as Cherums, Plerries or Chums. The fruits have dark red skin, yellow flesh and small pits. Most are hardy in zones 5-9, with a couple varieties hardy down to zone 3. Popular varieties are: ‘Pixie Sweet’ ‘Gold Nugget’ ‘Sprite’ ‘Delight’ ‘Sweet Treat’ ‘Sugar Twist’[图片]Their shrub-like/dwarf fruit tree stature makes harvesting and growing a cherry plum plant easy. Cherry plum care is just like care for any cherry or plum tree. They prefer sandy soils and should be watered in times of drought. Many varieties of cherry plum require a nearby cherry or plum for pollination in order to bear fruit.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
La Ruda, Ruta graveolens, es una planta perenne muy aromática que crece de forma silvestre en el sur de Europa de la que tradicionalmente se han utilizado sus hojas en remedios caseros de la medicina popular debido a sus propiedades medicinales. Con la hojas podemos preparar infusiones, tinturas, emplastos, principalmente. El consumo excesivo de la Ruda puede causar toxicidad, por eso es recomendable su consumo bajo la supervisión de un profesional de la salud que pueda dosificar su consumo en base a las necesidades particulares de cada persona. Vamos a conocer para qué se utiliza la Ruda. [图片]Ruda, Ruta graveolens, propiedades y usos medicinales rudaRegula la menstruación y las hace menos dolorosas Reduce los espasmos gastrointestinales Acelera la recuperación de esguinces, luxaciones y torceduras. Se utiliza para los casos de epilepsia Ayuda a expulsar los gases gastrointestinales Elimina los parásitos intestinales Se usa con éxito para el vitiligio (uso externo) Reduce la ansiedad y los estados nerviosos Mejora la otitis (en aceite) y en general el dolor de oídos Tiene acción amenagoga (provoca la menstruación) Se usa como colirio para los ojos Posee efecto suave como sedante Reduce los abscesos (aplicando cataplasmas) Reduce la tensión muscular Se usa como expectorante y para la tos Aplicado externamente sobre el cuero cabelludo (en infusión) se usa para eliminar los piojos Ayuda a prevenir la aparición de varices o a mejorarlas si ya se tienen, ya que, la ruda fortalece los capilares Alivia la tensión ocular Se usa para el dolor de cabeza provocada por la tensión del cuello Mejora el reuma y la inflamación Estimula la circulación de la sangre Su consumo está totalmente contraindicado durante el embarazo por su gran efecto abortivo.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
El Cardo corredor (Eryngium campestre) es una planta perenne que puede a llegar a medir 50 centímetros de alto con unas flores blancas pequeñas y hojas puntiagudas que crece espontáneamente en terrenos secos y soleados. [图片]Cómo tomar el cardo corredor Para el uso medicinal del cardo corredor se utilizan las raíces, las cuales pueden llegar a alcanzar un metro o más de profundidad. Sólo hay que pelarla y hacer una infusión con ésta o incluso también podemos rallarla y añadirla al final de la preparación de los platos. Con las hojas tiernas las podemos añadir a ensaladas y otros platos fríos o templados. Además para uso interno igualmente podemos elaborar tintura o por el contrario emplastos para aplicar de forma externa y localmente. Propiedades medicinales del cardo corredor (Eryngium campestre) El cardo corredor cuenta en su composición con saponinas, taninos, esencia del Erigio, inulina y sales de potasio. Es una planta medicinal con propiedades diuréticas, regula los niveles de azúcar en sangre, tiene propiedades depurativas de la sangre, posee acción astringente, regula las menstruaciones, tiene efecto expectorante, es una planta digestiva, posee acción vulneraria, es galactogoga, tiene propiedades sudoríficas, analgésicas, antiinflamatorias, y espasmolítica. Para qué es bueno el cardo corredor [图片]Eryngium campestreResulta beneficioso para personas con diabetes Ayudar a combatir la retención de líquidos Estimular la producción de leche materna Para personas con ácido úrico alto Ayudar a eliminar las arenillas de los riñones Es efectiva para las diarreas Se aplica directamente sobre las picaduras de insectos Ayudar a que las heridas curen antes El cardo corredor se usa para infecciones urinarias como cistitis y uretritis Aliviar el dolor de muela Se usa en cólicos renales Mejorar las gripes y ayudar a expulsar mucosidad del aparato respiratorio Ayudar a combatir los edemas Mejora los casos de acné Se usa para aliviar los dolores musculares y articulares. Alivia las náuseas y los vómitos Está recomendada en procesos inflamatorios Para personas con hipertensión Su consumo es beneficioso en casos de ictericia Mejorar las afecciones pulmonares Cuida y protege la piel Se usa para curar llagas Es excelente para depurar el organismo Se utiliza para las encías sangrantes y gingivitis Está indicada para personas con dermatitis, psoriasis o eccemas Mejorar los trastornos digestivos
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