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Dummer. ゛☀
In my world, chocolate will make everything better. A spat with my significant other, an unexpected repair bill, a bad hair day – you name it, chocolate soothes me in a way that nothing else can. Many of us not only love our chocolate but even crave it. So, it comes as no surprise that some people would like to grow their own cacao tree. The question is how to grow cocoa beans from cocoa tree seeds? Keep reading to find out about growing cacao trees and other cocoa tree info.[图片]Cacao Plant Info Cocoa beans come from cacao trees, which reside in the genus Theobroma and originated millions of years ago in South America, east of the Andes. There are 22 species of Theobroma amongst which T. cacao is the most common. Archaeological evidence suggests that the Mayan people drank cacao as early as 400 B.C. The Aztecs prized the bean as well. Christopher Columbus was the first foreigner to drink chocolate when he sailed to Nicaragua in 1502 but it wasn’t until Hernan Cortes, the leader of a 1519 expedition to the Aztec empire, that chocolate made its way back to Spain. Aztec xocoatl (chocolate drink) was not initially received favorably until the addition of sugar some time later whereupon the drink became popular in the Spanish courts.[图片]The popularity of the new drink incited attempts to grow cacao in the Spanish territories of the Dominican Republic, Trinidad and Haiti with little success. Some measure of success was eventually found in Ecuador in 1635 when Spanish Capuchin friars managed to cultivate cacao. By the seventeenth century, all of Europe was mad about cocoa and rushed to lay claim to lands suited to cacao production. As more and more cacao plantations came into being, the cost of the bean became more affordable and, thus, there was an increased demand. The Dutch and Swiss began establishing cocoa plantations established in Africa during this time. Today, cocoa is produced in countries between 10 degrees North and 10 degrees South of the Equator. The largest producers are Cote-d’voire, Ghana and Indonesia.[图片]Cacao trees can live for up to 100 years but are considered productive for only around 60. When the tree grows naturally from cocoa tree seeds, it has a long, deep taproot. For commercial cultivation, vegetative reproduction via cuttings is more commonly utilized and results in a tree lacking a taproot. In the wild, the tree may reach over 50 feet in height but they are generally pruned to half that under cultivation. The leaves emerge a reddish hue and turn to glossy green as they grow up to two feet long. Small pink or white flowers cluster on the tree’s trunk or lower branches during the spring and summer. Once pollinated, the flowers become ridged pods up to 14 inches long, filled with beans.[图片]How to Grow Cocoa Beans Cacao trees are quite finicky. They need protection from sun and wind, which is why they thrive in the understory of warm rainforests. Growing cacao trees requires mimicking these conditions. In the United States, that means the tree can only be grown in USDA zones 11-13 – Hawaii, parts of southern Florida and southern California as well as tropical Puerto Rico. If you don’t live in these tropical climes, it may be grown under warm and humid conditions in a greenhouse but may require more vigilant cocoa tree care. To start a tree, you will need seeds that are still in the pod or have been kept moist since their removal from the pod. If they dry out, they lose their viability. It isn’t unusual for the seeds to begin sprouting from the pod. If your seeds have no roots yet, place them between damp paper towels in a warm (80 degrees F. plus or over 26 C.) area until they begin to root.[图片]Pot the rooted beans in individual 4-inch pots filled with damp seed starter. Place the seed vertically with the root end down and cover with soil just to the top of the seed. Cover the pots with plastic wrap and place them on a germination mat to maintain their temperature in the 80’s. In 5-10 days, the seed should sprout. At this point, remove the wrap and put the seedlings on a partially shaded windowsill or under the end of a grow light.[图片]Cocoa Tree Care As the seedling grows, transplant into successively larger pots, keep the plant damp and at temps between 65-85 degrees F. (18-29 C.) – warmer is better. Fertilize every two weeks from spring through fall with fish emulsion like 2-4-1; mix 1 tablespoon per gallon of water. If you live in a tropical region, transplant your tree when it is two feet tall. Choose a humus rich, well-draining area with a pH near 6.5. Situate the cacao 10 feet or so from a taller evergreen that can provide partial shade and wind protection. Dig a hole three times the depth and width of the tree’s root ball. Return two thirds of the loose soil back into the hole and set the tree atop the mound at the same level it grew in its pot. Fill in the soil around the tree and water it well. Cover the surrounding ground with a 2- to 6-inch layer of mulch, but keep it at least eight inches away from the trunk.[图片]Depending upon rainfall, the cacao will need between 1-2 inches of water per week. Don’t let it get soggy, though. Feed it with 1/8 pound of 6-6-6 every two weeks and then increase to 1 pound of fertilizer every two months until the tree is a year old. The tree should flower when 3-4 years old and about five feet tall. Hand pollinate the flower in the early morning. Don’t panic if some of the resulting pods drop. It is natural for the some pods to shrivel, leaving no more than two on each cushion.[图片]When the beans are ripe and ready for harvest, your work isn’t done yet. They require extensive fermenting, roasting and grinding before you, too, can make a cup of cocoa from your own cacao beans.
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Miss Chen
La uña de gato, Uncaria tomentosa, es una planta medicinal procedente del Amazonas que ha formado y sigue formando parte de la medicina tradicional de los pueblos nativos debido a sus extraordinarios beneficios y propiedades medicinales. [图片]Esta planta también se conoce con otros nombres populares como huasca, paraguayo, saventaro o uña de gavilán, no obstante, cuando vayas a adquirirla fíjate siempre en el nombre científico porque los nombres populares varían de una zona a otra y no es fiable. ¿Cuáles son los usos de la uña de gato? ¿Para qué es buena la uña de gato? Esta planta medicinal tiene varios beneficios para la salud que veremos a continuación. De ella se usan con fines medicinales la corteza y las raíces principalmente y en menor medida las hojas. La uña de gato se consume en infusión. Propiedades medicinales de la uña de gato Esta planta es rica en principios activos como los alcaloides (indólicos y oxindoles), ácido quinóvico, fitoesteroles, polifenoles (taninos y flavonoides) La uña de gato tiene acción antiinflamatoria, antimutágenas, antiviral, antioxidante, inmunoestimulante, analgésica y diurética. Beneficios del consumo de la uña de gato, Uncaria tomentosa propiedades uña de gatoEsta planta medicinal está indicada para mejorar problemas de tipo digestivo Ayuda a regular el ciclo menstrual [图片]Se usa para combatir las infecciones víricas Mejora los casos de debilidad general acelerando la recuperación En altas dosis, esta planta tiene efecto contraceptivo Podría prevenir la proliferación de células tumorosas Es beneficiosa en casos de gota o ácido úrico alto La uña de gato está indicada para la artrosis, artritis, osteoartritis y artritis reumatoide Reduce las hemorroides La uña de gato es beneficiosa en caso de diabetes Es muy efectiva para aliviar las inflamaciones articulares Resulta útil en caso de diarrea La uña de gato se utiliza con éxito para la cirrosis Estimula y refuerza la función de nuestro sistema inmunológico La uña de gato se puede encontrar seca o fresca y se prepara en infusión, aunque también se puede encontrar en tintura, molida, cápsulas, etc. El uso de esta planta está contraindicado durante el embarazo y la lactancia.
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Miss Chen
El anís verde, Pimpinella anisum, es una planta medicinal de la familia de las Apiáceas que tiene unas flores blancas que contienen las semillas. El anís verde se ha utilizado tradicionalmente por sus propiedades medicinales en la elaboración de remedios caseros para prevenir o tratar diferentes tipos de dolencias. [图片]Las semillas tienen un aroma muy agradable y característico, siendo utilizadas en algunas recetas de cocina para elaborar postres y dulces. El anís verde es originario de Oriente Medio y en algunos lugares es conocido popularmente por otros nombres como matalauva o hierba dulce. Cómo tomar el anís Para preparar una infusión de anís verde sólo tienes que poner una cuchariadta de café de las semillas en una taza y añadir agua hirviendo. Tapa y deja reposar durante 10 minutos. Después lo cuelas y bebes poco a poco cuando esté tibia. Si lo deseas, puedes machacar las semillas previamente. Además de para beber, podemos usar la infusión para hacer buches, enjuagues y gárgaras, y también se puede utilizar de forma externa como por ejemplo en compresas, apósitos, baños de asiento y lavados. También podemos masticar las semillas directamente. El anís verde se ha utilizado tradicionalmente para mejorar dolencias del aparato digestivo y del aparato respiratorio. Veamos más en detalle para qué es buena la infusión de anís verde. Propiedades medicinales del anís verde Las semillas del anís verde cuentan en su composición con aceite esencial, mucílagos, terpenos, curmarinas, flavonoides y vitamina C. El anís verde tiene acción carminativa, digestiva, vermífuga, antiséptica, galactogoga, antiespasmódica intestinal, antiinflamatoria, diurética, hepatoprotectora, antifúngica, ligero sedante, antioxidante. Beneficios y usos de la infusión de anís verde Ayuda a expulsar los gases y flatulencias Alivia los casos de barriga o vientre hinchado Favorece el sueño Puede mejorar las cefaleas como migrañas Mejora las digestiones lentas y pesadas Se usa para ardor de estómago o agruras Tiene un ligero efecto relajante Alivia los cólicos, incluyendo los cólicos del lactante Mejora las dolencias respiratorias, como bronquitis, asma o resfriado y gripe Combate los piojos Estimula la producción de leche materna Previene el mal aliento o halitosis Aplicado externamente elimina los hongos, incluyendo el pie de atleta y la candidiasis Alivia la gastritis [图片]Es beneficioso en casos de procesos inflamatorios, como en la artritis Cuida de nuestro hígado Favorece la eliminación de exceso de líquidos en el organismo Combate el envejecimiento prematuro Estados nerviosos y de ansiedad Ayuda a expulsar los parásitos intestinales Regula las alteraciones del periodo No está aconsejado el consumo del anís verde durante el embrazado y algunos profesionales también lo desaconsejan durante la lactancia.
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Miss Chen
La yerba mate proviene de las hojas desecadas del árbol Illex paraguariensis que originariamente eran muy apreciadas y consumidas por los indios guaraní. La yerba mate actualmente se produce y consume en países de América latina como Uruguay, Chile, Argentina, Paraguay, Bolivia ó Brasil. Argentina es el mayor productor mundial de mate. [图片]La yerba mate está considerada como una planta con beneficios interesantes para la salud debido a sus propiedades medicinales. ¿Como se consume la yerba mate? El mate se consume principalmente preparando una infusión que puedes endulzar con stevia, yacón, agave o panela aunque también se puede consumir frío y en este caso la bebida se conoce con el nombre de tereré y es muy refrescante. Vamos a ver para qué es bueno el mate, sus propiedades medicinales y las contraindicaciones del consumo de mate. Propiedades medicinales de la yerba mate La yerba mate cuenta en su composición con cafeína (mateína, un alcaloide), catequinas (flavonoides), polifenoles, xantinas y taninos. Además contiene vitaminas B1, B3, C y minerales como el potasio, el magnesio, sodio y fósforo. El mate tiene acción hepatoprotectora, hipolipemiante, estimulante, vasoconstrictor, antioxidante, diurético, broncodilatador, laxante y cicatrizante. Beneficios del consumo de la yerba mate Reduce los niveles de grasas en sangre [图片]Ejerce efecto depurativo Puede mejorar los casos de artritis Tiene un efecto estimulante Puede aliviar el dolor de cabeza Combate la fatiga Mejora las infecciones en las vías urinarias Estimula el metabolismo Tiene efecto laxante, combatiendo el estreñimiento Reduce el apetito El mate es beneficioso para la astenia mental Previene la retención de líquidos Mejora nuestro sistema inmunológico Podría prevenir las caries dentales Favorece la actividad cognitiva e intelectual Mejora la respiración en casos de asma, bronquitis o EPOC. Puede favorecer la pérdida de peso, por lo que sería de ayuda en dietas para adelgazar. Contraindicaciones de la yerba mate La yerba mate puede contener Hidrocarburo Aromático Policíclico (HAP), cuyos compuestos tienen acción carcinógena y mutágena. Por lo que, el mate consumido en grandes cantidades durante largos periodos puede incrementar las probabilidades de sufrir cierto tipo de cánceres. Al contener cafeína, la yerba mate podría causar insomnio y no está indicada para niños, durante el embarazo o la lactancia. El mate puede reducir la absorción de hierro, por lo que su consumo no se recomienda durante las comidas ni en personas con anemia ferropénica.
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Dummer. ゛☀
What is a bunya tree? Bunya pine trees (Araucaria bidwilli) are striking conifers native to the subtropical regions of Australia’s east coast. These remarkable trees are not true pines, but members of an ancient family of trees known as Araucariaceae. For more Bunya pine information, including tips on how to grow a bunya tree, read on.[图片]What is a Bunya Tree? Forests of trees in the Araucariaceae family used to grow all over the planet during the days of the dinosaurs. They died out in the Northern Hemisphere, and the remaining species are found only in the Southern Hemisphere. Bunya pine information makes clear how extraordinary these trees are. Mature bunya pine trees grow to 150 feet tall with straight, thick trunks and distinctive, symmetrical, dome-shaped crowns. The leaves are lance-shaped and the cones grow to the size of large coconuts.[图片]Bunya pine information confirms that the seeds in the cones are edible. Each female cone grows some 50 to 100 large seeds or nuts. For hundreds of years, the edible seeds have provided a food source for the Aborigines of southeast Queensland, who considered the Bunya a sacred tree. The nuts of Bunya pine trees are similar in texture and taste to chestnuts. They produce some nuts every year, and a large crop every three years. The bumper crops are large enough that clans of Aboriginal people would gather to feast on them.[图片]How to Grow a Bunya Tree Despite the fact that it has sub-tropical origins, the bunya pine is cultivated in many areas (typically USDA zones 9-11) and adapts to various soil types as long as it’s well-draining. It also appreciates full sun to part shade areas. If you want to learn how to grow a bunya tree, one of the most important points to remember is that the trees have large tap roots that must extend deep into the ground. The tap roots anchor the bunya pine trees. Without healthy tap roots, they topple in the wind. How to grow a bunya tree with a strong tap root? The key is direct seeding. Bunya trees don’t grow well in pots because their germination period is unpredictable and when they do sprout, their tap roots quickly outgrow the pots.[图片]Try to protect the seeds from rodents and harsh weather. Weed the planting area well, then place the seeds on the bare ground, covered with forest litter. Position staked, plastic tree guards around each one. This manner of planting lets the seeds germinate at their own rate and the tap roots grow as deep as they can. Water regularly. Seeds can take anywhere from one to eighteen months to germinate.
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Dummer. ゛☀
There are few trees that can stop a person in their tracks like a Brugmansia can. In their native climates, brugmansias can grow to be up to 20 feet tall. Not at all an impressive height for a tree, but what makes them so impressive is that the entire tree can be covered in foot long trumpet-shaped flowers.[图片]Brugmansia Information Brugmansias are commonly called Angel Trumpets. Brugmansias are frequently confused with or thought to be the same as daturas, which are also commonly called Angel Trumpets. This is an incorrect assumption though. Brugmansia and daturas are not directly related to one another (they are listed in two separate genus). The brugmansia is a woody tree, while the datura is an herbaceous shrub. The two different angel trumpets can be distinguished by the direction of the flowers. In brugmansias, the flower hangs down. In daturas, the flower stands upright. Many people look at brugmansias and assume that they can only be grown in tropical climates. While it is true that brugmansias are tropical trees, they are actually very easy for someone in a colder climate to grow and enjoy. Brugmansias can be easily grown in containers.[图片]Growing Brugmansia in Containers Brugmansias do quite well grown in containers and can be easily grown by a northern gardener in a container. Plant your brugmansia in a rather large container, at least two feet in diameter. Your container brugmansia can go outside when the nighttime temperatures stay above 50 F. (10 C.). and can remain outside until the fall when the nighttime temperatures start to fall below 50 F (10 C.). Be sure to keep your container brugmansia thoroughly watered while you keep it outside. They do need a lot of water and your container brugmansia may need to be watered up to twice a day.[图片]Most brugmansias will not grow to their full height if they are grown in a container. At the most, the typical container grown brugmansia will reach a height of about 12 feet. Of course, if this is too high, a container grown brugmansia tree can be easily trained into a smaller tree or even a shrub size. Pruning your container brugmansia to a desired height or shape will not affect the size or frequency of the flowers. Overwintering Brugmanias in Containers Once the weather turns colder and you need to bring your brugmansia in from the cold, you have two options for over wintering your container brugmansia. The first is to simply treat your container brugmansia as a houseplant. Put it in a sunny location and water as the soil dries out. You probably will not see any flowers while your container brugmansia lives in the house, but it has nice foliage.[图片]Your other option is to force the container brugmansia into dormancy. To do this, put your brugmansia in a cool (but not cold), dark place, such as a garage, a basement or a closet. If you would like, you may trim your container brugmansia back by about a third before you store it. This will not hurt the plant and may make storage a little easier for you. One the plant is stored, water it sparingly, only about once per month. Be warned, your container brugmansia is going to start to look pretty pathetic. It will lose its leaves and some of the outer branches may die. Do not panic. As long as the trunk of the brugmansia tree is still green, your container brugmansia is alive and well. The tree is only sleeping.[图片]A month or so before it is warm enough to take your container brugmansia back outside, start to water your brugmansia more frequently, about once a week. If you have room in your house, bring the container brugmansia out of its storage space or set up a fluorescent light bulb to shine on the brugmansia. In about a week you will start to see some leaves and branches start to grow. You will find that your container brugmansia will come out of dormancy very quickly. Once you put your container brugmansia back outside, its growth will be very rapid and you will have a lush, breathtaking, flower filled brugmansia tree again in just a matter of weeks.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Raising brugmansia, like raising children, can be a rewarding yet frustrating job. A mature brugmansia in full bloom is a breathtaking sight; the problem is getting your brugmansia to produce blooms. If it seems your brugmansia is failing to bloom as it should, read on to find out what it might be.[图片]Reasons for Brugmansia Not Blooming Here are the most common reasons for brugmansia not blooming. Not old enough A brugmansia must be mature before it can produce blooms. If your brugmansia was started from seeds, it may take up to five years to bloom. If your brugmansia was started from a cutting, it may take three to four years before it blooms. They can bloom sooner than this, but if your brugmansia is younger than what is listed above, this is most likely the cause.[图片]Not enough water Because of the tropical nature of brugmansia, they need large amounts of water to remain healthy. If your brugmansia is container grown, you will need to water it twice a day in hot weather, but make sure that it has adequate drainage. If your brugmansia is grown in the ground, it will need the equivalent of 4 – 5 inches of rainfall each week. A brugmansia will be able to survive on less water than this, but will be stressed and will be less likely to produce blossoms.[图片]Not enough fertilizer Brugansia are heavy feeders. If your brugmansia is not producing blossoms, it may be that it does not have enough fertilizer. It is best with brugmansia to use a liquid based fertilizer, rather than a slow release fertilizer during the active growth period. This is because a slow release fertilizer may not release enough nutrients to the plant to enable it to have the energy to produce blossoms. Use liquid fertilizer on your brugmansia two to three times a week.[图片]The container is too small If your brugmansia is container grown, it needs to be repotted regularly. Without regular repotting, a brugmansia will become root-bound, which can damage the plants ability to grow healthy and produce blossoms. Your brugmansia should be repotted every two to three years in order to grow as it should. With some patience and love, your brugmansia will produce blossoms. Follow these steps and your brugmansia will be full of blossoms in no time at all.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Perfect for the summer container garden, brugmansia is a fast-growing, easy-care shrub. This beautiful, flowering plant is not only easy to grow but propagating brugmansia is easy too. There are three methods of brugmansia propagation — by seeds, cuttings, and air layering — so you’re sure to find the method that works best for you.[图片]Growing Brugmansia from Seeds Brugmansia seeds are enclosed in a cork-like covering. The seeds themselves resemble small beans. When growing brugmansia from seeds, you can choose to leave this covering in place or remove it. Keep in mind, however, that taking the seed covering off will allow for faster germination and sprouting. Plant brugmansia seeds about half an inch deep in a mixture of sand and peat. Water well. The seeds should germinate within two to four weeks. Once seedlings have obtained their second leaves, they can be gently lifted and repotted individually in well-draining potting soil. Place in an area with indirect light.[图片]Rooting Brugmansia Cuttings Rooting brugmansia cuttings is the easiest way to propagate plants. They can be rooted in soil or water using both hardwood and softwood cuttings. Select cuttings from older wood and make them at least 6 inches long. When rooting brugmansia in water, remove all the bottom leaves. Change the water daily and once roots appear, move cuttings to a soil environment. If rooting in soil, place cutting about two inches deep in well-draining potting soil. Use your finger or a stick to make this easier. Likewise, you can make a small “trench” with your finger and place the cutting inside, firming the soil around the bottom part of the brugmansia cutting. Water the cutting and place it in a semi-shaded location until well rooted, at which time you can provide additional light. [图片]Brugmansia Propagation Using Air Layering Air layering allows you to root brugmansia cuttings while remaining on the mother plant. Choose a branch and cut an angled notch in the bottom side. Apply rooting hormone and then place some moistened peat mix (or soil) around the wound. Lightly wrap clear plastic over this. Once significant rooting has taken place, cut the branch from the mother plant and remove the plastic. Plant this in a pot of well-draining soil and keep it watered. Move to a shady location until well established before adding more light.[图片]Brugmansia propagation is an easy and effective way to add more of these lovely plants to your garden. And with three different methods to choose from, propagating brugmansia is sure to be a success.
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Dummer. ゛☀
While most types of brugmansia, or angel trumpets, can thrive year round outdoors in warmer climates, they need to be protected from freezing temperatures, especially when growing brugmansia in cold climates. Therefore, wintering brugmansia indoors is oftentimes recommended. Follow these tips for over-wintering brugmansia in your home.[图片]Growing Brugmansia in Cold Climates Over-wintering brugmansia indoors is an important part of brugmansia maintenance in cold climates. To make this endeavor easier, it’s better to grow brugmansia plants in containers. Container grown plants can be easily moved indoors for brugmansia winter care.[图片]Brugmansia Winter Care Preparation Prior to bringing brugmansia indoors for winter dormancy, it’s a good idea to cut the plant back. Likewise, outdoor brugmansia plants in warmer climates should also be cut back to the ground and mulched generously. To ensure continuous plants, in the event something goes wrong, you may also want to consider rooting the cuttings taken during pruning. Once temperatures drop below 50 F. (10 C.). outside, it is time to take steps for wintering brugmansia. Place the plant in a dark, poorly lit location, such as the basement or even a closet, for winter storage. Less light and cooler temperatures (40-50 F./5-10 C.) are important for dormancy. Continue to water brugmansia sparingly about once a month to prevent the plant from drying out completely. However, do not fertilize it. Allow brugmansia to enter dormancy as normal. Complete leaf drop during this time is normal for brugmansia over winter.[图片]Wintering Brugmansia as Houseplants Some people prefer to grow brugmansia over winter as houseplants rather than allowing them to go dormant. This is fine. While some species of brugmansia may continue to develop buds throughout winter, in order to encourage blooming, the brugmansia will require significant light. Place brugmansia in a south-facing window where it will receive plenty of sunlight and treat it as a houseplant throughout winter, watering about once a week. Likewise, they can be placed in a greenhouse. While the plant may begin dropping leaves once it’s brought indoors, this is a normal response and nothing to be concerned about.[图片]Growing brugmansia in cold climates requires a little extra effort, but it is well worth it in order to have these lovely plants in your garden year after year.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Brugmansia makes attractive specimen plantings whether they’re grown in containers or situated in garden beds. However, in order to keep them looking their best, trimming brugmansia may be necessary.[图片]How to Prune Brugmansia Pruning brugmansia forces it to grow more limbs, thus produces more flowers. Therefore, knowing how to prune brugmansia is important. The correct method for pruning these shrub-like plants is to cut off all but the newest growth. Prune back tips to about ½ inch from the node. Do not prune the main leader unless you want to grow brugmansia in tree form. If you want a bushy tree, prune lateral branches at the joint. Begin pruning the plant when the main trunk forms its first “Y” and then prune back any older branches to encourage additional branching. Cut back as much as one-third of the plant. For larger plants, this could be as much as 1 to 2 feet. Keep in mind that tree form plants will need to be continually cut throughout the growing season to maintain their shape.[图片]When to Trim a Brugmansia To encourage additional blooms, trim brugmansia often. Since these plants bloom on new wood, you should trim a brugmansia whenever its growth becomes excessive. You can also prune brugmansia anytime you want to shape it. Generally, it takes about a month or more for blooms to appear after pruning, so you should trim a brugmansia after the last frost in spring. In addition, allowing them to remain unpruned throughout winter offers some protection from cold damage. If the plants are container grown, pruning brugmansia isn’t necessary unless you’re moving the plant indoors, in which case, fall is an acceptable time to prune. For those choosing to prune brugmansia during fall, be sure to keep enough nodes on the branches (above the “Y”) for additional flowering the following season.[图片]Trimming Brugmansia Roots You can also trim the taproot of potted plants, trimming just enough to fit into the bottom of the container. Root pruning stimulates new growth and allow you to grow brugmansia in the same container rather than having to repot. Root pruning is usually done in spring before new growth starts. To root prune brugmansia, Slide the plant out of the pot and loosen the roots with a fork, removing as much potting soil as possible. Then cut the thickest roots back by at least two-thirds. Allow the thin feeder roots to remain, perhaps lightly trimming the ends. Repot with fresh soil.[图片]
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