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Dummer. ゛☀
Creeping phlox (Phlox subulata) produces a colorful spring carpet of soft pastel hues. Little expert knowledge is needed on how to plant and care for creeping phlox. Growing creeping phlox over a rockery or in tough soil conditions provides a nearly carefree ground cover or cascading plant. Consider growing it in between pavers, in a planter or just as a part of a bright spring bed as well.[图片]About Creeping Phlox A perennial nature and semi-evergreen habit are important facts about creeping phlox. These plants have needle-like foliage with small starry, five-pointed flowers in red, lavender, pink, white or bluish-purple. Creeping phlox blooms in spring and produces long, spreading stems, which become woody with age. These thicker growths cease to produce flowers over time and may be cut out of the plant to encourage the newer, softer stems that do bloom. In addition, the plant has a moderate growth rate and can get 4 to 6 inches high with a 2 foot spread.[图片]Creeping Phlox Planting Instructions Learning how to plant and care for creeping phlox is quite simple. The plant has an easy going nature and thrives in a variety of conditions. Almost any soil is suitable for growing creeping phlox as long as it is in full sun to partial shade. For best results, however, plant it in a sunny location where soils are moist but well drained. Dig in some organic soil amendments to enrich the soil and water the plant until it is established. Plant creeping phlox at soil level and avoid burying the stem in the earth. Follow these easy creeping phlox planting instructions for years of early spring color.[图片]Care of Creeping Phlox Little special care or maintenance is necessary when growing creeping phlox. The plant benefits from an early spring application of fertilizer to encourage new growth and flowering. Even established plants should have supplemental watering in hot summer periods and plants along rockeries may show signs of scorching due to the hot surroundings. The stems can be cut back after flowering to promote a second bloom. Care of creeping phlox may also include cutting the plant back in late winter to allow for rejuvenation and to produce young, more compact stems. Watching for mites and other pests and dealing with these infestations as soon as they are spotted using an organic insecticidal soap is also important for the plant’s care.[图片]Creeping Phlox Propagation The plant can also be divided to provide more growing creeping phlox plants. Simply dig the plant up, preserving the root ball. Cut through the center of the plant and through the roots with a sharp soil knife or even a spade. Replant one-half of the phlox in the original hole and plant the other anywhere you want more of the colorful ground cover. The process can be done every few years to create healthier plants. You can also take stem cuttings for rooting in summer or fall. Dip these in a plant hormone and plant in a soil-less medium to take root.
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Miss Chen
Given ideal planting locations of full sun and well-drained soil, Knock Out roses (Rosa spp.) offer near-continuous blooms in exchange for minimal maintenance. From the original Knock Out rose (Rosa "Radrazz") to later varieties in the Knock Out group, simple, basic care keeps these roses looking their best. [图片]Water Requirements [图片]During their first year in the ground, Knock Out roses need regular water as roots become established. One inch of water per week from rainfall or supplemental watering sets a starting point, but a hands-on approach keeps watering on track. Test the soil about 3 inches down from the surface; it should be cool and damp. For established bushes, let the soil dry at that depth before you water. Knock Out leaves also give clear tips on when these drought-tolerant shrubs need a drink. Normally glossy, thirsty leaves lose their luster. Infrequent, thorough waterings suit these roses. A 2- to 3-inch layer of organic mulch helps keep roots cool and retains soil moisture. Fertilizer Needs [图片]Fertilizers are optional when it comes to Knock Out roses. Proper planting avoids added fertilizer in the hole, and normal garden soil meets their needs in future years. A 2- to 3-inch layer of organic compost added each spring provides gentle, long-lasting nutrition. If desired, a slow-release rose fertilizer can be used. For example, apply 3/4 cup of a granular, 3-4-3 rose fertilizer per Knock Out rose every six weeks during the active growing season. Gently work the fertilizer into the soil around the shrub's base, and water the area well. Avoid fast-release, high-nitrogen fertilizers; they spur lanky growth and reduce blooms. Stop fertilizing two months before your area's first frost so the roses prepare for winter. Pruning Procedures [图片]Known as self-cleaning roses, Knock Outs drop old blossoms on their own after blooming, eliminating the need for deadheading and preparing the way for the next flush of flowers. Knock Outs grow 3 to 4 feet tall and wide in most climates, tripling in height after an annual pruning. The roses aren't fussy about techniques. Cut them back to 12 inches in height or one-third of your desired size, just as new growth begins. Use sharp, bypass pruners or bypass loppers -- even hedging shears work with these roses. Sterilize your pruner blades with household disinfectant before and after each bush, and wear protective clothing, including gloves, long sleeves and safety eyewear. Pest and Disease Control [图片]Diseases and insects rarely trouble Knock Out roses. The shrubs resist common rose diseases, including black spot and mildew, and eliminate the need for disease control beyond proper siting and care. Common garden pests, such as aphids and spider mites, occasionally may appear. A strong burst of water from your garden hose dislodges these pests and sends them on their way. Aphids generally cluster on stems below the blossoms, while spider mites stay hidden on the undersides of leaves. Target your spray where the intruders lie, and that's all the pest control Knock Outs generally need. Winter Protection [图片]Knock Out roses are reliably hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 5 through 11, with Sunny Knock Out (Rosa "Radsunny") hardy in USDA zone 4 as well. For gardeners pushing the envelope in cold climates with the Knock Out group, extra winter insulation helps protect the roses' crowns from winter damage. After the ground has frozen and the shrubs are dormant, mound mulch or oak leaves over their crowns to a depth of about 8 inches. Remove the mulch as soil warms in spring. Knock Out roses are grown on their own roots, so even when they die back to the ground in harsh winters, they spring back from the roots in their hardiness zones.
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Miss Chen
Read on for the safest way to kill rose bugs without the pesticides in the air around your home. [图片]Step 1 Put 1 tsp. of soap into a spray bottle filled with water. Step 2 Mix soap and water by shaking the bottle. [图片]Step 3 Spray mixture directly on the plants with and without the bugs. The bugs will die, and not spread to the other plants if you spray them all.
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Miss Chen
Rose (Rosa spp.) cuttings root slowly and with little indication on top of the soil that there's anything going on below it. The first sign that the process is progressing – the appearance of new foliage -- comes months after you plant the cutting. It will be several more months until the cutting has taken root enough to be transplanted outdoors. It can be a frustrating wait for the impatient, but it's the best way to get a new rosebush that's identical to the parent plant. [图片]The Best of Times Roses, depending on the species, cultivar or variety, are hardy in all U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones. Know the zones for your particular plant, because the best time to take a rose cutting depends largely on climate. Typically, cuttings are ready in late fall, just after the last of the season's flowers fade and the weather cools. Cuttings can be taken in spring, as long as you wait until the stem is no longer soft and green. Plan Ahead Once the cutting is removed from the bush, work quickly so it doesn't dry out. Prepare in advance before you head out to the garden: Be sure your pruning shears are razor sharp and disinfected. Soak them for five minutes in a solution of 1 part bleach and 3 parts water; rinse them with water and allow them to air dry before using them. Fill a 4-inch nursery pot that has drainage holes in the bottom with a combination of 3 parts sand and 1 part peat moss and pour water over the mixture until it is saturated. Use your finger or a pencil to create a 3- to 4-inch deep planting hole, and set the pot aside to drain. Grab a moist paper towel and a plastic produce bag as you head out to the garden. [图片]Be Choosy Look for a rose stem that has recently bloomed. Measure 6 inches, from the tip of the stem back toward the main stem, and make a 45-degree angled cut to remove it from the bush. Immediately wrap the stem in the moist paper towel and enclose it in the bag. Do not allow the cutting to dry out for even a short amount of time. Plant It Remove all the foliage from the bottom part of the stem, and allow three or four leaves to remain at the top. If there are hips or faded flowers, remove those as well. Use a small, sharp knife to scrape the outer layer of bark from the bottom inch of stem. Dip that portion of the stem in water, and then roll it in rooting hormone powder until it's covered. Immediately stick the hormone-tipped end of the cutting into the prepared hole in the planting medium and use your hands to pack the medium around the cutting. Care While Rooting Rose cuttings require humidity to produce roots, so mist the plant with water from a spray bottle. Insert four wood craft sticks, equally spaced, into the planting medium around the inside perimeter of the pot. Slide the pot into a plastic bag, adjusting the plastic so that the sticks hold it away from the cutting. Secure the bag and place the pot in an outdoor area where there's filtered sunlight. Open the bag for about 15 minutes every other day to allow air to circulate. Remove the bag when you notice new foliage. Water the soil to keep it moist but otherwise do not disturb the cutting until it's ready to be planted in a permanent spot outdoors -- typically one year from taking the cutting.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Everything old is new again, and edible landscaping is an example of this adage. If you are searching for a ground cover to incorporate in the landscape, look no farther than Claytonia miner’s lettuce.[图片]What is Miner’s Lettuce? Miners lettuce is found from British Columbia south down to Guatemala and east into Alberta, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, Utah and Arizona. Claytonia miner’s lettuce is also known as Claspleaf miner’s lettuce, Indian lettuce and by its botanical name of Claytonia perfoliata. The generic name of Claytonia is in reference to a botanist of the 1600’s by the name of John Clayton, while its specific name, perfoliata is due to the perfoliate leaves which completely encircle the stem and are attached at the base of the plant.[图片]Is Miner’s Lettuce Edible? Yes, miner’s lettuce is edible, hence the name. Miners used to eat the plant as salad greens, as well as the edible blossoms and stems of the plant. All these portions of Claytonia can be eaten either raw or cooked and are a great source of vitamin C. Care of Claytonia Plant Miner’s lettuce growing conditions tend to be cool and moist. This aggressive self-seeding plant can overwinter in USDA zone 6 and warmer and is an excellent edible ground cover. Miner’s lettuce growing conditions in the wild tend towards shaded sites such as under tree canopies, oak savannas or western white pine groves and at low to medium elevations. Claytonia miner’s lettuce can be found in soil conditions from sand, gravel road tar, loam, rock crevices, scree and river silt.[图片]The plant is propagated via seed and germination occurs rapidly, only 7-10 days until emergence. For home garden cultivation, seed may be dispersed or plants set in virtually any soil type, although Claytonia thrives in moist, peaty soil. Plant Claytonia 4-6 weeks before the last frost when soil temperatures are between 50-55 degrees F. (10-12 C.) in a shaded to partially shaded location, in rows that are 8-12 inches apart, ¼ inch deep and space the rows ½ inch away from each other.[图片]From early to mid-spring and again in late summer to mid-fall for fall and winter harvest, Claytonia can be successively seeded for a continuous rotation of this edible green. Unlike many greens, Claytonia retains its flavor even when the plant is in bloom, however, it will become bitter when the weather becomes hot.
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Miss Chen
Roses are edible flowers. From ancient times they have appeared at feasting tables as bouquets and as food. The flavor of roses is varied as the colors. The sweet, tart or spicy petals are easy to use and popular additions to any kitchen. [图片][图片]Step 1 Select fresh roses free of pesticides. Preferably the roses should be from your garden or an organic market. Light-color roses are more sweet or light in flavor. Darker roses have more aroma and flavor. Taste a rose petal to decide where it belongs on your menu. [图片]Step 2 Wash roses by gently swishing them in cool water. Blot them gently with paper towels. Grasp the petals between the thumb and fingers of one hand and the blossom stem in the other hand. Pull out the petals. Discard any blemished petals. Use the petals immediately or store refrigerated in a plastic bag. Use within a few days for best flavor and freshness. Step 3 Freeze rose petals in ice cubes. The fast way is fill the water trays and freeze until the ice is slushy, and then tuck in a petal or two. Freeze until solid. The more elegant way is to fill trays half full of water. Freeze. Drop in a rose petal for each cube. Cover petals with a spoonful of water and freeze again. Fill trays with water and freeze. Use rose cubes in lemonade, iced tea or punch. Step 4 Make salad days rosy by sprinkling sweet-tasting fresh petals over fruit salads. Mix petals in whipped cream for fruit topping. Sprinkle spicy rose petals on green salads. Add and shake petals with vinegar-oil dressings for aroma and flavor. Step 5 Prepare rose butter by mixing a half-cup to 1 cup of chopped rose petals in a cup of sweet unsalted butter. Let the blend stand at room temperature for 24 hours, then mix again and refrigerate to fully flavor the butter. Use this rose butter on bread or warm muffins. Substitute rose butter for regular butter in cookie or cake recipes. This butter refrigerates up to 2 weeks and freezes well. [图片]Step 6 Infuse rose water by adding 2 cups rose petals to 1 quart water. Bring to a gentle boil, then turn off heat and let cool. Filter out the rose petals and bottle the water. Refrigerate the water for use in ice cubes or tea. Add rose water in place of regular water for gelatins and other desserts. Step 7 Garnish with dried rose petals. Spread the petals on a microwave-safe dish or paper plate. Heat them for 1 or 2 minutes until dry. Scatter the small dry petals on everything from appetizers to desserts. Add a dusting of petals to top off vanilla pudding, brownies or ice cream. Sprinkle dry petals on frosted cakes or cupcakes. Have a rosy time in the kitchen!
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Miss Chen
If you have roses that have been invaded by insects, there are a number of ways to get rid of these annoying garden pests. Some of the most common insects that attack rose bushes are aphids, spider mites and leafhoppers.Roses faced with an infestation should be tended to quickly. With some diligence, a once healthy rose bush can survive the attacks of insects. Take a minute to recognize and diagnose the infestation and you’ll discover with a little care and attention you can combat any insect invasion using the following methods. [图片]Step 1 Establish a regular schedule for pest control. Take the time every two weeks to spray the plants with a soap and water solution. In a plastic spray bottle, mix about a tablespoon of liquid soap and tap water and spray roses with the solution. Step 2 Encourage insect-eating birds such as bluebirds, robins, orioles and wrens to visit your rose garden by hanging a bird feeder nearby. You can buy a bird feeder at a local home and garden supply store where prices range from as little as $7.99 up to $39.99. Fill the feeder with wild birdseed and hang it near the rose garden. Not only will the birds eat the bugs off the rose bushes but they are a delightful asset to any garden. Step 3 Purchase insect eating predators from gardening catalogs, the local garden center or go on-line to websites such as www.buglogical.com to order insects for the garden. Ladybugs and Praying mantis, the most popular garden predators, can help keep the population of aphids and other garden pests under control. Before they are released in the garden, insects should be stored in the refrigerator or in a cool place. When you are ready, thaw the package and release the insects in the garden. Let the food chain take its course. [图片]Step 4 Prune any diseased leaves and canes and discard cuttings away from rose beds. Destroy any leaves and canes that can still harbor garden pests and insects that are still feeding on the cuttings. Destroy cuttings by throwing them into a plastic bag and sealing it shut. Or, if possible, burn the cuttings. Step 5 Do a cleanup before your rose bushes go dormant for the season. You will have fewer insects if you thoroughly clean all debris from around the beds before the winter. Rake up any fallen leaves and dump them in the garbage away from the garden. Remove any old mulch and replace it with fresh mulch.
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Miss Chen
Roses (Rosa spp.) are hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 4 through 9, depending on the variety. Varieties include climbing or rambling, bush, hybrid and miniature. Some roses bloom on canes produced the previous year and others on the current year's growth. Pruning at the wrong time can lead to poor blossom production or make the plants susceptible to pests diseases and weather damage. Hard-prune hybrid, bush and miniature roses in spring just before they produce leaves, and hard-prune climbing roses right after their blooms fade in summer. About one-third of a rose bush remains after a hard prune. Trimming instead of hard-pruning, however, removes only enough growth to shape the bushes and to encourage new blooms. Trim all kinds of roses throughout the growing season for size control, additional flowering or to remove faded blooms and damaged branches. [图片][图片]Step 1 Remove rose bushes' dead canes any time you notice them. Cut back each dead portion of a cane to the green part of the cane, using pruning shears. Check whether or not the pith -- the center of the cane -- is white. If the pith is brown, prune back the cane to its part that has a white pith. [图片]Step 2 Cut away branches that are smaller in diameter than a pencil throughout the growing season. Make each cut at a 45-degree angle away from an outward-facing stem bud. [图片]Step 3 Trim back stems that cross each other or may grow into each other when you notice the problem. Cut such a stem back to the main cane, leaving about 1/4 inch of the stem remaining. Use loppers or pruning shears. [图片]Step 4 Cut the stem of each spent flower just below the first set of a five-leaf leaflet. Cut just below a seven-leaf leaflet if you want to reduce a rose bush's height. Removing spent flowers is called deadheading. [图片]Step 5 Remove two or three center, old canes at the base of a crowded or overgrown rose bush by using loppers. This technique opens the bush's center, providing it better air circulation during the growing season.
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Miss Chen
Roses make a wonderful addition to any garden. If you are fortunate to come across a wild rose, you can easily transplant it to your own garden, adding beauty and uniqueness. With the right know-how and the proper tools, you can add this thriving plant to just about any setting. [图片]Step 1 Find the plant you prefer. If you have a choice of multiple plants, look for one that is particularly healthy. Make sure you choose a plant that is the right size for your garden as well. Step 2 Wait until the dormant season to transplant. Wild roses are best transplanted in their dormant season, sometime from November through February. You can of course try to transplant them during other parts of the year, but the dormant season gives the best results. Step 3 Dig up the plant. Dig as deeply as you can to get as much of the long taproot as possible. Depending on the age of the plant, you may not be able to dig out the entire root. So long as you get most of the root, the plant should not suffer any damage if the root is cut. Wild roses also have numerous smaller roots. These can be trimmed if necessary. [图片]Step 4 Transfer the plant to a large piece of plastic, a tarp or a large flower pot. Dig up some of the surrounding soil as well, and place it into the plastic or pot. This will help the rose acclimate to its new home. Step 5 Dig a hole in your garden to accommodate the new rose. Dig deeply and add in some of the original soil and some humus or other organic material. This is very important for the rose's growth in the new growing season. Step 6 Gently place the rose into the hole, and with a mixture of soil and organic material, fill the hole. Water the rose in well as this will help the transplant thrive. Add a mound of mulch around the base of the rose and wait until the spring for new growth.
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Miss Chen
If you live in a warm climate or in zones 8 through 11, you can prune your knockout roses in the winter. One season occurs in the spring and another in the fall. Pruning mature knockouts in the winter makes sense, but get expert advice from your local nursery or extension service. To prune knockouts in the winter, follow these suggestions. [图片]Step 1 Prune only mature plants that are established and are 2 or 3 years old. Step 2 Sharpen your clean pruning equipment and always cut at a 45-degree angle. Step 3 Remove any thin canes or any diseased or damaged canes. If your temperature only rarely drops below freezing, you may have rose pests and eggs that do not die as they would in an area where it freezes hard. Be on the look out for insect damage and remove any canes that look questionable. [图片]Step 4 Strip most of the leaves from the roses in the winter, which makes them vulnerable to pests, and spray with a horticultural oil. Step 5 Activate the knockout into growth and blooming by pruning it back a little in the late winter before your first growing season in the spring. Step 6 Keep the roses under control. If you want it smaller than the standard 3 x 4-foot tall size, prune it back in the late spring or early fall after it has bloomed. Be careful not to clip off flower buds. Step 7 Remove dead or old canes during mild climates ideally, but this can be done at any time. Also cut very thin canes that might be coming up from the ground. You don't have to deadhead knockouts, but you can if you like to keep them looking groomed. Step 8 Prune mature plants by using the 1/3 rule each year in the winter. Remove 1/3 of the oldest canes and any stems that are damaged, diseased or dead. This will keep the bush vibrant.
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