Miss Chen
Miss Chen
If your breakfast includes bananas and a cup of joe, you'll have enough nutritional scraps to feed your roses (Rosa spp.) too. Banana fruits and peels, composted first or not, add phosphorus and potassium to rose soil, and coffee grounds provide pinches of nitrogen, calcium and magnesium. [图片]Rosy Dreams [图片]Vibrant, healthy rose bushes fight off diseases and produce the best blossoms, so a gardener does what she can to make her roses strong. You give your roses some of the ingredients for healthy living, like sunlight and air, by selecting a good planting site. Mother nature provides both water and nutrients, but just as you add irrigation when needed, you can supplement nutrients by adding fertilizer to the soil. Consider both coffee grounds and banana peels in that category. Feeding Soil [图片]When you add compost or fertilizer, you feed the soil, not the rose plant growing in it. Plants produce their own food, taking up nutrients in the soil and converting them into sugars by the magic of photosynthesis. When you add material to the soil, you replace the nutrients your roses have used, providing them with a steady supply. This should be done every month or so throughout the growing season. The three primary nutrients required for rose growth and health are nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. Between coffee grounds and bananas, you'll add all three to the soil. Coffee Grounds for Nitrogen [图片]Coffee grounds are 2 percent nitrogen, so from the get-go they increase the nitrogen level of the soil. According to the Oregon State University Extension service, they are an excellent source of nitrogen for composting. Keep the grounds to 25 percent or less of the pile. Rose gardeners can also spread several inches of coffee grounds directly on the rose bed soil. Either work the grounds into the soil or else cover a thin layer with several inches of dried leaves to prevent them from drying out. Banana Peels [图片]Banana fruit and peels are rich in phosphorus and the peels in potassium as well. Roses need potassium for vigor and phosphorus to bloom, so bananas and roses are a match made in plant heaven. Some gardeners prefer to chop up bananas and compost them in the bin but other simply bury fruit or peels at the base of the plants. If you add uncomposted organic material directly to the soil, it's a good idea to toss in a few tablespoons of nitrogen fertilizer at the same time, since it takes nitrogen to break down the material.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Rose trees are hybrid roses that have been grown to look like a tree. They range in size from 3 feet to 6 feet tall and come in many colors; there are even weeping rose trees. Rose trees require most of the same care of a regular rose bush. Due to their unique shape, however, they also have some unique requirements of their own. [图片]Step 1 Prepare the site for the rose tree. They need full sunlight and rich soil that retains moisture. Dig up the site, remove weeds, rocks and other garden debris and add generous amounts of compost or decayed manure several weeks before planting. Step 2 Plant the rose tree. Dig a hole that is 2 feet deep and 2 feet wide; put the garden soil in a wheelbarrow or on a tarp. Mix the garden soil with equal amounts of mulch, peat moss and potting soil. Fill the hole half full with this soil mixture. Fill the hole with water and stir with the shovel, creating a slurry with the soil mixture. Place the rose in the hole and have someone hold it in place while add soil mixture until the hole is completely filled and the slurry is firm. Rose trees are susceptible to wind damage and should be staked using tree stakes. Step 3 Water a newly planted rose tree every day until it is established and new growth appears. Water regularly and deeply; roses need about 1 to 2 inches of water each week. This causes the roots to grow deep and protects the plant during periods of drought. Step 4 Feed the rose tree once new growth has appeared. You can use a complete plant food. Doug Green at Simple Gift Farms recommends using compost to feed the roses; spread two to three shovel-full of compost around the rose tree's base in early spring and in mid summer. [图片]Step 5 Watch for rose diseases, such as black spot or mildew and treat promptly. Remove the infected leaves and treat with a fungicide. Roses attract aphids, spider mites and Japanese beetles; treat with a pesticide to control these problems. Bayer Advanced All-in-One Rose and Flower Care is a systemic pesticide, fungicide and plant food that is used once a month. Step 6 Deadhead spent flowers on the rose tree. Remove the faded flower by locating the next leaf set below the bud; you will cut approximately ¼ inch above this leaf set. Hold the pruning shears at a 45 degree angle, so that the angle faces away from the center of the bush. Clean up all fallen rose leaves and petals beneath the rose tree and throw them away; do not add to the compost as it will encourage disease and pests. Step 7 Prepare the rose tree in late fall for the coming winter. You can build a cage of mesh wire around the 'trunk' of the rose tree and fill the cage with mulch. Doug Green at Simple Gifts Farm offers an alternate method. Wrap a sheet of flexible Styrofoam around the trunk of the rose and cover that with burlap. Secure the burlap with duct tape and mound mulch around the base of the rose tree. Step 8 Prune the rose tree in the spring. Remove any dead part of the canes; healthy canes have a green ting to the bark and white pith inside. Cut off the dead part until you see the healthy pith; if there is no healthy pith, remove the entire cane. Remove about 1/3 of the length of the healthy canes, shaping the rose tree for balance, both for appearance and to prevent uneven weight on one side.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
The common periwinkle plant (Vinca minor) is often spotted creeping down steep hillsides and banks, offering a green and growing affect in areas which might otherwise be bare. The periwinkle plant is exceptional as an erosion control specimen. Periwinkle is also used as a spreading shrub in USDA garden zones 4 to 8. Periwinkle is often also called creeping vinca. Periwinkle is most often grown as a ground cover. The periwinkle plant takes its common name from the attractive blooms that dot the foliage in April to May, appearing in the color of periwinkle blue. More than 30 varieties of this plant exist, some with variegated foliage and other colors of blooms. When planting periwinkle, choose what best suits your landscape.[图片]How to Grow Periwinkle Plants This broadleaf evergreen plant grows easily and periwinkle care most often involves keeping the prolific spreader in check. Periwinkle, once established, is drought resistant and needs little other care if properly sited in the landscape. Periwinkle care after planting may include the removal of tall weeds in the area. Once established, growing periwinkle will likely shade out future growth of weeds and eliminate this chore.[图片]The periwinkle plant grows best in a partially shaded area in acidic soil; however, it can thrive in a variety of sunlight and soil conditions. Growing periwinkle in partial shade creates more vigorous growth. In many instances, extreme vigor may not be desirable unless the periwinkle plant needs to cover a large area. One small plant can spread to 8 feet across. Growing periwinkle as a ground cover is common as it rarely reaches more than 4 inches in height. Periwinkle is best used for controlling erosion as described above. Do not plant near other specimens in the flower bed or garden, as it may overtake and choke out valuable plantings. This plant may be used as a climber on a non-living support and is useful for blocking views when used in this way.[图片]Before planting periwinkle, make sure it is what you want in the area, as it is difficult to remove once established. Periwinkle appears low on the exotic invasive list, but can escape cultivation in the garden. It is rarely found escaping into undisturbed woodlands. Now that you know how to grow periwinkle and manage its growth, you can make an informed decision before planting the specimen in your landscape. Periwinkle ground cover should not be confused with annual periwinkle, as annual periwinkle (Catharanthus roseus) is a different plant.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Rose trees are hybrid roses that have been grafted on rootstock to look like a tree. Rose trees need the same care-planting, watering, feeding, protection from pests and diseases-as regular rose bushes. Like regular rose bushes, they also need to be pruned in early spring. Due to their unusual shape, rose trees need to be pruned differently from their bush counterparts. [图片][图片]Step 1 Use clean and sharp tools when pruning a rose tree. Using a dull shear to prune a rose will tear the cane instead of cut it, which damages the cane. Pruning tools can be cleaned using an old toothbrush and water and sterilized in a solution of 1 part household bleach and 10 parts water; allow the sterilized tools to air dry. Clean and sterilize the pruning tools after each use.The Weekend Gardener has extra tips for sharpening and cleaning pruning tools. [图片]Step 2 Hold the pruning tools properly for pruning roses and rose trees. Hold the shears at a 45 degree angle; direct the angle so that it faces away from the center of the rose. This will cause new growth to grow away from the center of the rose, allowing air flow, which reduces the chance for diseases. [图片]Step 3 Remove any canes that look dead. A healthy cane will have a greenish cast to the bark and white pith on the inside. Cut away the dead part of the cane until you come to healthy white pith. [图片]Step 4 Remove any canes that are not a pencil width thick. These canes are not strong enough to support the blooms when they open. Remove woody old canes; saw them off as close to the rose tree trunk as possible. Remove any 'sucker' canes, that grow from the roots below the bud union. [图片]Step 5 Shape the healthy canes on the rose tree. Prune 1/3 of the length from the canes. Work towards a balance when pruning a rose tree; not only does it look prettier, uneven pruning will cause an uneven weight distribution on the rose. [图片]Step 6 Seal the pruned canes by smearing household glue on the cuts. This acts as a bandage on the cane and will keep insects and disease from entering through the cut. [图片]Step 7 Clean up all rose cuttings, fallen leaves and petals from around the base of the rose tree. Throw these in the trash. Do not add them to the compost as they will encourage pests and diseases.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Knockout roses are an ever-blooming rose developed by Texas A&M University to withstand extreme Texas growing conditions such as drought, freezing temperatures and high humidity. Their popularity has spread as knockout roses are used in commercial and private landscapes with low maintenance requirements. Knockout roses generally are care free, but occasionally, especially between blooming periods, old flowers, battered foliage and a few dead limbs can make the knockout rose bush look like it's seen better days. [图片]How to Revive Knockout Roses Step 1 Remove weeds from around your knockout rose bush as far as 36 inches from the plant so that you can identify any weak or diseased limbs and see how to shape the plant. Also, rake old leaves and other garden debris from around the base of the plant. Step 2 Prune out dead wood by cutting dead branches back to the point where they meet a main stem or point of origin. If the dead limb goes all the way to the ground without meeting a main stem, prune it at ground level. Step 3 Shape the plant by removing spent flowers and unruly growth by cutting limbs at a 45-degree angle and 1/4 of an inch above an outward facing bud to train new growth outward. You can remove as much as half of a knockout rose bush when pruning, but severe pruning will delay the next blooming period for several weeks. This is because the plant blooms on new wood and requires a longer recovery period. [图片]Step 4 Gently work two shovels of well-composted manure or compost into the top inch of the soil around the roots, and apply a rose fertilizer according to the instructions on the package. Spread fertilizer just outside the root zone, not on top of the root zone, as it will burn new roots that are close to the surface. Wate the compost and fertilizer well. Step 5 Apply a two-inch deep layer of mulch around the base of the plant and six inches past the root zone. Leave a one-inch space between the mulch and the trunk of the knockout rose to prevent mildew from spreading to the bush as the compost decays. Keep it evenly moist until new growth appears.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Deadheading is a type of pruning where faded blooms are removed from a plant. Plants, particularly roses, are deadheaded to extend the amount of time the plant produces flowers, keep the plant compact and tidy, and stop the plant from producing seeds. Knockout roses are deadheaded to keep the plant looking tidy as this rose produces blooms from mid to late spring through fall even without deadheading. Knockout roses produce flushes of blooms every five to six weeks. Removing faded blooms can decrease the time between bloom production and increase the size and quality of the flowers. Disinfect Shears [图片]Step 1 Make a disinfecting/sanitizing solution using bleach and water. Use a 1:10 dilution (1 part bleach to 10 parts water). Mixing the solution in a graded (has units of measurement on the side) bucket makes the solution portable as well as easier to mix. Sterilize your pruning shears in the 1:10 bleach solution between plants. Sterilize your pruning shears between cuts if you have a rose with a fungal or bacterial disease. Dip the cutting blades in the 1:10 solution. Open and close the blades several times while submerged. The blades do not have to dry before you start pruning. Step 2 Prune faded and damaged blooms 1/2 to 1 inch above the nearest strong buds (the place where leaves and branches emerge) or branches. [图片]Step 3 Avoid scratches and scrapes caused by rose thorns by wearing rose gloves or heavy-duty leather work gloves. [图片]Step 4 Make pruning cuts on a 45-degree angle. The cut should angle away (meaning the short end should be closest to the bud or branch) from the bud or branch. [图片]Step 5 Either burn deadheaded blooms or place in a trash bag and set out for trash pickup.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
If you are looking for a ground cover or rockery plant with contrasting color and unique texture, look no further than partridge feather ground cover. What types of partridge flower info do you need to know to successfully grow partridge feather flowers? Read on to find out.[图片]Partridge Flower Info Interestingly, partridge feather ground cover (Tanacetum densum) was introduced to the U.S. from Southeastern Turkey in the 1950’s but for some reason no one thought to name the plant ‘turkey feather.’ Regardless, the use of the term ‘feather’ is definitely apt. The leaves of the partridge plant look very much like fuzzy, silvery feathers. An evergreen, the plant might, and more appropriately, be referred to as a low-growing shrub, albeit a very short one. Leaves are 3 inches long and of a soft, wooly texture delicately notched much like feathers. Forming a mounding habit, this perennial has a woody base and attains a height of between 3-5 inches by 15-24 inches across.[图片]Another lovely thing about growing partridge feather flowers is, well, the flowers. The plant bears eye-catching yellow and white button-like blossoms during late June and into early July. They make for a nice contrast against the silvery foliage and add a little bit of drama to the landscape, especially in a large grouping. They also are excellent attractors of butterflies and make nice cutting flowers.[图片]Partridge Feather Growing Conditions Before trying your hand at growing partridge feather flowers, you must become familiar with partridge feather growing conditions, which may include full sun to part shade. These sun loving, drought tolerant specimens are perfect for use in the rock garden where the contrast of the silver leaves is striking amidst the greens of other foliage. It also has a habit of crawling over and down stones, and enjoys the great drainage that rock gardens employ. Partridge feather tolerates most soil types and conditions, with the exception of overly wet or humid weather.[图片]It is USDA hardy to zones 4-9. Once the plant is established, it requires very little irrigation, so caring for partridge feather plants couldn’t be easier. Companion plants that work well with partridge flower include: Winecups Mexican Hat Coneflower Coral Canyon Twinspur Mojave Sage Johnson’s Blue Geranium[图片]Partridge feather has few to no pests. Some care should be around the leaves, however, since they may irritate the skin of some people. All in all, a striking and easy to care for plant often used in xeriscape gardening, partridge feather flower makes a unique addition to the landscape.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Best grown in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 7 to 9, the confederate rose (Hibiscus mutabilis) features large, showy flowers that start off white but quickly change to deep pink or reddish pink, with a blueish cast near the end of their bloom cycle. Especially enchanting is the fact that these cycles happen on different parts of the large bush simultaneously, so that the plant appears to feature multi-colored blooms. [图片]Step 1 Site the planting area where the confederate rose will receive full sun, or dappled shade in the hotter part of its range. The confederate rose is best grown as a specimen tree or large shrub, but if planted in a border should have at least 5 feet on either side. Step 2 Prepare the planting area. Although confederate roses adapt well to most soil conditions, working a 2-inch layer of compost into the soil will help improve the nutrition and texture of the soil. Work the compost about 12 inches deep throughout an area that's about 100 feet square. This will improve the nutrient level and soil texture throughout the eventual growing zone. Step 3 Dig a hole that is about the depth of the shrub's root ball, and at least twice as wide. Set the confederate rose in the hole, and backfill the hole with soil. Press down on the soil to remove airpockets, and water the area deeply. Step 4 Mulch the area around the confederate rose with a 2-inch layer of wood chips or other organic material. Keep the mulch several inches away from the base of the shrub itself. [图片]Step 5 Check the soil around the confederate shrub daily in the first few month after planting. To get them off to the best start, young shrubs need consistently moist soil during their first growing season. Step 6 Water about every two weeks as the confederate rose matures. Shrubs should be watered to a depth of about 2 feet. If you are not able to water as often or as deeply as recommended for shrubs like the confederate rose that prefer moderate watering, take heart. Confederate roses are somewhat drought tolerant, although they may experience some wilting in scorching heat and no water. Step 7 Prune the confederate rose, if size is a concern. Many gardeners only lightly shear the shrubs for a more even silhouette. It is possible, however, to cut a to a confederate rose to a height of 12 inches during dormancy, which will allow it to grow to a moderate and bushier height the following season. Sterilize the shears after pruning by misting them with, or dipping them into, a cleaning solution such as bleach or rubbing alcohol. Wipe them dry after their treatment. Step 8 Spread a 1- to 2-inch layer of compost around the shrub each spring, starting from a few inches away for the base to under the plant's outermost branches. This action will continue to improve the growing environment as the confederate rose matures.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
For the most part, monkey grass, also known as lilyturf, is a hardy plant. It is frequently used in landscaping for borders and edging. But, despite the fact that monkey grass is able to take a lot of abuse, it is still susceptible to disease. One disease in particular is crown rot.[图片]What is Monkey Grass Crown Rot? Monkey grass crown rot, like any crown rot disease, is caused by a fungus that thrives in moist and warm conditions. Normally, this problem is found in warmer, more humid states, but it can occur in cooler areas as well.[图片]Symptoms of Monkey Grass Crown Rot The signs of monkey grass crown rot are a yellowing of the older leaves from the base of the plant. Eventually, the whole leaf will turn yellow from the bottom up. Younger leaves will turn brown before reaching maturity. You may also notice a white, thread-like substance in the soil around the plant. This is the fungus. There may be tiny white to reddish brown balls scattered around the base of the plant too. This is also the crown rot fungus.[图片]Treatment for Monkey Grass Crown Rot Unfortunately, there is no effective treatment for monkey grass crown rot. You should immediately remove any infected plants from the area and treat the area repeatedly with fungicide. Even with treatment, however, you may not be able to rid the area of the crown rot fungus, and it may spread to other plants. Avoid planting anything new in the area that may also be susceptible to crown rot. There are over 200 plants that are susceptible to crown rot. Some of the more popular plants include: Hostas Peonies Bleeding heart Daylilies Periwinkle Lily-of-the-valley[图片]
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Monkey grass (Liriope spicata) is a grass that is quite common in areas that are hilly or uneven because they fill in the area quite nicely. It comes in thick and is quite easy to grow. A lot of people are not sure about what to do about pruning monkey grass or cutting monkey grass. They ask themselves, “How low should I cut back my monkey grass,” or “may I mow it, or do I need to trim with clippers?” When you worry about how well you take care of your yard or land, you might be worried, but there is nothing to worry about.[图片]What is Monkey Grass? Monkey grass is a member of the lily family. What makes turfs from the lily family so desirable a landscape material is that they are quite versatile and can handle many different environmental conditions. Monkey grass can handle hot conditions better than a lot of shrubs and ground covers can. They are especially easy to grow and maintain on steep slopes where it is hard to maintain any sort of grass.[图片]Tips for Trimming Back Monkey Grass If you are wondering when to cut back monkey grass or can you mow monkey grass, you are not alone. A lot of people don’t know what to do with it. Pruning monkey grass or trimming back monkey grass isn’t too complicated. It will start to grow by mid-spring. If you want to know when to cut back monkey grass, you can cut the plants back to 3 inches early spring. Pruning monkey grass helps take out the battered leaves and permits new leaves to come in and flourish. Cutting monkey grass with a lawnmower or trimmer is great for larger areas of the grass, but trimmers work just as well on pruning monkey grass where it is growing in a smaller area.[图片]After trimming back monkey grass, you can fertilize and feed the area. Be sure to include weed control as well. If you have just finished trimming back monkey grass, make sure to mulch the area with straw, bark or compost. This way it will be ready for a new season of growing. If you are wondering, “How low should I cut back my monkey grass,” you now know you can cut it as if you used a mower, or use a mower for cutting monkey grass so you can get it read for the growing season. This way it will be healthy and fill in nicely.
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