Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
A healthy stand of bamboo is surprisingly resistant to pests and diseases. Even so, you may occasionally notice spots and discolorations that indicate problems. This article has the answer to common bamboo plant problems. [图片]Preventing Bamboo Diseases It’s easier to prevent bamboo plant diseases than to cure them once they take hold. Good growing conditions promote healthy plants that resist diseases. Here’s what a bamboo plant needs to thrive: Good water management is essential. The plants need a steady supply of moisture, but at the same time, the soil should drain well so that it doesn’t stay soggy for long. Organically rich soils help regulate moisture. A location with plenty of bright sunlight promotes good health and vigor. Proper nutrition helps keep plants green and growing. A bamboo fertilizer is best, but not always available. Palm fertilizers also work well, and in a pinch you can use a lawn fertilizer. Be careful that you don’t use a weed and feed product that contains herbicides. Some diseases in bamboo plants are spread primarily through nurseries that sell diseased plants. Make sure you buy your plants from a reputable nursery, and ask if the plants have been tested for disease. [图片]Treating Bamboo Problems Before you can treat bamboo diseases, you have to identify the problem. Fortunately, there aren’t many diseases that affect bamboo, and they are easily distinguished. If the bamboo disease treatment calls for pruning, disinfect the pruning shears between cuts by flaming the blades so that you don’t spread the disease. Fungal spots – Fungal spots, like rust, sometimes appear on older plants. The spots are round and mostly cosmetic. They appear most often in humid climates. You can treat the disease with a copper-based fungicide, but since the plants that have spots are old, consider culling them to make room for younger, more vigorous plants. Bamboo Mosaic Virus – this virus is usually acquired in a nursery setting where it is transmitted on the blades of pruning tools. The first symptom is a mosaic discoloration pattern on the leaves. You will eventually see dieback beginning at the top of the plant. There is no cure for the disease, but you may be able to keep the plants alive for a while with aggressive pruning. Remember to sterilize pruners between cuts. Sooty mold – Sooty mold is caused by small, sucking insects such as mealybugs, aphids and scale insects. As these insects feed, they excrete a sticky substance called honeydew. The honeydew quickly becomes infested with the sooty mold fungus, causing unsightly black spots. You can wash it off the plant, but as long as you have an insect infestation, it returns repeatedly. Get rid of the insects with frequent applications of insecticidal soaps or oils. Follow the label instructions, and apply as often as the instructions allow until the insects are gone. With oils, it is important to follow the timing guidelines on the label. Rot issues – Root rots and heart rots also affect bamboo. Heart rot is a fungus living inside the stems and can occur in any part of the stem. Root rot affects the roots and lower part of the stem. Either type of rot may be accompanied by mushrooms growing on the bamboo or on the soil at the base of the plant. These diseases can’t be cured and will eventually kill the plant. Remove the plants, taking care to remove all of the roots to prevent the spread of the disease to other plants.
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There are over one thousand species of bamboo. Some are majestic giants soaring to over one-hundred feet in the air. Others are shrub-like, growing only three feet tall. Bamboo plants belong to the grass family. They are more closely related to turf grass than they are to a tree. Most bamboos hail from the tropics, but there are also many temperate bamboos. A few can even survive freezing mountain temperatures. While these plants are generally hardy, when bamboo leaves are yellow, this could signal an issue. Read on to learn more. [图片]Yellowing Bamboo Leaves Bamboo is a popular ornamental and edible plant. Many homeowners and gardeners plant bamboo because it can screen out unwanted views or create a private space. Bamboo is fast growing and spreads quickly. Like all ornamental plants, bamboo has certain requirements to stay healthy. True bamboo has hollow stems and bright green leaves. If your bamboo leaves are yellow, this could be a sign that your plant is failing. [图片]How to Treat Yellow Bamboo Leaves Bamboo is an evergreen plant. All evergreen plants lose their leaves, but they don’t lose them all at once like their deciduous friends. Some yellowing bamboo leaves and dropping bamboo leaves are normal processes throughout the year. There will be a bit more leaf loss in the spring. So if just a few of your bamboo stems and leaves are turning yellow, this is probably normal attrition. If large parts or all of your bamboo is turning yellow, however, then you most likely have a problem. Problematic yellowing bamboo leaves can be due to low soil nutrients, boggy soil or overwatering, lack of water, or stressful growing situations. If you want help for yellow bamboo leaves, check the soil regularly. Bamboo needs good drainage. If the soil is mucky and boggy, then you are overwatering or the bamboo is planted in the wrong spot. Reduce irrigation. If your soil is really dry, then you need to increase your irrigation run time and/or frequency. Bamboo likes a lot of water and is not a drought tolerant plant. Remember that bamboo plants spread wider and wider each year. You will need to adapt your irrigation set-up as the bamboo grows. Allow the bamboo leaf litter to stay on the ground rather than rake it up. This helps hold moisture in the soil. Bamboo plants like acidic, rich, loamy soil. Bamboo will benefit from regular, yearly applications of organic compost. Organic compost provides a variety of soil nutrients at a modest rate. It also helps hold soil nutrients for your bamboo plants to use and opens up heavy clay soil that doesn’t drain well. Stressful growing situations for your bamboo plants could mean the site is too windy, too hot, too dry, or too polluted. If you have one of these situations, you may need to mitigate it by growing a windbreak, adding more irrigation water or reducing nearby applications of chemical pesticides, herbicides or synthetic fertilizers. Growing bamboo is fun and easy. One of the most exciting aspects of growing bamboo is to witness how quickly it grows. If your bamboo stems and leaves are turning yellow, try some of these suggestions to get your bamboo back on track.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Bamboo has a reputation for being invasive and hard to control, and because of this, gardeners tend to shy away from it. This reputation isn’t unfounded, and you shouldn’t plant bamboo without first doing some research. If you plan accordingly and pay attention to what variety you’re planting, however, bamboo can be a great addition to your garden. Keep reading to learn about different varieties of bamboo. [图片]Bamboo Plant Types Bamboo can be split into two general types: running and clumping. Clumping bamboo grows just as the name suggests – in a big clump of grass that mainly grows up and stays put where you’ve planted it. This is the recommended type if you want a well-behaved bamboo stand in your garden that you don’t have to worry about spreading. Running bamboo, on the other hand, will spread like crazy if not kept in check. It propagates by sending out underground runners, called rhizomes, which send up new shoots elsewhere. These rhizomes can travel more than 100 feet before sprouting, meaning your new bamboo patch may suddenly become your neighbor’s new bamboo patch as well. And then their neighbor’s. Because of this, you should not plant running bamboo unless you know how to contain it and are willing to keep an eye on it. You can achieve a containing effect underground by surrounding the bamboo with metal sheeting, concrete, or a store-bought root barrier, buried a minimum of 2 feet below ground and extending a minimum of 4 inches above ground. Bamboo roots are surprisingly shallow, and this should stop any runners. You should still check on the bamboo regularly, though, to make sure no rhizomes have escaped. Planting your bamboo in a large above-ground container that does not rest on soil is a more foolproof option. [图片]Common Bamboo Varieties Bamboo is an evergreen grass that has different cold tolerances for different types of bamboo. The varieties of bamboo you can plant outdoors will be dictated by the coldest temperature your area reaches in winter. [图片]Cold-hardy types Three running bamboo varieties that are very cold hardy include: Golden Grove Black bamboo Kuma bamboo Two cold hardy clumping bamboo plant types are: Chinese Mountain Umbrella bamboo The warmer your climate, the more your options you have for different types of bamboo. [图片]Warm climate types Clumping bamboo varieties: Chinese Goddess Hedge bamboo Fernleaf Silverstripe Running types include: Black bamboo Red Margin Golden Golden Giant Japanese Timber
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My bamboo is turning brown; is that normal? The answer is – maybe, or maybe not! If you’re noticing your bamboo plant tips are brown, it’s time to do some troubleshooting to determine the cause. Read on to determine possible reasons for a browning bamboo plant. [图片]Causes for a Browning Bamboo Plant Insect pests are often to blame for a bamboo with brown tips, and the most likely culprits are sap-sucking insects such as mites, mealybugs, scale or aphids. Mites – These miniscule pests, which are difficult to see with the naked eye, are especially common during dry weather when bamboo leaves are dusty. If you suspect mites, look for tiny specks and fine webbing on the leaves. Aphids – One of the most common sap-sucking pests, tiny aphids can do a lot of damage when left unchecked. Although aphids are usually green, they may also be tan, brown, red, yellow, grey or even black. Aphids excrete generous quantities of honeydew, which attracts hordes of ants. The sticky substance can also invite sooty mold. Scale – Scale are tiny, sap-sucking insects recognized by their waxy, brown or tan shell-like covering. Like aphids, many types of scale create honeydew that, in turn, draws ants and sooty mold to the bamboo plant. Mealybugs – These common bamboo pests are easy to spot by their whitish, cottony protective covering. Again, ants and sooty mold may result with an infestation of mealybugs. Most sap-sucking insects are relatively easy to control by spraying the plants with insecticidal soap or neem oil. If the infestation is light, a strong blast of water with a spray nozzle may be enough to knock them off the leaves. Chemical insecticides generally aren’t necessary and tend to do much more harm than good as the toxins kill bees, ladybugs, and other beneficial insects. Cultural or environmental conditions can also lead to browning on bamboo plants. Heat – Too much heat or direct sunlight may be the reason for a browning bamboo plant, as most bamboo varieties prefer shade or partial sunlight. Water – Both under- and over-watering can cause a bamboo with brown tips. A new bamboo plant benefits from watering once or twice a week until the plant reaches the three- to six-month mark. After that time, in-ground plants usually require no supplemental irrigation. When it comes to potted bamboo, slightly on the dry side is always preferable to wet, soggy soil. A mature bamboo plant will let you know when it’s thirsty; don’t water the plant until the leaves begin to curl. Fertilizer – Be careful about using too much fertilizer, which may be responsible if bamboo plant tips are brown. Even natural fertilizer, such as fish emulsion, may contain salts that can burn bamboo leaves. Winter Damage – Most bamboo varieties tolerate winters in climates as far north as USDA planting zone 5. However, chilly weather can burn the leaves of many types of bamboo. Some of the leaves may even drop from the plant, but they’ll soon be replaced by new leaves. [图片]Care of a Browning Bamboo Once you‘ve resolved the reason for a browning bamboo plant, the plant should rebound nicely. However, it’s a good idea to trim the browned leaves or tips with a clean, sharp pair of scissors. Cut the leaves at an angle to create a more natural appearance. If the leaves are completely brown, just pull them gently from the plant.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Bamboo gets a bad rap. Famous for spreading rapidly through underground rhizomes, it’s a plant that a lot of gardeners deem not worth the trouble. And while some varieties of bamboo can take over if not kept in check, there’s one surefire way to prevent those rhizomes from getting all over your yard: growing bamboo in pots. Keep reading to learn more about container grown bamboo and caring for bamboo in pots. [图片]Growing Bamboo in Containers Bamboo varieties can be split into two main categories: running and clumping. It’s the running ones that spread all over garden if you let them, while clumping varieties stay put and expand at a slow and respectable rate. Growing bamboo in pots is possible for both varieties, though there will be a difference in how quickly you have to repot them. Bamboo grows a lot, even the clumping kind, and leaving it in the same pot for too long will make it become root bound and weak, eventually killing it. Since running bamboo puts out so many runners, it’s likely to become root bound much faster. Part of caring for bamboo in pots is making sure it has ample room for its roots. Ten gallons is the smallest reasonable container size, and bigger is always better. Big 25- to 30-gallon wine barrels are ideal. If your container grown bamboo is in a smaller pot, you’ll have to either transplant it or divide it every few years to keep it healthy. Bamboo can be transplanted at any time of year, but division should take place in the autumn or winter. [图片]How to Care for Bamboo in Containers Other than root space, caring for bamboo in pots is easy. Bamboo needs plenty of water and good drainage. In the winter, the roots are at risk of cold. Protect them by wrapping the pot in burlap or mulching heavily. If you have especially cold winters, it might be safest and easiest to bring your container grown bamboo indoors. Keep the plants at 40-50 degrees Fahrenheit (4-10 C.) and give them plenty of light until outdoor temperatures rise again.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Once considered an exotic plant in the garden, many gardeners have discovered that bamboo is a versatile and robust addition to the home garden. Bamboo growth is fast and thick, and can quickly add a lovely and lush feature to the garden in no time. Caring for bamboo plants is easy and simple. Here are a few tips on bamboo plant care to help you. [图片]Choosing a Location for Bamboo Plants Bamboo (Bambusa spp.) is a versatile plant and most species can survive in many conditions. But bamboo growing in full sun will grow the fastest. Bamboo plants also like to have fertile, slightly acidic, well drained but moist soil. Remember, these are simply the best conditions under which to get the best bamboo growth. As long as you provide a few of these conditions, most bamboos will still be happy. [图片]Planting Bamboo Plants Once you have chosen a place to start your bamboo growing, you can plant your bamboo. Dig a hole that is twice as wide as the rootball on your bamboo. Set the bamboo in the hole and spread the roots out some in the hole. Gently backfill the hole, tamping down the soil some as you go. Water the hole thoroughly to help fill in any air pockets. Planting the bamboo this way allows the bamboo to establish faster, as the soil around it will be loose and the roots and rhizomes will be able to grow in it more quickly. Water weekly until the bamboo plants are established. If possible, provide some shade to the newly planted bamboo for the first two weeks after planting. [图片]Caring for Bamboo Plants Bamboo plant care after the plants are established is pretty straightforward. Bamboo does best if it gets at least 1 inch of water a week, either from rainfall or manual watering. Water bamboo deeply to encourage deep roots, which will help protect your bamboo from drought. If possible, do not rake up bamboo leaves from the bamboo roots. The leaves will help keep the roots protected and moist. They will also return essential nutrients to the soil as they decompose, which will encourage bamboo growth. Adding a layer of mulch to bamboo roots will also keep your bamboo growing strong. Proper bamboo plant care recommends that a layer of compost or balanced fertilizer be added in the spring. [图片]Controlling Bamboo Growth Sometimes bamboo growing in your yard will grow too much. It is important to find out how aggressive your variety of bamboo plants are. If you have a vigorous growing bamboo, such as the running type, you will want to consider planting it in a barrier or installing a barrier if the clump is already established. The barrier should go down at least 2 to 3 inches underground, if not more, and be 2 to 3 inches above ground. The barrier should surround the bamboo completely. Once the barrier is installed, check the top of the barrier at least once a year. Cut back any bamboo growing over the top of the barrier to prevent it from escaping. Caring for bamboo plants is almost care free, especially if growing the clumping variety vs. the running, more invasive type. Also, check with your local extension office beforehand to see if planting the running bamboo varieties is allowed, as in some areas it may be banned, though the clumping bamboo is typically fine. Enjoy the tropical and Asian flair that having bamboo growing in your garden is sure to add.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Also known as Japanese shield fern or Japanese wood fern, autumn fern (Dryopteris erythrosora) is a hardy plant suitable for growing as far north as USDA hardiness zone 5. Autumn ferns in the garden offer beauty throughout the growing season, emerging coppery red in spring, eventually maturing to a bright, glossy, kelly green by summer. Read on to learn how to grow autumn ferns. [图片]Autumn Fern Info and Growing Like all ferns, the autumn fern produces no seeds and no flowers are required. Thus, ferns are strictly foliage plants. This ancient woodland plant thrives in partial or full shade and moist, rich, well-drained, slightly acidic soil. However, autumn fern can tolerate short periods of afternoon sunlight, but won’t perform well in intense heat or prolonged sunlight. Is autumn fern invasive? Although autumn fern is a non-native plant, it is not known to be invasive, and growing autumn ferns in gardens couldn’t be easier. Adding a few inches of compost, peat moss or leaf mold to the soil at planting time will improve growing conditions and get the fern off to a healthy start. Once established, autumn fern care is minimal. Basically, just provide water as needed so the soil never becomes bone dry, but be careful not to overwater. Although fertilizer isn’t an absolute necessity and too much will damage the plant, autumn fern benefits from a light application of slow-release fertilizer just after growth appears in spring. Keep in mind that autumn fern is a naturally slow-growing plant. Fall is a good time to apply an inch or two of compost or mulch, which will protect the roots from possible damage caused by freezing and thawing. Apply a fresh layer in spring. Autumn fern tends to be disease resistant, although the plant may rot in soggy, poorly-drained soil. Pests are rarely a problem, with the exception of possible damage from slugs.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Foxtail asparagus ferns are unusual and attractive evergreen flowering plants and have many uses in the landscape and beyond. Asparagus densiflorus ‘Myers’ is related to the asparagus fern ‘Sprengeri’ and is actually a member of the lily family. Let’s find out how to take care of a foxtail fern in the garden. [图片]About Foxtail Ferns Foxtail ferns are not really ferns, as they’re multiplied from seeds and produce no spores. The common name likely came from the clumping habit of the plant that is similar to that of a fern. Foxtail asparagus ferns have an unusual, symmetrical look. These fern-like plants have arching plumes of tightly packed, needle-like leaves that look soft and delicate. Foxtail fern plants bloom with white flowers and produce red berries. The plants appear fragile and may cause gardeners to shy away from them, expecting difficult and extensive care of foxtail fern. Don’t let the appearance deceive you, however. In reality, foxtail ferns are tough and hardy specimens, flourishing with limited care. Foxtail fern plants are drought resistant once established. Learning how to take care of a foxtail fern is far from difficult. [图片]How to Take Care of a Foxtail Fern Plant the outdoor foxtail fern in a lightly shaded area, particularly avoiding hot afternoon sun in the hottest zones. The potted specimen outside can take gentle morning sun with light shade for the rest of the day. Indoors, locate the foxtail in bright light and even direct morning sun in winter. Provide humidity to plants growing indoors. Foxtail fern plants benefit from regular water during drought and seasonal fertilization. These plants demonstrate their need for fertilization when the needle-like leaves turn pale or yellow. Feed this plant in spring with a time released food or monthly during the growing season with a balanced 10-10-10 plant food at half strength. Keep the soil lightly moist. Allow the top 3 inches of soil to dry out between waterings. The foxtail, also called ponytail fern or emerald fern, benefits from immersion for thorough watering. Prune back yellowing stems on the plant as needed for a tidy appearance and to encourage new growth. The ripe red berries on foxtail ferns after flowering contain seeds to propagate for more of the lovely plants. You can also divide foxtail fern plants in spring, making sure the tuberous root system is entirely covered with a well draining soil. Tubers may grow through the top of the soil on plants that are overcrowded in the pot. [图片]Uses for Foxtail Fern Plants Take advantage of this attractive plant for many of your gardening needs. Bottlebrush-like plumes of foxtail fern plants are versatile; useful in the perennial border alongside other flowering plants, in outdoor containers and as houseplants for winter months. Foxtail ferns have a moderate salt tolerance, so include them in your seaside plantings when a finely textured plant is desired in USDA Zones 9-11. In colder zones, grow the plant as an annual or in a container to bring inside for the winter. Foxtail plumes are also useful as greenery in cut flower arrangements, lasting for two to three weeks before the foliage yellows.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
The asparagus fern plant (Asparagus aethiopicus syn. Asparagus densiflorus) is normally found in a hanging basket, decorating the deck or patio in summer and helping to clean indoor air in winter. The asparagus fern plant is not really a fern at all, but a member of the Liliaceae family. When growing asparagus ferns outside, place them in a part sun to shady location for best foliage growth. While the asparagus fern plant may sometimes flower, the tiny white flowers are small and not necessary for the beauty of growing asparagus fern. [图片]Information on Asparagus Fern Care Growing asparagus fern is easy. The frilly, feathery asparagus fern plant appears soft and fuzzy, but when taking care of asparagus ferns you may be surprised to find they have thorny spurs. This, however, is no reason not to grow asparagus ferns, simply wear gloves during asparagus fern care. Asparagus fern can provide small flowers and berries when it is happy in its location. Berries can be planted to propagate the asparagus fern plant. Medium green, cascading foliage that will quickly fill a container can be expected when growing asparagus fern. Growing asparagus fern indoors takes a little more effort. Humidity is necessary and indoor areas are often dry because of winter heat. Mist the plant daily and provide a nearby pebble tray to keep the tiny leaves from turning brown and dropping. The fern may dry out to the point it appears dead; however, outdoor springtime temperatures generally revive them. Keep the plant well watered in all situations and repot every few years.[图片]Care of asparagus ferns indoors involves misting the arching stems to provide humidity to the plant. When you grow asparagus ferns outside in summer, asparagus fern care involves watering, fertilizing to encourage growth and occasionally pruning out dead stems. Asparagus ferns prefer to be pot bound, so yearly division is not needed or desirable. Combine this reliable specimen with summer blooms and foliage plants for an attractive container. A spiky, shade loving plant does well at the center of the pot, surrounded by the cascading branches of the asparagus fern.
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Fine, delicate foliage and an attractive, mounding habit are just a couple of reasons gardeners like growing the silver mound plant (Artemisia schmidtiana ‘Silver Mound’). As you learn about growing and caring for silver mound plant, you will likely find other reasons to grow a few more in the garden. [图片]Uses for Silver Mound Artemisia This attractive plant is useful as a spreading border for the flower bed, when used as edging in the perennial garden and growing along paths and walkways. The delicate foliage retains its shape and color during the hottest months of summer. Of the Asteraceae family, the silver mound Artemisia is the only member with a prostrate, spreading habit. Unlike others of the species, the silver mound plant is not invasive. Often called silver mound wormwood, this cultivar is a relatively dwarf plant. Scattered among tall, flowering summer blooms, the silver mound plant serves as a long lasting ground cover, shading out growing weeds and further reducing silver mound care. [图片]Information on Caring for Silver Mound full to partial sun location in average soil. Planting this specimen in less than fertile soil decreases some aspects of silver mound care. Soils that are too rich or too poor create the condition of splitting, dying out or separating in the middle of the mound. This is best corrected by division of the plant. Regular division of the silver mound Artemisia is a part of caring for silver mound, but is required less often if planted in the proper soil. The silver mound Artemisia is a small, resilient plant, resistant to deer, rabbits and many pests, making it an excellent addition for outlying rock gardens or beds near wooded or natural areas. Silver mound Artemisia care, other than division every two to three years, consists of infrequent watering during periods of no rain and a mid-summer trim, usually around the time the insignificant flowers appear in late June. Trimming keeps the plant tidy and helps it maintain its mounding shape and avoid splitting. Plant the silver mound Artemisia in your garden or flower bed for attractive, silver foliage and low maintenance. Drought and pest resistant, you may discover it is a desirable addition to your garden.
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