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Cactus collectors love the little Astrophytum star cactus. It is a spineless cactus with a chubby round body resembling a sand dollar. Star cactus plants are easy to grow and make an interesting part of a succulent or arid garden display. Find out how to grow a star cactus and add this adorable little specimen to your dish garden or succulent pot.[图片]Astrophytum Star Cactus Characteristics The common names for plants are often the most descriptive and a fun way to learn about the plant. Star cactus plants (Astrophytum asteria) are also known as sea urchin cactus, sand dollar cactus or star peyote — which refers to the flower. They are also very similar in nature to Peyote cactus plants. The round body may grow 2 to 6 inches across with gently ridged sides. It is green to grayish brown and covered in tiny white dots that radiate down the ridges. The body has eight sections which are decorated with fine white hairs. The lucky gardener that provides excellent Astrophytum cactus care will be rewarded in March to May with 3-inch yellow flowers that boast orange centers. These turn into drupes or berries in late spring, which may be gray, pink or reddish and covered in wooly hair.[图片]How to Grow a Star Cactus The plant has been overly collected in its habitat and the wild population is threatened. Get your star cactus plants from an accredited nursery that grows them from seed. This cactus is hardy in USDA plant hardiness zones 8 to 9 but does perfectly well in a sunny window in the home. If you get your hands on seeds, start them in seed flats with a sandy composite soil mix. Keep the soil moist until germination and then move them to a sunny location with protection from noonday sun. Mist the soil when caring for star cactus babies as overhead watering can damage the tender tissues. They will need to be kept moist until the seedling is robust and at least ½ inch tall.[图片]Astrophytum Cactus Care Novice gardeners love the ease of cacti care as interior plants. They thrive on neglect, although star cactus plants will need water occasionally. The body will flatten out and turn brown if it is in dire need of water. Pot them up in a purchased cactus mix or equal parts potting soil and sand. The container should be free draining and unglazed so excess moisture evaporates readily. April is the best time to repot, but actually the plants like to be pot bound so this doesn’t need to be done frequently. Fertilize June to September when caring for star cactus. Reduce the amount of water you give in the dormant winter months. Root rots, scab and mealybugs prey on this plant. Watch for signs and treat immediately.
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Saguaro cactus (Carnegiea gigantea) blossoms are the state flower of Arizona. The cactus is a very slow growing plant, which may add only 1 to 1 ½ inches in the first eight years of life. The Saguaro grows arms or lateral stems but it may take up to 75 years to produce the first one. Saguaro are very long lived and many found in the desert are 175 years old. It is likely that rather than growing Saguaro cactus in the home garden, you may find yourself the becoming owner of a well established Saguaro cactus when you buy a new home or build a home on land where Saguaro cactus already grow.[图片]Saguaro Cactus Characteristics Saguaro have barrel-shaped bodies with peripheral stems called arms. The exterior of the trunk is pleated due to the way it grows. The pleats expand, allowing the cactus to gather extra water in the rainy season and storing it in its tissues. An adult cactus may weigh 6 tons or more when filled with water and requires a strong internal support skeleton of connected ribs. A young growing Saguaro cactus may only be a few inches tall as ten year old plants and take decades to resemble the adults.[图片]Where Do Saguaro Cactus Grow? These cacti are native to and only grow in the Sonoran Desert. Saguaro are not found in the entire desert but only in areas that don’t freeze and at certain elevations. The freezing point is one of the most important considerations of where do Saguaro cactus grow. The cactus plants are found from sea level up to 4,000 feet. If they are growing above 4,000 feet, the plants survive only on south slopes where there are fewer freezes of shorter duration. Saguaro cactus plants are important parts of the desert ecology, both as habitat and as food.[图片]Saguaro Cactus Care It is not legal to procure a Saguaro cactus for home cultivation by digging it out of the desert. Beyond that, mature Saguaro cactus plants almost always die when transplanted. Saguaro cactus babies grow under the protection of nurse trees. The cactus will continue to grow and often its nurse tree will expire. It is thought the cactus may cause the nurse tree to die by competing for resources. The nurse trees provide Saguaro cactus babies with shelter from the harsh rays of the sun and dispersing moisture from evaporation. Saguaro cactus needs to grow in well-drained grit and receive low levels of water, with the soil drying out completely between irrigation. Annually fertilizing with cactus food in spring will help the plant complete its growth cycle. There are common cactus pests, such as scale and mealybugs, that will require manual or chemical controls.[图片]Saguaro Cactus Blossoms Saguaro cactus are slow to develop and may be 35 years of age or more before they produce the first flower. The flowers bloom in May until June and are a creamy white color and about 3 inches across. The Saguaro cactus blossoms only open at night and close in the day, which means they are pollinated by moths, bats and other nocturnal creatures.. The flowers are generally located at the end of the arms but may occasionally decorate the sides of the cactus.
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Saguaro are one of the most stately and statuesque of the cacti. They are also fall prey to a nasty infection called bacterial necrosis of saguaro. What is bacterial necrosis? If you know what necrosis is, you can tell by the name that this disease is very simply a condition that rots the tissues of the plant. It is a smelly, potentially life threatening disease with some difficult control practices. The importance of detecting and beginning treatment cannot be stressed, as the plant can live for some time with small spots of the disease, but will eventually succumb if left untreated.[图片]What is Bacterial Necrosis? Saguaro cactus can live for 200 years and grow up to 60 feet in height. These monstrous desert dwellers look imposing and impervious but can actually be brought down by a tiny bacteria. Saguaro cactus necrosis can invade the plant in a number of ways. It eventually creates necrotic pockets in the flesh which will spread. These necrotic areas are dead plant tissue and, if left unchecked, can eventually kill these regal plants. Treating bacterial necrosis in saguaro in the early stages can give the plant an 80 percent chance of survival. Saguaro cactus problems are rare, as these prickly giants have developed methods of protection from predators and are remarkably adaptable to a variety of unfavorable conditions. Saguaro cactus necrosis starts out as dark spots in the flesh, which is soft and smelly. Eventually, the disease progresses to rotten lesions that exude dark, smelly fluid.[图片]Saguaro cactus necrosis may also develop into a corky patch where the plant is trying to heal itself. Any breach of the corked area will release the bacteria and infect more of the plant. The villain is a bacteria called Erwinia. It can get into the plant from any injury and even from a moth’s feeding activities. The bacteria also survives in soil until it finds a victim. Treating Bacterial Necrosis in Saguaro Bacterial necrosis of saguaro treatment is mostly manual, as there are no approved chemicals to combat the bacteria. The infected material needs to be removed from the plant and the area cleaned to prevent the spread of the disease. Infected material must be destroyed and not added to the compost bin. Immediately doing “surgery” on your plant may or may not save it, however, as the bacteria lives in the soil or in dead plant matter on the ground.[图片]Any future injury or even the tunneling of larvae into the plant will leave it open to re-infection. You should treat the process just like a surgery and prepare by sterilizing all tools you will use and arming yourself with some heavy gloves to prevent getting stuck by the plant’s spines. Saguaro cactus problems from bacterial necrosis begin with open, oozing wounds. You will need a sharp, clean knife to cut out the area. Excise at least ½ inch of the surrounding healthy tissue as well. As you cut, dip the knife into a 1:9 ratio solution of bleach and water to sanitize between cuts. As you make your cuts, angle them so any water will drain out of the cactus.[图片]Rinse the hole you have made with the bleach solution to kill any remaining pathogen. The hole needs to remain open to the air to dry out and callus naturally. In most instances, the cactus will be fine provided the bacteria is not re-introduced. In rare cases, a cactus has been entirely girdled by the disease and, sadly, the plant needs to be removed and destroyed. This usually only happens on large plantations or in the wild where the keen eye of the gardener is not aware of potential problems.
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You may have seen them in your local produce market – those plump pinkish red fruits with characteristic scars from thorns. These are heat-loving prickly pear fruit. Southern foragers can simply go out into their wild regions and pick the fruit, but when do you harvest prickly pear fruit? Foragers interested in trying the fruits for themselves should read on for a few tips on how to pick prickly pear cactus and what to do with them once you have a bountiful harvest.[图片]When Do You Harvest Prickly Pear Fruit? Prickly pear fruit is found in warm regions of North America but even northern denizens can get a taste of this unique fruit in specialty markets. Prickly pear fruit is a traditional food of the indigenous population of arid, warm regions. The chubby little fruits are excellent eaten raw, stewed, canned or prepared into preserves but first you have to have a plant for picking prickly pear fruit. Harvesting isn’t difficult, but you need to take some precautions to protect yourself from the long spines and even more insidious glochids.[图片]August is when the fat cactus pads of the prickly pear are adorned with ruby red fruits. Most expert gatherers recommend picking prickly pear fruit with a deep ruby color and no green remaining. These fruits will be sweetest and juiciest with the best flavor and will also remove easily. You should have long sleeves and thick leather gloves to protect yourself from the spines. The tiny, almost invisible glochids are the more dangerous than the large spines. A single brush against the fruit and you may get hundreds of invisible, fine spines imbedded in your skin. Bring along some duct tape just in case this happens. Use it to remove the spines and save yourself a lot of time and irritation.[图片]How to Pick Prickly Pear Cactus There are a couple of schools of thought on the method used for harvesting prickly pear fruit. Most foragers use a pair of tongs or something similar to simply twist off the fruits. Ripe fruit should twist off easily. Alternatively, it has been suggested that a small butane burner with a wand is the best method. Use the tool to scorch off the pear’s thorns and glochlids. Using a burner makes harvesting prickly pear fruit less fraught with peril, as the lack of spines renders the fruit safe to grab. Always leave a few fruit for wild animals and birds. Place fruit in a basket or bag but try not to layer them too much, crushing the bottom fruit.[图片]Prickly Pear Fruit Harvest Storage Fruits will store in refrigeration for a couple of days but they are best used fresh. Store in a single layer of your crisper. If you have a bumper crop, you may choose to store them in the freezer. This will break down the fruit but it is still useful to make juice or a preserves. Frozen fruit can be mashed and strained to remove any seeds, skin and stray thorns. The juice will go bad in just a few days so should be used immediately or refrozen. Common uses for a good prickly pear fruit harvest might be as a syrup in desserts, fermented into a delicious vinegar, or even in a tea. The juice also adds interest to many common alcoholic concoctions and enhances meats as a salsa or chutney.
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Drought tolerant plants are important parts of the home landscape. Prickly pear plant is an excellent arid garden specimen that is appropriate for USDA plant hardiness zones 9 to 11. Growing prickly pear in colder climates can be done in containers where they are moved indoors when cold temperatures threaten. The question, “How to grow prickly pear?” is best answered with a little background on the plant.[图片]Prickly Pear Plant Characteristics Prickly pears are vigorously growing cactus with detachable spines which means they may not be suitable for every garden. The plants are perfect for the hot as a griddle areas of your garden. The plant is comprised of wide, flat, thick pads that are covered in spines and segmented stems. There are 181 species of prickly pear plant that range from low growing plants just over a foot high to 18 foot high giants.[图片]Types of Prickly Pear The wide range of cactus available for the home garden, provide a plant for every warm season situation. The diminutive Beavertail prickly pear (Opuntia basilaris) has bluish gray pads that are slightly triangular in shape and carried on a 20 inch tall frame that can spread 20 to 30 inches wide. The Indian fig prickly pear (Opuntia ficus-indica) is a monster of a cactus that grows in a treelike habit. It bears an edible fruit and large orange or yellow flowers. The types of prickly pear have numerous descriptive names, among them bunny ears (Opuntia microdasys) and cow’s tongue (Opuntia engelmannii).[图片]Planting Prickly Pear The first thing to remember when planting prickly pear is to wear thick gloves and full length sleeves. It will be helpful to have a second pair of hands to keep the cactus stable when lowering it into the hole. Plant the prickly pear at the same level it was growing in the nursery pot. Some exterior support may be necessary for larger specimens while it establishes. Planting prickly pear cactus requires careful handling to avoid damaging the plant and you.[图片]How to Grow a Prickly Pear Prickly pears are easy to grow. They need well-drained soil and can survive on rainwater after established. During rooting, the plant should be irrigated every two or three weeks. When you choose a cactus, consider the size it will eventually become and plant it away from pathways and areas where people will brush against it. Growing prickly pear successfully relies on a warm, dry climate. You can easily grow your own prickly pear. Propagation from pads is quick and quite simple. The pads are actually specialized flattened stems. Six month old pads are removed from the plant and set out in a dry area to form a callus on the cut end for several weeks. A half and half mix of soil and sand is good for planting prickly pear pads. The pad will form roots in a few months. During this time, it needs support and should not be watered. The pad can be watered after it will stand on its own.
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Mistletoe cactus (Rhipsalis baccifera) is a tropical succulent native to rainforests in warm regions. The grownup name for this cactus is Rhipsalis mistletoe cactus. This cactus is found in Florida, Mexico and Brazil. Surprisingly, growing Rhipsalis requires shade to partial shade. While most cacti are found in hot, sunny, arid zones, mistletoe cactus is unique in its requirements for moisture and dim light. Take some tips on how to grow mistletoe cactus and enjoy this unique and entertaining looking plant.[图片]About Rhipsalis Plants Rhipsalis mistletoe cactus is also called chain cactus and grows epiphytically in its tropical forest home. The cactus has pencil thin succulent stems that may reach 6 feet in length. The thick skin of the stems does not produce thorns, but it does have almost imperceptible bumps on the surface of the plant. These plants are found clinging to tree crotches, in branch nooks and nestled in rock crevasses. The Rhipsalis mistletoe cactus is easy to grow and has very minimal needs. It is perfect for the home interior in a northern or western window.[图片]Requirements for Growing Rhipsalis Mistletoe cactus is only hardy in USDA plant hardiness zones 9 to 10. The plant is most often found indoors and may simply be mounted on a piece of bark like an orchid or potted in a good cactus mix. If you are not prone to overwatering, you can plant the cactus in regular potting soil mixed with sand or other gritty material. The plant is used to living in the understory of the forest, where temperatures are at least 60 F. (15 C.) and light is filtered through the high limbs. Growing Rhipsalis is practically foolproof as long as you mimic its native conditions.[图片]How to Grow Mistletoe Cactus Mistletoe cacti are easy to grow from cuttings. Seeds take way too long and they require very even environmental conditions. Take cuttings and let the severed end callus for a few days. Plant the callused end in a cactus mix or sand that has been lightly moistened. Cuttings root in two to six weeks. Seeds can be started indoors in flats filled with sand and peat. Moisten the medium and plant the seeds 1/4-inch deep. Keep the medium barely moist until the plants germinate. Grow young plants in semi-shade and water when the surface of the soil is dry.[图片]Mistletoe Cactus Care Ensure that your mistletoe cactus is planted in well-drained soil. Potted plants benefit from a saucer filled with rocks and water to increase the ambient humidity in the home interior. The plant rarely needs fertilizing and has few other needs except moderate light and even moisture. Fertilize with a half dilution of cactus food from April to September, once per month. Water frequently in spring and summer, but suspend water in winter. If any of the stems are damaged, you can trim them off with a sharp, sterile knife. Use these as cuttings to start new Rhipsalis mistletoe cactus.
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Opuntia, or prickly pear cactus, is native to Mexico but grown all across its possible habitat of USDA zones 9 through 11. It usually grows to between 6 and 20 feet in height. Opuntia diseases occasionally occur, and one of the more common is Sammons’ Opuntia virus. Keep reading to learn more about Sammons’ virus of Opuntia cactus.[图片]Treating Virus in Cactus Plants Opuntia vulgaris, also known as Opuntia ficus-indica and more commonly as Indian fig prickly pear, is a cactus that produces tasty fruit. The pads of the cactus can be cooked and eaten as well, but the main draw are the edible orange to red fruits. There are a few common Opuntia diseases. Identifying a virus in cactus plants is essential, as some are much more of a problem than others. Sammons’ virus, for instance, is not a problem at all. It may make your cactus look a little strange, but it doesn’t affect the health of the plant and may, depending upon who you ask, make it look a little more interesting. That being said, it’s always better not to spread disease if you can help it.[图片]What is Sammons’ Opuntia Virus? So what is Sammons’ virus? Sammons’ Opuntia virus can be spotted in light yellow rings that appear on the pads of the cactus, earning the disease the alternate name of ringspot virus. Often, the rings are concentric. Studies show that the virus has absolutely no negative effects on the plant’s health. This is good, because there is no way to treat Sammons’ virus. Opuntia is the only known carrier of Sammons’ virus.[图片]It doesn’t seem to be spread by insects, but it is borne through the plant’s sap. The most common means of spread is human propagation with infected cuttings. To keep the disease from spreading, make sure to propagate your cactus only with pads that show no signs of the disease.
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Opuntia is the largest genus in the cactus family. You will recognize most by their classic “prickly pear” appearance. There are many types of Opuntia cactus that are common houseplants and are known for their jointed stems and flattened pads. All varieties of Opuntia are easy to grow provided there is ample light, well-drained soil and warm temperatures during the growing season. In warmer climates, growing Opuntia in gardens adds desert appeal and unique flora to the landscape. [图片]Different Varieties of Opuntia Cactus provide numerous textures and forms for the fun dish garden or as standalone specimens. Opuntia, with their many varied species, are readily available and have a classic form that calls to mind open desert and searing sun. The genus can be found wild across North and South Americas, the Caribbean, Argentina and even as far north as Canada. Interestingly, Opuntia freely hybridize, leading to new species and hybrid crosses. In the U.S. there are 40 recognized species. Most Opuntia species do not have classic spines but an arrangement called glochids. These are fine, detachable and fuzzy to woolly. If you touch them, you will immediately wish you hadn’t, as they are extremely irritable and difficult to remove. In spite of this detriment, Opuntia are extremely appealing and easy to grow. Some types of Opuntia cactus do have large spines, however. Flowers are cup shaped and may be yellow, white, or pink. These may develop into fruits of red or green. Some Opuntia cactus varieties have edible fruits called “tunas.” These can be made into delicious jam or even candy. The flat pads of the cactus are called cladodes. These pads are also edible and called “nopales.” Some fun Opuntia to grow might include: Purple prickly pear Barbary fig Tulip prickly pear Bunny ears prickly pear Violet prickly pear Pancake prickly pear Beaver tail pear [图片]Growing Opuntia Cacti The one thing Opuntia cannot stand is soggy soil. Soil needs to drain freely and have a high amount of gritty material mixed in. For outdoor plants, choose a sunny location with protection from winter winds. Fertilize monthly with a 0-10-10 to help produce flowers and fruits. Opuntia, once established, will tolerate as much water as necessary to keep pads from wrinkling. During the winter, diminish watering by half, as the plant will be in dormancy. Established cacti can have pads harvested 6 times per year. Use clean, sharp knives for harvesting. Take pads from mid-morning to midafternoon when the acid content is lowest for best flavor. “Tunas” are ripe at the end of summer. To harvest fruits, wait until the glochids fall off and then gently twist and pull. Ripe fruit should come off easily. [图片]Propagating Opuntia The cactus is easy to grow from seed but its slow progression means fully sized specimens will take years. For faster production, try growing Opuntia cacti from pads. Cut a pad that is at least 6 months old and allow the cut end to dry out a bit or callus. If you wish, dip the end in Bordeaux mix or brush on an anti-fungal dust. Make a mixture of equal parts sand or pumice and soil. Settle the pad an inch or so deep into this mixture with rocks or stakes around to hold it upright. Do not water until the pad has sent out roots, usually in a month. Then water the plant but let it dry out between successive waterings. Your new plant will flower and set fruit during the first year. Limit the number of pads you take from the plant for at least a year.
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Cactus are tough plants with many useful adaptations but even they can be laid low by tiny fungal spores. Phyllosticta pad spot is one of the fungal diseases that affects cactus in the Opuntia family. Phyllosticta symptoms in prickly pears are most prevalent and plants with the disease are at risk of cosmetic and vigor damage. Certain times of the year are the worst, but fortunately, once conditions dry out, the damaged areas abort the fungus and heal to a certain degree. [图片]Phyllosticta Symptoms in Prickly Pears Prickly pear leaf spot is a disease of that plant and others in the Opuntia family. The disease is brought about by tiny spores from the Phyllostica fungus. These colonize on the tissues, primarily the pads, of the cactus and eat into it causing lesions. There is no recommended treatment for Phyllosticta fungus, but it can spread to other ornamental plants and removal of infected pads and plant material is suggested to prevent the disease from reaching other species. In the cactus family, prickly pears are most affected by Phyllosticta concava. The disease is also called dry rot because it leaves lesions on the plant, which eventually callus and do not weep fluid like other fungal diseases. The disease starts out with dark, almost black, irregularly circular lesions which that in size from 1 to 2 inches in diameter. Tiny reproductive structures, called pycnidia, produce the dark color. These produce and release the spores which can infect other plants. As conditions change, the spots will fall out of the cactus and the area will callus over, leaving scars on the pads. No serious damage is done, provided the weather conditions transition to warm and dry. [图片]Phyllostica Control in Cactus For the most part, prickly pear leaf spot does not harm the plants but it is contagious and it does damage young pads the most. Lower pads are the most severely affected, as these are close to the ground. The spores spread through wind or splashing activity. The disease is active during the rainy season and where humidity is high. Once the weather changes to dry conditions, the fungus becomes inactive and falls out of the plant tissue. Severely affected tissue can develop many lesions, making way for the introduction of other pathogens and insects which can cause more damage than prickly pear leaf spot. Experts do not recommend fungicide or any other treatment for Phyllosticta fungus. This is probably due to the fact that the fungus is short acting and weather conditions usually improve, deactivating the disease. Additionally, the fungus doesn’t appear to impair the plant in most cases. [图片]Suggested Phyllosticta control in cactus is removal of infected parts. This is the case where pads have been invaded by numerous lesions and the numerous fruiting bodies pose an infection potential to the rest of the plant and surrounding species. Composting the infected plant material may not kill the spores. Therefore, bagging and discarding the pads is advised.
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Opuntia ficus-indica is more commonly known as a Barbary fig. This desert plant has been used for centuries as food, fending, and even dye. Growing Barbary fig plants, as long as you live in the right climate, is both rewarding and useful.[图片]What is a Barbary Fig? Barbary fig, a variety of prickly pear cactus, is thought to be native to Mexico where it has long been used for a variety of purposes. The fruits and pads can be eaten by humans and livestock, and the size, sprawling growth, and thorns make this cactus a good natural fence and barrier. The insects that are used to make red dye feed on prickly pear, which has made it an economically useful plant. Today, the plant has spread far from Mexico. It is common in the southwest U.S. and is considered invasive in Africa. While Opuntia/Barbary fig info is practical for so many purposes, this plant is also great as simply an attractive addition to the garden. The plant grows green “pads,” which are covered in spines. At the tips of the pads, yellow to orange flowers bloom, followed by red fruits. The fruits are also known as tunas. Both these and the pads can be prepared and eaten.[图片]How to Grow a Barbary Fig As a cactus, this plant requires a desert climate to thrive: dry, hot conditions. It is hardy through zone 8, but is best in hotter regions. For the right location, Barbary fig care is easy. Give it a spot that gets full sun and little water. If you live in the desert, you can essentially put your cactus in a suitable area of the garden and leave it alone. It will grow and thrive. If you want to grow it indoors, it will do well in a container that is big enough. With the right sunny spot and dry soil, your Barbary fig may grow as tall as ten feet (3 meters), so give it plenty of space, or plan spacing accordingly if you want to use it as a fence.[图片]
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