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Dummer. ゛☀
Fountain grasses are a reliable and pretty addition to the home landscape, adding drama and height, but their nature is to die back to the ground, which causes confusion for many gardeners. When do you prune fountain grass? In the fall, winter or in the spring? And what steps are involved in cutting back fountain grass? Continue reading to learn more about fountain grass pruning.[图片]When to Cut Back Fountain Grass The best time when to trim fountain grass back is in the late winter or early spring. The exact timing is not as important as just making sure that you prune fountain grass back before it starts actively growing. You want to avoid doing fountain grass pruning in the fall, as the plant has not yet died back all the way. If you try to cut back fountain grass in the fall, you may cause it to go into a growth spurt, which will make it more vulnerable to the coming cold weather and will reduce its chances of surviving the winter.[图片]Steps for Cutting Back Fountain Grass The first step when you trim fountain grass back is to tie up the dead stems. This is just to make the chore of cutting back fountain grass a little easier because you won’t have to clean up all the fallen stems. Next step in fountain grass pruning is to use a cutting tool, such as pruning shears or hedge clippers, to cut back the stem bundle. Prune fountain grass about 4 to 6 inches above the ground. The remaining stems will be quickly hidden under the new growth.[图片]That’s all there is to it. The steps to trim fountain grass are easy and quick and taking the time to cut back fountain grass will result in a nicer looking “fountain” in the summer.
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Dummer. ゛☀
The sway of gently arching foliage and swish that follows as they rustle in the wind are treats for the eye and the provision of the elegant fountain grass. There are many varieties of Pennisetum, with a wide range of sizes and foliage color. Near the end of the season, you may find your fountain grass turning white, bleached and unappealing. What is happening? Are there some sort of terrible fountain grass problems? Rest your mind, the plant is doing quite fine. The bleaching is a natural part of the plant’s life cycle.[图片]White Fountain Grass Foliage Fountain grasses are perennial plants that form dense clumps of airy foliage. The grasses are a warm season plant, which means that they go dormant in winter. Fountain grass problems are few and the plants are tolerant when established. They are hardy, low maintenance plants for the savvy gardener. White fountain grass, or Pennisetum setaceum ‘Alba,’ is an attractive form with slender green foliage and delicate nodding white inflorescences. Contrary to the name, it should not have white or even silvery leaves, but the name instead refers to the flower hue.[图片]White fountain grass foliage arises near the end of the season when cold temperatures begin to arrive. The change in color signals the arrival of the plant’s dormancy. Usually, the blades start to yellow and fade, and eventually the tips turn white and brittle. A fountain grass turning white is the plant’s response to the cool temperatures as it readies itself to slumber until warm season temperatures return. Any of the other varieties of fountain grass will experience the same bleaching and die back for winter.[图片]Fountain Grass is Bleaching Out Fountain grasses thrive in United States Department of Agriculture zones 5 to 9. In hotter climates, it may get burned by harsh sun rays and lose color on the tips of the leaf blades. In colder climates, the plant is an annual and will begin dying back in cold weather. If you wish to preserve your plant in northern climes, pot it up and move it indoors for the winter. Plants that are grown in hot climates benefit from protection from midday sun. The foliage will perform best in light shade. If fountain grass is bleaching out in any other condition, it is likely just a seasonal display and should be enjoyed. Should the color bother you, however, it is okay to cut the foliage back to several inches above the ground in late fall and wait for the new blades to come in when spring arrives.[图片]Fountain Grass Problems Fountain grass is relatively resistant to pests and disease. Some plants may develop foliar problems with rust fungus, and slugs and snails may occasionally take bites out of the foliage but overall it is a hardy, rugged plant with few issues. The seed heads produce prolifically, which can become a problem in some climates where they readily propagate and spread. Cutting off the inflorescences before they produce seed should reduce the issue. Fountain grass is a reliable plant with graceful appeal and several seasons of interest, so don’t worry about the faded foliage and focus on the next spectacular season.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Ornamental grasses are unique in the landscape for their versatility, ease of care and hypnotic movement. Fountain grasses are one of the more appealing of the group, with elegant plumed inflorescences and arching foliage. These splendid plants are low maintenance, which adds to their appeal. Fountain grass feeding is a rare chore because ornamental grasses like these thrive in low fertility areas. However, let the appearance of the plant be your cue and fertilize only when color and leaf health are indicative of nutritional scarcity.[图片]Fountain Grass Feeding Most ornamental grasses do not need to be fertilized. Container plants need occasional feeding because they are in a closed environment, but in-ground plants usually do better without extra nitrogen, which can make leaves floppy and cause excess growth and limp plants. If you feel you need to fertilize your plants, you need to learn how to fertilize ornamental fountain grass and, more importantly, what to feed ornamental grasses. Ornamental fountain grass can thrive for years in poor soil without any feeding. These grasses are different from turf grass, which has heavy nutrient and water needs. Fountain grass is a tough, hardy plant that can grow too much foliage at the expense of the lovely plumes if fed too much. Excess food can also cause an unstable plant with limp blades. In the first year, fountain grass can benefit from some organic fertilizer applied at planting time. Alternatively, the best fertilizer for fountain grass is a time release fertilizer that will last through summer and help the plant build a vigorous root system and initial form.[图片]How to Fertilize Ornamental Fountain Grass If you feel you must fertilize your grass, choose the best fertilizer for fountain grass. Organic fertilizers are gentle and easy for plant roots to uptake, as well as healthy for the entire garden. When choosing what to feed ornamental grasses, try organic soil amendments such as compost, leaf mold, mushroom manure and other easily broken down organic substances. You may also choose to use a basic 10-10-10 balanced food. Just be sure the first number isn’t higher than 10, as that would add excess nitrogen and weaken the stems and blades of the grass. Once you choose the type of fertilizer you are going to use, you need to know how much to apply. The optimum time for fertilizing fountain grass is in early spring before new growth has begun.[图片]Amounts to Use When Fertilizing Fountain Grass A balanced fertilizer should be applied at a rate of ½ pound per 1,000 square feet. This is a very small amount, just enough to boost root health and flowering, but not enough to affect the foliage. Organic materials can be added as top dressing around the root zone. They will gradually compost in and feed the roots. Time release fertilizers should be applied half strength from the manufacturer’s recommendation. This will still be plenty of extra nutrients for your grass.[图片]After any application of fertilizer, always water the plant and root area thoroughly. It is not necessary to fertilize the plant every year. Once every 2 or 3 years is sufficient for these low feeders. Container plants can be fertilized once annually in spring but carefully leach soil after application. If you are in doubt about how much and how to fertilize your plant, simply leave it alone. Fountain grasses are resilient, hardy specimens who will actually thrive without extra nutrients.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Fountain grass (Pennisetum) is a mound-forming ornamental grass and a garden favorite, as the care of fountain grass is easy. The cascading leaves on this plant have a fountain-like appearance. Clump-forming grasses grow in mounds or clumps, making them ideal for many areas without becoming invasive. It can be used alone as a specimen plant or in a border alongside other perennials. Fountain grass is an attractive perennial grass densely clumped growth. Blooming of its foxtail-looking flowers generally takes place from late summer through the fall. The small flowers of fountain grass are tan, pink or purple. During fall and throughout winter, this plant will also reward gardeners with spectacular foliage displays.[图片]Types of Fountain Grass There are different types of fountain grass to choose, ranging in size from 12 inches to 3 feet. One of the most common varieties is dwarf fountain grass Hameln (P. alopecuroides ‘Hameln’). Its light tan blooms turn pinkish brown in fall. This fountain grass blooms earlier than the others, making it a great choice for gardens with shorter growing seasons. Purple fountain grass (P. setaceum) has both purple foliage and blooms. Used for its reddish foliage and showy flowers is red fountain grass (P. setaceum ‘Rubrum’), which grows about 3 to 4 feet tall. Other types of fountain grass cultivars include ‘Cassian,’ ‘Little Bunny’, ‘Little Honey’, and ‘Moudry’.[图片]Growing Fountain Grass Growing fountain grass is easy. As with most ornamental grasses, fountain grass is extremely adaptable. Care of fountain grass is easy as well. It’s sometimes helpful to cut back the foliage in the spring prior to growth. Although not specifically a requirement for fountain grass, fertilizer can be applied as growth resumes in the spring. Established plants do not need regular watering, except during periods of drought. Fountain grass does well in nearly any type of soil; however, for greater results, fountain grass should be planted in fertile, well-drained soil. Fountain grass enjoys full sun but tolerates some light shade. Look for areas receiving full sun, as these plants prefer warm conditions. Warm-season grasses thrive in warmer temperatures ranging from 75 to 85 F. (24-29 C.).[图片]Transplanting Fountain Grass Transplanting fountain grass is not always necessary; however, it can be dug up and divided in areas where overcrowding may occur or if more plants are simply desired. Division usually depends on spacing or visual appearance. For instance, plants suffering from die-out in the center can be divided to improve their appearance. Division can be performed in early spring prior to new growth or after the growing season in the late summer or fall. Taking care of fountain grass is a rewarding undertaking for a gardener. By growing fountain grass, you add a low maintenance option to your garden.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Sprays of slender foliage and bright flower tips create a look of electric excitement on fiber optic grass. What is fiber optic grass? Fiber optic grass s not really a grass but is actually sedge. It is useful around moist spaces and ponds. The plant is easy to grow and has few pest or disease problems. Ornamental fiber optic grass is also deer resistant, which makes it a great addition to gardens prone to these often pesky plant eaters.[图片]What is Fiber Optic Grass? The plant is hardy in USDA plant hardiness zones 8-11. It can be potted up and moved indoors in other areas or just enjoy it as an annual. Ornamental fiber optic grass forms a mound with sprays of errant stems springing from the center of the plant like a punk hairdo. The ends of the stems have tiny white flowers that give the overall effect of little lights at the end of the foliage. The plant is native to Western and Southern Europe and found in sandy to peaty zones, often near the sea or other water bodies. Try growing fiber optic grass in a container or water garden.[图片]Growing Fiber Optic Grass Plant the grass in a mixture of potting soil and peat moss for container plants. The grass grows best in full sun to partial sun. If you want to use it as part of a water garden, allow the roots to sit in deeper and deeper water levels to acclimate. The plant can be trimmed back if it sustains cold or other types of damage. Cut it to within 2 inches of the ground and it will re-sprout within a couple of weeks. Divide ornamental fiber optic grass every two to three years and plant each section for more of this interesting grass. Growing fiber optic grass from seed is easy. Simply sow in flats with a light dusting of soil. Keep the flat covered and moderately moist in a bright warm area. Allow the seedlings to grow a substantial root system before transplanting them.[图片]Fiber Optic Plant Care If you want a spectacular plant for soggy situations that brings grace and movement to any bed or display, ornamental fiber optic plant is a great choice. This is a low maintenance grass that just needs consistent moisture and good light to perform well. Re-pot or divide the plant in spring. Plants in the lower zones benefit from a layer of mulch around the root zone to protect them from cold snaps. Feed monthly with a half dilution of plant food up until fall. Then suspend food during the winter. Not much more is needed for fiber optic plant care.[图片]Ornamental fiber optic grass can be overwintered in the colder zones. Bring the plant indoors to a draft free room with moderate light. Water once per week and keep a fan going to prevent humidity build up and the promotion of fungal issues.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Ornamental grasses provide amazing texture, motion and architecture to the landscape. Feather reed ornamental grasses are excellent vertical interest plants. What is feather reed grass? These elegant additions to the garden provide year around interest and are easy to care for. Most ornamental reed grass just needs maintenance a couple times per year. Try this perennial for maximum impact in the garden but minimum impact on your yard work chores.[图片]What is Feather Reed Grass? Feather reed grass (Calamagrostis x acutiflora) is a clumping ornamental grass with numerous cultivars. It is a deciduous plant but is one of the first of the family to show foliage in early spring. Feather red plant may grow 3 to 5 feet tall and produces an inflorescence in June that starts green and slowly blushes to purple or pink. The flower head becomes grain-like seeds within a few days. These grain heads can persist well into the winter, but gradually they scatter off the stalk.[图片]Growing Feather Reed Grass Feather reed ornamental grasses are suited for USDA plant hardiness zones 4 to 9. They are very adaptable to wet or dry areas with full to partial sun. This marvelous plant needs little special care and its site requirements are very versatile. Choose a location with rich moist soil for the best performance, but the plant can also take dry poor soils. Additionally, feather reed ornamental grasses can tolerate heavy clay soils. Divide the crowns in late winter to early spring. Growing feather reed grass from seed is not recommended. The seeds are generally sterile and will not germinate.[图片]Feather Reed Grass Care This plant has almost no pest or disease problems and feather reed grass care is easy and minimal. These grasses are so flexible about site and soil condition, with a resistance to pests and disease, that their requirements are limited and make them perfect for urban or container gardeners. Young plants will need to be watered until they are established but the mature grass can withstand long periods of drought. If soil is poor, fertilize in early spring with a balanced plant food. Feather reed ornamental grasses should be pruned back to allow new foliage to soar above the crown in spring. Divide mature plants after three years for better growth and to produce new plants.[图片]When to Prune Feather Reed Grass There is some discussion on the appropriate time to trim deciduous grasses. Some gardeners like to trim them in fall when the flower heads are failing and the general appearance is untidy. Others feel you should allow the old foliage and inflorescences to protect the crown from cold weather and trim away the debris in spring. Take the old foliage off in February to March if you decide to wait. There really is no correct way as long as you take the old foliage off before the new growth begins to sprout. Use a hedge trimmer or grass shears to cut the old spent blades and stems back to 3 to 5 inches from the ground. This practice will keep your ornamental grass looking its best and producing new flower stalks and foliage for the most attractive appearance.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Devil’s club is a ferocious Pacific Northwest native plant. With its wicked spines and impressive height, it makes an interesting conversation point in the garden and as part of a natural landscape. Oplopanax devil’s club is perfect for shady areas of the garden where soil is nitrogen rich and moist. If you are looking for a unique, but native specimen, a devil’s club growing in your garden will provide a wonderful surprise and many seasons of interest.[图片]Devil’s Club Information Devil’s club plant (Oplopanax horridus) is a historical medicinal and herbal plant used for centuries by First Nations people. It is also known as devil’s walking stick or bear’s claw. Oplopanax devil’s club is found from Alaska down through the western-most Canadian provinces and into Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Montana. It is also found in the Great Lakes area. The plant is well armored, with spines of many different sizes decorating the stems and even undersides of leaves. Leaves are reminiscent of maples and the plant can grow 3 to 9 feet (0.9-2.7 m.) in height. The plant also produces panicles of white flowers which become thick clusters of red berries, favored by bears and other wild animals.[图片]Devil’s Club Plant Uses Devil’s club has medicinal properties, but it’s also been known to be used for fishing lures, charcoal, and to make tattoo ink. Other uses include deodorant and lice control. No devil’s club information would be complete without mentioning some of its traditional uses. Tribal medicine indicates that the plant was used to treat colds, arthritis, digestive tract issues, ulcers, and even diabetes. It was also used to combat tuberculosis and as a purgative. Is devil’s club poisonous? All of the literature that I have read states it is used as a medicine but no mention is made of its toxicity. The plant is certainly safe to have in the landscape, but it does have fairly wicked spines, so ensure it is out of the reach of small children and pets. Outside of its medicinal uses, devil’s club was thought to have spiritual powers. Sticks of it were used to ward off evil spirits.[图片]Devil’s Club Growing Tips To enjoy this amazing plant in your garden, find it in a native garden center. Never harvest wild plants from nature. Choose a shady to semi-shady location where drainage is good but there is plenty of organic material to keep moisture in the soil. Mulch around the plant after installation. Keep the plant moderately moist but not soggy. Devil’s club doesn’t need much fertilizing, but adding some well-rotted compost or leaf litter around the root zone will enhance its health. Cut off any damaged or dead leaves as they occur. This cousin of wild ginger will drop leaves after a cold snap, but new ones form in early spring. Enjoy the strange architecture of the naked plant but be careful of those stinging spines!
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Dummer. ゛☀
What is a crocodile fern? Native to Australia, crocodile fern (Microsorium musifolium ‘Crocydyllus’), sometimes known as crocodyllus fern, is an unusual plant with wrinkled, puckery leaves. The light green, segmented leaves are marked with dark green veins. Although the distinctive texture has been compared to a crocodile’s hide, the crocodile fern plant actually has a graceful, delicate appearance.[图片]Facts about Crocodyllus Fern What is a crocodile fern? Crocodile fern plant is a tropical fern suitable for growing outdoors only in the temperate climates of USDA plant hardiness zones 10 and 11 (and sometimes 9, with protection). Grow crocodile fern indoors if your climate has even a possibility of winter frost; chilly temps will kill the plant in a hurry. At maturity, crocodile fern reaches heights of 2 to 5 feet with a similar width. Although the broad green leaves appear to arise directly from the soil, the fronds actually grow from rhizomes that grow just under the surface.[图片]Crocodile Fern Care Growing crocodile ferns requires a bit more attention than your average houseplant, but crocodile fern care really isn’t involved or complicated. Crocodile ferns need regular water, but the plant won’t last long in soggy, poorly drained soil. A rich, well-drained potting soil such as a soil formulated for African violets works very well. To keep the plant happy, water whenever the surface of the potting mix feels slightly dry. Water until liquid drips through the drainage hole (always use a pot with a drainage hole!), then let the pot drain thoroughly. A kitchen or bathroom is an ideal environment because crocodile ferns benefit from humidity. Otherwise, increase humidity by placing the pot on a tray or plate with a layer of wet pebbles, but never let the bottom of the pot stand in the water.[图片]Crocodile fern plants perform best in indirect or low light. A spot in front of a sunny window is too intense and may scorch the fronds. Cool to average room temperatures are fine, but avoid heating vents, drafts or air conditioners. To ensure your crocodyllus fern has adequate nutrients to keep it looking its best, provide a diluted water-soluble fertilizer or a special fern fertilizer once every month during spring and summer. Read the instructions carefully. Too much fertilizer won’t make your plant grow faster. In fact, it may kill the plant.
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Dummer. ゛☀
The whisper of grass swaying against itself in the wind may not be as intoxicating as the pitter patter of little feet, but it surely comes close. The peaceful movement of an expanse of wooly cotton grass is both soothing and mesmerizing. Eriophorum cotton grass is a member of the sedge family that is native to arctic and temperate zones of Europe and North America. It makes and elegant addition to the landscape in moist acidic soils.[图片]Cotton Grass Info Common cotton grass is widespread across Europe, Siberia and many other wetland and boggy habitats. It is a wild plant that colonizes cranberry bogs, marshes and other moist areas. Considered a weed in some agricultural sites, it is able to reproduce by its prolific airy cotton grass seeds or by roots. Get informed with the facts about cotton grass so you can see if it is right for your gardening needs. Eriophorum cotton grass can grow up to 12 inches in height. It is a slender creeping grass with flat leaf blades that bear rough margins. The plant is riparian and can even grow in up to 2 inches of water. Flowers are at the terminal ends of stalks and appear as fluffy balls of cotton – hence the common name. They are either white or coppery and have slender bristles. The genus name comes from the Greek work “erion” which means wool and “phoros” which means bearing.[图片]Cotton grass seeds are long and narrow, approximately 3 times as long as wide, and either brown or copper in color. Each seed bears numerous white bristles that catch the wind and help the seed adhere to favorable germination ground. The bristles are actually the modified sepals and petals of tiny flowers. Facts About Cotton Grass Growing Common cotton grass prefers moist soil with high acidity. Common cotton grass will grow well in loam, sand or even clay soils. However, it thrives in peaty soil and boggy locations and is a good choice for growing around a water feature or pond. Just be careful to cut the blooms off before seeds mature or you might have patches of the sedge in every moist nook of your landscape.[图片]Another bit of interesting cotton grass info is its ability to grow in water. Place the plants in a 1-gallon pot with 3 inches of water. The plant needs little extra nutrition in boggy soil but in container situations, feed once per month with a diluted plant food during the growing season. Elsewhere cotton grass needs a full sun site with plenty of water, as the soil must be kept consistently wet. Choose a south- or west-facing exposure for best lighting. Some shelter from battering winds is a good idea to keep the plant from getting shredded and ruining the appearance. Leaf blades will change color in autumn but remain persistent. Divide the plant in spring every few years to prevent the center clump from dying out.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Unless you take precautions beforehand, that first bout of cold weather or frost will quickly kill off your coleus plants. Therefore, winterizing coleus is important.[图片]Wintering a Coleus Plant Overwintering coleus plants is actually quite easy. They can be dug up and overwintered indoors, or you can take cuttings from your healthy plants to make additional stock for next season’s garden.[图片]How to Keep Coleus Through Winter Given adequate light, coleus overwinters easily indoors. Dig up healthy plants in the fall (usually August), just before cold weather hits. Make sure you get as much of the root system as possible. Pot your plants in suitable containers with well-draining soil and water them thoroughly. It may also help to trim back the top half of growth to reduce shock, though this is not required. Allow your plants to acclimate for about a week or so prior to moving them inside. Then place the newly potted plants in a sunny location, such as a south- or southeast-facing window, and water only as needed. If desired, you can include half-strength fertilizer once a month with your regular watering regimen. You may also want to keep new growth pinched to maintain a bushier appearance. In spring you can replant the coleus back in the garden.[图片]How to Overwinter Coleus Cuttings Alternatively, you can learn how to keep coleus through winter by taking cuttings. Simply root three- to four-inch cuttings in late August (or prior to cold weather) by potting them up and moving them indoors. Remove the bottom leaves of each cutting and insert the cut ends into damp potting soil, peat moss, or sand. If desired, you can dip the ends in rooting hormone but you don’t have to since coleus plants root readily. Keep them moist in bright, indirect light for about six weeks, at which time they should have enough root growth for transplanting to larger pots. Likewise, you can keep them in the same pots. Either way, move them to a brighter location, such as a sunny window.
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