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Dummer. ゛☀
Perennial blue eyed grass wildflower is a member of the Iris family, but it is not a grass at all. It is native to North America and forms clumps of slender long foliage topped in spring with small periwinkle flowers. The plant is a bright addition to any location in the garden. Almost any garden soil is where to plant blue eyed grass and it will attract bees and feed wild birds throughout the years. [图片]What is Blue Eyed Grass? The gardener looking for a substitute for iris or other bulb flowers should explore the blue-eyed grass plant (Sisyrinchium spp.). So what is blue eyed grass and is it a suitable plant for the garden? This plant is clumping and can get 4 to 16 inches tall and equally wide. Blue eyed grass wildflower grows from hardy rhizomes that send out tall, blade-like foliage, much like grass blades and this is where the “grass” in its name derives. The nearly foot tall foliage bears wiry stems topped with the brilliant blue flowers but may also be white or violet and have a yellow “eye” in the center. This yellow corolla earns the plant its colorful name. USDA zones 4 to 9 are suitable locations for growing blue eyed grass. Blue eyed grass wildflower is useful in rock gardens, borders, containers and as part of a wildflower meadow. Growing blue eyed grass is an excellent way to introduce native plant life to your garden. This promotes natural landscaping and helps wild animals with food and nesting materials. [图片]Where to Plant Blue Eyed Grass Knowing where to plant blue eyed grass is important for its overall health. So when growing blue eyed grass, choose a partially sunny location. While the plant can grow in full sun, it performs best in low light situations. It is tolerant of any soil pH as long as it drains well. Blue eyed grass will thrive in moist to average garden soil. The plant is easy to propagate by dividing plantlets away from the parent plant. Break off or cut the rhizomes away from the main plant, including the slender foliage of the young plants that form at the base. Plant them as individual specimens for increased spring beauty. The clump will get large year by year but you can dig it up and cut it into sections for new plants. Divide the plant in late winter every two to three years, and you will have a scattering of the pretty flowers across the landscape. In addition to propagation by division, the flowers will produce seed in spring. Seeds spread easily in gardens with adequate moisture. [图片]Blue Eyed Grass Care Growing blue eyed grass care isn’t difficult. Allow the leaves to remain on the plant after the blooms fade in summer. This gives the foliage time to gather energy to store in the rhizomes for the following season’s bloom. After they turn brown, cut them back to just above the crown. Mulch around the plants with organic material to provide nutrients and help protect the plants during freezing temperatures. In zones below 4 or where hard freezes last all winter, dig up the plant in fall and pot up in garden soil. Move the plant to a low light location where temperatures are above freezing. When soils are workable, replant in spring and enjoy blue eyed grass wildflowers until summer.
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Dummer. ゛☀
For glossy, bright red foliage, you can’t beat the Iresine bloodleaf plant. Unless you live in a frost-free climate, you’ll have to grow this tender perennial as an annual or bring it indoors at the end of the season. It also makes a lovely houseplant. [图片]Iresine Plant Info Bloodleaf (Iresine herbstii) is also called chicken-gizzard, beefsteak plant, or Formosa bloodleaf. Iresine bloodleaf plants are native to Brazil where they thrive in warm temperatures and bright sunlight. In their native environment, the plants reach heights of up to 5 feet with a spread of 3 feet, but when grown as annuals or potted plants they only grow 12 to 18 inches tall. The red leaves are often variegated with green and white markings, and add contrast to beds and borders. They occasionally produce small, greenish-white flowers, but they are not ornamental, and most growers simply pinch them off. Here are two exceptional cultivars to watch for: ‘Brilliantissima’ has bright red leaves with pink veins. ‘Aureoreticulata’ has green leaves with yellow veins. [图片]Growing Bloodleaf Plants Bloodleaf plants enjoy high heat and humidity, and you can grow them outdoors year round in USDA plant hardiness zones 10 and 11. Plant in a location with full sun or partial shade and organically rich soil that drains freely. Growing bloodleaf in full sun results in better color. Amend the bed with compost or aged manure before planting, unless your soil is exceptionally high in organic matter. Set out the plants in spring after all danger of frost has passed and the soil stays warm both day and night. Keep the soil evenly moist all summer by watering deeply every week in the absence of rain. Use a 2- to 3-inch layer of organic mulch to help prevent the moisture from evaporating. Reduce the moisture in fall and winter if you are growing bloodleaf plants as perennials. Pinch out the growth tips while the plants are young to promote a dense growth habit and attractive shape. You might also consider pinching off flower buds. The flowers aren’t particularly attractive, and supporting flowers depletes energy that would otherwise go toward growing dense foliage. Plants grown in less than ideal conditions rarely flower. [图片]Indoor Care of Bloodleaf Plants Whether you are growing bloodleaf as a houseplant or bringing it indoors for winter, pot it up in a loamy, soil-based potting mixture. Place the plant near a bright, preferably south-facing window. If it becomes leggy, then it probably isn’t getting enough light. Keep the potting mix moist in spring and summer by watering when the soil feels dry at a depth of about an inch. Add water until it runs from the drainage holes in the bottom of the pot. About 20 minutes after watering, empty the saucer under the pot so the roots aren’t left sitting in water. Bloodleaf plants need less water in fall and winter, but you should never allow the soil to dry out.
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Dummer. ゛☀
If you have been on a nature hike in Eastern North America, you have likely come across bladder fern plants. The bulblet bladder fern is a native plant found in shaded cliffs and dry, rocky slopes. Growing bladder ferns in the landscape lends an air of the wild to a naturalized garden. Plus, these little ferns are easy to care for and grow in full to partial shade areas of the garden that are often difficult to populate with many choice plants. [图片]Bladder Fern Information Bulblet bladder fern (Cystopteris bulbifera) is named for the tiny green bladder-like structures on the underside of some leaves. These are potential reproductive structures that eventually fall off and produce new ferns. The fern is a rock-loving species found in limestone or sandstone formations. As part of the home garden, they add lacy-leaved elegance and low maintenance greenery to the shadier spots in the landscape. Bladder fern plants reproduce semi-vegetatively but also develop spores which fuel the development of the bulblets. These are found on the underside of leaves on the stem which divide the leaflets, or pinnae. Bulblets are bright green, semi-glossy and start out as tiny balls, developing into kidney shaped pre-leaves. When mature, these bulblets fall off the parent plant and can become new ferns in the correct conditions. Dividing the spreading rootstock is another way of growing bladder ferns. To add to bladder fern information, a single adult frond can produce more than 50 bulblets, indicating the ease of spread of this little plant. As a result, bladder ferns make excellent ground cover over time, increasing their numbers in just a few seasons exponentially. [图片]Conditions for Growing Bladder Ferns Bladder ferns prefer moist soil in dappled areas. The plants are often found in tree lined outcrops and cliff sides. The leaves are deciduous and spread by prolific rhizomes. They can thrive in sandy, clay or loam soil but requires good drainage. The ferns are also adaptable to any pH soil. Healthy plants need a thin layer of organic material, which in nature casually filters into the crevasses the plant prefers to grow into and slowly breaks down to release nutrients. In the home landscape, a little bit of well-rotted compost added to the planting hole will increase plant health. Always plant ferns at the depth in which they were installed in their nursery container. A note about acquisition of the plants: Do not harvest these or any other plant from the wild, as such activities can disrupt the careful balance of nature and potentially harm existing populations. Be sure to obtain plants from a reputable nursery that specializes in them. [图片]Bladder Fern Care Bladder fern is a low maintenance plant if situated in conditions it prefers. Low to medium light conditions favor the plant. In fall, when cold temperatures arrive, the leaves will begin to die back. Leave the dead foliage on the plant, if possible, over winter to form a type of protective canopy over the core. In late winter to early spring, cut off the dead leaves to make way for new leaflets. There is no need to fertilize this fern but, in fall, spread compost around the base of the plant to gradually break down and feed the roots. Bladder fern care is minimal and the plant is fast growing, spreading quickly. In the garden, the plant will make a lush green ground cover from spring to fall.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Big bluestem grass (Andropogon gerardii) is a warm season grass suited for arid climates. The grass was once widespread across North America prairies. Planting big bluestem has become an important part of erosion control on land that has been over grazed or farmed. It then provides shelter and forage for wildlife. Growing big bluestem grass in the home landscape can accent a native flower garden or border the open property line. [图片]Big Bluestem Grass Information Big Bluestem grass is a solid stemmed grass, which sets it apart from most grass species that have hollow stems. It is a perennial grass that spreads by rhizomes and seed. The stems are flat and have a bluish coloring at the base of the plant. In July through October the grass sports 3 to 6 foot tall inflorescences that become three part seed heads that resemble turkey feet. The clumping grass assumes a reddish hue in fall when it dies back until it resumes growth in spring. This perennial grass is found in dry soil in prairies and arid zone woods across the southern United States. Bluestem grass is also part of the fertile tall grass prairies of the midwest. Big bluestem grass is hardy in USDA zones 4 to 9. Sandy to loamy soils are ideal for growing big bluestem grass. The plant is adaptable to either full sun or partial shade. [图片]Growing Big Bluestem Grass Big bluestem has demonstrated that it may be invasive in some zones so it is a good idea to check with your county extension office before seeding the plant. The seed has improved germination if you stratify it for at least a month and it can then be planted inside or directly sown. Planting big bluestem grass may be done in late winter to early spring or when soils are workable. Sow big bluestem seed at ¼ to ½ inch deep. The sprouts will emerge in about four weeks if you irrigate consistently. Alternately, plant seed in plug trays in mid winter for transplant into the garden in spring. Big bluestem grass seed can be purchased or harvested right from the seed heads. Collect seed heads when they are dry in September to October. Place the seed heads in paper bags in a warm area to dry for two to four weeks. Big bluestem grass should be planted after winter’s worst has passed so you will need to store the seed. Store it for up to seven months in a jar with a tightly sealed lid in a dark room. [图片]Big Bluestem Cultivars There are improved strains developed for widespread pasture use and erosion control. ‘Bison’ was created for its cold tolerance and ability to grow in the northern climates. ‘El Dorado’ and ‘Earl’ are big bluestem grass for forage for wild animals. Growing big bluestem grass can also include ‘Kaw’, ‘Niagra’ and ‘ Roundtree’. These different cultivars are also used for game bird cover and to improve native planting sites.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Bear’s Breeches (Acanthus mollis) is a flowering perennial that is often prized more for its leaves than for its blossoms, which appear in the spring. It’s a good addition to a shade or partial shade border garden. Keep reading to learn more about how to grow a Bear’s Breeches plant. [图片]Bear’s Breeches Plant Info The leaves of the Bear’s Breeches plant were used extensively in Greek and Roman art and, therefore, give off a distinct classical air. They were perhaps most famously recreated in stone as decoration on the top of Corinthian columns. On top of the familiar shiny green leaves, Bear’s Breeches produces a striking 3-foot-tall spire of white to pink snapdragon-like flowers, topped by purple sheathes. [图片]Care of Acanthus Bear’s Breeches The wisdom of growing Acanthus plants in your garden depends upon how cold your winters get. The plant will spread via underground runners, and in areas with yearlong warmth similar to its native Mediterranean climate, it may very well take over your garden. In climates with a colder winter, it will most likely be kept in check. It will keep its leaves in areas as cold as USDA zone 7. It will lose leaves but survive the winter in zones as low as 5 if it is mulched. Acanthus plant care is fairly easy. It will tolerate virtually any soil type as long as it’s well drained. When it comes to light, the plant prefers partial shade. It can handle full shade, though it may not flower as well. It does need frequent watering, and will wilt very dramatically if it dries out. Remove the flower stalk after the plants has finished blooming for the year. You can propagate Acanthus Bear’s Breeches by taking root cuttings early in the spring. For the most part, Bear’s Breeches does not suffer much pest or disease issues. That being said, on occasion, slugs or snails may visit the plant to feed on its foliage. For this reason, you may want to keep an eye on these potential threats and treat as needed.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Native grasses are perfect for the back forty or open landscape. They have had centuries to create adaptive processes that make the most of the existing environment. That means they are already suited for the climate, soils and region and require less maintenance. American beachgrass is found in the Atlantic and Great Lakes coastlines. Planting beachgrass in gardens with dry, sandy and even salty soils provides erosion control, movement and ease of care. [图片]About American Beachgrass Beachgrass is found from Newfoundland to North Carolina. The plant is in the grass family and produces spreading rhizomes, which allow the plant to entrench itself and help stabilize soils. It is considered a dune grass and thrives in dry, salty soil with little nutrient base. In fact, the plant thrives in seaside gardens. Using beachgrass for landscaping in areas with similar environmental situations protects important habitat and delicate hills and dunes. It can spread 6 to 10 feet in a year but only grows 2 feet tall. The roots of American beachgrass are edible and have been used as a supplemental food supply by indigenous peoples. The grass produces a spikelet that rises 10 inches above the plant in July to August. [图片]Growing Beachgrass October to March is the best time for planting beachgrass in gardens. Seedlings have difficulty establishing when temperatures are too hot and conditions are too dry. Establishment is usually from plugs planted 8 inches below the surface of the soil in clusters of two or more culms. Spacing of 18 inches apart requires nearly 39,000 culms per acre. Erosion control planting is done at a closer range of 12 inches apart per plant. Seeds germinate unreliably so sowing is not recommended when growing beachgrass. Never harvest wild grasses from natural environments. Use reliable commercial supplies for starter plants to prevent damage to existing dunes and wild areas. The plants do not tolerate foot traffic, so fencing is a good idea until the starts mature. Stagger the planting for a more natural effect with several inches between each culm. [图片]Beachgrass Care Some growers swear by fertilizing in the first spring and annually with a nitrogen rich plant food. Apply at a rate of 1.4 pounds per 1,000 square feet 30 days after planting date and then once per month during the growing season. A formula of 15-10-10 is appropriate for American beachgrass. Once the plants have matured, they need half the amount of fertilizer and only sparse water. Seedlings do need evenly applied moisture and protection from wind and foot or other traffic. Be careful, however, as soggy soils will cause the plant to decline. Beachgrass care and maintenance requires no mowing or trimming. Further, plants may be harvested from mature stands by separating the culms. Try beachgrass for landscaping in low nutrient areas and enjoy the coastal ambiance and easy beachgrass care.
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Dummer. ゛☀
A homeowner who has had bamboo thrust upon them by a careless neighbor or a previous homeowner knows that trying to get rid of bamboo can be a nightmare. Eliminating bamboo plants is one of the toughest things you can do in the garden, but it can be done. With diligence and perseverance, you can control bamboo spread and even kill bamboo plants that have invaded unwanted places. Keep reading to learn more about how to eliminate bamboo plants in your garden. [图片]How to Get Rid of Bamboo Eliminating bamboo plants starts with a shovel. The creeping rhizomes and roots of bamboo are virtually immune to the herbicides people normally use on unwanted plants. In order to start to get rid of bamboo, you must physically dig up the offending clump. [图片]Make sure you remove as much of the roots as possible. After this, you are NOT done in your efforts to control bamboo spread. This is just the beginning. Even if you think you remove all of the bamboo roots and rhizomes, it will return. From here you have two options in how to eliminate bamboo. You can either diligently kill bamboo plants as the plants reemerge or you can get rid of the bamboo by mowing it down frequently. If you opt to get rid of bamboo with chemical controls, as soon as you see new bamboo shoots emerge, spray them with the strongest herbicide you can buy. Eliminating bamboo plants with this method requires that you be very diligent. If you allow a bamboo shoot to grow for too long without treating it, you will have to start over in your control bamboo spread. If you would like an organic method of eliminating bamboo plants and shoots as they emerge, you can also use boiling water on the shoots. As with the chemical method, you must treat any bamboo shoots as soon as they appear. If you decide to get rid of bamboo with the mowing method, mow over the area where the bamboo was as frequently as you do your lawn. Use the lowest deck setting on your mower. Regardless of the method you use to kill bamboo plants, expect that it will take you two to three years of treating the infested area before you will completely control bamboo spread. [图片]How to Control Bamboo Spread from Neighboring Properties If you find your efforts to kill bamboo plants thwarted by spread from a neighbor, you will need to build a barrier to keep the bamboo from spreading to your yard. The barrier can be made of concrete or metal. Wood can also be used, but be aware that it will eventually decompose and the bamboo will push through again. The barrier will need to go down 2 feet deep and should come up at least 6 inches. Inspect the barrier every few months to make sure that no bamboo has crept over the barrier.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Did you know that most bamboo plants only flower once every 50 years? You probably don’t have the time to wait around for your bamboo to produce seeds, so you’re going to have to divide your existing clumps and transplant them when you want to propagate your plants. Bamboo will grow and spread quickly, but there is no real way to direct it into far corners of the garden. Take a portion of an established clump, however, and you can create a new stand of bamboo in one season. Let’s learn more about transplanting bamboo. [图片]When to Relocate Bamboos Bamboo plants can be a bit finicky when it comes to transplanting, yet if you treat them right, they’ll spread all over the new area in very little time. Never transplant your bamboo when new shoots are forming; early in the spring or late in the fall are the best times. The roots are very sensitive to lack of moisture and to sunlight, so choose a cloudy, misty day for the absolute best results. [图片]How to Transplant Bamboo The roots of the bamboo plant are amazingly tough. You’ll need a sharp shovel or axe to cut the root bunches for bamboo plant moving. The easiest way is to use a chainsaw. Wear protective clothing and eye covering to prevent thrown rocks or splinters. Cut down through the earth about a foot away from the clump of stems. Make a complete circle through the dirt, slicing down about 12 inches. Slide a shovel underneath the clump and rock it up out of the ground. Plunge the root clump into a bucket of water immediately. Lean the stand of bamboo against a shed or fence, as this plant doesn’t do well if you lay it down on the ground. Have the moist hole already dug for the bamboo’s new home. Carry the bucket to the hole and transfer the clump of bamboo from the water to the soil. Cover the roots and water the plant very well. Cover the base of the plant with organic mulch such as dried leaves or grass clippings. Bamboo loves water, especially when it’s stressed, and mulch will shade the soil and help keep in as much moisture as possible. Set up some shade for the new bamboo plants by stretching cheesecloth or other light fabric over poles to create a sort of light tent. This will give the new bamboo clump some added protection while it establishes itself. Once you see fresh new shoots coming up, you can remove the shade fabric, but keep the soil moist throughout the year.
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Dummer. ゛☀
For many of us, the only source of crunchy bamboo shoots is the small cans found in the grocery store. However, you can grow your own nutrient rich source of this versatile food while also adding dimension and drama to your garden. So if you are a bamboo shoot fan, read on for more information on how to grow bamboo [图片]shoots for eating. What are Bamboo Shoots? Bamboo is in the grass family of plants and grows fairly easily and rapidly in a variety of zones. The canes are a traditional source of food, fiber, building material and medicinal use. What are bamboo shoots? They are simply the newly sprouted canes that form just under the soil and have a firm, crisp texture. Bamboo grows from rhizomes, which are underground stems carrying the genetic material necessary for growth and featuring growth nodes which are sprouting points on the stem. You may have a clumping or running variety of bamboo, but each will still start from rhizomes. [图片]Are Bamboo Shoots Edible? Are bamboo shoots edible? Bamboo shoots are edible in most varieties and provide a nice crunch in stir fries and other recipes. In many Asian countries, bamboo shoots as vegetables are harvested as a national crop. The shoots are classic ingredients in Chinese and other Asian foods but result from the sprouts of new growth on a mature bamboo plant. Not only are bamboo shoots edible but they are low in fat and calories, easy to grow and harvest, as well as containing loads of fiber and potassium. They have a very mild taste but they accept the flavors of other foods easily and can blend into almost any cuisine. Bamboo shoots need to be peeled before using in cooking, as the culm has a thick, almost woody, exterior that is hard to chew. Inside the peel is a softer texture with a slightly sweet but benign flavor. Culms or shoots are harvested at two weeks or when just about the size of a mature ear of sweet corn. The sprouting season for harvesting bamboo shoots is in spring and lasts only about three to four weeks. The best tasting sprouts are very young and harvested prior to emerging from the soil, but you can mound dirt over any that have surfaced to keep the sprout tender and allow it to grow larger. [图片]How to Grow Bamboo Shoots for Eating Any gardener with a stand of bamboo can easily harvest and enjoy their own shoots. The tender growths are best when harvested before showing their tips above the soil. Excavate around the base of the main plant to find the shoots and excise them with a sharp knife. You can grow them larger by covering the tips with a heap of soil to prevent the shoot from meeting the light, which will harden the sheath. Harvesting bamboo shoots early provides the highest nutrient density and best texture and flavor. The new shoots have crispness similar to young asparagus but must be peeled and cooked for 20 minutes prior to ingestion to remove the woody exterior and any bitterness in the shoot. Growing bamboo shoots as vegetables will increase the diversity of your family’s diet and add dimension to your recipes.
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Dummer. ゛☀
When I think of bamboo, I recall the virtual forest of bamboo on a Hawaiian vacation. Obviously, the weather there is consistently mild and, thus, the cold tolerance of bamboo plants is nil. Since most of us don’t live in such a paradise, growing cold hardy bamboo plants is a necessity. What are some cold weather bamboo varieties suitable for the colder USDA zones? Read on to find out. [图片]About Cold Hardy Bamboo Varieties Bamboo, in general, is a fast-growing evergreen. They are two ilks: Leptomorph and Pachymorph. Leptomorph bamboos have monopodial running rhizomes and spread vigorously. They need to be managed and, if not, are known to grow rampantly and willfully. Pachymorph refers to those bamboos that have sympodial clumping roots. The genus Fargesia is an example of a pachymorph or clumping variety that is also a cold tolerant bamboo variety. The hardy bamboo varieties of Fargesia are native understory plants found in the mountains of China under pines and along streams. Until recently, only a couple of species of Fargesia have been available. F. nitida and F. murieliae, both of which flowered and subsequently died within a 5-year period. [图片]Cold Hardy Bamboo Plant Options Today, there are a number of hardy bamboo varieties in the genus Fargesia that have the highest cold tolerance for bamboo plant cultivars. These cold tolerant bamboos create gorgeous evergreen hedges in shade to partial shaded locations. Fargesia bamboos grow to a height of 8-16 feet tall, depending upon the variety and are all clumping bamboos that do no spread more that 4-6 inches per year. They will grow almost anywhere in the United States, including the southern to southeast climactic zones where it is very hot and humid. F. denudate is an example of these cold weather bamboos that has an arching habit and is not only cold tolerant, but tolerates heat and humidity as well. It is suitable to USDA zone 5-9. F. robusta (or ‘Pingwu’) is an upright bamboo with a clumping habit and, like the previous bamboo, handles the heat and humidity of the Southeastern United States. ‘Pingwu’ will do well in USDA zones 6-9. F. rufa ‘Oprins Selection’ (or Green Panda), is another clumping, cold hardy and heat tolerant bamboo. It grows to 10 feet and is hardy to USDA zones 5-9. This is the bamboo that is the favorite food of the giant panda and will grow well in most any environment. A newer varietal, F. scabrida (or Asian Wonder) has narrow leaves with orange culm sheaths and steel-blue stems when young that mature to an olive green. A good selection for USDA zones 5-8. With these new varieties of cold hardy bamboos, everyone can bring a little piece of paradise into their home garden.
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