Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Rose bushes (Rosa spp.) must be pruned at least once or twice each year. Heavy pruning is done in winter or, in some climates, early spring. Roses are hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 2 through 11, depending on the species. Prune the roses again in summer or fall right after they bloom to tidy them up and encourage new cane growth. Roses that produce flowers in spring and again in fall bloom more profusely in fall when pruned right after their spring bloom cycle. [图片]The Right Pruning Tool Use sharp, scissor-type hand pruners to prune roses. Pour household disinfectant over the open hand pruner blades, and let it sit on them for a few minutes to sterilize them, preventing the spread of plant diseases. Rinse off the disinfectant with clear water, and dry the blades with a clean towel. Disinfectant can harm rose stem tissue. Basics for All Roses Deadhead, or remove, all remaining faded blooms. Do so by cutting each faded flower's stem ¼ inch above the first set of five leaflets. A flower stem cut higher than that point produces weak new stem growth that either will not have flowers or will have flowers that are smaller than normal. Prune off all dead, diseased or crossing stems whenever you notice them throughout the growing season. Make each of those cuts at the base of a stem. Make each pruning cut on a healthy rose cane or stem ¼ inch above a growth bud, which is usually where there are five leaflets. Also make each cut at a 45-degree angle parallel to the growth bud. Buds facing outward produce stems that grow away from the bush's center. Buds facing inward produce stems that grow toward the bush's center. Do not make a cut at too sharp of an angle or too close to the growth bud. A bud damaged by pruning does not grow a new stem. [图片]Insect and Disease Protections Seal the cut ends of stems that are wider than a pencil by using white household glue to keep out boring insects. Throw dead flowers and stem trimmings in the trash. Leaving them in the garden provides a growing environment for fungal and bacterial diseases that can infect rose bushes. Shrub and Old Garden Roses Shrub roses and antique or old garden roses should be trimmed to about two-thirds their heights when they finish blooming. This method is especially important for roses that bloom only once annually, in spring or summer. They bloom on "old wood," or stems that grew the previous year. Pruning them later in the growing season results in less stem growth and reduced blooming the following year. Climbing Roses Climbing roses should not be pruned until they are 2 to 3 years old. The stems that produce flowers on climbing roses are called lateral stems. After a climber finishes blooming, use hand pruners to cut each lateral stem ¼ inch above the second or third growth bud. Ever-blooming climbers need to have their old, woody canes completely removed. Those canes are 2 to 3 years old and brown or tan at their bases. Adjust the position of the remaining canes so they are spread evenly across the bushes' support structure. Once-blooming climbers and ramblers need to have their dead, weak or unproductive canes cut back to healthy, white tissue. All Other Types of Roses All other roses, including hybrid teas, should be trimmed only lightly after they bloom. Remove their spent blooms with disinfected hand pruners. Trim all their stems about only a few inches, just enough to give the bushes a neater appearance.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
If you live in the northern half of the United States, you’ve probably passed by bearberry and never even knew it. This plain-looking little ground cover, also known by the name kinnikinnik, is surprisingly popular with landscapers and homeowners who need a low-growing perennial that requires little care. If you have a need for a carefree ground cover, take a look at the bearberry. Keep reading for more bearberry plant info.[图片]What is a Bearberry? Bearberry (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi) is a low-growing ground cover that usually tops out between 6 and 12 inches. The flexible stems sport teardrop-shaped, leathery leaves in dark green. You’ll find a small amount of white or pale pink waxy flowers between March and June. Bearberry grows groups of cherry red berries that measure just under ½ inch across. A lot of wildlife will eat these berries, but the plant gets its name because bears absolutely love them.[图片]Growing Bearberry Ground Cover If you have a large plot of poor soil and need to landscape it, then bearberry ground cover is your plant. It thrives on soil poor in nutrients and sandy soil that has a hard time supporting other ground covers. Plant it in full sun or partial shade, in spots where it will have space to spread. While bearberry is slow to grow in the first year, it will spread rapidly once established to create mats that fill a lot of space.[图片]Since bearberry will slowly spread over your landscaping in the beginning, you can propagate it to create more plants if you want to fill in the spots quicker. Start new plants by clipping off stems and dipping them into rooting hormone powder, then planting them in moist sand to root. A slower method is growing bearberries by collecting and planting the seeds. Store them in the refrigerator for about 3 months before planting, and rough up the outside of each seed with a file before you bury it in the soil.[图片]Use bearberry on hillsides or over rocky ground that needs coverage. It’s ideal for use as ground cover underneath shrubs or around trees. Plant it along a rock wall and it will cascade down over the edge, softening the look of your landscape perimeter. If you live near the ocean, bearberry is salt-resistant, so use it as a seaside ground cover. Once established, bearberry care is minimal with exceptional to occasional watering.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Aubrieta (Aubrieta deltoidea) is one of the earliest bloomers in spring. Often part of a rock garden, Aubretia is also known as false rockcress. With its darling little purple flowers and dainty leaves, Aubrieta will scramble over rocks and other inorganic items, covering them with color and distracting the eye. Aubrieta groundcover is also remarkably drought tolerant once established and can handle the harsh heat of a full sun rockery. Read on for some tips on the care of Aubrieta and how to use this magical little plant in the garden.[图片]Aubrieta Growing Conditions Aubrieta is a perennial suited for United States Department of Agriculture zones 4 to 8. This temperate to cool region plant can spread up to 24 inches (61 cm.) over time and forms lovely purple carpets of color in spring. It is non-invasive and self-sufficient for the most part. Learn how to grow Aubrieta in your landscape so you can enjoy its charm in your border, rockery or even container garden.[图片]False rockcress plants prefer full sun and well-drained soil. The plant prefers sites that are rich in lime. These easy-care plants are also adapted to partial shade locations but some blooms may be sacrificed. Aubrieta is a member of the mustard family, a notoriously tough group of plants. It is deer resistant and tolerant of drought once established. Once the full heat of summer is released, the plants tend to die back a bit and in fall much of the foliage will disappear in cooler climates. Aubrieta groundcover can tend to get a bit scraggly over time and responds well to shearing back after bloom or in fall.[图片]How to Grow Aubrieta Aubrieta grows well from seed. It is easy to establish and requires a minimum of water as the seedlings grow. Choose a sunny spot in the garden in early spring with well-draining soil or alternately start seeds indoors in flats 6 to 8 weeks before planting outdoors. Remove any debris and till soil to a depth of 6 inches (15 cm.). Sow seeds on the surface of the soil. Water gently with a diffuser attachment to prevent drowning seeds and pushing them under too much soil. Keep the area moderately wet but not soggy. Once seedlings appear, keep weed pests from the area and thin plants to one every 10 inches (25 cm.). Over the spring, false rockcress plants will gradually spread out to cover the area in a thick carpet. Young plants may develop a few spotty flowers but a full flush of blooms should not be expected until the following year.[图片]Care of Aubrieta These little plants couldn’t be easier to manage. Cutting the plants back after bloom can discourage seeding and keep the plants compact and tight. Every 1 to 3 years dig up the plant and divide to prevent center die out and propagate more plants for free. Keep Aubrieta moderately moist especially during the growing season. False rockcress has few disease or insect pest issues. The most common problems occur where soil is clay or drainage is poor. Make sure you amend soil and check for percolation prior to planting them out.[图片]There are several cultivars available with flowers of red, lilac and pink. These lovely plants are beautiful cascading over a wall or even a container. They tend to look a little sad in early spring, as some of the foliage will have dropped but quickly recover with warming temperatures and spring rain.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
We tend to think of moss as small airy green plants that decorate rocks, trees, ground spaces and even our houses. Spike moss plants, or club moss, are not true mosses but very basic vascular plants. They are related to the family of ferns and closely aligned with fern ecosystems. Can you grow spike moss? You certainly can, and it makes an excellent ground cover but needs consistent moisture to remain green.[图片]About Spike Moss Plants Spike moss has a similar structure to ferns. The relationship might lead one to call the plants spike moss fern, although that is technically not correct either. These common plants are part of many native flora situations and are nursery plants for some varieties of wild seed, which grow up through them. Selaginella spike moss are spore producing plants, just like ferns, and can produce large mats of deep feathery green foliage.[图片]The Selaginella genus is an ancient plant group. They formed around the time ferns were evolving but took a u-turn somewhere in the evolutionary development. The moss’s leaves cluster into groups called strobili, with spore bearing structures on the terminal ends. There are over 700 species of Selaginella that span the globe. Some are moisture lovers while others are perfectly suited to arid zones. Many of the spike moss form into a dark, dry little ball when moisture is scarce. In fact, periods of dryness cause the moss to desiccate and go dormant. This is called poikilohydry. The plant bounces back to green life when it gets water, leading to the name resurrection plant. This group of fern and club mosses are called Polypoiophyta.[图片]Spike Moss Care Although closely aligned with ferns, spike moss plants are more nearly related to ancient plants such as quillworts and lycopods. There are many varieties available for the gardener, from Ruby Red spike moss fern to ‘Aurea’ Golden spike moss. Other varieties include: Rock moss Lesser club moss Pin cushion Lacy spike moss They make excellent terrarium plants or even as accents to beds, borders, rock gardens and containers. Plants spread from trailing stems and one plant can cover up to 3 feet over a couple of seasons. Where else can you grow spike moss? Over time the plant will adhere to most vertical surfaces, such as fences and boulders.[图片]These plants are remarkably durable. In most cases, a pressure washer can’t even disturb them. They are hardy to USDA zone 11 and down to cool temperatures of 30 degrees Fahrenheit or -1 degrees Celsius. These mosses require rich, well-drained soil in part to full shade. Plant them in a mixture of peat moss and good garden soil to enhance moisture retention. Another useful fact about spike moss is its ease of division for propagation. Cut apart sections and replant them for a carpet of soft green foliage.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
If you're wondering whether your rose bush (Rosa spp.) is dead or alive, you're not alone. Roses go dormant over winter, and most look fairly dead by the time spring rolls around. Even if all of a rose's stems, or canes, look dry and black, the rose still might be alive. [图片]Roses are hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 2 through 11, depending on the variety, and many survive winter even if part of them dies back. Several methods can be used to check whether or not a rose bush is still alive in spring. You can also use these methods if you wonder whether or not a rose was killed by a disease or other problem. Wait for Leaves The simplest way to determine whether a rose is alive or dead is to wait to see if it sprouts leaves. Watch the plant carefully to see if leaf buds form along the stems. If they do, then you'll know what parts of the plant are dead and what parts are alive. Once you can see swollen leaf buds, begin spring pruning to remove dead wood. Check for Green If you don't want to wait for leaves to sprout or you haven't noticed signs of the rose's life in spring, then check whether or not any parts of the rose canes are still alive. First, pull away any winter protection from the base of the plant. Starting midway down a cane, use a sterilized pruning knife to scrape away the outer layer of bark. If the cane is alive, you'll see a green layer under the bark. If the cane is dead, the inner layer will be brown. Keep using the knife periodically down the cane until you either find a green layer or reach the base of the plant. If you don't find green on any canes, then the rose bush is most likely dead. [图片]Inspect Roots Even if their upper canes are dead, some roses can come back from the roots. This fact depends on whether or not the roses are grafted. Some rose bush tops are grafted onto more vigorous root stocks to provide increased hardiness. Grafted roses include many hybrid roses, such as the cultivar 'Hotel California' (Rosa 'Hotel California,' USDA zones 5 through 9). Other roses are grown on their own roots. They include the Knock Out rose 'Radrazz' (Rosa 'Radrazz', USDA zones 4 through 9). A grafted rose is considered dead if all the stems above the graft union are dead. The rose may still sprout from the roots, but it will not be the same kind of rose bush it was previously. Instead, it will be whatever rose species was used as its root stock, and it may not even bloom. Roses growing on their own roots, however, can still come back from the roots. Before removing those plants, wait until late spring or early summer to see if they sprout new shoots.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
White spots on roses are caused by fungal disease and insect activity. The white spots are usually visible on the surface of flower, leaves or stem, but sometimes they are not so apparent. That is why it is important to look on the underside of leaves. Sometimes, insects hide at the base of the flower. Gardeners should discard diseased or damaged plant material and maintain good air circulation, according to "American Horticultural Society Practical Guides: Roses" by Linden Hawthorne (see Resources). [图片]Mildew White spots on roses are often caused by powdery mildew, a fungus disease that affects the surface of leaves. The white mildew is spread by the wind and develops during humid periods, according to the University of Illinois Extension website. Mildew is reduced with water, sanitation, fungicide spray and pruning. Aphids Some forms of aphids take on a waxy cast that make them appear as white spots on roses. Integrated Pest Management at the University of California says aphids suck the sap from plants and are usually harmless. If too many aphids are present on the rose plants, they can cause the leaves to turn yellow and curl, so check plants often. [图片]Scale Other insects called scale can cause white spots on roses. Scale looks like oyster shell and appear white as eggs and nymphs. Pruning of damaged branches is recommended by Plant Answers. Leaf Hopper The Leaf Hopper is a grey, green or yellow insect that measures 1/4 to 1/2 inch in length. Some forms of the bug feed on the underside of leaves that causes a white stippling pattern, according to the Texas Agriculture Extension Service. Sun Scorch White spots can appear on roses when the plants receive too much sunlight or heat. The Master Gardeners of The Southwest View News describe the problem as sun scorch, a form of sun bleaching that can kill leaves. Climbing roses are also susceptible to sun scorch when excess heat radiates off support walls and hits the back of plants.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
As one of the most celebrated flowering shrubs of all time, roses (Rosa spp.) come in a wide assortment, boasting blooms of almost every color. Depending on the cultivar, roses are hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 2 through 10. They bloom year after year if growers follow pruning guidelines that keep the plants healthy. Pruning, or cutting back the bushes, encourages blooming and promotes new growth. [图片]Pruning Cues A rose bush's class determines when the bush should be pruned. The two classes of roses are those that repeatedly bloom all summer and those that bloom once. Repeat-blooming roses require an annual pruning between mid-February and mid-April, based on their location. Rosarians suggest pruning roses when forsythia bushes (Forsythia spp.) start blooming. An alternate rule of thumb is to start pruning when new rose buds form and begin to swell. Old-fashioned and climbing roses bloom once each year and need pruning after they bloom sometime in early summer. This class of roses produces blossoms on existing stems rather than new growth. Apart from annual pruning, any stem or wood that is diseased or dying should be removed immediately throughout the year. Pruning Necessities Several tools and other items are needed for pruning roses. Ensure each tool's cutting blade is sharp and sterilized with 70 percent rubbing alcohol. Dip small tools in a container filled with rubbing alcohol, and then dry the tools with a clean cloth. Wipe large tools thoroughly with a soft cloth soaked with rubbing alcohol, and use a clean cloth to dry them. The tools and items needed for pruning are: • Bypass pruning shears that cut like scissors. • Long-handled lopping shears. • Pruning saw for thick, old stems. • Heavy gloves to protect your hands. • White, water-based school glue. [图片]Pruning Techniques Some pruning tasks are applicable to all roses. For example, make 45-degree angle cuts each time, and periodically sterilize your tools with alcohol as you prune. Also: • Remove damaged wood stems by cutting each at least 1 inch below darkened wood, leaving green wood with a white center. If the center is tan, continue cutting down the branch until the pith is white. The cut also should be ¼ inch above a bud that faces outward rather than toward the bush's center. • Remove branches that grow toward the center of the bush. This technique opens the center for air and light, and reduces the chances for diseases. • Identify branches that cross each other or rub together. Remove the weakest branch of two such branches. • Remove all branches that are smaller in diameter than a pencil. • Remove suckers from the root base. Dig into the soil to find where suckers originate, and remove them. • Seal all cuts with a thin layer of white, water-based school glue to prevent borers from attacking. On Oct. 1, all pruning tasks should cease so that rose plants have the opportunity to harden off for winter. Pruning for Blooms Repeat-blooming roses can be pruned to a uniform height of 12 to 24 inches. Leave nine to 12 healthy stems that are at least ½ inch in diameter. If you want larger blooms for cut flowers, then prune the bushes to no taller than 15 inches; the plants will produce fewer flowers, but the flowers will be larger. Cut off the spent blooms of repeat-blooming roses throughout summer, cutting each faded bloom down to the first outward-facing rosebud with five leaflets. Removing spent blooms is called deadheading. Once-blooming roses, such as old-fashioned and most climbing varieties, do not require severe pruning. Do not remove more than one-third of each plant. Cut away only dead, damaged and unproductive stems. The remaining branches will produce next year's blooms. Deadhead once-blooming roses by removing only their spent petals, leaving their rose hips intact. Rose hips come from rose blossoms. They are small, round fruits that mature in fall, turning red, orange, burgundy, scarlet or yellow. They are edible for humans and wildlife and offer a showy display in winter.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Ground covers are an attractive way to cover a lot of area in a garden quickly. Snow in summer flower, or Cerastium silver carpet, is an evergreen ground cover that flowers from May to June and grows well in USDA plant hardiness zones 3-7. This stunning European native is a member of the carnation family and is deer resistant. Flowering is profuse, with blooms that are silvery white and star-shaped, and when in full bloom, this mounded plant resembles a pile of snow, hence the plant’s name. However, the flowers are not the only attractive part of this showy plant. The silver, grayish green foliage is a dainty addition to this plant and retains its rich color year round.[图片]Growing Snow in Summer Plants Growing snow in summer plants (Cerastium tomentosum) is relatively easy. Snow in summer likes full sun but will also thrive in partial sun in warm climates. New plants can be started from seed, either directly sown into the flower garden in early spring or started indoors four to six weeks before the last expected frost date. The soil must be kept moist for proper germination but once the plant is established, it is very drought tolerant.[图片]Established plants may be propagated by division in the fall or by cuttings. Space the snow in summer flower 12 to 24 inches apart to give plenty of room for spread. Mature plants grow to 6 to 12 inches and have a spread of 12 to 18 inches. Care of Snow in Summer Ground Cover Snow in summer ground cover is very easy to maintain but will spread rapidly and may become invasive, even earning the nickname mouse-ear chickweed. The plant spreads quickly by reseeding and sending out runners. However, a 5-inch deep edge will usually keep this plant in its borders. Use a high-nitrogen fertilizer when planting and a phosphorus fertilizer after plants bloom.[图片]Don’t let Cerastium silver carpet ground cover go unnoticed. Growing snow in summer plants in rock gardens, on slopes or hillsides, or even as a knockout border in the garden will provide long-lasting pearly white blooms and stunning silvery color year round.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Tree roses are not trees but roses that have been grafted onto a trunk that has been grafted onto a rose rootstock. While they look exotic, tree roses have the same growing requirements as regular roses and are bothered by the same pests and diseases. Tree roses come in two shapes, a compact lollipop or a weeping form. The grafts of both forms need to be protected from swaying in strong winds and winter damage because of freezing temperatures. Tree roses create an interesting look in an otherwise blah area of your garden, and with care, can thrive for years. [图片]Growing a tree rose Step 1 Select a tree rose cultivar hardy in your zone. If you don't live in a hardiness area, tree roses may be grown in containers and overwintered indoors. Tree roses should be planted in spring after the danger of frost has passed. Step 2 Choose a spot of well-drained soil with a pH of 6.0 to 7.0. The site should receive at least six hours of full sun a day. Eastern exposure is best as the morning sun evaporates dew from the leaves, but a southern or western exposure also will work. Avoid northern exposures. Step 3 Dig a hole twice as wide and deep as your tree rose's root ball. Mix the soil removed from the hole with compost until you have a 50/50 mix of soil and compost. Refill the hole with the compost-soil mix until it is just large enough to accommodate the root ball and places the graft between the rootstock and the trunk stock 2 to 3 inches above the soil. Step 4 Place the tree rose in the hole and backfill with soil. Make sure the tree rose remains straight as you fill the hole. Step 5 Insert a stake into the soil just outside the root ball. Attach the tree rose to the stake with at least two elasticized tree ties. Place the ties 2 to 4 inches above the graft between the root stock and the trunk stock and 1 to 2 inches below the graft between the trunk stock and the rose. Step 6 Apply mulch 1 to 3 inches deep around your tree rose. Pull it back from the trunk to prevent damage. Make sure the mulch does not cover the graft between the root stock and the trunk stock. [图片]Step 7 If you are growing your tree rose in a container, place rocks or pieces of broken clay pots in the bottom of the container. Fill the container, sized for your mature tree rose, with a general-use potting soil. Plant and stake the tree rose as you would in the garden. Step 8 Deadhead your tree rose when blooms fade. In the spring, just after bud break, prune off dead and broken branches. Prune back foliage that has powdery mildew or black spot. Step 9 Give your tree rose a deep watering three to four times a week. Water the soil around the tree rose. Do not get the foliage wet as this will promote powdery mildew and black spot. Step 10 Fertilize your tree rose three times a year -- in early spring when flower buds are swelling, again just after your tree rose begins to flower and then in late summer after most of the blooms have faded. Use a liquid rose food; follow package directions for rate of application. Step 11 When your tree rose loses its leaves in the fall, wrap the entire plant with burlap, leave the top open and secure with twine. Or you can just dig up your tree rose and store it in dampened peat moss in a warm garage or basement. If your tree rose is planted in a container, bring the container inside for the winter.
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