Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Hay plantas medicinales que nos pueden ayudar a prevenir el catarro (o resfriado) y la gripe de una forma natural y sencilla. Durante los cambios de estación, al comienzo del otoño y durante el invierno, periodos de estrés mantenido y llevar una dieta desequilibra los catarros o resfriados y gripes se convierten en enfermedades muy comunes. En este artículo te proponemos algunas plantas o hierbas medicinales que usadas como remedios caseros pueden mejorar tu salud para estar más fuerte ante este tipo de enfermedades y poder evitarlas o reducir sus síntomas en caso de llegar a padecerlas. Además puedes ver remedios caseros para la tos, y cómo preparar vaporub casero para la congestión y la tos. Definición de catarro o resfriado y gripe * El catarro o resfriado es una infección en el sistema respiratorio provocada por un virus. El catarro se contagia por contacto directo con un enfermo. Las personas con asma, alergias y ansiedad son más propensas a padecer catarros. Los síntomas del catarro comienzan de forma escalonada y poco a poco y pueden ser tales como dolor de garganta, oídos, secreción y congestión nasal, tos y fiebre ocasional. El catarro puede durar alrededor de 5 días. * La gripe es una infección aguda de las vías respiratorias altas causada también por virus. Si no se trata convenientemente puede darse también una infección bacteriana que daría paso a una neumonía. La gripe se contagia por contacto directo, vía aérea y mediante estornudos y pequeñas gotas que expulsamos al hablar o toser. Los síntomas de la gripe son fiebre, tos, mucosidad, dolor de cabeza, muscular y de garganta, náuseas, vómitos, diarreas y pueden durar entre 5 y 7 días. La gripe comienza de forma repentina. Además de poder utilizar las plantas o hierbas medicinales que se indican, debemos mantener buenos hábitos de higiene (especialmente lavarnos bien las manos), llevar una dieta sana y equilibrada rica en antioxidantes, beber suficiente líquido y descansar y dormir las horas necesarias. 10 plantas medicinales para prevenir catarro o resfriado y gripe * Tomillo: es una planta que refuerza el sistema inmunológico previniendo las infecciones de virus. El tomillo es un poderoso antibacteriano, reduce la fiebre, calma la tos y favorece la expulsión del exceso de moco. Se toma preparándolo en infusiones, se puede hacer jarabe de tomillo, en tinturas, etc. * Astrágalo: esta planta medicinal estimula las defensas de nuestro sistema inmunológico fortaleciéndolo para combatir virus. Es tónica del aparato respiratorio y una planta muy efectiva para enfermedades crónicas relacionadas con el sistema inmune. Alivia los síntomas de la alergia, combate el cansancio y proporciona vitalidad. Se toma en infusión o tinturas. * Regaliz: es una opción natural excelente para estimular el funcionamiento de nuestro sistema inmune ante patógenos como virus debido a sus propiedades antivíricas. Además el regaliz tiene la cualidad de reducir la inflamación y por su poder expectorante, por lo que resulta también muy beneficioso para los casos de bronquitis, tos y catarro. Se utiliza la corteza en infusión o la tintura. * Equinácea: una gran planta medicinal es conocida porque tiene la cualidad de fortalecer el sistema inmunológico y así poder combatir los ataques de virus y bacterias y poder neutralizarlos antes de que lleguen a causar daños graves en la salud. Además la equinácea tiene acción antiinflamatoria. La equinácea se puede tomar en infusión y también en tintura. Mira cómo preparar en casa tintura de equinácea. * Ortiga: hierba muy beneficiosa para estimular y mejorar el funcionamiento del sistema inmunologico. Esta planta medicinal es excelente para tomar durante periodos en los que tenemos las defensas bajas para mejorar nuestra salud y prevenir enfermedades infecciosas causadas por virus como los catarro y gripe. También tiene acción antibacteriana, antiinflamatoria, expectorante y antihistamínicas. * Uña de gato: un poderoso remedio natural para prevenir enfermedades por virus. Esta planta medicinal estimula las defensas naturales de nuestro cuerpo para combatir a los patógenos y evitar infecciones. Es una planta muy completa que además de ser inmunoestimulante tiene muchos otros beneficios para nuestra salud. Se prepara en infusión. * Comino negro o Ajenuz: es una planta que se ha utilizado tradicionalmente para tratar enfermedades infecciosas y potenciar el funcionamiento del sistema inmune. Mejora nuestras defensas para ayudarnos a combatir el ataque de agentes infecciosos. También es un remedio natural para mejorar el funcionamiento del sistema linfático y previene o mitiga las alergias y el asma. Se prepara la infusión con la semilla. * Jengibre: aumenta las defensas. Es un aliado perfecto para combatir los virus y las bacterias, por lo que es uno de esos remedios naturales imprescindibles para cuidar de nuestra salud y prevenir enfermedades como los resfriados y las gripes. Además reduce el dolor y la inflamación. Lo podemos tomar haciendo una infusión de jengibre o preparar una tintura de jengibre. * Té verde: es rico en antioxidantes, (posee más cantidad incluso que el té rojo) nos ayuda a combatir los virus y las bacterias y prevenir infecciones. El té verde favorece el buen funcionamiento de nuestro sistema inmunológico y es un remedio casero muy sencillo de preparar y tomar. Cuando estés en épocas de mucho estrés, no estés comiendo bien y tengas alrededor a personas con gripe y catarro… no lo dudes, tómate unas tazas de té verde para prevenir enfermar. * Eucalipto: las hojas del eucalipto tienen acción antiséptica, antiviral, antibacteriano, descongestivo, expectorante, febrífugo…. Es un aliado excelente para tomar en forma de infusión, en aceite esencial o de vahos cuando queremos prevenir la aparición de catarros o gripes o cuando empezamos a notar los primeros síntomas. Gracias a sus propiedades medicinales minimizaremos los síntomas como la fiebre, el dolor o la congestión nasal.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
El té negro se obtiene del arbusto Camelia sinensis, que es originario de Asia. De este arbusto se cosechan las hojas que, según cómo se preparen se obtendrá té verde, té rojo o té negro. Para elaborar el té negro las hojas se dejan oxidar, algo que no ocurre con el té verde. Durante este proceso de oxidación el té negro tomará su sabor y color característico. Vamos a ver para qué es bueno el té negro. [图片]Propiedades del té negro Contiene polifenoles (con acción antioxidante), taninos, teína, antocianinas, proteínas vegetales, vitaminas del grupo B, k y minerales como el magnesio, calcio, fósforo o zinc. El té negro tiene acción astringente, diurética, antienvejecimiento, estimulante, cardioprotectora. Beneficios del consumo del té negro PROPIEDADES TE NEGROPreviene los daños de los radicales libres Ayuda a reducir el riesgo de padecer enfermedades cardiovasculares Protege los capilares oculares Elimina el exceso de líquidos del cuerpo [图片]Tiene un ligero efecto saciante El té negro nos ayuda a prevenir las caries Es un remedio natural para la diarrea Puede ser beneficioso para trastornos gastrointestinales Reduce el cansancio mental El té negro podría mejorar la memoria y el aprendizaje Mantiene nuestra piel en buen estado Cuida de nuestra salud ocular Nos protege de sufrir enfermedades cardiovasculares Mejora la concentración Ayuda a combatir infecciones del aparato urinario como la cistitis Retrasa el envejecimiento Puede ayudarnos a recuperarnos antes de gripes y resfriados El té negro tiene efecto estimulante Su consumo está contraindicado durante el embarazo y lactancia ¿Cómo preparar una infusión de té negro? Pon una cucharadita de café de té negro en una taza y añade agua caliente (que no llegue a hervir), tápalo y deja reposar durante 3 a 5 minutos. Después cuela y endulza si lo deseas con extracto líquido de stevia
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
El achiote, Bixa Orellana, también conocido por otros nombres como axiote, roncol, bija, urucú o annatto, es una planta originaria de América tropical. Tiene unas flores muy vistosas y el fruto es una cápsula con pinchos que guarda en su interior unas semillas rojas con forma triangular. Tanto los frutos, como las semillas, las raíces y las hojas se han utilizado tradicionalmente por culturas como los Mayas por sus propiedades medicinales. El achiote se usa principalmente elaborando una infusión con las semillas o con las hojas, pero además de poder utilizar el achiote como uso interno lo podemos preparar en forma de cataplasma para uso externo. También es muy común utilizarlo como colorante alimentario natural para dar color a distintas recetas de cocina. [图片]Propiedades medicinales del achiote El achiote contiene vitaminas a, b y c, calcio, hierro y fósforo (hojas) flavonoides, carotenoides, fibra, proteína vegetal y taninos. Tiene acción antiinflamatoria, expectorante, diurética, febrífugo, antibacteriana, suavizante, hepatoprotectora, antioxidante, cicatrizante, astringente, hipoglicemiante, antiséptico, cardiotónico, sedante suave. Beneficios de consumo de achiote beneficios achioteMejora la hipertensión arterial Resulta útil en casos de gastritis y ardor de estómago Estimula el buen funcionamiento de los riñones Ayuda a combatir o reducir la prostatitis El achiote se utliza para los casos de fiebre La infusión de frutos y semillas se usa para el dolor de cabeza (infusión y cataplasma) Es un remedio eficaz para la diarrea Es beneficioso para tratar las infecciones de orina (cistitis) El achiote mejora las afecciones respiratorias Las hojas ayudan a combatir la infección de garganta Mejorar la salud del hígado La infusión de las hojas se usa para combatir la conjuntivitis Mejora el estado general de la piel El achiote nos ayuda a prevenir el envejecimiento prematuro Aplicado de forma externa ayuda a cicatrizar heridas Protege a la piel ante la exposición al sol (uso externo) Mejora afecciones gastrointestinales Sigue leyendo más información interesante sobre otras plantas medicinales y sobre remedios caseros
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
The Atlas cedar (Cedrus atlantica) is a true cedar that takes its name from the Atlas Mountains of Northern Africa, its native range. Blue Atlas (Cedrus atlantica ‘Glauca’) is among the most popular cedar cultivars in this country, with its beautiful powdery blue needles. The weeping version, ‘Glauca Pendula,’ can be trained to grow like a vast umbrella of tree limbs. Read on for more information about Blue Atlas cedar trees and care.[图片]Blue Atlas Cedar Care The Blue Atlas cedar is a stately and majestic evergreen with a strong, vertical trunk and open, almost horizontal limbs. With its stiff, blue-green needles, it makes an exceptional specimen tree for big backyards. Blue Atlas cedar care starts with selecting an appropriate planting location. If you decide to plant a Blue Atlas cedar, give it plenty of room to spread out. The trees don’t thrive in restricted space. They are also most attractive if they have sufficient room for their branches to fully extend and if you don’t remove their lower branches. Plant these cedars in the sun or in partial shade. They thrive in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 6 through 8. In California or Florida, they can also be planted in zone 9. The trees grow fast at first and then slower as they age. Select a growing site sufficiently large for the tree to get to 60 feet tall and 40 feet wide.[图片]Caring for Weeping Blue Atlas Cedars Nurseries create weeping Blue Atlas cedar trees by grafting the ‘Glauca Pendula’ cultivar onto the Cedrus atlantica species rootstock. While weeping Blue Atlas cedars have the same powdery blue-green needles as upright Blue Atlas, the branches on the weeping cultivars droop unless you tie them up on stakes. Planting a weeping Blue Atlas cedar, with its drooping, twisted branches, gives you an unusual and spectacular specimen tree. This cultivar is likely to grow about 10 feet high and twice as wide, depending on how you decide to train it.[图片]Consider planting weeping Blue Atlas cedars in a rock garden. Rather than staking the branches to create a shape, you can allow them to mound and spread. If you take care when planting, caring for a weeping Blue Atlas cedar should not be too difficult. The trees only require abundant irrigation the first year, and are drought tolerant when mature. Think through how you want to train the tree before you plant it. You’ll have to stake and train weeping Blue Atlas cedar trees from the time you plant them to create the form you have selected.[图片]For best results, try planting in full sun in well-draining, loamy soil. Feed weeping blue Atlas cedars in early spring with a balanced fertilizer.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
The cedar of Lebanon tree (Cedrus libani) is an evergreen with beautiful wood that has been used for high quality timber for thousands of years. Lebanon cedar trees usually have only one trunk with many branches that grow out horizontally, spiraling up. They are long lived and have a maximum life span of over 1,000 years. If you are interested in growing cedar of Lebanon trees, read on for information about these cedars and tips about cedar of Lebanon care.[图片]Lebanon Cedar Information Lebanon cedar information tells us that these conifers are native to Lebanon, Syria and Turkey. In yesteryear, vast forests of Lebanon cedar trees covered these regions, but today they are largely gone. However, people around the world began growing cedar of Lebanon trees for their grace and beauty. Lebanon cedar trees have thick trunks and stout branches too. Younger trees are shaped like pyramids, but the crown of a Lebanon cedar tree flattens as it ages. Mature trees also have bark that is cracked and fissured.[图片]You’ll have to be patient if you want to start growing cedar of Lebanon. The trees don’t even flower until they are 25 or 30 years old, which means that until that time, they do not reproduce. Once they begin to flower, they produce unisex catkins, 2-inches long and reddish in color. In time, the cones grow to 5 inches long, standing up like candles on the branches. The cones are light green until they mature, when they become brown. Their scales each contain two winged seeds that are carried away by the wind.[图片]Growing Cedar of Lebanon Cedar of Lebanon care starts with selecting an appropriate planting location. Only plant Lebanon cedar trees if you have a big backyard. A cedar of Lebanon tree is tall with spreading branches. It can rise to 80 feet tall with a spread of 50 feet. Ideally, you should grow Lebanon cedars at elevations of 4,200-700 feet. In any event, plant the trees in deep soil. They need generous light and about 40 inches of water a year. In the wild, Lebanon cedar trees thrive on slopes facing the sea where they form open forests.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
No one can visit a tropical locale without noticing the multi-trunked trees with golden flowers cascading from the branches. Growing cassia trees (Cassia fistula) line the boulevards of many tropical cities; and when you see one in full flower for the first time, you have to ask, “How hardy is a cassia tree and can I take one home?”[图片]Cassia Tree Info If you live anywhere north of growing zone 10b and don’t have a climate controlled greenhouse, the answer is probably no. If you do meet one of those requirements, you’re in luck. Cassia tree info tells us that, depending on the species, these trees come in evergreen, semi-evergreen and deciduous types with brilliant pink, orange, red, white or yellow flowers. Yellow is the most common flower type and gives the tree one of its many common names, the gold medallion tree. Each flower is only about two to three inches wide but appear in clusters along densely packed racemes that on a mature growing cassia tree can reach two feet long. The light green leaves of the cassia tree are pinnate with six to twelve pairs of long oval leaflets and grow to two feet or more. Once flowering is over, the flowers are replaced with seed pods.[图片]Growing Cassia Trees If you live in an area that meets the requirements of how hardy is a cassia tree, planting a cassia tree can be a striking addition to your landscape. Most cassia tree info recommends growing cassia trees from seed. There’s a trick to this, however. The seeds are rock hard and water tight, so you can either soak them in sulfuric acid (No kidding! And it needs to be concentrated, too. In nature, this process occurs in the digestive tracts of animals.), or you can scarify or slit the seed coat. Soak the seed in water for at least 24 hours and nick the seed with a sharp knife. Keep the seed moist in a pot of commercial growing medium. You can, of course, purchase a tree from your local nursery or order it from a catalog. The following directions for planting a cassia tree will be the same.[图片]Tips for Planting a Cassia Tree and Its Care Cassia tree care requires very little, but that little is important. Once your seed has germinated and has about six leaves, it’s time to decide where your tree will be growing. Cassia trees need full sun to flower and produce the most colorful blossoms. They are tolerant of most soil types with a neutral pH, and while they like water, they do best in well drained soils. Dig your whole twice the size of the root ball and add peat moss and compost to the fill dirt, adding a handful of slow release fertilizer. Planting a cassia tree this way will give it the healthiest start. Leave a trough around your tree to collect water and see that it is watered regularly until the roots are well established.[图片]Young trees need to be staked and will look a little scrawny for the first five years or so and then it will begin to fill out. These trees have a tendency to ‘weep’ so if you want a fuller look, pruning will be a part of your early cassia tree care. Still asking how hardy is a cassia tree? They rarely survive temperatures below 30 F. (-1 C.) and since they reach heights of 20 to 30 feet, that greenhouse better be a big one. Sometimes it’s better to dream. But for those of you who live in or on the edge of the tropics, think about planting a cassia tree as a lush tropical canopy for your yard.[图片]One final word of warning. While all parts of the cassia tree were once used for ancient medical remedies, it is not safe to ingest any part of the tree. The seeds can be particularly toxic, so keep this in mind around children or pets.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Cassia trees are also called candlebrush, and it’s easy to see why. In late summer, the golden yellow flowers that hang from the branches in long clusters resemble candles. This large, spreading shrub or small tree makes a great container accent plant that looks fantastic on patios and near entryways. You can also use it as a specimen or lawn tree. Pruning cassia trees helps strengthen the structure and keeps it looking neat.[图片]When to Trim Cassia Trees Prune cassia trees at planting time only if necessary to removed dead and diseased branches and those that cross and rub against each other. Rubbing causes wounds that can provide entry points for insects and disease organisms. Cassia trees are normally pruned in late winter or early spring. Early pruning gives the shrub plenty of time to form the buds that will bloom in late summer. Do the first structural pruning the first spring after planting. Early spring is also a good time to pinch out the tips of new growth to encourage more lateral shoots and flowers.[图片]How to Prune Cassia Trees Cassia tree pruning begins by removing dead and diseased branches. If you are removing just a portion of a branch, make the cut one-quarter inch above a bud or twig. New stems will grow in the direction of the bud or twig, so choose the site carefully. Cut out diseased and damaged branches several inches below the damage. If the wood in the cross section of the cut is dark or discolored, cut a little further down the stem. When pruning for structure, remove branches that shoot straight up and leave those that have a wide crotch between the branch and the trunk. Make a clean cut flush with the trunk when removing a branch. Never leave a long stub.[图片]Removing the tips of new growth encourages more new branches and flowers. Take off the tips of the stems, cutting just above the last bud on the branch. Since the flowers form on new growth, you’ll get more flowers as the new shoots form.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
With white flowers that are shaped like bells, the Carolina silverbell tree (Halesia carolina) is an understory tree that grows frequently along streams in the southeastern United States. Hardy to USDA zones 4-8, this tree sports pretty, bell-shaped flowers from April through May. Trees range in height from 20 to 30 feet and have a 15- to 35-foot spread. Keep reading for information about growing Halesia silverbells.[图片]How to Grow a Carolina Silverbell Tree Growing Halesia silverbells is not overly difficult as long as you provide the right soil conditions. Moist and acidic soil that drains well is best. If your soil is not acidic, try adding iron sulfate, aluminum sulfate, sulfur or sphagnum peat moss. Amounts will vary depending on your location and how acidic your soil already is. Be sure to take a soil sample before amending. Container grown plants are recommended for best results. Propagation by seed is possible and it is best to gather seeds in the fall from a mature tree. Harvest around five to ten mature seedpods that do not have any physical signs of damage. Soak the seeds in sulfuric acid for eight hours followed by 21 hours of soaking in water. Wipe away deteriorated pieces from the pods.[图片]Mix 2 parts compost with 2 parts potting soil and 1 part sand, and place into a flat or large pot. Plant the seeds about 2 inches deep and cover with soil. Then cover the top of each pot or flat with mulch. Water until moist and keep the soil moist at all times. Germination can take as long as two years. Rotate every two to three months between warm (70-80 F./21-27 C.) and cold (35 -42 F./2-6 C.) temperatures.[图片]Choose a suitable location to plant your tree after the second year and provide an organic fertilizer when you plant and each spring thereafter as part of your Halesia tree care until it is well established.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
If you’re looking for an interesting tree that can tolerate a wide range of growing conditions in the landscape, consider growing yourself a pea tree. What is a pea tree, you ask? Keep reading for more information about pea trees.[图片]About Pea Trees A member of the pea family (Fabaceae), the Siberian pea tree, Caragana arborescens, is a deciduous shrub or small tree native to Siberia and Manchuria. Introduced into the United States, the Siberian pea tree, otherwise known as Caragana pea tree, attains heights of between 10 to 15 feet tall, some up to 20 feet tall. It is composed of alternate 3- to 5-inch long leaves made up of eight to 12 oval leaflets with yellow snapdragon shaped blooms appearing in early spring and forming pods in late June or early July. Seeds are spread as the ripening pods burst with a resounding pop. The Siberian pea tree has been used medicinally while some ethnic groups eat the young pods, use the bark for fiber, and render an azure colored dye from its leaves. During WWII, Siberian peasants supposedly over wintered their poultry flocks by feeding them the seeds of Caragana pea trees, which wildlife enjoy as well. The erect to almost weeping habit of the pea tree lends itself well to planting Caragana as windbreaks, in borders, screen plantings and as flowering hedges.[图片]How to Grow a Pea Tree Interested in how to grow a pea tree? Planting Caragana trees may occur in almost any region of the United States, as it is fairly tolerant of most conditions. Siberian pea trees can be planted anywhere in anything from full sun to partial shade and in moist to dry soil. Planting Caragana pea trees may occur in clay, loam or sandy soil media with either a high acidity or high alkalinity in USDA plant hardiness zones 2-8.[图片]You should plan on planting your pea tree after the chance of any frost in the area. Dig a hole that is twice as wide as the root ball and 2 inches as deep. Add a couple of handfuls of compost and four handfuls of sand (if you have dense soil) to the dirt. If you are planning on creating a hedge, space each plant 5 to 10 feet apart. Place 2 inches of this amended soil back into the hole and put the new Siberian pea plant atop and fill with the rest of the soil. Water thoroughly and tamp down the soil around the plant. Continue to water every other day for the first two weeks to establish strong root then thereafter reduce watering to twice a week for the next two weeks.[图片]Pea Tree Care Since Siberian pea plant is so adaptable, there is minimal pea tree care to consider once established. Feed the plant a slow release fertilizer tablet or granules once the plant has started to grow and water in. You will only need to fertilize once a year in the spring. Water every week unless the weather is overly hot and dry, and prune as needed – ideally in late winter to early spring, especially if creating a hedge of Caragana pea trees.[图片]Caragana pea trees will even flourish seaside as well as more arid climates and is resistant to most pests and diseases. This hardy flowering specimen can live from 40 to 150 years growing an additional 3 feet per season, so if planting Caragana in your landscape, you should enjoy the tree for many years to come.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Love it or hate it – few gardeners feel neutral about the camphor tree (Cinnamomum camphora). Camphor trees in the landscape grow very big, very fast, making some homeowners happy, others uncomfortable. The tree also produces thousands of berries that can result in thousands of seedlings in your backyard. Read on for more camphor tree information.[图片]Camphor Tree Information Camphor trees in the landscape cannot be ignored. Each tree can grow to 150 feet tall and spread twice as wide. Camphor tree information also notes that the trunks get to 15 feet in diameter in some locations, although in the United States, the maximum trunk diameter is much smaller. Camphor trees have glossy oval leaves that dangle from long petioles. Leaves start out a rusty red, but soon turn dark green with three yellow veins. The leaves are paler underneath and darker on top. These trees are native to mesic forests of China, Japan, Korea and Taiwan, but the tree has become naturalized in Australia and thrives in the Gulf and Pacific Coast regions.[图片]Camphor Tree Growing If you are interested in camphor tree growing, you’ll need some additional camphor tree information. These trees like to grow in fertile sandy soil with a pH level of between 4.3 and 8. Camphor tree growing is best in full sun or partial shade. When caring for camphor trees, you’ll need to water them when they are first transplanted, but once they are established, they are drought tolerant. Don’t plant with the intention of transplanting in mind. When you are caring for camphor trees, you need to know that their roots are very sensitive to disturbance and grow far from the trunk.[图片]Camphor Tree Uses Camphor tree uses include planting as a shade tree or windbreak. Its long roots make it very resilient to storms and wind. However, other camphor tree uses may surprise you. The tree is grown commercially in China and Japan for its oil that is used for medicinal purposes. Camphor oil has been used to treat conditions from parasitic infections to toothaches, and the plant chemicals have value in antiseptics.[图片]Other camphor tree uses involve its attractive red and yellow striped wood. It is good for woodworking, and repelling insects. Camphor is also used in perfumes.
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