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Dummer. ゛☀
The lemon cypress tree, also called Goldcrest after its cultivar, is a variety of Monterey cypress. It gets its common name from the powerful strong lemon scent that its branches exude if you brush against them or crush their foliage. You can start growing lemon cypress trees (Cupressus macrocarpa ‘Goldcrest’) indoors or outside. Lemon cypress care is not difficult if you know some basic rules.[图片]Lemon Cypress Trees Lemon cypress trees come in two sizes: small and smaller. Grown outdoors in their natural habitat, the trees can grow to 16 feet tall. This is quite small for a cypress. The dwarf lemon cypress (Cupressus macrocarpa ‘Goldcrest Wilma’) is the better choice for a houseplant. This small tree usually does not grow taller than 3 feet, making it perfect for indoor containers. The tree has many admirers, thanks to its green-yellow needle-like foliage, conical growth pattern and bright fresh citrus smell. If you are thinking of growing lemon cypress, you’ll need to understand basic rules of lemon cypress care.[图片]Lemon Cypress Care Outdoors In general, growing lemon cypress is not difficult. The trees require well-draining soil, but are not picky about whether it is loamy, sandy or chalky. They also accept acidic, neutral or alkaline soil. If you are growing lemon cypress in your backyard, you’ll need to learn about care for lemon cypress outdoors. They thrive in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 7 through 10. Lemon cypress trees cannot survive shade, so you’ll need to plant your outdoor tree in a sunny spot. And don’t neglect irrigation, especially immediately after planting. During the tree’s first growing season, you’ll need to water twice a week. Watering is always an important part of care for lemon cypress outdoors. After the first year, water whenever the soil is dry. In spring, it’s time to feed the tree. Apply a standard, slow-release 20-20-20 fertilizer before new growth appears in the spring.[图片]Lemon Cypress Houseplant Care If you decide to start growing lemon cypress trees indoors as houseplants, remember that they do best with cool indoor temperatures. Keep your thermostat in the low 60’s during winter. Perhaps the most difficult part of lemon cypress houseplant care is ensuring sufficient light. Select a window that provides good sunlight and turn the container regularly to give each side a turn. The houseplant requires 6 to 8 hours of direct sun.[图片]Don’t forget water – essential for lemon cypress houseplant care. They won’t forgive you if you don’t give them drenching once a week – you’ll see brown needles appear. Water whenever the soil is dry.
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Dummer. ゛☀
It’s hard to mistake the bald cypress for any other tree. These tall conifers with flared trunk bases are emblematic of the Florida everglades. If you are considering planting a bald cypress tree, you’ll want to read up on bald cypress information. Here are some tips on growing a bald cypress.[图片]Bald Cypress Information A bald cypress (Taxodium distichum) isn’t actually bald. Like every living tree, it grows foliage that helps it with photosynthesis. It’s a conifer, so its foliage consists of needles, not leaves. However, unlike many conifers, bald cypress is deciduous. That means that it loses its needles before winter. Bald cypress information suggests that the needles are flat and yellow-green in summer, turning rusty orange and falling in autumn. The state tree of Louisiana, bald cypress is native to southern swamps and bayous from Maryland to Texas. If you’ve seen photos of this tree, they were likely taken in the Deep South when the tree grows in large stands in swamps, its branches draped with Spanish moss. The trunks of bald cypress flare at the base, developing knobby root growths. In swamps, these look like the tree’s knees just above the surface of the water.[图片]Bald Cypress Growing You don’t have to live in the Everglades to start bald cypress growing, however. Given appropriate bald cypress care, these tree can thrive in drier, upland soils. Before planting a bald cypress tree, note that the trees only thrive in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 4 through 9. It’s also important to make sure you have the space for bald cypress growing. These trees grow slowly, but they mature into giants. When you start planting a bald cypress tree in your backyard, try to imagine the tree several decades in the future at 120 feet tall with a trunk diameter of 6 feet or more. The other piece of bald cypress information to keep in mind involves their longevity. With appropriate bald cypress care, your tree may live 600 years.[图片]Bald Cypress Care It’s not difficult to provide your tree the best bald cypress care if you select an excellent planting location, starting with a spot in full sun. When you are planting a bald cypress tree, ensure that the soil has good drainage but also retains some moisture. Ideally, soil should be acidic, moist and sandy. Irrigate regularly. Do yourself a favor and don’t plant these trees in alkaline soil. Although bald cypress information may tell you that the tree has no serious insect or disease issues, it is likely to get chlorosisin alkaline soils.[图片]You’ll make Mother Nature happy if you start bald cypress growing. These tree are important to wildlife and help hold soil in place. They prevent erosion of river banks by soaking up excess water. Their thirsty roots also prevent pollutants in the water from spreading. The trees are breeding grounds for a variety of reptiles and nesting grounds for wood ducks and raptors.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Growing crabapple trees in the landscape is commonplace for many homeowners, but if you haven’t yet tried it, you may be asking, “How do you grow crabapple trees?” Continue reading to find out how to plant a crabapple tree as well as how to care for a crabapple tree in the landscape.[图片]Flowering Crabapple Trees Often called “the jewels of the landscape” flowering crabapple trees create four seasons of outstanding visual impact. In spring, the tree leafs out while the flower buds swell until they burst open to reveal fragrant blossoms in shades that range from white or pale pink to red. As the flowers fade, they are replaced by small fruit that are relished by birds and squirrels. Most crabapple trees have vibrant fall colors, and once the leaves fall, the fruit stands out against the bare or snow-covered branches. The fruit often lasts well into the winter months. The difference between an apple and a crabapple is the size of the fruit. Fruit less than 2 inches in diameter are considered crabapples, while larger fruit are called apples.[图片]How to Plant a Crabapple Tree Choose a location in full sun with well-drained soil. Trees that are shaded develop an open canopy instead of a more attractive, dense growth habit. Shaded trees produce fewer flowers and fruit, and they are more susceptible to disease. Dig the hole for the tree as deep as the root ball and two to three times as wide. When you set the tree in the hole, the soil line on the tree should be even with the surrounding soil. Fill the hole half full with soil and water well to remove the air pockets. When the soil settles and the water drains through, finish filling the hole and water thoroughly.[图片]How to Care for a Crabapple Tree Growing crabapple trees in the home landscape is much easier if you choose disease- and insect-resistant varieties. This allows you to focus your attention on care essentials like fertilizing, watering and pruning. Newly Planted Trees – Newly planted crabapple trees don’t need fertilization until the following spring, but they do need regular watering during their first year. Keep the soil over the tree’s root zone evenly moist. A 2- to 4-inch layer of mulch over the roots prevents the soil from drying out too quickly. Established Flowering Crabapple Trees – Crabapple trees are drought-resistant once established, but they grow best if you water them when there is less than an inch of rain in a week during summer. A 2-inch layer of mulch applied every spring provides sufficient nutrients for a crabapple tree. If you prefer, you can apply a light feeding of slow-release fertilizer instead.[图片]Crabapple trees need very little pruning. Remove dead, diseased and damaged twigs and branches in spring and remove suckers as they appear. Pruning crabapple trees after the end of June significantly reduces the number of flowers and fruit in the following year.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Help, my crabapple isn’t flowering! Crabapple trees put on a real show in springtime with dense masses of blossoms in shades ranging from pure white to pink or rosy red. When a flowering crabapple has no flowers, it can be a huge disappointment. There are several possible reasons for a crabapple not blooming, some simple and some more involved. Read on for tips on troubleshooting flowering crabapple problems.[图片]Reasons for No Flowers on Crabapple Trees Age: When a young crabapple isn’t flowering, it may be because the tree still needs a few more years to grow and mature. On the other hand, an old tree may be past its best blooming years. Feeding: Although crabapple trees don’t need a lot of fertilizer, they benefit from one light feeding every spring during the first four or five years. Sprinkle a time-release fertilizer on the ground under the tree, out to about 18 inches past the dripline. Mature trees require no fertilizer, but a 2- to 4-inch layer of organic mulch will return nutrients to the soil.[图片]Weather: Crabapple trees can be fickle when it comes to the weather. For example, a dry autumn may result in no flowers on crabapple trees the following spring. Similarly, crabapple trees require a chilling period, so an unseasonably warm winter may create flowering crabapple problems. Erratic weather may also be to blame when one tree blooms and a neighboring tree in the same yard doesn’t, or when a tree displays only a few half-hearted flowers. Sunlight: Crabapple trees require full sunlight and a too shady location may be the culprit when a crabapple isn’t flowering. Although crabapples don’t require heavy pruning, proper pruning in spring can ensure sunlight reaches all parts of the tree.[图片]Disease: Apple scab is a common fungal disease that affects leaves when they emerge in spring, particularly when conditions are moist. Replace the tree with a disease-resistant cultivar, or try treating the affected tree with a fungicide at leaf emergence, followed by treatments two and four weeks later.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Crabapples are popular, adaptable trees that add all-season beauty to the garden with minimal maintenance. Picking a crabapple tree is a bit of a challenge, however, because this versatile tree is available in a tremendous range of flower color, leaf color, fruit color, size and shape. Read on to learn about choosing crabapple trees for landscapes.[图片]Popular Crabapple Varieties There are both fruiting crabapple trees and non-fruiting crabapples. While most flowering crabapples develop fruit, there are a few varieties that are virtually fruitless. Below are some common types of crabapples to choose from: Fruiting Crabapples Golden Hornet – This is an upright variety that produces white to pale pink blooms followed by greenish-yellow fruit. The foliage turns from medium green to yellow in fall. Snowdrift – This rounded form produces pink buds that bloom white. Its orange fruit is followed by bright yellow autumn colored leaves. Sugar Tyme – Having an oval-like shape, this crabapple tree has pink flowers with deep red crabapple fruit. It, too, changes from green to yellow in fall.[图片]Sparkling Sprite – Another rounded variety, this one has yellow to golden-orange fruit and its fall foliage is an attractive deep red. Donald Wyman – Turning a golden yellow in fall, this rounded crabapple tree produces white blooms and red fruit early on. Sargent Tina (Dwarf) – If you’re lacking for space, then this round, dwarf form may be just the tree you need. With stunning red spring blossoms followed by bright red fruit, it makes an attractive specimen. Callaway – Another white-flowering crabapple with red fruit, this variety consists of an oval, round shape and produces attractive fall foliage in shades of yellow, orange and red. Adams – This crabapple has a rounded to pyramidal shape with deep pink flowers and glossy red fruit. Its foliage is reddish in color, maturing to green and orange-red in fall.[图片]Anne E – This is a weeping variety producing attractive rosy pink blossoms and bright red fruit followed by yellow fall foliage. Cardinal – Upright in form with rosy red flowers and deep red fruit. The foliage turns reddish-purple to red-orange in autumn. Ellen Gerhart – Another popular upright variety, this crabapple tree has pale pink blossoms and bright red fruit. Brandywine – This rounded variety produces pretty rosy pink blossoms followed by greenish-yellow fruit. You’ll also enjoy its green foliage that’s tinted with red and changes an orange to yellow color in autumn. Centurion – This is a columnar crabapple that produces rosy red blooms and red fruit. The fall leaves may be reddish-green to yellow-orange. Cinzam (Dwarf) – Another dwarf rounded variety, it produces white blossoms that are followed by golden yellow fruit. Velvet Pillar – An upright crabapple tree that produces pink flowers and maroon colored fruit. In autumn, the foliage takes on purple and orange-red hues. Adirondack – This oval formed crabapple has pure white blooms followed by orange-red fruit. Autumn color may be mottled green to yellow.[图片]Non-Fruiting Crabapples Merilee – A narrow, upright variety, this crabapple bears white blossoms. Prairie Rose – A rounded, medium-green tree with deep pink flowers. Spring Snow – An oval form variety having pure white blooms.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Home gardeners usually select crabapple trees to complement the landscape with a compact tree, for flowers or for pretty foliage, but like other ornamental trees, crabapple fruit will appear in the right season.[图片]Do Crabapple Trees Produce Fruit? Crabapple trees are great ornamental choices for a variety of settings, and most are hardy across a wide climate range. Most people choose crabapples for their smaller size and for the pretty white or pink flowers that they produce in spring. Of secondary consideration is the fruit on a crabapple tree, but most will produce them. By definition, a crabapple is two inches (5 cm.) or less in dimeter, while anything larger is just an apple.[图片]When Do Crabapples Fruit? The fruit on a crabapple tree can be another layer of ornament in your yard. The flowers are often the first draw for this kind of tree, but crabapple fruit comes in a variety of colors and add visual interest when they form in the fall. The foliage will also turn color, but the fruits often persist long after the leaves come down. Fall fruit colors on crabapples include bright, glossy red, yellow and red, yellow only, orange-red, deep red, and even yellow-green depending on the variety. The fruits will also keep birds coming to your yard for fruit well into late fall. Of course, crabapples aren’t just for the birds to enjoy. Are crabapples edible to humans as well? Yes, they are! While on their own, they may not taste that great, several varieties of crabapple fruit are wonderful for making jams, jellies, pies and the like.[图片]Are There Fruitless Crabapple Trees? There is a variety of crabapple tree that does not produce fruit. If you like these ornamental trees but aren’t interested in picking up all the rotting apples from underneath them, you can try a ‘Spring Snow,’ ‘Prairie Rose,’ or ‘Marilee’ crabapple. These are unusual for being fruitless crabapple trees, or mostly fruitless anyway. Except for ‘Spring Snow,’ which is sterile; they may produce a few apples. These fruitless varieties are great for walkways and patios, where you don’t want fruit underfoot.[图片]Whether you like the idea of crabapple fruits in your garden or not, this compact ornamental tree is a beautiful and flexible option for landscaping. Choose from several varieties to get the flowers and fruit you like best.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Who among us hasn’t been told at least once not to eat crabapples? Because of their frequently bad taste and small amounts of cyanide in the seeds, it’s a common misconception that crabapples are toxic. But is it safe to eat crabapples? Keep reading to learn more about the safety of eating crabapples and what to do with crabapple fruit trees.[图片]Are Crabapples Edible? The short answer to this question is: yes. But there’s a longer answer to explain why. Crabapples aren’t actually a different kind of tree than apples. The only distinction is one of size. If a tree produces fruits that are bigger than two inches (5 cm.) in diameter, it’s an apple. If the fruits are smaller than 2 inches, it’s a crabapple. That’s it. Granted, those apples that have been bred to be bigger have also been bred to be better tasting. And many ornamental varieties of crabapples have been bred to have attractive flowers and nothing else. This means that the fruit of crabapple trees, for the most part, is not especially good tasting. Eating crabapples won’t make you sick, but you may not enjoy the experience.[图片]Eating Fruit of Crabapple Trees Some crabapple fruit trees are more palatable than others. Dolgo and Centennial are varieties that are sweet enough to eat right off the tree. For the most part, however, crabapple owners prefer to cook the fruit into preserves, butters, sauces, and pies. A couple good varieties for cooking are Chestnut and Whitney. Crabapple trees hybridize readily, so if you have a tree on your property, there’s a decent chance you’ll never know quite what it is. Feel free to experiment with eating it fresh and cooking it with lots of sugar to see if it tastes good.[图片]You don’t have to worry about whether it’s edible – it is. And as for the cyanide? It’s just as present in the seeds of apples and even pears. Just avoid the seeds as usual and you’ll be fine.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Crabapple trees are pretty easy to maintain and don’t require vigorous pruning. The most important reasons to prune are to maintain the tree’s shape, to remove dead branches, and to treat or prevent the spread of disease.[图片]When to Prune a Crabapple Tree The time for crabapple pruning is when the tree is dormant, but when the possibility of severely cold weather has passed. This means pruning should be done in late winter or early spring, depending on your local climate and temperatures. Suckers, the little shoots that come straight out of the ground around the base of the tree, can be pruned away at any time of year.[图片]How to Prune Crabapples When pruning crabapple trees, start by removing suckers and water sprouts. The suckers grow from the rootstock of your tree and if you allow them to develop, they can grow into new trunks, possibly of a completely different tree type. This is because your crabapple was grafted onto the rootstock of a different variety. Water sprouts are small shoots that emerge at an angle between some of the main tree branches. They don’t usually produce fruit and crowd other branches, increasing the risk of disease spreading from one branch to another. The next step in cutting back crabapple trees is to remove any dead branches. Remove them at the base.[图片]Once you have taken off any dead branches, water sprouts, and suckers, you have to be a little more judicious about what to remove next. Remove branches to create a pleasing shape, but also consider removing branches to help them stay well-spaced from each other. Crowded branches make the spread of disease easier. You may also want to remove branches that hang too low and impede movement under the tree, especially if planted in an area frequented by passersby.[图片]Just remember to keep your crabapple pruning simple and minimal. This tree doesn’t require heavy pruning, so take your time and consider how you want it to look before you start removing branches.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Exotic plants like the coral tree lend unique interest to the warm region landscape. What is a coral tree? The coral tree is an amazing tropical plant that is a member of the legume family, Fabaceae. It may be spiny or smooth, deciduous or evergreen, with a spectacle of a flower in brilliant pink, red or orange hues. Growing coral trees is only appropriate outdoors in USDA zones 9 and up. Coral tree care is easy if you are in the correct region, but some growers may find them messy. Find out how to grow coral trees and add some of their intense beauty to your garden.[图片]What is a Coral Tree? Coral trees are members of the genus Erythrina and are primarily found in South Africa and South America. There are approximately 112 different species of Erythrina around the world. They are also found in Mexico, Central America, the West Indies, Asia, Australia and even Hawaii. The wide area covered by the plants seems to indicate coastal dispersal of seeds. Some interesting coral tree information regards their extremely buoyant seeds, which have the ability to float for up to one year and are so hard they pass unharmed through animal and bird digestive tracts. These tough seeds wind up tossed from surf on fertile tropical soils where they take off and eventually adapt and evolve to take advantage of their environment.[图片]Coral Tree Information The average height of a coral tree is 35 to 45 feet tall, but some varieties exceed 60 feet in height. The leaves have three distinct leaflets and the stems may have thorns or may be smooth, depending upon their evolutionary adaptations. The trees have a thick trunk, usually with several smaller trunks joining the main stem. Roots push out of the ground as they age and may become a hazard. The bark is a thin grayish brown and the wood is pithy and weak, prone to breaking in the wind or due to overwatering. The flowers are the standout, appearing in late winter. They are outlandish constructions of thick bright pedals standing erect around the corolla. Hummingbirds are extremely attracted to the loud colors and striking scent.[图片]Coral Tree Care Coral trees need very little water. Too much water actually promotes a weak limb structure and subsequent breakage. Overwatering causes the tree to grow too quickly, and its soft wood cannot support such spurts. Then in the dry season, the weight of the tree can actually pull it out of the soil. Pruning the tree in spring to remove the heavier stems or any damaged material will help prevent limb loss and trees from tipping.[图片]Fertilizer is also not recommended when growing coral trees. Fertilizer also causes them to have aggressive growth that can cause problems later. Cover over the root zone with a good organic mulch, which will gradually leach a light dose of nutrients into soil over time.
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Miss Chen
El Aloe Vera o Sábila es una planta medicinal con multitud de propiedades muy beneficiosas que podemos aprovechar para mejorar y mantener la salud de una forma natural. La Sábila se ha utilizado tradicionalmente como remedio mediante su uso interno y externo, siendo muy conocida en especial por aliviar ardor de estómago, quemaduras de la piel, encías inflamadas, etc. Por eso queremos ofrecer más información sobre las propiedades del Aloe Vera para que puedas obtener mayor beneficio con las bondades de esta gran planta. [图片]Si te interesan los remedios caseros (elaborar cremas, aceites de plantas medicinales, mascarillas, desodorantes, pasta de dientes, champú, etc.) aquí puedes ver más 1- Los minerales del Aloe Vera: La Aloe Vera en su composición cuenta con minerales como el calcio (mejora la densidad del hueso, favorece el buen funcionamiento de los músculos, previene la osteoporosis, etc.), el zinc (mejora el sistema inmunológico y favorece las funciones enzimáticas, entre muchas acciones), hierro (para transportar el oxígeno a todo el organismo, previene la anemia), potasio (muy importante para el sistema nervioso y para la regulación de los líquidos en el cuerpo), magnesio (influye en el crecimiento y en procesos metabólicos) y el cobre (necesario para la salud cardiovascular y por su función antiinflamatoria). 2- Las vitaminas del Aloe Vera: En la Sábila podemos encontrar Vitaminas A (retrasa el envejecimiento y mejora la vista y la salud de los ojos) B1 (con funciones metabólicas y con el buen funcionamiento del sistema nervioso), B2 (indispensable para el crecimiento y para aumentar la absorción de hierro), B3 (reduce el colesterol “malo” y actúa en el sistema digestivo, nervioso y en la piel), B6 (interviene en la formación de hormonas y en la liberación de glucosa almacenada en el hígado y los músculos), B9 (evita malformaciones en el feto, evita la anemia y repara el ADN), C (combate los radicales libres por su acción antioxidante, interviene en la formación de hueso y estimula la producción de colágeno). 3- El Aloe Vera contiene los 8 aminoácidos esenciales: La Lisina (favorece la producción de colágeno y elastina), la Valina (favorece la regeneración de las células musculares), Metionina (esencial para las funciones del hígado y el sistema cardiovascular), la Leucina (mejora la función de los músculos), Isoleucina (ayuda a regular los niveles de azúcar en la sangre), Fenilalanina (con acción antidepresiva y antiinflamatoria), Triptófano (combate la ansiedad y la depresión) y la Treonina (funciones del hígado y absorción de nutrientes). 4- Aloe Vera para problemas digestivos: El jugo del aloe vera puede ser muy beneficioso para mejorar los problemas en el sistema digestivo. Incorporar pulpa de aloe vera a tu jugos puede resultar de gran ayuda para aliviar úlcera de estómago, protege las paredes del estómago e intestinos, mejora el síndrome de color irritable, así como regular la flora intestinal. 5- La acción antimicrobiana del Aloe Vera: La pulpa de aloe vera contiene componentes que inhiben el crecimiento de gérmenes y otros microorganismos. Muy beneficioso para evitar infecciones, especialmente en heridas abiertas. Tan sólo es necesario añadir un trozo de gel de unos 2 ó 3 cm cuadrados al jugo y batirlo todo junto. Bebemos como normalmente. 6- El Aloe Vera estimula el funcionamiento sistema inmunitario: Esta planta contiene antioxidantes como la Vitamina C que mejoran el funcionamiento de nuestro sistema inmunitario para estar alerta ante ataques de virus y bacterias. Se toma la pulpa como se indica en el aparato anterior. 7- Ácidos grasos beneficiosos en el Aloe Vera: El Aloe Vera contiene esteroles vegetales que son muy beneficiosos para nuestra salud, como por ejemplo impedir la absorción del colesterol “malo” (LDL) reduciendo el riesgo a sufrir enfermedades coronarias. Los esteroles también poseen acción antiinflamatoria, antiséptica, antitumorales y purificante. 8- El Aloe Vera para desintoxicar el organismo: A medida que el aloe vera pasa por el tracto digestivo éste va limpiándolo y ayudando a eliminar toxinas que encuentra a su paso. Como ves los beneficios de incluir una pequeñísima cantidad en los zumos es muy positivo para nuestra salud. 9- Aloe vera para alcalinizar el pH de la sangre: Si el pH de la sangre está demasiado ácido podemos sufrir todo tipo de problemas de salud como fatiga física y mental, mayor probabilidad para enfermar y sufrir infecciones. Para evitar la acidosis de la sangre podemos usar el gel natural de aloe vera. Se puede añadir al jugo de frutas, como se indicaba anteriormente. 10- Aloe Vera para mejorar la salud de la piel y el cabello: [图片]El aloe vera o sábila ayuda a reducir los signos visibles del envejecimiento de la piel, como por ejemplo las manchas o las arrugas. Además evitan la infección de heridas en la piel, favorece la regeneración de las células, estimula la cicatrización de heridas, combate el acné, las hemorroides, la psoriasis, eccemas, previene la caída del cabello, mejora la salud del cuero cabelludo y evita y combate la seborrea.
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