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Dummer. ゛☀
When you hear about a tree called slippery elm, you might ask: What is a slippery elm tree? Slippery elm information describes the tree as a tall, graceful native. Its inner bark contains mucilage, a substance that becomes slick and slippery when mixed with water, hence the name. Slippery elm has been used in herbal medicine in this country for centuries. Read on for information about growing slippery elm trees and slippery elm herb uses.[图片]What is a Slippery Elm Tree? The scientific name for slippery elm is Ulmus rubra, but it’s generally called red elm or slippery elm. So exactly what is a slippery elm tree? It’s a tall tree indigenous to this continent with lovely arching branches. These elms can live for 200 years. The winter buds of slippery elms appear fuzzy, as they are covered with red-brown hairs. The flowers appear in spring before the leaves, each bearing at least five stamens. When the leaves appear, they are thick and stiff. The tree’s fruit is a flat samara, containing one seed only. However, the defining element of this elm is its slippery inner bark. It is this bark that is featured in slippery elm herb uses.[图片]Slippery Elm Benefits If you are wondering about slippery elm benefits, most of them involve the inner bark of the tree. The first known use of slippery elm bark was by Native Americans as material for home building, cordage and creating storage baskets. However, its best known use involved scraping the inner bark of the tree to use for medicine. This medicine was used for many things – to treat swollen glands, as an eye wash for sore eyes, and poultices to heal sores. The inner bark was also made into a tea and ingested as a laxative or to ease childbirth pain. Slippery elm herb uses continue today. You’ll find slippery elm based medicine in health food stores. It is suggested as a helpful medicine for sore throats.[图片]Growing Slippery Elm Trees If you want to start growing slippery elm trees, it isn’t very difficult. Gather slippery elm samaras in spring when they are ripe. You can knock them from branches or sweep them from the ground. The next step toward growing slippery elm trees is to air-dry the seeds for several days, then sow them. Don’t bother to remove the wings since you might damage them. Alternatively, you can stratify them at 41 degrees F. (5 C.) for 60-90 days in a moist medium before planting.[图片]Transplant the seedlings into larger containers when they are several inches tall. You can also transplant them directly into your garden. Pick a site with moist, rich soil. Disclaimer: The contents of this article is for educational and gardening purposes only. Before using ANY herb or plant for medicinal purposes, please consult a physician or a medical herbalist for advice.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Although lacebark elm (Ulmus parvifolia) is native to Asia, it was introduced to the United States in 1794. Since that time, it has become a popular landscape tree, suitable for growing in USDA hardiness zones 5 through 9. Read on for more helpful lacebark elm information.[图片]Lacebark Elm Information Also known as Chinese elm, lacebark elm is a medium size tree that typically reaches heights of 40 to 50 feet. It is valued for its shiny, dark green foliage and rounded shape. The multiple colors and rich textures of lacebark elm bark (the focus of its name) are an added bonus. Lacebark elm provides shelter, food and nesting sites for a variety of birds, and the leaves attract a number of butterfly larvae.[图片]Lacebark Elm Pros and Cons If you’re thinking about planting lacebark elm, growing this versatile tree is easy in well-drained soil, although it tolerates nearly any type of soil, including clay. It is a good shade tree and withstands a certain amount of drought. It is happy in prairies, meadows or home gardens. Unlike Siberian elm, lacebark is not considered to be a trash tree. Unfortunately, the two are frequently confused in nurseries.[图片]One strong selling point is that lacebark elm has proven to be more resistant to Dutch elm disease, a deadly disease that often befalls other types of elm trees. It is also resistant to elm leaf beetle and Japanese beetle, both common elm tree pests. Any disease problems, including cankers, rots, leaf spots and wilt, tend to be relatively minor. There aren’t a lot of negatives when it comes to lacebark elm tree growing. However, the branches sometimes break when exposed to strong winds or laden with heavy snow or ice. Additionally, lacebark is considered to be invasive in some areas of the eastern and southwestern United States. It’s always a good idea to check with your local cooperative extension office before growing lacebark elm trees.[图片]Care of Chinese Lacebark Elms Once established, care of Chinese lacebark elms is uninvolved. However, careful training and staking when the tree is young will get your lacebark elm off to a good start. Otherwise, water regularly during spring, summer and early autumn. Although lacebark elm is relatively drought tolerant, regular irrigation means a healthier, more attractive tree. Lacebark elms don’t require a lot of fertilizer, but a once or twice yearly application of a high-nitrogen fertilizer ensures the tree has proper nutrition if soil is poor or growth appears slow. Fertilize lacebark elm in early spring and again in late autumn, well before the soil freezes.[图片]It’s critical to select a fertilizer that releases nitrogen into the soil slowly, as a quick release of nitrogen can cause weak growth and severe structural damage that invites pests and disease.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Elms (Ulmus spp.) are stately and majestic trees that are an asset to any landscape. Growing elm trees provides a homeowner with cooling shade and unrivaled beauty for many years to come. Elm-lined streets were common in North America until Dutch elm disease struck in the 1930s, wiping out most of the trees. With new, disease-resistant varieties, however, elm trees are making a comeback. Let’s learn more about planting an elm tree.[图片]About Elm Trees Elms are native to Europe, Asia and North America. They are used as specimen trees in residential landscapes and as street and park trees. They have a shallow root system that makes it difficult to grow anything under them, but their natural beauty and the quality of their shade makes it worth forgoing a garden under the tree. Chinese laceback elm (U. parvifolia) is one of the best elms for residential properties. It has an attractive, spreading canopy that provides far-reaching shade. Its shedding bark leaves an ornamental, puzzle-like pattern on the trunk. Here are some other types of elm trees to consider: American elm (U. americana) grows up to 120 feet tall with a rounded or vase-shaped crown. Smooth-leaved elm (U. carpinifolia) grows 100 feet tall. It has a conical shape with drooping branches. Scottish elm (U. glabra) has a dome-shaped crown and grows to 120 feet tall. Dutch Elm (U. platii) grows up to 120 feet with a wide-spreading canopy and drooping branches.[图片]Dutch elm disease is one of the most important problems with elms. This devastating disease has killed millions of trees in the United States and Europe. Caused by a fungus spread by elm bark beetles, the disease is usually fatal. When considering planting an elm tree, always buy resistant cultivars. Elm Tree Care Elms prefer full sun or partial shade and moist, well-drained fertile soil. They adapt to wet or dry soil as well. They make good street trees because they tolerate urban conditions, but keep in mind than planting an elm tree near sidewalks can lead to cracks and raised areas. You can plant container-grown trees any time of year. Bare root, balled and burlapped elms are best planted in spring or late fall. Don’t amend the soil in the hole at planting time unless it is very poor. Add a little compost to the fill dirt for poor soils. Wait until next spring to fertilize an elm tree.[图片]Mulch the tree immediately after planting. Mulch helps the soil hold moisture and reduces competition from weeds. Use a 2-inch layer of light mulch such as shredded leaves, hay or pine needles. Use 3 inches of bark mulch. Water young trees weekly in the absence of rain. A good way to water a young tree is to bury the end of a water hose a couple of inches in the soil and let the water run as slowly as possible for about an hour. After the first couple of years, the tree only needs watering during prolonged dry spells.[图片]Fertilize young elms every spring with a complete and balanced fertilizer. Over-application of fertilizer can harm the tree, so follow the fertilizer manufacturer’s instructions exactly. Older trees that aren’t adding much new growth don’t need annual fertilization, but they will appreciate a light scattering of fertilizer now and then.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Enterolobium earpod trees get their common name from unusual seed pods shaped like human ears. In this article, you’ll learn more about this unusual shade tree and where they like to grow, so read on for more earpod tree info.[图片]What is an Earpod Tree? Earpod trees (Enterolobium cyclocarpum), also called ear trees, are tall shade trees with a wide, spreading canopy. The tree can grow 75 feet tall or more. The spiral pods measure 3 to 4 inches in diameter. Earpod trees are native to Central America and northern parts of South America, and have been introduced to the Southern tips of North America. They prefer a climate with both a humid and dry season, but they will grow in any amount of humidity.[图片]The trees are deciduous, dropping their leaves during the dry season. They bloom before they leaf out, when the rainy season begins. The pods that follow the flowers take a year to ripen and fall from the tree the following year. Costa Rica adopted the earpod as its national tree because of its many uses. It provides both shade and food. People roast the seeds and eat them, and the whole pod serves as a nutritious food for cattle. Growing earpod trees on coffee plantations provide coffee plants with just the right amount of shade, and the trees serve as habitat for many species of reptiles, birds, and insects. The wood resists termite and fungi, and is used to make paneling and veneer.[图片]Enterolobium Earpod Tree Info Earpod trees aren’t suited to home landscapes because of their size, but they might make good shade trees in parks and playgrounds in warm, tropical climates. Even so, they have a few traits that make them undesirable, especially in southeastern coastal areas. Earpod trees have weak, brittle branches that break easily in strong winds. They aren’t well-suited for coastal areas because they don’t tolerate salt spray or salty soil. The parts of the U.S. with a warm enough climate often experience hurricanes, which can blow over an Enterolobium ear tree. The pods that fall from the tree are messy and require regular cleanup. They are large and hard enough to cause a turned ankle when you step on them. They may grow best in the Southwest where there is a distinct wet and dry season and hurricanes are infrequent.[图片]Earpod Tree Care Earpod trees need a frost-free climate and a location with full sun and well-drained soil. They don’t compete well with weeds for moisture and nutrients. Eliminate the weeds in the planting site and use a generous layer of mulch to prevent weeds from sprouting. Like most members of the legume (bean and pea) family, earpod trees can extract nitrogen from the air. This ability means that they don’t need regular fertilization. The trees are very easy to grow because they don’t need fertilizer or supplemental water.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dogwood trees are often planted for the lovely spring flowers, but it can be frustrating when your dogwood tree is not blooming, especially when it looks healthy otherwise. It leaves a homeowner wondering “why would a dogwood tree not bloom?” There are a few reasons. Let’s look at what causes a dogwood to not blossom.[图片]Reasons for a Dogwood Tree Not Blooming Too Much Nitrogen Many dogwood trees are planted in the middle of lawns and most lawn fertilizers are very high in nitrogen. Nitrogen is good for growth of leaves, which is why it makes a good lawn fertilizer, but too much nitrogen can stop a plant from flowering. To correct this, stop using lawn fertilizer near your dogwood tree. Instead, use a balanced fertilizer or a fertilizer that is high in phosphorus.[图片]Too Much or Too Little Sunlight Dogwoods naturally grow on the edges of forests, which means that they spend part of their day in shade and part of their day in sunlight. If your dogwood tree spends all day in shade or all day in sun, the dogwood tree may not be able to bloom correctly. When you plant a dogwood tree, consider the type of sun it will be getting. Your dogwood tree should get about a half day of sun to really blossom properly. If you suspect sunlight may be the issue, consider moving the tree or improving the amount of light it gets.[图片]Improper Pruning A dogwood tree not blooming may be caused by improper pruning. Dogwood trees do not need to be pruned to keep them healthy, but if you are pruning them for shape, be sure that you only prune them after they have finished blooming. Pruning dogwoods at other times can remove the immature buds and cause the dogwood tree not to flower.[图片]Cold Snaps and Temperature On any ornamental flowering tree, the blossoms will be very tender to cold. It is no different for a dogwood trees’ flowers. A cold snap in early spring can kill all of the blossoms, but leave the rest of the tree looking healthy. Also, if your dogwood tree variety is not suited to your area, it may not be able to produce flowers due to the cold weather.[图片]Lack of Water If a dogwood tree does not get enough water, the dogwood tree may not bloom. Make sure that your dogwood tree gets at least 1 inch of water a week. If it does not get this much water a week from rainfall, supplement with a deep watering from the hose that extends to the edges of the canopy of the tree. The point of having a flowering dogwood tree in your yard is to see the dogwood tree flower in the spring. Making sure that your dogwood tree is getting the type of care it needs is the key to fixing a dogwood tree that will not bloom.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Though dogwood trees are, for the most part, an easy to care for landscaping tree, they do have some pests. One of these pests is the dogwood borer. The dogwood borer rarely kills a tree in one season, but if left unchecked, these pests can eventually kill a dogwood tree, especially a young dogwood tree. Keep reading to learn the symptoms of dogwood borers and dogwood borer control.[图片]Symptoms of Dogwood Borers Most of the severe damage to dogwoods by this pest is caused by the dogwood borer larvae. Most often, dogwood borer larva will embed themselves in burrknots (lumps at the base of the trunk that were formed from undeveloped roots), in grafting collars or in healed bark wounds. If a wound, grafting collar or knot becomes infested with dogwood borers, it may appear wet and will take on a reddish color. You may even see some bark fall away from these areas.[图片]If the dogwood tree has a bad infestation of dogwood borers, there may even be large patches of healthy bark that will have a wet or damp look and may fall away from the tree easily. Other symptoms of dogwood borers include wilting of new growth, oddly colored leaves or leaves and branches that die off unexpectedly. In older trees that have been infested with dogwood borers for a long period of time, the bark higher up on the tree may crack and branches may break off. Dogwood borer larvae are pink or light orange in color and are about 3 to 5 inches long.[图片]Dogwood Borer Control Good dogwood borers organic control starts with proper care of dogwood trees. Do not plant dogwood trees in harsh, full sun as this weakens the dogwood tree and makes them more susceptible to the dogwood borer larvae. Dogwood borer larva are attracted to grafted dogwood trees, so either avoid grafted trees or keep a close eye on the base of these dogwood trees if you plant them. Prune your dogwood tree at the proper time. Do not prune your dogwood trees from April until June, as this will leave open wounds during their most active time, which attracts the dogwood borer.[图片]Keep the base of your dogwood free of weeds where the dogwood borers can hide and be careful not to damage your dogwood tree with weed whackers when removing weeds. It is best to simply keep the base of your dogwood tree well mulched. This will not only keep weeds away from the base of the tree, but will keep moisture in the soil, which will make the tree healthier and better able to fight off dogwood borer larvae. If your dogwood tree become infested with dogwood borer larvae, proper dogwood borer control is to treat the base of the tree with insecticide in May. This is when the dogwood borer is most susceptible to dogwood borer insecticide. But, if you discover a dogwood borer infestation earlier or later than this and you would like to treat it immediately, you can. It will not be as effective, but will help reduce the number of dogwood borer larvae, which will reduce the amount of damage to the tree until you are able to treat the dogwood tree with dogwood borer insecticide.[图片]If a dogwood tree is badly infested, it may be best to remove the tree to prevent it from infecting other dogwood trees in the area. While dogwood borers can become a serious problem, once you know how to treat for dogwood borer larva and damage, it becomes a much less damaging to your dogwood trees.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Flowering dogwood trees are a beautiful addition to any landscape. Unfortunately, this tree, like many others, is susceptible to attack from pests and disease that can cause damage and drastically shorten its life. Flowering dogwood problems such as disease and insects always hit weak or older trees first. The most common sign that your tree may be in trouble is when you notice the tree leaves dripping.[图片]Why is My Dogwood Dripping Water? Oftentimes, dogwood tree dripping, especially when watery in nature, is due to pests. Some of the most common pests that affect dogwoods and lead to tree leaves dripping include borers, scale, aphids and ants. Dogwood Borers – One very devastating problem with dogwood trees is dogwood borers, which are caterpillars that drill tunnels into the trunk of the tree. Weak and older trees are most susceptible to borers that leave wet areas on the bark early on. If you find your dogwood tree dripping sap, it may be a good indication that borers are at work. Once these damaging pests are inside a tree, they are very hard to eradicate.[图片]Scale Insects – Scale insects are pesky little bugs that thrive on dogwood tree sap. They excrete a sugary liquid known as honeydew, which can down rain in large amounts and result in tree leaves dripping. Scale infestations are more damaging some years than others and seem to come in cycles. Using an insecticidal soap is an effective treatment for this problem. Tree Aphids – Aphids commonly affect ornamental trees and, like scale, will suck the sap from dogwoods. They also secrete honeydew, which can be recognized easily by a dogwood dripping water. Neem oil is a great way to control aphids on trees, or you can use a homemade solution of organic control as well.[图片]Carpenter Ants and Rot – Some people may find their dogwood dripping water or the tree leaves dripping what appears to be water. It’s possible that carpenter ants and rot are causing this problem. These ants are so small that it is very hard to determine whether they are present or not. Carpenter ants feed on rotting wood. If there is a hole in the tree where water has accumulated, ants find plenty for dinner. Unfortunately, carpenter ants are very hard to get rid of once they are inside a tree. They dine on the inside of the tree, and the tree loses moisture through weeping. It is best to remove a tree that has carpenter ants before they move on to other trees in your landscape. Ants can also be found feasting on aphid honeydew, so check for these pests as well whenever you notice a dogwood tree dripping.[图片]Dogwood Tree Sap Not all flowering dogwood problems are the result of pests or disease. Dogwood tree dripping can also be the result of improper pruning. Sometimes dogwood trees are injured by other causes, such as a storm damage.[图片]Since dogwood trees are known to be “bleeders,” they respond to injury by releasing sap, which will flow freely from the injured site. This dogwood tree sap is what is used to produce flowers and the tree must be left alone to heal. Always prune your dogwood trees in early summer to avoid injury and prune out any weak or older branches.
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Dummer. ゛☀
A harbinger of spring in parts of the country that enjoy mild winters, flowering dogwood trees boast an abundance of pink, white or red flowers long before the first leaves appear in spring. Since they grow only 15 to 30 feet tall, there is room for a dogwood tree in almost any landscape. They seldom need pruning, but when the need does arise, correct dogwood tree pruning leads to a healthier, more attractive tree.[图片]When to Trim a Dogwood Tree Part of proper dogwood pruning involves knowing when to trim a dogwood tree. In areas where boring insects are a problem, never prune a dogwood tree in spring. The wounds created by pruning cuts provide an entry point for these devastating insects. In addition, if pruned while the tree is actively growing in spring and summer, the wounds bleed copious amounts of messy sap. Therefore, the best time to prune a dogwood tree is in late fall and winter while the tree is dormant.[图片]Dogwood Tree Pruning Info Dogwood trees have a naturally attractive shape and don’t require routine pruning, but there are some circumstances where pruning and trimming dogwood trees becomes necessary. Pruning a dogwood tree when these situations arise helps prevent insects and disease from infesting the tree and allows for better growth and shape. Before pruning a dogwood tree, you should be aware that removing large branches can damage the trunk if the heavy branch breaks away and tears down the trunk as you begin to cut. Therefore, you should remove branches larger than two inches in diameter by making three cuts to prevent tearing.[图片]Make the first cut on the underside of the branch, 6 to 12 inches out from the trunk of the tree. Cut only one-third of the way through the branch. Make the second cut about an inch beyond the first one, cutting completely through the branch. Make the third cut at the collar of the branch to remove the stub. The collar is the swollen area of the branch near the trunk.[图片]How to Prune a Flowering Dogwood Tree When you’re ready for trimming dogwood trees in your yard, it also helps to know a little bit about when and how to prune a flowering dogwood tree. Remove damaged, diseased or dead branches at the collar. These branches are unsightly and provide an entry point for insects and disease. Remove undersized twigs and branches that detract from the shape of the tree to open up the canopy for better air circulation and to let in sunlight. Suckers that grow at the base of a dogwood tree use energy that the tree needs for proper growth. Remove them as close to the roots as possible. The lower limbs on a dogwood tree sometimes hang so low that you can’t mow under the tree or enjoy the shade it provides. Remove low-hanging branches at the collar.[图片]When two branches cross and rub together, they create wounds that allow insects and diseases to gain a foothold. Remove the least desirable of the two crossing branches. Now that you know the basics of dogwood tree pruning, you can enjoy your trees without the worry of them becoming unsightly or sick.
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Dummer. ゛☀
When looking for an attractive specimen tree for their landscaping design, many homeowners go no further when they come upon the Kousa dogwood (Cornus kousa). Its unique mottled peeling bark sets the stage for a wide branching canopy, thick branches of bright green leaves and drifts of white flowers every spring. Keep reading to get tips for growing Kousa dogwood trees and how to take care of Kousa dogwoods in the landscape.[图片]Kousa dogwood trees begin life with an upright design, but their branches grow out horizontally as the trees mature. The result is an attractive canopy that will fill a large portion of the yard. Many people use them as a focal point by attaching small twinkle lights to the underside of the canopy, creating a magical look for evening relaxation.[图片]Kousa Dogwood Varieties There are a number of Kousa dogwood varieties, and the only basic difference is how each tree looks. “Gold Star” has a golden stripe down each leaf in the spring, which darkens to a solid green later in the summer. “Satomi” and “Stellar Pink” have pink flowers instead of white ones. “Moonbeam” has giant flowers almost 7 inches across and “Lustgarden Weeping” is a smaller version of the tree, often reaching about 8 feet tall while still spreading almost 15 feet wide. Whatever Kousa dogwood cultivar you choose, it will have the same basic care needs as all the other varieties.[图片]Tips for Growing Kousa Dogwood Trees Kousa dogwood does much better when planted in the spring than in the fall, so wait until the last sign of frost has passed before putting in your new tree. When it comes to planting dogwood Kousa trees, it all begins with the soil. Like most dogwoods, these trees enjoy a spot with rich, moist soil in full sun to partial shade. Dig a hole about three times the size of the root ball on your sapling, but keep the depth the same. Plant your Kousa dogwood trees at the same depth they were growing in the nursery.[图片]Kousa dogwood trees aren’t very drought-tolerant, so make sure to keep the soil moist throughout the summer, especially in the first three years when the tree is establishing itself. Add a circle of organic mulch about 3 feet wide around the base of the tree to help retain moisture to the roots. The bark of the Kousa dogwood is so attractive that you’ll want to selectively prune branches to show it off as part of your Kousa dogwood care. If the bark looks good, the mature branches are even better. The older the tree gets, the more the branches grow horizontally, giving the tree a spreading look that with a decorative canopy.[图片]From the drifts of flowers in the spring to the abundant bright red berries late in the summer, Kousa dogwood trees are an ever-changing, attractive addition to almost any landscaping design.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Growing a red twig dogwood is a great way to add spectacular color to the winter garden. The stems, which are green in spring and summer, turn bright red when the foliage drops off in autumn. The shrub produces creamy-white flowers in spring and berries that ripen from green to white by the end of summer. Both fruits and flowers look good against the dark background of the foliage, but pale in comparison to the brilliant winter display.[图片]Growing a Red Twig Dogwood Don’t confuse red twig dogwood trees with other dogwood trees. While both the tree and the shrub belong to the Cornus genus, red twig dogwoods never grow to become trees. There are two species of Cornus called red twig dogwoods: Tatarian dogwood (C. alba) and Redosier dogwood (C. sericea). The two species are very similar. Red twig dogwood is one of those plants where more is better. They look fantastic when planted in groups or as an informal hedge. When planting red twig dogwoods, give them plenty of room. They grow up to 8 feet tall with an 8 foot spread. Overcrowding encourages diseases and causes less attractive, thin stems.[图片]Red Twig Dogwood Care Red twig dogwood care is minimal except for pruning. Annual pruning is essential to keep the brilliant colors of the twigs. The primary goal of pruning red twig dogwoods is to remove the old stems that no longer show good winter color. Remove about a third of the stems at ground level every year. Cut out old, weak stems as well as well as those that are damaged, discolored, or growing poorly. This method of pruning keeps the color bright and the shrub vigorous. After thinning you can shorten the stems to control the height if you’d like. Cut back the entire shrub to 9 inches above the ground if it becomes overgrown or out of control. This is a good way to quickly renew the plant, but it leaves a bare spot in the landscape until it regrows.[图片]Water weekly in the absence of rain for the first couple of months after planting red twig dogwoods, and cut back on the water once the shrub is established. Mature shrubs only need watering during dry spells. Feed the plant once a year with a layer of compost or a sprinkling of slow-released fertilizer over the root zone.
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