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Dummer. ゛☀
Native to Australia, foxtail palm (Wodyetia bifurcata) is an attractive palm tree with a rounded, symmetrical shape and a smooth, grey trunk and tufted fronds that resemble foxtails. This Australian native is suitable for growing in USDA plant hardiness zones 10 and 11. Common means of propagation such as cuttings, division or air layering aren’t usually effective, so if you want to propagate a foxtail palm, seeds are your best option. That project often involves picking foxtail palm seeds and planting them when they’re fresh. Harvesting foxtail palm seeds is easy. Read on to find out how.[图片]How to Collect Foxtail Palm Seeds Bright red foxtail palm fruit, about the size of small tomatoes, grow in large clusters, with a single seed in each mature fruit. Picking foxtail palm seeds is best when the seeds are unblemished and overripe, as very ripe seeds are more likely to germinate. Soak the seeds in warm water for 48 to 72 hours to loosen the pulp. Change the water daily. Discard any seeds that float to the top and keep the ones that sink to the bottom. Floating seeds lack an endosperm and will not germinate. Rinse the seeds to remove any remaining pulp, then dip them in a solution of one part bleach to ten parts water. Rinse thoroughly.[图片]At this point, it’s necessary to scarify, or rough up the seeds, which mimics the natural course of events when seeds drop from high in the tree. To scarify the seeds, rub them gently with sandpaper or a file, or nick the outer coating with the tip of a knife. Don’t apply too much pressure. Plant the seeds in your garden immediately, as foxtail palm seeds don’t store well. The fresher, the better. Alternatively, you can propagate a foxtail palm indoors.[图片]How to Propagate a Foxtail Palm Indoors Plant fresh foxtail palm seeds in a container filled with a moist, sandy, well-drained potting mix. The pot should be at least 6 inches (15 cm.) deep, although 10 to 12 inches (25-30 cm.) is even better. You can plant several seeds in a pot, not touching, or you can plant a single seed in a pot. Plant the seed horizontally. Some gardeners plant the seed with the top of the seeds exposed, others prefer to cover the seeds with about ¼ inch (.6 cm.) of potting mix. Place the pot in a plastic bag. Unless you have a greenhouse or you live in a very warm climate, you’ll need to place the pot on a heat mat set to 86 to 95 F. (30-35 C.). Germination generally takes one to three months, but may take as long as a year. The heat mat will speed the process substantially.[图片]Keep the potting mix lightly moist at all times, but never soggy, as too much moisture will rot the seed. The seeds may look a little shriveled and worse for wear by the time germination occurs, and they may even look dead. Don’t give up. This is normal. Once the seed sprouts, move the pot to a warm, humid area in your house and mist the seedling often. A bathroom or kitchen is often a good location. Transplant the seedling outdoors in spring or summer when it has at least three to four sets of leaves.
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Dummer. ゛☀
The flamboyant flame tree (Delonix regia) provides welcome shade and spectacular color in the warm climates of USDA zone 10 and above. Showy black seedpods measuring up to 26 inches in length decorate the tree in winter. The attractive, semi-deciduous leaves are elegant and fern-like. Read on to learn more about flame trees.[图片]What is a Flame Tree? Also known as royal Poinciana or flamboyant tree, flame tree is one of the world’s most colorful trees. Every spring, the tree produces clusters of long-lasting, orange-red blooms with yellow, burgundy or white markings. Each bloom, which measures up to 5 inches across, displays five spoon-shaped petals. Flame tree reaches heights of 30 to 50 feet, and the width of the umbrella-like canopy is often wider than the tree’s height.[图片]Where do Flame Trees Grow? Flame trees, which don’t tolerate temperatures below 40 degrees F. (4 C.), grow in Mexico, South and Central America, Asia and other tropical and subtropical climates around the world. Although flame tree often grows wild in deciduous forests, it is an endangered species in some areas, such as Madagascar. In India, Pakistan and Nepal, the tree is known as “Gulmohar.” In the United States, flame tree grows primarily in Hawaii, Florida, Arizona and Southern California.[图片]Delonix Flame Tree Care Flame trees perform best in large, open spaces and full sunlight. Plant the tree in a big landscape where it has room to spread; the roots are sturdy enough to lift asphalt. Also, keep in mind that the tree drops spent blooms and seed pods that require raking. The flamboyant flame tree benefits from consistent moisture during the first growing season. After that time, young trees appreciate watering once or twice per week during dry weather. Well-established trees require very little supplemental irrigation.[图片]Otherwise, Delonix flame tree care is limited to an annual feeding in spring. Use a complete fertilizer with a ratio such as 8-4-12 or 7-3-7. Prune out damaged wood after blooming ends in late summer, beginning when the tree is about one year old. Avoid severe pruning, which can put a stop to blooming for as long as three years.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Hinoki cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa), also known as Hinoki false cypress, is a member of the Cupressaceae family and a relative of the true cypresses. This evergreen conifer is native to Japan, where its aromatic wood was traditionally used for making theaters, shrines, and palaces.[图片]Hinoki False Cypress Information The Hinoki cypress is useful in privacy screens because of its tall, dense, conical or pyramidal growth habit. It is also popular for use in ornamental plantings within its growing range and as a bonsai. Hinoki cypresses planted in gardens and parks typically reach 50 to 75 feet (15 to 23 meters) tall with a spread of 10 to 20 feet (3 to 6 meters) at maturity, though the tree can reach 120 feet (36 meters) in the wild. Dwarf varieties are also available, some as small as 5-10 feet tall (1.5-3 meters). Growing Hinoki cypress can be a great way to add beauty and interest to your garden or backyard. The scale-like leaves grow on slightly drooping branchlets and are typically dark green, but varieties with bright yellow to gold foliage have been developed. The reddish-brown bark is also ornamental and peels off attractively in strips. Some varieties have fan-shaped or whorled branchlets.[图片]How to Grow a Hinoki Cypress Hinoki cypress care is simple. First, select an appropriate planting site. This species is hardy in USDA gardening zones 5a to 8a, and it prefers moist but well-drained, loamy soil. Full sun is best, but the tree can also grow in light shade. Hinoki cypress does not adapt well to being transplanted, so be sure to choose a planting location which can accommodate the tree’s size at maturity. The Hinoki cypress prefers somewhat acidic soil: the pH should be between 5.0 and 6.0 for optimum health. It is best to have your soil tested and to correct the pH if necessary before planting.[图片]To care for Hinoki cypress after planting, water regularly whenever rainfall is not sufficient to maintain soil moisture. Be aware that the plant naturally sheds old needles in winter, so some browning is not necessarily a problem. As with most conifers, fertilizer is not usually necessary unless signs of nutrient deficiency appear. However, a fertilizer designed for acid-loving plants can optionally be added each spring.
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Dummer. ゛☀
What is Atlantic white cedar? Also known as swamp cedar or post cedar, Atlantic white cedar is an impressive, spire-like evergreen tree that reaches heights of 80 to 115 feet (24-35 m.). This swamp-dwelling tree has a fascinating place in American history. Growing Atlantic white cedar isn’t difficult and, once established, this attractive tree requires very little maintenance. Read on for more Atlantic white cedar info.[图片]Atlantic White Cedar Information At one time, Atlantic white cedar (Chamaecyparis thyoides) was found growing profusely in swampy areas and bogs of eastern North America, primarily from Long Island to Mississippi and Florida. Atlantic white cedar was widely used by early settlers, and the light, close-grained wood was valuable for ship building. The wood was also used for cabins, fence posts, piers, shingles, furniture, buckets, barrels, and even duck decoys and organ pipes. Not surprisingly, great stands of the tree were removed and Atlantic white cedar was scarce by the nineteenth century. As for appearance, the tiny, scale-like, bluish-green leaves cover graceful, drooping twigs, and the thin, scaly bark is light reddish brown, turning ashy gray as the tree matures. The short, horizontal branches of Atlantic white cedar give the tree a narrow, conical shape. In fact, the tops of the trees often intertwine, making them difficult to cut down.[图片]How to Grow Atlantic White Cedar Growing Atlantic white cedar isn’t difficult, but finding young trees may prove challenging. You’ll most likely need to look at specialty nurseries. If you don’t need a 100-foot tree, you may find dwarf varieties that top out at 4 to 5 feet. (1.5 m.). If you have seeds, you can plant the tree outdoors in autumn, or start them in a cold frame or unheated greenhouse. If you want to plant seeds indoors, stratify them first. Growing Atlantic white cedar is suitable in USDA plant hardiness zones 3 through 8. A swampy or boggy area isn’t a requirement, but the tree will thrive in a water garden or damp area of your landscape. Full sunlight and rich, acidic soil is best.[图片]Atlantic White Cedar Care Atlantic white cedar has high water requirements, so never allow the soil to dry out completely between waterings. Otherwise, this hardy tree is disease and pest resistant, and Atlantic white cedar care is minimal. No pruning or fertilization is required.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Elm trees once lined city streets all across America, shading cars and sidewalks with their enormous, outstretched arms. By the 1930s, though, Dutch elm disease had arrived on our shores and began destroying these favorite trees of Main Streets everywhere. Although elms are still popular in home landscapes, American and European elms are highly susceptible to Dutch elm disease.[图片]What is Dutch Elm Disease? A fungal pathogen, Ophiostroma ulmi, is the cause of Dutch elm disease. This fungus is spread from tree to tree by boring beetles, making Dutch elm protection difficult at best. These tiny beetles burrow under the bark of elms and into the wood beneath, where they tunnel and lay their eggs. As they chew through the tree’s tissues, the fungal spores are rubbed off onto tunnel walls where they germinate, causing Dutch elm disease.[图片]How to Detect Dutch Elm Disease Signs of Dutch elm disease come on rapidly, over about a month’s time, typically in the spring when leaves are just maturing. One or more branches will be covered in yellow, wilted leaves that soon die and fall from the tree. As time goes on, the disease spreads to other branches, eventually consuming the whole tree. Positive identification based on symptoms alone can be difficult because Dutch elm disease mimics water stress and other common disorders. However, if you cut open an affected branch or twig, it will contain a dark ring hidden in the tissues below the bark – this symptom is caused by fungal bodies clogging up the tree’s transport tissues.[图片]Treatment for Dutch elm disease requires a community-wide effort to successfully eradicate both the beetles and fungal spores they carry. A single, isolated tree may be saved by pruning out affected branches and treating bark beetles, but multiple trees affected by Dutch elm disease may require removal in the end. Dutch elm disease is a frustrating and costly disease, but if you absolutely must have elms in your landscape, try the Asian elms – they have high levels of tolerance and resistance to the fungus.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Stately elms once lined the streets of Midwestern and Eastern towns. In the 1930s, Dutch elm disease nearly wiped out these lovely trees, but they are making a strong comeback, thanks in part to the development of resistant varieties. Elm tree diseases still play a major role in the life of the trees and complicate their care. Anyone with an elm in their landscape should know the symptoms of disease so they can address problems promptly.[图片]Diseases on Elm Trees There are several elm tree leaf diseases that cause spotting, discoloration and defoliation. By the time the leaves fall from the tree, the spots have often grown together and other discolorations have developed, making it hard to differentiate between the diseases without a lab test. Most elm tree diseases that attack the leaves are caused by fungi, but elm leaf scorch, caused by a bacterium, is a little different. With this disease, the bundles of veins in the leaves become clogged so that water can’t move within the leaf. This causes the leaf to look scorched. There is no known treatment for elm tree leaf scorch.[图片]The most devastating elm tree diseases are Dutch elm disease and elm phloem necrosis. Dutch elm disease is caused by a fungus spread by elm bark beetles. The microscopic organism that causes elm phloem disease is spread by white-banded leafhoppers. The diseases look similar, with all of the leaves browning on affected branches, but you may be able to tell the difference by the location of the damage. Dutch elm disease usually starts on lower branches, and may appear random, affecting only part of the tree and leaving another part unscathed. Elm phloem necrosis affects the entire crown at once. Agricultural extension services in most areas ask that you report incidences of these diseases.[图片]Treating Diseases of Elm Trees Once elm tree leaf diseases take hold, there is no effective treatment. Rake and burn leaves to help prevent the spread of the diseases. If you have problems with leaf diseases, try using an anti-fungal spray early in the season the following year. This may help prevent disease. Powdery mildew is another leaf disease that sometimes effect elms, but it occurs so late in the season that treatment is unnecessary. There is no cure for Dutch elm or elm phloem disease. Trees infected with Dutch elm disease sometimes respond to pruning. This is a treatment that extends the life of the tree for several years if caught early and done properly, but it is not a cure. It’s best to hire a certified arborist for the job. Trees with elm phloem necrosis should be taken down as soon as possible.[图片]Since there is no easy cure, it is important to learn how to protect elm trees from disease. Here are some tips: Watch for the insects that cause elm tree diseases, and start a control program as soon as you see them. Rake and destroy elm tree leaves promptly. Use an antifungal spray if you had problems with elm leaves the previous year.
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Dummer. ゛☀
The drake elm (also called Chinese elm or lacebark elm) is a quick-growing elm tree that naturally develops a dense, rounded, umbrella shaped canopy. For more drake elm tree information and details on caring for drake elm trees, read on.[图片]Drake Elm Tree Information When you read up on drake elm tree information, you’ll learn all about the tree’s exceptionally beautiful bark. It is green, gray, orange and brown, and it exfoliates in small thin plates. The trunk often forks, producing the same vase shape that American elms display. Drake elms (Ulmus parvifolia ‘Drake’) are relatively small trees, generally staying under 50 feet tall. They are deciduous, but they shed leaves late and almost act like evergreens in warmer climates. The leaves of a drake elm are typical to most elm trees, some two inches long, toothed, with conspicuous veins. Most drake elm tree information will mention the tree’s small winged samara/seeds that appear in the spring. The samaras are papery, flat and even ornamental, drooping in dense and showy clusters.[图片]Drake Elm Tree Care If you are thinking of how nice your backyard would look with a drake elm tree growing in it, you’ll want to learn about caring for drake elm trees. First of all, remember that the typical drake elm tree grows about 50 feet tall and 40 feet wide, so if you have the intention to start drake elm tree growing, provide each tree with an adequate site. Keep in mind that these elms thrive in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 5 through 9. Planting in a cooler or hotter region may not be a good idea.[图片]If you are wondering how to grow a drake elm, it is not difficult if you plant the tree in an appropriate location and provide adequate care. Drake elm tree care includes plenty of sun, so find a full sun planting site. You’ll also want to give the tree adequate water during the growing season. Otherwise, drake elm tree growing is fairly easy. One thing to keep in mind is that drake elms reseed prodigiously. In some areas, drake elms are invasive, escaping cultivation and disrupting native plant populations.[图片]If space is lacking or invasiveness is a concern, this tree also makes a great specimen for bonsai plantings.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Elm yellows is a disease that attacks and kills native elms. Elm yellows disease in plants results from Candidatus Phyloplaasma ulmi, a bacteria without walls that is called a phyoplasma. The disease is systemic and lethal. Read on for information about the symptoms of elm yellow disease and whether there is any effective elm yellows treatment.[图片]Elm Yellows Disease in Plants The hosts of elm yellows phytoplasma in the United States are limited to elm trees (Ulmus spp.) and the insects that transport the bacteria. White-banded elm leafhoppers transport the disease, but other insects that feed on the inner elm bark – called phloem – may also play a similar role. Native elms in this country have not developed a resistance to the elm yellows phytoplasma. It threatens elm species in the eastern half of the United States, often killing trees within two years after the initial symptoms appear. Some species of elm in Europe and Asia are either tolerant or resistant.[图片]Symptoms of Elm Yellow Disease Elm yellows phytoplasma attack trees systematically. The entire crown develops symptoms, usually beginning with the oldest leaves. You can see symptoms of elm yellow disease in leaves during the summer, mid-July through September. Look for leaves that turn yellow, wilt and drop before they should. The leaf symptoms of elm yellow disease are not very different from problems caused by too little water or nutrient deficiencies. However, if you look at the inner bark, you will see elm phloem necrosis even before the leaves yellow.[图片]What does elm phloem necrosis look like? The inner bark turns a darker color. It is usually almost white, but with elm phloem necrosis, it turns a deep honey color. Dark flecks may also appear in it. Another one of the typical symptoms of elm yellow disease is the smell. When moist inner bark is exposed (due to elm phloem necrosis), you will notice an odor of wintergreen oil.[图片]Elm Yellows Treatment Unfortunately, no effective elm yellows treatment has yet been developed. If you have an elm that is suffering from elm yellows disease in plants, remove the tree immediately to prevent the elm yellows phytoplasma from spreading to other elms in the area. If you are just planting elms, select disease resistant varieties from Europe. They may suffer from the disease but it will not kill them.
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Dummer. ゛☀
The American elm populations has been decimated by Dutch Elm disease, so gardeners in this country often choose to plant Japanese elm trees instead. This lovely group of trees is hardier and equally attractive, with smooth gray bark and an appealing canopy. Read on for Japanese elm tree facts, including information about how to grow a Japanese elm tree.[图片]Japanese Elm Tree Facts Japanese elm tree includes not one, but six genera with 35 species of elm native to Japan. All are deciduous trees or shrubs that are native to Japan and northeastern Asia. Japanese elms are resistant to Dutch Elm disease, a disease fatal to the American elm. One type of Japanese elm, Ulmus davidiana var. japonica, is so highly resistant that is has been used to develop resistant cultivars. Japanese elm trees can mature to 55 feet tall with a 35-foot canopy spread. The bark is grayish brown and the crown of the tree rounded and spreads out in an umbrella shape. The fruits of Japanaese elm trees depend on the genera and variety of the tree. Some are samaras and some are nuts.[图片]How to Grow a Japanese Elm Tree If you want to start growing Japanese elm trees, you’ll have the easiest time if you plant the trees in an appropriate location. Japanese elm tree care requires a sunny planting site with well-draining, loamy soil. If you’re already growing Japanese elm trees in hard clay soil, you aren’t obliged to move them. The trees will survive, but they will grow much more slowly than in rich soil that drains well. The optimal soil will have a pH between 5.5 and 8.[图片]Japanese Elm Tree Care Also, when growing Japanese elm trees, you need to understand Japanese elm tree care requirements. When and how to water is perhaps the most important part of caring for these trees. Like other elms, Japanese elm trees need to be watered during extended dry periods. Provide water at the outside edge of their canopies, not close to the trunks. The root hairs of these trees that absorb water and nutrients are found on the root tips. Ideally, irrigate with a drip hose during periods of drought.[图片]Japanese elm tree care also involves weeding around the trees. Weeds under an elm tree canopy compete for available water. Remove them regularly to keep your tree healthy.
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Dummer. ゛☀
If you are familiar with Camperdown elm (Ulmus glabra ‘Camperdownii’), you are surely a fan of this lovely tree. If not, you may ask: “What is a Camperdown elm tree?” In either case, read on. You’ll find lots of interesting camperdown elm information below, including Camperdown elm history.[图片]What is a Camperdown Elm Tree? Camperdown is a weeping elm tree with gorgeous twisted branches and dense foliage. Camperdown elm information tells us that the tree only grows to 25 feet tall, but can spread even wider than its height. The tree you’ll find in commerce in this country is generally a Camperdown weeping elm crown grafted to an Ulmus americana rootstock. Camperdown elm information gives you an idea of why the tree is so popular. Its crown is domed and dense, and the twisted, root-like branches, thick with green foliage, droop to the ground if left unpruned. In spring, Campberdown weeping elm trees are covered with blossoms. Although the flowers are small and, individually, insignificant, many of them appear at the same time. When the entire dome is covered, the plant turns from dark green to light, silvery green.[图片]Camperdown Elm History The history of the Camperdown elm started over 100 years ago in Scotland. In 1835, a forester for the Earl of Camperdown found an elm tree growing with contorted branches in Dundee, Scotland. He transplanted the young tree within the gardens of Camperdown House, where it still stands under 9 feet tall with a weeping habit and contorted structure. Later, he grafted branches of it to other elms, producing the Camperdown weeping elm cultivar.[图片]Camperdown Elm Tree Care You can grow your own Camperdown weeping elm if you live in a mild to cool climate. The tree thrives in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 5 through 7. Carefully selecting a planting site reduces the Camperdown elm tree care required to keep the tree happy and healthy. Position it in a location that gets full sun and offers moist, sandy, alkaline soil.[图片]Camperdown elm tree care includes generous and regular irrigation, especially in times of drought. You’ll also have to spray it often to keep off leaf miners. The trees can contract Dutch Elm disease, though this doesn’t happen very often in this country.
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