Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Smoke tree is an ornamental shrub to small tree that is grown for the bright purple or yellow leaves and the spring flowers that mature and “puff” out as if they were clouds of smoke. Smoke trees tend to have a rangy, splayed growth habit. Pruning smoke trees annually will help make the plant more compact and strengthen the limbs.[图片]When to Prune a Smoke Tree Trimming smoke trees can be done in late winter or very early spring. As a general rule, pruning smoke trees for shape is done in very early spring when the plant is still mostly dormant and the process will create less stress. Summer flowering trees such as smoke tree need to be pruned before flower buds have shown. The rule for pruning deciduous flowering plants states that if it flowers after June 1, like the smoke bush, you need to prune in early spring. Smoke tree pruning can also be done in late winter if you wish to rejuvenate the plant and cut it all the way to the ground.[图片]Pruning Smoke Trees The method used when trimming smoke trees depends upon whether you want a tree or bush. How to Prune a Smoke Tree as a Tree For a tree, you need to start young and remove all the extra stems, leaving only one strong central leader. You can shape it at this point and keep the plant below a certain height. General pruning will include removing old wood, diseased or broken plant material and managing any suckers and water spouts. Any crossed branches need to be removed to prevent crowding and rubbing.[图片]How to Prune a Smoke Tree as a Bush Smoke tree pruning for a bush is much less laborious. You may allow the extra branches and simply prune limbs to manage shape. The natural splayed nature of growth can be amended by cutting the plant almost to the ground in late winter. This will force new growth and tighten the overall look of the bush. When you remove any of the main trunks, always cut to the base of the tree. Very small, unproductive twigs and branches should be removed from the center to create air flow and allow established wood room to grow.[图片]Proper Cutting Techniques Prior to pruning you need to make certain your implements are sharp and clean to prevent spreading diseases. When you need to remove a limb or large piece of wood, cut cleanly at a slight angle ¼-inch outside the branch collar. The branch collar is the swelling in the parent branch from which the secondary branch grew. Cutting this way prevents cutting into the parent wood and introducing pathogens.[图片]It is rarely necessary to tip prune when pruning smoke trees, but if removing small amounts of wood always cut back to just before a growth node. This will prevent dead ends and create balance when the node sprouts.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Smoke tree (Cotinus spp.) is a unique, colorful tree-shrub named for the cloud-like appearance created by long, fuzzy, thread-like filaments that emerge on small blooms throughout the summer. Smoke tree also displays interesting bark and colorful foliage that ranges from purple to blue-green, depending on the variety. Can you grow smoke tree in a container? Smoke tree is suitable for growing in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 5 through 8. This means you can grow smoke tree in a container if your climate isn’t too cold – or too hot. Read on for more information about growing smoke tree in pots.[图片]How to Grow Smoke Tree in a Container Growing smoke trees in containers isn’t difficult, but there are a few important things to keep in mind. The type and quality of the container is of primary importance because smoke tree reaches mature heights of 10 to 15 feet. Don’t cut costs here; a cheap, lightweight container is likely to tip over as the tree gains height. Look for a sturdy container with at least one drainage hole. If you want to add more stability, place a thin layer of gravel in the bottom of the pot. Gravel will also prevent potting soil from clogging the drainage holes. Don’t plant a small tree in a huge pot, or the roots may rot. Use an appropriately sized pot, then repot as the tree grows. A pot that is approximately as tall as it is wide will offer the roots the best protection in winter.[图片]Fill the container to within a few inches of the rim with a potting mix consisting of equal parts coarse sand, commercial potting mix and good quality topsoil or soil-based compost. Plant the tree in the pot at the same depth the tree was planted in the nursery container – or about ½ inch below the top rim of the pot. You may need to adjust the soil to bring the tree to the proper level. Fill in around the roots with the soil mix, and then water well.[图片]Smoke Tree Container Care Container grown smoke trees require water more frequently than in-ground trees, but the tree shouldn’t be overwatered. As a general rule, water only when the top inch or so of soil feels dry, then let a hose run at the base of the plant until water runs through the drainage hole. Smoke trees tolerate light shade, but full sunlight brings out the colors in the foliage. Don’t bother fertilizing or pruning container grown smoke trees for the first two or three years. After that time, you can trim the tree to the desired shape while the tree is still dormant in late winter or early spring.[图片]Place the smoke tree in a protected area during the winter months. If necessary, wrap the pot with an insulating blanket to protect the roots during cold snaps.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Have you ever seen a smoke tree (European, Cotinus coggygria/American, Cotinus obovatus)? Growing smoke trees is something people do to make great looking shrub borders or even just as a pretty patio or accent tree in a front yard garden. When in full bloom, they have gorgeous reddish brown or dark mauve feathery flowers that make the tree look like a puff of smoke.[图片]Planting smoke trees is easy enough. These trees make a great landscaping addition to most front yards. A lot of people prefer to use them as accent trees similar to the Japanese maple. When the smoke tree blooms, it makes a great accent. Planting smoke trees throughout the border of your yard is another excellent idea for a pretty border that separates your yard from your neighbor’s that both you and your neighbor will enjoy.[图片]Tips for Growing Smoke Trees If you are planting smoke trees in your yard, you will want to know how to grow a smoke tree. This is simple enough. Purchase a good tree from your local garden center. They grow well in a high pH soil and should be located where they can get full sun or partial shade; however, they do prefer full sun and will bloom at their best in full sun. When the smoke tree blooms, it is a beautiful tree. The puff of smoke that is the flowers will last most of the summer before it starts to fall off and fade for fall foliage. Again, the smoke tree blooms are like feathery, fuzzy flowers and look like a beautiful cloud of smoke. Growing smoke trees is easy but you should be careful not to damage the bark. The bark is thin and easily damaged. Therefore, be careful not to hit it with a lawnmower or other gardening equipment while gardening. Weed whackers can also do harm, so again, use caution.[图片]Pruning a Smoke Tree The plant will also droop as it gets larger, so pruning your growing smoke trees is very important. Wait until late fall or early spring to do so after the tree is done blooming. You don’t want to stop the tree from blooming as the smoke tree blooms are the best part of the tree. Pruning your smoke tree will make sure it grows up strong. Further, keeping the soil alkaline should help your tree be healthy as well. You can get food for the tree or treatments for the soil if you feel you need them from your local garden center.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Silk floss tree, or floss silk tree, whichever the correct name, this specimen has superb showy qualities. This deciduous tree is a true stunner and has the potential to attain a height of over 50 feet with an equal spread. Growing silk floss trees are found in their native tropics of Brazil and Argentina.[图片]About Floss Silk Trees Known almost interchangeably as silk floss tree or floss silk tree, this beauty may also be referred to as Kapok tree and is in the family of Bombacaceae (Ceiba speciosa – formerly Chorisia speciosa). The floss silk tree crown is uniform with green limbs branching upon which round palmate leaves form. Growing silk floss trees have a thick green trunk, slightly bulging at maturity and peppered with thorns. During the autumn months (October-November), the tree bares lovely funnel-shaped pink flowers that completely cover the canopy, followed by woody pear-shaped, 8-inch seed pods (fruit) containing silken “floss” entrenched with pea sized seeds. At one time, this floss was used to pad life jackets and pillows, while thin strips of floss silk’s bark were used to make rope. Initially a fast grower, floss silk trees growth slows as it matures. Silk floss trees are useful along highway or median paving strips, residential streets, as specimen plants or shade trees on larger properties. The tree’s growth can be curtailed when used as a container plant or bonsai.[图片]Care of Silk Floss Tree When planting a silk floss tree, care should be taken to situate at least 15 feet away from the eaves to account for growth and well away from foot traffic and play areas due to the thorny trunk. Floss silk tree care is possible in USDA zones 9-11, as saplings are frost sensitive, but mature trees can withstand temps to 20 F. (-6 C.) for limited time periods. Planting a silk floss tree should occur in full to part sun in well drained, moist, fertile soil.[图片]Care of silk floss tree should include moderate irrigation with a reduction in the winter. Transplants are readily available in climate suitable areas or seeds can be sown from spring to early summer. When planting a silk floss tree, the eventual size should be kept in mind, as leaf drop and fruit pod detritus can be hard on lawn mowers. Floss silk trees are also often affected by scale insects.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Toborochi tree information is not well known by many gardeners. What is a toborochi tree? It’s a tall, deciduous tree with a thorny trunk, native to Argentina and Brazil. If you are interested in toborochi tree growing or want more toborochi tree information, read on.[图片]Where Does the Toborochi Tree Grow? The tree is native to countries in South America. It is not native to the United States. However, the toborochi tree is or could be cultivated in the United States in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 9b through 11. This includes the southern tips of Florida and Texas, as well as coastal and southern California. It’s not hard to identify a toborochi tree (Chorisia speciosa). Mature trees grow trunks shaped like bottles, making the trees look pregnant. Bolivian legends say a pregnant goddess hid inside the tree to give birth to the hummingbird god’s child. She comes out every year in the form of the tree’s pink flowers that do, in fact, attract hummingbirds.[图片]Toborochi Tree Information In its native range, the tender wood of the young toborochi tree is a preferred food of various predators. However, the serious thorns on the tree’s trunk protect it. The toborochi tree has many nicknames, including “arbol botella,” which means bottle tree. Some Spanish speakers also call the tree “palo borracho,” meaning drunken stick since the trees begin to look disheveled and distorted as they age. In English, it is sometimes called the silk floss tree. This is because the tree’s pods have flossy cotton inside sometimes used to stuff pillows or make rope.[图片]Toborochi Tree Care If you are thinking of toborochi tree growing, you’ll need to know its mature size. These trees grow to 55 feet tall and 50 feet wide. They grow fast and their silhouette is irregular. Be careful where you place a toborochi tree. Their strong roots can lift sidewalks. Keep them at least 15 feet from curbs, driveways and sidewalks. These trees grow best in full sun but are not picky about the type of soil as long as it is well drained.[图片]The gorgeous display of pink or white flowers will light up your backyard when you’re toborochi tree growing. The large, showy blossoms appear in fall and winter when the tree has dropped its leaves. They resemble hibiscus with narrow petals.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Silver saw palmetto palms (Serenoa repens) are native to Florida and southeastern U.S. These palms are unusually cold hardy and can be grown is USDA regions 7-11. They are a common understory plant often found in sprawling clusters in south Florida’s pine flat woods and oak woodlands. Read on to learn more about growing these plants.[图片]Growing Saw Palmetto Trees Although the slow-growing silver saw palmetto palms can spread 20’ wide, the typical size is 6’ x 8.’ They have stiff, 3’- to 6’-long, silvery green fan shaped leaves. The stems and trunks often grow horizontally along the ground. Silver saw palmetto palms produce fragrant, yellowy-white flowers in the spring followed by berry-like fruit, which ripen into a blue-black color. They can take shade put prefer sun. Silver saw palmetto palms tolerate salty conditions and withstand deer. They require moderate amounts of water but can withstand drought once they are established.[图片]There are many interesting silver saw palmetto tree facts. The “saw” in the name refers to the saw-like teeth on the petioles (leaf stems). The fruit is an important food source for mammals and birds. An extract of the berries is popular in Western herbal medicine where it used to treat prostate and urinary tract problems. The flowers are highly attractive to bees and a great source for good quality honey. Growing saw palmetto trees is easy. They are adapted to Florida’s sandy soils and don’t require any soil amendments unless grown out of their normal range in clay soils. Little maintenance is needed. Fertilize them biannually with a palm fertilizer if they under perform. Remove old brown leaves and stems as needed. Cut the dead leaves off at their base. As you can see, saw palmetto plant care is minimal.[图片]Other considerations in how to grow silver saw palmetto plants are really about all your varied landscaping options. You can plant them indoors (with enough light) or outdoors. You can install them in pots for a dramatic look. You can plant them close together to form a hedge or screen. They look fabulous at the base of tall palm trees or as an understory plant. Silver saw palmetto palms also create a lovely backdrop for smaller plants with contrasting dark green or red foliage.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Considered one of the most dangerous plants in the world, the sandbox tree isn’t suitable for home landscapes, or any landscape actually. That being said, it is an interesting plant and one that deserves understanding. Read on to learn more about this deadly, but intriguing, tree.[图片]What Is a Sandbox Tree? A member of the spurge family, the sandbox tree (Hura crepitans) grows 90 to 130 feet tall in its native environment. You can easily recognize the tree by its gray bark covered with cone-shaped spikes. The tree has distinctly different male and female flowers. Once fertilized, the female flowers produce the pods containing the sandbox tree’s exploding seeds. Sandbox tree fruit looks like little pumpkins, but once they dry into seed capsules, they become ticking time bombs. When fully mature, they explode with a loud bang and fling their hard, flattened seeds at speeds of up to 150 miles per hour and distances of over 60 feet. The shrapnel can seriously injure any person or animal in its path. As bad as this is, the exploding seed pods are only one of the ways that a sandbox tree can inflict harm.[图片]Where Does the Sandbox Tree Grow? The sandbox tree is native primarily to tropical parts of South America and the Amazonian Rainforest, although it is sometimes found in tropical parts of North America. In addition, it has been introduced into Tanzania in Eastern Africa, where it is considered invasive. The tree can only grow in frost-free areas similar to U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 10 and 11. It needs moist, sandy-loamy soil in an area with full or partial sun.[图片]Sandbox Tree Poison The fruit of the sandbox tree is poisonous, causing vomiting, diarrhea and cramps if ingested. The tree sap is said to cause an angry red rash, and it can blind you if it gets in your eyes. It has been used to make poison darts. Although very poisonous, parts of the tree have been used for medicinal purposes: Oil extracted from the seeds acts as a purgative. The leaves are said to treat eczema. When properly prepared, extracts are said to treat rheumatism and intestinal worms. Please don’t try any of these treatments at home. In order to be safe and effective, they must be expertly prepared and applied by a healthcare professional.[图片]Additional Sandbox Tree Facts Central and South American natives use dried sections of seed pods, seeds and tree spikes to make jewelry. The sections of seed pod are comma-shaped and ideal for carving little dolphins and porpoises. The tree gets its name from little bowls made from the fruit that were once used to hold fine, dry sand. The sand was used for blotting ink before the time of blotting paper. Other names include monkey’s dinner bell, monkey’s pistol, and possumwood.[图片]You should never plant a sandbox tree. It is too dangerous to have around people or animals, and when planted in isolated areas it is likely to spread. Disclaimer: The contents of this article is for educational and gardening purposes only. It is not intended for treatments or planting of any kind. Before using ANY herb or plant for medicinal purposes, please consult a physician or a medical herbalist for advice.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Plum leaf sand cherry, also referred to as purple leaf sand cherry plants, is a medium sized ornamental shrub or small tree that when mature reaches a height of approximately 8 feet tall by 8 feet wide. This easy care plant makes a great addition to the landscape.[图片]About Plum Leaf Sand Cherry Purple leaf sand cherry (Prunus x cistena) is a member of the Rose family. Prunus is Latin for ‘plum’ while cistena is the Sioux word for ‘baby’ in reference to its smallish size. The “x” is indicative of the shrub’s hybridism. This Prunus hybrid is useful as an ornamental specimen due to its beautiful red, maroon, or purple foliage. The shrub grows at a moderate rate and is suitable in USDA zones 2-8. The parent plants of sandcherry bush hail from Western Asia (Prunus cerasifera) and the Northeastern United States (Prunus pumila).[图片]This purplish-red leafed plant has an oval growth habit gradually maturing into an arched form and opening out from the center of the shrub. The stunning 2-inch long, serrated foliage emerges crimson-purple and remains throughout the summer, gradually changing to a green-bronze hue in the fall. Around early spring, the plant’s pink buds open into whitish-pink flowers – the same time as the red foliage. The innocuous blooms become small black-purple fruit barely noticeable without contrast to the purple foliage in July. The multiple gray-brown trunks are prone to trunk fissuring and cankers, which ooze sap.[图片]How to Grow a Purple Leaf Sand Cherry This specimen is urban tolerant and establishes rapidly to lend a brilliant pop of color to the landscape. So how do you grow a purple leaf sand cherry? Sand cherry is readily available through the local nursery and/or propagated via rooted stem cuttings. Sand cherry is sensitive to being transplanted in the autumn, so extra care should be taken in amending the soil, fertilizing, mulching heavily and watering thoroughly. Ideally, you should plant the purple leaf sand cherry in full to partial sun exposure in moist, well-draining soil. However, the sand cherry bush is adaptable to lesser soils, drought, heat and over aggressive pruning.[图片]Sand Cherry Plant Care Because, the sand cherry is a member of the Rose family, it is susceptible to several diseases, such as trunk canker, and pests, like borers and Japanese beetle assaults in mid-summer. It also has a short lifespan at between 10 to 15 years primarily due to assault by pests or diseases. Other than these issues, the sand cherry plant care is relatively fuss free and is tolerant of a variety of conditions – hardy in cold winters and hot summers. Prune the sand cherry bush to remove heavy branching that will weigh the plant down. It can even be pruned into a formal hedge or used in borders, at entranceways or in group plantings.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Purple leaf sand cherry (Prunus x cistena) is a hardy shrub that belongs to the rose family. This striking plant, also known as plum leaf sand cherry, is valued for its reddish-purple foliage and pale pink blooms. Purple leaf sand cherry care involves regular pruning. Read on for tips on how to prune a purple leaf sand cherry.[图片]When to Prune Plum Leaf Sand Cherries The best time to prune plum leaf sand cherries is just before new growth emerges in spring. This timing ensures the plant has plenty of time to recover and produce gorgeous blooms for the coming season. Pruning Plum Leaf Sand Cherry Purple leaf sand cherry pruning isn’t complicated. Prune the oldest stems first, removing at least one-third of growth down to within a few inches from the base. Additionally, cut damaged or dead growth at the base of the shrub. The branches will be sturdy, so be sure your cutting tool is sharp. When old and damaged growth has been removed, thin out wayward growth and branches that are rubbing or crossing other branches. If the plant looks a bit straggly, you can remove twigs to keep it tidy throughout the season.[图片]Be sure to make each cut about 1/4-inch above a node or a point where one stem is growing from another. Lastly, snip off any suckers that form at the base of the plant. If the purple leaf sand cherry is badly overgrown or neglected, you can rejuvenate the plant by cutting it nearly to the ground in late winter, shortly before the plant emerges from dormancy. Rake the area under the shrub after pruning. If you are pruning to remove diseased growth, dispose of the clippings carefully. Never place diseased debris in the compost pile.[图片]Additional Purple Leaf Sand Cherry Care Water purple leaf sand cherry regularly during the first growing season. Usually, one watering per week is ample, or whenever the top 1 to 2 inches of soil feels dry to the touch. Thereafter, water only during extended periods of hot, dry weather. One feeding every spring is sufficient for purple leaf sand cherry. Any balanced, general-purpose fertilizer is fine. Otherwise, plum leaf sand cherry is easy to get along with and requires little care. However, the plant is susceptible to a number of plant diseases such as: Root rot Powdery mildew Leaf curl Fire blight Honey fungus A sunny location, well-drained soil and adequate air circulation around plants are the best ways to avoid these moisture-related diseases.[图片]Purple leaf sand cherry is also bothered by several pests, including: Aphids Japanese beetles Leafhoppers Scale Caterpillars[图片]Most insects can be controlled by blasting the affected leaves with a strong blast of water, or by spraying the foliage with insecticidal soap. Unfortunately, despite your best attempts, pests and disease may shorten the life span of purple leaf sand cherry.
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Also known as western sand cherry or Bessey cherry, sand cherry (Prunus pumila) is a bushy shrub or small tree that thrives in difficult sites such as sandy river or lake shores, as well as rocky slopes and cliffs. The small, purple-black fruits, which mature in mid-summer after the white springtime flowers have faded, are highly prized by birds and wildlife. It is also one of the parent plants to the hybrid purple-leaf sand cherry. Propagating a sand cherry plant isn’t a difficult task, and there are several effective ways to propagate sand cherry trees. Read on to learn how to propagate a sand cherry for your garden.[图片]Growing Sand Cherry from Cuttings Take softwood cuttings from a healthy sand cherry plant in early spring. Cut 4- to 6-inch (10-14 cm.) stems, making each cut just below a leaf node. Remove the leaves from the bottom half of the cutting. Fill a small pot with potting mix. Water the potting mix thoroughly and allow it to drain overnight. The following morning, dip the tip of the stem in rooting hormone and plant it in the pot with the leaves above the soil.[图片]Cover the pot with a clear plastic bag secured with a rubber band. Check the cutting daily and water lightly if the potting mix is dry. Remove the bag as soon as new growth appears, which indicates the cutting has successfully rooted. Allow the seedlings to remain indoors at least until the following spring, then plant them outdoors when all danger of frost has passed.[图片]Growing Sand Cherry from Seed Harvest sand cherries when they are fully ripe. Put the cherries in a sieve and rinse them under running water as you squash them with your fingers. Put the mashed sand cherries in a glass jar filled with warm water. A small amount of liquid dish detergent added to the water during the soaking period may promote separation of seeds from pulp. Allow the seeds to remain in the water for no more than four days, then drain the contents through a sieve. The viable seeds should be at the bottom of the jar. Once the seeds are cleaned, plant them in the garden immediately.[图片]If you aren’t ready to plant directly into the garden, place the seeds in a plastic bag with a small amount of moist peat moss and stratify them in the refrigerator at 40 F. (4 C.) for six to eight weeks before planting outdoors. Plant the seeds about 2 inches (5 cm.) deep and at least 12 inches (30 cm.) apart. Plant several in case some don’t germinate. Mark the area so you remember where you planted the seeds. Keep the area well watered.[图片]If it’s too cold to plant the stratified seeds outdoors, you can plant them in celled trays filled with potting mix. Place the trays in filtered or indirect sunlight and keep the soil moist. Transplant the seedlings into a sunny, well-drained spot in your garden when they have at least two sets of leaves. Be sure all danger of frost has passed.
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