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Dummer. ゛☀
So you love spring cherry blossoms but not the mess the fruit can make. Try growing a Kwanzan cherry tree (Prunus serrulata ‘Kanzan’). Kwanzan cherries are sterile and do not fruit. If this double-flowering Japanese cherry sounds perfect for your landscape, read on to find out how to grow Kwanzan cherries and other Kwanzan cherry tree info.[图片]Kwanzan Cherry Tree Info If you’ve been to Washington D.C. in the spring, you’ve no doubt been in awe of the numerous flowering cherry trees lining the avenues. Many of these beauties are Kwanzan cherry trees. Not only are they stunning in the spring, but they lend beautiful fall color and the trees are sterile so they do not produce fruit, making them the perfect specimens along roadways and sidewalks. Native to China, Japan and Korea, the tree’s original name is ‘Sekiyama,’ but it is rarely found under this name. Kwanzan (also known as Kanzan or Japanese flowering cherry) cherries were first donated by the Japanese people in 1912 along with 12 other varieties of flowering cherry.[图片]Considered to be one of the most ornamental of the flowering cherries, the cherry tree grows to around 25- to 30-feet tall with an overall lovely vase shape. The deep pink, double blossoms bloom in clusters of 2-5 in April, just prior to leaf emergence. The tree has dark green, serrated, 5-inch long leaves. In the fall, this foliage changes from yellow to an orange/bronze tone.[图片]How to Grow Kwanzan Cherries Kwanzan cherries are adaptable and can be found thriving along sidewalks, roadways and even as container plantings. You can also try your hand at growing a Kwanzan cherry tree as a bonsai. The biggest downside to growing this cherry ornamental is its limited lifespan; the tree doesn’t exceed 15-25 years. That said, its stunning beauty and minimal care make it well worth planting. Kwanzan cherries can be grown in USDA hardiness zones 5-9 and should be planted in an area that receives full sun for at least 6 hours per day. The tree tolerates acidic, alkaline, loamy, sandy and both well-draining to wet soils. It prefers regular irrigation, although it is somewhat drought tolerant once established. Kwanzan cherries will also tolerate summer heat and humidity.[图片]Kwanzan Cherry Tree Care Although Kwanzan cherries are mildly drought tolerant, they prefer plenty of moisture. When caring for your Kwanzan cherry tree, be sure to give it adequate irrigation and avoid other stresses, as the bark is thin and easily damaged. Kwanzan cherries are susceptible to a number of pests, including aphids – which result in sooty mold. Borers, scale bugs, spider mites and tent caterpillars may afflict these flowering cherries as well. Kwanzan cherries may also be afflicted by several diseases. Diseased branches should be pruned out but, otherwise, Kwanzan cherries need little pruning.
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Dummer. ゛☀
One of the best times to visit the nation’s capital is in the spring when boulevards and avenues are accented by a profusion of flowering ornamental cherry trees. Several types of flowering cherry trees grace the grounds but the first planted in Washington, D.C. was the Yoshino cherry, a gift from the mayor of Tokyo. Interested in growing ornamental cherries? Read on to find out about different types of flowering cherry and flowering cherry tree care.[图片]What are Flowering Cherry Trees? Ornamental cherries are flowering cherry trees that are closely related to orchard cherry trees but are not grown for their fruit. Rather, ornamental cherries are grown for their ornamental properties, particularly their springtime floral displays. Ornamental or flowering cherry refers to several species of Prunus trees along with their cultivars. Most of these Prunus species hail from Japan. Although some types of flowering cherry produce fruit, it is usually too tart for human consumption. That doesn’t apply to birds, however! Many birds such as robins, cardinals and waxwings find the tangy fruit very much to their liking.[图片]Many ornamental cherries are notable not only for their gorgeous spring blooms but also for their wonderful fall color with foliage that turns red, purple or even orange. Growing Ornamental Cherries Ornamental cherry trees can be grown in USDA zones 5-8 or 5-9 in the West. Trees should be planted in full sun in well-draining soil and protected from strong winds. When choosing a tree, be sure to select one that is recommended for your zone and consider the eventual height and breadth of the tree at maturity. Ornamental cherries get from between 20-30 feet in height and live from between 25-50 years. Flowering cherries do well in most any soil type or pH provided the soil is well-draining and moist. Plant flowering cherries in the early fall.[图片]Flowering Cherry Tree Care Flowering cherries do very well in the home garden, as their care is nominal. Water them thoroughly after planting and until the tree has established. As with cultivated orchard cherry trees, flowering cherries are susceptible to both insect and disease issues. Prune to thin out branches and improve air and light circulation as well as to remove any dead or diseased branches. Treat any fungal diseases with an application of fungicide. Take care not to damage the fragile bark with mowers or string trimmers. Apply fertilizer regularly and be consistent with irrigation to minimize stress on the tree which can encourage pests and disease.[图片]Types of Flowering Cherry As mentioned, the first trees planted in Washington, D.C. were Yoshino cherries, but they are only one of several types of cherry. Yoshino cherry trees (Prunus x yedoensi) can grow to 40-50 feet tall and wide usually with a rounded, spreading habit although some cultivars have a weeping form. They are also short lived trees surviving 15-20 years of age. Cultivars of Yoshino include: Akebono Shidare Yoshino, a weeping variety[图片]As common as the Yoshino along the nation’s boulevards are, so too are Japanese flowering cherries (Prunus serrulata). Japanese cherries grow from between 15-25 feet and the same distance across. Some have an upright form and some a weeping form. Japanese flowering cherries may have single or double, often fragrant blossoms from early to mid-spring. Japanese cherries are short lived, only 15-20 years of age. Cultivars of Japanese cherry include: Amanogawa Shogetsu Kwanzan Shirofugen Shirotae[图片]Higan cherry trees (P. subhirtella) are the third type of flowering cherry. They will attain heights of between 20-40 feet and 15-30 feet across and may be upright and spreading, rounded or weeping in habit. They are the most heat, cold and stress tolerant of all the cherries and live longer than the others. Higan cherry cultivars include: Autumnalis, with a rounded, very wide canopy Pendula, a weeping cultivar Finally, the Fuji cherry (P. incisa) is a compact dwarf variety of flowering cherry that features twisted limbs and early white blossoms with pink centers.
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Dummer. ゛☀
It’s a beautiful thing when a landscape comes together, even if it takes many years for your plants to mature into your dream garden. Sadly, many problems can interfere with gardening goals, including oak wilt disease, a serious fungal disease of oak trees. In some areas, oak wilt is becoming endemic, affecting both young and mature oak trees. Read on to learn about this important disease of oaks.[图片]What is Oak Wilt? Oak wilt is a serious disease of oak trees, caused by the fungal pathogen Ceratocystis fagacearum, which is believed to be native. It can be spread by boring beetles or through root-to-root contact between trees. The fungus grows in the transport tissues of infected trees, making it highly communicable between trees that are sharing connections in their root systems. Red and black oaks are considered highly susceptible to oak wilt, and may die completely within four months of initial infection. White oaks are more tolerant, often displaying only vague symptoms of oak wilt disease, if they show any at all. These oaks also eventually succumb to oak wilt, but may linger up to seven years.[图片]How to Diagnose Oak Wilt Oak wilt disease can be difficult to diagnose without professional help because the symptoms are similar to those found in other diseases, such as anthracnose, boring beetles, lightening damage and a myriad of environmental stressors. If your tree is suddenly showing yellowing or browning of the leaves of entire branches and is shedding leaves with significant areas of green remaining, it’s a good idea to cut a wilted branch or two across the grain. Dark circles in the otherwise lighter inner tissues are a good indicator that you need help, and fast.[图片]Oak wilt treatment and prevention is serious business, requiring the use of heavy equipment to break your tree’s connection to any other oaks within 50 feet. Fungicidal injections of propiconazole have shown some promise in uninfected trees in high risk areas, but this treatment will do little for trees with oak wilt fungus in their root systems.[图片]Minimize the risk to your tree from beetle-spread oak wilt spores by pruning only during the winter and painting all wounds with a latex paint as soon as they happen. Bark beetles often find damaged trees within the first three days, attracted by the scent of fresh sap – your timing is vital. Oak wilt is bad enough, but the addition of bark beetles may create a situation that’s hopeless for your tree.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Oak trees (Quercus) are among the most common tree species found in forests, but their number are declining. The main cause of the decline is the value of acorns and young saplings as a food source for wildlife. You can help the tree recover its former glory by starting and planting oak tree seedlings following the instructions in this article.[图片]Propagating Oak Trees For convenience, the many species of oak are divided into two main groups: red oaks and white oaks. You can tell which group an oak belongs to by taking a close look at the leaves. Red oak leaves have pointed lobes with little bristles at the tips, while the lobes on white oak leaves are rounded. Propagating oak trees is good for the environment and it’s an easy, fun project for kids. All you need is an acorn and a gallon pot filled with soil. Here are the steps for growing oak trees from acorns.[图片]How to Grow an Oak Tree Don’t gather the first acorns that fall. Wait until the second flush begins to fall, and then collect several handfuls. You might think you are collecting a lot more than you need, but the germination rates for acorns is low, so you need lots of extras. Check the leaves to determine whether you are collecting white oak or red oak acorns, and label the containers if you collect some of each. Visually examine your acorns and throw away any that have small holes where an insect may have bored in, as well as those that are off colored or moldy. The caps of mature acorns come off easily. Go ahead and remove them during your visual inspection.[图片]Soak the acorns in a container of water overnight. Damaged and immature seeds float to the top, and you can scoop them off and discard them. White oak acorns are ready for planting right after soaking, but red oak acorns need a special treatment, called stratification. Place the red oak acorns in a zipper bag with moist sawdust or peat moss. You don’t want the sawdust or peat moss soaking wet, just lightly damp. Leave them for eight weeks, checking every two weeks or so to make sure they aren’t molding. Remove molded acorns and leave the bag open to allow fresh air in if you see signs of mold. Fill pots that are at least 12 inches deep with potting soil. Plant the acorns an inch deep. You can plant several acorns in each pot. Transplant the seedlings to a permanent location when the first leaves unfurl. If you only have one seedling in the pot, you can keep it indoors in a sunny window for up to three months. If you prefer to plant the acorns directly in the ground, take care to protect them from wildlife.[图片]Oak Tree Care Early on, oak tree saplings are in danger of being consumed by wildlife. Place cages over newly planted saplings and replace them with chicken wire fences as the sapling grows. Keep the tree protected until it is at least 5 feet tall. Keep the area surrounding young oak trees free of weeds and water the soil around the tree in the absence of rain. The tree won’t develop strong roots in dry soil.[图片]Don’t fertilize the tree until its second year after planting. Even then, only use fertilizer if the leaves are pale, or the tree is not growing as it should. Keep in mind that oak trees grow very slowly at first. Feeding the tree to encourage fast growth weakens the wood. This can lead to splits in the trunk and broken branches.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Oaks (Quercus) come in many sizes and shapes, and you’ll even find a few evergreens in the mix. Whether you are looking for the perfect tree for your landscape or want to learn to identify the different types of oak trees, this article can help.[图片]Oak Tree Varieties There are dozens of oak tree varieties in North America. The varieties are divided into two main categories: red oaks and white oaks. Red oak trees Reds have leaves with pointed lobes tipped with tiny bristles. Their acorns take two years to mature, and sprout the spring after they drop to the ground. Common red oaks include: Willow oak Black oak Japanese evergreen oak Water oak Pin oak White oak trees[图片]The leaves on white oak trees are rounded and smooth. Their acorns mature in one year, and they sprout soon after they fall to the ground. This group includes: Chinkapin Post oak Bur oak White oak[图片]Most Common Oak Trees Below is a list of oak tree types that are the most commonly planted. You’ll find that most oaks are massive in size and not suitable for urban or suburban landscapes. White Oak Tree (Q. alba) – Not to be confused with the group of oaks called white oaks, the white oak tree grows very slowly. After 10 to 12 years, the tree will stand only 10 to 15 feet tall, but it will eventually reach a height of 50 to 100 feet. You shouldn’t plant it near sidewalks or patios because the trunk flairs at the base. It doesn’t like to be disturbed, so plant it in a permanent location as a very young sapling and prune it in the winter while it is dormant.[图片]Japanese Evergreen Oak (Q. acuta) – The smallest of the oak trees, the Japanese evergreen grows 20 to 30 feet tall and up to 20 feet wide. It prefers the warm coastal areas of the Southeast, but it will grow inland in protected areas. It has a shrubby growth habit and works well as a lawn tree or screen. The tree provides good quality shade despite its small size. Pin Oak (Q. palustris) – The pin oak grows 60 to 75 feet tall with a spread of 25 to 40 feet. It has a straight trunk and a well-shaped canopy, with the upper branches growing upward and lower branches drooping down. The branches in the center of the tree are nearly horizontal. It makes a wonderful shade tree, but you may have to remove some of the lower branches to allow clearance.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Don’t look for the typical lobed oak leaves to identify chinkapin oak trees (Quercus muehlenbergii). These oaks grow leaves that are toothed like those of chestnut trees, and are often misidentified because of this. On the other hand, some facts about chinkapin trees help you recognize them as part of the oak tree family. For example, chinkapin oak trees, like all oaks, grow clusters of buds at the end of branches. Read on for more chinkapin oak information.[图片]Facts About Chinkapin Trees Chinkapins are native to this country, growing naturally in the wild from New England to the Mexican border. As part of the group of white oaks, they bear very pale, white bark. Their trunks can grow to 3 feet in diameter. Chinkapins are not small trees, growing to 80 feet in the wild and 50 feet tall when cultivated. The breadth of the open, rounded canopy tends to approximate the height of the tree. These oaks are planted extensively as shade trees in appropriate hardiness zones.[图片]The leaves of the chinkapin oak tree are particularly lovely. The tops of the leaves are yellow-green, while the undersides are pale silver. The leaves flutter like those of aspens in the breeze. In the fall, the leaves turn bright yellow, contrasting beautifully with the white bark. Chinkapin acorns appear without stalks and they mature in just one season. They are between ½ inch and 1 inch long and are edible if cooked. The wood of these oaks is hard and durable. It is known to take a fine polish and is used for furniture, fencing and barrels.[图片]Additional Chinkapin Oak Information Growing a chinkapin oak tree is easier if you start the young tree in its permanent site. These oaks are difficult to transplant once established. Plant chinkpin in a location with full sun and well-draining soil. The species prefers moist, fertile soils, but tolerates many different types of soil. It is one of the only white oak trees to accept alkaline soils without developing chlorosis.[图片]Care for chinkapin trees is easy once they are established. Irrigate this native tree only if the weather is very hot or dry. It has no serious disease or insect problems so requires no spraying.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Willow oaks are no relation to willows but they seem to soak up water in a similar fashion. Where do willow oak trees grow? They thrive in floodplains and near streams or marshes, but the trees are remarkably drought tolerant, too. One of the interesting facts about willow oak trees is their relation to red oaks. They are in the red oak group but do not have the characteristic lobed leaves of the red oaks. Instead, willow oaks have narrow willow-like leaves with a bristle-like hair at the end of the foliage that characterizes them as oaks.[图片]Willow Oak Tree Information Willow oaks (Quercus phellos) are popular shade trees in parks and along streets. This tree grows fairly quickly and can become too large for some urban settings. The plant tolerates pollution and drought and has no serious insect or pest problems. The main items for good willow oak tree care are water at establishment and some support when young. Willow oaks develop nicely symmetrical pyramid to round crown shapes. These attractive trees can grow up to 120 feet in height but are more commonly found at 60 to 70 feet. The root zone is shallow, which makes it easy to transplant. The delicate leaves create dappled shade and produce a golden yellow color show in fall before they drop.[图片]Leaves are 2 to 8 inches long, simple and entire. Willow oaks produce small acorns of ½ to 1 inch in length. It takes 2 years for these to mature, which is a unique bit of willow oak tree information. These are very attractive to squirrels, chipmunks and other ground foragers. You can consider this one of willow oak trees pros and cons where ground litter is concerned.[图片]Where Do Willow Oak Trees Grow? Willow oaks are found from New York south to Florida and west to Texas, Oklahoma and Missouri. They occur in flood lands, alluvial plains, moist forest, stream banks and bottomlands. The plant thrives in moist acidic soils of almost any type. Willow oaks require full sun. In partial shade situations, the crown will develop into a weakly branched slender form as limbs reach for the sun. In full sun, the plant spreads out its limbs and makes a more balanced shape. For this reason, pruning young trees in low light is part of good willow oak care. Training early helps the tree form a strong structure.[图片]Willow Oak Tree Pros and Cons As a shade specimen in large public spaces, willow oak really can’t be beat for beauty and ease of management. But one of the facts about willow oak trees is their high water needs, especially when young. This can mean the tree will pirate moisture from other plants in the area. It is also a fast grower and can suck the local nutrients out of the soil as fast as they can be replaced. None of this is good for nearby flora. The dropped leaves in fall and acorns on the ground may be considered a nuisance. The animals attracted by the nuts are either cute to watch or annoying rodents. Additionally, the large size may not be appropriate for the home landscape and some of the tree’s peculiarities may be more than you are prepared to live with.[图片]Either way you look at it, willow oak is definitely a strong, versatile tree with good wind resistance and easy of care, just make sure it’s the right tree for your garden/landscape space.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Northern red oak (Quercus rubra) is a handsome, adaptable tree that thrives in nearly any setting. Planting a red oak tree requires a bit of extra preparation, but the payoff is great; this American classic provides glorious summer shade and reliable fall color for many years to come. Read on for red oak tree information, then learn how to grow a red oak tree.[图片]Red Oak Tree Characteristics and Info Red oak is a hardy tree suitable for growing in USDA plant hardiness zones 3 through 8. This moderately fast-growing oak tree reaches mature heights of 60 to 75 feet, with a spread of 45 to 50 feet. The tree is valued for its deep root system, which makes it useful for planting near urban streets and sidewalks.[图片]How to Grow a Red Oak Tree Planting a red oak tree is best done in spring or fall so the roots have time to settle in before the arrival of hot, dry weather. Select a planting space carefully so the tree won’t interfere with buildings or power lines. As a general rule, allow at least 20 feet in each direction. Ensure the tree is exposed to at least six hours of direct sunlight every day. In its natural environment, red oak has a symbiotic relationship with various fungi, which provides the roots with moisture and minerals. The best way to replicate this natural soil environment is to dig generous amounts of manure and compost into the soil before planting. This step is especially important in urban areas where the soil may be depleted.[图片]Plant the tree in a hole at least twice as wide as the root ball, then fill the hole with a soil/compost mixture. Water the tree deeply and slowly to ensure the area around the root ball is saturated. A thick layer of bark mulch will keep the roots cool and moist. Protect young red oak trees with a fence or cage if you have hungry rabbits or deer in the neighborhood.[图片]Care of Red Oak Trees Care of red oak trees is minimal, but a new tree requires regular moisture, especially during hot, dry weather. Water the tree deeply once every week in the absence of rainfall. Established trees are relatively drought tolerant. Treat young red oak trees with a commercial fungicide if you notice powdery mildew during warm, humid weather. Watch for aphids, which are usually easy to remove by spraying the foliage with a strong stream of water. Otherwise, use an insecticidal soap spray.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Almost everyone who lives near oak trees has seen the small balls hanging in the tree branches, yet many still may ask: “What are oak galls?” Oak apple galls look like small, round fruit but they are actually plant deformities caused by oak apple gall wasps. The galls generally do not damage the oak tree host. If you want to know how to get rid of oak galls, read on for oak apple gall treatment.[图片]Oak Apple Gall Information So what are oak galls? Oak apple galls appear in oak trees, most often black, scarlet and red oaks. They get their common name from the fact that they are round, like small apples, and hang in the trees. Oak apple gall information tells us that galls are formed when a female oak apple gall wasp lays eggs in the central vein on an oak leaves. When the larvae hatch, chemical and hormone interaction between the wasp eggs and the oak causes the tree to grow the round gall.[图片]Galls are essential to developing oak apple gall wasps. The gall provides a safe home as well as food for the young wasps. Each gall contains only one young wasp. If the galls you see are green with brown spots, they are still forming. At this stage, the galls feel a little rubbery. The galls get bigger as the larvae get bigger. When the galls dry out, the oak apple gall wasps fly from small holes in the galls.[图片]Oak Apple Gall Treatment Many homeowners assume that the galls damage the oak trees. If you think so, you’ll want to know how to get rid of oak galls. It is true that oak trees look odd after their leaves fall and the branches are hung with galls. However, the oak apple galls do not injure the tree. At the worst, a severe infestation might make leaves fall early.[图片]If you still want to know how to get rid of oak gall wasps, you can rid the tree of galls by snipping them off with a sterilized pruner before they are dry.
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Dummer. ゛☀
If you want a graceful, spreading shade tree that is an American native, live oak (Quercus virginiana) might be the tree you are looking for. Live oak tree facts give you some idea of how impressive this oak might be in your backyard. The tree grows some 60 feet tall, but the strong, sinuous branches can spread to 120 feet wide. Read on for further information about how to grow a live oak tree and live oak tree care.[图片]Live Oak Tree Facts If you are thinking of a live oak tree growing in your garden, consider the size, shape and other live oak tree facts before you jump in. With its deep, inviting shade, the live oak looks like it belongs in the Old South. It is, in fact, the state tree of Georgia. This mighty tree’s crown is symmetrical, rounded and dense. The leaves grow in thickly and hang on the tree until spring, when they yellow and fall. Its beauty aside, the live oak is a tough, enduring specimen tree that can live for several hundred years if planted and cared for correctly. However, the tree is vulnerable to the fatal oak wilt disease, spread by insects and infected pruning tools.[图片]Live Oak Tree Growing Learning how to grow a live oak tree is not difficult. Perhaps, the most important thing is finding a site with sufficient space to accommodate the tree at its mature size. In addition to the height of the tree and spread of the branches, the trunk itself can grow to 6 feet in diameter. The wide surface roots might in time lift sidewalks, so plant it away from the house. The live oak tree is undemanding. You can start a live oak tree growing in partial shade or sun. And don’t fret about soil. Although live oaks prefer acidic loam, the trees accept most types of soil, including sand and clay. They grow in alkaline or acidic soil, wet or well-drained. You can even grow live oak by the ocean, as they are tolerant of aerosol salt. Live oaks resist strong winds and are drought tolerant once established.[图片]Caring for Live Oaks When you get your live oak tree growing, you need to think about live oak care. This includes regular irrigation while the tree is establishing its root system. It also includes pruning. It is critical for this giant oak to develop a strong branch structure while it is young. Prune out multiple leaders to leave one trunk, and eliminate branches that form sharp angles with the trunk. Caring for live oaks properly means pruning the trees each year for the first three years. Never prune in early spring or the first month of summer to avoid attracting the insects that spread oak wilt disease.
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