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Pachysandra, also called Japanese spurge, is an evergreen ground cover that looks like a great idea when you plant it–after all, it stays green year round and spreads quickly to fill an area. Unfortunately, this aggressive plant doesn’t know when to stop. Read on for information on removing pachysandra ground cover. Pachysandra is an invasive perennial ground cover that spreads throughout the garden by means of underground stems and roots. Once it gets a foothold in the garden, it is very difficult to control. Pachysandra plants can overrun your garden and escape into wild areas where it displaces native plants.[图片]How to Get Rid of Pachysandra in the Garden If you find your garden overrun with this ground cover, then you’ll need to know how to control pachysandra plant. There are three ways to get rid of pachysandra in the garden, and none of them are particularly pleasant. Dig it up. Digging is hard work, but it is environmentally safe, and it works well in small areas. Pachysandra has a shallow root system. To make sure you get all of the roots, cut through the foliage and remove the top 4 to 6 inches of soil across the area where the plants grow.[图片]Cover it with black plastic. The soil under the plastic will heat up, and the plastic will deprive the plants of sunlight and water. The drawback is that it is unsightly, and it takes three months to a year to completely kill the plants. Plants in shady areas require the most time. Kill it with chemicals. This is a method of last resort, but if your choice is between using chemicals or giving your landscape over to pachysandra weeds, this may be an option for you.[图片]Pachysandra Removal Tips UsingChemicals Unfortunately, you’ll have to use a systemic herbicide to get rid of pachysandra. An herbicide containing glyphosate, such as Roundup, is a good choice. Roundup kills any vegetation it comes in contact with, so use it carefully. If you spray it on, choose a calm day so the wind won’t carry it to other plants. Don’t use the herbicide where it may run off into bodies of water. If you have herbicide left over, store it in its original container and out of the reach of children.
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Japanese pachysandra is a ground cover plant, often used by gardeners in areas too shady to allow grass to grow. When the plant is stressed by too much water on their leaves or too little water to drink, it is prone to certain infectious diseases, including pachysandra Volutella blight (Volutella pachysandrae). Read on for more information about Volutella blight of pachysandra and different kinds of pachysandra leaf blight treatment.[图片]What is Volutella Blight of Pachysandra? Pachysandra Volutella blight is a type of leaf blight that can be detrimental to pachysandra plants. The first symptoms of this disease are tan spots on the leaves. Although they start small, they grow fast and can cover entire leaves. The pachysandra leaves yellow and die, while the infected twigs darken and die. When Volutella blight of pachysandra attacks plants during moist weather, you can sometimes spot salmon-colored spores on the blackened twigs. Volutella blight of pachysandra is much more likely to attack your plants if they are crowded together. Wet conditions also increase the risk of pachysandra Volutella blight.[图片]Treating Volutella Blight on Pachysandra While treating Volutella blight on pachysandra is possible, prevention is always easier than cure when it comes to leaf blight fungal diseases. The very best pachysandra leaf blight treatment is good cultural care to prevent infection. If you keep your plants healthy and vigorous, they are much less likely to get leaf blight. Be sure the pachysandra are healthy when you buy them, and check the leaves carefully for suspicious tan spots. Where to plant your pachysandra? Select a site that gets some sun. Never plant pachysandra in areas of deep shade, or other spots where the plant is likely to retain water on its leaves for a long time. Don’t compromise on soil; it must be well-draining.[图片]Once the plants are established, thin them out during dry periods to prevent densely packed garden beds. It also helps to remove debris from the bed on a regular basis. If, despite your efforts, your pachysandra develops leaf blight, remove and destroy any severely diseased plants. Burn them or bury them to avoid spreading the fungus. If all else fails, consider fungicides. If you decide to use them, start in spring and apply every 7 to 14 days through early summer.
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Pachysandra is a favorite ground cover plant in hard-to-plant areas such as under trees, or in shady areas with poor or acidic soil. Unlike other plants, pachysandra ground cover does not mind competing for its nutrients, and growing pachysandra plants is easy if you have an abundance of shade in your landscape. Learn more about how to plant pachysandra and its care so you can enjoy the small white, fragrant flowers (which appear in the spring) of this low maintenance plant.[图片]How to Plant Pachysandra There are several varieties of pachysandra available to choose from. The recommended pachysandra growing zone for U.S. Department of Agriculture is 4 through 7. Pachysandra is easily transplanted from garden flats or divisions in the spring. Space the plants 6 to 12 inches apart to accommodate their spread. Pachysandra prefers soil that is moist and amended with rich organic matter. Make sure the planting area is clear from debris before planting and that the soil is loose. Holes for new plants should be 4 inches deep and 6 inches wide. Pachysandra ground cover has evergreen leaves that will burn in the sun. It is always best to plant on an overcast day and in shady locations. Water new plants thoroughly and provide 2 inches of mulch to help with water retention.[图片]Pachysandra Plant Care Pachysandra requires only minimal care to look its best. New plants can be pinched back for several years to encourage bushiness. Keep areas of pachysandra free from weeds and monitor young plants during dry weather. Once plants are established, they can handle some period of drought; however, young plants require adequate moisture in order to become established.[图片]Now that you know a little more about pachysandra plant care, you can enjoy this low-growing beauty in the shady spots of your landscape.
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Mazus ground cover is a very tiny perennial plant, growing only two inches tall. It forms a dense mat of foliage that stays green throughout spring and summer, and well into fall. In the summer, it is dotted with tiny blue flowers. Learn to grow mazus in this article.[图片]Mazus Reptans Information Mazus (Mazus reptans) spreads quickly by means of creeping stems that take root where they touch the ground. Even though the plants spread aggressively to fill in bare spots, they aren’t considered invasive because they don’t become a problem in wild areas. Native to Asia, Mazus reptans is a tiny perennial that can make a big impact in the landscape. It’s the perfect, quick-growing groundcover for small areas. Plant it at the rate of six plants per square yard for the fastest coverage. You can also grow it in shaped patches with the aid of barriers to stop the spread. Mazus grows well in rock gardens and in the gaps between the rocks in a rock wall. It tolerates light foot traffic so you can plant it in between stepping stones too.[图片]Mazus Reptans Care Creeping mazus plants need a location in full sun or partial shade. It tolerates moderate to high moisture levels, but the roots shouldn’t stand in water. It can live in soil with low fertility, but the ideal location has fertile, loamy soil. It is suitable for U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 5 through 7 or 8. To grow mazus where you now have a lawn, first remove the grass. Mazus will not outcompete lawn grass, so you need to make sure you take up all the grass and get as much of the roots as possible. You can do this with a flat shovel that has a fairly sharp edge.[图片]Mazus may not require annual fertilization. This is especially true if the soil is rich. Spring is the best time to fertilize the plants if necessary, however. Apply 1 to 1.5 pounds of 12-12-12 fertilizer per 100 square feet. Rinse the leaves thoroughly after applying fertilizer to prevent leaf burn. Growing Mazus reptans is made easy by the fact that it seldom suffers from disease or insect infestation.
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What is Japanese butterbur? Also known as Japanese sweet coltsfoot, Japanese butterbur plant (Petasites japonicus) is a gigantic perennial plant that grows in soggy soil, primarily around streams and ponds. The plant is native to China, Korea and Japan, where it thrives in woodland areas or beside moist streambanks. Still wondering exactly what is Japanese butterbur? Keep reading to find out more.[图片]Japanese Butterbur Information Japanese butterbur is a dramatic plant with sturdy, pencil-size rhizomes, yard-long stalks and round leaves that can measure as much as 48 inches across, depending on the variety. The stalks are edible and often known as “Fuki.” Spikes of small, sweet-smelling white flowers decorate the plant in late winter, just before the leaves make an appearance in early spring.[图片]Growing Japanese Butterbur Growing Japanese butterbur is a decision that shouldn’t be taken lightly, as the plant spreads vigorously and, once established, is extremely difficult to eradicate. If you decide to give it a try, plant Japanese butterbur where it can spread freely without bothering you or your neighbors, or be sure it’s in an area where you can maintain control by implementing some type of root barrier. You can also control Japanese butterbur by planting it in a large container or tub (without drainage holes), then sink the container into the mud, a solution that works well around small ponds or boggy areas of your garden. Japanese butterbur prefers partial or full shade. The plant tolerates nearly any type of soil, as long as the ground is consistently wet. Be careful about locating Japanese butterbur in windy areas, as wind may damage the huge leaves.[图片]Caring for Japanese Butterbur Caring for Japanese butterbur plants can be summed up in a sentence or two. Basically, just divide the plant in early spring, if needed. Be sure to keep the soil wet at all times. That’s it! Now just sit back and enjoy this unusual, exotic plant.
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Gotu kola is often known as Asiatic pennywort or spadeleaf – an appropriate nickname for plants with attractive leaves that look like they were stolen from a deck of cards. Looking for more gotu kola plant information? Want to learn how to grow gotu kola in your own garden? Keep on reading![图片]What is Gotu Kola? Gotu kola (Centella asiatica) is a low-growing perennial plant native to the warm, tropical climates of Indonesia, China, Japan, South Africa and the South Pacific. It has been used for many centuries as a treatment for respiratory ailments and a variety of other condition, including fatigue, arthritis, memory, stomach problems, asthma and fever. In the garden, gotu kola grows nearly anywhere as long as conditions are never dry, and works well near water or as a groundcover in dark, shady areas. If you live in USDA plant hardiness zones 9b or above, you should have no trouble growing gotu kola in your own garden. Keep in mind that gotu kola plants can be aggressive, especially in warm, moist climates. If this is a concern, you can grow gotu kola plants in containers.[图片]How to Grow Gotu Kola by Seed Plant gotu kola seeds in a container filled with moist, lightweight potting soil. Be sure the container has a drainage hole in the bottom. Water thoroughly after planting. Thereafter, water as needed to keep the soil evenly and consistently moist. Transplant the tiny plants into individual containers when they have at least one set of true leaves – the leaves that appear after the tiny seedling leaves. Allow gotu kola plants to mature for several months, then plant them in the garden when you’re sure all danger of frost has passed.[图片]Planting Gotu Kola Starter Plants If you’re fortunate enough to find gotu kola bedding plants, probably in a nursery specializing in herbs, just place the plants – in their nursery pots – in the garden for a few days. Once the plants have hardened off, plant them in their permanent location.[图片]Gotu Kola Care Ensure the soil never dries out. Otherwise, no gotu kola care is necessary; just stand back and watch them grow.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Many gardeners love the look of stone walkways, patios and driveways, but these types of hardscapes have their difficulties. Many times, they may look too harsh or are prone to allow difficult to remove weeds to grow. A good solution to both of these problems is to add low growing plants between the stones. Not only do low growing grass and other ground cover plants soften the look of the stone, but they are a low maintenance way to keep weeds away.[图片]Low Growing Plants for Walkways In order for low garden plants to make good walkway plants, they need to have a few traits. First, they must be somewhat drought tolerant, as walkway stones may not allow much water to reach the roots. Second, they must be tolerant of both heat and cold, as the stones can hold onto both the heat of the sun in summer and the cold in the winter. Lastly, these ground cover plants but be able to take being walked on at least a little bit. Above all, they must be low growing plants.[图片]Here are several low growing grasses and ground cover plants that meet these requirements: Ajuga Pussytoes MountainRockcress Artemisia Snow in Summer Roman Chamomile Miniature Rush Fleabane Ground Ivy Green Carpet Herniaria Leptinella White Toadflax Creeping Jenny Mazus Dwarf Mondo Grass Golden Marjoram Potentilla Pratia Scotch or Irish Moss Most low growing sedums Soleirolia Creeping thyme Speedwell Violets[图片]While these hardy low garden plants will work between the stones of your walkway, they are not the only options available. If you find a plant you feel will make a good walkway plant, give it a try.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Trees make attractive focal points in any landscaping design, but the ground around their trunks can often be a problem. Grass might have a hard time growing around roots and the shade a tree offers can discourage even the hardiest of flowers. Instead of leaving the circle around your tree a line of bare earth, why not install a ring of attractive ground cover? These plants thrive on neglect, requiring less sunlight and moisture than most other garden plants. Surround your trees with circles of ground cover and you’ll give your landscape a professional, finished look.[图片]Ground Cover Plants Choose your ground cover plants according to the trees around which they’ll live. Some trees, like the Norway maple, have very thick coverage and offer almost no sunlight underneath. Others have sparser branches and smaller leaves, giving you more options to choose from. Find out how large each plant type will eventually spread to determine how many plants you will need to cover the entire area around the tree. Some good choices for ground cover plants under trees include: Ajuga Lungwort Foamflower Creeping juniper Liriope and monkey grass Periwinkle Pachysandra Wild violets[图片]Tips for Planting Ground Covers under a Tree Like any other part of the landscape you install, planting ground covers under a tree starts with preparing the planting spot. You can plant ground coverage for trees at any time of the year, but early in the spring and later in the fall are the best. Mark a circle around the grass at the base of the tree to indicate the size of your proposed bed. Lay a hose on the ground to indicate the size of the bed, or mark the grass with spray paint. Dig the soil inside the circle and remove all the grass and weeds growing inside.[图片]Use a trowel to dig individual holes for planting the ground cover plants. Stagger the holes instead of digging them in a grid design, for the best eventual coverage. Drop a handful of all-purpose fertilizer in each hole before placing the plants in place. Leave enough room between plants to allow them to fill in the spaces when full grown. Lay a layer of bark or other organic mulch in between the plants to help retain moisture and to shade out any emerging roots.[图片]Water the plants once a week until they begin spreading and have established themselves. At this point, natural rainfall should provide all the water your ground cover under trees should need, except in extremely dry period of drought.
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Using plants between pavers softens the look of your pathway or patio and keeps weeds from filling in bare spaces. Wondering what to plant? This article can help.[图片]Planting Between Pavers When using ground covers around pavers, you want them to meet several criteria. Look for plants that are tough so you don’t have to tiptoe around them. Choose short plants that won’t obstruct your path, and plants that are suited to the current light exposure. Using plants that spread to fill the space around them make growing plants between pavers easier. Here are a few suggestions. Irish moss – Irish moss adds soft, spongy texture to paths in shady areas. Only a couple of inches tall, it doesn’t create an obstruction. It’s usually sold in flats like sod. Just cut it to fit and lay it where you want it to grow. It is sometimes sold as Scottish moss.[图片]Elfin thyme – Elfin thyme is a miniature version of creeping thyme. It grows only an inch or two tall, and you’ll enjoy its pleasant fragrance. You can plant it in the sun, where it grows flat, or in the shade where it forms little hills. It bounces back after short periods of dry weather, but you’ll need to water it if the dry weather lasts very long. Dwarf mondo grass – Dwarf mondo grass is a good choice for full or partial shade, and it is one of the few plants you can grow near black walnuts. The best dwarf mondo varieties for planting between pavers grow only an inch or two tall and spread readily. Baby’s tears – Baby’s tears is another selection for shady locations. They are often sold as houseplants, but they also make wonderful little plants to grow within pavers. It isn’t for everyone because it only grows in USDA zones 9 and warmer. The pretty foliage forms mounds about 5 inches tall.[图片]Dichondra – Carolina ponysfoot is a pretty little North American native and species of Dichondra that grows in sun or partial shade. It stands up to heat but needs a little watering during prolonged dry spells. It also needs a little fertilizer every spring to keep its bright color. This low-growing ground cover grows in all 48 states in the continental U.S. It features bright green, round leaves that spread to fill an area.
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Fir clubmosses are tiny evergreens that look like little conifers. These ancient plants have an interesting past. Read on to find out more about fir clubmoss plants.[图片]What is a Fir Clubmoss? Fir clubmoss has a long history of medicinal and magical use. In medieval times, the plants were woven into wreaths and armbands. When worn, these adornments were thought to give the wearer the ability to understand the language of birds and beasts. The spores from the clubmosses were used to create bright, but brief, flashes of light in Victorian theater, allowing magicians and actors to disappear. Clubmosses are members of the Lycopodiaceae family, and they are among the most ancient plants still in existence today. Even older than ferns, they reproduce by means of spores found at the base of the leaves where they attach to the stems. Fir clubmoss (Huperzia appalachiana) is one of a group of closely related and nearly indistinguishable clubmosses.[图片]How to Identify Fir Clubmoss Fir clubmoss forms clumps of upright stems that look like tiny conifers. At the tip of the stem, you may find small plantlets with six leaves. These little plants look right at home in a rock garden. Many of the club mosses look similar, if not identical. You may have to rely on the differences in their preferred environment to differentiate between the species.[图片]Where Does Fir Clubmoss Grow? If you find them in cold, harsh, alpine environments, such as cliff sides and rocky outcrops, you probably have a fir clubmoss. When you find them in more protected environments, such as ditches and stream sides, they are more likely a similar species, such as H. selago. In North America, fir clubmoss is restricted to the higher elevations in the far Northeast.[图片]Although it was once used to treat a variety of ailments, fir clubmoss is dangerous if taken internally. Chewing three of the needlelike leaves induces a hypnotic state, while eight can cause unconsciousness. The symptoms of fir clubmoss poisoning include nausea and vomiting, abdominal cramps, diarrhea, dizziness and slurred speech. Anyone suffering from fir clubmoss poisoning needs immediate medical treatment.
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