Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Hierba luisa, hierbaluisa, Maríaluisa o Cedrón, Aloysia citrodora, una planta originaria de sudamérica llamativa por su agradable olor y sabor a limón. De esta hierba se utilizan las hojas y flores frescas o secas con fines medicinales. Pero además la hierba luisa se utiliza para aromatizar y dar sabor a recetas de cocina como postres y dulces, bebidas o salsas. [图片]Entre las propiedades de la hierba luisa podemos resaltar que tiene acción expectorante, antibacteriana y hepatoprotectora. Pero el uso del cedrón tiene otros beneficios para la salud. ¿Para qué sirve la hierba luisa? Vamos a conocer en este artículo las propiedades de la hierba luisa, sus principios activos, los beneficios de la Maríaluisa y cómo usarla en remedios caseros, cómo hacer infusión de Cedrón y las contraindicaciones de la hierbaluisa. Principios activos del a hierbaluisa o Cedrón Entre los componentes activos de la hierba luisa o Maríaluisa destacan: Aceites esenciales con linalol, citral, limoneno, terpineol y cariofileno. Flavonoides Cumarinas Verbenona Hierba luisa, propiedades medicinales La Maríaluisa o Cedrón es una planta medicinal nos puede ayudar a mantener la salud o mejorarla en diferentes casos, debido a que posee acción: Antibacteriana Digestiva Antioxidante Hepatoprotectora Antitusiva Fungicida Antiinflamatoria Carminativa Antihistamínica Expectorante Antitumoral Relajante Antiespasmódica Antiasmática [图片]Beneficios y usos en remedios caseros de la hierbaluisa marialuisaHierba luisa para ardor de estómago o agruras. Muchas personas sufren de ardores de estómago o agruras y la infusión de Maríaluisa puede ser un remedio natural para estos casos. Además tiene un sabor y aroma agradable y se toma fácilmente. Pero además hay más remedios caseros para ardor de estómago. Hierbaluisa para el insomnio. Esta planta medicinal tiene un efecto relajante suave que nos puede ayudar a relajarnos al final del día, eliminar el estrés y poder dormir mejor por la noche, especialmente si nos cuesta dormir o tenemos insomnio. Se usa en infusión. Hierba luisa para retrasar el envejecimiento. La acción antioxidante de la Maríaluisa combate la acción de los radicales libres, previniendo posibles daños celulares y retrasando el envejecimiento. Hierbaluisa como expectorante. Otro uso tradicional del Cedrón muy común es para expulsar la mucosidad acumulada en las vías respiratorias y poder evitar infecciones del aparato respiratorio. Se utiliza en gripes, resfriados, bronquitis, etc. Hierba luisa para la digestión. El cedrón es una planta que mejora los procesos digestivos. Si sueles tener digestiones lentas o pesadas, la hierba luisa puede ser muy útil para mejorar la digestión de los alimentos. Toma una infusión de hierba luisa después de la comida para aprovechar sus propiedades digestivas. Hierbaluisa para la tos. Si tienes la garganta irritada, inflamada, con infección o con tos, hacer gárgaras con la infusión de Cedrón es una remedio natural muy efectivo para mejorar estas condiciones. Esto es debido a la acción antiinflamatoria, relajante, antitusiva y antibacteriana de la hierba luisa. Hierba luisa para el hígado. Hay plantas medicinales que cuidan del hígado y el cedrón es un buen ejemplo. La infusión de la hierbaluisa nos ayuda a que nuestro hígado se mantenga saludable y pueda llevar a cabo sus funciones correctamente. Hierbaluisa para los gases. La Maríaluisa es muy beneficiosa para ayudarnos a expulsar los gases que se acumulan en el tracto gastrointestinal. Así evitaremos hinchazón de abdómen y otras molestias derivadas de la acumulación de gases. Hierba luisa para picaduras de insectos. Aplicando la infusión de cedrón con gasas sobre picaduras de insectos o incluso mordeduras leves de animales podemos limpiar la zona y favorecer la curación de la herida. Cómo tomar la hierba luisa o cedrón El uso de la hierba luisa es principalmente interno. La mejor manera de aprovechar las propiedades del cedrón es preparando una infusión. Sólo tienes que poner una cucharadita de hojas y flores secas de hierbaluisa en una taza y añadir 200 ml de agua muy caliente. Tapa la taza y deja reposar durante 5 minutos. Después se cuela y se bebe poco a poco según se va enfriando la infusión. Con esta misma infusión puedes hacer gargarismo o aplicarla externamente sobre la piel. Contraindicaciones de la hierbaluisa El uso de la hierba luisa o cedrón está contraindicado durante el embarazo y lactancia. Al igual que otras plantas medicinales, la Maríaluisa no debe consumirse durante más de dos semanas seguidas. Esta es información general, si deseas saber cómo tomar la hierba luisa en tu caso particular debes ponerte en contacto con un profesional que pueda darte unas pautas en función de tu historial médico y tus necesidades.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Hipérico, Corazoncillo o Hierba de San Juan, Hipericum perforatum, planta medicinal perenne muy conocida por ser considerada un antidepresivo natural. Pero esta planta tiene muchas más aplicaciones terapéuticas. [图片]El gran Dioscórides, médico de la antigua Grecia, ya tenía bien documentadas las propiedades del hipérico y sus usos medicinales. El Corazoncillo o Hipérico es una planta que posee principios activos muy interesantes que son los que la proveen de su efecto terapéutico sobre la salud: Taninos Flavonoides Aceites esenciales Hipericina Hiperforina Principalmente se utilizan las flores de la hierba de San Juan para uso medicinal. En este artículo vas a encontrar información muy útil sobre las propiedades del hipérico, los beneficios y usos de la hierba de San Juan, cómo tomar el hipérico y las contraindicaciones del hipérico. Propiedades medicinales del Hipérico o corazoncillo La hierba de San Juan es una de las plantas medicinales más estudiadas y utilizadas que nos informan sobre su acción medicinal: Antiséptica Vermífuga Antiviral Digestiva Antiespasmódica Expectorante Antibiótica Cicatrizante Vulneraria Analgésica Astringente Diurética Sedante [图片]Hipérico o Hierba de San Juan, beneficios y usos hierba de san juanHipérico para ansiedad y depresión leve. Es una planta muy útil para tratar la ansiedad, insomnio, el nerviosismo, la irritabilidad y la depresión leve. Desde que los griegos usaran el corazoncillo para este tipo de dolencias no se ha dejado de usar hasta nuestros días. Se debe tomar siempre bajo la supervisión de un profesional que pueda valorar la progresión y las dosis a usar. Hierba de San Juan para la menopausia. El corazoncillo puede ser muy útil para aliviar síntomas de la menopausia como los cambios de humor. Se puede tomar en infusión. Hipérico para dolor de cabeza. Para las personas que sufren de cefalea, ya sea migraña o jaqueca, tienen en la hierba de San Juan un aliado natural para aliviarlo y sentirse mejor. Otras plantas medicinales como la matricaria, la menta o el achiote son también remedios caseros efectivos. Hierba de San Juan para gastritis. Para los casos de gastritis, dolor de estómago, malas digestiones y ardor de estómago o agruras toma la infusión de hipérico tras la comida para mejorarte. Hipérico para varices. En este caso el corazoncillo se utiliza de manera externa o tópica para reactivar la circulación y mejorar las varices. También se puede hacer baños de asiento con la infusión de hierba de San Juan para las hemorroides externas. Hierba de San Juan para las quemaduras. Para aliviar la piel y favorecer la curación de las quemaduras, se puede aplicar la infusión de hipérico sobre éstas a una temperatura ambiente o ligeramenta fría. Se aplica con gasas o compresas limpias que se dejan durante 20 minutos. Hipérico para dejar de fumar. Tanto para las personas que están dejando de fumar, la hierba de San Juan puede ser de gran ayuda para aliviar la ansiedad, la tensión y nerviosismo que puede producir la adicción a la nicotina. Hierba de San Juan para la ciática. Para aliviar de una manera natural los dolores producidos por neuralgias, como el caso de la ciática, aplicar el aceite de hipérico sobre la zona afectada dando un suave masaje. En general, el hipérico es muy efectivo para el dolor de espalda. Hipérico para inflamación muscular y dolor articular. Podemos reducir o eliminar los dolores musculares y articulares usando el aceite de hipérico. Debido a su acción antiinflamatoria y analgésica si lo utilizamos para masajear la zona que nos duele o que está inflamada notaremos mejoría. Cómo usar el hipérico o hierba de San Juan Uso interno del hipérico: para uso interno del corazoncillo se toma principalmente en infusión. Para preparar la infusión de hipérico sólo tienes que poner una cucharadita de flores secas en una taza y añadir 200 ml de agua caliente. Se tapa y se deja reposar 5 minutos. Después se cuela y se bebe poco a poco según se va enfriando. Otra manera de tomar la hierba de San Juan para uso interno es con tintura. La tintura es un preparado concentrado y para usarla se deben diluir unas gotas (su número dependerá de la persona y de la dolencia a tratar) en un vaso de agua. Uso externo del hipérico: el uso tópico y local de la hierba de San Juan se realiza con el aceite de hipérico o también usando la infusión. En ambos casos se aplica de manera local mediante un masaje suave (con el aceite) o mediante compresas o gasas impregnadas con la infusión. Contraindicaciones del hipérico o corazoncillo. No se debe consumir durante el embarazo y lactancia. El hipérico puede interactuar con medicamentos como antidepresivos y con la píldora anticonceptiva. Las plantas medicinales deben ser utilizadas bajo la supervisión de un profesional. Esta es información general sobre el hipérico o hierba de San Juan, si deseas saber cómo tomar esta planta consulta con un profesional que conozca tu historial médico y pueda darte pautas de su uso para tu caso particular.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
There’s little doubt about the attractiveness of English ivy in the garden. The vigorous vine not only grows rapidly, but is hardy too with little maintenance involved with its care, making this ivy an exceptional groundcover plant. That being said, without periodic pruning to keep it in check, English ivy can become a nuisance, especially with regards to trees in the landscape. Read on to learn more about ivy damage to trees and what can be done to alleviate the problem.[图片]Does it Harm Trees for Ivy to Grow? In spite of differing opinions, English ivy can and will, in fact, damage trees and shrubs at some point, especially when the vine is allowed to run rampant. Overgrown ivy plants will eventually suppress nearby vegetation and engulf tree trunks. This can lead to a number of issues affecting the overall health of trees. While a tree may survive initially, the growth of ivy vines can weaken it over time, leaving it susceptible to pests, disease and wind damage as well as poor foliage growth.[图片]English Ivy Tree Damage Ivy damage to trees can eventually result in strangulation due to the sheer weight of overgrown English ivy vines, which can become rather large. As the vine climbs the trunk, it causes fierce competition for water and nutrients. Ivy roots themselves can become intertwined with the tree roots, which can further limit suitable this uptake. Once it surrounds branches or reaches the tree canopy, English ivy can block out sunlight and deprive contact with air…essentially choking the tree out.[图片]Additionally, ivy damage to trees includes the possibility of rot, pest infestation and disease issues as trees without proper water, nutrients, light or air circulation are weaker and more susceptible to problems. Weakened trees are also more likely to fall during storms, putting homeowners at risk for possible injury or property damage. Removing ivy from trees is imperative to ensure the continued health of your trees. Even with aggressive pruning of English ivy, there’s no guarantee the vine will remain well behaved. Getting rid of English ivy is difficult, and unbeknownst to many gardeners is the fact that these vines when reaching full maturity produce small greenish flowers, which are followed by black berries. These berries are favored by wildlife, like birds, and may result in further spread via random droppings here and there.[图片]How to Remove English Ivy from Trees When removing ivy from trees, it should be done carefully to avoid damage to both the trunk and the roots. Additionally, it should be noted that the sap of English ivy can cause a rash in sensitive individuals, so wear gloves and long sleeves. There’s a term referred to as the “Life-saver” method which can be performed in removing ivy from trees. Basically, this involves removal of ivy in a 3- to 5-foot circle from the tree, like lifesaver candy, with the tree itself being the hole in the middle. The first step of this pruning method involves cutting away all the English ivy vines around the tree at eye level. Likewise, you can simply choose to cut an inch or two section from the ivy stem. Depending on the size of these vines, clippers, loppers or even a hand saw may be necessary.[图片]As the individual vines are cut, they can be slowly peeled downward from the bark. Work your way down the trunk to the base of the tree, pulling back the ivy at ground level at least 3 to 5 feet. You can then cut the vines at ground level, treating the fresh cuts with an appropriate herbicide, like triclopyr and glyphosate. Paint the cuts on the still attached stem at full recommended strength. While you can normally apply herbicides at any time of year to English ivy, sunny winter days seem to be more effective, as the cooler temperatures allow the spray to penetrate the plant more easily.[图片]You will likely have to come back later to treat any new sprouts, but these will eventually weaken the vine and it will stop putting out new growth. As the vine dries out in the tree, the dead ivy can be easily removed from the tree with a slight tug.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
English ivy (Hedera helix) is a vigorous, widely grown plant appreciated for its glossy, palmate leaves. English ivy is extremely hale and hearty, tolerating severe winters as far north as USDA zone 9. However, this versatile vine is just as happy when grown as a houseplant. Whether English ivy is grown indoors or out, this fast-growing plant benefits from an occasional trim to stimulate new growth, improve air circulation and keep the vine within boundaries and looking its best. Trimming also creates a full, healthy-looking plant. Read on to learn more about pruning English ivy.[图片]When to Trim Ivy Plants Outdoors If you’re growing English ivy as a ground cover, ivy plant trimming is best done before new growth appears in spring. Set your mower on the highest cutting height to prevent scalping the plant. You can also prune English ivy with hedge shears, especially if the ground is rocky. English ivy pruning depends on growth, and may need to be done every other year, or as often as every year. Use clippers or a weed trimmer to trim along sidewalks or borders as often as needed. Similarly, if your English ivy vine is trained to a trellis or other support, use clippers to prune out unwanted growth.[图片]Ivy Plant Trimming Indoors Pruning English ivy indoors prevents the plant from becoming long and leggy. Simply pinch or snap the vine with your fingers just above a leaf, or prune the plant with clippers or scissors. Although you can discard the cuttings, you can also use them to propagate a new plant. Just stick the cuttings in a vase of water, then set the vase in a sunny window. When roots are about ½ to 1 inch long, plant the new English ivy in a pot filled with well-drained potting mix.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
English ivy plants (Hedera helix) are superb climbers, clinging to almost any surface by means of small roots that grow along the stems. English ivy care is a snap, so you can plant it in distant and hard-to-reach areas without worrying about maintenance.[图片]Growing English Ivy Plants Plant English ivy in a shady area with an organically rich soil. If your soil lacks organic matter, amend it with compost before planting. Space the plants 18 to 24 inches apart, or 1 foot apart for quicker coverage. The vines grow 50 feet long or more, but don’t expect quick results in the beginning. The first year after planting, the vines grow very slowly, and in the second year they begin to put on noticeable growth. By the third year the plants take off, and quickly cover trellises, walls, fences, trees or anything else they encounter.[图片]These plants are useful as well as attractive. Hide unsightly views by growing English ivy as a screen on a trellis or as a cover for unattractive walls and structures. Since it loves shade, the vines make an ideal ground cover under a tree where grass refuses to grow. Indoors, grow English ivy in pots with a stake or other vertical structure for climbing, or in hanging baskets where it can tumble over the edges. You can also grow it in a pot with a shaped wire frame to create a topiary design. Variegated types are especially attractive when planted in this way.[图片]How to Care for English Ivy There’s very little involved with English ivy care. Water them often enough to keep the soil moist until the plants are established and growing. These vines grow best when they have plenty of moisture, but they tolerate dry conditions once established. When grown as a ground cover, shear off the tops of the plants in spring to rejuvenate the vines and discourage rodents. The foliage regrows quickly.[图片]English ivy seldom needs fertilizer, but if you don’t think your plants are growing as they should, spray them with half-strength liquid fertilizer.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Bronze Dutch clover plants (Trifolium repens Atropurpureum) look much like standard, low-growing clover – with a colorful twist; bronze Dutch clover plants produce a carpet of dark red leaves with contrasting green edges. Like familiar clover plants, bronze Dutch clover displays white blooms throughout most of the summer months. Read on to learn all you need to know about growing bronze Dutch clover.[图片]Growing Bronze Dutch Clover Bronze Dutch clover is easy to grow as long as you can provide well drained, lightly moist soil. The plants tolerate both full sunlight and partial shade, although afternoon shade is beneficial for growing bronze Dutch clover in hot climates. However, too much shade will produce green plants, and a few hours of daily sunlight brings out the red in the leaves.[图片]Bronze Dutch Clover Lawns Bronze Dutch clover spreads by runners both above and below ground, which means bronze Dutch clover plants expand easily, choking out weeds and controlling erosion in the process. The sturdy plants, which reach heights of 3 to 6 inches, tolerate moderate foot traffic. Although bronze Dutch clover lawns are spectacular, this plant is also stunning in woodland gardens, rock gardens, around ponds, over retaining walls, or in containers.[图片]Caring for Dutch Clover Work an inch or two of compost or manure into the ground at planting time to get the young plants off to a good start. Thereafter, clover produces its own nitrogen and requires no supplemental fertilizer. Similarly, clover produces its own living mulch and requires no extra mulch of any sort. Once established, bronze Dutch clover requires little attention. However, young plants benefit from regular irrigation to help the roots establish themselves. Two waterings per week is adequate in most climates, less if you live in a rainy climate. Mow the plants occasionally, as bronze Dutch clover lawns are most attractive when maintained at about 3 inches.[图片]Is Bronze Dutch Clover Invasive? All clovers are a valuable source of nectar for honeybees and other pollinators. However, improperly maintained plants may become invasive in certain habitats. Check with your local Cooperative Extension Service or your state’s Department of Agriculture before planting Bronze Dutch clover.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
How to Care for Roses. Roses have an undeserved reputation for being fussy, hard-to-care-for plants. But after all, they're just shrubs. Some roses do require more maintenance than others, but growing roses is something even a beginner can do. [图片]Spring Rose Care Step 1 Prune roses in early spring once the rose starts to show signs of new growth, usually in the form of tiny red buds swelling. These buds will become new branches. Step 2 Cut out any obviously dead or damaged branches first. Then cut out all but four or five healthy stems, each ideally about as thick as a pencil. Step 3 Cut the rose bush back by 1/3 to 1/2, depending on how tall you want it to be. Make these cuts right above an outward facing bud - that is, a red bud that's on the outside of the rose bush. This directs the bud to grow up and out, leaving the center of the rose bush open for a prettier shape and better air circulation. [图片]Step 4 Fertilize roses regularly during the growing season. Roses are hungry plants, demanding lots of nutrients for best growth and flowering. Each rose grower has his or her own favorite method. One of the easiest is to buy a slow-release granular rose food and work it into the soil so it can feed the plant all season long. Otherwise, you'll want to fertilize the rose with a liquid fertilizer every three to four weeks during the growing season (stop in early autumn) or according to package directions. Step 5 Water diligently. Roses need a steady source of water during the growing season, about 1 inch a week from rain or watering. In arid regions of the country, if you have several roses, consider installing a do-it-yourself drip irrigation system. Summer Rose Care Step 6 Mulch. Roses need less weeding and watering and have fewer diseases if you mulch. Lay down 1 to 2 inches of organic mulch, such as wood chips, pine needles, grass clippings or other biodegradable material. Step 7 Deadhead. This simply means trimming spent roses off the shrub to encourage it to produce more. While some roses bloom only in one big flush in June, others are bred to keep producing off and on all season long. Step 8 Spray. If your rose becomes diseased or has an insect infestation, you may want to deal with it by spraying. (However, first try simply trimming off the diseased portion of the plant and giving the plant a good strong blast from a hose.) If you choose to spray, first identify the problem by trimming off the diseased part and taking it to a reliable garden center, where the staff can prescribe the correct pesticide or herbicide. Fall and Winter Rose Care Step 9 Stop fertilizing roses in early autumn, at least one month before your region's first annual frost date. Fertilizing too long into autumn encourages roses to produce tender new growth that will get nipped by cold. Step 10 Protect roses as needed in late autumn, after your region's first hard freeze. In regions where temperatures don't fall below 20 degrees F (USDA zone 9 and warmer), no additional winter protection is needed. In cooler regions where temperatures don't fall below 10 degrees below zero (zones 6 to 8), a simple mounding of several inches of soil over the base of the rose should suffice. In cold-winter regions where temperatures get colder than 10 degrees below zero (zone 5 and colder), mound to about a foot about a month after your region's last average frost date; additionally, two weeks later, the entire plant should be wrapped in burlap to protect the upper parts.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
If you are looking for something to naturalize a sloping home landscape, consider planting crown vetch for a natural backyard. While some may think of it as merely a weed, others have long since taken advantage of this plant’s unique beauty and use in the landscape. Best of all, the care of crown vetch ‘weed’ is extremely easy. So how do you grow crown vetch? Keep reading to learn more about this interesting plant.[图片]What is Crown Vetch Weed? Crown vetch (Coronilla varia L.) is a trailing herbaceous member of the pea family. This cool season perennial plant is also known as ax seed, ax wort, hive-vine, and trailing crown vetch. Introduced in North America from Europe in the 1950’s as a ground cover for soil erosion on banks and highways, this ground cover spread rapidly and naturalized throughout the United States. Although commonly planted as an ornamental, it is important that homeowners be aware this plant can become invasive in many areas, lending to its reference as crown vetch weed. That said, crown vetch fixes nitrogen in the soil and is commonly used to restore strip-mined soil. Use crown vetch for a natural backyard or to cover slopes or rocky areas in your landscape. Attractive pinkish-rose flowers appear in May through August sitting atop short fern-like leaflets. Flowers produce long and slender pods with seeds that are reported to be toxic.[图片]How Do You Grow Crown Vetch? Planting crown vetch can be done by seed or potted plants. If you have a large area to cover, it is best to use seed. Crown vetch is not particular about soil type and will tolerate low pH and low fertility. However, you can prepare the soil by adding lime and organic compost. Leave rocks and hunks of dirt for a somewhat uneven planting bed. While it prefers full sun, it will tolerate some spotty shade. Young plants also do best when covered with a shallow layer of mulch.[图片]Care of Crown Vetch Once planted, the care of crown vetch requires very little maintenance, if any. Water new plants regularly and mow established plants to the ground in early fall. Cover with a 2-inch layer of mulch for winter protection. Note: Crown vetch plants are commonly found in mail-order catalogs and nurseries with alternate spellings of one or two words. Either one is correct.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
"Gather ye rosebuds while ye may," poet Robert Herrick tells us, but he doesn't mention how to make them open. Whether you received florist rose flowers or cut a selection of your own from your garden, warm water and shorter stems are two tricks to try. [图片]Bye-Bye to Bacteria Clean tools and containers allow cut rose flowers to open and last in a vase. Bacteria is not your friend when it's on or around cut roses. It plugs the flower stems and prevents regular water uptake. The result can be blooms that don't open or roses with bent necks. So wash tubs and vases with hot, soapy water. Then rinse them with a solution that is 1 part bleach and 10 parts water, and rinse them with water. Soak cutting tools in denatured alcohol, too, and keep the cutting blades sharp. Removing all foliage below the vase's water line prevents it from rotting and contaminating the water. Garden Roses One big difference between caring for florist roses and cut garden roses is that you decide when to take the latter. Rose blooms are most vigorous and long-lasting when cut in early morning, which is when they are full of moisture. It helps to give the ground a thorough watering the night before. Cut a rose flower only after its sepals have opened and turned downward. Sepals are the flower parts that look like green petals. If the sepals are wrapped tightly around a cut rosebud, the flower will not open. If a rose flower is of a variety typically has many petals, then wait until a few rows of petals are open before cutting that rose. Another trick for determining whether a rose flower is ready to cut is to squeeze it gently. If it feels soft and gives a little, it will likely open. Buds that are as hard as marbles won't open. [图片]Water, Water Everywhere Water makes the difference between a rose that opens and a rose that doesn't. When cutting flowers in your garden, have a bucket with you, and plunge each flower's stem in the bucket as soon as you cut it. If you buy or receive florist roses, immediately open the container, remove the wrapping and put the roses in water. Warm water helps roses open faster than they would otherwise, but lukewarm water results in a longer life for the flowers. Flower food added to water also helps blossoms open. Either use a commercial product or make your own, adding 1/2 teaspoon of sugar, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and a few drops of bleach to 1 quart of water. Neither aspirin nor pennies in the water help roses open faster or last longer. Water Changes and Stem Cuts Rose stems need to be cut when you first arrange the flowers in a vase of water. Make the cuts under the water and at a diagonal. Only 1/2 to 1 inch of a stem needs to be taken off, but the shorter you cut a stem, the faster its rose is likely to open. Every few days, change the vase water and recut the stems. Leave the guard petals on each garden rose when you first cut it. The guard petals are the outer petals and are larger and thicker than the inner petals; sometimes the guard petals are discolored or streaked. If a rose does not open, remove its guard petals by pulling them gently from the flower's base.
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