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Dummer. ゛☀
A lot of times when you move into a new home, you look around the yard and think about everything you need to do to make the yard yours. Transplanting things is sometimes the most economical way to do that. Let’s look at how to transplant monkey grass.[图片]Tips for Transplanting Monkey Grass If you look around and find that you have monkey grass growing here and there, you have a great starting point. All you need to do is dig some up, roots and all, and move it somewhere else. For instance, if you find that monkey grass grows well around the front walkway of your new home, you could pull a few sprigs of it up, including the roots, and transplant monkey grass under the bushes in front of the house. You will find that Liriope grass transplanting is easy this way, as it will flourish and create a nice grass skirt under the bushes.[图片]When transplanting monkey grass, make sure you let it take strong root. Then you might want to spend some extra time raking it for the first few weeks so that any carpet grass runners that grow over top of it can be removed. They try to share the space with the monkey grass, but monkey grass grows so thick that the carpet grass can’t get its roots if the monkey grass is established. You might decide to make a new island garden. If so, you can transplant monkey grass into the island to create a frame for the bed or even to make it a nice ground cover throughout the bed.[图片]When to Plant Monkey Grass Knowing when to plant monkey grass or transplant it will help ensure it survives better after being transplanted. Wait until there is no chance of frost and it should be safe to transplant through midsummer. After transplanting monkey grass, it will need time to establish itself to survive the cold weather and after midsummer, it may no be able to do this. Anytime you make a new flower bed, go ahead and pluck a few pieces of monkey grass to put in it. Liriope grass transplanting works well so long as you include roots with the grass you picked, so it will grow pretty much wherever you plant it.[图片]The only thing to watch out for when transplanting monkey grass is that it can be quite invasive if put in the wrong place. Just keep it contained to the areas you want it in, and be sure to pluck it from areas you don’t. This is how hardy monkey grass is, and you don’t want it to take over your whole garden.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Is monkey grass invading areas of your lawn and garden? Do you find yourself asking, “How do I kill monkey grass?” You’re not alone. Many people share these concerns, but don’t worry. There are things you can try to rid this intruder from your landscape. Keep reading to find out how to get rid of monkey grass.[图片]Ridding the Garden of Monkey Grass Monkey grass is normally a favorite addition among gardeners, as it is extremely easy to grow and care for. But it’s also the plant’s hardiness and carefree nature that can result in its invasiveness, as the eagerly growing monkey grass begins to turn up in unwanted areas of the landscape. That’s when monkey grass control becomes necessary.[图片]How to Get Rid of Monkey Grass Removing monkey grass can be difficult but not impossible. There’s really no single best way to remove monkey grass. Rather, you need to find the method of monkey grass control that works best for you and your particular circumstance. That said, here are some ideas for ridding the garden of monkey grass: Dig it up – Digging up unwanted plants is the easiest way of removing monkey grass, but it may also be the most time consuming depending on how much you have. You should dig up clumps and surrounding soil to ensure that you get out as much of the root system as possible. Once it’s dug up, carefully check for any stragglers. You can treat the area (along with freshly cut roots) with Round-up as well to prevent further growth. Keep in mind though that this could take more than one application depending on how much root growth was missed.[图片]Contain it – You can install some type of barrier of edging to keep monkey grass roots under control, minimizing its spread. These should be at least 12 to 18 inches down for best results. This can be done at the time of planting or during summer growth. When combined with digging, you’ll have a better chance of ridding the garden of monkey grass. For example, after removing monkey grass clumps, you can cover the area with plastic or landscape fabric. This should help suffocate any remaining roots or rhizomes in the ground. Call for backup – When all else fails, it’s time to call in a professional to help you get rid of monkey grass. Professional landscapers or gardeners can usually do all the dirty work for you, putting their knowledge to work as well. They can normally provide any additional tips you may need once the grass has been removed should any “jumpers” crop up.[图片]Knowing how to get rid of monkey grass is a matter of having patience and choosing the method of removal that works best for you. With vigilance and time, your monkey grass control efforts will eventually pay off.
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Dummer. ゛☀
With so many ground covers to choose from, picking one that serves all your needs can sometimes be tricky, especially when it comes to trouble spots in the lawn. However, there’s one ground cover that literally ‘covers’ it all. From problem areas to attractive edging, monkey grass is an easy-care, low-maintenance ground cover that offers homeowners countless possibilities for use in the lawn and surrounding landscape.[图片]Why Choose Monkey Grass? So what do these Asian natives provide that most other ground covers may not? For starters, monkey grass is easy to care for, it’s heat and drought tolerant, and it’s extremely hardy, growing in many types of soil and surviving under numerous conditions. This thick ground cover resists weed invasions, is rarely affected by pests and diseases, requires little or no fertilizing and performs effectively wherever it’s needed. All that’s required is finding the right one to fit your individual needs. For instance, some types of monkey grass creep and spread along, while others are clump forming. Some varieties of monkey grass enjoy sun, while others do well in shaded areas.[图片]Types of Monkey Grass Monkey grass has many common names including lily turf, liriope, mondo grass, and snakesbeard. There are many varieties of monkey grass, all of which belong to one of two genuses: Liriope or Ophiopogon. Monkey grass usually ranges in height from 10 to 15 inches but taller, shrub-like forms are also available and widely used for foundation plantings. Most types are evergreen, providing year-round interest. Money grass also produces spiky summer blooms followed by attractive berries in the fall. For additional interest, there are variegated varieties too.[图片]The most commonly used variety of monkey grass is Liriope muscari. This clumping form is often used as edging for beds, borders and walkways. Most of these produce lovely purple-spiked blooms and dark purple berries; however, there is also a white-flowering variety as well. L. spicata, commonly called creeping liriope, does well in trouble areas of the lawn, such as slopes. As this form can be an aggressive spreader, it should not be used in small garden beds, as it could choke out other plantings. However, in larger garden beds, creeping liriope will effectively fill in empty spaces while adding foliage interest to the garden.[图片]Ophiopogon japonicus, often referred to as mondo grass, is another popular form of monkey grass, and are generally considered smaller versions. This type has fine, darker colored foliage and works well in settings that are more formal. This variety also tends to perform better in shadier areas as opposed to full sun. Heights vary from two to twelve inches, depending on the particular species. Dwarf mondo grass (O. japonicus ‘Gyoku Ryu’) is great for use along paths and in between pavers or stepping stones. If you’re looking for something different or perhaps more dramatic, consider nearly black foliage of black mondo grass (O. planiscapus ‘Nigrescens’).[图片]Caring for Monkey Grass All forms of monkey grass can be easily lifted, divided and transplanted whenever needed. As with most plants, monkey grass requires good drainage for best results. The brownish foliage of monkey grass should be cut back prior to new growth, usually in late February or early March. Cutting back this foliage not only promotes new growth but also helps to rejuvenate the plants. Monkey grass is a great ground cover for the lawn, growing in areas where most turf grasses won’t, such as beneath trees or along steep slopes. It can even be used as a low-maintenance lawn substitute. Monkey grass looks great mixed with other foliage plants and flowers and can be successfully grown in containers.[图片]It’s a common landscaping feature in the South but is so versatile that it can grow nearly anywhere. With so many possibilities, monkey grass is truly an exceptional choice for attractive ground coverage in the lawn and surrounding landscape.
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Dummer. ゛☀
What is Lithodora? Botanically known as Lithodora diffusa, this plant is a hardy ground cover that produces masses of tiny, intensely blue, star-shaped flowers from late spring throughout most of summer. What to know more about growing Lithodora ground cover? Read on to find out.[图片]Lithodora Plant Information Lithodora planted in gardens reaches heights of only 6 to 10 inches (15-25 cm.), but a single plant can eventually spread 24 to 36 inches (61-91 cm.). You can easily grow Lithodora in gardens in USDA plant hardiness zones 6 through 10. In the more southern ranges, the dense covering of narrow, dark-green leaves remain green year round. Lithodora ground cover is a great choice for rock gardens. It also works well in window boxes or containers. Lithodora is relatively easy to find in garden centers. Otherwise, plant Lithodora seeds directly in the garden, or start them indoors a few weeks ahead of time. You can also propagate cuttings from established plants in mid- to late summer.[图片]Growing Lithodora Ground Cover Acidic, well-drained soil is best for growing Lithodora in gardens. Sandy soil is fine, but the plant won’t tolerate heavy clay soil. Although Lithodora thrives in full sunlight, partial shade isn’t a problem. Afternoon shade is best in hot climates. As for the care of Lithodora, water the plant regularly and don’t allow the soil to become bone dry. However, beware of overwatering and avoid soggy, waterlogged soil. Apply mulch in autumn if you live in a cooler region. Prune Lithodora lightly if it looks straggly, or if the leaves are damaged by winter cold.[图片]Lithodora generally requires no fertilizer unless the leaves turn pale greenish-yellow. If this occurs, provide a fertilizer for rhododendron, azalea or other acid-loving plants in late winter or very early spring. If you notice aphids, treat the plant with insecticidal soap spray. Otherwise, pests are usually not a problem.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Irish moss plants are versatile little plants that can add a touch of elegance to your landscape. Growing Irish moss fills a range of garden needs. It is simple to learn how to grow Irish moss. You’ll find growing Irish moss can put the finishing touch on many areas of the garden and beyond. Keep reading to learn more about the care of Irish moss in your garden.[图片]Irish Moss Growing Zones and Info A member of the Caryophyllaceae family, Irish moss (Sagina subulata), which is not a moss at all, is also called Corsican pearlwort or Scot’s moss. Irish moss plants perform in a manner similar to moss, however. They do need some light to maintain the most amazing of emerald green colors found in its foliage. This herbaceous perennial (evergreen in warmer zones) turns green as temperatures warm. Charming little white blooms appear sporadically throughout the growing season. For a similar plant with a more yellow tint, try Scotch moss, Sagina subulata Aurea.[图片]Irish moss growing zones include USDA plant hardiness zones 4-10, depending on the variety you choose. Most areas of the United States can use Irish moss plants in some manner. Not a heat loving specimen, use Irish moss plants in a sunny to partially shaded area. In warmer Irish moss growing zones, plant where it is protected from the scorching sun. Irish moss may turn brown during summer’s hottest days, but greens up again as temperatures fall in autumn.[图片]How to Grow Irish Moss Plant Irish moss in spring, when danger of frost is passed. Space plants 12 inches apart when first planting. Soil should be fertile and have good drainage. Irish moss plants need regular watering, but should not have soggy roots.[图片]Care for Irish moss is simple and includes cutting out browning patches in older mats. Growing Irish moss reaches only 1 to 2 inches in height and when used as a lawn replacement, does not need mowing. If you don’t wish for such a drastic makeover, consider the possibilities of growing Irish moss as a ground cover. Use the grass-like mats to spread around pavers or to edge a rock garden. Growing Irish moss is also attractive in containers. Uses of Irish moss are limited only by your imagination.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Native to the eastern United States, golden star plants (Chrysogonum virginianum) produce an abundance of bright, yellow-gold flowers from spring until autumn. They are ideal for an area that needs a continuous, uniform ground cover, but also look good in borders and as a low edging plant. The plants require very little care, and growing golden stars on steep banks solves mowing and maintenance problems. The plants develop tight, green foliage topped with bright gold flowers, giving rise to the common name green-and-gold.[图片]Growing Golden Stars Growing golden stars is easy. Golden star plants need at least half a day of sunlight. When grown in less light, the foliage loosens up and flowers are smaller and fewer in number. The plants tolerate almost any type of soil, but do best when the soil is amended with plenty of organic matter. Good drainage is also essential. Space the plants 8 to 18 inches apart and allow them to spread and fill in the area.[图片]Golden star plants make an excellent ground cover. One of the best varieties for this purpose is C. virginianum var. austral, which is sold under the cultivar name ‘Eco-Lacquered Spider.’ This cultivar spreads quickly by taking root everywhere the stolons come in contact with soil. It also self-seeds, and the seedlings germinate in spring. When using a cultivar of this golden star ground cover, space the plants 18 inches apart.[图片]Care of Golden Star Ground Cover Water the plants to keep the soil evenly moist but not wet or soggy. A thin layer of mulch helps the soil hold moisture and reduces the number of weeds. However, too much mulch slows the spread of green-and-gold plants because the stolons are less likely to come in contact with soil. Every other year, the plants should be lifted and divided or transplanted to another area. When lifting the plants, shake them to remove as much soil as possible. This stimulates the roots and reinvigorates the plants.[图片]Golden star plants are sometimes bothered by slugs and snails. Control these pests with slug and snail bait. Read the label carefully to make sure the product you choose is safe around children, pets and wildlife.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Growing native plants is an excellent way to preserve national flora and have the added bonus of thriving easily since the soils and conditions are designed for their success. There are few plants designed to grow well in almost any climate, both for their beauty and as fodder for cattle, pigs, and many species of butterfly. Frog fruit is one of them.[图片]What is Frog Fruit? I love plants with odd names. Frog fruit (Lippia nodiflora syn. Phyla nodiflora) is also called turkey tangle frog fruit. What is frog fruit? It is a native plant of North America and in the Verbena family of flowering herbaceous plants. Frog fruit plants are low growing plants that develop only about 3 to 5 inches in height. They are found wild in the southern half of the United States through tropical regions. The plants produce a unique flower from May until October that matures to white blooms with five petals on 4-inch long spikes. Plants spread to nearly 3 feet and form a dense mat of semi-woody stems. Leaves are attractive with small notched indents along the edges.[图片]The plant prefers dry soil and will die back when freezing temperatures occur, with total death after an extended freeze. In the wild, they are found in inhospitable locations such as ditches, beaches and fields. So can you grow frog fruit natives as part of a landscaped garden?[图片]Can You Grow Frog Fruit in the Garden? Frog fruit plants grow as evergreen perennials in warm to temperate zones and add a wild touch as ground covers and bedding borders. As an addition to the home garden, they make excellent low maintenance ground cover or brighten up hanging baskets as trailing plants. Frog fruit grows fairly quickly from seed directly sown after soil has warmed or from cuttings. In fact, the plant is so prolific at self-seeding that you may end up with an invasive tangle on your hands. Although evergreen in most native regions, it will lose leaves in temperate climates when cold temperatures arrive in fall. In most cases, it will re-sprout in spring, provided the root zone wasn’t exposed to serious freezing temperatures. Growing frog fruit as part of the native woodland garden provides food for deer and can be a good sacrificial plant if the animals are nuisances for other parts of the garden.[图片]Frog Fruit Plant Care Frog fruit plants are such hardy specimens that they really need little assistance to thrive. Trim back stems if they get into areas where they are not wanted. Since they prosper on almost any soil, the plants need little supplemental fertilizer. If you want increased blooms, use a liquid bloom food in spring. Water is an important part of frog fruit plant care. While they like dry soil and need good drainage, they will need additional moisture during the hottest months of summer for best growth. The plant’s ease of care and spring and summer beauty make growing frog fruit a winner for the garden and landscape.[图片]
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Dummer. ゛☀
What is a Mexican heather plant? Also known as false heather, Mexican heather (Cuphea hyssopifolia) is a flowering groundcover that produces masses of bright green leaves. Small pink, white or lavender flowers decorate the plant throughout most of the year. Mexican heather plants, which actually aren’t members of the heather family, are suitable for growing in the warm climates of USDA plant hardiness zones 9 to 11. You can grow Mexican heather as an annual if you live in a chillier climate.[图片]How to Plant Mexican Heather Planting Mexican heather is uninvolved, although the plant benefits from a little added compost or manure if soil is poor. Allow at least 18 inches (46 cm.) between each plant. This tough, drought-tolerant plant loves direct sunlight and thrives in intense heat. Remember that although Mexican heather plants grow in a wide range of soils, good drainage is critical.[图片]Care of Mexican Heather Water Mexican heather plants deeply about once every week, then allow the soil to dry slightly before watering again. Container plants will need water more often, especially during the summer months. Prune Mexican heather lightly during the spring if the plant looks scraggly or overgrown. Otherwise, no pruning is required. Surround the plant with a thin layer of mulch in spring to minimize moisture evaporation and keep weeds in check. Feed the plant in spring, summer and fall, using a balanced, general-purpose fertilizer.[图片]Healthy Mexican heather plants are seldom bothered by insects. However, if you notice spider mites during hot, dry weather, treat the pests with insecticidal soap spray on a day when the sun isn’t directly on the plant. Insecticidal soap spray with a few drops of rubbing alcohol will also take care of flea beetles.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dymondia silver carpet (Dymondia margaretae) is a delightfully dense, drought tolerant, 1-2” high, spreading ground cover perfect for most sunny water-wise gardens. If you’re looking for something attractive in your landscape, you may want to consider growing this plant. Read on to learn more and take advantage of this versatile ground cover.[图片]About Dymondia Silver Carpet Dymondia has grey green leaves with fuzzy white undersides that curl up on the edges. The overall effect of dymondia ground cover is variegated when close up or soft grey-green from a distance. Dymondia is slow growing but will spread a bit faster with regular irrigation. It will crowd out most weeds over time. In summertime, its yellow daisy flowers brighten up the landscape. Dymondia silver carpet withstands a little foot traffic and is deer resistant. It is perfect between stepping stones and in rock gardens. Some people have even been known to use the plant as a lawn substitute. It also performs well on the coast.[图片]How to Plant Dymondia Ground Cover Planting dymondia in boggy, poor draining soil is a bad idea. Dymondia ground cover is also susceptible to gophers. Use gopher baskets and improve your soil drainage with compost or pumice before you install dymondia. Proper care of dymondia is easy. Water it regularly the first year. Don’t over water in subsequent years. Deadhead the flowers after they have faded. Protect dymondia from frost. That’s all. It’s that easy![图片]Is Dymondia Invasive? Some people may wonder, “Is dymondia invasive?” No, it is not. Dymondia silver carpet is a charming, well-behaved ground cover with attractive silver foliage, happy yellow flowers and a weed-suppressing growth habit. Have fun growing this little gem in your garden!
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Dummer. ゛☀
In some places dichondra, a low growing plant and member of the morning glory family, is seen as a weed. In other places, however, it is valued as an attractive ground cover or even a substitute for a small lawn area. Let’s find out more about how to grow dichondra ground cover.[图片]Dichondra Plant Info Dichondra (Dichondra repens) is a perennial ground cover plant (in USDA zones 7-11) that has a somewhat upright, creeping habit with circular leaves. It is not usually over 2 inches in height and retains its bright green color in temperatures as low as 25 F. (-3 C.). When this ground cover becomes full, it appears as a dense carpet-like grass and is often planted in places where other turf-type grass does not grow well.[图片]Silver dichondra is a green-silver annual ground cover that is often used in hanging baskets and pots. The cascading habit also makes this attractive plant perfect for rock walls or window boxes. This low maintenance plant with fan-shaped foliage, does well in full sun, requires only minimal care and is drought resistant.[图片]How to Grow Dichondra Proper preparation of the seedbed is essential to growing dichondra plants. A weed-free raked area is best. Dichondra prefers loose, clod-free and well-drained soil in partial shade to full sun. Seed should be lightly scattered over the loosened soil bed and watered until wet but not soggy. Depending on how sunny the planting area is, seeds may need to be watered a few times a day until they begin to sprout. Covering the seeds with a light layer of peat moss helps with moisture retention.[图片]It is best to plant seed when the temperatures are in the 70’s (21 C.) during the day and the 50’s (10 C.) at night. This can be in either early spring or even early fall. The growing dichondra seeds will sprout within 7 to 14 days depending on conditions. Dichondra Care Once plants are established, a deep and infrequent watering is necessary. It is best to allow the plants to dry out slightly between watering. If using as a lawn alternative, the dichondra can be mowed to a suitable height. Most people find that mowing to around 1 ½ inches in the summer is best and requires cutting every two weeks. Provide ½ to 1 pound of nitrogen per month during the growing season for a healthy cover.[图片]Apply a pre-emergent weed control on the ground cover to keep weeds at bay. Never use an herbicide containing 2-4D on dichondra plants, as they will die. Remove broadleaf weeds by hand for best results.
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