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Dummer. ゛☀
What is an African tulip tree? Native to Africa’s tropical rainforests, African tulip tree (Spathodea campanulata) is a big, impressive shade tree that grows only in the non-freezing climates of U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 10 and above. Want to know more about this exotic tree? Interested in knowing how to grow African tulips trees? Keep reading to find out.[图片]Is African Tulip Tree Invasive? A cousin to the rambunctious trumpet vine, African tulip tree tends to be invasive in tropical climates, such as Hawaii and southern Florida, where it forms dense thickets that interfere with native growth. It is less problematic in drier climates like southern California and central or northern Florida. African Tulip Tree Information African tulip tree is indeed an impressive specimen with gigantic, reddish-orange or golden yellow trumpet-shaped flowers and huge, glossy leaves. It can reach heights of 80 feet, but growth is usually limited to 60 feet or less with a width of about 40 feet. The flowers are pollinated by birds and bats and the seeds are scattered by water and wind.[图片]How to Grow African Tulip Trees African tulip trees are somewhat difficult to grow by seed but easy to propagate by taking tip or root cuttings, or by planting suckers. As far as growing conditions, the tree tolerates shade but performs best in full sunlight. Similarly, although it is relatively drought tolerant, African tulip tree is happiest with plenty of moisture. Although it likes rich soil, it will grow in nearly any well-drained soil.[图片]African Tulip Tree Care Newly planted African tulip trees benefit from regular irrigation. However, once established, the tree requires little attention. It is rarely bothered by pests or disease, but may temporarily shed its leaves during periods of severe drought. African tulip trees should be pruned regularly because the branches, which tend to be brittle, break easily in harsh winds. For this reason, the tree should be planted away from structures or smaller trees that may be damaged.
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Acacias are graceful trees that grow in warm climates such as Hawaii, Mexico and the southwestern United States. The foliage is typically bright green or bluish-green and the small blooms may be creamy white, pale yellow or bright yellow. Acacia may be evergreen or deciduous.[图片]Acacia Tree Facts Most acacia tree types are fast growers, but they usually live only 20 to 30 years. Many varieties are valued for their long roots which help stabilize the soil in areas threatened by erosion. The sturdy roots reach deep for underground water, which explains why the tree tolerates extreme drought conditions. Many types of acacia are protected by long, sharp thorns and an extremely unpleasant flavor that discourages animals from eating the leaves and bark.[图片]Acacia Tree and Ants Interestingly, stinging ants and acacia trees have a mutually beneficial relationship. Ants create cozy living quarters by hollowing out the thorns, then survive by eating the sweet nectar produced by the tree. In turn, the ants protect the tree by stinging any animals that attempt to munch on the leaves.[图片]Acacia Tree Growing Conditions Acacia requires full sunlight and grows in nearly any type of soil, including sand, clay, or soil that is highly alkaline or acidic. Although acacia prefers well-drained soil, it tolerates muddy soil for short periods of time. Acacia Tree Care Acacia is basically a plant-it-and-forget-it type of tree, although a young tree may need protection from wildlife while it develops its defense system. During the first year, the tree benefits from an orchid fertilizer every three to four weeks. After that time, you can feed the tree a general purpose fertilizer once every year, but it isn’t an absolute requirement. Acacia requires little or no water. Acacia may need occasional pruning during the dry months. Avoid pruning leafy, green areas and trim only dead growth. Although the tree is disease-resistant, it can sometimes be affected by a fungal disease known as anthracnose. Additionally, watch for pests such as aphids, thrips, mites and scale.[图片]Acacia Tree Types Acacia trees preferred by most gardeners are varieties that burst out with yellow blooms in the winter or early spring. Popular types include: Bailey acacia, a hardy Australian variety that reaches heights of 20 to 30 feet. Bailey acacia displays feathery, bluish-gray foliage and bright yellow wintertime blooms. Also known as Texas acacia, Guajillo is an extremely heat-tolerant tree that hales from southern Texas and Mexico. It is a shrubby plant that reaches heights of 5 to 12 feet. This species produces clusters of fragrant white flowers in early spring.[图片]Knifeleaf acacia is named for its silvery-gray, knife-shaped leaves. Mature height for this tree is 10 to 15 feet. Sweet-smelling yellow flowers appear in early spring. Koa is a fast-growing acacia native to Hawaii. This tree, which eventually reaches heights and widths of up to 60 feet, displaying pale yellow blooms in spring.
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Wedelia is a plant that has some very mixed reviews, and rightly so. While praised by some for its small, bright yellow flowers and ability to prevent erosion, it is also reviled by others for its aggressive spreading tendencies. Keep reading to learn both about growing wedelia groundcover and the dangers of wedelia propagation.[图片]How to Grow Wedelia Wedelia (Wedelia trilobata) is an herbaceous perennial that’s hardy in USDA zones 8b through 11. It tends to grow to between 18 and 24 inches (45-62 cm.) high. It thrives in full shade, full sun, and everything in between, but it produces flowers most impressively in full sun. Its flowers are its most appealing feature: small, yellow, daisy-like, and very prolific. It can handle a wide range of pH levels and will perform well in virtually any soil. In other words, wedelia plant care is extremely low maintenance. It will grow and thrive almost anywhere as long as the weather is warm enough. The plant is extremely tough and can handle pruning almost down to the ground. The optimal height for blossom production is about 4 inches (10 cm.).[图片]Managing Wedelia Plants The main aspect of wedelia plant care isn’t making sure it grows well, but rather making sure it doesn’t grow too well. Whenever wedelia stems touch the ground, they take root. This means the plant has an extremely aggressive spreading habit. While this is good news for one of the main wedelia plant uses, holding down soil in otherwise barren sites that are prone to erosion, it makes it very unsuited to backyards and gardens, where it is likely to completely take over.[图片]In some states, it is classified as an invasive species. Check with your local extension office before planting. Even if it’s not an invasive species where you live, be very wary of planting this aggressive groundcover. If you do decide to plant, keep it in check by providing it only minimal water and fertilizer. With ample amounts of either, it will truly take off and overwhelm you.
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If you’re looking for a ground cover that thrives in deep shade where grass and other plants refuse to grow, look no further than snow on the mountain plant (Ageopodium podograria). Also called bishop’s weed or goutweed, the shallow roots of this quick-growing, deciduous ground cover sit above those of most companion plants so that they don’t interfere with their growth. Solid green varieties provide a lush, uniform appearance, and variegated forms have white highlights that glisten in deep shade.[图片]Growing Snow on the Mountain Ground Cover Snow on the mountain plant is hardy in USDA plant hardiness zones 3 through 9. Growing Aegopodium is easy in the right location. It tolerates almost any soil as long as it is well-drained, and needs full or partial shade. Shade is particularly important in areas with hot summers. In locations with mild summer temperatures, snow on the mountain ground cover won’t mind some morning sun. One of the most difficult things about growing Aegopodium is preventing it from spreading into areas where it isn’t wanted. The plants spread by means of brittle underground rhizomes, and digging up unwanted plants often causes them to spread even more because broken bits of rhizomes quickly form new plants.[图片]To compensate for this, install an edging that sinks a few inches under the soil around the bed to contain the plants. If it spreads beyond the desired area, an herbicide may be the only solution. Snow on the mountain plant only responds to herbicides when there is new growth on the plant, so use it in early spring or mow down the plants and allow new growth to emerge before spraying the plants. When growing variegated forms of snow on the mountain plant, you may occasionally see a solid green plant. Dig these plants out immediately, getting rid of as much of the rhizomes as you can. Solid forms are much more vigorous than the variegated ones and will soon overtake the area.[图片]Care of Snow on the Mountain Bishop’s weed requires very little care. The plants grow best if watered during dry spells. In late spring or early summer, the plants produce small, white flowers. Many growers think the flowers detract from the attractive foliage and pick them off as they appear, but removing the flowers isn’t necessary to keep the plants healthy. After the bloom period, run a lawn mower over the plants to rejuvenate them. They’ll be ankle high again in no time.
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Also known as goutweed and snow on the mountain, bishop’s weed is a rambunctious plant native to western Asia and Europe. It has naturalized across most of the United States, where it isn’t always welcome due to its extreme invasive tendencies. However, bishop’s weed plant may be just the thing for tough areas with poor soil or excessive shade; it will grow where most plants are doomed to fail. A variegated form of bishop’s weed plant is popular in home gardens. This form, (Aegopodium podagraria ‘Variegatum’) displays small, bluish-green leaves with white edges. The creamy white color provides a luminous effect in shady areas, which probably explains why bishop’s weed plant is also known as “snow on the mountain.” Eventually, you may notice variegation loss in bishop’s weed plants. If your bishop’s weed is losing its variegation, read on for information.[图片]Variegation Loss in Bishop’s Weed Why is my snow on the mountain losing color? Well, for starters, it’s normal for the variegated form of bishop’s weed to revert back to solid green. You may even notice areas of solid green leaves and variegated leaves mixed together in a single patch. Unfortunately, you may not have much control over this phenomenon. Variegation loss in bishop’s weed may be more prevalent in shady areas, where the plant has the misfortune of both low light and low chlorophyll, which are required for photosynthesis. Going green may be a survival tactic; as the plant goes green, it produces more chlorophyll and is able to absorb more energy from sunlight.[图片]You may be able to do some trimming and pruning of trees or shrubs that keep your bishop’s weed plant in shade. Otherwise, variegation loss in bishop’s weed is probably irreversible. The only answer is to learn to enjoy the non-variegated, bluish-green leaves. After all, it’s just as attractive.
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Dummer. ゛☀
If “snakebush” makes you think of a long, scaly vine, you’re in for a surprise. According to snakebush plant information, this lovely little plant offers delicate mauve flowers that look wonderful in hanging baskets. So exactly what is a snakebush? Read on for tips on growing snakebush plants.[图片]What is a Snakebush Plant? Native to Western Australia, snakebush bears the scientific name of Hemiandra pungens, and it’s also known as the snake plant. But the only thing snake-like about it is how it stays very close to the ground. Snakebush plant information tells you that this tiny plant offers dense, pointed foliage that looks like needles. Its mauve or light purple flowers arrive in spring and last much of the summer. The flowers grow in tube shapes. Each blossoms has an upper “lip” with two lobes and a lower “lip” with three and carry a sweet fragrance.[图片]Growing Snakebush Plants Since snakebush is dense, and prostrate, it makes an excellent ground cover. Snakebush ground cover has the added advantage of being drought resistant when mature. You’ll need a sunny location to make this plant happy. Growing snakebush plants is easier in well-drained soil, but the plants will also survive in sites with poor drainage. On the other hand, you may have a hard time finding the seeds in commerce. You can grow snakebush by taking cuttings from a friend’s garden. Growing snakebush is fairly easy from cuttings.[图片]Care of Snakebush Once you’re able to acquire the snakebush, you’ll find that you won’t have much to do if you plant it in the right location. It is both drought and frost tolerant. Snakebush ground cover accepts temperatures down to 25 degrees Fahrenheit (-4 C.) without any damage. You’ll have a better experience growing snakebush plants if you live in a dry climate. Those gardeners in regions with hot, wet summer will have the hardest time. Care of snakebush plants in humid areas is difficult and the species cannot be grown reliably.[图片]It works well as part of a low-maintenance backyard, beside the swimming pool or a courtyard garden. If you are putting in a cottage or flower garden, include snakebush in the mix.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Rock cress is an herbaceous perennial and member of the Brassicaceae or mustard family. The flowers and leaves of rock cress are edible. Growing rock cress requires no special skill and this plant is well suited for the novice gardener. Rock cress has many uses in the garden but its most popular uses are as an attractive border in a rock garden or dangling down over a rock wall or ledge. Rock cresses are alpine plants and will thrive where other plants fail, such as on hills and slopes.[图片]Purple rock cress ground cover (Aubrieta deltoidea) hugs the ground like a mat and displays rich purple flowers in April through the middle of May and has a lovely scent. Rock wall cress (Arabis caucasica) is more likely to bloom in white or pink. Both make attractive low mounds that look great at the edge of retaining wall where they get full sun and excellent drainage.[图片]How to Grow Rock Cress Rock cress plants are hardy in USDA plant hardiness zones 4-7. They are easily grown from seed and can be directly sown into the garden in early spring or started indoors four to six weeks before the date of your last expected frost. Rock cress prefers full sun but will tolerate some shade, especially in warmer climates. Space rock cress plants 15 to 18 inches apart and they will fill in quickly forming a mat in any open space.[图片]Care of Rock Cress Plants Regardless of the type you choose to grow, the care of rock cress plants is relatively minimal. Water new rock cress plants regularly and only when the soil is dry once they are established. Rock cress ground cover does well in fair soil that has good drainage, and is slightly acidic. Applying a light pine needle mulch helps retain moisture and increase acidity. A high nitrogen fertilizer can be applied when first planting and a phosphorus fertilizer just after blooming. Rock cress will bloom the second spring after planting and every year after that. Regular pruning to remove dead flowers will keep the plant healthy and encourage new growth.[图片]It is seldom necessary to treat rock cress for pests or disease. Now that you know the basics on how to grow rock cress ground cover, you can add an attractive touch to a rock garden or wall
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Gardeners looking for a perennial evergreen ground cover couldn’t find a better choice than Antennaria pussytoes. Lush carpets of gray-green leaves followed by sprightly little “cats paws” of pussytoes flowers lend charm and ease of care to the dry, nutrient poor regions of the landscape. Fast growing and readily available, planting pussytoes seeds provides an attractive foil to pathways, rock gardens and even xeriscape zones.[图片]Antennaria Pussytoes Attributes Cat lovers will swoon with delight over pussytoes flower. Pussytoes ground cover is remarkably resistant to disease and pests, including deer and rabbits. It is also an attractor for pollinating insects and a host for the American Lady butterflies. Learn how to grow pussytoes plant for season after season of fool proof texture and greenery. Native plants are always a good choice for the landscape. This is because they are already adapted and hardy to the region and offer no fuss beauty and vigorous growth. Pussytoes ground cover is native to the western United States and Canada. It forms wide clumps over time and colonizes quickly.[图片]The tiny gray-haired leaves are stacked up on top of each other on slender herbaceous stalks that grow no more than 6 inches tall. In spring, the charming downy flowers appear. Blooms are white to pink fuzzy clusters resembling cat feet. Some of the species to select are: Rosy Scented Pearly Wooly Pussytoes[图片]How to Grow Pussytoes Plant Site selection is the first consideration for growing pussytoes. Choose a location in full sun with well-draining soil. The plant is hardy to United States Department of Agriculture zones 3 through 9. In cooler regions, the basal leaves tend to die back a bit but will re-sprout in spring. In its native habitat, it occurs in meadows, hills, open woods and dry pastures. The only condition pussytoes cannot tolerate is wet, poorly drained soil. Antennaria pussytoes can be propagated by seed, division or cuttings. It is remarkably drought tolerant once established but supplemental water for seedlings is a must. Beds and borders, rock gardens and walls are all excellent places to display the draping beauty of this plant.[图片]Planting Pussytoes Seeds Sow seeds in an open frame in spring or fall. You may also opt to start the seed indoors in flats and transplant seedlings outdoors once they have 3 sets of true leaves. Seed starting mixtures or garden soil are adequate for sowing. Mist seedlings to keep the top few inches of the soil moist but not soggy. Transplant the seedlings after all danger of frost has passed and once they have hardened off. The biggest problems with this plant are generally related to excess moisture and fungal disease. Allow the top surface of the soil to dry out completely before irrigation. Pussytoes does not need supplemental fertilization. Maintenance may include cutting off the spent spring blooms just before summer to promote a tidier appearance and denser foliage.[图片]Divide plants in spring to prevent die back in the center of the clump and produce more of these charming little plants.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Pinkhead knotweed plants (Polygonum capitatum or Persicaria capitata) are considered excellent low-growing groundcover by some gardeners. They are also called invasive pests by others. If you read up on pink knotweed information, you’ll find that the plant is banned in England and considered invasive in California. This is because of its tendency to spread where it wasn’t invited. So can you grow pinkhead knotweed, or should you? Read on for more pink knotweed information.[图片]Pink Knotweed Information What is pink knotweed? It’s a tough plant that stays under 6 inches tall but spreads horizontally to up to 5 feet. It thrives in almost any soil, including dry and sandy soil, and grows in both sun and partial shade in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 8 through 11. The lance-shaped leaves of the pinkhead knotweed plants are between 2 and 11 inches long, edged with dark red, and marked with burgundy chevrons. The leaves grow on prostrate red stems that root at the nodes. In mild regions, the leaves are evergreen, staying on the plant all year long.[图片]The pink pompom flowers, each about 2 inches long, bloom from spring through the first freeze. They cluster in globe-shaped flower spikes above the foliage. Another way to answer the question “What is pink knotwood?” is to call it a cousin of Japanese knotweed. It lacks the exotic beauty of Japanese knotwood, but still looks appealing growing in the backyard as groundcover.[图片]Where Can You Grow Pink Knotweed? Groundcover is only one of the many potential pink knotweed uses for those choosing to grow the plant. You can also use pink knotweed in potted arrangements, grow them in baskets, or use them as edging in a border. The plant looks especially lovely in raised beds or containers where it can spill over the edges (and control its spread). Pinkhead knotweed plants are easy to grow in your garden or backyard. If you live in a region with a long growing season, start the seeds outdoors in weed-free soil once the risk of frost is passed. In areas with short growing seasons, start them indoors.[图片]Fill small pots with good seed-starting soil. Moisten the soil and press in the seeds. Keep the soil moist until you see the seeds sprout. If you start them inside, harden off the young plants for at least 10 days before you transplant them outdoors.
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The partridgeberry (Mitchella repens) is used for ornamental purposes in gardens today, but in the past, uses of partridgeberry included food and medicine. It is an evergreen creeper vine that produces pairs of white flowers, later evolving into bright red berries. Since this plant is a prostrate vine, it’s easy to use it for ground cover. Read on for other partridgeberry facts and uses of partridgeberry in landscapes.[图片]Partridgeberry Facts Partridgeberry information tells us that the vine is native to North America. It grows in the wild from Newfoundland to Minnesota and south to Florida and Texas. Partridgeberry might have more common names than any other vine, however, so you may know the plant by another name. The vine is also called squaw vine, deerberry, checkerberry, running box, winter clover, one berry and twinberry. The name partridgeberry came from the belief in Europe that the berries were eaten by partridges.[图片]The partridgeberry vine forms large mats in the area they are planted, branching and putting down roots at the nodes. Each stem can be up to a foot long. The flowers produced by the vine bloom in early summer. They are tubular with four petals, varying in size from 4 to 12 inches. The flowers grow in groups of two, and when they are fertilized, the ovaries of the twin flowers meld to form one fruit. The red berries remain on the plant all winter long, even for an entire year if left alone. However, they are usually consumed by wild birds like partridge, bobwhites and wild turkeys. Larger mammals eat them too, including foxes, skunks, and white-footed mice. While they are edible for humans, the berries don’t have much taste.[图片]Growing Partridgeberries If you decide to start growing partridgeberries, you need to find a site with well-draining soil rich in humus. The vine prefers sandy soil that is neither acidic nor alkaline. Plant the vines in an area with morning sun but afternoon shade. Partridgeberry plants establish slowly but surely, eventually forming partridgeberry ground cover. The plant is rarely attacked by pests or troubled by diseases, which makes caring for partridgeberry plants a snap. Essentially, caring for partridgeberry plant once it’s established only involves removing garden debris from the mat. If you want to propagate partridgeberry, dig up a section of established plants and transfer it to a new area. This works well since the vine typically roots from nodes.[图片]Uses of Partridgeberry Gardeners love growing partridgeberry in winter gardens. During the cold winter days, partridgeberry ground cover is a delight, with its dark-green foliage and scattered blood-red berries. The birds welcome the berries too.
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