Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
The Ocotillo is native to the Sonoran and Chihuahuan deserts. These spectacular plants grow in open stony, arid areas and are notable for their bright red flowers and whip-like stems. Wild ocotillo is also known as candlewood, slim wood, flaming sword and many other pictorial names. If you’re wondering, “why is my Ocotillo not blooming,” read on for some possible reasons and solutions to make this desert wonder fully flower. [图片]Why is My Ocotillo Not Blooming? Ocotillo plants are common in their native regions. The slender stems and tiny leaves are accents for the crimson blooms that decorate the tips of the branches. The plants make excellent natural screens and borders, adding bright garden accents during their bloom time. Native garden centers can provide you with healthy specimens of the plants for a natural and easy to grow desert landscape solution. Also known as Jacob’s Staff, Ocotillo is a tenacious desert dweller which is mostly leafless until the rainy season. The oval leaves quickly disappear when the soil dries out, leaving behind spiny, skinny branches that may approach 15 feet in length. Their impressive height and rapid growth make these plants a natural for arid region screens or hedges. In spite of their mostly leafless state, the long stems are adorned with small spines which serve as an effective barrier to most, while creating shelter for tiny birds and animals. New plants should be planted in the same orientation in which they were grown. This is because the southernmost side has built up thicker tissue to resist harsh sun. Incorrect orientation can cause severe sunscald on the more tender northern side of the plant. [图片]When Does Ocotillo Bloom? When does Ocotillo bloom? March through June is the period in which to expect bright crimson-orange flowers on your Ocotillo. The Ocotillo blooming season is directed by the rainy season. Too much or too little rain can delay or inhibit Ocotillo flowers. The plants are quite sensitive to soil type and require gritty, well-draining soil. In fact, low fertility seems to be a key to making this plant happy. Using compost or excess fertilizer will actually result in an unhappy plant. Newly planted specimens benefit from consistent watering before establishment but, otherwise, the plants need very little special care. The 1- to 2-inch long red-lobed blooms will naturally fall off when they have been fertilized. [图片]How to Make an Ocotillo Bloom If you are frustrated by your plant’s inability to flower, take heart. Newly planted Ocotillos require some time to reestablish their root systems. This can inhibit blooming. Other factors that may delay flowering would be lack of water in late winter to early spring. Excess fertilizer or rich soil can also cause Ocotillo to produce few to no flowers. These plants really need fairly harsh conditions to thrive. They aren’t going to produce flowers in a wet, cold area either. Mimicking their native conditions is the how to make an Ocotillo bloom. As with any plant, they will thrive and perform best if they are in a site that closely resembles their wild soil, lighting and moisture conditions.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
If you’ve visited northern Mexico or the southwestern corner of the United States, you’ve likely seen ocotillo. Dramatic plants with statuesque, whip-like stems, ocotillos are difficult to miss, especially in springtime when the long, thorny canes are tipped with spikes of fiery red, tube-shaped blooms. Although ocotillo is usually an in-ground plant, there’s no reason you can’t grow ocotillo in containers. If this idea strikes your fancy, read on to learn about growing ocotillo in a pot. [图片]How to Grow Ocotillo Plants in Containers Ocotillo (Fouquieria splendens) is a desert plant that grows in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 8 through 11. If you live in a cooler climate, bring the ocotillo indoors during fall and winter. The best ocotillo potting soil is a fast-draining potting mix such as a product formulated specifically for cactus and succulents. Plant the ocotillo in a container with at least one drainage hole. Don’t select an overly large container, as excess potting soil is likely to cause this succulent plant to rot. A pot just slightly larger than the root ball is ideal. The plant may become top-heavy, so use a container with a solid, heavy base to prevent tipping. [图片]Caring for Potted Ocotillo Plants Water lightly as necessary to keep the soil moist – but only until the roots are established. Thereafter, be extremely careful about overwatering ocotillo in containers. Like all succulents, ocotillo is prone to rot in damp soil. As a general rule, water only when the top 2 to 3 inches of soil is dry. Never allow the pot to stand in water. Water indoor ocotillo sparingly when the plant is dormant during the winter months. Watering too little is always better than overwatering, and once a month is usually sufficient. Place the container where the ocotillo is exposed to full sunlight. Without bright sunlight, ocotillo plants tend to become leggy and produce fewer blooms. Feed ocotillo in containers sparingly three times per year, using a balanced, general-purpose fertilizer. Withhold fertilizer during the winter months. Repot ocotillo into a container one size larger whenever the plant is rootbound, usually indicated by roots growing through the drainage hole. Spring is the best time for this task.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Night blooming Cereus is a cactus that is native to Arizona and the Sonora Desert. There are numerous romanticized names for the plant such as Queen of the Night and Princess of the Night. The name is an umbrella term for approximately seven different genera, which have the night blooming characteristic. The most common are Epiphyllum, Hylocereus or Selenicereus (Epiphyllum oxypetalum, Hylocereus undatus or Selenicereus grandiflorus). No matter which genus, the plant is a Cereus night blooming cactus. [图片]Night Blooming Cereus This cactus variety is generally grown as a houseplant in all but the hottest regions of the United States. The Cereus night blooming cactus is a tall climbing cactus that may approach 10 feet tall. The cactus is three ribbed and has black spines along green to yellow stems. The plant is a rather untidy jumble of limbs and requires manicuring to keep it in habit. Night blooming Cereus plants can actually be trained to a trellis in Arizona and other suitable climates. [图片]Cereus Flower Information Night blooming Cereus will not begin to flower until it is four or five years old and will begin with just a couple of flowers. The incidence of blooms will increase as the plant grows older. The flower is breathtaking at almost 7 inches across and produces a heavenly scent. The bloom will only open at night and is pollinated by a moth. The Cereus flower is a large white flower borne off the tops of the stems. It will close and wither in the morning but if it was pollinated the plant produces large juicy red fruit.. The flowers usually begin to bloom at 9 or 10 p.m. and are fully open by midnight. The first rays of the sun will see the petals droop and die. You can force your Cereus to bloom by keeping the plant in a completely dark environment from dusk to dawn during the bloom season. Night blooming Cereus flowers in July to October. This will mimic the outdoor light it experiences. Reduce watering and don’t fertilize during the fall and winter period so the plant slows growth and reserves energy for the blooms. A rootbound cactus produces more abundant Cereus flowers. [图片]Night Blooming Cereus Care Grow a night blooming Cereus in bright sunshine where temperatures are toasty. The plant has extreme heat tolerance and can handle temperatures over 100 F. (38 C.) with light shade. Potted plants should be grown in a cactus mix or gritty soil with excellent drainage. Fertilize the plant in spring with a diluted houseplant food. The limbs can get unruly, but you can trim them without hurting the cactus. Save the cut ends and plant them to create more of the Cereus night blooming cactus. Bring your cactus outdoors in summer but don’t forget to bring it in when temperatures begin to drop.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Night blooming cereus is one of the easiest cactus from which to take cuttings. These succulents can root in just a few weeks from cuttings that are taken in spring from its leaves. Propagating night blooming cereus from cuttings is faster and easier than trying to start new plants from seed. In this article, we’ll give you a few tips on how to propagate a night blooming cereus for the best chance at doubling your stock of these amazing plants. [图片]Night Blooming Cereus Cuttings Night blooming cereus is a leggy plant with flat leaves and gangly stems, but when it is blooming it goes from wall flower to star of the show. The fragrant dinner plate sized blooms are worth waiting for as they perfume your whole house. Rooting night blooming cereus to create more plants is easy. These cactus root quickly and establish as single plants in less than a month. The best time to take cuttings is during the growing seasons, spring through summer. This is when plant cells are at their most active and can be induced to produce roots rather than leaf cells. Use clean, sharp implements anytime you take a cutting from a plant. Night blooming cereus cuttings should be 6 to 9 inches long and from terminal growth. This is where plant cells are youngest and easiest to influence. Let the cuttings callus in a warm dry location for up to 2 weeks. The ends will be whitish and closed. The callus step is crucial to rooting night blooming cereus. It is from this callus that the root cells will form. [图片]How to Propagate a Night Blooming Cereus Once you have your callused plant material, you need to prepare your medium. You can use a standard cactus potting soil or create a mixture of coarse sand and peat for propagating cereus cactus. Choose a container that drains well, such as a terra cotta pot, and one that is just a couple of inches bigger than the diameter of the leaf. Insert the cutting, callus side down, into you potting medium. Bury the cutting in the medium about half way and firm the soil around to remove any air pockets. Water your cutting and then only irrigate as often as you would an adult cactus. Never let soil get soggy, as the cutting will simply rot and any new roots will melt away. Keep the container in a cool, bright location for two weeks as roots form. [图片]Care When Propagating Cereus Cactus Once your cactus has roots, it is time to move it to a slightly warmer location. The cutting shouldn’t need repotting for a couple of years and can be grown on in its small pot. During the growing season, fertilize with a soluble plant fertilizer once per month. Just before blooms form, use a high phosphorus food to improve blooming. If any damage occurs to the stems and leaves, simply cut it off, trim the piece to where healthy tissue is and allow it to callus, propagating night blooming cereus anew. In just a short time, you could have so many of these plants you’ll be begging your friends to take one away.
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绣球花亦名八仙花,其取名于八仙,故寓意“八仙过海,各显神通”在中国,此花被比喻为:希望、健康、有耐力的爱情、骄傲、冷爱、美满、团圆。绣球花花形丰满,大而美丽,花色能红能蓝,令人悦目怡神。 绣球花夏天怎么养,需要注意什么呢?本文和大家介绍。 绣球夏天怎么养 [图片]1、绣球喜好阴,避免强光照射 绣球喜阴,大太阳很容易把叶片烤焦,所以夏天室外养要把它种在大型树木树荫下,室内养基本适宜,不过中午要适当遮阴一下。 2、夏天要多浇水,保持土壤湿润 绣球比较喜水,要保持土壤湿润,夏天基本1-2天就要浇一次水,否则就蔫了,所以大家可以在盆底放个托盘,托盘里装些水。 3、残败花朵不常留,浇水当增施液肥 绣球开完花以后,要及时剪掉残败的花朵,浇水的时候适当增施一些液肥。 绣球花的生长习性介绍: 绣球花的生长适温为18-28℃冬季温度不低于5℃。花芽分化需保持6-8周的5-7℃条件20℃可促其开花花开后若能维持16℃则可延长花期。 绣球花为短日照植物每天黑暗处理10小时以上约45-50天形成花芽。 盆栽绣球花常用15-20厘米盆在春季萌芽后充分浇水保证叶片不凋萎。6-7月是绣球花的花期肥水要充足每半月施肥1次。 平时栽培绣球花要避开烈日照射以60-70%遮荫最为理想。盛夏光照过强时适当的遮荫可延长观花期。 [图片]
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很多花友只是知道春、秋两季需要对绣球花进行修剪,却不了解其实冬季的修剪也是很重要的,修剪过的冬芽会很饱满,这样可以确保开春后发出壮芽,之后只要开花就会每一个枝条都有花朵了!那么,接下来请看小编为大家介绍下冬天绣球花该如何修剪。 [图片]冬天绣球花如何修剪 绣球花头分为大花绣球和木本秀球,不同的品种应采用不同的修剪方法; 大花绣球,为多年生落叶半灌木,落叶后需要强度修剪,每个主干保留2~3个芽点,整个株丛离地面10厘米左右,上面截干,这样经过一个冬季,冬芽会很饱满,确保开春发出壮芽,每一个枝条都有花朵。 木本绣球,落叶灌木,落叶后也需要强度修剪,每个主干保留2~3个芽点,所不同的是整个株丛的留枝,根据形状需要而定,不能像大花绣球一样。经过截干修理的绣球,在修理后到发芽前这段时间,需要施2~3次腐熟稀薄有机肥,来年春天就会长得很好。 另外绣球在长江以南冬季的气温是不足以冻死绣球花的,入冬后需要室外越冬,不可以进屋,还有一点就是要在充足阳光的自然环境下度过冬天。 [图片]绣球花的四季养护方法 1、绣球花春季养护:盆栽的应修剪枯枝及翻盆换土待服盆后可施以一两次以氮肥为主的稀薄液肥,能促枝叶萌发。 2、绣球花夏季、秋季养护:应放置半阴处或帘棚下,防止烈日直晒,避免叶片泛黄焦灼。花前花后各施一两次追肥,以促使叶绿花繁。花谢之后应及时修去花梗,保持姿态美观。盆土常保湿润,但要防止雨后积水,以防绣球的肉质根因水分过多而腐烂。 3、绣球花冬季养护:入冬后,露地栽培的植株要壅土保暖,使之安全越冬;盆栽的可置于朝南向阳、无寒风吹袭的暖和处。冬季虽枯叶脱落,但根枝仍成活,翌春又有新叶萌发。
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
The name “wild celery” makes it sound as if this plant were the native version of the celery you eat in salad. This is not the case. Wild celery (Vallisneria americana) is no relation whatsoever to garden celery. It usually grows under water where it provides many benefits to underwater organisms. Growing wild celery in your home garden is not possible. Read on for more wild celery plant information.[图片]What is Wild Celery? Wild celery is the type of plant that grows underwater. It is hardly surprising that a gardener might ask “What is wild celery?” The plant is never grown in gardens and requires a submerged location to survive. Wild celery plant information tells us that the leaves of this plant look like long ribbons and can grow to 6 feet long. This is why it is also called freshwater eel grass or tape grass.[图片]Wild Celery in Gardens Do not ask how to plant wild celery nor envision growing wild celery in your vegetable garden. It grows in brackish waters around the world, usually in areas where the water is 2.75 to 6 feet deep. The species has different female and male plants, and their method of reproduction is unique. The female blossoms grow on thin stalks until they rise to the surface of the water. The male wild celery flowers are short and stay by the base of the plant. In time, the male flowers release from their footing and float to the surface of the water. There they release pollen, which also floats on the surface and fertilizes the female flowers by chance. After fertilization, the female stalk coils itself, dragging the developing seeds back to the bottom of the water.[图片]Uses for Wild Celery Wild celery plant information tells us that the uses for wild celery are numerous. The water plant offers good habitat to different kinds of fish in streams and lakes. It also provides shelter for bottom-growing algae and other invertebrates. You are not going to want to include diced wild celery in your salad, but the plant is edible. It is, in fact, one of the favorite aquatic plant foods of ducks, geese, swans and coots. The waterfowl consume the leaves, roots, tubers, and seeds of the plant. They are especially fond of the starchy tubers.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Also known as little floating heart, water snowflake (Nymphoides spp.) is a charming little floating plant with delicate snowflake-like flowers that bloom in summer. If you have an ornamental garden pond, there are a lot of very good reasons for growing snowflake lilies. Read on to learn more about snowflake water lily.[图片]Water Snowflake Information Despite its name and the obvious resemblance, snowflake water lily isn’t actually related to the water lily. Its growth habits are similar, however, and snowflake water lily, like the water lily, floats on the surface of the water with its roots connected to the soil below. Snowflake water plants are hardy growers, sending out runners that quickly spread over the water’s surface. The plants can be extremely helpful if you fight recurring algae in your pond, as snowflake water lily provides shade that minimizes algae growth. Because snowflake water lily is a rambunctious grower, it is considered to be an invasive species in some states. Ensure the plant isn’t a problem in your area before planting snowflake water plants in your pond. Folks at your local Cooperative Extension office can provide specific information.[图片]Water Snowflake Care Growing snowflake lilies isn’t difficult in the mild temperatures of USDA plant hardiness zones 7 through 11. If you live in a cooler climate, you can float the plants in pots and bring them indoors. Plant snowflake water lily where the plant is exposed to full sunlight, as blooming will be limited in partial shade and the plant may not survive in full shade. The water depth should be at least 3 inches and no deeper than 18 to 20 inches.[图片]Snowflake water plants generally require no fertilizer because they take ample nutrients from pond water. However, if you choose to grow snowflake water lily in a container, provide a fertilizer made specifically for water plants every month or so during the growing season. Thin snowflake water plants occasionally if they become overcrowded, and remove dead leaves as they appear. Feel free to share the plant, which roots easily.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Water lettuce pond plants are commonly found in the slow moving waters of drainage ditches, ponds, lakes and canals in water anywhere from 0 to 30 feet deep. Its early origins were recorded to be the Nile River, possibly around Lake Victoria. Today, it is found throughout the tropics and the American Southwest and is quantified as a weed with no wildlife or human food uses for water lettuce recorded. It can, however, make an attractive water feature planting where its rapid growth may be corralled. So what is water lettuce?[图片]What is Water Lettuce? Water lettuce, or Pistia stratiotes, is in the family Araceae and is a perennial evergreen that forms large floating colonies that can be invasive if left unchecked. The spongy foliage is light green to gray-green colored and is 1 to 6 inches long. The floating root structure of water lettuce can grow up to 20 inches in length while the plant itself covers a 3 by 12 foot area typically. This moderate grower has leaves that form velvety rosettes, which resemble small heads of lettuce — hence its name. An evergreen, the long dangling roots serve as a safe haven for fish but, otherwise, water lettuce has not wildlife uses. The yellow flowers are rather innocuous, hidden in the foliage and blooming from late summer to early winter.[图片]How to Grow Water Lettuce Reproduction of water lettuce is vegetative through the use of stolons and may be propagated through division of these or via seeds covered with sand and kept partially submerged in water. Water garden or container uses for water lettuce outdoors can occur in USDA planting zone 10 in full sun to part shade in the southern states.[图片]Care of Water Lettuce In warm climates, the plant will overwinter or you can grow water lettuce indoors in an aquatic environment in a mix of moist loam and sand with water temps between 66-72 F. (19-22 C.). Additional care of water lettuce is minimal, as the plant has no serious pest or disease issues.
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