Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
If you happened to notice worms on your parsley, dill, or an occasional carrot, chances are they are parsley worms. Read on to learn how to manage worms on parsley. What are Parsley Worms? Striking caterpillars, parsley worms turn into even more striking black swallowtail butterflies. They are easily identifiable as green worms with a brilliant, yellow dotted black band across each body segment. When the caterpillar is disturbed, it protrudes a pair of fleshy “horns,” the better to scare predators away. This larval stage of the gorgeous black swallowtail can grow up to 2 inches long.[图片]Parsley Worm Life Cycle Female black swallowtail butterflies are slightly larger than males and as is usual in nature a bit duller in color than their male counterparts. The wingspan may be up to 76 mm. Both are velvety black in color with tailed hind wings marked with peacock-like eyes. The females lay spherical, 1 mm across eggs that change in color from pale yellow to reddish brown. Four to nine days later, the eggs hatch and young larvae (instars) emerge and begin feeding. The yellowish-green parsley worm is the butterfly’s larval stage and its body is transverse with black bands and yellow or orange spots. The “horns” mentioned above are actually scent organs. The young larvae look similar but may have spines. The pupa or chrysalis appears dull gray and mottled with black and brown and is around 32 mm. long. These pupae overwinter attached to stems or fallen leaves and emerge as butterflies in April-May.[图片]How to Control Parsley Worms Worm control on parsley is fairly simple, if you really desire their eradication. They are easy to spot and hand pick. They are also naturally attacked by parasites, or if you must, insecticides such as Sevin or Bacillus thuringiensis will kill off the caterpillars. Although parsley worms are voracious eaters, the benefit of attracting a future pollinator (and a stunning one at that) may outweigh worm control practices on parsley. Me, I would just plant a few more parsley, dill or whatever the insects are feeding on. Healthy plants will usually recover from the foliage loss and parsley worms will not sting or bite humans.[图片]Deterring parsley worms is a bit more difficult. If you find the caterpillars truly objectionable, you might try row covers. Covering your tender crops may aid in deterring parsley worms.
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Dummer. ゛☀
If you plant an herb garden, by all means use it! Herbs are meant to be cut; otherwise, they get gangly or woody. Parsley is no exception and if you don’t prune it, you end up with leggy parsley plants. So what can you do about overgrown or leggy parsley plants?[图片]Droopy, Leggy, Overgrown Parsley If you have a drooping parsley plant or parsley plants falling over every which way, it may be too late, especially if the plant has blossomed and gone to seed. Don’t despair. Parsley grows rapidly from seed or you can get some inexpensive starts from the local nursery. Moving forward, however, you will want to learn how to trim parsley (and use it!) to avoid drooping and falling over parsley plants. Of course, if your parsley plant is droopy, you might just need to give it some water. If it doesn’t appear to be leggy and the temps have been high, some extra irrigation just might remedy the situation. If you ascertain that the parsley plant is droopy due to extreme temps and dry soil, trim the plant back and water it generously. Trimming parsley increases the yield of the plant. If it is not occasionally thinned, it loses vigor. Cutting it back will also prevent it from taking over and choking out other plants or herbs. Also, parsley flowers should be routinely cut back or pinched. If allowed to go to seed, you’ll have more parsley than you know what to do with. When you remove the blossoms, the energy the plant was using towards seed production is redirected towards foliage production, which makes the plant grow more vigorously. Pruning also helps prevent some diseases, such as powdery mildew, by opening up the plant and increasing air flow.[图片]How to Trim Parsley If the parsley has any flowers, pinch them back (deadhead) or remove them with scissors. First, check and see of your parsley plants have grown any blooms. If these blooms have begun to fade, it’s important that you deadhead them. To deadhead means to remove the dying flowers before they form seeds. You may have also heard of this process described as pinching back the flowers. By “deadheading” or “pinching back” the dying flower blooms, you prevent the plant from over seeding all over your herb garden. This will keep your parsley vigorous and assist in preventing the plant from taking over. Take a sharp pair of scissors and cut off the flower stalk at the root. Next, remove any yellowed, spotted or shriveled leaves as well as those that are munched on by insects. Then give the parsley a 1/3 inch trim. Cut or pinch off 1/3 inch off the tops of the plant which will control the growth of the parsley. You can do this any time the parsley is getting too large.[图片]Harvesting for use in cooking can take place any time after the leaves have become well formed. Cut the outer leaves and stems down to the ground, leaving the inner stems to grow. Don’t be afraid to cut too much. Your parsley will love it. Once you have pruned the parsley, mulch around the plants with mature compost to aid in water retention. Remember that parsley is a biennial herb. This means that it grows for only two years. At the end of the two years, parsley bolts, or sends up a bunch of flower stalks, goes to seed, and dies. In fact, many people treat parsley as an annual and discard and replant each year.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
My parsley is attracting butterflies; what’s going on? Parsley is a familiar herb that makes an attractive garnish or provides a bit of flavor and nutrition to soups and other dishes. Parsley is easy to grow and the ruffled leaves add beauty and interest to the herb garden. This is probably old news, but what you may not know is that parsley is a butterfly-friendly plant, and is especially beneficial for attracting black swallowtails, anise swallowtails and others. Read on to learn about parsley attracting butterflies, and tips for growing parsley for butterflies.[图片]Eastern Black Swallowtail on Parsley Parsley is suitable for growing as a perennial in USDA plant hardiness zones 4 through 9. By planting parsley, you’re doing a huge favor for eastern black swallowtail butterflies, as this species feeds only on a few plants, including: Dill Parsley Fennel Carrots Queen Anne’s lace Providing parsley for butterflies can create a home for a native population that you can observe throughout their lifetime. Eastern black swallowtails, appreciated for their delicate beauty, are recognizable by their black wings, each marked with two rows of bright yellow spots, which are larger and brighter in males. The spots are divided by powdery blue markings, which are more pronounced in females.[图片]Growing Parsley for Butterflies Although parsley grows in a variety of conditions, it performs best in full sunlight and relatively rich, well-drained soil. Plant seeds directly in the garden after all danger of frost has passed in spring, or start them indoors six to eight weeks before the last average frost date in your area. Cover the seeds with about 1/8 inch of soil or fine sand. Keep the soil slightly moist until the seeds germinate (be patient, as germination may be slow). Thereafter, water the plants deeply once a week. Thin the seedlings to a distance of 10 to 12 inches between each plant when the seedlings are 2 to 3 inches tall.[图片]How to Attract Black Swallowtail Butterflies If you’re serious about attracting black swallowtails and other butterflies to your garden, here are a few tips that will help. Avoid insecticides and other chemicals. Arrange a few flat stones in your garden. Butterflies need a place to rest and bask in the warmth of the sun. Place a tray of wet sand near your herb garden. Butterflies use the damp sand for extracting minerals and drinking water. Remember to keep the sand moist.[图片]Will Caterpillars on Parsley Hurt Plants? If you want to attract black swallowtails, don’t destroy the beautiful, brightly striped caterpillars! The butterflies lay their eggs on the parsley plants, which hatch into caterpillars. The caterpillars munch on leaves before pupating and creating a cocoon. When the cocoon matures, it splits and releases a beautiful black swallowtail butterfly. The butterfly depends on the plant, but the plant won’t suffer.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Parsley is a mild-flavored herb, and parsley leaves are often used to create attractive garnishes for a variety of dishes. Rich in vitamins and minerals, the ruffled green herb is a flavorful addition to soups and other culinary delights. Although good old curly parsley is the most familiar, you might be surprised that there are many different kinds of parsley. Read on to learn about various types of parsley.[图片]Types and Varieties of Parsley Many people think some parsley types are best for garnish and others are best suited for cooking. Try them all, and you can make your own decision about the best parsley varieties! Curly (Common) Parsley – This standard type of parsley, versatile and easy to grow, is both decorative and edible. Curly parsley varieties include Forest Green parsley and Extra Curled Dwarf parsley, a fast-growing, compact variety. Flat-Leaf Parsley – Flat-leaf parsley is tall, reaching mature heights of 24 to 36 inches. It is appreciated for its culinary qualities, and is more flavorful than curly parsley. Flat-leaf parsley includes Titan, a compact variety that displays small, deep green, serrated leaves; Italian Flat Leaf, which tastes slightly peppery and looks a bit like cilantro; and Giant of Italy, a big, distinctive plant that tolerates a variety of difficult growing conditions. Flat-leaf parsley types are excellent additions to a butterfly garden. [图片]Japanese Parsley – Native to Japan and China, Japanese parsley is an evergreen perennial herb with a somewhat bitter flavor. The sturdy stems are often eaten like celery. Hamburg Parsley – This large parsley has thick, parsnip-like roots that add texture and flavor to soups and stews. Hamburg parsley leaves are ornamental and look a bit like ferns. Now that you know about the most common varieties of parsley, you can try them all and see which one(s) you prefer in your kitchen or herb garden.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Parsley is more than a frilly garnish. It marries well with most foods, is rich in vitamins A and C, and is a significant source of calcium and iron – all of which make it a must have in the herb garden. Most of us buy our herb starts, but can parsley be grown from seeds? If so, how do you grow parsley from seed? Let’s learn more.[图片]Can Parsley Be Grown from Seeds? Parsley is a biennial that is primarily grown as an annual. It’s suitable to USDA zones 5-9 and comes in both curly leaf and flat leaf parsley. But I digress from the question, can this herb be grown by seed? Yes, parsley can be grown from seed. You just might need to pack a little patience. Parsley takes a whopping six weeks to germinate![图片]How to Grow Parsley from Seed Parsley, like most herbs, does best in a sunny area with at least six to eight hours of sun per day. Parsley seed growing should be done in well-draining soil that is fairly rich in organic matter with a pH of between 6.0 and 7.0. Parsley seed growing is an easy process, but as mentioned, requires some patience. Germination is very slow, but if you soak the seed overnight in water, the germination rate increases. Plant parsley seed in the spring after all danger from frost has passed for your area or start the seeds indoors in the late winter, six to eight weeks prior to the last frost date. Cover the seeds with 1/8 to ¼ inch soil and 4-6 inches apart in rows 12-18 inches apart. Mark the rows since germination is so slow. The growing parsley seeds look like fine blades of grass. Thin the seedlings (or transplants) when they are 2-3 inches tall, spaced 10-12 inches apart.[图片]Keep the plants consistently moist as they continue to grow, watering once a week. To help retain moisture and retard weed growth, mulch around the plants. Fertilize the plants once or twice during their growing season with a 5-10-5 fertilizer in the amount of 3 ounces per 10 foot row. If the parsley is being grown in a container, use a liquid fertilizer at ½ the recommended strength every three to four weeks. Your growing parsley seeds should be ready for harvest as soon as they are a few inches tall and are growing vigorously. Just snip the outer stems from the plant and it will continue to grow throughout the season. At the end of its growth cycle, the plant will produce a seed pod, at which time harvesting your own parsley seeds is possible. Keep in mind that parsley crosses with other parsley varieties, however. You need at least one mile between varieties to get reliable seed. Just allow the seeds to mature and dry on the plants before harvesting them. They can be kept in a cool, dry area for up to two to three years and retain their viability.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Parsley is probably the most commonly used herb. A member of the carrot family, Apiaceae, it is most commonly seen used as a garnish or as a mild flavoring in a multitude of dishes. As such, it’s a must have for an herb garden. The question is, when do you pick parsley and exactly where do you cut parsley for harvest?[图片]When to Pick Parsley Parsley is a biennial but is usually grown as an annual and is native to the Mediterranean. Like most herbs, it thrives in areas with six to eight hours of sun, although it will tolerate light shade. While it is often used as a garnish, parsley has more to give; it is high in vitamin C and A, as well as iron. Parsley is easy to grow either from nursery starts or from seed. Parsley seeds take a while to germinate so soak them overnight to hasten the germination rate. Then sow them ¼ inch deep, spaced 4-6 inches apart in rows 12-18 inches apart. Keep the plants moist, about 1 inch of water per week depending on the weather. Now that the plants are growing, how do you know when to pick the parsley? It takes between 70-90 days growth before the plants are ready for parsley harvesting. The plants should have ample foliage. In some regions, seeds can be planted in the fall for early spring parsley harvesting and again in late winter for early summer harvest. Also, in some areas, parsley overwinters and you might be harvesting fresh parsley again in its second year.[图片]How to Harvest Parsley You’re ready to harvest your parsley but where to cut parsley is the question. Don’t be nervous; harvesting fresh parsley is easy. Just as with other herbs, parsley likes to be snipped, which encourages additional growth. Bunch the stems and leaves together and snip them off at ground level with kitchen shears. You can also just take a sprig or two starting with the outside stalks first. Be sure to cut at ground level though. If you just cut the leafy tops and leave the stems, the plant will be less productive. Either use the fresh herb immediately or place the whole thing in a glass of water and refrigerate until needed. You can also dry your parsley once it is harvested. Wash it and pat it dry, then allow the parsley to dry completely in a warm, airy place. Once the parsley is dry, remove the leaves from the stems. Discard the stems and store the dry parsley in an airtight container.[图片]You can also freeze parsley. Both dried and frozen parsley should be used within the year, and the flavor will be much milder than when you use fresh parsley.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Parsley is a very popular herb among gardeners. A classic garnish on so many dishes, it’s especially useful to have on hand, and since cutting stalks only encourages new growth, there’s no reason not to give parsley some space in your garden. It’s a well-known rule that some plants grow better next to others, however, and with parsley there’s no exception. Keep reading to learn more about plants that grow well with parsley, as well as those that don’t.[图片]Parsley Companion Planting Companion planting is the age old trick of knowing which plants grow better next to other plants. Some plants encourage certain others to grow, while others inhibit them. Plants that are mutually beneficial are called companions. Parsley is a great companion crop, encouraging the growth of plenty of plants around it. Of all the vegetables, asparagus benefits the most from having parsley nearby. Other plants that grow well with parsley include: Tomatoes Chives Carrots Corn Peppers Onions Peas All of these are mutually beneficial with parsley and should grow well nearby. Lettuce and mint don’t make good neighbors with parsley and should be kept far away from it. Maybe the most surprising parsley companion is the rose bush. Planting parsley around the base of the plant will actually make your flowers smell sweeter.[图片]Specific pairings aside, parsley is good for all the plants in your garden because of the insects it attracts. Swallowtail butterflies lay their eggs on the leaves, encouraging a new generation of butterflies to grow up in your garden. Parsley flowers attract hoverflies, the larvae of which eat aphids, thrips, and other harmful insects. Some harmful beetles are also repelled by the presence of parsley. Companion planting with parsley is that easy. Get started today and enjoy the benefits of growing other plants with this wonderful herb.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Most herbs are easy to grow in well-drained soil and bright light, and parsley is no exception. This common herb has a rich history of use for flavoring, medicine, ritual purposes and it even freshens your breath after a meal. Wilted parsley plants may represent a water issue or even disease. Refreshing wilted parsley might be as simple as providing water, but be cautious. Too much moisture can have a similar effect and may promote rot, a condition the plant can’t overcome.[图片]Why a Parsley Plant is Wilting You’ve planted a variety of herbs in your cottage garden or a window box and now it’s time to let them flourish and begin using them in your favorite dishes. One day you look out the window and wonder, “Why is my parsley plant wilting?” Site conditions, lighting, moisture levels, disease, damping off and even failure to harden off seedlings can cause limp leaves and stems. Put on your Sherlock Holmes hat and let’s walk through a few possible causes and solutions. If young plants are wilting, it may be a symptom of damping off or you may have forgotten to harden off seedlings. Damping off is caused by a fungus that favors overly moist, warm conditions. Often grayish fuzz will appear at the base of the plant, which will eventually rot off the stems, separating them from the life-giving roots. Wilted parsley plants may also come about due to improperly exposing new plants to the outdoors. Indoor grown seedlings require some time to adapt to outdoor lighting, wind and temperature circumstances. Gradually exposing them to the outside setting will give them a chance to adapt and prevent stress, sun and wind burn and other issues. A few diseases are the cause when a parsley plant is wilting. Stem rot and leaf spot will cause yellowing foliage and eventually limp leaves. Destroy these plants.[图片]Cultural Care of Parsley Plants Parsley is fairly easy to grow provided the soil drains freely and the plants get adequate light. Plant parsley in moist, rich soil that has been loosened deeply. This will promote deep rooting and help plants uptake water and nutrients. Spread mulch loosely around the plants to prevent weeds and conserve moisture. Parsley likes consistent moisture but cannot tolerate boggy soil. Keeping the soil evenly moist will make for happy plants, but too much or too little water can cause wilting. Full sun locations in the summer may also see limp leaves and stems appearing during the middle of the day. This is because the plant is evaporating more moisture than it can uptake. Watering them is not always the correct response to refreshing wilted parsley. Try shading them during this time of day. Usually the plants perk up in the evening and morning.[图片]How to Revive Wilted Parsley Container grown plants need more water than those in the ground. Check the soil to a depth of 3 inches with your finger. If it is dry, water until the pot leeches the soil through the drainage holes. You may also want to move the container to a lower light situation in the hottest part of the summer. If soil doesn’t drain freely, wait until the cool of evening and dig the plant up. Incorporate some sand or other gritty matter to increase percolation. Replant the parsley and water it in. It may seem wilted for a few days due to shock but should eventually recover.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Parsley is a staple of the cottage garden with numerous herbal and culinary uses. It is easy to grow and there are several varieties from which to choose. Parsley plant problems are rare but a few insects and fungal diseases can become troublesome. Most disease pathogens affect the foliage but a few diseases of parsley can attack the crown and roots and cause the plant to die. Preventing parsley plant diseases begins with good site control and cultivation.[图片]Problems with Parsley Plants There are very few cuisines that don’t taste and look better with a bit of fresh parsley, but this old-fashioned herb is more than a garnish on your breakfast plate. It has a history of use as wreaths and garland, medication and flavoring. Growing parsley is simple once you get over the slow germination hurdle and it is easy to harvest in a progressive manner, so a fresh supply is always available. Parsley plant problems are usually pest related, but occasionally, a plant will become afflicted with a disease. Some of the more common symptoms are listed here as well as a guide to treatment for the various diseases of parsley. The tasty herb is a favorite of insects, rabbits and grazing wild animals. If you can keep your parsley from succumbing to these munchers, you still have some other obstacles with which to contend. Aster yellows, for instance, is a disease of parsley that is transmitted from leafhoppers.[图片]Parsley is a member of the same family as carrots and celery and is prey to similar diseases. The most common issue is fungal disease. These come in many forms and generally afflict plants in moist regions or when unseasonably wet, warm weather is present. Soil borne pathogens transmit to the plants from the roots or by splattering onto the leaves. Overhead watering and improper circulation cement the formation of fungal spores and their transport. Cultural care is essential to preventing these forms of parsley plant diseases. Crown/root rot – Crown and root rot are associated with soggy soil. The perpetrators are both a fungi and bacteria found in soil that burst into action when the ground is moist. Leaves turn yellow and brown followed by stems and the entire plant discoloring and dying. Roots will blacken and decay and new shoots will not form. Leaf Spot – Another of the common problems with parsley plants is leaf spot, caused by the Septoria fungus. Yellow spots show up on the foliage and darken to brown with a golden halo. Leaves wilt and occasionally fall off. The entire plant is weakened by the disease. The fungus is seed borne or splashed onto plants. This is considered the most important of the parsley plant diseases and has caused entire crops to fail. Blight – Blight is caused by the fungus Botrytis and is also called gray mold. The disease starts out with brown to black spots on the leaves. White-gray fungal growth is sported on all leaf surfaces over time. Leaves fail to thrive and die.[图片]Treating Parsley Diseases There are a few varieties of parsley that are resistant to the most common diseases, among them ‘Paramount.’ If seed is not available from one of the resistant varieties, cultural control is often effective at combating these diseases. Use a drip line to water plants and irrigate in the morning so there is plenty of time for the parsley to dry. Practice crop rotation to prevent soil borne pathogens from infesting successive crops. Thin the herbs to encourage circulation and plant parsley in a sunny location. Air and sunlight are crucial to treating parsley diseases. Some fungal diseases will respond to sulfur fungicide applied at the first sign of infection. If plants are already heavily infested and failing, pull them up and discard them and start anew.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
It’s inevitable, but there are a few things that can delay it. What am I talking about? Bolting parsley plants. Basically that means that rather suddenly your parsley has flowered and then the parsley plant has gone to seed. Read on to find out what to do when your parsley bolts?[图片]What to Do When Parsley Bolts By the time the parsley plant has gone to seed or bolted, it’s too late. The best idea is to learn how to keep parsley from bolting in the first place, or at least how to slow down the inevitable process. If your parsley plant is bolting, it will likely have not much left in it. Probably the best idea is to pull it up and replant.[图片]How to Keep Parsley from Bolting Bolting usually occurs when the weather goes into overdrive and rapidly heats up. The plant does the same, flowering rapidly and setting seeds. At this juncture, the plant also stops producing leaves. Before you get to that point of no return, what can be done to prevent parsley plant bolting? The following tips may help keep parsley from bolting: First of all, keep or move parsley to a cooler or lightly shaded area, especially if temperatures soar. Plant your parsley earlier in the spring to extend to allow the herb to utilize the cool growing season. No matter what, the plant will likely bolt as temps heat up, but you will have more time to harvest. On the subject of harvest, as with all herbs, the more leaves you harvest, the more energy the plant focuses on regrowing foliage and not flowers. Don’t get too scissor happy though. Only take one-quarter to one-third of a stem at any one time. Again, this will work for a while, but the plant will eventually bolt. If the plant does begin to flower, nip them in the bud, literally. Pinch the flowers off ASAP.[图片]Lastly, to thwart bolting parsley plants, stagger plantings of parsley. Start the seeds indoors and then gradually introduce the seedlings to the outdoors. Begin by placing them outside just in the morning for a week and then gradually increase their time outside. If you live in a scorching hot region, be sure to do this in an area with dappled shade or place the seedlings under or behind a larger plant that will shade them somewhat. You can also try growing parsley indoors on the windowsill or the like. The temperature indoors is often more comfortable for us as well as the parsley.
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