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Dummer. ゛☀
You may know ginger mint plants (Mentha x gracilis) by one of their many alternate names: redmint, Scotch spearmint, or golden apple mint. Whatever you choose to call them, ginger mint is handy to have around, and uses for ginger mint are many. Read on to learn about growing ginger mint in your own garden.[图片]Growing Ginger Mint Ginger mint plants are usually sterile and don’t set seeds, but you can propagate the plant by taking softwood cuttings or rhizomes from an existing plant. You can also purchase a starter plant at a greenhouse or nursery specializing in herbs. These plants prefer moist, rich soil and full sun or partial shade. Ginger mint is suitable for growing in USDA plant hardiness zones 5 through 9. Once established, ginger mint spreads by runners, and like most types of mint, may become aggressive. If this is a concern, plant ginger mint herbs in pots to reign in rampant growth. You can also grow ginger mint indoors. Work 2 to 4 inches of compost or manure into the soil at planting time. The plants also benefit from application of compost or manure, along with a small amount of balanced garden fertilizer. Allow 24 inches between plants to allow for growth.[图片]Ginger Mint Plant Care Water ginger mint regularly during the growing season, but don’t overwater, as mint is susceptible to disease in wet conditions. Generally, 1 to 2 inches of water per week is ample, depending on soil type and weather conditions. Fertilize once in early spring using a balanced fertilizer with a ratio such as 16-16-16. Limit feeding to about 1 teaspoon of fertilizer per plant, as too much fertilizer reduces the oils in the plant, thus negatively affecting flavor and overall quality. Divide ginger mint herbs as necessary to prevent overcrowding. Spray the plant with insecticidal soap spray if aphids become a problem. Harvest ginger mint throughout the growing season, beginning when plants are 3 to 4 inches tall.[图片]Uses for Ginger Mint In the landscape, ginger mint is highly attractive to birds, butterflies and bees. Like all types of mint, ginger mint herbs are high in fiber and a variety of vitamins and minerals. Dried mint is higher in nutrition than fresh mint, but both are delicious in teas, and for flavoring a variety of dishes. Fresh ginger mint herbs make delicious jams, jellies and sauces.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Orange mint (Mentha piperita citrata) is a mint hybrid known for its strong, pleasant citrus flavor and aroma. It’s prized for its culinary uses both for cooking and beverages. On top of being useful in the kitchen, its fragrance makes it a great choice for garden borders where its tendrils can be easily bruised by foot traffic, releasing its scent into the air. Keep reading to learn more about growing orange mint and uses for orange mint plants.[图片]Growing Orange Mint Herbs Orange mint herbs, like all mint varieties, are vigorous growers and can overwhelm a garden if they’re allowed to. To keep your orange mint in check, it’s best either to grow it in pots or in containers sunk in the ground. Sunken containers will give the appearance of a regular garden bed while preventing the roots from spreading out beyond their limits. That being said, if you have a space that you’d like to fill out quickly, orange mint is a good choice.[图片]Caring For Orange Mint Plants Caring for orange mint is very easy. It prefers rich, moist, clay-like soils that are a little acidic, which means it can fill in damp, dense areas of your yard or garden where nothing else will take hold. It grows best in full sun, but it also does very well in partial shade. It can handle quite a bit of neglect. In mid to late summer, it will produce spiked flowers in pink and white that are very good for attracting butterflies. You can use the leaves in salads, jellies, desserts, pestos, lemonades, cocktails, and a wide variety of other dishes. The leaves are edible and very fragrant both raw and cooked.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Habek mint plants are a member of the family Labiatae that are commonly cultivated in the Middle East but can be grown here in USDA hardy zones 5-11. The following habek mint information discusses the growing and uses for habek mint.[图片]Habek Mint Information Habek mint (Mentha longifolia ‘Habak’) crosses with other species of mint easily and, as such, it often doesn’t breed true. It can vary greatly in height, although it tends to be a couple of feet tall. Habek mint has a number of common names. One such name is ‘Bible mint.’ Because the herb is cultivated in the Middle East, this species is thought to be the mint mentioned in the New Testament, hence the name. This hardy perennial minthas pointed, mildly hairy leaves that, when bruised, give off a camphor-like aroma. The flowers are borne on long, mauve colored spikes. Habek mint plants, like all mint, are aggressive spreaders, and unless you wish them to take over, it is best to plant them in pots or otherwise restrain their rampant roaming.[图片]Growing Habek Mint This easily grown herb thrives in most soils so long as they are moist. Habek mint prefers sun exposure, although it will grow in partial shade. While plants can be started from seed, as mentioned, they may not breed true. The plant is easily propagated by division, however. Once the plant has flowered, cut it back to the ground, which will prevent it from coming back woody. Plants in containers should be divided in the spring. Divide the plant into quarters and replant one quarter back into the container along with fresh soil and organic fertilizer. Habek mint makes a great companion plant grown near cabbagesand tomatoes. The aromatic leaves deter pests that are attracted to these crops.[图片]Uses for Habek Mint Habek mint plants are employed both medicinally and for culinary uses. The essential oils of habek mint that give the plant its distinctive aroma are used for their medicinal properties. The oil is said to have stimulant anti-asthmatic, antiseptic and antispasmodic properties. A tea is made from the leaves and used for everything from coughs, colds, stomach cramps, and asthma to flatulence, indigestion and headaches. In Africa, parts of the plant are used to treat eye diseases. While the essential oils in the mint can be used as an antiseptic, large doses are toxic. Externally, this mint has been used to treat wounds and swollen glands. Decoctions of the leaves are also used as enemas. In the spring, the tender young leaves are hairless and can be used in cooking in place of spearmint. A common ingredient in both Middle Eastern and Greek foods, the scented leaves are used to flavor a variety of cooked foods and in salads and chutneys. The leaves are also dried or used fresh and steeped into tea. The essential oil from the leaves and flower tops is also used as a flavoring in sweets.
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Dummer. ゛☀
While its aggressive nature and reputation for taking over the garden is well deserved, growing mint plants can be a rewarding experience if it’s kept under control. Let’s look at how to grow mint.[图片]Mint Plants: Herbs Worth Growing Numerous mint varieties exist and all are worth growing in the garden. While they’re most often used for flavoring dishes or as garnishes, many types of mint are also grown for their unique aromas. Some of the most commonly grown mint plants include : spearmint peppermint pennyroyal apple mint orange mint pineapple mint chocolate mint Growing Mint from Seed or Root Cuttings All mint varieties except peppermint can be grown from seed. Peppermint does not produce seeds; therefore, this type must only be propagated by taking root cuttings from established plants. All types of mint, however, can be grown by this means. In fact, taking a cutting is one of the easiest methods for growing mint. Simply pull or snip off a rooted piece of mint growing from the parent plant. Pot it up and water. Large clumps can also be dug up and divided into smaller plants.[图片]How to Grow Mint Plants One of the best ways to grow mint in the garden without the threat of rampant spreading is by using containers. Merely sink them into the soil leaving the top sticking out about an inch or so. You may also want to keep the containers spaced at least a foot or two apart to prevent various types from cross-pollinating. Although most varieties of mint are easy to grow in various settings, these plants thrive best when located in organically rich, moist but well-drained soil. Full sun to partial shade is also acceptable for growing mint. Mint leaves can be harvested for use in the kitchen once plants have begun to flower.[图片]Problems Affecting Mint Plants While growing mint usually presents few problems other than aggressive spreading on the part of the plant itself, pests can occasionally affect mint plants. Some of the most common include aphids, spider mites, cutworms and mint root borers. Mint can also be susceptible to diseases such as mint rust, verticillium wilt, and anthracnose.
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Dummer. ゛☀
What is yellow dock? Also known as curly dock, yellow dock (Rumex crispus) is a member of the buckwheat family. This perennial herb, which is often considered to be a weed, grows wild in many areas of North America. Yellow dock herbs have been used for centuries, valued for their medicinal and nutritional qualities. Read on to learn about yellow dock herbal uses, and get a few tips on growing yellow dock plants in your own garden.[图片]Yellow Dock Herbal Uses There are said to be many benefits of yellow dock herbs, and yellow dock herbs have been used since ancient times, and their use is still implemented by herbal medicine practitioners today. Yellow dock leaves and roots are used to improve digestion, remove toxins from the body, and are often taken as a gentle laxative. It is also used to treat various skin conditions (including burning from stinging nettle), and may be useful as a mild sedative. Native Americans used yellow dock herbs to treat wounds and swellings, sore muscles, kidney trouble, and jaundice.[图片]In the kitchen, tender yellow dock leaves are steamed much like spinach, then served with olive oil and garlic. Leaves and stems can also be eaten raw or added to salads. The seeds are frequently used as a healthy coffee substitute. Herbalists warn that the plant can be powerful and shouldn’t be used as a home remedy without expert advice. To that end, it’s recommended that you seek professional advice beforehand if you’re interested in using yellow dock herbs medicinally. How to Grow Yellow Dock Plants Yellow dock is commonly found in fields and other disturbed areas, such as along roadsides and in pastures in USDA zones 4 through 7. If you want to try growing your own yellow dock, consider that the plant is invasive and can become a pesky weed. If you still want to give it a try, scatter the seeds on the soil in fall, or in spring or summer. Yellow dock prefers moist soil and either full sunlight or partial shade.[图片]Look for some of the seeds to germinate in a few weeks, with more seedlings showing up for the next few years. Don’t attempt to transplant wild plants, as the long taproots make transplantation nearly impossible. To help keep the plant under control, you may want to try growing it in a container. Just ensure it is deep enough for the taproot.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius) is a fascinating plant. Above, it looks something like a sunflower. Below, something like a sweet potato. Its taste is most frequently described as very fresh, a cross between an apple and a watermelon. It is also known as sweet-root, Peruvian ground apple, Bolivian sunroot, and pear of the earth. So what is a yacon plant?[图片]Yacon Root Info The yacon is native to the Andes, in present day Colombia, Bolivia, Ecuador, and Peru. It’s gaining worldwide popularity, however, in part because of its unusual source of sweetness. Unlike most tubers, which get their sweetness from glucose, yacon root derives its sweetness from inulin, which the human body can’t process. This means you can taste the sweetness of yacon root, but your body won’t metabolize it. This is good news for people looking to lose weight, and especially good news for diabetics. The yacon plant can grow to 6.5 feet (2 meters) in height, topped in small, daisy-like yellow flowers. Underground, there are two distinct elements. On top is a collection of reddish rhizomes that looks a bit like a ginger root. Below that are the brown, edible tubers, very similar in appearance to a sweet potato.[图片]How to Grow Yacon Plants Yacon does not propagate by seed, but by rhizome: that clump of red just below the soil. If you are beginning with unsprouted rhizomes, keep them in a dark place, slightly covered in damp sand. Once they’ve sprouted, plant them at a depth of 1 inch (3cm) in well-worked, composted soil, and cover them with mulch. The plants are slow to grow, so if you live in an area that experiences frost, start them indoors in very early spring. Their growth is unaffected by day length, so if you live in a frostless area, they can be planted at any time of the year.[图片]Yacon plant care is easy, though the plants get very tall and may need to be staked. After six to seven months, the plants will naturally start to brown and die. This is the time to harvest. Dig around carefully with your hands so as not to damage the roots. Set out the tubers to dry — they can sit in the sun for as much as two weeks to heighten sweetness. Then, store them in a cool, dry, ventilated place. Set aside the rhizomes for next year’s planting.
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Dummer. ゛☀
An often forgotten herb, sweet woodruff (Galium odoratum) can be a valuable addition to the garden, particularly shade gardens. Sweet woodruff herb was originally grown for the fresh smell the leaves give off and was used as a type of air freshener. It also has some medicinal uses, though as always you should check with a doctor before using any medical herb. It is also an edible plant that is said to taste somewhat of vanilla. Today, sweet woodruff is most commonly used as a ground cover in shady areas. Sweet woodruff ground cover, with its star-shaped whorls of leaves and lacy white flowers, can add interesting texture and spark to a deeply shaded part of the garden. Sweet woodruff care is easy and taking the time to plant sweet woodruff is well worth the effort.[图片]How to Grow Sweet Woodruff Herb Sweet woodruff herb should be planted in a shady area. They like moist but well draining soil that is rich in organic material from things like decomposing leaves and branches, but will also grow in dry soils. It grows in USDA Zones 4-8. Sweet woodruff spreads by runners. In moist soil, it can spread very quickly and can become invasive in the right conditions. It is often recommended that you plant sweet woodruff ground cover in an area that you would not mind seeing naturalized by sweet woodruff. You can also keep sweet woodruff under control by spade edging around the bed yearly. Spade edging is done by driving a spade into the soil on the edge of the flower bed where you are growing sweet woodruff. This will sever the runners. Remove any sweet woodruff plants growing outside the bed. After the plants are established, growing sweet woodruff is very simple. It doesn’t need to be fertilized and should only be watered in times of drought. Sweet woodruff care is just that easy.[图片]Sweet Woodruff Propagation Sweet woodruff is most often propagated by division. You can dig up clumps from an established patch and transplant them. Sweet woodruff can also be propagated by seed. Sweet woodruff seeds can be planted directly into the soil in the spring or can be started indoors up to 10 weeks before your area’s last frost date. To direct sow sweet woodruff, in early spring simply spread the seeds over the area that you wish to grow them and lightly cover the area with sifted soil or peat moss. Then water the area.[图片]To start sweet woodruff indoors, spread the seeds evenly in the growing container and lightly cover the top with peat moss. Water the container and then place it into your refrigerator for two weeks. After you have chilled the sweet woodruff seeds, place them in a cool, lighted area (50 F. (10 C.), such as a basement or an unheated, attached garage to germinate. Once they have germinated, you can move the sweet woodruff seedlings to a warmer location.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Vietnamese cilantro is a plant that’s native to Southeast Asia, where its leaves are a very popular culinary ingredient. It has a taste similar to the cilantro normally grown in America, with the added bonus of being able to thrive in the summer heat. Keep reading to learn more about growing Vietnamese cilantro herbs.[图片]Vietnamese Coriander vs. Cilantro The Vietnamese cilantro plant (Persicaria odorata syn. Polygonum odoratum) is also frequently called Cambodian mint, Vietnamese coriander, and Rau Ram. It’s not the same thing as the cilantro usually eaten in Western cuisine, but it is similar. In Southeast Asian cooking, it’s actually more often used in the place of peppermint. It has a very strong, smoky flavor and, because of its strength, should be used in quantities about half that of cilantro. The biggest benefit to growing Vietnamese cilantro over “regular” cilantro is its ability to take the summer heat. If your summers are at all hot, you’re likely to have trouble growing cilantro and keeping it from bolting. Vietnamese cilantro, on the other hand, loves hot weather and will grow straight through the summer.[图片]Growing Vietnamese Cilantro in Gardens The Vietnamese cilantro plant is so used to hot weather, in fact, that you might have trouble keeping it going outside of a tropical environment. It’s necessary to keep its soil moist at all times – allow it to dry out and it will wilt almost immediately.[图片]It’s a low, creeping plant that will spread into groundcover if given enough time. It can’t handle temperatures below freezing, but if grown in a pot and brought inside under bright light for the winter, it can last for many seasons. It grows best in filtered sunlight, but it can also handle bright sun in the morning and shade in the afternoon. It prefers a sheltered spot protected from the elements and lots of water.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Curcuma longa is a sterile triploid organism that has evolved through natural selection and propagation. A relative of ginger and sharing similar growing conditions, it is a hybrid of the wild turmeric found in Southern Asia, with India being the predominant producer of growing turmeric plants for trade. Turmeric can also be found in China (where it has been cultivated since the seventh century), Jamaica, Indonesia and Malaysia. Let’s learn more about this plant, its benefits and how to grow turmeric in the home or garden.[图片]What Does the Turmeric Plant Look Like? Turmeric plants grow to 3 feet high with large, 5-inch, deep green leaves. The blooms are green and white edged with vibrant pink and yellow. Turmeric Benefits Growing turmeric plants are great sources of vitamin C, magnesium and potassium, but the list of turmeric benefits doesn’t stop there. With the cultivation of turmeric dating from 300 BC by the Harappan civilization, turmeric has been long found to have a plethora of medicinal benefits. Arthritis, muscle sprains, swelling, and pain caused by injury or surgical incision has been shown to be relieved. Stomach and liver ailments, skin diseases and some heart related diseases can all be aided with the use of turmeric plants. It can be utilized as a blood purifier, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant too. Growing turmeric and using the Curcumin from the plants may aid in the battle against certain types of cancer, including leukemia. Further studies have shown that turmeric plants may also be beneficial to those afflicted with Alzheimer’s disease. In China, the plants have been used as a treatment for depression. There are additional turmeric benefits to one’s daily life, such as its use in cosmetics or sunscreen, as a home remedy for sunburn, as a dye for the body or cloth, and even as a depilatory for Indian women. It is widely reputed to aid in digestion and for this reason is a major ingredient in Indian cuisine, including curry. Turmeric is also the ingredient which lends its brilliant yellow color to mustards.[图片]Can You Grow Turmeric? Can you grow turmeric? Sure, although turmeric plants are really better suited to open fields with a climate that is not easily found in North America. That said, with the correct conditions, I would give it a go. A hardy ginger, growing turmeric plants require certain conditions such as humid warm weather and significant rain. When growing these plants in the home or garden, temperatures between 68-86 F. (20-30 C.) are required.[图片]How to Grow Turmeric? These hardy ginger relatives die back in the winter and pop back up in the spring, growing from a system of rhizomes and propagating via vegetative reproduction. This means that each piece of rhizome has the capacity to become a new plant, provided each division has a piece of the crown. You can start growing turmeric this way with a small piece of rhizome gifted to you from another gardener or purchased from a nursery. Either way, you will soon have a forest of turmeric plants as they grow and spread rapidly. When one is growing turmeric, choose a morning sun exposure with afternoon part shade and moist clay to part clay soil. Planting takes place in the spring. Plant the section 4 inches deep, unless container gardening in which case 1 to 2 inches may be sufficient. Maintain adequate moisture and dig the roots up in late fall or early winter when the plant is dormant. Remember, these plants may be injured if temperatures fall below 50 F (10 C.).
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Dummer. ゛☀
What are tea plants? The tea we drink comes from various cultivars of Camellia sinensis, a small tree or large shrub commonly known as the tea plant. Familiar teas such as white, black, green and oolong all come from tea plants, although the method of processing varies considerably. Read on to learn about growing tea plants at home.[图片]Tea Plants in the Garden The most familiar and widely grown tea plants include two common varieties: Camellia sinensis var. sinensis, used primarily for white and green tea, and Camellia sinensis var. assamica, used for black tea. The first is native to China, where it grows at very high elevations. This variety is suitable for moderate climates, generally USDA plant hardiness zones 7 through 9. The second variety, however, is native to India. It isn’t frost tolerant and grows in tropical climates of zone 10b and above. There are countless cultivars derived from the two main varieties. Some are hardy plants that grow in climates as far north as zone 6b. In colder climates, tea plants do well in containers. Bring the plants indoors before temperatures drop in autumn.[图片]Growing Tea Plants at Home Tea plants in the garden require well drained, slightly acidic soil. An acidic mulch, such as pine needles, will help retain the proper soil pH. Full or dappled sunlight is ideal, as are temperatures between 55 and 90 F. (13-32 C). Avoid full shade, as tea plants in sun are more robust. Otherwise, tea plant care isn’t complicated. Water plants frequently during the first two years – generally two or three times per week during the summer, using rainwater whenever possible. Allow the soil to dry slightly between waterings. Saturate the rootball but don’t overwater, as tea plants don’t appreciate wet feet. Once the plants are well established, continue to water as needed during hot, dry weather. Spray or mist the leaves lightly during dry periods, as tea plants are tropical plants that thrive in humidity.[图片]Pay close attention to tea plants grown in containers, and never allow the soil to become completely dry. Fertilize in spring and early summer, using a product formulated for camellia, azaleaand other acid-loving plants. Always water well before feeding tea plants in the garden, and immediately rinse any fertilizer that lands on the leaves. You can also use a water-soluble fertilizer.
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