动态 (4985)
Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Considered one of the top perennials for fall color, "Autumn Joy" sedum (Sedum x "Autumn Joy") grows in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 5 through 9. Once you have one sedum, it's easy to make more by taking stem and leaf cuttings or dividing the plant. Because "Autumn Joy" is a hybrid, seeds will not produce exact copies of the parent plant.
Cut Stems or Leaves "Autumn Joy" sedum roots easily from stem or leaf cuttings. You can do this any time the plants are actively growing. Cuttings taken from new growth root more easily than cuttings from older stems. Take cuttings in the early morning or late afternoon, and water the plants one hour before you take the cuttings. Make stem cuttings 2 to 6 inches long, with at least three sets of leaves. Cut the stem just below the node where a leaf joins the stem. For leaf cuttings, remove the leaf along with the stalk that attaches the leaf to the stem. To keep them from drying out before planting, place stem and leaf cuttings in water or in a plastic bag with a damp paper towel. Use sharp scissors or pruners to take the cuttings. Disinfect cutting tools by soaking them in a solution of 1 part bleach to 3 parts water for 5 minutes. Rinse them in clean water, and let them air-dry before use. Plant Cuttings Cuttings root best in a sterile, soilless potting mix. You can use a purchased seed-starting mix, or make your own for rooting cuttings by mixing equal parts river sand, perlite, and either vermiculite or peat moss. Use this mix to fill pots or planting trays with drainage holes. Water the potting mix so it is damp, and smooth the surface. To avoid spreading disease, plant in new pots and planting trays or sterilize used pots before filling them with soil. Clean used pots and trays by scrubbing away any loose dirt, then soaking them in a solution of 1 part bleach to 9 parts water for 30 minutes. Wipe them dry before use. Always use pots and containers that have drainage holes.
For stem cuttings, use sterilized scissors or pruners to clip off the lowest set of leaves. If there are any flower buds on the cutting, remove those as well. Use a pencil to poke a hole in the potting mix, then place the cutting in the hole, firming the potting mix around the cutting so the place where you cut the leaves off is covered. For leaf cuttings, cover about 1/4 inch of the stem-end of the leaf with potting mix. There is no need to use a rooting hormone on "Autumn Joy" sedum cuttings. Keep Them Moist Cover the cuttings with clear plastic bags to help keep them from drying out. Some planting trays come with clear plastic domes which makes it easy to keep humidity levels high. The cuttings still need air circulation, though, so make sure there is space between the plastic and the pot or tray. Don't let the plastic touch the plant leaves. Mist the cuttings as needed to keep the soil from drying out. You want the soil to stay moist, but not waterlogged. After two weeks, check if the stem cuttings are rooting by gently lifting the stem. If it comes free of the soil easily, replant it and check again in another week. Keep checking until the cuttings stay rooted in the soil when you gently tug at the stem. You can tell leaf cuttings have rooted when new leaves start to emerge from the base of the leaf. Once the new stem or leaf cuttings have roots, gradually decrease the humidity by leaving the plastic off for several hours each day. Move the Sedums Outside The best time to plant new "Autumn Joy" sedum is in the spring after danger of frost has passed, but this plant is not picky about planting time. If you take cuttings in spring, the resulting plants can still be planted outdoors in the summer or fall. Mature plants reach 12 to 24 inches tall, and they should be spaced 12 to 18 inches apart. A spot in full-sun is best, and "Autumn Joy" sedum will grow in any soil type as long as it drains well. Sedum is highly drought-tolerant, but water once a week for the first year if there is no rain. This encourages deep rooting. Divide Established Plants Once "Autumn Joy" sedum is established, divide the clumps every three to five years. This is an easy way to get new plants and to keep the sedum from becoming crowded. Divide the sedum in the spring, as soon as new growth starts to emerge from the soil. Choose an overcast day, preferably with light rain in the forecast. Water the plants the day before you plan to divide the plant. Use a sharp spade to dig around the entire sedum clump, about 4 to 6 inches away from the base of the plant. Lift the entire clump, and shake off loose soil so you can see the root system better. Sedums form clumps, and you many need to use a sharp, large knife to divide the clump and cut through the roots. Sterilize this knife before use the same way you sterilized the pruning tools. Replant the divisions as soon as possible. If you must delay planting, place the sedum in the shade and keep the soil moist. When you plant the new divisions, place them at the same depth they were previously growing. Firm the soil around the plants, and water thoroughly.
Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Delicate pale blue, or sometimes white and pink, forget-me-nots are a welcome sight after a long, snowy winter. Establishing forget-me-knots in your garden or yard is an easy task with great rewards. Forget-me-nots produce fantasy-like clouds of light blue that can provide quite a show-stopping display. They are a hardy perennial that will spread throughout your garden with very little effort on your part.
Step 1 Place potting soil in pots or six-pack inserts. Gently press the soil into the pot, but do not pack it too hard. Step 2 Gently pour seeds from a packet into your hand. Forget-me-not seeds are very small; provided they are fresh, more than 90-percent of the seeds should germinate. Pinch a small amount of seeds and sprinkle them on top of the potting soil. Step 3 Sprinkle more potting soil on top of the seeds so that there is about 1/8 inch of soil over the seeds. Press down to make sure the seeds have good contact with the soil, but do not pack the soil too hard. Step 4 Water the soil. If your pots are in a cool location, cover them with plastic wrap to trap in heat, which aids in germination. The seeds should germinate within ten days. Let them grow for two weeks before transplanting them outdoors. Step 5 Dig holes in the soil where you wish to transplant your forget-me-nots. Gently remove the plants from the six-pack plant pots and set them into the holes. Add soil around the stems and press lightly around the plants. Water only when your plants droop.
Step 6 Spread established forget-me-nots. Walk through the flowers as they begin to die off (in mid-June), and gently kick the plants to loosen and spread the seeds. You can also pull up a clump of flowers and shake them over areas where you would like to grow forget-me-nots the following year.
Miss Chen
Miss Chen
早在1880年,法国人莱莫因和弗罗皮尔以南美安第斯地区的球根类秋海棠为亲本,经杂交选育出美丽多姿的水仙型和多花型球根秋海棠。1960年美国又选育出具茶花型和康乃馨型的巴利里纳球根秋海棠,其花径达15~20厘米。1978年比利时的黑格曼专门为育种者编著了一本球根秋海棠栽培品种的国际文献目录。目前,球根秋海棠的栽培十分普遍,美国列为主要盆栽花卉之一,每年生产量不少。日本1993年生产了610万盆球根海棠,产值达到2400万美元,每年还举办球根秋海棠展览。朝鲜对红色的球根秋海棠特别重视,栽培也较为普遍,在昆明世界园艺博览会上展示了球根秋海棠。在欧洲的荷兰、比利时、法国、德国和丹麦等国,都已产业化栽培球根秋海棠,荷兰1995年球根秋海棠的产值为2760万美元,列盆栽花卉的第四位。在丹麦占出口盆栽花卉的第五位。其中球根秋海棠的种球生产以美国的加利福尼亚州和比利时的根脱最为有名。 我国引种栽培球根秋海棠的历史不长,主要在新中国成立后,各地的植物园从国外引种种子,进行小规模试种,其中以昆明地区栽培比较成功。至今,球根秋海棠已进入规模化生产。
形态特征与品种 球根秋海棠为多年生草本。块茎肉质,扁圆形。茎肉质,有毛、直立。叶大,互生,倒心脏形。花大,有单瓣、半重瓣和重瓣,花色丰富,有红、白、黄、粉、橙等。常见品种有直达(Nonstop)系列,重瓣花,花色有红、深红、鲜红、玫瑰红、黄、杏黄、白、粉红等,生长快,开花早,从播种至开花只需4个月,是目前球根秋海棠市场的领先品种。另外有全景(Panorama)、半夜美(MidnightBeauty)、炫耀天使(ShowAngels)等系列。命运(Fortune)杂种1代系列,为大花、重瓣品种,广泛用在花坛、窗台、吊盆和栽植箱观赏。光亮(Illumination)系列,花色有红、白、黄、粉等,花径7~8厘米,重瓣花,主要用于篮式栽培。挂觉(HangingSensations),花色有黄、白、深红、玫瑰红,花柄长、下垂,是吊盆观赏的主要品种。
Miss Chen
Miss Chen
天南星别名南星、白南星等,为天南星科天南星属多年生草本植物,多系野生,中国南北各地均能栽培,除西北、西藏外,大部分省区都有分布,海拔2700米以下,生于林下、灌丛或草地,下面我们就一起来看一看天南星的病虫害防治技术吧! 天南星病毒病 【危害特征】叶部症状经常表现为花叶、不规则褪绿或出现黄色条斑,致叶脉纵卷畸形,病株矮小,叶部叶绿素受阻,正常光合作用受到影响,影响块茎产量、质量,由多种病毒引起,用块茎繁殖的天南星,病毒可在植株体内积累,有的能通过蚜虫传毒,田间蚜量大,为害持续时间长则发病重。 【防治方法】①采用脱毒技术,用无病毒种种植和繁殖,也可用无毒种子繁殖。②有条件的提倡用热处理方法结合茎尖脱毒获取无毒苗。③发现蚜虫及时喷杀虫剂灭蚜,减少病毒传染。 天南星炭疽病 【危害特征】炭疽病是天南星种植区中的主要病害之一,严重影响天南星产量和质量,主要危害叶片、叶柄、茎及果实,叶片染病叶斑圆形或近圆形,大小2-5毫米,中心部分灰白色至浅褐色,边缘绿色至褐色,病部轮生或聚生黑色小点,茎、叶柄染病产生浅褐色梭形凹陷斑,密生黑色小粒点,湿度大时分生孢子盘上聚集大量橙红色分生孢子,浆果染病也生红褐色凹陷斑。 【农业防治】合理密植,注意通风透气,科学配方施肥,增施磷钾肥,提高植株抗病力,适时灌溉,严禁大水漫灌,雨后及时排水,防止湿度过大,及时清除感病叶片,剪去轻病叶的病斑。 【药剂防治】发病前喷1%波尔多液或27%高脂膜乳剂100-200倍液保护,发病期间可选用75%百菌清1000倍液、20%三环唑800倍液、50%炭疽福美600倍液,每隔7-10天1次,连续多次,杀菌剂应轮换使用,效果更好。
天南星根腐病 【危害特征】根腐病通常在5-10月份发生,受害病株块茎腐烂,叶片枯死,蔓延甚快。 【防治方法】雨季排出地中积水,炎热夏季的雨后及时浇井水降低地温,夏季用多菌灵1000倍液喷洒预防,发现病株及时挖除烧毁,病穴用生石灰消毒。 天南星茎枯病 【危害特征】幼苗出土后基部土表下近地面球茎与幼茎连接处发生褐色环状凹陷、缢缩,低温高湿、茬口不对是发病的主要因素。 【防治方法】常用药剂有70%的甲基托布津可湿性粉剂500倍液,75%的百菌清可湿性粉剂500倍液,7-8天喷一次,连续喷药三次,可有效地控制病情,发病初期喷用75%百菌清可湿性粉剂600倍液,或38%恶霜灵嘧菌酯800倍液,64%杀毒矶可湿性粉剂400倍液或50%扑海因可湿性粉剂1000倍液,或70%乙膦·锰锌500倍液。 天南星疫病 【危害特征】疫病由疫病菌所引起的土壤传播性病害,最适发病温度在20-25℃,在雨季发病尤为厉害,被害部位最初呈现水浸状,组织褪色而褐变,在感染初期,病害组织仍保持相当的韧度,后期患部才腐败、崩溃、瓦解。 【农业防治】①最有效最简单的措施就是加强田间卫生管理,将病株、病叶、杂草随时摘除,并带离园区加以烧毁,不可以将植物残体堆积于园区内,以免病原菌滋生,尽量避免雨淋、浇水、飞溅,即使用雨淋后,一定得及时打药预防。②加强园区通风降温,氮肥不能过量。 【药剂防治】可采用58%甲霜灵一锌锰(锌锰灭达乐)400-600倍、72.2%普力克水剂800-1000倍、50%免赖得可湿性粉剂1000-1500倍、64%杀毒矾可湿性粉剂400-500倍、80%锌锰乃浦可湿性粉剂400倍轮流防治。 天南星红天蛾 【危害特征】以幼虫危害叶片,咬成缺刻和空洞,7-8月发生严重时,把天南星叶子吃光。 【防治方法】①在幼虫低龄时,喷90%敌百虫800倍液杀灭。②忌连作,也忌与同科植物如半夏、魔芋等间作。
Miss Chen
Miss Chen
富贵竹,属多年生常绿草本,株高可达1.5-2.5米高以上,如作商品、观赏,栽培高度为80~100厘米为宜,多栽培于园圃中,也有野生,喜阴湿,茎叶肥厚,叶深绿色,主要作观赏植物。种植富贵竹具有产量高,经济效益高优势,目前一般市场价每株可达3~5元以上,每亩可种植1.8~2.5万株,一年亩产值可达3~5万元。栽培富贵竹从4月份左右开始,12月中下旬可收获,该品种管理粗放,可选择土壤的经济效益,就要选择排灌方便、土壤疏松肥沃的水稻田栽培为宜。 疏松、肥沃的稻田、坡地栽培。其栽培技术介绍如下: 一、土地选择:由于富贵竹是喜阴湿的观赏植物,为此,要加速其生长,缩短生产周期,创造更佳 二、搭建遮阳棚:搭建遮阴棚即是盖遮阳网,稻田四周用木柱或水泥桩搭架,木柱要求高2.4米,深埋0.4米,若按20平方米用四条木柱(或水泥柱)计,每亩约需木柱30~35条,棚顶面上用铁线或尼龙绳系紧。然后按每亩10捆塑料遮阳网(宽1.5米/100米55元/捆),盖好遮阴,再用尼龙绳四周系好即成。
Miss Chen
Miss Chen
虫害分布 主要分布于中国浙江、福建等地。
虫害形态特征 成虫 雌虫体长7-9 mm。体黑色,有天蓝色光泽。触角黑色,9节,密生黑色绒毛。前翅淡烟褐色;翅柄黑色,中央稍带黄色;翅脉黑色。前足及中足腿节尖端、胜节、第一、二跗节或第一、三胫节,后足腿节尖端、脱节均黄白色。唇基前线平直,中窝深,近圆形。触角沟深。横缝及侧缝深,冠缝隐晦。头部及胸部刻点细稀;中胸前侧片几乎无刻点。头、胸部细毛黑色。雄虫体长5-7mm。中胸后片后端刻点较密。触角9节,第三节长度与第四、第五节长度和之比为1:1:1。其余色泽及构造(外生殖器除外)同雌虫。 卵 长椭圆形,长约2 mm,宽0.8 mm。初产时为粉红色,近孵化时变为灰色。 幼虫 初孵幼虫身体淡黄色,头黑色。5龄幼虫后期,腹部气门下线处每节各有2个黑点,6龄时黑点成肉瘤状。老熟幼虫身体黄色发亮,气门黑褐色,腹部有2排横向排列的刺。 蛹 长约10 mm,刚化蛹时,身体淡黄色,足白色透明。近羽化时为揭黑色。 虫害发生规律 竹林区 1年发生1代或2代,以老熟幼虫在上中1-4 cm深处结茧变为预蛹越冬。翌年5月中旬开始化蛹,5月下旬始见成虫,6月上旬为羽化盛期,6月下旬为羽化末期;6月上旬开始产卵,中旬为产卵盛期;6月中旬卵孵化,7月中旬幼虫进入7龄,并陆续下竹入土。其中部分发生2代的老熟幼虫8月下旬开始化蛹,9月上旬开始羽化,中旬为羽化盛期,并开始产卵,9月下旬卵孵化,10月下旬幼虫老熟下竹。幼虫从竹杆上爬行下竹,至地面入土作茧静伏其中。同一批蛹雄成虫比雌成虫羽化早。 在羽化始盛期,雄成由约占78%,至盛期雌成虫的占70%。雨天基本不羽化;天气晴朗,有利于成虫羽化。雌雄性比一般为1:2.2。成虫羽化后喜成群活跃在阳光充足的东南坡毛竹、杂竹及其它植物顶部,阴天停息于叶片上,很少活动。交尾前,雌、雄成虫均在竹冠顶部成群飞舞。交尾后,卵产于毛竹或杂竹的叶肉组织内。产卵时,成虫停息在竹叶上,腹部紧贴叶片,从主脉两侧的叶片正面将卵产入。每产1粒卵移动约1mm,卵成“一”字形排列。一般每叶产卵1排偶有2排。产卵部位的叶背稍有泡状隆起。卵快孵化时,卵边缘出现小黑点。同一卵块的卵多在同一时间孵化。孵化率:第一代为50-100%,平均93%;第二代为20一100%,平均 75.4%。孵化时,幼虫多从正面咬一小孔钻出,少数从叶背钻出,不食卵壳。 幼虫孵出后即在原产卵叶上取食,全部幼虫沿叶缘排成一队,头向叶基,前一条幼虫的尾部翘在后一条幼虫的头上,从叶尖吃向叶的基部,常将叶食尽,仅留主脉,以后一起转移至另一叶片上取食。 4龄幼虫开始分散取食。幼虫蜕皮6次。蜕皮前停止取食,排尽体内粪便。蜕皮时用尾钩住被食叶的主脉或其他部位,由体中前部胀直,头亮与前胸间的旧蜕不断膨胀,伸胀几次后头壳开裂,虫体逐渐伸出。从脱裂线胀开到虫体爬出约需15分钟。脱皮后约75分钟,头壳成黑色,随即幼虫开始爬行活动。幼虫每次脱皮后,体长和头壳明显增大;而7龄幼虫体长自脱皮3-6天后缩短,此时开始爬行下竹,寻找适宜地面入土作茧。
虫害防治方法 1.加强毛竹林抚育,铲除林内或林缘蜜源植物,以断绝毛竹黑叶蜂补充营养来源。 2. 人工防治:(1)幼龄幼虫群集叶上时,可采取人工捕捉方法。(2)利用幼虫假死性,3龄后于树下铺张塑料薄膜,震动树干,收集落下幼虫拿来沤肥。 3. 生物防治可喷1亿孢子/毫升苏云金杆菌、10亿孢子/毫升白僵菌防治2—3龄幼虫。 4. 化学防治:(1)对幼龄幼虫可 用45%丙溴辛硫磷(国光依它)1000倍液,或国光乙刻(20%氰戊菊酯)1500倍液+乐克(5.7%甲维盐)2000倍混合液,40%啶虫.毒(必治)1500-2000倍液喷杀幼虫,可连用1-2次,间隔7-10天。可轮换用药,以延缓抗性的产生。(2)对于成虫可利用其取食花蜜习性,喷45%丙溴辛硫磷(国光依它)1000倍液。
Miss Chen
Miss Chen
虫害分布 分布湖北、云南、贵州等省。主要危害竹、棉花等。
虫害危害 为害特点 成、若虫食叶;若虫常食叶脉或叶柄。 虫害形态特征 形状细长似竹节,中至大型,体长11cm,绿色或褐色。头卵圆形略扁,下口式。复眼小,卵形或球形,稍突出,复眼内侧有单眼3个或2个或无。触角短或细长。前胸短,背板扁平。中、后胸长,后胸与第l腹节紧密相连。具翅,前翅革质,后翅膜质,有的品种l对或无翅。足细长或扁,前足在静止时向前伸长。产卵器不发达。有1对不分节的尾须。 虫害发生规律 该虫静止时栖息在竹等植物上,具拟态和保护色,常不易被发现。雄虫较活泼,昼夜活动,一般夜间取食多。若虫、成虫腹端上屈,受惊扰时,常后退再落下,并以前胸背板前角发射臭液。两性生殖,卵散产,附着在树枝上或直接落地产卵,翌春在地表孵化,有的种类能进行孤雌生殖。 该虫2年1代,以卵和2龄若虫越冬。在越冬期的卵和若虫均能忍受0℃的低温。若虫在越冬期体色加深,在树的枝叶丛中静伏不动。初孵若虫耐饥饿能力较强,10天左右不取食而不死亡。1—2龄若虫无假死性;3—6龄若虫及成虫假死性明显,遇到外界刺激时,伸开六足,下落到地面,整个过程4—9分钟,有的成虫假死可达1小时之久。 1龄若虫于9月上旬出现,历期35天;2龄若虫10月上旬出现,并于11月中旬进入越冬直至来年3月上旬,历期155天;3龄若虫于3月下旬出现,历期28天;4龄若虫于4月中旬出现,历期17天;5龄若虫于5月上旬出现,历期17天;6龄若虫5月下旬出现,历期22天;成虫于6月中、下旬出现,7月上旬开始产卵,寿命50—75天。当年8月下旬以后产卵,于翌年8月下旬孵化,卵期长达315天—371天。
虫害防治方法 (一)人工捕杀 利用3—6龄幼虫和成虫假死性的特性,可以人工震落并捕杀,或利用傍晚成虫大量下树时进行捕杀。 (二)生物防治 1、白僵菌:利用雨后或有露水的早晚喷撒白僵菌粉,每亩用量1千克。 2、苦烟乳油:使用苦烟乳油2000—3000倍液喷雾,每亩用量约40克;或将苦烟乳油和柴油按1:9混合,制成烟剂,用烟雾机施放,每亩用量约30克。 3、灭幼脲:喷洒无公害绿色农药—25%阿维菌素•灭幼脲3号悬浮剂,使用浓度为1500—2500倍液,一般施药24小时后开始中毒死亡。使用前务必将瓶下部沉淀摇起,混匀后再使用。本剂对蚕有毒,养蚕区不宜使用。 4、阿维菌素:使用阿维菌素烟剂直接燃烧放烟,每亩用量1公斤(含有效成分30克)。 (三)化学防治 在4月下旬-5中旬喷药防治。用2.5%敌杀死乳油5000倍,或40%乐果乳油1000~2000倍,或40%水胺硫磷乳油2000~4000倍,或5%来福灵乳油2000倍等喷雾防治。
Miss Chen
Miss Chen
虫害分布 我国分布于安徽、江苏、浙江、福建、江西、湖南、四川、广西等地,为害毛竹、刚竹、淡竹等竹类。
虫害危害 幼虫取食竹叶,严重时将叶食光,使竹枯死,影响出笋和竹材质量。 虫害形态特征 成虫 体长12-23mm,翅展35-54mm。雌成虫体翅黄白色,前翅近前缘与基角处深黄色,前翅翅尖突出,近菜刀形。翅中有黑点1个。底色与斑纹个体差异较大。后翅黄白色至近白色,缘毛黄白色。雄虫体黄褐色,前翅锈黄色,内、外线隐约可见,翅中有1黑点,后翅茶褐色。卵扁圆球形,长径1.2-1.3mm,初产时淡红色,散产或成块。幼虫长52-70mm,体翠绿色,背线灰黑色,气门线宽,上为黄色,下为粉白色。蛹长18-25mm,红褐色,臀棘8根。 虫害发生规律 1年3-4代。以老熟幼虫在地面浅土、落叶中作茧越冬或以4-5代幼虫于竹上越冬。翌年3月底至4月中旬化蛹。各代幼虫为害期分别为5月上旬到6月下旬、6月下旬至8月中旬、8月下旬到10月中旬、10月上旬到翌年1月下旬。世代重叠。成虫在傍晚至清晨羽化,白天静伏,傍晚活动,具趋光性。卵产于竹叶上,成块状,每块十数粒至百数粒。每雌平均产卵136--340粒。1龄幼虫食卵壳,2龄幼虫开始取食竹叶,一生可食竹叶数十片,末龄幼虫食量最大。老熟后在表土层中作茧化蛹。
虫害防治方法 (1)农业防治。 加强竹林抚育,合理砍伐,保持竹林适宜密度,可抑制大发生;注意竹林卫生,清除落地叶片及小枝,人工摘除虫茧,减少虫源。 (2)物理防治。 该虫趋光性强,在成虫发生期,装置黑光灯诱杀。 (3)化学防治。 大发生时可放敌敌畏插管烟剂,唯有中毒幼虫落地后,有恢复后再次上竹取食;击竹时幼虫会落地,可在地面喷药,用50%辛硫磷、80%敌敌畏乳油150c倍液。 (4)生物防治。 保护与利用天敌,如卵期释放赤眼蜂,每亩7万头。
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