Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Description: This herbaceous perennial plant produces one or more unbranched stems from its root system; these stems are 4-14" long, erect to ascending, whitish green, terete, and densely covered with appressed hairs. Alternate leaves occur along the entire length of each stem; they are ¾–2½" long, 2-6 mm. across, linear-oblong in shape, entire (toothless) along their margins, and sessile. The leaf blades have a tendency to become larger in size as they ascend up the stems. The upper leaf surface is grayish green and more or less covered with appressed hairs, while the lower leaf surface is whitish green and densely covered with appressed hairs. The leaves have prominent central veins. [图片]Each mature stem terminates in a cluster of nearly sessile flowers. Each flower consists of a pale yellow to yellow corolla, a whitish green calyx with 5 linear teeth, 5 inserted stamens, and a pistil with a single style. The trumpet-shaped corolla is ¾–1¼" (18-32 mm.) long and 10-18 mm. across; it has 5 rounded spreading lobes, a narrowly cylindrical base, and a throat with a narrow opening. The lobes of the corolla are ruffled or fringed. The calyx (including its teeth) is up to 8 mm. long; it is more or less covered with appressed hairs. At the flower bases, there are small leafy bracts up to 8 mm. long; except for their small size, they resemble the leaves. The blooming period for these flowers occurs from late spring to early summer, lasting about 3 weeks. In addition to these showy flowers, this plant also produces small cleistogamous flowers later in the summer. These latter flowers are about ¼" long and inconspicuous; they are self-fertile. Afterwards, fertile flowers are replaced by small nutlets (4 nutlets per flower). Mature nutlets are 3–3.5 mm. long, ovoid in shape, light gray to white, shiny, and sparsely pitted. Individual nutlets are keeled along one side, while their bottoms are truncate and their apices are somewhat pointed. The root system consistsDistribution Map of a deep taproot. This plant reproduces by reseeding itself. Cultivation: The preference is full sun, dry-mesic to dry conditions, and barren soil that is stony or sandy. Seed germination requires no pretreatment involving winter dormancy. As a perennial, this plant is moderately short-lived (typically surviving about 5 years), but its seeds are easier to germinate than many other native puccoons (Lithospermum spp.). Range & Habitat: The native Fringed Puccoon occurs in northern and western Illinois, where it is uncommon. Illinois lies along the eastern range-limit of this species. Habitats include upland prairies, gravel prairies, sand prairies, hill prairies, sandy or rocky savannas, limestone glades, and pastures. Fringed Puccoon has a tendency to increase in response to light or moderate grazing by cattle. Occasional wildfires are probably beneficial by reducing competition from woody plants and by removing the accumulation of smothering debris from dead herbaceous plants. In Illinois, Fringed Puccoon is found in higher quality natural areas. Faunal Associations: The structure of the large showy flowers indicates that they are cross-pollinated by butterflies, skippers, and possibly the Ruby-throated Hummingbird (in Illinois). A small number of insects are known to feed on the leaves, roots, and other parts of Fringed Puccoon and other puccoons (Lithospermum spp.) that are found in prairies. They include larvae of a long-horned beetle (Hemierana marginata ardens), larvae of a moth, the Gray Ethmia (Ethmia monticola fuscipedella), and larvae of a Sesiid moth (Carmenta mariona); see Yanega (1996), Powell (1973), and BugGuide (at bugguide.net) for more information. However, the range of the Sesiid moth extends eastward to Kansas and Nebraska; it has not been found in Illinois. Several polyphagous grasshoppers are known to feed occasionally on Fringed Puccoon. They include the Two-striped Grasshopper (Melanoplus bivittatus), Red-legged Grasshopper (Melanoplus femurrubrum), Yellowish Grasshopper (Melanoplus flavidus), and Gladston's Grasshopper (Melanoplus gladstoni); see Campbell et al. (1974), Brust et al. (2008), and Joern (1985) for more information. Photographic Location: A sandy hill prairie in Cook County, Illinois. The photographs were taken by Bill Johnson (Copyright © 2014). Comments: This is one of three puccoon species (Lithospermum spp.) in Illinois that inhabit prairies. They all produce showy flowers at about the same time each year that vary in color from pale yellow to orange-yellow. Fringed Puccoon can be distinguished from these other species by the fringed or ruffled lobes of its corolla and very narrow leaves (2-6 mm. across). It also produces small cleistogamous (self-fertile) flowers, unlike the others. Similar to other puccoons, a blue dye can be obtained from its roots.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
[图片]不知道大家喜欢如意万年青吗,万年青有很多品种,但是最喜欢的还是如意万年青,也叫做如意皇后、彩叶粗肋草、彩叶亮丝草等,叶色斑斓,粉红色,碧绿色,十分好看,观赏性很高,就算种在室内,也能轻易开花。 [图片]一、如意万年青的生长习性 要想养好如意万年青,首先我们要了解它的生活习性。如意万年青喜欢明亮的光照,但是又不能忍受强烈的阳光暴晒,这样反而会使得植株叶片变黄、发育不良,夏季光照强烈时要适当遮阴,喜欢温暖的生活环境,因此可以养殖在家中接受散光的照射。 二、如意万年青的养殖方法 了解完了如意万年青的生长习性,接下来就为大家介绍一下如意万年青的养殖方法,亲农网将从土壤、光照、温度、水肥以及修剪五个方面全方位的为大家介绍有关如意万年青的养殖方法。 1.土壤环境 养殖如意万年青最好使用富含腐殖质的土,要让其土松软、并且肥沃,那么最适合选择掺入肥料的砂质土。应当保证盆内的湿润,但是也不能太潮湿甚至出现积水,否则很容易烂根,对空气的干湿程度也有比较高的要求。 2.光照要求 这种植物最漂亮的就是它的叶片了,能耐阴,但是在阳光充足的地方更好,不过应当避免强光的直接照射。夏天的时候,应该把花盆摆放在家中北边的窗台,到了冬天,就放到南窗去。光线太暗的地方,会淡化叶片的颜色。阳光太过强烈,则会灼伤叶片。 3.温度要求 这种植物喜欢温暖的地方,一般白天温度在30度,夜晚温度在25度的环境下是最适合的。冬天,即使是10度也能存活,但是必须在15-18度之间才能正常生长。夏天如果温度超过25度,则需要向叶片洒水,降低叶片的温度。 4.水肥需求 这种植物应该保证其盆内不干裂、不潮湿,夏天的时候应该经常向叶片洒水,一方面可以保持这种植物叶片的干净、增加光泽,另一方面可以为叶片降温。冬季时应该减少喷水,否则会有斑点出现,严重的时候可以造成腐烂。生长期时,为了让其更加健壮,可以使用部分氮素液肥。秋后增施磷、钾肥壮茎秆、防止倒伏。 5.修剪 为了让植物更好的生长,应该适时进行修剪。修剪一般是将植物已经枯黄或者长势不是很好的叶片剪掉,多次修剪,可以让整个植物的叶片更加鲜艳丰满。当植物生长的太高的时候可以进行剪去幼芽,促使新的枝叶的生长,更加具有美观性。 以上就是为大家介绍的有关如意万年青的养殖方法,在这里亲农网还要告诉大家一个有关如意万年青的小知识,如意万年青属天南星科植物,大家知道有部分天南星科的植物是可以作为药用的,同时也是有毒的,亲农网在这里告诉大家,如意万年青是没有毒性的,可以直接种植在房间,也可以放置在卧室里哟!
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
[图片]野姜花又名姜花,是姜科野姜花属的淡水草本植物,高1-2米,花序为穗状,花萼管状,叶序互生,叶片长狭,两端尖,叶面秃,叶背略带薄毛。不耐寒,喜冬季温暖、夏季湿润环境,抗旱能力差,生长初期宜半阴,生长旺盛期需充足阳光。土壤宜肥沃,保湿力强。野姜花有清新的香味,放于室内可作天然的空气清新器。色泽圆融,一般为白色花朵。盆栽可供观赏,白色花卉如蝴蝶,所以又称蝴蝶姜、白蝴蝶花等。原产亚洲热带,印度和马来西亚的热带地区,大概在清代传入中国。另外,野姜花是古巴和尼加拉瓜的国花。 [图片]一、野姜花的生长习性 野姜花是一种淡水草本植物,花朵清新优雅,香气芬芳,是一种十分优良的天然空气清新剂,同时也能作为观赏花卉培育。由于野姜花原产自热带地区,因此比较喜欢高温、高湿的环境,不耐寒。 二、野姜花的养殖方法 1.温度和土壤 因为野姜花本身喜好高温以及高湿的环境,所以要保证生长环境的温度,一般冬天的温度只保持在10℃以上即可。 野姜花对于土壤的要求就是要选择疏松性、排水性良好的肥沃砂质土壤才可以保证其生长所需的营养。 2.水分 野姜花是一种不耐旱的植株,所以在夏季干旱炎热的时候要保持湿润的环境,也要土壤要保持湿润,还要经常往叶子上喷洒水分,保持叶子的湿度。 3.施肥 野姜花在种植的时候就要施基肥,这时可选择一些有生物菌肥,机肥以及磷肥等肥料当作基肥,再施到盆里;等到生长期要适当的进行追肥,大概每隔10天进行一次追肥即可,也要经常在阴雨天向叶面喷洒叶面肥。 三、野姜花养殖的注意事项 1.冬季温度 冬季的时候要注意温度要保持在10℃以上,以免冻伤。平时也要保证高温多湿。 2.光照强度 野姜花喜好温暖,所以在生长期可以保持足够的光照,使野姜花能够更好的生长。 3.施肥频率 野姜花的施肥频率主要是要注意生长期的施肥时间和次数,生长期通常每10天施一次肥,时间一般选择在晴朗的早晨为宜。 以上就是为大家带来的野姜花的养殖方法和注意事项的介绍,野姜花除了能净化空气外,它的根茎果实还是一种良好的中药材,野姜花本身又是一种良好的观赏花卉,还能在插花中作为切花使用,更是一种绿色保健的食用蔬菜,可谓一花多用,喜欢的朋友不妨在家中种上几朵哟!
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
[图片]最早记载水仙传入中国的可靠文献是段公路《北户录》中的一段文字:“孙光宪续注曰,从事江陵日,寄住蕃客穆思密尝遗水仙花数本,摘之水器中,经年不萎。”是说寄居江陵的波斯人穆思密赠送给孙光宪几棵水仙花。孙光宪是晚唐五代花间派的重要词人,当时在高季兴南平国所辖的江陵任职,江陵相当于今湖北荆州。因此大致可以肯定,中国水仙的确是由外国传入的,时间在五代或稍早一些的唐末,首传地点有可能就在湖北荆州一带。屈原行吟泽畔的形象与希腊传说中那喀索斯(Narcissus)这一水边自恋的神灵颇有几份神似,当时传来水仙的蕃客移民入乡随俗,遂以水仙这一楚国故里对屈原的乡土称呼来替代这一西洋的神异命名。这应该就是水仙这一中文名称的来源。 [图片]一、水仙花花期的控制 要想给水仙花催花,我们首先就要知道水仙花的花期,前面已经提到过水仙是冬春开花的,那么在炎热的夏季想要水仙开花肯定就是不现实的。一般正常养护的话,花期也会比较稳定,40或者50天就能开花了,但是这是指正常的条件下,水仙花如果遇到天气反常的现象,例如温度过低,光照不足,开花可能会延迟,这时候就需要催花,人为进行调控。水仙可以采取的催花方法,主要就是增温,使其如期开花。 二、水仙花催花的方法 水仙如果正常养护,水仙催花可以采取的方法包括光照增温,在白天的时候,将水仙花放在室外的阳光下,或者是放置在室内光照充足的地方,直到其开花。 也可以用灯光增温的方式,在水仙花的花盆罩上一个塑料的透明罩子,用灯光照射,可以提高花盆内的温度。此外也可以使用加温装置,例如电吹风或者电热器,利用这些暖风来吹拂水仙的植株,可以使其开花并连开数天。但是注意不要让电吹风等伤到到水仙花的植株。 还可以利用温水来进行增温,在水仙的花盆里加入少量的温水,可以将水温升高一些,促进开花。 三、推迟花期的方法 说起催花,就要提到花期的推迟。因为催花和推迟花期都是希望花朵可以按照人的想法来进行开放的,水仙花也可以将花期推迟,使其在我们需要的时候绽放。 水仙需要推迟花期,一般可能是气温过高,这时候可以在水仙的花盆内加上一些冷水,在夜晚的时候再将水倒掉,进行低温处理,这样可以推迟花期。 以上就是为大家介绍的有关水仙花不开花以及水仙花怎么催花的问题,希望能为大家带来一些帮助。通常情况下只要温度和阳光跟得上,换水及时,水仙花养护一个多月的时间就能开花,如果这几点都做得很好,但是水仙花还是没有开花,这时候就要考虑球茎的质量问题了。
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
[图片]很多人对空气凤梨可能并不陌生,这货经常会出现在花店和室内造景的图片中。空气凤梨是指凤梨科Tillandsia属下近550个品种+103个变种,和我们常吃的菠萝是同科不同属的亲戚。实际上这个数字并不准确,因为每年都有很多新品种被发现,很多杂交种、园艺种产生。空凤原产地主要分布于中、南美洲还有美国南部,最大的特点是不需要栽培在泥土里面,可以直接“种”在空气中,养在室内可以养的很干净,也不需要很频繁的打理。 [图片]一、容器 既然不用依附于土壤,那自然选什么容器就看大家自己的兴趣了,许多人为了美观会采用贝壳、石头、树桩等,反正只要你能想到的容器都可以拿来用,只要能固定上去就行。 二、固定 刚说到固定,那么应该怎么去固定它呢?空气凤梨的根系不是养分运输的工具而是起到固定作用,也可以理解为人的“脚”,但我们在定植初期需要辅助固定。可以选择铁丝,绳索绑扎,或者用胶、热熔胶将其粘在容器上。或者是吊挂的方式栽培,用铜丝绳索将其绑扎后吊在空中。 三、温度 空气凤梨能耐0℃的低温和40℃的高温,大多数品种低于5℃会受冻,低于0℃植株死亡,生长最适宜的温度为15~30℃,当温度高于25℃时,要加强通风,增加空气湿度。夏季注意喷水,加湿降温。 四、水分 既然没有依附在土壤上,根系又不是养分的运输工具,那么水分应该怎么获取呢?养过花的人很容易就能想到了,那就是——喷水。空气凤梨的喷水方法,每周用喷壶喷水2-3次,天气较干旱时,可每天喷洒一次。喷水时以喷至叶面全湿即可,不过要注意叶心不要积水,若喷水过多,可倒转植株让多余的水分流出。 五、光照 空气凤梨叶片颜色较灰,白色鳞片较多和较厚硬的品种需要较强的光照;而叶片较绿,鳞片较少和较软的品种较耐荫。养护中可根据品种适当光照,最简单的方法是,将植株放在室内光线明亮处,若生长浇瘦弱的就及时补光就好啦。 六、施肥 又是一样的问题,没有了土壤,我们要怎么给它施肥呢?最简单的办法就是将植株浸入3000-5000倍的肥液中1-2小时,然后取出,每周一次即可。冬季停止施肥。 以上就是为大家带来的有关空气凤梨养殖方法的介绍,看完了之后是不是觉得,有些颠覆传统的种植概念呢?其实说是颠覆,其实是我们对这种植物不太了解罢了,其实对比起来空气凤梨的养护要比其它植物都容易很多呢,最直接的就是,再也不用担心不会配土而导致植物死亡了。
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@热望如鲸歌_ 想要了解什么植物的知识随时来这里
Miss Chen
Miss Chen
[图片]菖蒲先百草于寒冬刚尽时觉醒,因而得名。菖蒲“不假日色,不资寸土”、“耐苦寒,安淡泊”,生野外则生机盎然,富有而滋润,着厅堂则亭亭玉立,飘逸而俊秀,自古以来就深得人们的喜爱。 先民崇拜该草类,把菖蒲当作神草。《本草·菖蒲》载曰:“典术云:尧时天降精于庭为韭,感百阴之气为菖蒲,故曰:尧韭。方士隐为水剑,因叶形也”。 人们在崇拜的同时,还赋予菖蒲以人格化,把农历4月14日定为菖蒲的生日,“四月十四,菖蒲生日,修剪根叶,积海水以滋养之,则青翠易生,尤堪清目。”正由于菖蒲神性,加之具有较高的观赏价值,数千年来,一直是中国观赏植物和盆景植物中重要的一种。 [图片]一、移入室内 菖蒲对寒冷的适应能力不弱,但是也不是每个地方的冬天都能适应,在北方,即使它的抗寒能力再好,毕竟环境太过寒冷,所以必须放在室内。这样菖蒲就不会冻伤啦。才能安然的度过整个寒冬。 二、修剪枯叶 菖蒲的老叶在冬天很容易开始枯黄,如果不及时修剪,很容易导致叶子腐烂。这时不能着急,不要用手去拔叶子,要把叶子剪掉,这样就不会伤害到菖蒲的根部。也不会影响周围叶子的增长。 三、光照 这是你要知道一点即使是爱凉爽的植物,也不能长时间没有光照,遇到稍微暖和的天气,也可把菖蒲放在室外吸取阳光。及时没有合适的天气,也要适时的放在比较亮的地方。 四、水分 菖蒲不喜欢干燥的环境,一点发现土有点干,就要适量的浇水,此时盆内也不能存水,否则根部就不能好好的呼吸。 菖蒲是一种适应性很强的植物,同时又有驱蚊虫、观赏、抗污染和药用的功效,一草多用,放在家中还能散发出香气,经常摆一盆放在身边,整个人的生活状态也会越来越好。
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Description: This perennial wildflower is 1-2½' tall and usually unbranched, except toward the apex where the flowers occur. Often a cluster of leafy stems originate from the same taproot. The rather stout stems are light green, very hairy, and either terete or shallowly grooved. Along each stem, there are 12 or more alternate leaves that are ascending to widely spreading. Individual leaves are 1½-3" long, ¼-¾" across, pale green to dark green, and sessile; they are narrowly lanceolate to lanceolate with margins that are toothless and ciliate. Both the upper and lower surfaces of the leaves are hairy. The upper stems terminate in curved racemes of flowers, forming together a flat-headed cluster of flowers. Each flower is about ¾" across, consisting of a yellow to orange-yellow corolla with 5 large rounded lobes, a green hairy calyx with 5 linear-lanceolate teeth, 5 inserted stamens, and a pistil with an inserted style. The tubular corolla has a narrow throat with widely spreading lobes; it is minutely hairy just below the opening of the throat. On some plants, the flowers have long stamens and short styles, while the flowers of other plants have short stamens and long styles. The blooming period occurs from late spring to mid-summer, lasting about 4 weeks. There is no noticeable floral scent. Afterwards, each flower is replaced by 4 shiny white nutlets (or sometimes fewer) that are visible from above. They are distributed by gravity and usually remain near the mother plant. The root system consists of a short stout taproot that is red to reddish purple. This wildflower reproduces by reseeding itself. Cultivation: The preference is full or partial sun, dry-mesic to dry conditions, and sandy soil. Because the nutlets are difficult to germinate and transplants often fail, this wildflower is not widely available from nurseries, and as a result it is rarely cultivated. [图片]Range & Habitat: The native Hairy Puccoon is occasional in sandy areas of central and northern Illinois, while in the rest of the state it is rare or absent (see Distribution Map). Habitats include open sandy woodlands, sandy savannas, upland sand prairies, sandy hill prairies, sand dunes along Lake Michigan, and sandy embankments along roads and railroads. Occasional disturbance from wildfires and other sources is beneficial if it reduces competition from woody vegetation. Faunal Associations: The showy flowers are cross-pollinated by such butterflies and skippers as Lycaeides melissa samuelis (Karner Blue) and Poanes hobomok (Hobomok Skipper). The larvae of a long-horned beetle, Hemierana marginata ardens, feed on native Lithospermum spp. (puccoons), probably by boring through the stems or roots. The adults of this beetle mimic fireflies (Lampyridae), probably because of the latter's unpalatability to birds and other predators. The caterpillars of Ethmia longimaculella (Streaked Ethmia Moth) and Ethmia fuscipedella (Gray Ethmia Moth) are known to feed on native puccoons as well. The latter moth is also referred to as Ethmia monticola fuscipedella. White-Tailed Deer occasionally browse on Hairy Puccoon. [图片]Photographic Location: A sandy savanna at the Oak Openings Nature Preserve in NW Ohio, and a stabilized sand dune with scattered oak trees at the Indiana Dunes State Park in NW Indiana. Comments: The flowers of this wildflower are very showy and brilliantly colored – they can be seen from a considerable distance. Hairy Puccoon is one of three native puccoons (Lithospermum spp.) in Illinois. It can be distinguished from Hoary Puccoon (Lithospermum canescens) by its larger flowers, rough hairs on its foliage, and somewhat greater height. Hoary Puccoon has an abundance of hairs on its foliage, but they have a softer texture. The remaining native species, Fringed Puccoon (Lithospermum incisum), has flowers with fringed lobes, rather than rounded lobes. This latter species also has more narrow leaves. There are some Lithospermum spp. from Eurasia in Illinois, but none of them have the showy yellow to orange-yellow flowers of the native puccoons. Sometimes the scientific name of Hairy Puccoon is spelled Lithospermum carolinense. The specimens of Hairy Puccoon in Illinois (and Ohio) are considered examples of a northern variety of this species, Lithospermum caroliniense croceum. Some authors (e.g., Mohlenbrock, 2014) prefer to treat this variety as a distinct species, Lithospermum croceum, but this viewpoint is not widely accepted at the present time.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Description: This perennial plant is about ½-1½' tall, sending up one or more leafy stems from the same root system. These stems are erect to ascending; they are unbranched below, while branching occasionally above. Individual stems are light green, terete, and hairy; these hairs are white and spreading. Alternate leaves occur along the entire length of each stem, differing little in size. These leaves are 1–1¾" long and ¼–½" across with prominent central veins; they are oblong or elliptic in shape, while their margins are entire (toothless) and ciliate. The leaf bases are sessile, while the leaf tips are bluntly acute to rounded. The upper leaf surfaces are medium to dark green and sparsely to moderately covered with short appressed hairs. The lower leaf surfaces are light to medium green and sparsely to densely pubescent; hairs are usually more common along the lower side of their central veins. The white hairs and pubescence of this plant provide it with a slightly hoary appearance, hence the common name. The upper stems terminate in showy clusters of flowers. Initially these flowers are arranged along short curled racemes, but somewhat later these racemes become longer and more erect. Each flower spans about ½" across, consisting of a bright yellow to orange-yellow corolla with 5 lobes, a light green calyx with 5 long teeth, 5 stamens, and a 4-chambered pistil with a single style. The lobes of the corolla are rounded and spreading, while the base of the corolla is narrowly tubular and slightly funnelform. Both the calyx and its teeth are hairy; the teeth are linear-lanceolate in shape and up to ¼" long. The reproductive organs of this plant are heterostylous: some flowers have long styles and stamens with short filaments, while other flowers have short styles and stamens with long filaments. The pedicels of the flowers are very short (less than 3 mm. long). The blooming period occurs from mid-spring to early summer, lasting about 1 month for a colony of plants. Afterwards, the flowers are replaced by nutlets (4 nutlets per flower). Mature nutlets are 2-3 mm. long and ovoid in shape with pointed tips; their surfaces are hard, white, smooth, and shiny. The root system consists of a taproot. This plant reproduces by reseeding itself. [图片]Cultivation: The preference is full sun, mesic to dry conditions, and soil containing loam, rocky material, or sand. The seeds of Hoary Puccoon are notoriously difficult to germinate, and its root system (consisting of a taproot) is not readily divided. As a result, this plant is rarely cultivated. This is a pity, because the flowers are very showy. Range & Habitat: The native Hoary Puccoon occurs throughout Illinois, except in some SE areas of the state (see Distribution Map). This conservative plant is occasional in high quality natural areas (primarily upland prairies and savannas), otherwise it is rare or absent. Habitats include black soil prairies, sand prairies, hill prairies, upland savannas, sandy Black Oak savannas, and limestone glades. This is the most common and widely distributed species of its genus in Illinois. [图片]Faunal Associations: The flowers attract bumblebees, digger bees (Synhalonia spp.), cuckoo bees (Nomada spp.), mason bees (Osmia spp.), bee flies (Bombylius spp.), butterflies (Vanessa spp., Papilio spp.), skippers (Erynnis spp.), and other insects (Robertson, 1929; Reed, 1993; Macior, 1967). The larvae of a long-horned beetle, Hemierana marginata ardens, feeds on Lithospermum spp., probably by boring through the stems and/or roots (Yanega, 1996). Because the foliage of Hoary Puccoon contains pyrrolizidine alkaloids, it can be considered more or less toxic to many herbivores (e.g., insects and mammals). There is some evidence, however, that this plant becomes relatively more abundant when White-tailed Deer and other mammalian herbivores are excluded from its proximity by fences (Ritchie et al., 1998). This implies that the foliage of Hoary Puccoon is probably grazed by White-tailed Deer and possibly other mammalian herbivores, notwithstanding its known toxicity. [图片]Photographic Location: The photographs were taken at Loda Cemetery Prairie in Iroquois County, Illinois, and a hill prairie in McLean County, Illinois. Comments: Because Hoary Puccoon (Lithospermum canescens) begins to bloom during the spring when other ground vegetation is relatively low, the brightly colored flowers can be seen from a distance. The word 'puccoon' means that this plant was the source of a dye at one time – a reddish color that was used by Amerindians for pottery, basketry, and personal ornament in various ceremonies. Hoary Puccoon is one of three native puccoon species (Lithospermum spp.) in Illinois that have flowers with bright yellow or yellow-orange corollas. Unlike Fringed Puccoon (Lithospermum incisum), the corolla lobes of Hoary Puccoon are smooth, rather than fringed, and it has wider leaves (exceeding ¼" across). Compared to Hairy Puccoon (Lithospermum croceum), Hoary Puccoon is a smaller plant with smaller flowers – it also blooms earlier in the year. Unlike the preceding two species, the corollas of Hoary Puccoon are sometimes yellow-orange, rather than yellow.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Description: This annual herbaceous plant is ½–2' tall. It is usually unbranched below, becoming branched above, especially where the inflorescence occurs. The central stem and any lateral stems are light to medium green, terete, shallowly furrowed, and minutely hairy along the narrow ridges between the furrows. Toward the bottom of the central stem there are usually pairs of opposite leaves, while the central stem and any lateral stems have alternate leaves above. Relative to the orientation of the central stem and any lateral stems, the blades of these leaves are ascending to erect. In addition, the leaves are ¼–1" (6-25 mm.) long and 1-3 mm. (equal to or less than 1/8" across) wide; they are linear or linear-oblong in shape, toothless along their margins, and sessile. At the base of most leaves, there is a pair of glands that resemble a pair of tiny brown dots. The upper and lower surfaces of the leaves are light to medium green and hairless; sometimes they are also glaucous, especially on their lower surface. The central stem and any lateral stems terminate in panicles of flowers with ascending primary and secondary branches. These branches are similar to the stems, except they are sometimes more angular. The pedicels of the flowers are 1-5 mm. long and similar to the branches of the inflorescence, except they are shorter and more slender. Where the branches and pedicels diverge, there are often scale-like bracts up to 5 mm. long that are green and lanceolate in shape with hair-like teeth along their margins. Individual flowers occur at the tips of the pedicels; usually only one or a few flowers bloom at the same time. Each flower is about ½" (13 mm.) across and ½" (13 mm.) long, consisting of 5 yellow petals, 5 green sepals, 5 stamens with yellow anthers, and an ovary with 5 styles that are joined together below. The petals are oblanceolate or obovate in shape with several fine translucent veins that originate from the throat of the flower; the petals are strongly ascending below and widely spreading above when they are fully open. The sepals are lanceolate in shape with hair-like glandular teeth along their margins; each sepal has a pale green longitudinal band in the middle and narrow pale green margins, otherwise it is medium green. The sepals are about one-third as long as the petals. The blooming period occurs during the summer for 1-2 months. Each flower remains in bloom for a single day, after which the petals fall off. The flowers are replaced by ovoid-globoid seed capsules that become dark brown at maturity; these capsules are surrounded by the persistant sepals. Individuals capsules split open later in the year into 10 sections to release their seeds (there is a single seed per section). The seeds are about 1.5–2 mm. long, reddish brown, ellipsoid in shape, and somewhat flattened. The root system consists of a slender taproot with secondary fibrous roots. This plant spreads by reseeding itself. [图片]Cultivation: The preference is full sun, dry conditions, and a barren soil containing gravelly clay or sand. Plants that are spoiled with fertile soil and too much water may topple over as they mature. Range & Habitat: In Illinois, the native Grooved Yellow Flax (Linum sulcatum) occurs primarily in northern and western Illinois, where it is uncommon, while in the rest of the state it is rare or absent (see Distribution Map). This plant occurs primarily in the Midwestern area of the United States, although widely scattered populations also occur further to the east and southeast. Habitats include gravel hill prairies, gravel prairies, gravelly slopes along rivers, loess hill prairies, sandy hill prairies, upland sand prairies, and limestone glades. Depending on the time of year, occasional wildfires can be beneficial in maintaining populations of this species. Grooved Yellow Flax occurs in high quality natural areas. [图片]Faunal Associations: The flowers attract bumblebees, long-horned bees (Melissodes spp.), and metallic wood-boring beetles (Acmaeodera spp.); see Smith et al. (2012) and MacRae (1991) for more information. These insects probably feed on nectar and/or pollen. Like many other Flax species (Linum spp.), the foliage and seeds of Grooved Yellow Flax (Linum sulcatum) contain toxic cyanogenic compounds that deter their consumption by herbivores. Sheep are thought to be especially susceptible to these toxic compounds (Ninnescah Life, 2017). Photographic Location: A gravel hill prairie at Lake in the Hills Fen Nature Preserve in McHenry County, Illinois. [图片]Comments: Grooved Yellow Flax (Linum sulcatum) is the only native Flax (Linum) in Illinois that is an annual; other species are perennials. Unlike the blue-flowered Flax species that are not native to the state, all of the native Flax species have yellow flowers and they are similar in appearance. Grooved Yellow Flax can be distinguished by the pair of glandular brown dots that appear at the base of most leaves; other native species of Flax lack them. Similarly, the stems of this species have shallow longitudinal grooves that are separated by narrow ridges with minute whitish hairs; other native Flax species have simple terete stems. In addition, the sepals of the flowers of Grooved Yellow Flax have hair-like glandular teeth along their margins, while the sepals of other native species of Flax are toothless. The sepals of Grooved Yellow Flax also persist around the seed capsules, even when the latter are mature. In contrast, the sepals of other native Flax species fall from the flowers before their seed capsules become mature. Grooved Yellow Flax also prefers dry barren habitats, such as gravel hill prairies and sandy hill prairies, to a greater extent than other native Flax species.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Description: This is a herbaceous perennial plant that becomes ¾–2¼' tall at maturity, sending up one or more unbranched stems from the root system. The stems are light green to bluish green, terete, and glabrous; sometimes they have fine decurrent ridges that descend from the sessile leaves. The lowest leaves along these stems are usually opposite, otherwise they are all alternate; their blades are ascending to nearly erect. The leaf blades are up to 1" (2.5 cm) long and 3.5 mm. across; they are narrowly elliptic in shape with entire margins. Both the upper and lower surfaces of the leaf blades are light green to bluish green and glabrous. Only the central vein of each leaf is prominent. Each stem terminates in several elongated racemes of flowers that are erect to ascending. Each flower spans about 8 mm. (1/3") across, consisting of 5 yellow petals, 5 light green to bluish green sepals, 5 stamens, and a pistil. The petals are obovate and sometimes shallowly notched or wrinkled; the sepals are lanceolate and about one-half of the length of the petals. The inner sepals have stalked glands along their margins, while the outer sepals lack such glands. The pedicels of the flowers are up to 6 mm. (¼") long. [图片]The blooming period occurs from mid-summer to early autumn, lasting about 1 month. Individual flowers are diurnal and short-lived. Afterwards, the flowers are replaced by small seed capsules about 2 mm. across; these capsules are subgloboid in shape and a little shorter than the sepals. At maturity, the capsules split open into 10 segments to release numerous tiny seeds. These seeds are small enough to be blown about by the wind. The root system consists of a small crown of shallow fibrous roots. Cultivation: The preference is full sun, moist to mesic conditions, and soil containing calcareous sand, rocky material, or heavy clay-loam. This plant doesn't tolerated much competition from other ground vegetation, especially other broad-leaved plants (dicots). Depending on the local ecotype, the winter-hardiness and environmental preferences of this plant can vary significantly. Stem & Alternate LeavesRange & Habitat: Stiff Yellow Flax is occasional along Lake Michigan in NE Illinois, uncommon in the southern half of Illinois, and rare or absent elsewhere within the state (see Distribution Map). It is native to Illinois and widely distributed in the eastern United States. Illinois lies along the NW range-limit of this species. Habitats include rocky upland woodlands, rocky glades, upland savannas, moist to dry sand prairies, borders of sandy ponds, moist sand flats (pannes) along Lake Michigan, borders of interdunal swales along Lake Michigan, and abandoned sand or gravel pits that have been excavated close to the surface of ground water. Stiff Yellow Flax is usually found in high quality natural areas. Faunal Associations: Very little is known about the floral-faunal relationships of Stiff Yellow Flax (Linum medium texanum) and other native yellow-flowered flaxes (Linum spp.). The flowers of a closely related species (Linum sulcatum) were visited by bees and beetles (Smith et al., 2012; MacRae, 1991). The caterpillars of a polyphagous moth, Xestia c-nigrum (Lesser Black-letter Dart), use flax species as host plants (Wikipedia, 2015). During the winter, a small songbird, Ammodramus henslowii (Henslow's Sparrow), eats the seeds of Stiff Yellow Flax to a minor extent in Louisiana (DiMiceli, 2006). It is possible that other granivorous songbirds eat the seeds or seed capsules of this plant during autumn migration in Illinois. Photographic Location: A moist sand flat (panne) near Lake Michigan in NE Illinois. Comments: This is one of several yellow-flowered flax species (Linum spp.) that are native to Illinois and surrounding states. As a group, these species are not well-known and they are rarely cultivated. Their flowers are smaller in size and less showy than the often-cultivated Linum perenne lewisii (Wild Blue Flax). The typical variety of Stiff Yellow Flax, Linum medium medium, is found primarily in Ontario and it is quite rare. It differs from Linum medium texanum by its wider leaves (3.5–6 mm. across), and its seed capsules divide into 5 segments, rather than 10 segments. In regards to their chromosomes, Linum medium texanum is diploid, while Linum medium medium is tetraploid. The other species of yellow-flowered flax are very similar to Stiff Yellow Flax in appearance. One species, Linum sulcatum (Grooved Yellow Flax), is a herbaceous annual that has pairs of dark glands at the bases of its leaves, its leaves are more slender (linear-elliptic) in shape, and its stems sometimes branch underneath their inflorescences. Another species, Linum striatum (Ridged Yellow Flax), differs from Stiff Yellow Flax by having mostly opposite leaves, rather than alternate leaves. A third species, Linum virginianum (Woodland Yellow Flax), lacks stalked glands on its inner sepals, and the decurrent ridges along each stem that extend from its leaves are weaker and shorter.
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