Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Description: This perennial herbaceous plant is ¾–2½' tall and unbranched. The erect central stem is variably colored (light green, light reddish green, or light whitish yellow), terete, glabrous, and often glaucous. Along the entire length of this stem, except at the apex, there are numerous alternate leaves with strongly ascending blades. The sessile leaf blades are 1½–3" long, less than ½" across, linear-elliptic in shape, and entire along their margins; their lower/outer surface is olive green and glabrous, while their upper/inner surface is medium green and glabrous. Each leaf blade has several conspicuous parallel veins. At the apex of the stem, there is typically a single whorl of 3-6 leaves. The blades of these whorled leaves are simlar in size and shape to the alternate leaves; they are ascending. Some plants may have more than one whorl of leaves, but this is unusual. The central stem terminates in 1-3 (rarely 4-5) flowers on stout pedicels. The erect to ascending pedicels are 2-6" long, medium green, terete, glabrous, and sometimes glaucous. Individual flowers are 2-3" long and similarly across. Each flower consists of 6 orange to reddish tepals, 6 stamens with orange to reddish filaments, an orange to reddish style with a swollen stigma, and a green ovary. The ascending tepals are narrowly clawed below and lanceolate to ovate above; they are slightly incurved below and slightly recurved above. A little above their clawed bases, the tepals are more yellowish and they have conspicuous purplish brown dots. Both stamens and style are slightly exserted; the stamens surround the style in the center of the flower. The blooming period occurs from early to mid-summer, lasting about 3-5 weeks. Afterwards, fertile flowers are replaced by oblongoid seed capsules that are 1½–2¾" long. Each seed capsule has 3 cells, and each cell has 2 columns of flattened seeds. The root system consists of a scaly corm that occasionally forms clonal offsets; the bottom of the corm develops shallow fibrous roots. Cultivation: The preference is full or partial sun, moist to mesic conditions, and soil containing loam or sandy loam. This plant develops slowly. [图片]Range & Habitat: The native Prairie Lily is uncommon in northern Illinois, while in the rest of the state it is rare or absent (see Distribution Map). Populations of this plant have been declining, or they have been extirpated, in some areas. Habitats include thinly wooded bluffs, moist to mesic black soil prairies, moist to mesic sand prairies, grassy meadows, and powerline clearances through natural areas. Prairie Lily is normally found in high quality natural areas. Occasional disturbance that involves removal of woody vegetation is probably beneficial in maintaining populations of this plant. Because of the showy flowers, it is vulnerable to poaching, like many orchids. Faunal Associations: The flowers are cross-pollinated primarily by large butterflies, including swallowtail butterflies (Papilionidae), the Monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus), and Great Spangled Fritillary (Speyeria cybele). Other floral visitors include the Ruby-throated Hummingbird, hummingbird moths (Hemaris spp.), and Halictid bees. Most of these floral visitors suck nectar from the flowers, although the Halictid bees collect pollen (see Graenicher, 1907; Edwards & Jordan, 1992). Other insects feed destructively on Prairie Lily (Lilium philadelphicum andinum) and other closely related lilies (Lilium spp.). These insects include the introduced Lily Leaf Beetle (Lilioceris lilii), Crescent-marked Lily Aphid (Aulacorthum circumflexum), Purple-spotted Lily Aphid (Macrosiphum lilii), and larvae of the Golden Borer Moth (Papaipema cerina), Burdock Borer Moth (Papaipema cataphracta), and Stalk Borer Moth (Papaipema nebris); see Clark et al. (2004), Cranshaw (2006), Pepper (1965), Panzer et al. (2006), and Natural History Museum (2010). The larvae of these latter moths bore through the stems and corms of lilies. Mammalian herbivores readily consume the foliage of Prairie Lily and other closely related lilies, especially the White-tailed Deer. The corms are also eaten sometimes by voles. [图片]Photographic Location: A powerline clearance and moist sandy meadows at a state park in NE Illinois. Comments: The flowers of this plant can be remarkably large, considering its size. This is arguably one of the most beautiful wildflowers in Illinois. Other native lilies (Lilium spp.) in Illinois are taller plants with whorled leaves and drooping flowers; only the flowers of Prairie Lily (Lilium philadelphicum andinum) remain erect. One reason why this plant has erect flowers is that the anthers can close their pores temporarily in response to rain, thereby protecting the pollen (Edwards & Jordan, 1992). This is a highly unusual characteristic. The typical variety of this plant is the more eastern Wood Lily (Lilium philadelphicum philadelphicum), which is not found in Illinois. The Wood Lily differs from the Prairie Lily in being a slightly taller plant that has mostly whorled leaves, its leaves are usually wider (often exceeding ½" across), and its seed capsules are slightly shorter. In the past, the Prairie Lily was sometimes classified as a distinct species, or Lilium umbellatum. Other common names for this plant are Western Lily and Wood Lily. Outside of Illinois, there are yellow-flowered forms of this species.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
[图片]松红梅可提取精油,具有抗病毒、抗霉菌等强力杀菌功能,可用于治疗各种呼吸道疾病,因其气味芬芳,在国外常用于芳香疗法,治疗各种疾病。 [图片]一、松红梅的生长习性 松红梅原产于澳大利亚、新西兰等地,因而不耐寒,在我国北方只能盆栽种植,冬季就需要移到室内,南方地区可以采用露地栽培的方式种植在室外庭院中,冬季遇到寒流采取一定的保暖措施即可。 二、松红梅的养殖方法 1.土壤 松红梅对土壤的要求并不严格,但是在富含腐殖质、疏松肥沃、排水良好的微酸性土壤中生长态势最好。 2.浇水 松红梅喜欢湿润的环境,也能耐干旱。平时养护只要保持土壤湿润即可,雨季的时候注意排水,避免土壤积水。 3.温度 松红梅喜欢凉爽湿润、阳光充足的环境,适宜的生长温度为18℃—25℃,冬季要保持-1℃以上的温度。 4.施肥 在松红梅的生长期内每1至2个月施一次腐熟的稀薄液肥。 5.光照 松红梅怕高温和烈日暴晒,所以除了夏季需要放在遮阴棚、树荫下或者阴凉通风处养护以外,其他季节应该给予充足的阳光。 三、松红梅养殖的注意事项 1.冬季养护方法 松红梅原产在澳洲,主要是热带、亚热带地区,因而不耐寒,在冬季需要特别养护。浇水时要控制浇水的次数,保持土壤微湿即可,不能太过潮湿。同时在冬季也要主要保温,可以种植在建筑物南侧,同时地形选择上以高坡、高台排水畅通的场地为宜,忌洼地,北方冬季最好选择室内盆栽养护。 2.控制土壤PH值 当土壤碱性偏大时应用5%硫酸亚铁溶液改良,以pH值在6.5—7.0为宜。 3.修剪 每年在花后进行一次细致修剪,以达到矮化树冠、保持树形美观的目的,并且还能促使植株萌发新的开花枝。 修剪时需要注意,除一些影响株型的枝条可完全剪掉外,其他枝条不可全部剪去,一般剪去一半或三分之二即可。 以上就是为大家带来的有关松红梅的养殖方法和注意事项,松红梅的花期在元旦和春节之间,加之花朵颜色以鲜艳为主,如果养护得当在春节期间盛放,就能为节日增添不少的喜庆色彩。
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
[图片]松红梅的盛花期在元旦、春节之间,可作为年宵花陈列于室内,能为节日增加喜庆欢乐的气氛。除盆栽外,松红梅还可用作庭院灌木、切花花材。 [图片]一、灼伤 在养殖松红梅的时候,出现叶子干枯的原因可能是因为夏季的时候高温导致叶子被灼伤。松红梅是喜欢光照的植物, 在养殖的时候它需要有充足的阳光,不过在夏季的时候,光照强烈再加上长时间的高温,会导致松红梅 出现叶子灼伤和失水,使其干枯变黄。 在夏季的时候养殖松红梅的时候,最好可以使其接触到充足的散射光线,即使是在烈日下也最好可以及时的进行遮阴。 二、缺水 在养殖松红梅的时候,如果缺水的话就会导致松红梅的盆土干燥,此时就容易使其出现枯叶的现象。 在养殖松红梅的时候,应该保持松红梅的土壤湿润,不能过于干燥,即使是在夏季高温的时候,也要保持一定的空气湿度,可以及时的向松红梅的植株进行喷水,这样可以增加空气湿度,还可以起到降温的效果。注意松红梅浇水的原则是盆土见干再浇水,浇水要浇透。 三、施肥过量 在养殖松红梅的时候,导致叶子干枯的另外一种原因就是施肥施太多了,这样所产生的一个后果就是烧根,烧根就会导致松红梅出现叶子发黄干枯的现象。在养殖松红梅的时候应该适当的进行施肥,生长期内可以每一个月施一次腐熟的稀薄的液肥。 以上就是为大家介绍的有关松红梅叶子干枯的处理办法,希望能对大家有所帮助。如果您家里的松红梅恰好出现了叶片干枯的情况,可以先根据本文找到致使叶片干枯的原因,然后再对照相应的办法处理,可千万别盲目的采取措施哟!
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
[图片]白鹃梅姿态秀美,春日开花,满树雪白,如雪似梅,是美丽的观赏树,果形奇异,适应性广。宜在草地、林缘、路边及假山岩石间配植,在常绿树丛边缘群植,宛若层林点雪,饶有雅趣。在林间或建筑物附近散植也极适宜,其老树古桩,又是制作树桩盆景的优良素材。 [图片]一、白鹃梅的生长习性 在介绍养殖方法之前,我们还是照样来认识一下白鹃梅的生长习性。白鹃梅喜光照,也比较耐半荫,耐干旱同时也有一定的耐寒性,对于土壤的要求也不是很高,多生长于海拔较低的山坡阴地,下面我们来具体看一看它的养殖方法吧。 二、白鹃梅的养殖方法 1.盆土选择 白鹃梅可以露地养殖,也可以盆栽用作盆景观赏,盆栽需要根据植株的生长选择大小合适的花盆,然后填上土壤,先在花盆的底部放上一些碎瓦片做滤水层,然后在滤水层上面填上混合好的基质,可以选择园土、粗沙、炉渣或者是腐叶土进行混合,在土壤当中加入一些腐熟的有机肥做基肥。 2.光照和温度 白鹃梅喜欢光照,可以耐半阴,适应性较强,可以耐寒。白鹃梅生长的适宜温度是在16℃——28℃之间,注意夏季不要太过闷热。光照要适中,保证白鹃梅的生长有足够的光照,但是要注意,避免强烈的阳光直射,可以人工调节光照的强度。 3.浇水和施肥 白鹃梅生长比较旺盛,花繁叶茂,十分美丽,这就需要做好水肥管理。在白鹃梅的养殖过程中,水肥的消耗较大,需要适当的浇水,保持湿润,避免土壤过于干旱,基本上在生长期间,需要每个月浇水一到两次。施肥需要保证养分充足,根据白鹃梅的生长所需在进行调节。例如在开花前可以施一些磷钾肥,正在过冬的时候可以施一些肥保证过冬。 三、白鹃梅的养殖注意事项 1.繁殖 繁殖白鹃梅,可以进行播种,也可以扦插繁殖和压条繁殖。播种繁殖主要是秋播,扦插和压条都需要选择合适的枝条。 2.修剪 白鹃梅是木本植物,枝繁叶茂,适当的修剪对白鹃梅的生长一定的好处。修剪在白鹃梅生长的芽化期间较好,对树形影响较小。修剪时注意修剪过密枝,过长枝以及枯枝、病枝,在开花后需要修剪残花。 3.病虫害 白鹃梅主要的病害是白粉病,煤污病和褐斑病,虫害主要是蚜虫、介壳虫、红蜘蛛和大蓑蛾、黄刺蛾等。当白鹃梅爆发了病虫害,需要及时的采取措施进行防治。 以上就是为大家带来的白鹃梅的养殖方法,可以看到白鹃梅对环境的适应性还是不错的,基本上在我国大部分地区都能正常生长,家中有庭院的朋友可以在庭院当中种上一棵,想必也一定会非常美观的。
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
[图片]卡特兰花形、花色千姿百态,绚丽夺目,常出现在喜庆、宴会上、用于插花观赏。如用卡特三、蝴蝶兰为主材,配以文心兰、玉竹、文竹瓶插,鲜艳雅致,有较强节奏惑。若以卡特兰为主花,配上红掌丝、石竹、多孔龟背竹、熊草,则显轻盈活泼。而且花期长,一朵花可开放1个月左右;切花水养可欣赏10~14天。 卡特兰与石斛、蝴蝶兰、万带兰并列为观赏价值最高的四大观赏兰类,在新娘捧花中更是少不了它的倩影。 卡特兰花形、花色千姿百态,绚丽夺目,常出现在喜庆、宴会上、用于插花观赏。如用卡特兰、蝴蝶兰为主材,配以文心兰玉竹文竹瓶插,鲜艳雅致,有较强节奏惑。若以卡特兰为主花,配上红掌丝石竹多孔龟背竹熊草,则显轻盈活泼。 卡特兰是最受人们喜爱的附生性兰花。花大色艳,花容奇特而美丽,花色变化丰富,极其富丽堂皇,有“兰花皇后"的誉称。 [图片]一、卡特兰生长习性 由于卡特兰原产自热带和亚热带地区,因而比较适合温暖湿润的环境,光照要充足。卡特兰耐干旱、忌盐碱、怕积水、不耐寒、不宜阳光直射、干风吹。可以选择在通风良好,空气湿度高,同时富含腐殖质的酸性土壤中养殖。 二、卡特兰的养殖方法 1.温度 卡特兰适宜的生长温度在20-30℃,到了来年3月份改为12-24℃,白天以25-30℃为合适 ,半夜最好为15-20℃。日差5-10℃为最好,为了不让其进入半休眠状态,冬季应当使棚室的温度达到10℃以上。温度低于12℃,需尽早将其搬入室内。夏季超过了35℃,便要为其创造一个清爽的环境了,这样便能使其保持一个旺盛的长势,避免茎叶腐烂。 2.光照 卡特兰适合生长在半阴的环境中。光线过强假球茎易被灼伤,诱发其他病害。除冬季外的其他季节,应当遮光50-60%。冬季不需要遮光,可放置于窗前,稍微照射一下阳光。 3.水分 卡特兰具有较高的空气湿度。生长季节水分要充足,但是不可浇水过多,尤其是在冬季时分,其植株处在半休眠的状态,便要控制好浇水。否则容易导致其烂根以及枯死。 4.植料 生长旺盛的卡特兰植株,需要每隔1-2年更换一次植料,最好是在春芽刚生时或者花谢后,进行分株换盆。 5.肥料 卡特兰所需肥料相对较少,所需肥料需充分腐熟。当气温超过32℃或者低于15摄氏度时,要停止施肥,在其花期以及休眠期间,也应该停止施肥,以免伤害根茎。 以上就是为大家带来的有关卡特兰的养殖方法,看到如此曼丽的花,您心里有没有心动呢?卡特兰作为兰之王后,确实有它独特的高雅之处,如果家中用这种花来装点,会显得十分富丽堂皇。
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
[图片]光叶子花苞片大,色彩鲜艳如花,且持续时间长,宜庭园种植或盆栽观赏。还可作盆景、绿篱及修剪造型。观赏价值很高。 在巴西,妇女常用来插在头上作装饰,别具一格。欧美常用作切花。我国南方栽植于庭院、公园,北方栽培于温室,是美丽的观赏植物。 [图片]一、光叶子花的生长习性 光叶子花原产于巴西,生长环境以热带气候为主,因此光叶子花喜欢充足的光照和温暖的环境。虽然光叶子花的名字当中有“梅”,但它并不像我国的梅花那样耐寒,相反这是一种不怎么耐寒的植物,在冬季温度降低到一定程度上时会出现休眠状态。 二、光叶子花冬季养护管理办法 1.浇水 因为这种植物是比较惧怕寒冷的,它所能忍耐的最低温度只有8度,所以为了让这种植物顺利的度过寒冷的冬天,浇水就不能过多。冬季一般是要将其放于温度较高的地方养殖的,如果这个时候一如既往的保持正常的浇水量,那么这种植物就会因为较高的温度跟比较合适的水分而繁盛生长,在这种情况下,它本身的耐寒的能力就会越发下降,对其生长是非常不好的。最后要值得注意的就是,如果真的需要浇水,最好是要浇温水。 2.施肥 这种植物由于其抗寒能力特别弱,所以在冬天最好选择冬眠来帮助其顺利度过冬天。如果在这个时候施肥就会促进它生长,从而降低其御寒的能力,所以在冬天,应该停止给它施加任何的肥料。 3.日常管理 在我国大部分地区,冬季养殖光叶子花时都需要把光叶子花移入室内养殖,如果室内没有暖气温度偏低的话,最好就把光叶子花移入大棚养殖。由于室内和大棚都可以称得上是封闭环境,因此在冬季光照强烈的时间要给光叶子花通风。冬季处于休眠状态的光叶子花更加适合它的生长,因此如果温度比较高的时候还可以适当进行降温处理。 4.温暖区移入移出时间 由于我国南北气候差异较大,因此在我国养殖光叶子花时,南北方的养护方法也有不同,比如移入大棚或室内的时间,在我国南方地区,冬季气温低于8℃通常是11月月末或12月的月初,此时就应该把光叶子花盆栽移到室内或者大棚中,而我国北方冬季来的早,通常在11月中旬就要把光叶子花移入到温暖区了。移入的时间不同,同样移出的时间也会不同,南方地区三月份作用气温开始回暖,可以根据具体的天气情况把盆栽移出温暖区,而北方冬季持续时间长,如果也是在三月份移出温暖区,就很容易导致光叶子花被冻伤,一旦光叶子花受冻,花期就不能正常的长出花儿来,北方适合移出温暖区的时间是在4月末或5月初。 以上就是为大家介绍的有关光叶子花冬季养护办法的介绍,光叶子花开花期十分美丽,是一种十分好看的观赏植物,花可入药,但花茎、叶片有毒,误食可能导致腹泻,养殖过程中要注意哟!
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Description: This perennial plant is 1½–4' tall, more or less erect, and unbranched. The central stem is light to medium green, terete, glabrous, and sometimes glaucous. The leaves usually occur in whorls of 3-7 along the stem, although some of the upper leaves may occur in pairs or they may alternate individually. Individual leaves are 2½–5" long and ¼–¾" across; they are elliptic in shape, smooth (entire) along their margins, and sessile or nearly so. Leaf venation is parallel. The upper leaf surface is medium green and glabrous, while the lower leaf surface is light-medium or whitish green, glabrous, and sometimes glaucous. Above the terminal leaves of the central stem, there are 1-6 nodding flowers on stalks about 4-8" long (one flower per stalk). These stalks are erect or ascending; they are light to medium green, terete, glabrous, and sometimes glaucous. Each showy flower is about 2-3" long and similarly across, consisting of 6 tepals, 6 stamens, and a pistil with a single style. The tepals are yellow-orange to orange-red, purple-spotted, lanceolate in shape, and strongly recurved; the tips of the tepals are located near the base of the flower. The stamens are strongly exserted and slightly spreading; their filaments are light green to nearly white, while their anthers are reddish brown, oblongoid or ellipsoid in shape, and less than ½" in length. The style is strongly exserted and curved slightly upward; it is light yellow to nearly white, except toward the slightly swollen tip, where it is tinted yellow to orange-red. The blooming period occurs from early to mid-summer, lasting about 1 month. There is no noticeable floral scent. Afterwards, the flowers are replaced by seedpods. These seedpods are about 1½" long, oblongoid in shape, 3-celled, and glabrous; they split open into 3 parts to release their seeds. Mature seeds are brown, flattened, ovate-deltate in shape, and strongly winged along their margins. The thin papery wings enable the seeds to be carried some distance by gusts of wind. The root system consists of a yellow bulb with fibrous roots below, from which clonal offsets with new bulbs may form. Cultivation: The preference is full to partial sun, loamy soil or sandy loam, and moist conditions. An established plant, however, can withstand some drought. Cultivation from seed is slow and difficult, while cultivation from bulbs or transplants is somewhat faster and easier. Plants that are spoiled with too much fertilizer and watering may flop over. Range & Habitat: The native Michigan Lily occurs in scattered counties of Illinois (see Distribution Map), where it is uncommon. Habitats include moist black soil prairies, openings in deciduous woodlands, typical thickets and sandy thickets, Bur Oak savannas, moist sandy meadows along rivers, swamps, fens, and prairie remnants along railroads. Michigan Lily is found in higher quality natural areas. [图片]Faunal Associations: Cross-pollination is required for fertile seeds. The large showy flowers appear to be designed to attract hummingbirds and larger day-flying insects, such as Sphinx moths, Hummingbird moths (Hemaris spp.), and the larger butterflies. Robertson (1929) observed such butterflies as the Monarch (Danaus plexippus), Great Spangled Fritillary (Speyeria cybele), and Spicebush Swallowtail (Papilio troilus) visiting the flowers for nectar. Other insects feed destructively on lilies (Lilium spp.). These species include the Lily Leaf Beetle (Lilioceris lilii), stem-boring larvae of the Burdock Borer Moth (Papaipema cataphracta), stem-boring larvae of the Golden Borer Moth (Papaipema cerina), larvae of the Narcissus Bulb Fly (Merodon equestris), the Crescent-marked Lily Aphid (Aulacorthum circumflexum), and the Tulip Bulb Aphid (Dysaphis tulipae); see Marshall (2006), Covell (1984/2005), Panzer et al. (2006), Cranshaw (2004), and Blackman & Eastop (2013). Deer, rabbits, horses, cattle, and other livestock occasionally browse on the foliage, while voles sometimes eat the bulbs. Photographic Location: The photographs were taken at Meadowbrook Park in Urbana, Illinois, and a wildflower garden at the Anita Purves Nature Center of the same city. [图片]Comments: This is an attractive plant that can be cultivated in flower gardens. For many years, the Michigan Lily (Lilium michiganense) was not distinguished from the Turk's Cap Lily (Lilium superbum), even though there are several characteristics that can be used to distinguish them, including the following: 1) the Michigan Lily has a more northern distribution in Illinois than the latter, 2) the anthers of Michigan Lily are less than ½" in length, while the anthers of the latter species are ½" or longer and they are more slender in shape, 3) the tepals of Michigan Lily curve backward so that their tips are located near the base of the flower, while the tepals of Turk's Cap Lily curve backward so that their tips are located behind the base of the flower, 4) the Michigan Lily usually has yellow bulbs, while the latter lily usually has white bulbs, 5) Turk's Cap Lily sometimes has a 6-pointed green star on the throats of its flowers, while the flowers of Michigan Lily never have this characteristic, and 6) the Turk Cap's Lily is usually taller and it blooms less reliably than the Michigan Lily, at least in Illinois.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Description: This perennial wildflower is 1–2½' tall and unbranched. The central stem is light green, slightly ridged, and glabrous to hairy. The alternate leaves occur along the entire length of the stem in widely spreading pseudo-whorls. The lowest leaves are 4-6" long and about ¼" across, becoming gradually smaller as they ascend the stem. The leaves are medium green, linear in shape, sessile, and glabrous to short-pubescent. Each stem terminates in a spike or narrow raceme of flowerheads about 2-8" long. These flowerheads are relatively few in number, and on rare occasions only a single flowerhead may be produced. Each flat-topped flowerhead is about ½–1" across, consisting of 15-45 pink disk florets above and overlapping floral bracts (phyllaries) below. There are no ray florets. Individual disk florets are tubular in shape; each of these florets has 5 recurved slender lobes at its apex. Each disk floret has a bifurcated style that is white to light pink; it is often strongly exerted and recurved. [图片]The scaly bracts are green, glabrous to hairy, and relatively large in size; they are either straight and loosely arranged around the base of each flowerhead, or they are strongly recurved. The bracts are lanceolate, broadly lanceolate, or deltoid in shape and their tips are pointed, rather than rounded. The flowerheads are either sessile (or nearly so), or they can have peduncles up to 1¼" long. At the base of each peduncle (or sessile flowerhead), there is a small leafy bract that is linear in shape. The blooming period occurs from mid- to late summer and lasts about 1 month. The flowerheads bloom from the top to the bottom. With maturation, the disk florets are replaced by small achenes that are bullet-shaped and pubescent; each achene has a tuft of feathery bristles at its apex. The achenes are distributed by the wind to some extent. The root system consists of a globoid corm with fibrous roots below. Sometimes vegetative offsets are produced. Cultivation: The preference is full sun, dry-mesic to dry conditions, and a barren soil containing rocky material or some sand. Central Stem & Leaves Range & Habitat: The native Scaly Blazingstar is occasional in southern Illinois and absent elsewhere in the state (see Distribution Map). Habitats include hill prairies, limestone or sandstone glades, ledges of sunny cliffs, openings in upland rocky woodlands, and barren savannas. This wildflower is found in high quality natural areas. Occasional wildfires are beneficial because the encroachment of woody vegetation is reduced. Faunal Assocations: The flowerheads are cross-pollinated primarily by bumblebees, butterflies, and skippers. In general, several insect species feed on Liatris spp. (Blazingstars). These species include: the caterpillars of Schinia sanguinea (Blazingstar Flower Moth), which feed on the florets and developing seeds; the caterpillars of Papaipema beeriana (Blazingstar Borer Moth) and Carmenta anthracipennis (Liatris Borer Moth), which bore through the stems; and the aphids Aphis laciniariae and Aphis craccivora, which suck plant juices. The foliage and flowerheads of Blazingstars are edible to many mammalian herbivores, including cattle, horses, sheep, goats, deer, rabbits, and groundhogs. Where these mammals are abundant, Blazingstar populations usually decline. Photographic Location: The wildflower garden of the webmaster in Urbana, Illinois. Comments: Scaly Blazingstar is highly variable across its range and several varieties have been described. Generally, all of these varieties have relatively large floral bracts with pointed tips that are either loosely arranged or recurved along the bottoms of the flowerheads. However, there is considerable variability in the following characteristics: 1) the size of individual flowerheads can be variable with 15-45 (or more) disk florets, 2) the flowerheads can be sessile or they can have short to medium-length peduncles, 3) the leaves and stems can be glabrous to hairy, and 4) the floral bracts that define the base of each flowerhead can be either straight or strongly recurved. Scaly Blazingstar differs from other Liatris spp. (Blazingstars) primarily by the characteristics of its scaly floral bracts, which provide it with a rather odd appearance.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Description: This herbaceous perennial plant is up to 4' tall and unbranched. The central stem is fairly stout, with numerous small longitudinal ridges. It is usually covered with scattered white hairs. The leaves near the base of the plant are up to 10" long and ½" wide, but become progressively smaller as they ascend the stem. They are linear, and quite numerous as they alternate around the stem. Their margins are smooth, and each leaf has a prominent central vein. The underside of the leaves and the central stem are sometimes whitish green in appearance. The central stem terminates in an inflorescence that consists of a long spike of sessile flowerheads. The flowerheads individually have 5-10 pink to purplish pink flowers. Each flowerhead is about ¼–½" across and subtended by green or reddish bracts whose tips recurve sharply outward. Each small flower has 5 lobes that spread outward from the corolla tube, from which emerges 2 long curly styles. There is no floral scent. The blooming period occurs during late summer and lasts about a month. Afterwards, achenes form with light brown tufts of hair, which are distributed by the wind. The root system consists of corms, which occasionally form offsets near the mother plant. Cultivation: The preference is full sun and moist to mesic conditions. Established plants can tolerate some drought, but seedlings and transplants are vulnerable. The soil should consist of a rich loam or clay loam, and can contain rocky material. There is a tendency for the lower leaves to turn yellow and wither away if conditions become too dry. During the first year, this plant may develop slowly and prove temperamental, but once established it is easy to maintain. This blazingstar remains reasonably erect, even when spoiled in a flower garden, but may bend around oddly if there is significant obstruction of sunlight. Range & Habitat: The native Prairie Blazingstar occurs in scattered counties of Illinois; it is less common in western and southern areas of the state (see Distribution Map). This plant is sometimes locally common, particularly in high quality habitats, otherwise it is uncommon or absent. Habitats include moist to mesic black soil prairies, moist meadows near woodlands or rivers, limestone glades, rocky bluffs, and areas along railroads. [图片]Faunal Associations: The flowers are pollinated primarily by long-tongued bees, butterflies, and skippers. Other visitors include Halictine bees, bee flies, and day-flying moths. Among the long-tongued bees, are such visitors as honeybees, bumblebees, Little Carpenter bees, Miner bees, and large Leaf-Cutting bees. Butterfly visitors include Monarchs, Swallowtails, Painted Ladies, Sulfurs, Whites, and others. The caterpillars of the rare Schinia gloriosa (Glorious Flower Moth) feed on the flowers and seed capsules. Various mammalian herbivores readily consume Prairie Blazingstar. Younger plants may be eaten by rabbits and groundhogs, while mature plants are likely targets of deer or livestock. Small rodents, such as the Prairie Vole and Meadow Vole, sometimes eat the corms. An overpopulation of these animals can make establishment of this plant difficult in some areas. [图片]Photographic Location: The photographs were taken at Meadowbrook Park in Urbana, Illinois, and Loda Cemetery Prairie in Iroquois County, Illinois. Comments: This is a beautiful plant that resembles a fairy wand. Prairie Blazingstar can be readily distinguished from most other blazingstars by the sharply recurved bracts subtending the flowerheads. Other species usually have smooth, straight bracts that vary in their shape or hairiness. The size and showiness of the flowers can depend on the local ecotype. There are some wild populations of plants with white flowers, although they are rare. This plant blooms after Liatris cylindrica (Cylindrical Blazingstar), but before Liatris aspera (Rough Blazingstar).
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Description: This herbaceous perennial plant is 1–1½' tall and unbranched. The central stem is largely hairless, except for a few hairs near the inflorescence. The leaves are up to 8" long and 1/3" (8 mm.) across, becoming smaller and fewer as they ascend the stem. These leaves appear whorled because of their density, but they actually alternate around the stem. [图片]They are linear, sessile, and hairless, while their margins are smooth. A short spike-like raceme of compound flowers about 2-4" long occurs at the top of the stem. They are pink or purplish pink, and quite showy. A compound flower consists of about 15-25 tubular flowers that are crowded together into a head spanning about 1" across. Each flower has 5 small lobes that curl outward, while a divided style protrudes from the center. This style is white or pinkish white, and rather long and curly. Each compound flower is subtended by green bracts that form a smooth, cylindrical surface about 1½" long. The blooming period is mid- to late summer, and lasts about a month. There is no floral scent. The achenes later develop bristly hairs that aid in their dispersal. The root system consists of a corm, which may occasionally produce offsets. Cultivation: The preference is full sun, poor soil, and dry conditions. This plant often grows on hills or slopes amid rocky material, but it also tolerates loamy soil if the site is well-drained. Drought tolerance is excellent, and foliar disease is not a significant problem at most locations. This plant doesn't compete well against taller, more aggressive plants on fertile soil where there is level ground. [图片]Range & Habitat: The native Cylindrical Blazingstar is a fairly uncommon plant that occurs primarily in northern and western Illinois (see Distribution Map). It is rare or absent in other areas. Habitats include dry upland areas of black soil prairies, hill prairies, openings in rocky upland woods, oak savannas, limestone glades, rocky bluffs and cliffs along major rivers, moist sand flats near Lake Michigan, and shoulders of highways. This plant is typically found in marginal areas that are little disturbed by modern development. Faunal Associations: The flowers are visited primarily by long-tongued bees, butterflies, skippers, and bee flies. Some short-tongued bees may visit the flowers to collect pollen, but they are not effective pollinators. The caterpillars of the rare Schinia gloriosa (Glorious Flower Moth) feed on the flowers and seed capsules of this and other Liatris spp. Mammalian herbivores readily consume all parts of this plant, including rabbits, groundhogs, deer, and livestock. Prairie and Meadow Voles sometimes eat the corms. An overpopulation of these animals can make the establishment of this plant difficult in some areas. Photographic Location: The photographs were taken at a wildflower garden near the Red Bison Railroad Prairie in Champaign, Illinois. Comments: This is another lovely Blazingstar; it is much shorter than most of the others, and tends to bloom earlier. Cylindrical Blazingstar is easy to identify because of the smooth cylindrical surface formed by the green bracts subtending the flowers; this cylindrical surface is longer and larger than what is encountered in other Blazingstars that occur in Illinois. Amerindians would sometimes eat the corms of Blazingstars, although this was considered starvation food.
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