Miss Chen
Miss Chen
[图片]英文名称:Blueberry,意为蓝色浆果,属杜鹃花科,越橘属植物。起源于北美,多年生灌木小浆果果树。因果实呈蓝色,故称为蓝莓。 蓝莓果实中含有丰富的营养成分,具有防止脑神经老化、保护视力、强心、抗癌、软化血管、增强人机体免疫等功能,营养成分高。 其中,由于蓝莓富含花青素,具有活化视网膜功效,可以强化视力,防止眼球疲劳而备受注目。也是世界粮农组织推荐的五大健康水果之一。并且据美国、日本、欧洲科学家研究,经常食用蓝莓制品,还可明显地增强视力,消除眼睛疲劳。医学临床报告也显示,蓝莓中的花青素可以促进视网膜细胞中的视紫质再生,预防近视,增进视力。 [图片]蓝莓可以用来泡酒吗? 蓝莓可以可以直接泡酒,而且蓝莓泡酒的好处非常的多。首先,蓝莓泡酒可以帮助增加视力,特别是用眼过度或用眼疲劳的人会出现视力下降的情况,这时就可以喝点蓝莓酒。其次,蓝莓泡酒可以促进血液流通和循环,调节内分泌的情况,降低血脂和胆固醇的含量,预防高血压和高血脂的疾病。同时,蓝莓泡酒还可以帮助美白皮肤。最后,蓝莓泡酒还可以帮助淡化皮肤的皱纹,也可以增加皮肤的弹性、改善睡眠状况。 蓝莓泡酒的制作方法 1、选材备料:挑选紫色成熟的优质蓝莓鲜果1000克,柠檬1个,冰糖200克,45度左右的清香型纯粮白酒2升。 2、清水洗净:先用盐水浸泡蓝莓鲜果15分钟,然后用清水洗净晾干。 3、去核捣碎:将蓝莓鲜果去核,并将蓝莓鲜果果肉置入破碎机破碎蓝莓鲜果。 4、交互码糖:将粉碎的蓝莓鲜果依次放至玻璃容器中,然后一层碎梅一层冰糖,码放顺序交互进行。 5、添加白酒:将已经码放碎蓝莓鲜果和冰糖的玻璃容器中倒入白酒,白酒一定要没过蓝莓酒1~2公分。 6、添加柠檬:将柠檬剥皮,横向对切,然后置入玻璃容器中,然后密封。 7、密封封装:蓝莓酒制作密封之后放置阴凉通风处,有条件的可以存储地下室。 8、浸泡时间:通常蓝莓酒浸泡时间必须控制在1~3个月左右即可饮用。 蓝莓泡酒的功效与作用 1、减缓衰老:蓝莓含有超级抗氧化物花青素是迄今为止发现的最强效的自由基清除剂,提高身体免疫力,消除体内各种炎症,降低肌肤和身体器官的老化速度。 2、提高免疫:蓝莓有助于提高免疫力也是得益于蓝莓中所含的花青素,花青素除了自己本身具有强大的抗氧化性,还可以促进维生素C和维生素E的吸收,从而提高人体免疫力。 3、增强记忆:蓝莓含有治疗短期失忆的化合物,能提高记忆力,防止脑神经衰老,多吃蓝莓可以让大脑变得更聪明、脑功能活性增强、行为更加协调和有活力。 4、保护眼睛:蓝莓中的花青素和类胡萝卜素及维生素C具有很好的协同作用,能满足眼睛对营养的需求,从而保护眼睛、缓解眼睛疲劳、唤醒眼睛机能、提高视力。 5、加固血管:蓝莓含有的花青素能够改善血液循环、恢复失去的微血管功效,能加强脆弱的血管,因而是血管更具弹性。 6、美容养颜:蓝莓含有的花青素在欧洲被称为“口服的皮肤化妆品”,可防止皮肤皱纹的提早生成,另外花青素也是天然的阳光遮盖物,能够阻止紫外线侵害皮肤。 7、改善睡眠:蓝莓含有的花青素具有深入细胞保护细胞膜不被自由基氧化的作用,具有强力抗氧化和抗过敏功能,能稳定脑组织功能,从而彻底改善睡眠质量。 8、抗癌功能:蓝莓中含有的营养物质对中早期癌症都具有抑制作用,尤其是蓝莓果实中的花青素是非常强的抗氧化剂,可以帮助预防动脉内斑块的形成和多种癌症,减低患癌的可能。
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
[图片]山楂,又名山里果、山里红,蔷薇科山楂属,落叶乔木,高可达6米。 在山东、陕西、山西、河南、江苏、浙江、辽宁、吉林、黑龙江、内蒙古、河北等地均有分布。 核果类水果,核质硬,果肉薄,味微酸涩。果可生吃或作果脯果糕,干制后可入药,是中国特有的药果兼用树种,具有降血脂、血压、强心、抗心律不齐等作用,同时也是健脾开胃、消食化滞、活血化痰的良药,对胸膈脾满、疝气、血淤、闭经等症有很好的疗效。山楂内的黄酮类化合物牡荆素,是一种抗癌作用较强的药物,其提取物对抑制体内癌细胞生长、增殖和浸润转移均有一定的作用。 [图片]吃山楂有什么好处? 1、开胃消食:山楂中含有的解脂酶对于脂肪类的食物具有很好的消化作用,有效的促进身体中胃液的分泌,这样就极大的提高了消化能力。 2、降低血脂:山楂含黄酮类化合物,可防治心血管疾病、降低血压和胆固醇、软化血管及利尿和镇静作用。 3、活血化瘀:山楂有活血化淤的功效,有助于解除局部淤血状态,特别适合血瘀型痛经的病人,而且对跌打损伤也有辅助疗效。 4、平喘化痰:山楂中含有大量能抑制细菌的成分,对于腹泻、腹痛等情况有缓解作用,而且山楂中含有的某些物质含能起到平喘化痰的作用。 5、催产作用:山楂对子宫有收缩作用,在孕妇临产时有催生之效,并能促进产后子宫复原。 6、抗衰防癌:山楂所含的黄酮类和维生素C、胡萝卜素等物质能阻断并减少自由基的生成,能增强机体的免疫力,有防衰抗癌的作用。 吃山楂有什么禁忌? 1、胃酸分泌过多者、病后体虚及患牙病者不宜食用。 2、山楂只消不补,脾胃虚弱者不宜多食。 3、儿童在牙齿发育的时候长期吃山楂对牙齿健康也不利。 4、山楂含有大量糖分,因此糖尿病患者不宜食用。 5、山楂能刺激子宫收缩,产妇食用极易引发流产。 吃山楂有哪些做法? 1、山楂蜂蜜汁 【材料】山楂,蜂蜜。 【做法】山楂洗净,去掉果柄、果核、放在铝锅内,加水适量,煎煮至7成熟、水将耗干时加入蜂蜜,再以小火煮熟透收汁即可。 【功效】开胃消食、活血化淤。治疗冠心病及肉食不消、腹泻。 2、山楂银花汤 【材料】山楂30克,金银花6克,白糖20克。 【做法】先将山楂、金银花放在勺内,用文火炒热,加入白糖,改用小火炒成糖饯,用开水冲泡,日服一剂。 【功效】破气散瘀、清热解毒,适用于风寒感冒患者。 3、山楂首乌汤 【材料】山楂、何首乌各15克,白糖60克。 【做法】先将山楂、何首乌洗净切碎,一同入锅,加水适量,浸泡两小时,再熬煮约一小时,去渣取汤,日服一剂,分两次温服。 【功效】软化血管,降低血脂。
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
[图片]山楂茶是一款养生茶疗。山楂——酸、甘、微温。归脾、胃、肝经,消食健胃,行气散瘀,有扩张冠状动脉、舒张血管、降脂降压强心的作用。 为圆形片,皱缩不平,直径l~2.5cm,厚0.2~0.4cm。外皮红色,具皱纹,有灰白小斑点。果肉深黄色至浅棕色。中部横切片具5粒浅黄色果核,但核多脱落而中空。有的片上可见短而细的果梗或花萼残迹。气微清香,味酸、微甜。 [图片]山楂茶的功效与作用 1、开胃消食:山楂中含有的解脂酶对于脂肪类的食物具有很好的消化作用,有效的促进身体中胃液的分泌,这样就极大的提高了消化能力。 2、降低血脂:山楂含黄酮类化合物,可防治心血管疾病、降低血压和胆固醇、软化血管及利尿和镇静作用。 3、活血化瘀:山楂有活血化淤的功效,有助于解除局部淤血状态,特别适合血瘀型痛经的病人,而且对跌打损伤也有辅助疗效。 4、平喘化痰:山楂中含有大量能抑制细菌的成分,对于腹泻、腹痛等情况有缓解作用,而且山楂中含有的某些物质含能起到平喘化痰的作用。 5、催产作用:山楂对子宫有收缩作用,在孕妇临产时有催生之效,并能促进产后子宫复原。 6、抗衰防癌:山楂所含的黄酮类和维生素C、胡萝卜素等物质能阻断并减少自由基的生成,能增强机体的免疫力,有防衰抗癌的作用。 山楂茶有什么禁忌? 1、胃酸分泌过多者、病后体虚及患牙病者不宜食用。 2、山楂只消不补,脾胃虚弱者不宜多食。 3、儿童在牙齿发育的时候长期吃山楂对牙齿健康也不利。 4、山楂含有大量糖分,因此糖尿病患者不宜食用。 5、山楂能刺激子宫收缩,产妇食用极易引发流产。 山楂茶有哪些做法? 1、红枣山楂茶 【材料】红枣10颗,玫瑰花5克,山楂干10克,枸杞子20颗,菊花5克,鲜柠檬半个。 【做法】红枣洗净去核切片,枸杞子、山楂洗净,玫瑰花和菊花用温水洗净灰尘,锅中放入2升水烧开之后放入所有原料,小火熬煮10分钟,最后将柠檬切片放入熬煮好的茶中焖1分钟即可。 【功效】减肥瘦身,补肝益肾,补血益智。 2、山楂荷叶茶 【材料】山楂50克,干荷叶30克,冰糖适量。 【做法】干荷叶洗净后用水泡10分钟,山楂煮软后捏去籽。锅中倒入荷叶水,然后加山楂煮15分钟,再放入冰糖不停搅拌,最后放入荷叶煮5分钟即可。 【功效】降体脂,健脾胃,降血压,清心神。 3、山楂枸杞茶 【材料】山楂干5~8片,枸杞10粒,冰糖适量。 【做法】山楂、枸杞洗净后置于茶杯中,冲入沸水浸泡30分钟左右即可。 【功效】滋补肝肾,消食化积,益智明目,适用于眩晕症、慢性胃炎、神经衰弱等症。
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
[图片]蜂蜜是蜜蜂从开花植物的花中采得的花蜜在蜂巢中酿制的蜜。 蜜蜂从植物的花中采取含水量约为75%的花蜜或分泌物,存入自己第二个胃中,在体内多种转化的作用下,经过15天左右反复酝酿各种维生素、矿物质和氨基酸丰富到一定的数值时,同时把花蜜中的多糖转变成人体可直接吸收的单糖葡萄糖、果糖,水分含量少于23%存贮到巢洞中,用蜂蜡密封。蜂蜜是糖的过饱和溶液,低温时会产生结晶,生成结晶的是葡萄糖,不产生结晶的部分主要是果糖。 [图片]蜂蜜水的功效的作用 1、护肤美容:新鲜蜂蜜涂抹于皮肤上能起到滋润和营养作用,使皮肤细腻、光滑、富有弹性,可以用蜂蜜加2~3倍水稀释后每天涂敷面部。 2、恢复疲劳:在所有的天然食品中大脑神经元所需要的能量在蜂蜜中含量最高,蜂蜜中的果糖、葡萄糖可以很快被身体吸收利用,改善血液的营养状况,可以在中午喝一杯蜂蜜水。 3、促进消化:蜂蜜有增强肠蠕动的作用,可显着缩短排便时间,对结肠炎、习惯性便秘有良好功效且无任何副作用,患胃十二指肠溃疡的人常服用蜂蜜也有辅助作用。 4、提高免疫:蜂蜜中含有的多种酶和矿物质,发生协同作用后可以提高人体免疫力,国外常用蜂蜜治疗感冒、咽喉炎,方法是用一杯水加2匙蜂蜜和1/4匙鲜柠檬汁,每天服用3~4杯。 5、促进长寿:前苏联学者曾调查了200多名百岁以上的老人,其中有143人为养蜂人,证实长寿与常吃蜂蜜有关,但蜂蜜促进长寿是对人体的综合调理,而非简单地作用于某个器官。 6、改善睡眠:蜂蜜可缓解神经紧张、促进睡眠并有一定的止痛作用,神经衰弱者每晚睡前一匙蜂蜜可以改善睡眠,以采自苹果花的苹果蜜的镇静功能较为突出。 7、保肝作用:蜂蜜对肝脏的保护作用,能为肝脏的代谢活动提供能量准备,刺激肝组织再生,起到修复损伤的作用,慢性肝炎和肝功能不良者可常吃蜂蜜以改善肝功能。 8、促进发育:蜂蜜有促进生长发育的作用,体弱多病、体质较差的儿童可以在饮食中多加入些蜂蜜,但周岁以内的婴儿不适宜服用蜂蜜。 喝蜂蜜水有哪些禁忌? 1、肝硬化患者:肝硬化患者是不能够食用蜂蜜的,如果食用了蜂蜜就会大大增加肝脏的纤维化功能,最后会促进病情的加重。 2、过小婴幼儿:婴幼儿的肠胃功能比较弱且肝脏的解毒功能也是相当的弱,食用蜂蜜可能会出现过敏、中毒等情况,有时候会便秘、食欲不振等。 3、脾胃虚寒者:容易出现腹泻、胃寒的人群最好不要食用蜂蜜,如果大量食用会抑制身体内的胃酸分泌,而少量则又会导致胃酸大量分泌。 4、患有肌瘤者:如果是有肌瘤的患者是不能够吃蜂蜜的,因为在蜂蜜当中含有一些激素,对于治疗肌瘤有着不利的影响。 5、身患痛风者:蜂蜜所含有的果糖及其他糖类物质远远超过各种蔬菜水果,所以痛风患者在吃蜂蜜之前一定要仔细咨询医生。 6、糖尿病患者:糖尿病患者是千万不能食用蜂蜜的,因为蜂蜜的糖分太高,会大幅度升高血糖,也会加重胰岛器官的负担,甚至会导致病情的恶化。 蜂蜜水什么时候喝好? 1、早晨:清肠排毒 【好处】清晨起来一杯蜂蜜水有利于清理肠胃、有助于排除体内垃圾,而且蜂蜜所产生的能量比牛奶高约5倍,能够在很短时间内补充给人体能量,消除人体疲劳和饥饿。 【做法】每天早晨起来后空腹喝一杯凉开水蜂蜜水。 2、午后:补充能量 【好处】每天下午3、4点是能量消耗最大最疲劳的时候,此时机体处于“饥饿”状态,及时补充一杯温热的蜂蜜水,既能够消除疲劳,还能够补充能量。 【做法】下午茶时间可以准备一杯蜂蜜水或蜂蜜茶饮。 3、睡前:安神助眠 【好处】蜂蜜中的葡萄糖、维生素可以调节神经系统功能,缓解神经紧张,促进睡眠,而且没有任何副作用,睡前一杯蜂蜜水可以舒缓情绪,提高睡眠质量。 【做法】睡觉前喝一勺蜂蜜即可,用凉开水冲泡更好。 4、餐后:帮助消化 【好处】蜂蜜能调节胃肠功能,可使胃酸分泌正常,进食后尤其是饱食后胃部消化功能易下降、大肠蠕动变弱,这时喝蜂蜜水能促使胃酸正常分泌、消除大餐后的积食。 【做法】餐后1~2小时后食用一杯蜂蜜水。 5、饭前:调节胃酸 【好处】蜂蜜对胃酸分泌可起到调节作用,使胃酸分泌活动正常化,在饭前1个半小时食用蜂蜜可抑制胃酸的分泌,从而减少食物对胃粘膜的刺激。 【做法】进食前0.5~1小时的时候食用半杯蜂蜜水。
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
[图片]西兰花,又名绿菜花,为1-2年生草本植物,目前我国南北方均有栽培,已成为日常主要蔬菜之一。西兰花营养丰富,含蛋白质、糖、脂肪、维生素和胡萝卜素,营养成份位居同类蔬菜之首,被誉为“蔬菜皇冠”。 十字花科芸苔属甘蓝种中以绿色花球为产品的一个变种。原产欧洲地中海沿岸的意大利一带,光绪年间传入中国。 [图片]西兰花的药用价值 【性味】味甘,性平,无毒。 【归经】脾、肾、胃经。 【功效】补肾填精、健脑壮骨、补脾和胃,适宜癌症、久病体虚、肢体痿软、耳鸣健忘、脾胃虚弱、小儿发育迟缓等食用。 西兰花的营养价值 1、西兰花中的维生素K含量极高,维生素K能维护血管的韧性,使血管不易破裂。 2、西兰花的维生素C含量极高,不但有利于人的生长发育,更重要的是能提高人体免疫功能。 3、西兰花含有一种叫萝卜子素的营养成分,有提高致癌物解毒酶活性的作用。 4、西兰花中含有大量的硒,具有抗癌、抗老化、增强免疫力、促进儿童生长发育的功能。 5、西兰花含有丰富的抗坏血酸,能增强肝脏的解毒能力,提高机体免疫力。 西兰花的功效与作用 1、增强免疫:西兰花的维生素C含量极高,有利于人的生长发育,更重要的是能提高人体免疫功能,促进肝脏解毒,增强人的体质,增加抗病能力。 2、清热解渴:西兰花具有清热解渴的功效,在暑热之际、口干渴、小便呈金黄色、大便硬实或不畅通时用花椰菜30克煎汤频频饮服,有清热解渴、利尿通便的功效。 3、减缓衰老:西兰花含有丰富的维生素A、维生素C和胡萝卜素,能增强皮肤的抗损伤能力、有助于保持皮肤弹性,有很强的促进皮肤年轻化、保持青春不老的作用。 4、降压降血:西兰花含有一定量的类黄酮物质,对高血压、心脏病有调节和预防的作用。同时,西兰花是高纤维蔬菜,能有效降低肠胃对葡萄糖的吸收,能降低血糖。 5、减肥瘦身:西兰花的含水量高达90%以上而热量较低,每杯(240毫升)仅23~32千卡,因此对于希望减肥的人来说既可以填饱肚子,而又不会使人发胖。 6、帮助消化:西兰花中富含的胡萝卜素可促进身体胃肠的健康和消化,还富含丰富的膳食纤维、碳水化合物等营养元素,这些成分对帮助消化非常有效。 7、保护血管:西兰花中含有一种叫莱菔硫烷的化学物,能“启动”血管内的一种保护性蛋白质,形成自身的防卫系统,从而避免血管阻塞。 西兰花的食用禁忌 1、西兰花不能过度烹饪,比如炒得泛黄会让蔬菜带有强烈硫磺味且损失营养,最好通过蒸或微波炉来加热。 2、西兰花切好之后不能久放,切碎之后在室温空气中放置6小时,其抗癌成分的损失率可达75%之多。 3、西兰花与牛肝相克,牛肝中含有丰富的铜、铁离子,极易使维生素C氧化而失去原来的功能,所以两者不能搭配食用。 4、西兰花与黄瓜相克,因西兰花中含有丰富的维生素C,而黄瓜中含有维生素C分解酶,故不宜同食。 5、西兰花与洋地黄相克,如果在服用洋地黄时食用西兰花过多会造成药物药效降低。 西兰花的食用方法 1、清炒西兰花 【材料】西兰花,胡萝卜,植物油,调味品各适量。 【做法】①西兰花根稍微切掉点,随后掰成小朵,洗净。胡萝卜洗净切片备用。②锅中烧水,水开之后加点盐,并倒入西兰花过一下水,大概1分钟就可以了。③水再次开的时候倒入胡萝卜,过水一分钟捞起。④锅中底油,油热后倒入西兰花和胡萝卜,大火翻炒2分钟,然后加入调味料调味即可。 2、蒜蓉西兰花 【材料】西兰花,鲍鱼汁,五香粉,水淀粉,调味品各适量。 【做法】①西兰花切块焯水,蒜切末备用。②锅内放油,蒜末爆香,再放入盐、五香粉、糖、酱油炒香。③锅里放入开水和鲍鱼汁,放入西兰花翻炒,然后放入调味料调味。④调味后放入水淀粉,勾芡即可出锅。 3、凉拌西兰花 【材料】西兰花,木耳,葱花,调味品各适量。 【材料】①木耳提前泡发,西兰花切成小朵并用清水浸泡,胡萝卜洗净并用模具压出花形。②锅内入水,放西兰花和胡萝卜焯烫,再放入木耳也烫一下。③锅内入油,葱花爆香成葱油。④将葱油倒入西兰花中,加少许盐、鸡精调味即可。
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Perennial gardeners who master bulb division and growing lilies from seed may want to try another form of vegetative propagation, stem cuttings. Although this method of propagation is more difficult for herbaceous perennials such as true lilies that grow from bulbs than it is for woody perennials, stem cuttings guarantee an identical clone of the parent plants. Some types of lilies lend themselves more readily to the technique. [图片]How Lilies Reproduce Lilies grow from scaled bulbs that carry the genetic code of the plant and the embryo and food and moisture to keep it safe until conditions allow it to grow again. Bulbs multiply rapidly. Some varieties produce additional bloom-ready bulbs every year. Some bulbs grow little bulblets around the base, or growth plate, of the parent bulbs and the section of the stem between the bulb and soil line. Some lilies, notably the North American native tiger lily, grow tiny bulbils at the junction of the leaf and stem. Each scale of the lily's bulb, every bulblet and bulbil carry the exact chromosomal combination of the parent. Seeds, produced in pods formed on flower stems, carry the combined genetic code for a new plant -- a hybrid -- with the combined chromosomal structure of the seed-bearing parent and whatever lily provided pollen. Success with stem cuttings relies on how the cultivar self-reproduces and how the stem cutting is planted. Timing Lily stems begin dying back quickly after flowers fade, so cuttings must be taken soon after the last flowers drop. Cuttings must be planted immediately in sharp sand or a starting mix and kept moist. When a shoot emerges, a bulbil has formed in the axil where the leaf meets the stem. This tiny bulb, planted in a nursery plot in spring, should grow large enough to move to the garden within a year or two. If the stem cutting successfully creates a bulbil, it may grow large enough to produce flowers within two to four seasons, depending on the lily cultivar. Method Section green, live sections of the stem, keeping at least one leaf on each section. Dust the section with a fungicide or rooting hormone, available at garden centers, and plant sections in a flat of sharp sand or soilless starter mix so that the leaves stand up above each section. Be sure to bury the axil of each leaf. That is where the bulbil will form. [图片]Choosing Lilies for Cuttings Many species of lilies, such as tiger lilies, readily form bulbils in leaf axils; hybrid Asiatics form bulblets on stems underground and leaves torn off with a section of stem. Lilies will not grow directly from stem cuttings; they must first form bulbils, so be patient. Only the lilies that grow bulbils -- or those hybrids whose ancestors grew bulbils -- will respond to this method of vegetative reproduction. The rest provide plenty of bulblets for the picking and planting on their mother bulbs' growth plates or along the underground sections of their stems.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
A tuberous begonia in bloom is a spectacular sight. The large, full blossoms will light up the darkest shade. Tuberous begonias can be used in shaded areas in hanging baskets, window boxes, pots, beds or borders. There are many different forms of tuberous begonias including ruffled or plain, solid or bi-color, trailing or upright. Growing your own tuberous begonias will give you the greatest selection to choose from. Sprouting a tuberous begonia can take time and patience, but it is well worth the effort. [图片]Starting Tuberous Begonias Indoors It takes 12 to 14 weeks for a tuberous begonia to bloom after the tubers are planted, so most gardeners like to start their begonias indoors eight weeks before the last frost date or even sooner. You can grow tuberous begonias in any pot that has drainage holes and is large enough to fit the bulb. Some tuberous begonias can be 4 to 6 inches across. Use a well-draining potting mix, and place the bulb concave side up (so it looks like a bowl) on the surface of the soil. Cover the bulb with just a small amount of potting mix. Tuberous begonias are susceptible to rot, so water from the bottom by placing the pot in a dish with water in it. The pot will wick the water up the soil, but water will not sit in the concave hollow of the bulb. Sprouts should appear in one month, and can then be transplanted to a large container. When and Where to Transplant [图片]Plant your begonia so the pointy leaves face the way you want the flowers to show. Tuberous begonias are sensitive to frost, and should be planted outdoors after all danger of frost has passed. Tuberous begonias are shade-loving plants, but can tolerate morning and a little afternoon sun. Take your sprouted begonia tuber, and plant it 2 inches deep in a well-draining potting mix. Moss-lined planters work well for tuberous begonias because of their ability to drain well and still maintain good soil moisture. Caring for Your Tuberous Begonias Once planted, tuberous begonias will need regular watering, deadheading and fertilizing. Make sure your begonias are watered at least once a week, and more if they are planted in containers. Fertilize every two weeks with a liquid fertilizer to maintain heavy blooming and leaf growth. Begonias need to be deadheaded on almost a daily basis to keep the foliage clean. If left to deadhead on their own (which they will, they are self-cleaners), the spent flowers will stick to the foliage and diminish the overall appearance. End-of-Season Care Tuberous begonias will not survive a killing frost. A few days before the first frost of the season, dig up the tubers, cut the stems to 1 inch and leave a little soil on the roots. Place the tubers in a cool, dry area to cure for two to three weeks. Once cured, place the tubers in sawdust, peat moss or vermiculite and store in an area where the temperature stays between 40 and 50 degrees Fahrenheit. You then can start the whole process over the following year.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Gladiolus is an easy-to-grow flower noted for its tall flower spikes. The gladiolus or gladiola typically is grown in U.S. Department of Agriculture hardiness zones 7 through 10. Called the sword lily for its upright, flower-studded stalk, the gladiolus is a fair weather plant. The flower bulbs, also called corms, are not winter-hardy. The flowers bloom from mid-summer through the first frost. [图片]Features The gladiolus blooms on tall stems with narrow, blade-shaped leaves. Because glads mature in a season, you can plant corms in spring and enjoy flowers by mid-summer, when a series of trumpet-shaped florets opens along the stem. Plant the corms in well-drained, organic soil with moderate moisture. Encourage prolific blooms by planting gladioli away from shrubs or other tall flowers. The plants produce strong stems and healthier flowers with open exposure to sunlight. When the plants die back in late autumn, corms remain in the ground in temperate climates and put out new foliage and flowers in spring. Dig up corms in cold zones and store in a well-ventilated, protected area at 35 to 45 degrees Fahrenheit until spring. Types Glads range from miniatures, growing under 3 feet tall with 2-1/2-inch flowers, to giants, growing 4 to 6 feet tall with 5-inch blooms. Glads flower in almost every color shade from white through dark purple. Some cultivars yield bi-color flowers, such as white with brown centers. Other hybrids offer green flowers that blend with the tall leaves. Miniatures fit well as cut flowers in small bouquets. Glads make spectacular vase arrangements with or without other cut flowers. [图片]Staking Keep flowers upright by staking gladioli. In wind or rain, glads may topple, uprooting the bulbs. Flower weight makes some glad stems bend or break. Protect stems by staking each individually or staking a row of glads. Stake individual flowers by tapping a 1-inch square wood support into the ground and tying each stem to its stake. Support a row of glads by tapping in 2-inch square posts and weaving twine between the posts. Tie the glads to the twine network. Some gardeners plant rows of glads in front of lattice so that tipsy glads are easily anchored to the decorative lattice grid. Considerations Select cultivars that bloom at different times for an ever-changing summer display. By planting corms in succession every two weeks from spring through early summer, the glads bloom continuously into autumn. For variety, choose a different color or height for each planting.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Potted hyacinths are sold as seasonal flowering plants. You can make the flowers bloom earlier in the season than they do naturally, usually in late winter or early spring. The bulbs grow and bloom inside the home after they are forced. The potted hyacinths rarely bloom a second time in the pot, but you can replant them outdoors and they may bloom again the next year. Caring for the potted hyacinth properly during the flowering period helps prolong the life of the blossoms. [图片]Step 1 Set the hyacinth pot in an area that receives bright sunlight until the bulbs begin to flower. Keep the pot in an area with a temperature near 60 degrees F for best growth. Step 2 Water the bulbs when the top half inch of soil feels dry. Hyacinth are sometimes grown in pebbles and water instead of soil. Water these bulbs as needed so the water level remains just below the bottom of the bulb. Step 3 Move the hyacinth pot to an area that receives bright but indirect sunlight once the flower blossoms begin to open. Direct sunlight during flowering may cause the blooms to wilt prematurely. Step 4 Fertilize the bulbs with a soluble balanced fertilizer after the blooms begin to fade if you want to replant them outdoors. Only potted hyacinths in soil replant well - pebble-grown bulbs should be discarded. Apply the fertilizer every two weeks at half the recommended monthly dosage on the label. [图片]Step 5 Cut off the flower stalks after the blossoms fade but leave the foliage in place. Move the plants back into direct sunlight and continue to water and fertilize them until the foliage dies back naturally. Step 6 Cut the foliage off the bulbs to within 1 inch of the top of the bulb. Plant the bulbs outdoors in a sunny, well-drained bed, spacing them 2 to 3 inches apart in all directions. It may take up to two years before the hyacinths flower again.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Amaryllis (Hippeastrum spp.) produce flamboyant blooms over outsize bulbs. The tropical plants grow outdoors only in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 8 through 10, but they also make a splash as houseplants where they brighten winter holidays. How many times they'll bloom indoors or how long they'll last in the garden depends on how you treat them after they're finished blooming. [图片]The Perennial Bulb Like other bulbs, the amaryllis nurtures next year's plant and bloom as this year's flowers fade. It is also perennial, which means that it lives for three years or longer. How many years your amaryllis lives depends on its ability to gather nutrients, a process fueled by photosynthesis in its leaves. Unlike many bulbs, amaryllis leaves follow flowers and persist for several months after the plant has bloomed in the spring. Whether outdoors or in a container, do not cut the amaryllis plant's long, straplike leaves until they whither. In this way, you've given the perennial bulb another year of life. Indoor Bulbs Gift amaryllis bulbs typically arrive eight to 10 weeks before the winter holidays with instructions to begin watering them immediately. Depending on the age of the bulb, it will produce one or more scapes typically topped by three trumpet-shaped flowers in shades of red, pink, white or bicolor combinations. Indoors, with bright light and moderate temperatures, each scape of flowers lasts up to a month. Plants kept in a cool room, around 65 degrees Fahrenheit, bloom longest. [图片]In the Garden Plant amaryllis bulbs in the garden in September or October in USDA zones 8 through 10. Use purchased bulbs or gift bulbs that have faded. Plant the bulbs in organic, well-draining soil with the wide side down so that the narrow neck sits above the soil. Beginning when scapes begin growing in February or March, fertilize with a low-nitrogen garden fertilizer such as 5-10-10 or 6-12-12. Work 1 to 1.5 pounds into the soil for every 100-foot of row or for 100 square feet of bed. Fertilize when the bulbs break dormancy, when scapes reach 6 to 8 inches tall and again after the flowers fade in April. Remove faded flower scapes to stop energy-robbing seed formation. Bulbs and Dormancy Whether indoors or out, the secret to long-lived amaryllis lies in their ability to build new embryos while their leaves fade throughout the summer. Dormancy allows them to rest before entering the "home stretch" of bloom. After this period of rapid growth, bulbs need a period of 2 to 3 months of dormancy. Stop watering plants and put potted bulbs in a cool, dry basement or plant them with garden bulbs in fall. Begin watering plants again as they emerge from dormancy in February or March and keep the soil evenly moist as bulbs bloom. Within two to three years, bulbs may produce offsets -- bulblets that, when removed during dormancy and planted in pots or garden, may produce flowers within three to four years, prolonging the bloom of your amaryllis collection.
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