Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Description: This perennial herbaceous plant is 1½–3½' tall, branching frequently in the upper half to create a bushy appearance. The slender stems are light green, glabrous, and terete (circular in cross-section). Along the entire length of these stems, there are abundant alternate leaves that become gradually smaller in size as they ascend. These leaves are 1½–4" long and 1.5–4 mm. (less than ¼") across; they are linear in shape, entire (toothless) along their margins, medium green, glabrous (hairless), and either sessile or short-petiolate. The leaves have prominent central veins, and some of the wider leaves have pairs of lateral veins that are also visible. The upper stems terminate in clusters of flowerheads that together form a collective inflorescence that is somewhat flat-headed or dome-shaped and irregular. Within this inflorescence, clusters of 3-7 flowerheads often occur that are sessile during the bud stage, although some of them develop short pedicels while they are in bloom. The branches of these floral clusters are similar to the stems, except they are more angular and occasionally short-hairy. Small leafy bracts up to 1" long occur where these branches divide; these bracts are linear in shape. A mature flowerhead is about 3 mm. (1/8") across while in bloom, consisting of 10-12 ray florets and 4-7 disk florets. The petaloid rays of the flowerheads are short-oblong in shape, bright yellow, and ascending to widely spreading. The corollas of the disk florets are cylindrical in shape, 5-lobed, and bright yellow. At the base of each mature flowerhead, small phyllaries (floral bracts) occur in several overlapping series that are appressed together to form an involucre (a cup-shaped structure at the base of the flowerhead). For a mature flowerhead, this involucre is 4-6 mm. long and cylindrical in shape, tapering at its base. Individual phyllaries are elliptic-oblong in shape, light green to pale yellow, glabrous, and oily in appearance. The blooming period occurs from late summer to autumn, lasting about 1-2 months for a colony of plants. In the collective inflorescence of each plant, the flowerheads bloom gradually over a period of time, rather than all at once. Afterwards, the florets are replaced by achenes with small tufts of white hair; they are dispersed by the wind. These achenes are about 1 mm. long, bullet-shaped, and finely pubescent. The root system is fibrous and long-rhizomatous, often forming clonal colonies of plants. [图片]Cultivation: The preference is full sun, moist to dry conditions, and sandy soil, although this plant readily adapts to other kinds of soil containing loam, clay, silt, or gravel. Cool rainy weather or excessive overhead watering can make the lower leaves vulnerable to rust. During an extended drought, some of the lower leaves may wither away, which is normal. Overall, this little-known plant is easy to cultivate in gardens – perhaps too easy, as it is able to spread aggressively by means of its long rhizomes in the average garden situation. Range & Habitat: Plains Grass-leaved Goldenrod occurs occasionally throughout Illinois, but it is more common in the northern and western areas of the state (see Distribution Map). This plant is native to the state. The distribution map is from Jones & Fuller (1955), rather than the ILPIN database, because of some inaccuracies in the latter. Habitats include black soil prairies, sand prairies, gravel prairies, railroad prairies, meadows along rivers, rocky glades, roadsides, areas along railroads, and sandy fields. Plains Grass-leaved Goldenrod is more typical of areas to the west in the Great Plains, but it is still locally common in some parts of the state. [图片]Faunal Associations: The nectar and pollen of the flowerheads attract an abundance of bees, wasps, flies, small butterflies, skippers, moths, beetles, plant bugs, and stink bugs. A plasterer bee, Colletes simulans armata, and such Andrenid bees as Andrena hirticincta, Andrena nubecula, and Andrena simplex, are specialist pollinators (oligoleges) of goldenrods, including Euthamia spp. The Goldenrod Soldier Beetle (Chauliognathus pennsylvanicus), in particular, is a common visitor of the flowerheads. Other insects feed on the foliage and other parts of Plains Grass-leaved Goldenrod. These species include a leaf beetle, Exema byersi, and such grasshoppers as the Western Grass-green Grasshopper (Hesperotettix speciosus), Meadow Purple-striped Grasshopper (Hesperotettix viridis), Keeler's Grasshopper (Melanoplus keeleri luridus), and Scudder's Short-winged Grasshopper (Melanoplus scudderi latus); see Clark et al. (2004) and Campbell et al. (1974). It is not uncommon to find various insects hiding within the dense leafy stems and clustered flowerheads during the day, including moths, caterpillars, and predatory insects; Ambush Bugs (Phymata spp.) are particularly common. The foliage of goldenrods is eaten occasionally by mammalian herbivores, particularly when it is young and more tender. Photographic Location: The photographs were taken of plants growing in the webmaster's garden in Urbana, Illinois. [图片]Comments: Different authorities don't agree on the distribution of Plains Grass-leaved Goldenrod (Euthamia gymnospermoides) within Illinois. For example, Mohenbrock (2002) and the ILPIN database restrict the distribution of this species to the northern and western areas of the state, while Jones & Fuller (1955) and A.G. Jones (1973) state that this species occurs in other areas of the state. In my experience, these latter authorities are correct, as I have encountered Plains Grass-leaved Goldenrod in some railroad prairies of east-central Illinois. It is easy to confuse this species with the more common Grass-leaved Goldenrod (Euthamia graminifolia). Plains Grass-leaved Goldenrod differs by having less than 20 florets per flowerhead (including both disk & ray florets), hairless stems, slightly more narrow leaves, and a more bushy appearance from densely branched stems. Grass-leaved Goldenrod, in contrast, has more than 20 florets per flowerhead, stems with lines of hair, slightly wider leaves, and a less branched appearance. Another species, Lake Grass-leaved Goldenrod (Euthamia remota), differs from Plains Grass-leaved Goldenrod by having slightly more slender leaves and shorter involucres (3-4 mm. long) on its mature flowerheads. Lake Grass-leaved Goldenrod probably should be reclassified as a disjunct population of Coastal Grass-leaved Goldenrod (Euthamia caroliniana); see efloras for more information.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Description: This herbaceous perennial plant is 2-3½' tall. Sometimes it is slender and little branched, while at other times it branches frequently, creating a bushy appearance. The slender stems usually have lines of fine white hairs. The alternate leaves are linear and have smooth margins. The larger leaves have 3 conspicuous veins, although the smaller ones usually have only a single conspicuous vein. They are up to 4" long and 3/8" across, or slightly wider. Sometimes there are a few white hairs near the base of the leaves and along the central vein on the underside. There are clusters of small composite flowers at the apex of the plant and many of the upper side stems. These flower clusters are usually rather flat-headed, but they sometimes assume a round-headed appearance. Each composite flower is yellow, consisting of about 21-35 disk florets and ray florets (when considered together). It is only about 1/8" across – smaller than the composite flowers of other goldenrods. These compound flowers often bloom gradually, rather than simultaneously, with older flowers turning brown while younger flowers are still in the bud stage. The blooming period is late summer to early fall, and lasts about 1 month. Sometimes there is a mild floral scent. The root system is fibrous, and new plants develop vegetatively from rhizomes. Overall, Grass-Leaved Goldenrod is rather variable across different localities. Cultivation: The preference is full sun and moist conditions. However, this plant tolerates drier conditions, and can be surprisingly drought tolerant. The soil should contain high amounts of organic matter; some varieties of this plant also grow in moist sandy soil. Powdery mildew seems to bother this goldenrod less often than many others. It is easy to grow, but can spread aggressively in moist sunny places. [图片]Range & Habitat: Grass-Leaved Goldenrod occurs occasionally in most counties of Illinois (see Distribution Map), where this plant is native. However, it can be locally common in some wetlands areas. Habitats include moist black soil prairies, edges of marshes, sandy pannes between dunes, calcareous seeps, borders of lakes, abandoned fields, and ditches along railroads. Grass-Leaved Goldenrod occasionally occurs in drier habitats, but it has greater trouble competing with other forbs, such as Solidago canadensis (Canada Goldenrod), in such places. Faunal Associations: The small flowers attract many kinds of insects, including long-tongued bees, short-tongued bees, wasps, flies, butterflies, moths, and beetles. Various wasps and a few beetle species, such as Chauliognathus pennsylvanicus (Goldenrod Soldier Beetle) and Epicauta pensylvanica (Black Blister Beetle), seem to be especially attracted to the flowers. The caterpillars of several species of moths eat various parts of this and other goldenrods (see Moth Table). The seeds are eaten by the Eastern Goldfinch and Swamp Sparrow to a limited extent, while the foliage is occasionally consumed in limited amounts by the Greater Prairie Chicken, Cottontail Rabbit, and White-Tailed Deer. [图片]Photographic Location: The photographs were taken at Meadowbrook Park in Urbana, Illinois. Comments: Grass-Leaved Goldenrod has more slender leaves than other goldenrods in Illinois, except for Euthamia gymnospermoides (Plains Grass-Leaved Goldenrod). However, there is only a single conspicuous vein in the largest leaves of this latter species, its stems are hairless, it has only 12-20 disk and ray florets in a compound flower (when considered together), and it is usually more branched and bushy in appearance. Grass-Leaved Goldenrod also differs from the latter species by preferring more soggy habitats.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
[图片]银耳为门担子菌门真菌银耳的子实体,银耳是由10余片薄而多皱褶的扁平形瓣片组成。银耳子实体纯白至乳白色,一般呈菊花状或鸡冠状,直径5~10厘米,柔软洁白,半透明,富有弹性,由数片至组成,形似菊花形、牡丹形或绣球形,直径3~15厘米。干后收缩,角质,硬而脆,白色或米黄色。子实层生瓣片表面。担子近球形或近卵圆形,纵分隔,夏秋季生于阔叶树腐木上。 [图片]银耳的营养价值 银耳的营养成分非常丰富,初步分析其含蛋白质6.7~10%、碳水化合物65~71.2%、脂肪0.6~12.8%、粗纤维2.4~2.75%、无机盐4.0~5.4%、水分15.2~18.76%及少量维生素B类,蛋白质中含有亮氨酸、异亮氨酸、苯丙氨酸、氨酸、丝氨酸、谷氨酸、撷氨酸、脯氨酸、精氨酸、赖氨酸、丙氨酸、苏氨酸、天门冬氨酸、酪氨酸、胱氨酸、组氨酸、甲硫氨酸等17种氨基酸,无机盐中主要含硫、铁、镁、钙、钾等离子。 银耳有什么功效? 1、护肝解毒:银耳所含氨基酸中的酸性异多糖能提高人体免疫力,对老年慢性支气管炎、肺心病有一定的缓解功效,并能提高肝脏的解毒能力。 2、防癌抗癌:银耳糖浆可增强巨噬细胞的吞噬能力,提高机体对原子能辐射损伤的保护能力,也是人们防癌抗癌的良药。 3、护肤美容:银耳中含有类阿拉伯树脂胶可润泽肌肤,对皮肤角质有良好的滋养润泽作用,常食可使皮肤白皙细嫩、柔软而富弹性。 4、清肺养血:银耳含有丰富的蛋白质、多糖和维生素等营养成分,营养学家认为银耳有清肺养血、滋阴化痰的功效。 5、增强免疫:银耳能防止钙的流失,对生长发育十分有益,因富含硒等微量元素,可以增强机体抗肿瘤的免疫力。 6、清热健胃:银耳也是一味滋补良药,特点是滋润而不腻滞,具有补脾开胃、益气清肠、安眠健胃、补脑、养阴清热、润燥的功效。 7、润肠通便:银耳富含纤维素,可以促进肠壁的蠕动,帮助消化,防止大便干燥,还可润滑肠道、刺激排便、保持肠内粪便湿润。 8、滋阴和血:银耳具有滋阴润肺、益气和血、补脑提神的作用,适宜老弱、病后体虚者食用,对于高血压、血管硬化等患者也很适宜。 银耳有什么禁忌? 1、银耳性润而腻,风寒咳嗽及湿痰壅盛者慎食,若食后有大便泄泻者也不适宜。同时,冰糖银耳含糖量高,睡前不宜食用,以免引起血黏度增高。 2、银耳食用前一定要用冷水浸泡再用热水浸泡20至30分钟,然后用清水反复冲洗后才可食用,泡发后去掉未发开部分,特别是呈淡黄色的部分。 3、变质银耳不可食用以防中毒,银耳变质后呈焦黄色或绿褐色,蒂部有黑点或橘红色斑块,经水泡后发粘有异味,另外凡表面长有绒毛状的干品就有发霉的危险。 4、银耳一般都含较多的硝酸盐类,经过烹煮之后如果放的时间较长,在细菌的分解作用下硝酸盐会还原成亚硝酸盐,人喝了隔夜银耳汤可能会引起中毒。 5、银耳中毒是由黄杆菌外毒素引起的,黄杆菌外毒素主要对人体的大脑、肝脏和肾脏均有严重的损害,严重的最后发生脑水肿或肝坏死而死亡。 银耳有哪些做法? 1、银耳红枣汤 【材料】银耳两朵,枸杞几粒,红枣几颗,葡萄干几粒,百合5~8片。 【做法】把以上食材放到砂锅里,加清水,中火炖开。炖的过程中要经常拿勺子翻动一下,免得粘锅。炖开以后小火慢炖20分钟,关火。然后盖上盖子,让它再焖5~10分钟。 2、银耳雪梨汤 【材料】梨1个,银耳适量,枸杞适量,冰糖适量,水1000毫升。 【做法】银耳泡发后剪去黄色部分,锅中加水后将银耳倒入,烧开后转小火煮十分钟。趁煮银耳的时间将梨洗净削皮切块,银耳煮好后加梨和枸杞、冰糖大火煮开,再转小火煮十分钟即可。 3、银耳木瓜汤 【材料】木瓜200克,银耳20克,冰糖适量,清水4杯,南、北杏各少许。 【做法】木瓜去皮去核,切成小块,银耳浸软去蒂、洗净、氽水,南北杏洗净。将木瓜、银耳、南北杏、冰糖及清水放进炖盅内,加盖,原盅隔沸水炖一小时即成。
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
[图片]关于椰子的来历,在民间有个传说:相传林邑王与越王有怨,使刺客乘其醉,取其首,悬于树,化为椰子,其核犹有两眼,故俗谓之越王头。椰子汁我们经常喝,那么可有人知道它的作用与饮用的方法。 [图片]喝椰子汁有什么好处? 1、补充营养:椰子汁含有糖类、脂肪、蛋白质、维生素B族、维生素C及微量元素钾、镁等,能有效地补充人体的营养成分,提高机体的抗病能力。 2、利尿消肿:椰子汁含有丰富的钾、镁等矿物质,其电解质浓度与体液相似,可纠正脱水和电解质紊乱,从而达到利尿消肿的功效。 3、杀虫消疳:椰子汁有杀灭肠道寄生虫的作用,可驱除姜片虫和绦虫,用之于临床不仅疗效可靠,且无毒副作用,是理想的杀虫消疳食品。 4、驻颜美容:椰子汁含糖类、脂肪、蛋白质、生长激素、维生素和大量的微量元素,经常饮用能补充细胞内液、扩充血容量、滋润皮肤、驻颜美容。 哪些人不能喝椰子汁? 1、长期睡眠不佳、容易发脾气或口干舌燥者,不要过多喝。 2、脾胃虚弱、腹痛腹泻者不宜喝椰子汁。 3、心力衰竭患者不宜喝椰子汁,以免加重心脏负担。 4、椰子汁内含葡萄糖、蔗糖、果糖等,糖尿病患者忌食。 椰子汁怎么做好喝? 1、芒果椰汁水 【材料】芒果150克,椰子汁1杯,香蕉1根,蜂蜜半匙,冰块适量。 【做法】①香蕉剥去皮后切小段,芒果剥皮取果肉。②芒果肉、香蕉、椰子汁、冰块一起放入榨汁机中,均匀搅打成果汁即可。 2、番茄椰子汁 【材料】番茄适量,椰子汁适量。 【做法】①番茄洗净,切成合适大小的块。②和椰子汁一起倒入到搅拌机中,均匀的搅拌成汁即可。 3、红糖椰子汁 【材料】椰子肉适量,椰子汁适量,红糖30克。 【做法】①椰子肉切成细丝,放入锅中。②倒入椰子汁煮沸。③根据自己的口味加入适量的红糖搅拌均匀即可。
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
[图片]释迦果具有激活脑细胞的功效,在中国以外常用来治疗脑萎缩。患者经常食用释迦,对于病症的减轻有明显的辅助食疗作用,此外,释迦纤维含量较高,能有效地促进肠蠕动,排走积存在肠内的宿便,同时,它还是最佳的抗氧化水果,能够有效延缓肌肤衰老,美白肌肤。 美国专家从1970年开始,就针对番荔枝进行了20多项研究。研究结果表明,番荔枝的萃取物可有效对抗12类癌症的恶性细胞,其中包括结肠癌、乳腺癌、前列腺癌、肺癌和胰腺癌等。同时,番荔枝还具有抗真菌和抗寄生虫的功效,此外,它还能帮助调节血压,还是一种抗抑郁剂和广谱抗生素。下面具体来看一下它的营养与功效都有哪些。 [图片]释迦果的营养价值 1、释迦果的纤维含量较高,而且含有丰富的维生素C。 2、释迦果富含维生素A、B、C及蛋白质、铁、钙、磷等。 3、释迦果含有的热量比较高,每100克含热量438千焦。 4、释迦果富含碳水化合物,而碳水化合物是构成机体的重要物质。 释迦果有什么功效? 1、益智健脑:释迦果富含的钙元素是人体生长必需的物质之一,除了能使身体正常发育外还有补脑功效,对小孩提高智力或延缓老年人记忆的衰退都非常有效。 2、补铁养血:释迦果富含铁元素,适宜于缺铁性贫血患者食用,孕妇、儿童及哺乳期的妇女要注意补铁,因此可以适当的食用释迦果。 3、减缓衰老:释迦果富含维生素C,维C具有保护牙齿健康,预防动脉硬化,清除自由基,能够有效延缓肌肤衰老,美白肌肤。 4、降低血糖:释迦果有激活脑细胞和降低血糖的功效,在国外常用来治疗脑萎缩和糖尿病,糖尿病患者经常食用对病症的减轻有明显的辅助作用。 5、防癌抗癌:释迦果可有效对抗12类癌症的恶性细胞,其中包括结肠癌、乳腺癌、前列腺癌、肺癌和胰腺癌等,同时还具有抗真菌和抗寄生虫的功效。 释迦果有什么禁忌? 1、释迦果不要与乳制品或高蛋白的食品一起食用。 2、释迦果含有很高的油脂,肥胖的人不能食用。 3、释迦果为温性水果,热性体质的人不宜多吃,易上火。 释迦果有哪些吃法? 1、释迦果炒饭 【材料】释迦果50克,香肠、虾仁、笋角、太白粉、胡椒粉、青葱花、虾皮、鸡粉、米饭适量。 【做法】释迦果去壳和籽,粘面粉过油,然后将所有材料炒匀即成。 【功效】养颜美容,增强免疫。 2、释迦果冰沙 【材料】释迦果100克,柑橘1个,炼乳、蜂蜜、清酒各适量。 【做法】释迦果去壳和籽切成小块,柑橘剥皮去籽,一起拌匀,加入炼乳、蜂蜜、清酒即成。 【功效】开胃健脾、润肠通便,尤适糖尿病患者食用。 3、释迦果苹果汁 【材料】释迦果2个,苹果1个,蜂蜜20克。 【做法】释迦果去壳和籽切成小块,苹果洗净去核切小块,一起放入果汁机,加入搅拌均匀即成。 【功效】养颜美容。
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
[图片]柠檬富含维生素C、糖类、钙、磷、铁、维生素B1、维生素B2、烟酸、奎宁酸、柠檬酸、苹果酸、橙皮苷、柚皮苷、香豆精、高量钾元素和低量钠元素等,对人体十分有益。维生素C能维持人体各种组织和细胞间质的生成,并保持它们正常的生理机能。人体内的母质、粘合和成胶质等,都需要维生素C来保护。当维生素C缺少了,细胞之间的间质——胶状物也就跟着变少。这样,细胞组织就会变脆,失去抵抗外力的能力,人体就容易出现坏血症,它还有更多用途,如预防感冒、刺激造血和抗癌等作用。 [图片]柠檬水的正确泡法 1、方法一:柠檬切开将汁水挤入杯中,注入纯净水或冷开水,根据喜好加冰块即可。 2、方法二:柠檬切片后放入玻璃杯中,注入纯净水或冷开水,根据喜好加冰块即可。 3、方法三:柠檬片直接放入充满纯净水或冷开水的冷水壶中,根据喜好加冰块即可。 柠檬水有什么功效? 1、美白护肤:柠檬水含维生素B1、维生素B2、维生素C等多种营养成分,还富含有机酸、柠檬酸,具有很强的抗氧化作用,对促进肌肤的新陈代谢、延缓衰老及抑制色素沉着等十分有效。 2、清热化痰:柠檬水能袪痰,袪痰功效比柑橘还强,夏季天气湿热,人体的内湿和自然气候的外湿相互感应,湿浊郁积日久就可生痰,当咽喉不适时喝柠檬水可将喉咙积聚的浓痰咳出。 3、生津解暑:柠檬水富含芳香挥发成分,可生津解暑、开胃醒脾,夏季很多人神疲乏力,长时间工作或学习后往往胃口不佳,喝一杯柠檬水能让人精神一振,更可以打开胃口。 4、预防疾病:柠檬水富含维生素C和维生素P,能增强血管弹性和韧性,可预防和治疗高血压和心肌梗塞症状,而且青柠檬中好含有一种近似胰岛素的成分,可以使异常的血糖值降低。 5、抗菌消炎:柠檬水富含维生素C,而维生素C对人体发挥的作用犹如天然抗生素,具有抗菌消炎、增强人体免疫力等多种功效,因此平时可多喝热柠檬水来保养身体。 柠檬水有什么禁忌? 1、经常喝柠檬水来充饥而不吃正餐的人很容易罹患蛋白质缺乏症。 2、柠檬水的酸性比较强,空腹饮用的话非常容易伤胃的。 3、容易胃酸胃寒的人最好不要在晚上饮用柠檬水。 4、柠檬水的酸性非常大,特别容易腐蚀牙釉质,从而造成牙齿问题。 柠檬水有哪些误区? 1、泡得浓点好:实际上柠檬泡水一定要淡,一片带皮柠檬泡一扎水能倒3~4杯,这样的柠檬水没有很浓的酸味,不加糖或蜂蜜即可饮用,这样所含能量更低。 2、不能用热水:实际上泡柠檬的水不能太凉,否则香味泡不出来,其实维生素C在酸性条件下耐热性较好,没有想象中那么容易损失,水温高于60度完全没问题。 3、会促进结石:实际上柠檬酸不会像草酸那样促进肾结石,相反柠檬酸等有机酸有利于食物中钙、镁、铁、锌等多种矿物质吸收,而研究证明柠檬酸对肾结石的预防也是有利的。 4、胃病不能喝:实际上用一片柠檬来泡一大瓶水,泡出来的柠檬水味道很淡,根本没有可乐之类甜饮料那么酸,也不至于会造成胃溃疡。 5、柠檬是酸性:实际上柠檬是碱性,柠檬中的钾、钙等离子会以金属阳离子的形式留在体内,这些离子都可以与酸根离子结合,可以降低尿液的酸性,故而被称为“成碱性食品”。
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
[图片]水果,是指多汁且主要味觉为甜味和酸味,可食用的植物果实。水果不但含有丰富的营养,而且能够帮助消化、维持人体正常生理功能、促进生长发育、防治疾病、延缓衰老等。下面将进一步介绍几种水果的功能以及进食时需注意的事项。 [图片]1、天然流感预防针——猕猴桃、柑橘 猕猴桃,清热利尿,抗氧化成分丰富,可增强抵抗力,还可增强心脑血管功能。柑橘还能预防感冒,建议整瓣连白络一起吃,可滋润喉咙,效果更好。近期研究发现,增加维生素C的摄入量对预防感冒非常有效,而柑橘、猕猴桃都含有丰富的维生素C。 2、快速消化剂——杨桃、菠萝、火龙果 应酬时难免大吃大喝,容易引起消化不良,可在应酬后将杨桃切片蘸点盐来吃。杨桃富含维生素C,能促进食物消化,还能防止致癌物亚硝酸盐的合成,是应酬后很好的解毒剂。金黄色的菠萝利尿助消化,其中的蛋白酶可加速分解肉类,有时炭烤食物吃太多,肚子鼓胀不舒服,吃点新鲜菠萝可快速消除胀气。吃火龙果有助于润肠通便,也是应酬后很好的“救急”水果。 3、大脑活化剂——桂圆、苹果 苹果有“记忆果”之称,它含锌丰富,能促进大脑发育、增强记忆力,亦有护心效果。桂圆是“智慧果”,可以让大脑开窍,如果碰上连续工作、加班或考试,思维变得迟钝,吃桂圆就可恢复体力,让思绪敏捷。但桂圆偏热性,有口干舌燥或发炎症状时不宜吃。 4、血管保护伞——香蕉、草莓、山楂 香蕉含钾离子,可降血压,预防心血管疾病。草莓含果胶及抗氧化物,可防止动脉硬化。山楂有消食化瘀的作用,能减少胆固醇在动脉内壁中的沉积,起到保护血脉的作用,山楂还能增强血管收缩能力,增加心血排出量,降低血液黏稠度,保护心血管。因此,胃功能差的人最好在饭后吃山楂,且吃后要刷牙漱口,因为山楂酸,容易损伤牙齿。 5、补血剂——桑葚、葡萄 紫色的桑葚能行气活血、滋养眼睛、乌发抗老化,可以让人拥有好气色。因此,气色不好的人可常吃。葡萄汁多甜美,可滋养肝肾、补气血,让头发乌黑,葡萄皮上的维生素P可修复神经。因此,葡萄连皮带籽打汁喝,抗老化效果更好。需要提醒的是,桑葚中含有过敏物质及透明质酸,过量食用后容易发生溶血性肠炎,因此小孩不宜多吃。 6、化痰药——枇杷、梨 枇杷的镇咳化痰效果很好,吃枇杷可以舒缓喉咙不适。梨可以清咽降火,经常食用煮熟的梨,能增加口中津液,起到保养嗓子的作用。现代研究表明,梨具有清热、镇静的功效,营养价值很高,但是性寒凉,因此一次不要吃得过多。 7、安神剂——橙子、桃子 中医认为,柑橘类水果所具有的芳香物质可化湿、开窍,醒脑提神。当你不想吃东西时,闻闻橙子、柠檬的清香,也能有所缓解。沁人心脾的果香味还有镇静安神的作用。桃子可助排便,在中医来看也可活血化瘀、安定心神。需要提醒的是,桃虽好吃,但不可多吃。胃肠功能差的老年人、小孩均不宜多吃。此外,桃子含糖量高,糖尿病病人应慎食。 8、美白剂——柠檬 柠檬中碱性成分含量较高,尤其是富含柠檬酸,对于调节机体代谢有益,能维持体液正常平衡,对促进新陈代谢、延缓衰老现象及增强免疫力等都有帮助。有研究指出,柠檬中的有效成分能干扰黑色素合成,并能收缩毛孔、美白淡斑、去除油脂污垢。 9、养胃良方——木瓜 熬夜后常出现便秘、胃痛等上火发炎症状的人,可吃点木瓜健胃、通便。用青木瓜炖煮排骨汤,有利于保护胃壁。 看到这里才知道,五颜六色的水果不仅酸甜可口,还是身体最好的保养品。如果适时吃对水果,就能“修理”好我们身体出现的很多小毛病。 那么对于一类需要特殊照顾的人群——孕妇,她们吃水果时应当注意什么呢?有什么水果适合孕妇食用呢? 1、天然流感预防针——猕猴桃、柑橘 猕猴桃,清热利尿,抗氧化成分丰富,可增强抵抗力,还可增强心脑血管功能。柑橘还能预防感冒,建议整瓣连白络一起吃,可滋润喉咙,效果更好。近期研究发现,增加维生素C的摄入量对预防感冒非常有效,而柑橘、猕猴桃都含有丰富的维生素C。 2、快速消化剂——杨桃、菠萝、火龙果 应酬时难免大吃大喝,容易引起消化不良,可在应酬后将杨桃切片蘸点盐来吃。杨桃富含维生素C,能促进食物消化,还能防止致癌物亚硝酸盐的合成,是应酬后很好的解毒剂。金黄色的菠萝利尿助消化,其中的蛋白酶可加速分解肉类,有时炭烤食物吃太多,肚子鼓胀不舒服,吃点新鲜菠萝可快速消除胀气。吃火龙果有助于润肠通便,也是应酬后很好的“救急”水果。 3、大脑活化剂——桂圆、苹果 苹果有“记忆果”之称,它含锌丰富,能促进大脑发育、增强记忆力,亦有护心效果。桂圆是“智慧果”,可以让大脑开窍,如果碰上连续工作、加班或考试,思维变得迟钝,吃桂圆就可恢复体力,让思绪敏捷。但桂圆偏热性,有口干舌燥或发炎症状时不宜吃。 4、血管保护伞——香蕉、草莓、山楂 香蕉含钾离子,可降血压,预防心血管疾病。草莓含果胶及抗氧化物,可防止动脉硬化。山楂有消食化瘀的作用,能减少胆固醇在动脉内壁中的沉积,起到保护血脉的作用,山楂还能增强血管收缩能力,增加心血排出量,降低血液黏稠度,保护心血管。因此,胃功能差的人最好在饭后吃山楂,且吃后要刷牙漱口,因为山楂酸,容易损伤牙齿。 5、补血剂——桑葚、葡萄 紫色的桑葚能行气活血、滋养眼睛、乌发抗老化,可以让人拥有好气色。因此,气色不好的人可常吃。葡萄汁多甜美,可滋养肝肾、补气血,让头发乌黑,葡萄皮上的维生素P可修复神经。因此,葡萄连皮带籽打汁喝,抗老化效果更好。需要提醒的是,桑葚中含有过敏物质及透明质酸,过量食用后容易发生溶血性肠炎,因此小孩不宜多吃。 6、化痰药——枇杷、梨 枇杷的镇咳化痰效果很好,吃枇杷可以舒缓喉咙不适。梨可以清咽降火,经常食用煮熟的梨,能增加口中津液,起到保养嗓子的作用。现代研究表明,梨具有清热、镇静的功效,营养价值很高,但是性寒凉,因此一次不要吃得过多。 根据产前宜清凉的药食原则,孕妇应避免进食热性食物,因为热性食物会使人体内热加重,有碍机体聚血养胎,如荔枝和桂圆恰恰属于这类水果。有的女性怀孕后,会有妊娠反应,爱吃酸、甜之类的食物,但要注意的是,山楂及其制品孕妇不宜吃。现代医学证实,山楂对妇女子宫有收缩作用,如果孕妇大量食用山楂食品,就会刺激子宫收缩,甚至导致流产。事实上,还是有很多水果是适合给孕妇食用的,这些水果不仅可口,有的还能治疗妊娠反应呢。 1.秋梨。吃秋梨可以清热降压。秋梨被誉为“百果之宗”,是我国最古老的水果之一。其性甘寒微酸,有清热利尿、润喉降压、清心润肺、镇咳祛痰、生津止渴的作用,可治疗妊娠水肿及妊娠高血压。 2.柿子。柿子性寒,有清热润肺、生津止渴、镇咳祛痰等功效,适宜孕妇适量食用,尤其是妊娠高血压综合征的孕妇食用。但柿子有涩味,吃多了会感到口涩舌麻,且收敛作用很强,容易引起大便干燥。因此,孕期吃柿子应该点到为止,以一次吃一个为宜。 3.柑橘类。柑橘类品种繁多,它们的果汁富含柠檬酸、氨基酸、碳水化合物、多种维生素、钙、磷、铁等营养成分,是孕妇喜欢吃的食品。但不可多食,因为柑橘性温味甘,补阳益气,过量食用容易引起燥热上火,发生口腔炎、牙周炎、咽喉炎等。孕妇每天吃柑橘不应超过3个,且要控制在250克以内。 4.无花果。无花果富含多种氨基酸、有机酸、镁、锰、铜、锌及维生索等营养成分。有清热解毒、止泻通乳之功效,尤其对于痔疮便血、脾虚腹泻、咽喉疼痛、乳汁干枯等疗效显著。孕妇最容易患痔疮,预防痔疮必须保持大便通畅,故宜常吃适量的无花果。 总结以上内容不难发现,水果在对人体保持健康方面确实起着卓越的贡献,利用水果养生的人群也不在少数,但是对有些患有慢性疾病尤其是糖尿病的人群来说,有些水果应当适可而止,有些水果更是绝对不能随便吃的,必须要遵照医生的指示正确食用。
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Dahlia (Dahlia spp.) is not above getting infected with fungus. Specifically, dahlia leaves may become mottled with mold for two reasons: Botrytis cinerea or powdery mildew. Knowing the type of fungus the dahlia is infected with is the first step in curing it. After identifying the type of fungus, use a combination of good care and the right remedy to restore your dahlia to full health. [图片]Identifying the Mold Botrytis cinerea, commonly called gray mold, is aptly named for the woolly, gray mold spores that spread atop masses of brown, water-soaked spots. The dahlia's petals are more likely to be covered by gray mold than leaves, but leaves may be infected if they are injured, dead or growing directly from a food base such as a fallen petal. If the leaves are covered in a dry, white mold, chances are they are infected with powdery mildew, not gray mold. Powdery mildew grows on older leaves and stems, and may cause the leaves to become discolored and die. Unlike gray mold, it does not need moisture to germinate, and it does not cause brown, water-soaked spots. Removing Plant Debris Reducing the amount of decaying plant matter the fungus has access to will help prevent and control gray mold and powdery mildew. Tend to the dahlia plants when they're dry because it helps prevent fungal spores from spreading. Destroy any plant debris -- including faded flowers and dead leaves -- infected with any fungus, and discard them in a paper bag to be thrown out with the trash. For plants infected with gray mold, you may have to clip off entire plants at the base. Clipping off entire plants is not necessary for powdery mildew, but infected leaves should be clipped off. [图片]Reducing Moisture Gray mold spores need free moisture to germinate and infect, and while it is not needed for powdery mildew to survive, it still helps promote its rapid growth. Lowering the amount of moisture may help halt or dramatically slow down the growth of the fungi. To reduce moisture, avoid getting the dahlia plant leaves wet when you water, and water the plant early in the day so it will be dry by the evening. Dahlias only need a deep soaking about once a week, or twice a week if they are not mulched. Fungicides If applied when symptoms first arise, fungicides may help prevent gray mold and powdery mildew from spreading. Chlorothalonil is a fungicide that is effective against gray mold and powdery mildew. Mixing and application instructions vary depending on the brand of chlorothalonil. For example, when using 29.6 percent chlorothalonil, mix 2 teaspoons in 1 gallon of water in a garden sprayer, and coat the dahlia with it in a fine mist every seven to 14 days, until the weather is no longer favorable for the fungus. Wear protective eyewear, gloves, pants and a long-sleeved shirt while handling the fungicide, and be careful not to inhale the mist. Keep children and pets out of the area until the spray has dried.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Tiger Lilies (Lilium columbianum Leichtlin), also known as Columbia lilies, are native to North America. The orange flowers, which may or may not have speckles, grow up to 4 feet tall. They add color and variety to the home garden. The flowers have six petals and blossom during the summer months. The best time to transplant tiger lilies depends on whether you are working with bulbs, bulbils, scales or seedlings. [图片]Propagation You can propagate lilies from bulbs, bulbils, scales or seed. During the growing season, the flower bulb will produce several smaller bulbs that remain attached to it. Even the tiniest bulb in the cluster is fertile if it has roots growing from it. If you want to plant seeds, then do not remove the spent flowers from the plants. This will encourage the plant to produce seedpods. Transplanting Bulbs As tiger lily bulbs never become dormant, according to North Dakota State University Extension, you need to choose the best time to transplant them. The best time is during autumn when the weather is chilly, and after the plants have died back. Dig up the bulbs, separate the cluster and then immediately replant them approximately 1 foot apart. This spacing gives the plants enough distance for healthy growth and flowering. Transplanting Bulbils Bulbils produce bulbs one to two years after you plant them. You will find bulbils on the mature leaves of the tiger lily in late summer or early autumn. They look like plump black beads. Carefully remove them from the leaves and immediately plant them in furrows, recommends the North American Lily Society. [图片]Transplanting Scales As soon as your tiger lilies finish flowering, usually in late summer, dig up the bulbs and remove from four to eight scales from each one. Do not touch the inner layers of scales, as they provide nutrition to the bulb. Additionally, you can remove the same number of scales from newly purchased tiger lily bulbs before planting them. The scales will grow bulblets and form roots. Find detailed directions for transplanting scales in Resources. Transplanting Seedlings Harvest only the brown seedpods, as they contain mature seeds. Depending on your weather, the seedlings should be ready to transplant from 6 to 8 weeks after sowing. Harden off the seedlings for approximately two weeks before transplanting into your garden Plant them in the spring when the soil is warm and all danger of frost is past.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Gladiolus plants send up flowers during the summer. Each flower stem contains several buds that bloom along the length of the stem. The flowers are prized as a colorful garden flower and as a cut flower for indoor display. The plants grow from a tender perennial corm that collects and stores the energy necessary for the following year's growth, making it necessary to properly care for the gladiolus after blooming if you want it to flower again the next year. [图片]Step 1 Cut off the flower stem at its base after all the buds have flowered and completed blooming. Use clean, sharp shears to remove the stems. Step 2 Water the plants weekly after blooming. Provide enough water at each irrigation to keep the top 6 inches of soil moist. Water more frequently if hot weather causes the soil to dry out or the plants to wilt. Step 3 Weed between the gladiolus weekly or as necessary to keep weeds from establishing in the bed. Gladiolus plants can't tolerate weed competition, as the weeds rob the soil of the nutrients and water the corms need to store energy. Step 4 Cut back the foliage to within ½ inch of the ground after the first fall frost causes the foliage to yellow and die back. Dig the corms up after cutting back the foliage. [图片]Step 5 Spread the corms out in a dry, warm location indoors. Dry the corms for three weeks. Step 6 Break the bottom off the corm along the seam and discard the bottom portion, saving only the new top corm. Store the corms in a paper bag in a dry location where temperatures are 35 to 45 degree Fahrenheit until spring planting.
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