Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Add elephant ears -- those large-leaved plants grown from roots the size of softballs, or larger -- to create a tropical flair to home landscapes. Elephant ears are tender perennials, hardy only in the warmest parts of the United States. In areas with colder winters, the plants must be lifted in the fall or replanted every year. [图片]Three genera of plants go by the common name elephant ears: Colocasia, Alocasia and Xanthosoma. The plants are similar in appearance, with large, heart-shaped leaves that grow up to 4 feet or more in length. Of the three types of elephant ears, Colocasia and Alocasia are the most cold hardy, surviving winter temperatures of 15 to 20 degrees Fahrenheit -- in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant Zone 8b. Colocasia is the most commonly found type of elephant ears, since breeders have worked on the species C. esculenta to produce many colorful leaf variations. All three plants have poisonous calcium oxalate crystals in the leaves, stems and roots, so use gloves when handling the plants. Taro is a type of edible elephant ear, but it must be properly prepared before being consumed. Growing Elephant Ears In the home landscape, elephant ears do best when planted in partial shade in moist soil. They look best when planted in the back of borders, in large containers or around ponds. Plant them directly outdoors after all danger of frost has passed, or start them indoors six to eight weeks before the last frost date. Cover the roots with 2 to 3 inches of soil and give them plenty of room to spread out. Elephant ears are heavy feeders and need frequent fertilization with either a general purpose fertilizer or a plant food formulated for foliage house plants. The soil around the roots needs to be kept moist, so regular watering is essential, especially for container-grown specimens. Division is best performed in the spring. [图片]Overwintering Elephant Ears To save elephant ear roots from year to year, cut the foliage back after the first frost, leaving 2 to 4 inches of stem, and carefully dig up the roots. Put the roots in a protected, well-ventilated spot until they're dry to the touch, then store them in vermiculite, packing peanuts or shredded paper. Don't use sand or moss as these materials hold moisture and encourage the roots to sprout prematurely. Keep the roots in a cool, dark location that remains frost-free, such as a crawlspace or basement. Discard any bulbs with soft spots or mold. Plump up shriveled bulbs by spraying them with water a day or two before replanting them in the spring. Cultivars Besides the plain green forms, several newer cultivars of elephant ears are available. "Black Magic" grows 3 to 5 feet tall with burgundy-black foliage, while the similarly-sized "Black Stem" has green leaves with burgundy-black veins. "Illustris" is a small elephant ear; its green foliage has black markings and lime green leaf margins and veins. "Lime Zinger" grows 5 to 6 feet tall with bright chartreuse-green foliage.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Winter seems to slip into spring almost unseen some years. The north wind brings frost one day, and the next day tulips (Tulipa spp.) and daffodils (Narcissus spp.) are popping up. Too often, though, one last frost or even a few more inches of snow spoil a gardener's fun. Fear not: A light frost won't hurt tulip or daffodil plants. In fact, they need a bit of chilling to bloom their best. [图片]Tough Spring Bulbs Hardy spring bulbs such as tulips and daffodils survive frozen ground where air temperatures dip to minus 40 degrees Fahrenheit. Some other bulb plants even bloom through snow, leading the way in spring. Provided they are not in bloom, tulips and daffodils are tough enough to survive a few nights of light frost. A coating of snow may weight them down or break their emerging stems, but won't kill the bulbs. Tulips are hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 3 through 8, depending on type, and daffodils are hardy in USDA zones 4 through 8, depending on cultivar. Survival Characteristic Aside from their hardiness, tulip and daffodils share the common trait of growing from bulbs, which are modified roots adapted to protect and feed the plants in unpredictable periods of time, such as during extreme cold. Each bulb grows a layer of tissue as an embryonic plant, complete with flower. As the days lengthen in spring and the ground thaws, the plants emerge from the bulbs on a schedule determined by evolution. Provided bulbs are planted under 6 to 8 inches of loamy soil and the soil remains moist but not soggy, the bulbs have the conditions necessary to emerge on a day when the environmental odds are in their favor. [图片]Spring Companions Tulips and daffodils are suitable companions in a spring garden. Both naturalize easily, growing in drifts. Early daffodils typically bloom before early tulips, providing up to two months of color beginning in March or April and ending in April or May, depending on the latitude. Species tulips return year after year more easily than hybrids, and division adds longevity to daffodil bulbs, which tend to reproduce every three to five years. When the number of blooms declines, simply dig up the old bulbs and either plant new bulbs or divide the old bulbs, and store them when dry in a refrigerator until fall planting time. Give your tulips and daffodils the best positions to minimize the effects of sudden spring frosts and freezes. Plant their bulbs on your home's north or east side, where sunlight doesn't heat the soil as fast as it does on south and west sides. In Case of Extremes Although tulips and daffodils are cold-tolerant, temperatures below 29 degrees Fahrenheit can damage their tender buds and flowers. An extended hard freeze can damage whole plants. Because next year's plants are forming within the bulbs, though, cold damage may be limited to this year's growth. If a hard freeze is forecast after tulip and daffodil plants emerge above soil in spring, then cover the plants with a cloth sheet. Cloth insulates -- as long as it doesn't touch the plants -- and holds in ground warmth.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Garden lilies provide elegant color beginning with bright Asiatic hybrids in June, through summer's regal Orientals and early fall's towering tiger lilies. The lovely lily is a tough customer, too. It grows from bulbs that not only bear nutrients for the succeeding season but act as vegetative propagation backup if seed production fails. [图片]Multiplication by Seed Lilies, like other flowering plants, propagate sexually by growing seeds in ovaries after pollen is transferred by passing insects, animals or weather from stamens to the central pistil. Successfully fertilized seeds ripen in pods throughout the summer and fall to the ground when the lily stalks die back in early winter. New plants rise from seeds the following spring if conditions are right, but plants may have to grow for two or three years before bulbs form and become large enough to support blooms. Species lilies multiply by seed annually but some hybrid lilies set seed only occasionally. About Lily Bulbs Garden hybrid lilies and the wild, or species, lilies from which they are descended grow from true bulbs, The lily's tunicate bulb grows from the interior and the outer layer, or tunic, dries and protects the growing bulb. Most lilies have energy left over to create new bulbs from which new lily plants rise. New bulbs grow larger each year until their plants also bear blooms. As new bulbs become larger, though, more bulbs compete for a finite amount of nutrients and bloom declines. Lilies take differing periods of time to multiply by vegetative propagation according to species and whether plants start from bulbils, bulblets or mature bulb divisions. [图片]Bulbils and Bulblets Some types of lilies, such as tiger lilies, grow tiny bulbils in the notch formed at the intersection of leaves with the plant's singular stalk. It might take a seed a year to develop into a tunicate bulb but bulbils grow yearly. In fall, bulbils fall from the plant and begin developing roots that will pull them into the ground before winter. Another junior bulb, known as a bulblet, grows around the base of the parent bulb or on the underground portion of the lily plant stalk. Bulblets are the ultimate backup: they strip away from a stalk or bulb pulled out of the ground by a hungry animal or careless gardener and scatter. Within a year or two, new plants grow large enough to bloom. Bulb Divisions Left alone, bulblets grow unto bulbs and grow new plants next to the parent. For this reason, gardeners choose to lift and divide bulbs to move newly mare bulbs to bloom in new positions and keep plants blooming in the original space. How often gardeners lift bulbs depends on the rate of creation and growth of bulblets that form around the base of the tunicate bulb. Most Asiatic and Oriental hybrids will form clumps that bloom for many years before bloom declines. Some are ready for splitting after two or three years. Mature bulbs bloom the summer following division.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Tiny ghost lilies (Lilium asiatic "Tiny Ghost") grow to reach about 12 to 18 inches high and do not require staking as do some lily varieties. They produce burgundy, trumpet-shaped flowers that bloom during the summer and make excellent cut flowers for floral arrangements. Because tiny ghost lilies are cultivars in the Asiatic lily family, they are quite cold hardy and fairly easy to care for compared with other types of lilies. [图片]Step 1 Plant tiny ghost lilies in soil that drains water well. Till the soil approximately 8 to 12 inches deep and mix in 3 to 4 inches of organic matter, such as leaf mold, compost or peat, before planting. This improves the drainage and adds essential nutrients to the soil. Never plant them in soil that frequently has standing water. Step 2 Fertilize tiny ghost lilies in the spring with a slow-release fertilizer that is high in phosphorus, such as one labeled 5-10-10. Use the recommended rates listed on the label. Step 3 Water tiny ghost lilies in the morning so the leaves have sufficient time to dry out before nightfall. This practice helps prevent fungal and foliar diseases. Water them two to three times a week for the first month after planting while they are becoming established. After that ghost lilies typically will need water only during droughts during the growing season. [图片]Step 4 Clip off spent tiny ghost lily flowers when they fade to encourage more blooms. Clip off only the flower just beneath the bloom, using hand clippers. Step 5 Cut down the plants in the fall when the plant dies back. Do not cut them down when the leaves are still green because tiny ghost lilies are busy photosynthesizing sunlight into energy, which they will use next year. Step 6 Cover tiny ghost lilies with 4 to 6 inches of mulch the first winter just as the ground begins to freeze, especially in U.S. Department of Agriculture zones 4 and 5. For subsequent winters, cover them only in areas where snowfall is not dependable. Remove the mulch in the spring after the last hard frost.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 3 through 8, tulips (Tulipa spp.) are dignified in the garden, standing straight and tall while proudly showing off their distinctive blooms. As cut flowers, however, they tend to twist and turn, as if they want to escape their vases. There's a method to their madness: Tulips continue to grow after being cut, reaching for the light. Keep them lasting longer -- and standing up straighter -- by properly preparing cut tulips for their new home. [图片]Cutting the Stems Tulip stems should be cut at an angle before you place them in water. About a 1/2 inch should be cut from the bottom of each stem. You can trim the stems of tulips already drooping in a vase, for a quick pick-me-up. Tulip stems grow another inch or so after you place them in water, according to the University of Vermont Extension, so cutting them after they've grown a bit can perk them up. Replace the Vase Because they tend to flip and flop as they bend toward the light source, tulips need support. They'll stand upright in a tall, narrow vase, but can also be placed in floral foam for added support in shorter, wider containers. Rotate the container periodically so each side gets equal access to the light to help tulips stand upright. Freshen the Water Fresh water is a must for strong, healthy tulips. Remove any leaves that will be below water level, so they don't foul up the water. Use lukewarm water, which has fewer bubbles to clog up the stems, and top off the water each day. The water should be completely replaced about every three or four days. You can also add a floral preservative to the water to help keep tulips standing up straight and living longer. [图片]Prop Them Upright One way to fix droopy stems is to crowd the container with other flowers and foliage. Choose other spring flowers for a cheerful display, and highlight their colors with deep green foliage. The denser the bouquet, the more sturdily your tulips will be held upright. Or, if you prefer the look of an all-tulip display, try making a little slit in the stem under each bloom, about 1/8 inch long. Cool Them Down Tulips are temperate plants -- they prefer cooler temperatures. Keep cut tulips well away from direct sunlight or a heat source, as this will cause them to droop sooner. Perk them up by placing them outside at night when temperatures are cooler but not frigid.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
[图片]大蒜又叫蒜头、大蒜头、胡蒜、葫、独蒜、独头蒜,是蒜类植物的统称。半年生草本植物,百合科葱属,以鳞茎入药。春、夏采收,扎把,悬挂通风处,阴干备用。农谚说“种蒜不出九(月),出九长独头”,6月叶枯时采挖,除去泥沙,通风晾干或烘烤至外皮干燥。 大蒜呈扁球形或短圆锥形,外面有灰白色或淡棕色膜质鳞皮,剥去鳞叶,内有6~10个蒜瓣,轮生于花茎的周围,茎基部盘状,生有多数须根。每一蒜瓣外包薄膜,剥去薄膜,即见白色、肥厚多汁的鳞片。有浓烈的蒜辣气,味辛辣。有刺激性气味,可食用或供调味,亦可入药。地下鳞茎分瓣,按皮色不同分为紫皮种和白皮种。大蒜是秦汉时从西域传入中国,经人工栽培繁育,具有抗癌功效,深受大众喜食。 [图片]生吃大蒜有什么好处? 1、强力杀菌:大蒜中含硫化合物具有奇强的抗菌消炎作用,对多种球菌、杆菌、真菌和病毒等均有抑制和杀灭作用,是目前发现的天然植物中抗菌作用最强的一种。 2、抗癌防癌:大蒜中的锗和硒等元素可抑制肿瘤细胞和癌细胞的生长,癌症发生率最低的人群就是血液中含硒量最高的人群,全世界最具抗癌潜力的植物中位居榜首的是大蒜。 3、排毒清肠:大蒜可有效抑制和杀死引起肠胃疾病的幽门螺杆菌等细菌病毒,清除肠胃有毒物质,刺激胃肠粘膜,促进食欲,加速消化。 4、抑制血栓:大蒜可防止心脑血管中的脂肪沉积,诱导组织内部脂肪代谢,降低胆固醇,抑制血小板的聚集,降低血浆浓度,增加微动脉的扩张度,促使血管舒张。 5、保护肝脏:大蒜中的微量元素硒,通过参与血液的有氧代谢,清除毒素,减轻肝脏的解毒负担,从而达到保护肝脏的目的。 生吃大蒜有什么危害? 1、刺激口腔:大蒜生吃时含有的辣味素会直接与人们的口腔接触,会刺激口腔中的黏膜,容易诱发口腔炎症,同时大蒜还会在口腔中残留刺激性气味,如果不及时去,就会出现口腔异味。 2、刺激肠胃:大蒜生吃并不适合所有人群,如脾胃虚弱和消化能力差就不适合,这些生吃大蒜后会对肠胃形成明显的刺激,让胃黏膜受到伤害,容易出现胃炎和胃溃疡等多种消化道疾病。 3、影响视力:大蒜生吃对人类视力也有一些不良影响,严重时会出现视力下降,因为大蒜含有的刺激性成分会加重人类肝脏的负担,容易让肝脏受损,而肝脏又与人类的眼睛息息样关。 吃了大蒜怎么除口臭? 1、嚼花生:食用大蒜后嚼嚼几颗花生,对改善口腔蒜味具有特别的功效,因为花生中含有多种天然芳香物质且气味清新自然,较之使用口香糖等方法更能使口腔气味趋近自然。 2、喝牛奶:牛奶被誉为“白色血液”,对人体的重要性可想而知,吃完大蒜后的口腔中弥漫着一股蒜臭,这个时候喝上一杯牛奶就可以消除大蒜臭味。 3、嚼茶叶:吃了大蒜后用浓茶漱口或取一小撮茶叶,放入口中慢嚼,待唾液分解茶叶后慢慢咽下也可去除异味。 4、喝果汁:食用大蒜后,可在一杯开水中加入一些薄荷,并加上一些新鲜柠檬汁饮用,可去除口中异味。 5、含丁香:丁香是古代除口臭的良药,食用大蒜后口含1~2粒的母丁香或者含1片丁香花片也是去除口臭的良方。
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
[图片]黑蒜,又名发酵黑蒜,是用新鲜生蒜,带皮在发酵箱里发酵60~90 天后制成的食品,能够保留生大蒜原有成份,并且黑蒜中的微量元素含量较高,味道酸甜,无蒜味。 黑蒜超高的营养价值以及“甜、软、糯”的口感正逐渐被人们认识和认可,正逐步走向百姓生活。食后无蒜臭,具有抗氧化、抗酸化的功效,对糖尿病、高血压、高血脂、癌等疾病亦有疗效。 [图片]黑蒜的制作方法 1、选用完整、新鲜、饱满、无虫、未剥皮、不长霉点的大蒜并洗干净。 2、把蒜提前泡半小时,捞出晾干。让蒜吸收足够水分,否则容易糊锅。 3、电饭锅底放一个大小合适的蒸架,将晾干的蒜放到电饭锅里,保持锅内干燥。 4、把锅盖上盖,先按煮饭档,过几分钟电饭锅会自动跳转到保温状态的。 5、第二天开始在蒜上放一条干毛巾吸水,每天更换一次干毛巾,第八天后拿开不用。 6、第八天把蒜头上下翻动一次,下面的蒜放上面,上面的蒜放下面,让蒜头受热均匀。 7、按以上步骤操作放置15天左右,这个黑蒜就算大功告成了。 黑蒜的功效与作用 1、强力杀菌:大蒜中含硫化合物具有奇强的抗菌消炎作用,对多种球菌、杆菌、真菌和病毒等均有抑制和杀灭作用,是目前发现的天然植物中抗菌作用最强的一种。 2、抗癌防癌:大蒜中的锗和硒等元素可抑制肿瘤细胞和癌细胞的生长,癌症发生率最低的人群就是血液中含硒量最高的人群,全世界最具抗癌潜力的植物中位居榜首的是大蒜。 3、排毒清肠:大蒜可有效抑制和杀死引起肠胃疾病的幽门螺杆菌等细菌病毒,清除肠胃有毒物质,刺激胃肠粘膜,促进食欲,加速消化。 4、降低血糖:大蒜可促进胰岛素的分泌,增加组织细胞对葡萄糖的吸收,提高人体葡萄糖耐量,降低体内血糖水平,并可杀死因感染诱发糖尿病的各种病菌,从而有效预防和治疗糖尿病。 5、抑制血栓:大蒜可防止心脑血管中的脂肪沉积,诱导组织内部脂肪代谢,降低胆固醇,抑制血小板的聚集,降低血浆浓度,增加微动脉的扩张度,促使血管舒张。 6、保护肝脏:大蒜中的微量元素硒,通过参与血液的有氧代谢,清除毒素,减轻肝脏的解毒负担,从而达到保护肝脏的目的。 7、旺盛精力:大蒜可有效补充肾脏所需物质,改善因肾气不足而引发的浑身无力症状,并可促进精子的生成,使精子数量大增。 8、预防感冒:大蒜中含有一种叫“硫化丙烯”的辣素,对病原菌和寄生虫都有良好的杀灭作用,可预防感冒,减轻发烧、咳嗽、喉痛及鼻塞等感冒症状。 黑蒜的食用方法 1、正常人:每日1~2次,每次1~2瓣。 2、调理便秘:每日2~3次,每次1~2瓣。 3、提高免疫力、预防感冒:每日2~3次,每次1~3瓣。 4、预防、调理癌症:每日3~4次,每次2~3瓣。 5、促进睡眠:每日2~3次,每次2~3瓣。 黑蒜的食用禁忌 1、眼病患者少吃:古人说“蒜治百病唯害一目”,长期、大量吃蒜,对眼睛是有害的。嵇康在《养生论》中说“荤辛害目”,蒜味最辛,而且走清窍,通眼睛,容易造成眼睛的损伤。 2、虚弱有热者少食:古人认为多食蒜会耗散人的气,同时也耗散人的血,《本草从新》记载“大蒜辛热有毒,生痰动火,散气耗血,虚弱有热的人切勿沾唇”。 3、肝病患者少食:很多人用吃大蒜的方法来预防肝炎,甚至有人在患上肝炎后仍然每天吃大蒜,这都是不对的,肝有内火者如果食用肝火会更旺,时间久了当然会造成损伤。 4、重病者慎食:蒜属发物,对患有重病、或者正在服药的人来说,很可能出现明显的副作用,不但可能引发旧病,还可能使药物失效,或与药物产生连锁反应,影响身体健康。 5、脾虚腹泻者慎食:生大蒜的的刺激性很强,平常少吃点是可以促消化,但是如果患有非细菌性的肠炎、腹泻时再吃大蒜,强烈的刺激会使肠黏膜充血、水肿加重,促进渗出,使病情恶化。
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
[图片]关于大葱原始品种最早的引进,可追溯到战国齐国名著《管子》中的记载:“桓公五年,北伐山戎,得冬葱与戎椒,布之天下”,齐桓五年,大致相当于公元前681 年,这个时间也就是章丘地区大葱种植的开始。可以推算出,大葱种植在章丘地区已经有近三千年的历史,最早是由西北少数民族地区引进。明朝嘉靖9年(1530年)《章丘县志》中也有关于大葱种植的记载,并记有当时农民流传下来的四句诗歌:“大明嘉靖九年庆,女郎仙葱登龙庭,万岁食之赞甜脆,葱中之王御旨封”,这就说明在明代,章丘大葱被御封为葱中之王,大葱种植在章丘地区已经普遍种植并且作为了当朝贡品。 [图片]吃大葱有什么好处? 1、舒张血管:大葱里面含有丰富的维生素C,具有促进血液循环、舒张血管的作用,可以预防血压升高、使大脑保持灵活,起到预防老年痴呆的作用。 2、降胆固醇:大葱可以降低胆固醇在人体内的堆积,经常吃大葱的人即使身体比较胖、体内脂肪多,但是其胆固醇的含量并不会增多,而且会起到增强体质的作用。 3、缓解疲劳:大葱里面含有烯丙基硫醚,这种物质能够刺激胃液的分泌,当与维生素B1含量较多的食物一起吃的时候,可以促使食物中的淀粉和糖类转化为热量,帮助缓解人的疲劳。 4、壮阳补阴:大葱中含有的多种维生素可以保证人体内的激素分泌正常,而且还可以有效起到提高性欲的作用,对于男性来说每周食用三次大葱,可以起到很好的壮阳补阴的效果。 5、解毒调味:大葱具有解毒的作用,主要用于风寒感冒、阴寒腹痛、恶寒发热等症状。另外,大葱含有挥发油和辣素,可以帮助去除食物中的腥膻味,起到调味的作用。 6、预防癌症:大葱所含的果胶可明显地减少结肠癌的发生,含有的蒜辣素也可以抑制癌细胞的生长,还含有微量元素硒,可降低胃液内的亚硝酸盐含量,对预防胃癌及多种癌症有一定作用。 7、发汗抑菌:大葱具有刺激身体汗腺起到发汗散热的作用,另外大葱中的大蒜素具有明显的抵制细菌、病毒的作用,尤其是对痢疾杆菌和皮肤真菌具有明显的作用。 哪些人不能吃大葱? 1、患有胃肠道疾病的患者,尤其是有溃疡疾病的患者最好少吃大葱。 2、身体比较虚、出汗较多的人群也最好不要吃大葱。 3、患有眼疾的患者最好少吃大葱,因为大葱食用过多会损伤人体的视力。 大葱和什么食物相克? 1、豆腐:豆腐干富含钙质,不易与含有大量草酸的菠菜、大葱等同食,否则易产生结石。 2、公鸡肉:公鸡肉味甘温,富含多种激素,大葱辛温助火,同食易上火而伤身。 3、鸭蛋:鸭蛋中的钙遇到大葱中的草酸易形成草酸钙,常食会形成体内结石,损害健康。 4、蜂蜜:蜂蜜与葱中的氨基酸结合,会产生有毒物质,刺激胃肠道,使人腹泻。 5、狗肉:狗肉性热,而大葱性辛温,如果同食,易增火热,所以二者不宜同食。 6、杨梅:杨梅与葱一起吃,会产生复杂的生化反应,对人体具有一定的负面影响。 大葱有哪些食用方法? 1、猪肉卷大葱 【材料】梅花肉220克,大葱1根,白芝麻少许,味霖4大匙,酱油2大匙,酒3大匙,砂糖2小匙。 【做法】①将大葱切成和肉片宽度一样的大小后用肉片将大葱卷起。②热锅,将卷好的肉卷放入锅中用小火煎到全面略成焦色。③将调味料倒入锅中后.盖上锅盖让它闷煮约5分钟左右。④让酱汁收干,盛盘上再洒上少许白芝麻即可。 2、大葱爆牛肉 【材料】牛肉400克,大葱200克,姜10克,红辣椒1只,水20毫升,绍兴酒1汤匙,豉油1汤匙,油1汤匙,白胡椒粉1/4茶匙。 【做法】①姜及红辣椒切成片,大葱打斜切成段,牛肉切成片,加入腌料腌20分钟。②高火烧热平底锅,落油,炒牛肉至半熟放在一旁备用。③高火烧热另一个平底锅,落油,炒香姜片,加入大葱快炒。④加入牛肉及水,再炒1分钟,最后加入红辣椒快炒匀即可。 3、大葱炒鸡蛋 【材料】蛋2个,大葱1/3根,红萝卜1小段,玉米粉1/2匙,盐酌量,胡椒粉酌量。 【做法】①红萝卜、大葱切丝、蒜切末。②蛋加入玉米粉水打匀。③蛋炒至8分熟起锅。④爆香蒜末,大葱丝、红萝卜丝略炒,加入鸡蛋拌匀,盐丶胡椒粉调味即可。
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
[图片]醋泡花生用花生、醋制作的一道家常菜,花生含有维生素E和一定量的锌,具有增强记忆,抗老化,延缓脑功能衰退,滋润皮肤的功效。 [图片]醋泡花生的制作方法 【材料】花生50克(熟、生花生米均可),米醋半瓶。 【做法】①花生米放到可以密封的罐子里,倒入米醋或陈醋。②醋要没过花生米,盖上盖子密封好,放到阴凉处7~10天即可。 醋泡花生的功效与作用 1、凝血止血:醋泡花生含有油脂、多种维生素并含有使凝血时间缩短的物质,能对抗纤维蛋白的溶解,有促进骨髓制造血小板的功能,对多种出血性疾病有止血的作用。 2、预防肿瘤:醋泡花生中的白藜芦醇是肿瘤疾病的天然化学预防剂,能降低血小板聚集,预防和治疗动脉粥样硬化、心脑血管疾病。 3、低胆固醇:醋泡花生中含有的亚油酸可使人体内胆固醇分解为胆汁酸排出体外,避免胆固醇在体内沉积,减少因胆固醇在人体中超过正常值而引发多种心脑血管疾病的发生率。 4、促进发育:醋泡花生中钙含量极高,钙是构成人体骨骼的主要成分,故食花生可促进人体的生长发育,还可防止老年人骨骼退行性病变发生。 5、增强记忆:醋泡花生中的卵磷脂和脑磷脂,是神经系统所需要的重要物质,能延缓脑功能衰退,抑制血小板凝集,防止脑血栓形成。 6、延缓衰老:醋泡花生中所含有的儿茶素对人体具有很强的抗老化的作用,赖氨酸也是防止过早衰老的重要成分,常食花生有益于人体延缓衰老。 醋泡花生的食用禁忌 1、糖尿病患者:糖尿病患者需控制每日摄入的总能量,因此每天使用炒菜油不能超过三汤匙,但18粒花生就相当于一勺油,能够产生90千卡的热量。 2、高脂蛋白血症患者:花生是高脂肪、高热量的食物,多吃只能加重病情,导致冠心病等心脑血管疾病的发生,危及生命。 3、痛风患者:高脂饮食会减少尿酸排出,加重病情,所以痛风急性发作期应禁食花生,而且痛风缓解期也只能适量进食。 4、胃肠炎患者:患者患者多有慢性腹痛、腹泻或消化不良等症状,饮食上宜少量多餐、清淡少油,而花生蛋白质和脂肪的含量过高,很难消化吸收。 5、胆囊切除者:高蛋白和高脂肪的食物对胆囊刺激最强,使胆汁大量排放,胆囊切除后胆汁无法储存,势必影响对花生等油料作物中脂肪的消化。 6、跌打淤肿者:花生含有一种促凝血因子,跌打损伤、血脉淤滞者食用花生后可能会使血淤不散,加重肿痛症状。
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
[图片]红豆、薏米都是排毒圣品,赤小豆味甘、酸,性平、无毒。含淀粉、脂肪油、蛋白质、维生素(A、B、C)、植物皂素和铝。铜等矿物质。有利水消肿、解毒排脓、清热去湿。 现代人精神压力大,心气虚,饮食不节,运动量少,脾虚湿盛。既要祛湿,又要补心,还要健脾胃,非薏米和红豆莫属。将其熬成粥,意在使其有效成分充分为人体吸收,同时也不给脾胃造成任何负担。 [图片]红豆有什么功效? 1、补血养心:红豆含非常多的粗纤维物质,具有降低血脂以及血压的功效,而且红豆中含有的铁元素也是非常的丰富,大能够行气补血,非常的适合女性服用。 2、祛湿清热:红豆中含有丰富的维生素B族群,同时铁元素、蛋白质以及脂肪等的含量也很多,这就具有了祛湿清热以及利尿等功效。 3、利尿消肿:红豆可刺激肠道,有良好的利尿作用,能清除体内毒素和多余的水分,促进血液和水分新陈代谢,有利尿、消水肿作用。 4、祛压降脂:红豆具有良好的降血压、降血脂、调节血糖、作用,使血压更易控制,并使毛细管扩张,血黏度降低,微循环改善。 5、抑癌抗瘤:红豆能延缓和抑制癌细胞生长、扩散,使癌细胞退化、萎缩。而且红豆能清理身体内长期淤积的毒素,增进身体健康。 6、通乳生乳:红豆有补气血、生乳作用,对产妇有通乳汁、补身体、促康复的功效。产妇、乳母多吃红豆有催乳的功效。 7、降脂瘦身:红豆中含有较多的皂角苷,能阻止过氧化脂质的产生、抑制脂肪吸收并促进其分解,达到降脂、瘦身、健美的目的。 薏米有什么功效? 1、滋补作用:薏米因含有多种维生素和矿物质,有促进新陈代谢和减少胃肠负担的作用,可作为病中或病后体弱患者的补益食品。 2、清热利尿:薏米能增强肾功能,并有清热利尿作用,因此对浮肿病人也有疗效。经常食用薏米食品对慢性肠炎、消化不良等症也有效果。 3、防癌抗癌:薏米有防癌的作用,其抗癌的有效成分中包括硒元素,能有效抑制癌细胞的增殖,可用于胃癌、子宫颈癌的辅助治疗。 4、美容养颜:薏米含有的维生素E是一种美容食品,常食可以保持人体皮肤光泽细腻,消除粉刺、色斑,改善肤色,并且对于由病毒感染引起的赘疣等有一定的治疗作用。 5、防治脚气:薏米中含有丰富的维生素B,可抑制胆碱酯酶活性,减轻皮肤炎症反应,有防治脂溢性皮炎、湿疹、增进皮肤健康之功效,对防治脚气病十分有益。 6、降低血脂:薏米含有丰富的水溶性纤维,可以吸附胆盐(负责消化脂肪)使肠道对脂肪的吸收率变差,从而降低血脂及血糖。 红豆薏米粥的做法 【材料】薏米100克,枣(干)25克,红豆50克,仙鹤草10克,白砂糖30克。 【做法】①薏米、红豆以温水浸泡半日,用纱布将仙鹤草包好,大枣去核浸泡。②将薏米、红豆、仙鹤草、大枣一同放入锅中,加水煮成稀粥,最后撒上糖调味即可。 红豆薏米粥的功效 1、补血养气:红豆薏米粥具有补血养气的作用,因此对于心悸、头晕、心力不足等症状具有很好的疗效,如果在煮粥的时候再加点桂圆效果会更好。 2、解燥除热:红豆薏米粥具有解燥除热功效,可以通过食用红豆薏米粥来达到消除红疹和痘痘,如果要让清火效果更好些还可以在粥中加入百合、莲子一起煮。 3、祛除寒气:红豆薏米粥具有去寒的作用,对于因体内有寒气而引起的感冒有食疗作用,如果在粥中加入几片生姜效果会更好。 4、化痰止咳:红豆薏米粥具有治疗咳嗽的作用,可以将梨切成丁,等到红豆薏米粥煮好之后,再将梨丁放入一起食用,就能够达到清肺、化痰、止咳的作用。 5、帮助睡眠:红豆薏米粥具有安神养眠的作用,对治疗失眠很有帮助,因此睡眠不佳的朋友不妨试一试红豆薏米粥。
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