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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
[图片]芝麻,又名脂麻、胡麻,是胡麻的籽种,一年生直立草本植物,高60-150厘米。它遍布世界上的热带地区以及部分温带地区。芝麻是中国主要油料作物之一,具有较高的应用价值。它的种子含油量高达55%。中国自古就有许多用芝麻和芝麻油制作的各色食品和美味佳肴,一直著称于世。 芝麻,被称为八谷之冠。芝麻是一种油料作物,榨取的油称为麻油、胡麻油、香油,特点是气味醇香,生用热用皆可。 [图片]芝麻的营养价值 1、芝麻含油量非常丰富,含油量可达50%左右,有研究发现芝麻油脂含有的脂肪酸达20种以上,其中不饱和脂肪酸约占80%。 2、芝麻的蛋白质含量平均为20%左右,含人体所需的全部八种必需氨基酸,其中六种比鸡蛋还要高,另两则与鸡蛋接近。 3、芝麻的维生素含量特别高,每百克芝麻中含维生素E高达约50毫克,维生素E具有非常好的抗氧化能力,能延缓机体衰老。 4、芝麻含有丰富的矿物质和微量元素,尤其是钙含量非常丰富,每百克黑芝麻中含钙接近800毫克,同时含镁也十分丰富。 吃芝麻有什么好处? 1、美白护肤:芝麻在中医中有润肠燥的效果,常吃芝麻可以治疗便秘、清除体内毒素、改善干燥粗糙肤质、滋润皮肤,从而使皮肤嫩白光滑。 2、预防三高:芝麻中的亚麻仁油酸成分可以有效清理血管壁中多余的胆固醇,疏通血管,老年人每天坚持吃芝麻可以有效预防“三高”。 3、补血养肾:芝麻益精血、补肝肾,在日本和印度等国人们把芝麻视为保健食品,因此贫血、身体虚弱、肝肾功能不好的人可以每天吃一点黑芝麻。 4、生发乌发:芝麻具有生血养血的功效,少年白发多由于血不养发,常食有乌发固发的功效,也可以使毛躁干枯的头发变得乌黑柔顺。 5、减肥瘦身:芝麻中含有的蛋黄酥、胆碱、肌糖能有效防止人体发胖,还能缓解习惯性便秘症状、排除肠胃中残留的毒素、改善皮肤粗糙的现象。 吃芝麻有什么禁忌? 1、芝麻连皮一起吃不容易消化,建议压碎后再食用。 2、患有慢性肠炎、便溏腹泻、阳痿、遗精者忌食。 3、芝麻不适宜和鸡肉同食,严重的会导致中毒。 4、芝麻过量食用会造成内分泌紊乱,引发头皮油腻,导致毛皮枯萎、脱落。 吃芝麻有哪些做法? 1、芝麻酱 【材料】芝麻酱1茶匙,花生酱1/2茶匙,蒜泥1/2茶匙,酱油1茶匙,味精1/4茶匙,糖1/2茶匙,香醋1茶匙。 【做法】①碗中加入芝麻及花生酱,加水均匀调开芝麻酱和花生酱。②蒜头洗净后剥皮磨成泥备用。③将蒜泥及其余调味料加入碗中,搅拌混合即可。 2、芝麻粥 【材料】大米150克,芝麻50克,白糖适量。 【做法】①芝麻放锅内炒熟,压成碎末,下米,加适量水。②用大火烧开后转微火至米烂粥稠时(也可用有煮粥功能的电饭锅),加入芝麻末,待粥微滚,放入白糖即可。 3、芝麻糊 【材料】黑芝麻70克,糯米粉35克,白糖40克,核桃适量。 【做法】①黑芝麻下锅干炒至出香味,将炒好的黑芝麻放入料理机中搅打成细粉。②糯米粉放入锅中干炒,炒熟至颜色呈淡黄色。③锅中加适量的清水,倒入黑芝麻粉。④开火加热,一边煮一边搅拌均,再加入熟糯米粉继续拌匀。⑤煮开之后加入白糖,继续煮至融化后关火,撒上少许的核桃碎即可。
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
[图片]桑葚酒是潮汕古老的果酒,是由桑椹果酿造的,它是水果酒之中的极品,具有滋补、养身及补血之功效。桑椹酒、桑椹干红含有丰富的花青素、白藜芦醇、氨基酸、维生素等生物活性成分和营养物质。桑葚酒饮用后,不但可以改善女性手脚冰冷毛病,更有补血、强身、益肝、补肾、明目等功效。 [图片]桑葚酒有什么功效? 1、补充营养:桑葚酒含有十八种人体所需的氨基酸和多种微量元素,包括了红葡萄酒中的几乎所有营养成分,而且桑葚酒中的主要营养成分均远远高于红葡萄酒。 2、乌发美颜:桑葚有天然富硒水果皇后、抗氧化之王的美称,具有改善皮肤(包括头皮)血液供应,营养肌肤,使皮肤白嫩及乌发等作用,并能延缓衰老。 3、降脂降压:桑葚酒中的脂肪酸能够有效分解脂肪、降低血脂,防止血管硬化,增强血管韧性,预防血管栓塞等多种功效,降低心血管病的突发率。 4、增强免疫:桑葚酒富含花青素、白藜芦醇、氨基酸、维生素等生物活性成分和营养物质,可促进人体免疫力,还能有效预防肿瘤细胞扩散,避免癌症发的发生。 5、益肾补肝:桑葚酒具有益肾补、养血明目的功效,适于肝肾阴血不足及津亏消渴、肠燥等症状,同时还可缓解眼睛疲劳干涩的症状。 桑葚酒有什么作用? 1、桑葚酒可用于贫血、关节炎、风湿性疼痛、神经疼痛、筋骨疼痛等症的辅助治疗。 2、桑葚酒具有防癌、抗癌、增强免疫、促进细胞在生和增加胃动力的作用。 3、桑葚酒可用于肠燥便秘、大便干结、阴虚水肿、小便不利等症的辅助治疗。 5、桑葚酒可用于因心、肝、肾、血类疾病引起的头晕目眩、耳鸣心悸、烦躁失眠等症。 6、桑葚酒可用于糖尿病、肺胃燥热的辅助治疗,能止咳化痰、清胃火、散风热。 8、桑葚酒可用于口干舌燥、咳嗽多汗、身热唇灼、痰粘稠黄、声音嘶哑等症的辅助治疗。 桑葚酒有什么禁忌? 1、孕妇产后身体较为虚弱,喝桑葚酒容易伤害肠胃,不利于产后身体恢复。 2、桑葚酒中含有溶血性过敏物质及透明质酸,过量食用易发生溶血性肠炎。 3、脾虚便溏者亦不宜吃桑葚,更加不宜饮用桑葚酒。 桑葚酒的简单做法 1、把桑葚用水冼净,放入榨汁机中制成果汁,取出后按比例加入水和白糖,然后一起装入备用的容器内。 2、把容器放在二十三到二十八度的环境中,过一天左右就会开始发酵,发酵过程中每天搅动两次并把气体排出。 3、三天后把果肉残渣去掉,再接着发酵,一个周后进入发酵最严重的时候有大量气体产生,及时把气体排出。 4、十天左右再次过滤,把制出的酒液放在瓶子中密封,装瓶时不能太满以免把瓶子胀破,存放三个月以上即可。
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
[图片]菱角,又叫菱。二角为菱,形似牛角。三角、四角为芰。生长在湖泊中。菱落在泥中,最易生长。有野菱、家菱之分,均在三月生蔓延长。叶浮在水上扁而有尖,很是光滑,叶下有茎。五六月开小白花,在夜里开放,白天而合上,随月亮的圆缺而转移。它的果实有好几种:没有角、两角、三角、四角。角中带刺,尖细而脆,长在角尖。 一种水生植物。一年生浮水或半挺水草本。根二型:着泥根铁丝状,着生于水底泥中;同化根,羽状细裂,裂片丝状,淡绿色或暗红褐色。茎圆柱形、细长或粗短。叶二型:浮水叶互生,聚生于茎端,在水面形成莲座状菱盘。 [图片]菱角的药用价值 【性味】味甘,性凉,无毒。 【归经】胃、脾经 【功效】健胃止痢,清暑解毒,益气消渴,利尿通乳,防癌抗癌。 菱角的功效与作用 1、益气生津:菱角具有生津止渴、健脾益气的功效,鲜菱角可作为水果生食,能清热生津、消暑解热、除烦止渴,老菱角熟食还能起到益气健脾、祛病强身的作用。 2、清热解毒:菱角有清热解毒的作用,可帮助胃肠消毒解热,祖国医学认为食菱角可以“安中补五脏,不饥轻身”,老年人常食菱角对身体非常有益。 3、美容减肥:菱角在美容护法方面的作用也很强大,食用菱角能滋润皮肤、乌黑秀发,而且吃菱角可增加腹中饱感,不易堆积脂肪,适合单纯性肥胖症者在减肥期间食用。 4、防癌抗癌:菱角的某些成分对癌细胞的变性及组织增生均有效果,因而具有防癌抗癌的奇效,有人将菱角果实用于食道癌、乳腺癌、子宫癌的辅助治疗。 菱角的食用禁忌 1、菱角含有的异体蛋白具有致过敏可能,过敏体质之人不宜食用。 2、菱角鲜果生吃过多易损伤脾胃,宜煮熟吃。 3、菱角性寒,不适合寒性体质的人食用,会加重寒性体质。 4、脾胃虚寒、便溏腹泻、肾阳不足者均不宜食用。 菱角的食用方法 1、菱角汤 【材料】鲜菱角20~30个。 【做法】菱角洗净,加水适量,文火煎成浓汤服用,每日1次,分2~3次服完。 【功效】健脾益胃,防癌抗癌。 2、菱角粥 【材料】大米100克、菱角粉30~60克。 【做法】大米煮粥,煮至半熟时加入菱角粉同煮熟,用适量红糖调味食用。 【功效】健脾益胃,补气防癌作。 3、菱角汁 【材料】新鲜红菱1000克,白糖适量。 【做法】红菱去壳,捣烂,绞取自然汁,放置一夜,再入白糖少许,隔水炖略温,即可饮用。 【功效】清暑解热,除烦止渴,醒酒排毒。
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
[图片]碧根果又名美国山核桃、长寿果、薄壳山核桃、长山核桃。果型如大橄榄状,肉多而香,是世界十大坚果之一。碧根果外形是长椭圆型的干果,原产北美大陆的美国和墨西哥北部现已成为世界性的干果类树种之一,其种仁有优异的食疗保健价值。 优质碧根果皮很薄,可以用手剥开,果仁的味道界于我们常吃的山核桃和大核桃之间,口感香浓酥脆令人赞不绝口。 它是全世界17种山核桃之一,属纯野生果类,是集山地之灵气哺育而成,无任何公害污染的天然绿色食品。 [图片]碧根果的营养价值 碧根果每100克种仁含粗脂肪76克(其中棕榈酸5.57%、硬脂酸2.43%、油酸67.29%、亚油酸23.05%、亚麻酸1.10%、二十碳烯酸0.36%)、淀粉1.9克、粗纤维5.85克、蛋白质9.7克(其中天门冬氨酸0.62克、苏氨酸0.24克、丝氨酸0.39克、谷氨酸0.30克、赖氨酸0.24克、组氨酸0.17克、精氨酸0.62克、脯氨酸0.67克)、硫88.4毫克、磷255.9毫克、钾388.3毫克、钙45.8毫克、镁103.0毫克、铁1.78毫克、锌2.77毫克、铜1.23毫克、锰4.25毫克。 吃碧根果有什么好处? 1、健脑益智:碧根果中所含的微量元素锌和锰是脑垂体的重要成分,常食碧根果有益于大脑的营养补充,具有健脑益智的作用。 2、预防疾病:碧根果中所含的精氨酸、油酸、抗氧化物质等对保护心血管、预防冠心病、中风、老年痴呆等是颇有裨益的。 3、减缓衰老:碧根果所含维生素E是医学界公认的抗衰老物质,可使细胞免受自由基的氧化损害,能减缓衰老,所以有万岁子、长寿果之称。 4、防治结石:碧根果仁中所含的丙酮酸能阻止粘蛋白和钙离子、非结合型胆红素的结合,并能使其溶解、消退和排泄,同样也可用于治疗尿结石。 5、美容护发:碧根果含有大量维生素E,经常食用有润肌肤、乌须发的作用,可令肌肤滋润光滑、富有弹性,对于头发早白的人还有乌发、润发的作用。 6、润肠通便:碧根果含有的脂肪能润滑大肠、通利大便且作用平和,最适用于年老体虚、病后津亏的大便秘结者,一般人也可以用来缓解便秘症状。 吃碧根果有什么禁忌? 1、腹泻、阴虚火旺、痰热咳嗽、便溏腹泻、素有内热盛及痰湿重者均不宜服用。 2、碧根果性热,多食性热食物易动火,与白酒同吃易致血热甚至咯血。 3、碧根果的热量比较高,吃多了就会导致发胖,而且也会影响血脂。
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
[图片]牛油果广布非洲热带。中国云南元江引种站有大面积栽培。种仁富含脂肪、为重要食用油及重要的工矿用油,又可制人造黄油及肥皂。牛油果的果实是一种营养价值很高的水果,含多种维生素、丰富的脂肪酸和蛋白质和高含量的钠、钾、镁、钙等元素,营养价值可与奶油媲美,甚至有“森林奶油”的美称,一般作为生果食用,也可被制作为菜肴和罐头。 [图片]牛油果的营养价值 1、不饱和脂肪酸:牛油果中含有的不饱和脂肪酸丰富,约占到所有的脂肪的80%,能够有效帮助减少、预防心血管方面疾病的发生,还能够帮助减肥。 2、多种维生素:牛油果中含有的丰富的维生素A、维生素E、维生素C和维生素B不仅能够帮助有益视力,还能够帮助美容护肤,有效延缓皮肤衰老。 3、叶酸:牛油果中含有的大量的叶酸成分能够有效帮助预防胎儿畸形、预防心血管疾病,还能够帮助预防胎儿出现先天性神经缺陷及减少成年人患心脏疾病的几率。 4、油酸:牛油果中含有大约30%的油酸,油酸属于珍贵的植物性油脂,能够帮助改善干枯毛躁的头发,帮助头发恢复润泽状态。 5、不可溶纤维:牛油果中含有大量的不可溶纤维,能够有效帮助加快人体消化,在加快肠道运动的同时能使堆积在体内的残留物能够快速排出体外,有效防治便秘。 牛油果有什么功效? 1、护肤美容:牛油果的果肉与人体皮肤亲和性好,极易被皮肤吸收,对紫外线有较强的吸收性,加之富含维生素E及胡萝卜素等,因而具有良好的护肤、防晒与保健作用。 2、保护子宫:牛油果长的很像子宫,据说能够保护女性的子宫和子宫颈健康,女性每星期吃一个牛油果就能平衡雌激素、减掉分娩产生的多余体重,防止宫颈癌。 3、预防癌症:牛油果富含的维他命能有效的抗氧化,对于预防癌症以及心血管疾病也能发挥显著效果,另外丰富的钙质能代谢体内因过度摄取盐分而积累的钠。 4、减缓衰老:牛油果含丰富的甘油酸、蛋白质及维他命,润而不腻,是天然的抗氧衰老剂,不但能软化和滋润皮肤,还能延缓表皮细胞衰老的速度。 5、丰胸作用:牛油果中含丰富的不饱和脂肪酸能增加胸部组织弹性,维生素A能促进女性荷尔蒙分泌,维生素C能防止胸部变形,维生素E则有助胸部发育。 牛油果有什么禁忌? 1、牛油果切开之后很容易就会被氧化,因此需尽快食用,以免氧化变质而导致营养价值降低。 2、牛油果含有大量的不饱和脂肪酸,肥胖的人不适合食用,且正常人也不适合大量食用。 3、牛油果性凉,因此自身脾胃虚寒的人群不适合食用,因为凉性的食物食用过多会导致腹泻。 牛油果有哪些吃法? 1、牛油果雪梨汁 【材料】牛油果,雪梨,白砂糖,清水适量。 【做法】①牛油果、雪梨洗净去皮、核,果肉切小块放进碗中备用。②果肉块一起放进榨汁机中,放入适量的白砂糖,充分榨汁,倒入杯中即可。 2、牛油果苹果汁 【材料】牛油果,苹果,清水适量。 【做法】①牛油果、苹果分别洗净切片。②苹果和牛油果片放进榨汁机中,适量的清水,充分榨汁即可。 3、牛油果蒸鸡蛋 【材料】牛油果1个,鸡蛋3只,盐适量,香油少许,黑鱼子酱少许。 【做法】①牛油果取出果肉切块,鸡蛋加入盐打散后再加温水搅均。②加入牛油果上蒸锅蒸15分钟,出锅淋上香油,摆上少许鱼子酱即可。
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Description: This herbaceous perennial plant is about ½–1½' tall, often branching abundantly and presenting a bushy appearance. The weak stems are ascending to sprawling; they are light green, sharply 4-angled, shallowly furrowed along their sides, and mostly glabrous, except where the whorled leaves occur. Near the bases of these leaves, there are narrow rings of dense short hairs on the stems. At intervals along these stems, there are whorls of 4-6 sessile leaves. Where the lower stems branch dichotomously, there are usually whorls of 5-6 leaves, otherwise there are whorls of 4 leaves. Relative to their stems, these leaves are ascending to widely spreading. Individual leaves are ½–1¼" long and about one-fourth as much across; they are elliptic-oblong to oblong in shape, while their margins are entire (toothless) and stiffly ciliate. The upper and lower leaf surfaces are medium green and mostly glabrous. However, the lower leaf surfaces are stiffly short-hairy along their central veins. These hairs can cling for support on adjacent plants. The upper and outer stems terminate in dichotomously branched clusters of 2-4 flowers; there are 1-2 small clusters of 2-4 flowers per stem. The glabrous peduncles of these floral clusters are up to 1" long and the glabrous pedicels of the flowers are up to ½" long. Each flower is a little less than ¼" across, consisting of a white corolla with 4 lanceolate lobes, a pair of pistils, and 4 stamens; the calyx is minute and insignificant. The inferior ovaries of the pistils are light green, and glabrous; together they are biglobular in shape. The blooming period occurs from late spring to mid-summer, lasting about 1 month. Usually only a few flowers are in bloom at the same time. After the blooming period, the ovaries mature into a pair of joined dry fruits; each fruit contains a single seed. The seeds are about 0.5 mm. long, somewhat flattened, and globoid. The root system is fibrous. Cultivation: The preference is full sun to light shade, wet to moist conditions, and soil containing organic matter. This plant doesn't like to dry out, and it slowly fades away after blooming. [图片]Range & Habitat: The native Wild Madder is an occasional to locally common plant that has been reported from most counties of Illinois. However, it is uncommon or absent in some central and western counties of the state (see Distribution Map). Habitats include wet to moist black soil prairies, prairie swales, floodplain woodlands, soggy thickets, swamps, fens, seeps, and shallow ditches along railroads. This plant tends to occur in grassy or sedge-dominated areas and it functions as an understory plant in wet to moist prairies. However, with the destruction of such prairie habitat, it has become less common than in the past. Faunal Associations: Generally, the small white flowers of Wild Madder (Galium obtusum) and other bedstraws (Galium spp.) attract small bees and flies, including Halictid bees, masked bees (Hylaeus spp.), and Syrphid flies. These insects cross-pollinate the flowers. Some insects feed destructively on the foliage and other parts of bedstraws. These species include flower-feeding larvae of the Bedstraw Midge (Dasineura americana), foliage-feeding larvae of an introduced sawfly (Halidamia affinis), and the larvae of such moths as the Galium Sphinx (Hyles gallii), Drab Brown Wave (Lobocleta ossularia), and White-banded Toothed Carpet (Epirrhoe alternata). Bedstraws are also summer hosts of the polyphagous Black Cherry Aphid (Myzus cerasi). Little is known about the floral-faunal relationships of Wild Madder with vertebrate animals. [图片]Photographic Location: The photographs were taken at a moist prairie remnant along an abandoned railroad in Champaign County, Illinois. Comments: Except for the showy Northern Bedstraw (Galium boreale), bedstraws (Galium spp.) are often overlooked by prairie restorationists and wildflower enthusiasts because of their small flowers. Wild Madder can be distinguished from other bedstraws by the following characteristics: 1) it has smooth hairless stems, 2) there are usually only 4 leaves per whorl, although sometimes 5-6 leaves per whorl, 3) the fruits are smooth and hairless, 4) the flowers have 4 corolla lobes, and 5) the leaves are blunt-tipped. Other bedstraws often have bristly stems and fruits, more than 4 leaves per whorl, flowers with 3 corolla lobes, and/or leaves with more pointed tips. Another common name of Galium obtusum is Blunt-leaved Bedstraw.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Description: This wildflower is a summer annual about 1½–3' tall that is either unbranched or very sparingly branched. The central stem is erect, stout, terete, and covered with fuzzy hairs that are white, gray, or brown. Opposite leaves occur along the lower one-third of the stem. The leaves are up to 4" long and ¾" across. They are narrowly elliptic to elliptic or narrowly oblanceolate to oblanceolate in shape; their margins are smooth. At the base, the leaves are sessile or they have short petioles; their outer tips are blunt. The upper leaf surface is medium green, white along the margins, and sparsely covered with silky hairs. The lower leaf surface is pale green and more densely covered with silky hairs. The central stem is slightly swollen and reddish at the bases of the opposite leaves. The central stem terminates in a spike of flowers about 1½–4" long and there are usually 1-3 lateral spikes of flowers that are either sessile or on short peduncles. These lateral spikes are usually shorter in length than the terminal spike. The terminal spike and its peduncle often lean to one side toward the apex of the plant. Each spike is densely packed with white woolly flowers that are arranged in 5 spirals (if the spike is long enough to determine this). Individual flowers are initially conical in shape, but they soon swell to become shaped like a short vase with a short narrow neck. The exterior of the flower is dominated by a white woolly calyx that is about 4-6 mm. long and across at maturity. The calyx has 5 tiny teeth at its apex that are cream-colored or pink. Inserted within the apex of the calyx are 5 stamens and a style; there are no petals. The filaments of the stamens are joined together to form an inner tubular structure that contains the ovary (or seed capsule). The blooming period occurs from mid-summer to early fall and lasts 2-3 months. Each flower matures into a single-seeded cottony fruit that often develops a pair of crests along its lower sides. A crest consists of a succession of dentate teeth. The cottony fruits are blown about by the wind. The seeds are 1.0–1.5 mm. long, ovoid, somewhat flattened, and brown. The root system consists of a taproot. This wildflower reproduces by reseeding itself. [图片]Cultivation: The preference is full sun, dry conditions, and sandy soil with sparse ground vegetation. Gravelly soil is also tolerated. Range & Habitat: The Large Cottonweed is occasional in sandy areas of NE Illinois and the western half of the state, where it is native; elsewhere, this plant is uncommon or absent (see Distribution Map). Habitats consist of sandy hill prairies, dry sand prairies, sand dunes, sunny open areas in sandy savannas, sandy fields, areas along sandy paths, and sandy or gravelly areas along railroads. To some extent, Large Cottonweed has extended its range along railroads. Disturbed areas are preferred. Occasional wildfires are probably beneficial in reducing the encroachment of herbaceous perennials and woody vegetation. [图片]Faunal Associations: Information about floral-faunal relationships for this species is sparse. The flowers are probably wind-pollinated or self-fertile, rather than insect-pollinated. The thrips, Haplothrips malifloris, feeds on the leaves of Large Cottonweed and similar species. It is possible that the toothed fruits can cling to the fur of mammals or the feathers of birds, but this has not been well-documented. If it is true, such animal-mediated dispersal would help to spread the seeds into new areas. Photographic Location: A sunny area near a sandy path at the Hooper Branch Savanna Nature Preserve in Iroquois County, Illinois. [图片]Comments: This strange-looking wildflower immediately catches one's attention when it is encountered while in bloom or in fruit. The floral spikes are exceptionally white and cottony. The only other species in this genus that can be found in Illinois is Froelichia gracilis (Slender Cottonweed), which is probably adventive from the region of the Southern Plains. It is similar in appearance to Large Cottonweed, but less showy. Slender Cottonweed differs from Large Cottonweed by its shorter height (less than 2' tall), more slender leaves (less than ½" across), and shorter floral spikes (1½" or less). It also tends to branch more at the base, producing sprawling stems. Species in this genus are also referred to by the somewhat ominous name, 'Snakecotton.' Thus, Froelichia floridana is sometimes referred to as 'Plains Snakecotton.'
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Description: This herbaceous perennial plant is 4-7" tall, consisting of several basal leaves and one or more inflorescences. The basal leaves are trifoliate. The leaflets are up to 2½" long and 1½" across; they are obovate or oval in shape and coarsely toothed along their middle to outer margins. The tips of leaflets are rounded, while their bottoms are either wedge-shaped or rounded. The upper leaflet surface is medium to dark green and glabrous. The lower leaflet surface is variably hairy; fine hairs are most likely to occur along the bases of central veins, but they may occur elsewhere along the lower surface. Leaflet venation is pinnate and conspicuous. The petiolules (basal stalklets) of leaflets are light green, hairy, and very short (about 1 mm. in length). The petioles of basal leaves are up to 6" long; they are light green to light reddish green, terete, and hairy. One or more umbel-like clusters of flowers are produced from long peduncles up to 5" long. These peduncles are light green to light reddish green, terete, and hairy. Each umbel-like cluster has about 4-6 flowers on pedicels up to ¾" long. These pedicels are light green to light reddish green, terete, and hairy. At the base of these pedicels, there are several bracts up to ¼" long that are light green to dark red, lanceolate in shape, and hairy. Individual flowers are about ½–¾" across when they are fully open; they can be pistillate, staminate, or perfect (staminate flowers are the least common). Each flower has 5 white petals, 5 green sepals, and 5 green sepal-like bracts. The petals are oval to orbicular in shape; they are longer than either the sepals or sepal-like bracts. The sepals are lanceolate in shape and hairy, while the sepal-like bracts are linear-lanceolate and hairy; both sepals and sepal-like bracts are joined together at the base of the flower. Each pistillate flower has a dome-shaped cluster of pistils at its center that is greenish yellow or pale yellow. Each staminate flower has 20-35 stamens with pale yellow filaments and yellow anthers. Each perfect flower has a dome-shaped cluster of pistils at its center and a ring of surrounding stamens. The blooming period occurs from late spring to early summer, lasting about 3-4 weeks. Afterwards, the flowers are replaced by fruits when growing conditions are favorable, otherwise they abort. These fruits are up to ½" long and across; they are globoid or globoid-ovoid in shape, becoming bright red at maturity. Small seeds are scattered across the surface of these fruits in sunken pits; the persistent sepals and sepal-like bracts are appressed to the upper surface of these fruits. The fleshy interior of these fruits has a sweet-tart flavor; they are edible. The root system consists of a shallow crown with fibrous roots. After the production of flowers and fruits, hairy above-ground stolons up to 2' long may develop from the crown. When the tips of these stolons touch the ground, they often form plantlets that take root. In this manner, clonal colonies of plants often develop. [图片]Cultivation: The preference is full or partial sun, moist to dry-mesic conditions, and fertile soil containing loam or clay-loam. Wild Strawberry is a cool-season plant that grows actively during the spring and fall, but it often becomes dormant after setting fruit during the hot summer months. This plant is easy to cultivate, and it will spread to form a loose ground cover in open areas. The foliage is more resistant to foliar disease than most cultivated strawberries. While flowers are produced reliably every spring where there is adequate sunlight, the fruits may or may not develop, depending on the weather and environmental conditions. Watering plants during dry spells in late spring and early summer probably encourages fruits to develop. These fruits are much smaller in size than those of cultivated strawberries. Range & Habitat: The native Wild Strawberry is common in most areas of Illinois, although in parts of NW and southern Illinois it is occasional or absent (see Distribution Map). Habitats include black soil prairies, hill prairies, bluegrass meadows, small meadows in wooded areas, open woodlands, woodland borders, savannas, limestone glades, roadsides, and areas along railroads. Wild Strawberry is able to tolerate competition from taller plants because it develops early in the spring, and it is able to tolerate some shade later in the year. This plant occurs in both degraded and high quality habitats, often not far from wooded areas. [图片]Faunal Associations: The ecological value of Wild Strawberry to various insects, birds, and animals is high. The nectar and pollen of the flowers attract little carpenter bees (Ceratina spp.), cuckoo bees (Nomada spp.), mason bees (Osmia spp.), Halictid bees (including green metallic bees), Halictid cuckoo bees (Sphecodes spp.), Andrenid bees, Syrphid flies, thick-headed flies (Conopidae), Tachinid flies, bottle flies (Lucilia spp.), flesh flies (Sarcophagidae), small butterflies, and skippers (see Robertson, 1929, & others). These floral visitors are beneficial because they cross-pollinate the flowers. Other insects feed destructively on the foliage and other parts of Wild Strawberry. Caterpillars of the Grizzled Skipper (Pyrgus centaurae wyandot) feed on this plant. Other insect feeders include larvae of such moths as the Strawberry Crown Borer (Synanthedon bibionipennis), Strawberry Leafroller Moth (Ancylis comptana fragariae), and Wild Strawberry Seed Borer (Grapholita angleseana). The Moth Table has a more complete list of moth species that feed on this plant. [图片]Other insect feeders include the Strawberry Flea Beetle (Altica ignita) and other leaf beetles (Chrysomelidae), the Strawberry Sap Beetle (Stelidota gemmata), the Strawberry Root Weevil (Otiorhynchus ovatus) and other weevils (Curculionidae), larvae of the Strawberry Reniform Gall Midge (Cecidomyia reniformis), larvae of the Strawberry Cylindrical Gall Wasp (Diastrophus fragariae), larvae of the Curled Rose Sawfly (Allantus cinctus) and other sawflies, the Strawberry Aphid (Chaetosiphon fragaefolii) and other aphids, and flower thrips. The Insect Table has a more complete list of insect species that feed on this plant. Various vertebrate animals eat the fruits and foliage of Wild Strawberry. Many upland gamebirds and songbirds eat the fruits, including the Ring-necked Pheasant, Greater Prairie Chicken, Brown Thrasher, Eastern Towhee, and American Robin. Some mammals, including the Opossum, Eastern Skunk, Franklin Ground Squirrel, Eastern Chipmunk, and White-footed Mouse, also eat the fruits, as do the Eastern Box Turtle, Ornate Box Turtle, and Wood Turtle. By eating the fruits, these animals spread the seeds to new locations. The foliage of Wild Strawberry is a source of food for the Cottontail Rabbit, White-tailed Deer, Groundhog, and Meadow Vole. The foliage is also browsed by horses, cattle, sheep, and goats. The Wildlife Table has a more complete list of vertebrate animals that feed on this plant. [图片]Photographic Location: The photographs were taken along a roadside near Urbana, Illinois; at Dave Monk's postage stamp prairie in Champaign, Illinois; and at the wildflower garden of the webmaster in Urbana, Illinois. Comments: This is one of the parent plants for the cultivated strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa). The other parent plant of the cultivated strawberry is the Coastal Strawberry (Fragaria chiloensis). This latter species is found along the Pacific Coast in both North and South America. The cultivated strawberry inherited the superior flavor of the Wild Strawberry (Fragaria virginiana) and the larger fruit size of the Coastal Strawberry. The Wild Strawberry produces attractive white flowers during the spring and small red fruits during the early summer. It is similar in appearance to another native species, the Hillside Strawberry (Fragaria vesca americana). The fruits of Hillside Strawberry have sepals and sepal-like bracts that are spreading to reflexed, rather than appressed. The fruits of Hillside Strawberry also have seeds scattered on top of their surfaces, rather than enclosed in shallow pits. This strawberry species is found in northern Illinois, where it is uncommon. It is closely related to the Alpine Strawberry (Fragaria vesca vesca), which is found in Europe.
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