动态 (3585)
Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Family - Rosaceae Stems - Multiple from base, spreading to ascending or erect, herbaceous, to +45cm long, villous, branching near apex.
Leaves - Alternate. Basal leaves toothed, typically unlobed but also 3 to 5-lobed, crenate-serrate, petiolate, to +25cm long. Lower cauline leaves pinnately divided, serrate, pubescent above, pubescent typically on veins below. Upper cauline leaves typically 3-lobed (lobes often divided further), serrate, ciliate-margined, glabrous to sparse pubescent above, pubescent on veins below, dull green above, silvery-green below. Stipules at base of petioles serrate, with same pubescence as leaf blade.
Inflorescence - Loose cymes terminating stems. Peduncles and pedicels with sparse villous pubescence mostly near base or glabrous. Flowers - Petals yellow to yellow-orange, 5, to 3mm long, clawed, glabrous. Hypanthium campanulate, 2-3mm broad, 1.5mm tall (long), glabrous. Stamens +20, borne at edge of hypanthium, persistent in fruit. Filaments to 1mm long. Anthers yellow, .6mm in diameter. Sepals 5, acute to acuminate, 2mm long in flower, ciliate-margined, sharply recurved, persisting and elongating below fruit. Ovary stalked. Stalk elongating in fruit. Achenes glandular pubescent, beaked with persistent styles and stigmas.
Flowering - April - June. Habitat - Moist ground, thicket edges, waste ground. Origin - Native to U.S. Other info. - This is a common little plant which can bloom fairly early in the season. The growth habits can be variable from erect to nearly prostrate. The flowers are very small, as you can see from the pics, and it is common for the petals to be fewer than 5. The achenes have a "hinged" barb which is the persistent style and stigma. The basal leaves are often missing or dying off by the time the plant is in heavy flower.
Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Family - Asteraceae Stems - To +1m tall, branching above, erect, herbaceous, glabrous, often reddish, from taproot.
Leaves - Alternate, sessile, linear to linear oblong, minutely appressed pubescent above and below, randomly serrate, acute, to +/-10cm long, +/-1.5cm broad. Margins between teeth setulose. Inflorescence - Single flower head terminating branches of stem. Involucre - To 1.1cm tall, 1.7cm in diameter. Phyllaries loosely imbricate, linear-attenuate, glabrous, viscid, to 1.4cm long, 1.5mm broad at base, spreading to suberect.
Ray flowers - Ligule yellow, to -2cm long, +/-3mm broad, glabrous, viscid. Flowers fertile. Achene white (in flower), 1.4mm long, glabrous. Pappus a pair of filiform awns to 6mm long. Disk flowers - Disk to 1.7cm broad. Corolla tube yellow, 4mm long, 5-lobed, viscid. Lobes acute, .8mm long, sometimes with sparse pubescence. Flowers fertile. Stamens 5, adnate to base of corolla tube. Filaments very short. Anthers to 3mm long, included, connate around style. Style bifurcate. Stigmas pubescent. Achene slightly flattened, white (in flower), .9mm long, glabrous. Pappus a pair of filiform awns to 6mm long.
Flowering - August - October. Habitat - Limestone glades, rocky open ground, bald knobs, rocky roadsides, waste ground. Origin - Native to U.S. Other info. - This species of Grindelia is very common in the southwestern part of the state, but grows in other locations throughout the state. Most parts of the plant, especially the flowers, are very sticky (viscid). The flowers are quite showy and I'm surprised the plant is not cultivated more. It grows in very rocky soil.
Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Family - Euphorbiaceae Stems - To +30cm tall, from creeping rhizomes and stout roots, erect, herbaceous, with milky sap, green, terete, multiple from the base, simple except in the inflorescence, glabrous.
Leaves - Alternate, sessile, dense on the stem, spreading, to +/-3cm long, 2-3mm broad, linear, entire, rounded to acute at the apex, with a single midrib, dark green or with a reddish-purple tinge, glabrous. Margins slightly revolute. Inflorescence - Terminal umbel with 10 or more main rays. Flowers terminating the dense branches of the inflorescence. Branches of the inflorescence glabrous, the main ones to +2cm long. Pedicels of the flowers glabrous and very short (1-2mm long). Flowers subtended by an involucre of 2 bracts. Bracts green to yellow, reniform, glabrous, cupped around the flowers.
Flowers - Cyathia greenish to yellow, 2-3mm long, with 4 yellowish glands at the apex. Glands 1-1.5mm broad, 1mm long, with 2 horn-like projections at each end. The projections .5mm long. Tissue of the cyathia between the glands erose. Ovary partially exserted beyond the cyathia, 3-sided, with 3 locules (one ovule per locule), -1mm long and broad in flower, on a stalk to 1mm long, both stalk and ovary green, glabrous. Styles 3, united in the basal 1/3, 1mm long, green, glabrous, divided at the apices into 6 stigmas. Stamens many, included or partially exserted from the cyathia. Filaments white, glabrous, to 2mm long. Anthers green, bilobed, .7mm broad, .5mm long.
Flowering - April - August. Habitat - Cultivated and escaped to fields and roadsides, also found around old homesites. Origin - Native to Europe. Other info. - This attractive species can be found cultivated throughout much of Missouri and is persistent around old homesites and cemeteries. Since the plant rarely produces viable seed, it has not become more widespread and weedy. The plant grows easily from a rhizome cutting and requires little care once established. Steyermark wrote that the plant was used medicinally but poisoning occurred in cases of overuse.
Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Family - Brassicaceae Stems - To +40cm tall, from stout taproot, branching, herbaceous, erect, single or multiple from base, carinate, with appressed pubescence. Hairs of stem bifurcate and oriented parallel to stem axis.
Leaves - Early season leaves in basal rosette. Blades to +10cm long and +1cm broad. Tips of basal leaves often curled or hooked. Leaves of stem alternate, gradually reduced upward, coarsely toothed to sub-entire, linear to narrowly oblong, tapering to base, sessile to short petiolate, with bifurcate appressed pubescence above and below.
Inflorescence - Terminal racemes, sub-compact in flower and elongating in fruit to +25cm long. Flowers - Petals 4, clawed, yellow to bicolored with yellow and white. Claw to 6mm long. Limb of petal 3-4mm long, -2mm broad, glabrous. Stamens 6. Filaments glabrous, whitish, to 6mm long. Anthers -1mm long, greenish-yellow. Ovary to 5mm long, 4-angled, .5mm broad. Style wanting. Sepals 4, distinct, pubescent as stem and leaves, to -6mm long, 1.1mm broad, linear, light green with lighter margins near apex, erect.
Fruit - Siliques to 7.5cm long, 4-angled, widely spreading to erect, with pubescence as stem and leaves, beaked, many seeded. Beak to 4mm long. Pedicels thick, to 5mm long, typically at nearly right angles to axis of stem. Flowering - April - July. Habitat - Waste ground, disturbed sites, roadsides, railroads. Origin - Native to Europe. Other info. - Still another of the many introduced members of the Brassicaceae! This plant is extremely common and can be found almost anywhere. The flowers can be solid yellow or bicolored as seen above. The taproot can get quite large for the size of the plant, especially if there is not much water near the surface of the ground.
Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Family - Asteraceae Stems - Scapose, to +/-75cm tall, multiple from base, erect, herbaceous, glabrous to sparsely strigose, simple, from thickened roots.
Leaves - Mostly basal, alternate, lowest petiolate, becoming sessile above. Petioles to +/-25cm long. Blade to +30cm long, -3cm broad, scabrous, linear-oblong, acuminate, shiny green above and below. Margins entire but antrorse strigillose. Leaf tissue long tapering at base and creating a wing on the petiole. Leaves quickly reduced upward and absent on upper 2/3 of stem.
Inflorescence - Single flower head terminating stem. Involucre - Phyllaries acuminate-attenuate, in 2-3 series, imbricate, to +/-1cm long, 3-4mm broad at base, glabrous with antrorse strigillose margins, recurving with age. Ray flowers - Sterile. Ligule yellow, to 3cm long, 5mm broad, 3-toothed at apex, glabrous. Achene 3-angled, 3mm long(in flower), winged on margins. Disk flowers - Disk to +/-2.5cm in diameter. Flowers fertile. Corolla tube to 3mm long, brownish-purple, 5-lobed, glabrous. Lobes 1mm long, acute. Achene slightly compressed, 3.1mm long, glabrous. Pappus a minute crown or absent. Receptacle conic. Chaff stiff, erect, exceeding the disk flowers, to 1.1cm long, brownish-purple at apex, partially enclosing achene and corolla tube.
Flowering - May - June. Habitat - Glades, barrens, bald knobs. Origin - Native to U.S. Other info. - Definitely not your fathers Echinacea! This plant is only found in the Ozark region of Missouri and Arkansas. It is, however, cultivated elsewhere. The plant is typical of the genus except for brilliant yellow ray ligules. It is easily identified in the field because of its long thin leaves and big conic disk.
Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Family - Rosaceae Stems - Trailing, rooting at nodes, to +30cm long, strigose to pilose, herbaceous, multiple from the base.
Leaves - Alternate, petiolate, stipulate, trifoliolate. Stipules to +/-7mm long, +/-3mm broad, oblong-lanceolate, ciliate-margined. Petioles to +/-6cm long, antrorse strigose. Petiolules to 5mm long. Leaflets ovate (the lateral leaflets oblique at the base), crenate-serrate, to 5cm long, -3cm broad, strigose above and below on veins. Margins strigillose.
Inflorescence - Single pedunculate axillary flowers. Peduncles erect, -6cm long, antrorse strigose. Flowers - Hypanthium short, broad, with five 3-lobed bracts alternating with the sepals. Bracts +/-6mm long in flower, +/-6mm broad, with ciliolate margins. Sepals apiculate to aristate, 7-8mm long, 4mm broad, arachnoid pubescent above, ciliolate-margined, pilose below, yellowish at base. Stamens erect, borne at the edge of the receptacle, +/-20. Filaments yellow, glabrous, 3mm long. Anthers yellow, roundish, -1mm long. Hypanthium ciliate internally. Ovary purplish, 3mm long, 2mm in diameter. Receptacle conic, glabrous. Achenes brownish-purple, glabrous, reniform, -1mm broad. Style yellow, glabrous, 1.3mm long. Stigma capitate. Petals 5, yellow, distinct, spreading, 7-8mm long, 4-5mm broad, entire, glabrous, emarginate to truncate at apex. Fruit an aggregate, red, much like a strawberry but bland in taste, to +/-1cm long.
Flowering - April - June. Habitat - Open woods, prairies, fields, lawns, waste ground. Origin - Native to Asia. Other info. - This small introduced species can be found throughout much of Missouri. The bright yellow flowers are easy to see in the spring as are the bright red fruits that follow. Although the fruits look mighty tasty, they are quite bland and dry and are certainly no substitute for real strawberries, genus Fragaria.
Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Family - Asteraceae Stems - Erect, multiple from base, branching, herbaceous, glabrous, often glaucous, light green with darker green striate nerves, terete, solid, annual from a taproot.
Leaves - Alternate, sessile, auriculate-clasping. Lowest leaves elliptic, shallow serrate, to +10cm long, 3-4cm broad, gradually reduced upward, light green, acute, with antrorse strigose margins. Upper leaves becoming ovate. Inflorescence - Single, long-peduncled, terminal flower head. Peduncle expanded just below the involucre. Involucre - +/-2cm broad, with +/-10 phyllaries. Phyllaries spreading, subulate, 3-8mm long, +/-2mm broad at base, entire, glabrous, with antrorse strigose margins.
Ray flowers - +/-8 per flower head. Ligule oblong, 1-2cm long, +/-1cm broad, orangish-yellow and red to maroon at the base, antrorse pubescent below, glabrous above. Corolla tube 1mm long, pubescent externally with yellowish hairs. Pappus absent. Achene 2mm long in flower, 4-angled, pubescent on the angles. Disk flowers - Disk conical at first and quickly becoming columnar, to +3cm tall, to +1.5cm in diameter. Flowers 5-lobed. Corolla tube glabrous externally, whitish green in the basal half, purplish with darker purple nerves in the apical half. Lobes spreading to reflexed, .3-.5mm long, .2mm broad at base, acute, yellow internally. Stamens 5, adnate near the base of the corolla tube. Filaments white, glabrous, -1mm long. Anthers dark purple, 1.5mm long, connate around the style, partially exserted. Style translucent in basal half, purple in apical half, 2mm long, bifurcate. Stigmas 2mm long, dark purple, pubescent in apical half. Pappus absent. Achene glabrous, white in flower, 2mm long in flower. Mature achene black, glabrous, +?-3mm long. Receptacle glabrous, with chaff. Chaff acute, translucent-white with two dark stripes near the margins and green at the apex, ciliolate at the apex, glabrous below, +/-5mm long.
Flowering - June - July. Habitat - Prairies, chert barrens along streams, waste ground, roadsides. Origin - Native to U.S. Other info. - This attractive species can be found in just a few western Missouri counties in the prairie region. The plant is easy to identify becasue of its clasping leaves and distinctive columnar disks. It is an easy species to grow and would make a good garden subject.
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