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Miss Chen
A. Besides raising pets, I also liked to plant green plants.
花园 (4)
动态 (4985)
Miss Chen
花卉是大自然美的精华。花和人一样,不仅有正名,而且还有别称、雅号等种种叫法。花卉雅号是自古以来爱好花卉的诗人和广人人民群众给花卉起的美名或尊称。。 雍容华贵的牡丹,又称“国色天香”。据说唐代长安有个叫李正封的人写了一首咏牡丹的诗,内有佳句“国色朝酣酒,天香夜染衣”,庸明皇看了很欣赏,就说杨贵纪喝酒后站在梳妆床前照影,那红颜美貌使与李正封的诗意相吻合,“国色天香,人似花容”。此后,牡丹就有“国色天香”之雅号。 芍药被认为是仅次于牡丹的丽花.宋代陆佃在《埠雅》中说:“今群芳中牡丹品第一,芍药第二,故也称牡丹为花王,芍药为花相(宰相)。”因此,牡丹又有“花王”之雅号,芍药的雅号为“花相”。 有些花卉的雅号的来历已无从考证了。但这些雅号(别名)在民间则广为流传。现将常见的花卉雅号介绍如下: “花王”——牡丹; “花相”——芍药; “花中皇后”——月季; “花中西施”——杜鹃; “花中君子”、“天下第一香”、“空谷佳人”——兰花; “人间第一香”——茉莉; “东篱高士”、“雪里婵娟”——菊花; “君子花”——莲花; “白花盟主”——铃儿花(吊钟); “月下美人”——昙花; “绿色仙子”——吊兰; “花魁”——梅花; “四君子”——梅、兰、竹、菊; “岁寒三友”——松、竹、梅; “花中双绝”——牡丹、芍药; “中国三大天然名花”——杜鹃、报春、龙胆; “花草四雅”——兰、菊、水仙、菖蒲; “花中四友”——茶花、迎春、梅花、水仙; “蔷薇三姊妹”——蔷薇、月季、玫瑰; “花中二姊妹”——薄荷、留兰香; “红花二姊妹”——红花、藏红花; “盆花五姊妹”——山茶、杜鹃、仙客来、石蜡红、吊钟海棠; “树桩七贤”——黄山松、缨络柏、枫、银杏、雀梅、冬青、榆; “园林三宝”——树中银杏、花中牡丹、草中兰; “云南八大名花”——山茶、玉兰、杜鹃、报春、百合、兰花、绿绒蒿、龙胆。
Miss Chen
俄罗斯——向日葵 前苏联人民热爱向日葵,并将它定为国花。现在俄罗斯把国花仍定为向日葵“更无柳絮因风起,惟有葵花向日倾”。向日葵,向往光明之花,合人带来 美好希望之花,它全身是宝,把自己无私地奉献给人类。关于向日葵,历史上有一美妙传说。古代有一位农夫女儿名叫明姑,她憨厚老实,长得俊俏,却被后娘“女霸王”视为眼中钉,受到百般凌辱虐待。一次,因一件小事,顶撞了后娘一句,惹怒了后娘,使用皮鞭抽打她,可一下失手打到了前来劝解的亲生女儿身上,这时后娘又气又恨,夜里趁明姑娘熟睡之际挖掉了她的眼睛。明姑疼痛难忍,破门出逃,不久死去,死后在她坟上开着一盘鲜丽的黄花,终日面向阳光,它就是向日葵。表示明姑向往光明,厌恶黑暗之意,这传说激励人们痛恨暴、黑暗,追求光明。这向日葵便繁何至今。 意大利——雏菊 雏菊又名延命菊,是菊科多年生草本植物,原产欧洲。它的叶为匙形丛生呈莲座状,密集矮生,颜色碧翠。从叶间抽出花葶,葶一花,错落排列,外观古朴,花朵娇小玲珑,色彩和谐。早春开花,生气盎然,具有君子的风度和天真烂漫的风采,深得意大利人的喜爱,因而推举为国花。 日本--樱花 3月15日是日本的樱花节。日本有樱花30多种类,300多品种,世界上共有800多品种。日本所有公园里,满目都是樱花。日本人民认为樱花具有高雅、刚劲、清秀质朴和独立的精神。他们把樱花作为勤劳、勇敢、智慧的象征。日本有"樱花七日"的谚语,是说花期很短。因此日本家庭里一般不种樱花,认为对家族的兴旺延续不古利。 荷兰、土耳其、匈牙利--郁金香 荷兰,欧洲的花园,鲜花之国,提起荷兰,就不能不说说它的国花--郁金香。 荷兰郁金香的历史是从一位名叫克卢修斯的园艺学家开始的。16世纪,在维也纳皇家花园当园丁的克卢修斯,千方百计从出使土耳其的奥地利大使于中得到了原产亚洲的、美丽的郁金香,并带着郁金香来到了荷兰,使这种花很快地遍及荷兰各地,一度掀起了郁金香热。起初,郁金香的价值成倍地增长,许多人疯狂地种植郁金香,甚至有人用一座带花园的别墅换取一个珍贵的品种。到1637年,郁金香价格暴跌,市场出现危机,由政府出面整顿,才恢复了正常。现在荷兰的郁金香是主要的出口创汇商品之一。 在荷兰,郁金香是美好、庄严、华贵和成功的象征。 虽说,荷兰的郁金香誉满全球,其实郁金香的故土在土耳其。土耳其人更钟爱郁金香。郁金香的生物学名是Tulipa,来自土耳其语TUber1d,含义是郁金香花象包着头巾的伊斯兰教少女一样美丽。郁金香成为土耳其的国花比荷兰还早。郁金香为热爱它的人们带来了多姿多彩的幸福生活。匈牙利、伊朗、新西兰也把郁金香定为本国国花。 法国——鸢尾花 法国是一个鲜花之国,它的首都巴黎有“花都”的美誉。莺尾被视为法兰西王国的国花. 相传法兰克王路易、克洛维斯接受洗礼时,上帝送给他的礼物就是金百合花,法文的百合花与“路易之花”,发音相近。视金百合花为纯洁,金百合花花形象白鸽飞翔的姿势,象征着“圣灵”。法国国王路易第六,将金百合花作为他的印章和铸币图案,装饰他蓝袍的边缘,他穿着蓝袍去参加受任国王的仪式,因此金百合花又成了王室权利的象征。其实,这里所说的金百合花就是香根莺尾。法国人种植香根莺尾除供观赏外,也是获取香精的重要原料。 关于法国国花,另一种说法是百合花。相传当初统治法国的克罗卑鸟斯王是以青蛙作徽章的。有一次一名隐士在他家显灵,吩咐他献一只美丽的盾给皇后,盾上雕一朵百合花。以后,克罗卑斯麦持此盾上战场交锋,每战告捷,从此以后定百合花为国花。 巴西——毛蟹爪兰 毛蟹爪兰是原产巴西、墨西哥热带雨林中的一种附生植物。体色鲜绿,茎多分枝,常成簇而悬垂,一根枝条由若干节组成,每节呈倒卵形或长椭圆形,数节连贯,似蟹爪,因而得名。其根紧紧攀附在巨树高枝或悬崖峭壁上,不为风雨所动摇。它自1818年被人们发现以来,至今已在世界各国广泛栽培,经园艺家的选育,已培养出200多个优良品种。花期从头年10月到次年3月,花色有白、红、紫等,一株开花数朵,且无枝无叶,十分奇妙。毛蟹爪兰以其株形优美、花色艳丽深受花卉爱好者的欢迎。巴西曾经将此花馈赠中国,丰富了中国兰花珍品。 德国——矢车菊 普鲁士皇帝威廉一世的母亲路易斯王后,在一次内战中被迫离开柏林。逃难途中,车子坏了,她和两个孩子停在路边等待之时,发现路边盛开着蓝色的矢车菊,她就用这种花编成花环,戴在九岁的威廉胸前。后来威廉一世加冕成了德意志皇帝,仍然十分喜爱矢车菊,认为它是吉祥之花。矢车菊也启示人们小心谨慎与虚心学习 美国——玫瑰 美国国花经百年争论,于1986年9月23日国会众议院通过玫瑰为国花。他们认为玫瑰是爱情、和平、友谊、勇气和献身精神的化身。美国人还认为红色月季花象征爱、爱情和勇气。淡粉色传递赞同或赞美的信息,粉色代表忧雅和高贵的风度,深粉色表示感谢,白色象征纯洁,黄色象征喜庆和快乐 澳大利亚——金合欢 金合欢属豆科的有刺灌术或小乔木,二回羽状复叶,头状花序簇生于叶腋,盛开时,好像金色的绒球一般。 在澳大利亚,你稍加留意就会发现,居民的庭院不是用墙围起来,而是用金合欢作刺篱,种在房屋周围,非常别致。花开时节,花篱似一金色屏障,带着浓郁的花香,令人沉醉。 金合欢还是一种经济树种,芳香的花可提炼芳香油作高级香水等化妆品的原料。果荚、树皮和根内含有单宁,可做黑色染料,茎中流出的树脂含有树胶,可供药用。术材坚硬,可制贵重器具用品。 韩国——木槿花 韩国历史上,太极旗最早出现于19世纪。李氏王朝宗高十九年,即1882年8月,使臣朴泳孝和金玉筠奉命赴日本谈判。途中,两人商议,作为一个国家的代表没有一面国旗是不行的。于是,他们就在去日本的船上绘制了太极旗。朴、金二人回来后,于1883年,该旗被正式采纳为李氏王朝的国旗,并颁布使用。1948年,韩国政府成立时也决定把太极旗作为国旗使用。后来,韩国文教部正式颁布了太极旗的制作标准,并决定:旗杆顶端使用国花--木槿花加以装饰。旗面上的图案:白底代表土地,中间的圆圈代表人民,周围的四卦代表政府。 墨西哥——仙人掌 墨西哥主要居民是印第安族的阿斯特克人。相传最初部族神指点他们向南迁移,并说,当看到一只老鹰站在仙人掌上啄食一条蛇的地方,就证明那里富足、吉祥、可定居下来,会繁荣兴旺。他们走到墨西哥,果然看到预示的景象,便在那里定居。仙人掌成为他们坚强不屈,为捍卫自已民族利益而英勇斗争的标志。大丽菊是墨西哥的第二国花。墨西哥是大丽菊原产地,大丽花到处可见,它的花大方、富丽、绚丽多姿、可与世界名花抗衡。 瑞士——也得怀 瑞士是一特殊的国家,提起瑞士,就会令人联想到那举世闻名的阿尔卑斯山。有一种当地人称为“也得怀”的植物,它全身都长满了白色的毛茸,尤其是花朵旁边的苞片,简直就像棉絮堆成的毛毯一般看起来软绵绵、舒舒服服的 圣马力诺——仙客来 仙客来原产地在欧洲南部,被爱花人士栽培的历史己经有300多年以上了。在18世纪的时候曾以德国为栽培中心,后来更风靡了整个欧洲。由于园艺学家不断地进行品种改良,终于把栽培中心移转到了美国。并逐渐成为世界性的观赏花卉,很受爱花者的推崇,因此被推举为盆花的女王。圣马力诺选上这种“世界级”的花卉来当国花的确相当有眼光。
Miss Chen
随着人们物质生活和精神文明的提高,人们用花来陶冶情操,修身养性日趋普遍。以前,花鸟市场中以老年人为多,而现在,爱与花卉相处的不仅是年老的,许多年轻人也加入此行列。花卉已悄悄地步入都市人的生活。 世上花卉种类繁多,无处不在。花卉与人的生活有着千丝万缕的联系。既能药用、食用,又能美化净化环境,令人赏心悦目,自然有利于人类的身心健康。古今中外,引人重视。
当你满怀忧愁之时,一旦步入花的世界,花香沁人心脾,你的忧愁就会烟消云散;当你怒火中烧之时,来到鲜花丛中,香气袭人,你会马上心平气和。大有“观赏百花,饱餐秀色,随境怡情,健心养性”之感。 花卉有助保健,组屋的厨房也放置花草,符合养生之道。 花香宜人,赏花益康。中国民间早就流传许多谚语。如“花中自有健身药”:“赏花乃雅事,悦目又增寿”:“养花种草,不急不恼,有动有静,不生杂病”;“种花长福,赏花长寿,爱花养性”。“常在花间走,活到九十九”等等,都说明了以花为伴的人容易获得健康长寿。 自古就有花香治病 自古到今,人们一直非常重视花对人体健康的影响。中国古代民众早就掌握了花香治病的方法,秦汉时的《神农本草经》中就有用花卉治病的记载。东汉神医华佗曾用绸布制成小巧玲珑的香囊,里面装上香草、丁香、檀香、麝香等,悬挂室内,用于治疗肺痨、吐泻等疾病。明朝李时珍在《本草纲目》中也记载了数百种花卉的功能。到了现代,花香疗法已引起世界各国的重视。 人们在紧张的工作之余,常乐于徘徊花木之间,尽情欣赏花卉的色、香、韵、姿,以悦目怡神。研究园艺养生的学者专家认为,多种慢性病患者能够从种植与盆栽花卉中得到不少益处。 充分利用空间,让鲜花常在你左右。图为如切民众俱乐部以顶楼作花园,栽种了很多胡姬花。 当你满怀忧愁之时,一旦步入花的世界,花香沁人心脾,你的忧愁就会烟消云散;当你怒火中烧之时,来到鲜花丛中,香气袭人,你会马上心平气和。大有“观赏百花,饱餐秀色,随境怡情,健心养性”之感。
现代科学证明,花卉是天然的“芳香制造机”。花的香气可以镇静安神,调合血脉。以下是几种常见花对健康的益处: 荷花和水仙花的香味使人感情温顺缠绵;紫罗兰和玫瑰的香味使人身心爽朗、愉快;天竺葵的香味能镇静神经和消除疲劳;康乃馨的幽香有“返老还童”之妙,唤醒老年人对自己孩提时代纯朴欢乐的回忆;柠檬香味可驱赶睡意,使人思路清晰:梨花的香气使人潇洒丰神,沉静淡泊;桔子花的香味能激起人奋发向上的激情;茉莉和丁香的香味可以让人感觉轻松、文静;桂花的香味沁人心脾,使人疲劳顿消;金银花的香味有明显的降压作用,等等。因此,人们把这芳香气味作为健身祛病的“保健医生”。 从事园艺少得癌症 据观察,经常从事园艺劳动的人较少得癌症,而且寿命比一般人长。这是由于花草树木生长的地方,空气清新,负离子积累也多,吸进这些负离子,获得了充足的氧气;同时经常醉心于种植、培土、灌水、收获,容易忘却其他不愉快的事,从而调节了机体神经系统功能,为防癌与癌症的自愈,提供了有利的条件。 以花为伴寿自长,长年置身于花的世界,使人清幽高洁,使人感到温馨缠绵。花的种种色调,从视觉给人以纯洁、高雅、愉悦的感觉;错落变化的花枝,给人一种视觉空间的活泼美感。幽幽花香,更能改善环境,调节生活功能,有益于身心健康长寿。栽培花卉,既有助健身,又可陶情养性,增添生活乐趣,何乐而不为呢? 新加坡地处赤道线上,向有“花园城市”的美誉,全年花开,绿茵处处,许多住家都有养花种草,但是,一般人在这方面花的心思还不够,他们没有充分利用住家的空间养花种草,也不了解不同花草的不同保健作用。在这方面,新加坡人还须努力。
Miss Chen
蝴蝶兰是在1750年发现的,迄今已发现七十多个原生种,大多数产于潮湿的亚洲地区,自然分布于阿隆姆、缅甸、印度洋各岛、马来半岛、南洋群岛、菲律宾以至台湾等低纬度热带海岛。台东的武森永一带森林及绿岛所产的蝴蝶兰最著名。但由于森林砍伐与采集过度,资源明显减少。 在中国台湾(恒春半岛、兰屿、台东)和泰国、菲律宾、马来西亚、印度尼西亚等地都有分布。其中以台湾出产最多。 自古以来,中国人民对蝴蝶独有偏爱。梁祝化蝶流传千古,为人们讲述了一段凄美的爱情故事;思亲念友,耳际总会响起那优美歌词“你好象一只蝴蝶飞进我的窗口……”。蝴蝶兰原是洋兰,但因其形态酷似蝴蝶翩翩起舞,使得国人对她倍感亲切。你看她,宽厚的叶片,露于外面的根部,高挺的长茎上的花瓣薄如蝶翼,瓣态如蝴蝶欲飞还休。蝴蝶兰在一根细长的花茎展现的袅袅婷婷的娇美,由不得人们不去怜惜和疼爱。如果说玫瑰和丁香属于传统和经典,那蝴蝶兰就是时尚和新宠。羞答答的玫瑰总是静悄悄地展露芳容,而蝴蝶兰却一如不谙世事的乡间清纯女孩,一旦绽放,便倾其所有纤毫毕露,花瓣花蕊一并展现出来,那种张扬中的矜持,让人产生无穷遐想,她也因此赢得了自己和周围的世界。所以人们赋予她富贵、优雅、权利、长寿的评语。
蝴蝶兰花色艳丽,花期长久,被用于多种场合。白色代表高尚纯洁,红色则体现热情喜庆。对于花色,一般有两种爱好:有人喜欢浓妆,要求色彩强烈;有人喜欢淡抹,偏爱素雅。在国外,白色的蝴蝶兰较受欢迎;而国内,人们对红色宠爱有加。您可以根据自己的喜好来装点家居环境,无论是客厅卧室,还是窗台案几,蝴蝶兰浓妆淡抹总相宜。作为礼品,蝴蝶兰也成为越来越多人的首选。探望病人带上一株以示关爱与祝愿;庆祝生日献上一盆表达真诚和友谊;祝贺开业或乔迁之喜,送上一份蝴蝶兰组合盆栽作为贺礼,不落俗套,更能增添喜庆的气氛。特别值得一提的是,在洞房花烛之夜,喜结良缘之时,新娘手持的捧花中也少不了蝴蝶兰的倩影。在新娘洁白的婚纱前,白中带粉的蝴蝶兰柔柔地飘摇,会唤起一对新人对恋爱时浪漫情调的回忆,更会坚定彼此幸福生活的信心。 更有趣的是“蝴蝶兰”的英文学名是“像蛾一样”的意思,这大概是因为在生物界往往只有毒蛾才能拥有美丽的翅膀与色彩的缘故吧。尽管如此,在这玫瑰“泛滥”的季节里,大凡正在热恋中的朋友们都是不怕被美丽所“螫”吧?那就选择一株漂亮的蝴蝶兰送给你的心上人,对她(他)说“我爱你”。
Miss Chen
Description: This herbaceous perennial wildflower is 3-8" tall. An infertile shoot usually consists of a single basal leaf, while a fertile shoot consists of a flowering stalk with 2 alternate leaves (less often, there are 3 leaves). Both basal and alternate leaves are similar in appearance, although the former have petioles up to 2" long. The leaves are up to 3" long and 2" across, smooth (entire) along their margins, and ovate-oblong to oval in shape. Leaf venation is parallel. The upper leaf surface is medium green and glabrous, while the lower leaf surface is pale green and finely pubescent. Unlike var. interius, the typical variety of Canada Mayflower has leaves without hairs. The base of each alternate leaf is clasping, sessile, or short-petioled. The central stalk is light to medium green, terete, and glabrous or hairy. At the apex of each flowering stalk, there is a short-cylindrical raceme of flowers about 1-2" long. The flowers typically occur in pairs along the raceme on slender pedicels. Individual flowers have 4 white tepals, 4 stamens with white filaments and pale yellow anthers, and a white to greenish white pistil with a pair of knobby stigmata. The tepals are lanceolate and strongly recurved, fully exposing the reproductive organs. Each flower is a little less than ¼" (6 mm.) across. The blooming period occurs from late spring to early summer. The flowers are fragrant. During the summer, fertile flowers are replaced by globoid berries that are individually a little less than ¼" (6 mm.) across. At maturity, these berries are speckled pale red, and each berry typically contains 2 seeds. The root system is rhizomatous and fibrous. Vegetative colonies are often formed via the rhizomes. In a typical colony, infertile shoots usually outnumber flowering fertile shoots.
Cultivation: The preference is dappled sunlight to moderate shade, moist to slightly dry conditions, high humidity, and cool temperatures. This wildflower adapts to an acidic soil containing peat, sand, or rocky material (e.g., sandstone). It doesn't tolerate much competition from taller plants. Range & Habitat: The native Canada Mayflower is uncommon in Illinois; it is restricted to the northern section of the state (see Distribution Map). Illinois lies at the southern range limit of this largely boreal species; it is more common further to the north in the Great Lakes region and further to the northeast in New England. The western variety of Canada Mayflower, var. interius, is far more common within the state than the more eastern typical variety. Habitats include sandy meadows, sandy thickets, sandy woodlands, north-facing wooded slopes, shaded bogs, and sandstone ledges along ravines in wooded areas. In Illinois, Canada Mayflower is associated with high quality natural areas.
Faunal Associations: The flowers are cross-pollinated by small bees, flies, and beetles. These floral visitors include Halictid bees (Halictus spp., Lasioglossum spp.), Andrenid bees (Andrena spp.), Syrphid flies, bee flies (Bombylius spp.), and Anthomyiid flies. No nectar is available to floral visitors. The bees collect pollen, while the flies and beetles feed on pollen. The foliage is consumed by the introduced Lilioceris lilii (Lily Leaf Beetle), while the larvae of a fly, Dasineura toronotensis, cause fusiform galls to develop on the roots. The berries are eaten by the Ruffed Grouse, White-Footed Mouse, and Eastern Chipmunk; these animals (particularly the Ruffed Grouse) help to spread the seeds of this plant into new areas.
Photographic Location: The photographs were taken at a sandstone ledge along a wooded ravine at the Fall Creek Gorge in west-central Indiana (also known as 'The Potholes'), and in a sandy thicket at the Irwin Prairie State Nature Preserve in NW Ohio. Comments: This dainty wildflower resembles a dwarf Smilacina racemosa (False Solomon's Seal) or a dwarf Smilacina stellata (Starry Solomon's Plume). Unlike the preceding species, flowering stalks of Canada Mayflower typically have only 2 leaves. Another common name is False Lily-of-the-Valley. Among species of the Lily family, Canada Mayflower is very unusual in having only 4 tepals and 4 stamens per flower – other plants in this family typically have flowers with 6 tepals and 6 stamens.
Miss Chen
Description: This perennial plant is about 1½–2½' tall, branching occasionally. The stems are light green and densely covered with white hairs. The alternate leaves are up to 5½" long and 2" across; they are lanceolate to ovate, smooth along the margins, and sessile. The upper surface of each leaf is dark green, sparsely covered with short hairs, and pinnately veined; the lower surface is light green and densely covered with short white hairs. The lateral veins are conspicuous on both sides of the leaves. The flowers bloom near the apex of the stems. They occur individually from the axils of the leaves; their pedicels are short. Each flower is about ¼" across, consisting of a hairy green calyx with 5 linear-lanceolate teeth and a pale yellow corolla with 5 spreading lobes and a narrow throat. The tube of the corolla is no longer than the teeth of the calyx. The reproductive organs are hidden within the corolla. The blooming period occurs from mid-spring to early summer. Only a few flowers are in bloom at the same time. They are replaced by ovoid-globoid nutlets with an outer coat that is white, smooth, and hard. The root system consists of a taproot, which may send up more than one stem. Cultivation: The preference is dappled sunlight during the spring and light to medium shade during the remainder of the year. The soil should be moist to slightly dry, fertile and loamy, containing abundant organic matter. The hard white seeds are difficult to germinate. Range & Habitat: The native American Gromwell is scattered across Illinois; it is an uncommon plant (see Distribution Map). Populations of this species within the state have probably declined. Habitats include rich deciduous woodlands, wooded slopes, and shaded riverbanks. This conservative species prefers high quality woodlands where the original ground flora is largely intact. Faunal Associations: The structure of the flowers suggests that the pollinators are long-tongued bees and butterflies. More specific information about floral-faunal relationships is currently unavailable.
Photographic Location: Toward the bottom of a moist wooded slope in Vermilion County, Illinois. Comments: American Gromwell is one of the woodland wildflowers that blooms during the spring, but it is often overlooked and many field guides fail to describe it, probably because its flowers are not very showy. American Gromwell resembles Lithospermum officinale (European Gromwell) in its overall appearance. This latter species produces flowers in flat-headed cymes and its leaves are more slender. In contrast, American Gromwell produces individual flowers from the axils of the leaves. Another European species, Buglossoides arvense (Corn Gromwell), produces individual flowers from the axils of the leaves, but these flowers are bright white and its leaves are smaller in size. Corn Gromwell produces nutlets that are brown and wrinkled, rather than smooth and white. Other Lithospermum spp. in Illinois are native prairie plants that also produce flowers in flat-headed cymes. The flowers of these latter species have longer corollas that are a brilliant yellow or orange-yellow.
Miss Chen
Description: This herbaceous perennial plant is about 2-4' tall and either branched or unbranched. The stems are light to medium green and abundantly covered with stiff white hairs that have the capacity to sting when they are rubbed against. The lower to middle leaves are alternate, while the upper leaves are opposite. These leaves are up to 6" long and 4" across; they are medium to dark green, ovate-cordate to oval-ovate in shape, and coarsely serrated or serrated-crenate. Young leaves are densely hairy and wrinkled in appearance, while older leaves become less hairy and wrinkled with age. Leaf venation is pinnate. The petioles are up to 4" long and abundantly covered with stinging hairs, like the stems. The leaves may have a few stinging hairs as well, particularly along the central veins of their undersides. Some plants have a tendency to loose many of their stinging hairs as the season progresses. Individual plants are either monoecious (separate male and female flowers on the same plant) or unisexual. The male flowers occur in branching cymes from the axils of the leaves. These cymes spread outward from the stem and they are about the same length as the petioles of the leaves. Each male flower is greenish white to white and less than 1/8" (3 mm.) across, consisting of 5 narrow sepals, 5 stamens, and no petals. The female flowers occur in branching cymes toward the apex of the plant. These cymes are erect to spreading and 4" or more in length. Each female flower is more or less green and about 1/8" (3 mm.) across, consisting of 4 sepals of unequal size (2 large and 2 small) and an ovary with a long style. The blooming period usually occurs during mid- to late summer. The flowers are wind-pollinated. Each female flower is replaced by a small dry fruit that is curved and ovoid in shape. This plant often forms colonies of variable size. Cultivation: The preference is partial sun to medium shade, moist conditions, and a fertile loamy soil with abundant organic matter. Because of its stinging hairs and tendency to spread, you probably would not want to cultivate this plant near the house, except possibly as a privacy barrier.
Range & Habitat: The native Wood Nettle is common in central and northern Illinois, but it is uncommon or absent in parts of southern Illinois (see Distribution Map). Habitats include moist floodplain woodlands, moist bottomland woodlands, mesic woodlands, shady seeps, and other moist places in wooded areas. Various deciduous trees (e.g., elms, maples, or sycamore) dominate the habitats where the Wood Nettle occurs. Faunal Associations: The caterpillars of the following butterflies feed on the foliage: Polygonia comma (Comma), Polygonia interrogationis (Question Mark), and Vanessa atalanta (Red Admiral). Other insect feeders include caterpillars of the moths Bomolocha edictalis (Large Bomolocha) and Bomolocha sordidula (Sordid Bomolocha), leaf-mining larvae of the fly Agromyza subnigripes, and the stink bug Proxys punctulatus. White-tailed Deer also browse on the foliage of Wood Nettle occasionally, notwithstanding the stinging hairs. When this plant forms dense colonies in wooded areas, it provides valuable cover for wildlife.
Photographic Location: A floodplain woodland in Vermilion County, Illinois. The Wood Nettle in the photographs wasn't in bloom. Comments: This native plant is often mistaken for the introduced Urtica dioica (Stinging Nettle). Both species have stinging hairs and a similar appearance. However, the Wood Nettle has some alternate leaves, while Stinging Nettle has pairs of opposite leaves only. There are also differences in the characteristics of their flowers. Another similar species, Boehmeria cylindrica (False Nettle), also has opposite leaves, but it lacks stinging hairs altogether. Like other members of the Nettle family, the Wood Nettle lacks showy flowers because they are wind-pollinated, rather than pollinated by insects. Some people may regard this species as an undesirable woodland weed because of its stinging hairs and unassuming appearance, but it is an important host plant of some native butterflies.
Miss Chen
Description: This herbaceous perennial plant is 1-3' tall, branching sparingly. It is relatively short-lived. The foliage consists of basal leaves and bolting stems with alternate leaves; most vegetative growth occurs during the spring. The stems are light to medium green, glabrous, and terete; sometimes they are slightly angular or slightly furrowed. The leaves are up to 5" long and 2" across, becoming smaller as they ascend the stems. They are usually more or less ovate, serrated or dentate along their margins, medium green, and glabrous. The basal leaves and lower alternate leaves are often pinnately lobed (pinnatifid); these lobes occur in 1-4 pairs near the base of each leaf. The upper stems terminate in erect racemes of flowers about 6-18" in length. Sometimes shorter racemes of flowers also develop from the axils of the upper leaves. Each flower is about ¼" (6 mm.) across, consisting of 4 petals that are pale violet to nearly white, 4 pale gray or pale violet sepals, 6 stamens with violet anthers, and a pistil with a stout style. The petals are oblanceolate in shape and longer than the sepals. The sepals are oblong in shape and usually glabrous, although the tips of sepals on young flowers are sometimes finely hairy. The pedicels of the flowers are about 6-8 mm. long, ascending, and glabrous; they are green, greenish violet, or violet. The rachises (central stalks) and peduncles (basal stalks) of the racemes are green or purplish green and glabrous. The blooming period occurs during the early summer and lasts about 3 weeks. The flowers are often fragrant, particularly in sunny locations. The flowers are replaced by glabrous siliques (narrowly cylindrical seedpods) that become about ½–1" long at maturity. Each silique contains a single row of oblongoid seeds. Immature siliques are green to dark violet. The root system consists of a taproot. This plant spreads by reseeding itself.
Cultivation: The preference is partial sun to medium shade, wet to moist conditions, and rich loamy soil with abundant organic matter. This plant is able to tolerate temporary flooding. Range & Habitat: The native Purple Rocket occurs occasionally in east central and NE Illinois, while in other areas of the state it is uncommon or absent (see Distribution Map). Habitats include wet to mesic deciduous woodlands, particularly in floodplain areas along rivers and low-lying areas that are prone to occasional flooding. This plant also occurs in soggy meadows near wooded areas, including sunny areas that are adjacent to small streams and drainage ditches. Purple Rocket is a non-weedy member of the Mustard family that usually occurs in higher quality natural areas, less often at degraded sites.
Faunal Associations: There is very little information about floral-faunal relationships for this species. In sunny areas, the nectar of the flowers attracts bees and butterflies; in particular, the butterfly Pieris rapae (Cabbage White) is strongly attracted to the flowers. In shady areas, the flowers appear to attract about the same number of bees, but fewer butterflies. Photographic Location: Along a drainage ditch in a moist meadow at Judge Webber Park in Urbana, Illinois. This meadow is rather weedy and located near a wooded area. Purple Rocket also occurs in damp shady areas at Busey Woods in the same city.
Comments: This is one of the more unusual members of the Mustard family because it is native, non-weedy, and has pale violet flowers. As these flowers become older, their color fades to white. In sunny areas, the elongated racemes of flowers can become exceptionally long – often comprising the upper half of the plant, if not more. However, they tend to be a little shorter and less showy in shady areas. Purple Rocket (Iodanthus pinnatifidus) is fairly easy to identify in the field because it doesn't closely resemble any other member of the Mustard family. Perhaps the most similar species is Blue Mustard (Chorispora tenella). This introduced species is rare in Illinois; it differs from Purple Rocket in having pink or purplish pink flowers and glandular hairs on its stems and pedicels. The siliques of Blue Mustard curve upward and they have longer beaks. Another member of the Mustard family, the introduced Dame's Rocket (Hesperis matronalis), has much larger flowers that are rosy pink. The petals of its flowers are well-rounded and overlapping, while the petals of Purple Rocket are more narrow and don't overlap.
Miss Chen
Description: This herbaceous perennial plant is 1-2' tall, branching sparingly. The stems are green, reddish green, or reddish brown, and they are glabrous to slightly hairy. When they are present, these hairs are curved or appressed against their stems. The alternate leaves are up to 6" long and 4" across (excluding the petioles); they are pinnately divided into 3-5 leaflets or deep lobes, and their margins are coarsely toothed or shallowly cleft. The lobes of these leaves are relatively narrow and they have acute tips. The earliest leaves in spring have small patches of white that are scattered across their upper surfaces; these white patches don't develop in later leaves. The petioles are up to 2" long, light green to reddish brown, and glabrous to short-pubescent; they are flat or furrowed along their upper sides and convex below. Each upper stem terminates in 1 or 2 cymes of flowers. The flowering stalks (or peduncles) of these cymes are up to 4" long; they are terete and glabrous to short-pubescent. The stalks terminate in dense cymes of flowers about 1-2" across; each cyme contains about 8-20 flowers. Each flower is about 8-12 mm. long, consisting of a corolla with 5 lobes, a hairy green calyx with 5 linear teeth, 5 stamens, and a slender white style that is divided at its tip. The corolla is white, pink, or light lavender; its oblong lobes spread apart only slightly when the flower is fully open. The stamens are strongly exerted from the corolla and quite conspicuous; they have hairy white filaments and brownish anthers. The pedicels of the flowers are up to 12 mm. (½") in length; they are terete and glabrous to short-pubescent. The blooming period occurs during late spring to early summer, lasting about 3-4 weeks; some plants may bloom a little earlier or later than this. Each flower is replaced by a seed capsule that splits open to release its seeds. The root system consists of a tuft of fibrous roots and rhizomes. Occasionally, this plant forms colonies.
Cultivation: The preference is partial sun to light shade, moist to dry-mesic conditions, and a rich loamy soil with decaying leaves. This plant can be cultivated in gardens where there is some shade from deciduous trees. Range & Habitat: The native Virginia Waterleaf is occasional to locally common in central and northern Illinois, while in southern Illinois it is uncommon or absent (see Distribution Map). Habitats include deciduous woodlands, savannas, areas along woodland paths, wooded slopes along rivers, bluffs, edges of clearings in wooded areas, and powerline clearances in wooded areas. This wildflower benefits from occasional disturbance if it removes excessive woody vegetation, and populations of this species decline in response to invasion from Garlic Mustard (Alliaria petiolata).
Faunal Associations: The nectar and pollen of the flowers attract bumblebees, long-horned bees (Synhalonia spp.), cuckoo bees (Nomada spp.), mason bees (Osmia spp.), Halictid bees (Lasioglossum spp., Augochlorella spp., etc.), Andrenid bees (Andrena spp.), and bee flies (Bombyliidae). An Andrenid bee, Andrena geranii, is a specialist pollinator of Hydrophyllum spp. Syrphid flies sometimes feed on the pollen of the flowers, but they are less effective at cross-pollination. The foliage is browsed by White-tailed Deer occasionally. Photographic Location: Busey Woods in Urbana, Illinois.
Comments: This is probably the most common Hydrophyllum sp. in Illinois. Virginia Waterleaf has attractive flowers and foliage; it blooms a little later than most spring-blooming wildflowers in woodlands. The following characteristics distinguish this species from other Hydrophyllum spp. that occur in the state: 1) There are no curved appendages between the teeth of the calyx, 2) the stems are hairless, or they have lines of hairs that are curved or appressed against the stem, 3) the leaves are pinnately lobed and they are usually a little longer than wide, 4) the lobes of the corolla spread apart only a little, 5) the stamens and styles are longer than their corollas, and 6) the lobes of the leaves have acute tips. Other Hydrophyllum spp. have little appendages between the teeth of their calyxes, or they have stems with abundant spreading hairs, or they have palmately lobed leaves that are as wide as they are long, or the lobes of their corollas spread widely apart, or their stamens and styles are no longer than their corollas, or the lobes of their leaves have blunt tips. While this set of distinctions may sound complicated, it is usually easy to identify Virginia Waterleaf in the field.
Miss Chen
古典名著《镜花缘》是我国清代继《红楼梦》之后又一部优秀的长篇小说。作者李汝珍从开始构思《镜花缘》到最后完稿,历时约20年。这是一部与花卉有着十分紧密关系的古典著作,无论是小说故事情节的起因,还是众多才女佳人的名字,或是主要情节的发展演变都和花卉相关。从某种程度上可以说,花卉是《镜花缘》的灵魂。 故事的缘起就是花。第四回《吟雪诗暖阁赌酒 挥醉笔上苑催花》讲了女皇武则天催花的故事。在一个寒冬飘雪的日子,武则天赏雪饮酒,乘着酒性下诏“明朝游上苑,火速报春知,花须连夜发,莫待晓风催。”总管百花的女神百花仙子恰好出游,不在洞府。众位花神无从请示,只好绽放花朵。上帝因为百花仙子未曾禀报,竟然“任听部下,呈艳于非常之时,献媚于世主之前”,于是把百花仙子和其他九十九位花神,都贬到凡尘。百花仙子降生为秀才唐敖的女儿唐小山,这才有了后面精彩曲折的故事。 古人爱花,常常接花为客,拜花为友,尊花为师,封花为王。他们还经常根据花的不同习性分为不同的类别。第五回《俏宫娥戏夸金盏草武太后怒贬牡丹花》就提到了上官婉儿把三十六花借师、友、婢之意,分为上、中、下三等,所谓师者,即如牡丹、兰花、梅花、菊花、桂花、莲花、芍药、海棠、水仙、腊梅、杜鹃、玉兰之类,或古香自异,或国色无双,此十二种,品列上等。当其开时,虽亦玩赏,然对此态浓意远,骨重香严,每觉肃然起敬,不啻事之如师,因而叫作“十二师”。 其次如珠兰、茉莉、瑞香、紫薇、山茶、碧桃、玫瑰、丁香、桃花、杏花、石榴、月季之类,或风流自赏,或清芬宜人,此十二种,品列中等。当其开时,凭栏拈韵,相顾把杯,不独蔼然可亲,真可把袂共话,亚似投契良朋,因此呼之为“友”。 再如凤仙、蔷薇、梨花、李花、木香、芙蓉、蓝菊、栀子、绣球、罂粟、秋海棠、夜来香之类,或嫣红腻翠,或送媚含情,此十二种,品列下等。当其开时,不但心存爱憎,并且意涉亵狎,消闲娱目,宛如解事小环一般,故呼之为“婢”。 惟此三十六种,可师,可友,可婢。其余品类虽多,或产一隅之区,见者甚少:或乏香艳之致,别无可观。故奴婢悉皆不取。
来自: 斑目
来自: 安静的种花人
来自: 石头剪子布
来自: 绿野鱼悅
来自: Heidi Liu
来自: 一万吨少女心
来自: KiddaHoo
来自: 辣木姐--璐颖
来自: 倾心
来自: 小欢喜
来自: 斑目
来自: 安静的种花人
来自: 石头剪子布
来自: 绿野鱼悅
来自: Heidi Liu
来自: 一万吨少女心
来自: KiddaHoo
来自: 辣木姐--璐颖
来自: 倾心
来自: 小欢喜
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