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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
虫害分布 西南、华中、华东、华北,辽宁(大连)。 [图片]虫害危害 主要危害栗树。 虫害形态特征 成虫雌体扁圆球形,年轻时绿色,触角6节,死体坚硬、蜡质,有光泽,黄褐色,宽径 4.5-6.5mm,背具黑色横纹5-7条,前3条较宽,腹面与臀部具白色絮状物。雄体长1.7mm,翅展 3.5mm,棕褐色,触角丝状,6节,尾端交配器锥状,露出体外,两侧具细蜡丝各1根。卵长椭圆形, 淡橙红色。若虫1龄时扁椭圆形,长约O.5mm,淡 红褐色,触角6节,与足均为淡桶黄色; 2龄雌体 纺锤形,背凸,暗红褐色,被蜡毛,触角6节; 2龄雄体卵圆形,黄褐色,触角7节; 3龄雌体卵圆形,红褐色。蛹圆锥形,黄褐色。茧扁椭圆形,长约2mm,白色絮状。 虫害发生规律 一年发生1代,以2龄若虫在枝条芽基或伤疤处越冬。在浙江,3月初越冬雄若虫爬行至皮缝、伤口等隐蔽处聚集结茧化蛹,雌若虫在原处固定取食进入3龄。3月下旬成虫开始羽化,交尾后于5月初产卵,每雌产卵2000余粒,5月上、中旬孵化,5月下旬进入2龄若虫期,并以此越夏和越冬。老树重于幼树,下层枝重于上层枝。若虫死亡率较高。 [图片]虫害防治方法 (1)冬季植株修剪以及清园,消灭在枯枝落叶杂草与表土中越冬的虫源。 (2)提前预防,开春后喷施40%啶虫.毒(国光必治)乳油2000-3000倍液进行预防,杀死虫卵,减少孵化虫量 (3)蚧壳虫化学防治小窍门: ①抓住最佳用药时间:在若虫孵化盛期用药,此时蜡质层未形成或刚形成,对药物比较敏感,用量少、效果好; ②选择对症药剂:刺吸式口器,应选内吸性药剂,背覆厚厚蚧壳(铠甲),应选用渗透性强的药剂如40%啶虫.毒(国光必治)1500-2000倍液喷雾防治,或用国光必治1500-2000倍+5.7% 甲维盐乳油( 国光乐克)2000倍混合液防治效果更佳。建议连用2次,间隔7-10天。 ③选择适宜的用药方式: 针对低矮容易喷施的,可以用喷雾方式防治;针对高大树体的蚧壳虫防治,也可使用吊注“必治”或者插“树体杀虫剂”插瓶的方式防治,用量根据树种、树势、气候等因素而调整。 (4)生物防治:保护和利用天敌昆虫,例如:红点唇瓢虫,其成虫、幼虫均可捕食此蚧的卵、若虫、蛹和成虫;6月份后捕食率可高达78%。此外,还有寄生蝇和捕食螨等。
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
虫害分布 分布于黑龙江、吉林、辽宁、内蒙古、北京、安徽、台湾、广东、陕西、四川等地。寄主是苹果、山楂、核桃、柞等。 [图片]虫害形态特征 成虫体长8-15mm,体宽3-6mm。体黑色,全身被灰色短绒毛,并杂有许多火黄色或金黄色毛斑。前胸背板中央具丝绒般的斑纹4个,每边两个,前后各1,排成直行,前斑长形,后斑较短,近乎卵圆形,两者之间的距离超过后斑的长度;每个黑斑的左右两边都镶有相当宽的火金或金黄色毛斑。鞘翅饰有许多黄色和黑色的斑点,每翅中端的灰色毛较淡,在此淡色区的上缘和下缘中央,各有一个较大的不规则形的黑斑,其他较小的黑斑大致圆形,分布于基部之上,基部中央则极少或缺如;黄斑形状各异,分布全翅。小盾片中央火黄或金黄色,两翅较深。鞘翅沿小盾片周围的毛大致淡色。触角部分赤褐色,第1节背面杂有金黄色毛,第3节起每节基部近1/2为灰白色,各节下缘密生灰白及棕色缨毛。体腹面及足亦有灰白色长毛。体卵形。头部静止时与前足基部接触;额极宽;复眼很小,分成上下两叶,期间仅有一线相连,下叶较大,但长度只及颊长之半;头面布有刻点及颗粒。雄虫触角超出体长1/3,雌虫与体等长,柄节端疤有时不大显著,开放式。前胸背板具刻点及小颗粒,表面不平坦,中央后方及两侧有瘤状突起,侧面近前缘处有一瘤突。鞘翅基部1/4具颗粒。 虫害发生规律 黑龙江2年1代,以幼虫或成虫越冬。翌春5月初越冬成虫开始活动取食并交配产卵。卵多产在树皮缝、枝节、死节处,尤喜产在腐朽变软的树皮上,卵期15天。5月底孵公,初孵幼虫蛀入皮层至皮下于韧皮部与木质部之间蛀食。秋后于蛀道内越冬。第2年为在至7月底前后开始老熟于隧道内化蛹,蛹期10余天,羽化后咬圆形羽化孔出树,于落叶层和干基各种缝隙内越冬。 [图片]虫害防治方法 主要的措施包括选育抗性树种,加强林地水肥管理,保证林木生长健旺,营造各种混交林,保护和招引啄木鸟及其他天敌,及时清除虫害木,避免天牛的大量发生等。局部发生时,须及时采取措施加以控制,如立即清除严重被害木,就地剥皮,置阳光下曝晒数周后利用。 虫害药剂防治 (1)涂白。秋、冬季至成虫产卵前,国光糊涂(树干涂白粉剂)与水按1:1比例混配好,加入200倍国光必治涂于树干基部(2米以内),防止产卵,可加入多菌灵、甲基托布津等药剂防腐烂,做到有虫治虫,无虫防病。同时,还可以起到防寒、防日灼的效果。 (2) 喷药防治。成虫发生期,向树干喷洒40%国光必治乳油800倍液、国光依它(45%丙溴辛硫磷)800-1000倍液,或者国光Bt、国光苏松质病毒等杀灭成虫。 (3)虫孔注药。幼虫危害期(6-8月),用小型喷雾器从虫道注入国光防蛀液剂,也可浸药棉塞孔,然后用粘泥或塑料袋堵注虫孔。 (4)熏蒸防治。磷化铝片是良好的熏蒸杀虫剂,可用该药堵孔,黄土封口,杀死幼虫。每孔放1/20片(3克/片)。或薄膜封干后,往薄膜内放药片熏蒸。
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
虫害分布 在我国分布于华北、东北、西北各省及山东、四川等。主要为害苹果、山楂、梨、桃、杏、李等果树。 [图片]虫害形态特征 成虫 体长22~25毫米,体黑色,头胸及足被淡黄白色或灰色鳞毛。触角棒状黑色,端部黄白色,前后翅白色,翅脉和外缘黑色。 卵 柱形,顶端稍尖似子弹头,高约1.3毫米,卵壳有纵脊纹12~14条,初产时金黄,后变淡黄色,数十粒排成卵块。 幼虫 老熟时体长40~45毫米,体背面有3条黑色纵条纹,其间有2条黄褐色纵带。头胸部、臀板黑色。 蛹 体长约25毫米,黄白色,体上分布许多黑色斑点,腹面有1条黑色纵带。以丝将蛹体缚于小枝上,即缢蛹。 虫害发生规律 山楂粉蝶一年发生1代。以2~3龄幼虫群集在树梢虫巢里越冬,一般每巢十余头。春季果树发芽后,越冬幼虫出巢,先食害芽、花,而后吐丝连缀叶片成网巢,于内为害。较大龄幼虫离巢为害。待其老熟,在枝干、叶片及附近杂草、石块等处化蛹。在河南西部5月中、下旬为化蛹盛期,蛹期14~23天,成虫发生在5月底至6月上旬,产卵于嫩叶正面,成块,每块有卵数十粒。卵期10~17天。6月中旬幼虫孵化,幼虫为害至8月初,以3龄幼虫在虫巢中越冬。 [图片]虫害防治方法 (1)剪除虫巢:结合冬季修剪,剪除枝梢上的越冬虫巢,集中处理。 (2)药剂防治:在春季幼虫出蛰为害期防治。此时虫口密度小,危害小,且虫的抗药性相对较弱。防治时用45%丙溴辛硫磷(国光依它)1000倍液,或国光乙刻(20%氰戊菊酯)1500倍液+乐克(5.7%甲维盐)2000倍混合液,40%啶虫.毒(必治)1500-2000倍液喷杀幼虫,可连用1-2次,间隔7-10天。可轮换用药,以延缓抗性的产生。
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Bearing spikes of fluffy, purple, summer flowers, Liatris spicata, also known as blazing star, provides its best effect in mass plantings. Hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 3 through 8, blazing star is a U.S. native that's also called gayfeather, snakeroot and dense blazing star. Its grass-like clumps grow 24 to 48 inches tall and 9 to 18 inches wide, and its flower spikes are 6 to 12 inches long. White, bluish and deep purple cultivars are available. A perennial plant, blazing star can be planted as a corm, which is a swollen underground stem, and also as a young plant. Blazing star flowers are attractive to butterflies. [图片]Blazing Star Corms Step 1 Till moist, well-drained soil in full sun with a garden fork to a depth of 6 inches in fall or spring. Mix in a 2-inch layer of garden compost, leaf mold or other organic matter if the soil is sandy and dry. Step 2 Scatter blazing star corms across the growing site to create an informal effect or arrange the corms in the desired pattern. Space the corms about 2 to 4 inches apart and at a rate of 10 to 20 blazing star corms per square foot. Step 3 Dig a hole beneath a blazing star corm 5 inches deep and as wide as the corm. Place it in the hole so that the widest, flattest part of the corm lies on the base of the hole. Fill in the hole with dug soil and plant the rest of the corms in the same way. Step 4 Water the blazing star corms thoroughly and water regularly throughout the growing season so that the soil is constantly moist but not saturated. [图片]Blazing Star Plants Step 1 Dig a hole as wide and deep as the blazing star root ball in a full-sun growing site with a trowel in spring. Blazing star tolerates dry, infertile soil but grows and flowers best in moist, well-drained, rich soil. Step 2 Place a blazing star plant in the hole so that the surface of the root ball is level with the surrounding soil. Fill in gaps around the root ball with dug soil. Space blazing star plants 9 to 18 inches apart. Step 3 Water the blazing star plants thoroughly and apply water throughout the growing season to keep the soil moist, especially when conditions are dry. Step 4 Spread a 9-18-9 ready-to-use, slow-release fertilizer around the planting site at a rate of 1 tablespoon per square foot. Apply the fertilizer every three months during the growing season.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Pampas grass, also known as Cortaderia selloana, is native to the moist South American grasslands, known also as the pampas. The fast-growing grass can live in almost any habitat, but it grows especially well in rich soil and mild climates. Since it can grow 6 to 10 feet tall, each tussock or clump should be given plenty of space between it and other plantings. The leaves are gray or bluish-green with narrowly tapering tips and sharp, serrated edges. Pampas grass can be used as an ornamental plant in a garden or lawn or used as a hedge due to its size. Large, flowering stalks range in color from white, yellow and pink. They grow from the base of the tussock and can reach 12 feet in height. During its lifespan, each plant can produce more than 1 million seeds. Pampas grass is banned in California and Hawaii, where it is listed as an invasive weed. [图片]Definition Life Cycle Pampas grass is a perennial. The plant goes dormant during the winter and resumes growth in the spring. The plants germinate in the spring, slowly producing bulbs the first year. Most plants take several years before flowering, especially on drier sites. Flowering occurs primarily in late summer. Plants are fully grown, from seed germination to maturity, in 2-4 years. The center stems of pampas grass will die after one growing season, but new shoots of leaves arise from the edge of the plant to increase its size. The lifespan of pampas grass is 10-15 years. Maintenance Location: In heavy frost zones, keep the plant sheltered. Plants prefer full sun and rich, well-drained soil. Pruning: While pampas grass is a very low-maintenance plant, it must be pruned back to 2-3 feet every fall. To encourage growth, cut the plant back before it goes dormant. To discourage growth, cut back after the plant goes dormant. Also exercise extreme caution when pruning due to the razor-sharp edges of the leaves. Watering: Pampas grass is subject to root rot, so do not water excessively. [图片]Removal: Pampas grass is very difficult to remove: The roots grow extremely deep. Seedlings to small plants can be dug up by hand. Larger plants should be removed using heavy machinery.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Kangaroo paw plants (Anigozanthos spp.) have long green leaves and finely textured flowering stems in tones of green, red or yellow. These perennial Australian natives grow in warm soil with a sandy composition that drains quickly. Although these plants are drought tolerant, summer watering can extend the flowering period. Tall kangaroo paw (Anigozanthos flavidus) is the one you're most likely to find and it grows in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 9 through 11. [图片]Choosing a Spot Kangaroo paws grow in open, sunny sites, where water drains quickly through soil consisting mainly of sand or gravel. The plants are susceptible to frost damage, but planting them close to the south-facing side of a building offers some protection from cold damage in USDA zone 9. Caring for Paws Kangaroo paws need little or no fertilizer, but you can improve their growth with a slow-release 12-4-8 fertilizer spread over the soil around the plant at a rate of 1 tablespoon per 1 square foot. Apply the fertilizer once every three months or according to label instructions. Removing the fans of flowers helps stimulate growth because each fan of flowers only blooms once. Remove the fans when they start to wilt. Watering Kangaroo Paws Species of kangaroo paw plants other than tall kangaroo paw are adapted to periods of summer drought and enter a period of dormancy unless they are watered daily. Daily drip irrigation from a soaker hose will prevent kangaroo paw from going dormant in summer but will also shorten its lifespan considerably. Once a kangaroo paw has entered dormancy, watering it quickly rots the plant. Controlling Snails Snails can cause serious damage to kangaroo paws. Snails hide during the day and feed at night. Look for cool, dark places beneath landscaping timbers, boards and rocks that could provide shelter for snails near your kangaroo paws and remove them. Eliminating snails' habitat and regularly removing the pests by hand are a simple and effective way to control snails on kangaroo paws. Check your plants for the slimy trails each day until their numbers decline and then continue checking them weekly. [图片]Treating Fungal Diseases Kangaroo paws are susceptible to ink spot, which is a fungal infection that blackens flower stems and leaves, beginning at the leaf tips. Spacing plants further apart, keeping them in good health and avoiding overwatering help prevent this disease from taking hold in kangaroo paws. You can treat plants that are already infected using a foliar fungicidal spray containing mancozeb. Add 3 teaspoons of mancozeb for every 1 gallon of water you plan to use. Add the fungicide to the sprayer's tank before the water to ensure it mixes properly. Wearing chemical-resistant gloves, pants and a long-sleeved shirt while mixing and spraying will reduce accidental contact with the fungicide. Mancozeb is most effective when used to thoroughly coat foliage of affected plants once every seven to 10 days throughout the growing season.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Bluebells (Campanula rotundifolia) grow naturally in wooded areas. In the United States they have become a favorite among wildflower lovers. The bluebell is easy to care for and spreads rapidly under the right conditions. This flower is a favorite of hummingbirds because of the shape of its blooms. The flowers are long and narrow, creating the perfect cup for a hummingbird to take nectar from. [图片]Bell-Shaped Flowers Native to England and Scotland, bluebell is a perennial plant named for the shape of the flower which looks like a tiny bell. These flowers grow in clusters and are usually, but not always, blue as the name implies. Bluebells can be a creamy, off-white color. The cream-colored bluebell is rarely found in nature. This plant has long stems and narrow leaves. It grows to be 12 to 18 inches tall. Flexiblity for Garden Uses Because bluebells are native to a range of habitats, including meadows, rocky hillsides, sandy soils and rocky crevices, they work well in many types of gardens. Tuck them into the small openings of a rock wall or among other small plants in a rock garden. Or plant them in a lightly shaded woodland area of your yard where they will multiply and naturalize to form a mass of bright blue in the late spring and throughout the summer. Moreover, bluebells attract hummingbirds wherever you plant them. Growing Bluebells Bluebells are common in wooded areas of Scotland, England and the United States, where they grow in USDA zones 3 to 8. They are grown from bulbs, which can endure frosts and hot temperatures. Plant the bulbs 2 inches underground in the fall, before the first frost. Plant bluebells at least 12 inches apart. The bluebell prefers partial sun with some shade in the afternoon. They do well when planted with ferns and other woodland plants. These plants do best when kept moist, so water them daily. Bluebells are useful for keeping the pest nematodes under control. [图片]Propagation for More Plants Bluebells are rapidly spreading perennials. As perennials, they will return each spring. As they return, they spread in clumps and choke out nearby vegetation if they are not divided every two or three years. Divide plants that are outgrowing their space in the garden. Divide the plants in fall. Place plant divisions in the ground before the threat of frost. Place 2 inches of manure over bulbs in the fall to ensure healthy plants the following spring.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
The Moses-in-the-cradle plant (Tradescantia spathacea) gets its interesting name from its flowers, which are small and white, and sit in a special leaf, called a bract, which resembles a dark purple boat. Also called boat lily, oyster plant, rhoeo tricolor and Moses-in-a-basket, this plant grows outdoors in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 9 through 11 and also does well as a houseplant. Easy to grow and tolerant of most environments, it forms short clumps of radiating, sword-shaped leaves in sun or shade, and needs only basic care and consistent moisture to thrive. Plant Wisely [图片]This plant can cause an allergic skin reaction in some people and pets, and can be poisonous if eaten in large quantities, so it's not a good choice for an area where pets or children play. It can also be invasive in some parts of the U.S., spreading into forested areas. Check before planting whether it's a good choice for your area. Manage its tendency to get out of control by removing spent flowers to prevent seed formation, and prevent spreading of the clump by surrounding it with a physical barrier that extends several inches into the soil. Proper Lighting [图片]Moses-in-the-cradle grows to about 1 foot tall, spreading to form a clump up to 2 feet wide. It tolerates most lighting conditions, but prefers filtered sun or partial shade. It can grow in full sun, but in areas with strong, hot summer sun, provide some shade in the afternoon to protect the leaves from scorching. If you grow this plant indoors, it does best in bright, indirect light for at least six to eight hours each day. The windowsill of a lightly curtained, south- or west-facing window gives the plant good light without too much direct sun. Water Needs [图片]When grown in the garden, Moses-in-the-basket prefers consistently moist soil and requires good drainage. Although the plant can also tolerate dry spells once established, adding a 2- to 3-inch layer of organic mulch, such as straw or shredded bark, helps conserve soil moisture and also keeps down competing weeds. In warm climates, the plant continues growing slowly during cold weather, but needs less water while it takes a rest. If you grow Moses-in-the-cradle as a container plant, water it whenever the top 1 to 2 inches of soil feel dry to your fingertip. Never leave the pot in a water-filled saucer, because this can encourage fungal problems. Always use a pot that has drainage holes. In fall and winter, allow the soil to dry slightly between waterings to give the plant a rest. Fertilizer and Pruning [图片]Moses-in-the-cradle doesn't need fertilizer when grown outdoors in fertile soil that's rich in organic content. You can give the plant a boost by mixing a 1- to 2-inch layer of compost into its soil each spring, but do this carefully to avoid disturbing the roots. If you grow the plant indoors, fertilize it every three months with a balanced, 10-10-10 fertilizer, diluted at a rate of 1/4 teaspoon in 1 gallon of water, but check your product label for additional directions. This plant doesn't require regular pruning, but you can trim back an outdoor-grown Moses-in-the-cradle each spring to keep it within bounds. Cut the plant back to a height of a few inches, wiping your blade with rubbing alcohol between cuts to prevent the spread of disease. Avoiding Problems [图片]Moses-in-the-cradle is usually free of diseases when grown in well-drained soil, but it can attract a few pests. These include mealybugs, which are fluffy white insects, or tiny, winged whiteflies; spider mites, which aren't visible, also could produce weblike coverings on young leaves. Control these by spraying with ready-to-use insecticidal soap. Repeat every week or two as needed. Wear long sleeves, long pants, gloves and eye protection when spraying plants.
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