Miss Chen
Miss Chen
[图片]山茱萸落叶乔木或灌木;树皮灰褐色;小枝细圆柱形,无毛。叶对生,纸质,上面绿色,无毛,下面浅绿色;叶柄细圆柱形,上面有浅沟,下面圆形。伞形花序生于枝侧,总苞片卵形,带紫色;总花梗粗壮,微被灰色短柔毛; 花小,两性,先叶开放;花萼阔三角形,无毛;花瓣舌状披针形,黄色,向外反卷;雄蕊与花瓣互生,花丝钻形,花药椭圆形;花盘无毛;花梗纤细。核果长椭圆形,红色至紫红色;核骨质,狭椭圆形,有几条不整齐的肋纹。花期3-4月;果期9-10月。 产中国山西、陕西、甘肃、山东、江苏、浙江、安徽、江西、河南、湖南等省。朝鲜、日本也有分布。生于海拔400-1500米,稀达2100米的林缘或森林中。在四川有引种栽培。该种(包括川鄂山茱萸)的果实称“萸肉”,俗名枣皮,供药用,味酸涩,性微温,为收敛性强壮药,有补肝肾止汗的功效。 [图片]山茱萸的药用价值 说到山茱萸,不得不说的就是它的药用作用了。山茱萸可以补益肝肾,收敛固脱。它主治头晕目眩,耳聋耳鸣,腰膝酸软,小便频数,虚汗不止,妇女崩漏,内热消渴,温肝补肾,治老人尿频。是一味滋补的常用药。 有许多名医都对山茱萸十分推崇,山茱萸的强心作用,抗炎抗菌作用,以及抗应激、抗氧化、降血脂等作用将使山茱萸的药用价值更加丰富。强心作用可以提高心脏工作效率。抗炎、抗菌则可以对一些病菌有抑制作用,此外山茱萸还可以提高耐缺氧、抗疲劳能力,增强记忆力。其醇提物还有降血脂作用,可降低血清甘油三酯、胆固醇的含量,抗动脉硬化。  山茱萸的园林价值 山茱萸一般是先开花后萌叶,在秋季结实,红果累累,绯红欲滴,艳丽悦目,为秋冬季观果佳品。 山茱萸作为一种观果佳品,应用于园林绿化很受欢迎,可在庭园、花坛内单植或片植,景观效果十分美丽。盆栽观果可达3个月之久,在花卉市场十分畅销。 山茱萸的其他价值 山茱萸的果实不仅仅可以入药,它还可以食用。以山茱萸为原料加工而成的绿色保健食品,具有无毒副作用及绿色无污染的优点,被人们逐渐认识和喜爱。 山茱萸可以可加工成饮料、果酱、蜜饯及罐头等多种食品。美味好吃,还具有保健作用,在市场上十分受欢迎。
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Machines used for harvesting corn have gradually become more complex and more expensive. These devices have revolutionized farming, allowing farmers to harvest vast tracks of land quickly with only a few employees. This speed has led to bigger and bigger farms, with many smaller farmers having to sell land, giving way to the march of technology. [图片]Corn Combine Combines, large machines that are used primarily to harvest corn on the stalk, are ideal for threshing and gathering corn stalks over a wide field. Some models are capable of separating usable parts from those that must be discarded. According to the website for the Environmental Protection Agency, many of these devices are self-propelled, meaning the machine has its own engine requiring a driver. Other types of combines must be towed or pushed by a tractor or other engine-baring piece of farm equipment. Combines are also among the most expensive pieces of farm equipment, with list prices generally over $300,000. Maize Sheller A maize sheller is another type of self-propelled corn harvesting machine. According to the website for the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, these devices are built of rows of three to six conveyors that harvest corn still on the stalk, strip the corn of its unusable components and spit them out through a cleaning sieve. The difference between this system and the combine is the maize sheller is specifically designed for corn and cannot be used with other smaller grain or row-style plants. Dry harvesting of corn generally occurs from October 7 through November 3, according to the EPA's website. [图片]Forage Harvester Forage harvesters are tractor-driven implements that chop and gather crops like corn without doing any of the separating like the other machines. These devices are quite powerful, with some using as much as 600 horsepower. Crops are usually harvested wet through September 1 and October 15 of each year when using this machine so as to promote the process known as ensiling, which is a form of crop preservation through anaerobic fermentation.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Growing your own popcorn does not mean that you will immediately have a movie snack on harvest day. Depending on the variety of popcorn, it will take between 85 and 120 days to mature, according to Mother Earth News. For the popcorn to pop, you must dry it to 13 to 14 percent moisture, according to Iowa State University Extension Office. This can be done either artificially or naturally, depending on your local climate conditions. Allow the popcorn cobs to remain on the stalk as long as possible until the kernels and husks appear dry, but pick the corn and dry it artificially if rain threatens. [图片]Air Dry Step 1 Remove the husks from the popcorn cobs, then place the cobs into mesh bags. Step 2 Hang the bags in a dry place, below 130 degrees Fahrenheit, for several weeks until the popcorn kernels appear shriveled. The amount of time will depend on the humidity levels in your climate. Step 3 Push several kernels off the cob with your thumb and pop them in a popcorn popper to test the moisture content. Shell the remaining popcorn cobs if the kernels pop properly, but leave the other cobs to continue drying if the popcorn does not pop or sticks to the inside of the popper. Step 4 Shell the dried popcorn kernels with a popcorn sheller or push the kernels off with your thumb. You can refrigerate the popcorn in an airtight container for up to 30 months. [图片]Oven Dry Step 1 Preheat the oven to 300 degrees Fahrenheit. Step 2 Remove the husks from the popcorn cobs. Push the kernels of corn off each cob with your thumb. Alternatively, use a popcorn sheller (available from farmer supply stores and via the Internet). Discard the cobs. Step 3 Arrange the popcorn kernels in a single layer in a large roasting pan, then place the pan in the oven. Turn down the oven to the lowest temperature setting. Step 4 Dry the popcorn for five hours. Stir it every hour. Step 5 Turn off the oven and leave the popcorn overnight. You can pop the the kernels right away or refrigerate it in an airtight container for up to 30 months.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
The tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) is a summer vegetable in the nightshade family. All tomatoes fall into one of two categories: determinate or indeterminate. Determinate tomatoes only grow to a certain size and produce a certain number of fruits, depending on the variety. Indeterminate tomatoes continue to grow vines and produce fruit for as long as conditions are favorable. Regardless of the difference in growth patterns, all tomatoes must be fertilized and are susceptible to the same pests, disease and frost damage. [图片]Tomato Characteristics Tomatoes come in many shapes, sizes and colors. Tomato sizes are characterized by weight and fall into three categories: beefsteak, cherry and grape. Beefsteak tomatoes can grow quite large at over 16 ounces, while small grape tomatoes mature to as little as 2 ounces. Some tomatoes are perfectly round while others, like roma varieties, are long and narrow, similar to a pepper. Oxheart varieties are heart-shaped with a pointed blossom end. Tomato colors include a wide range from white to black. Red and pink are the most common options, but purple and black varieties have gained popularity, particularly in specialty markets. Other colors include yellow, orange, green and various colors of stripes. All tomato plants have green leaves and stems. Some small determinate patio varieties reach a maximum of 1- to 2-feet tall, while some indeterminate varieties can grow vines over 12-feet long in one growing season. Always read the plant description carefully before making a decision on variety. Watch for Spring Frosts Frost will kill a tomato plant, so have a plan in place in case there is a chance of a late spring frost after seedlings have been planted. Cut the bottom off milk jugs to create a mini-greenhouse to provide frost protection on a chilly late-spring night. Because tomatoes are generally grown as annuals throughout the U.S. -- though they can be grown as tender perennials in -- all fruits should be harvested before the first expected frost in the fall. [图片]Fertilization and Water Needs Tomatoes are heavy feeders. After transplanting young seedlings, apply 1 tablespoon of 10-10-10 granular fertilizer per plant. With a rake, work it into the top few inches of soil in a circle all the way around the plant, out to 1 foot from the stem. Do not go deep enough to damage plant roots. When the first tomatoes have reached the size of golf-balls, or reach half their mature size for smaller varieties, add 1 tablespoon of 10-10-10 fertilizer per plant again. Reapply fertilizer three weeks later, and again after another three weeks. Always water thoroughly after fertilizing and make sure fertilizer does not touch leaves or stems. Do not apply fertilizer to plants that are stressed due to drought or heat. Water plants any time the soil is dry 1-inch below the soil surface. Infrequent, thorough watering is better than frequent light watering because this allows water to reach plant roots more effectively. Support and Pruning Small, determinate tomato varieties can be sufficiently supported by tying the main stem to a stake or using a standard three-ring tomato cage. Larger indeterminate varieties require more significant support. Make a sturdy, long-lasting tomato cage out of concrete remesh, available in sheets from many home improvement stores. Determinate varieties should not be pruned unless they have damaged branches, which should be removed 1/4-inch from the main stem with sharp, sterilized pruning shears -- sterilize tools with an alcohol wipe between cuts to prevent the spread of disease. Indeterminate varieties benefit from some pruning, especially if they outgrow their supports. Remove overgrown branches as needed to prevent broken stems due to fruit that is too heavy to support. Managing Pests Aphids are tiny white or green insects that cover leaves, stems and blooms. Knock aphids off of tomato plants with a shot of water from a hose. If a severe infestation occurs, spray ready-to-use insecticidal soap once per day as needed, thoroughly covering all leaves and stems. Hornworms are thick caterpillars that grow to about 4 inches long. These pests can eat all the leaves off tomato plants overnight. Remove hornworms by picking them off plants as soon as they are seen. For a severe infestation of hornworms, apply a solution of Bacillis thuringiensis to the leaves of tomato plants in the evening; mix about 1 tablespoon Bt per gallon of water, but always follow your brand's label instructions. Reapply each night as long as hornworms are present. Store Bt out of reach of children and pets. Banishing Blight Tomatoes are not particularly prone to disease, but yellow and brown leaves close to the ground may indicate blight. The only way to control blight is to remove damaged leaves as soon as they are visible. Burn leaves or put them in the garbage. Never compost diseased leaves. To prevent blight, select a blight-resistant variety and practice crop rotation by planting tomatoes in a different spot each year.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Tomato plants (Lycopersicon lycopersicum) technically produce fruits, but people use the fruits as vegetables in salads and other dishes too numerous to list. Unfortunately, squirrels eat tomato fruits, too, passing up unripe green ones to eat only those that are ripe red. Foiling hungry squirrels is never simple. Tomato plants usually are grown as annuals. [图片]Use Dogs and Cats The old-fashioned method of letting a dog roam the garden is one way of discouraging squirrels from eating tomato fruits. They don't like cats either. Cats prey on squirrels. Not all dogs are equal for this chore. Some dogs are squirrel specialists. For example, the American squirrel dog is bred to chase squirrels. A German pinscher is specifically bred to chase squirrels and other rodents. Build Physical Barriers Keep squirrels from eating your tomato fruits by covering your plants with plastic bird netting, chicken wire or hardware cloth; all of those barrier items are available at many garden supply centers. Whether or not this method is practical depends on the variety of tomato plants you grow. Indeterminate tomatoes, including heirloom varieties, yield fruits all summer, but those plants are climbers that need to be staked. They can grow 10 to 12 feet tall, although 6 to 8 feet is more usual, hardly a size that you can easily surround with a barrier. Determinate tomatoes, which usually bear fruits in late June, typically remain under 5 feet tall. So they are possible candidates for covering with bird netting. Dwarf tomatoes, which are hybrid determinate cultivars, grow as low as 3 feet high and spread 3 feet wide. They are small enough to cover with bird netting or even chicken wire or hardware cloth. Cage small determinate or dwarf tomato plants by encircling each of them with chicken wire and stringing bird netting over each one's top. Fasten the netting in place with clothespins. When you harvest your tomato fruits, simply remove the netting, and then put it back in place. [图片]Wrap individual ripening tomato fruits with bird netting. Use Smell, Bad and Good Squirrels can smell predators, including dogs and cats, and avoid predator-scented areas. Collect dog or cat hair in a vacuum cleaner, or get some from a pet store. Put the hair in a nylon stocking or porous bag, and place the stocking or bag at the foot of your tomato plants. A variation of this method is to spray urine from wolves or other squirrel predators on the ground at the base of your tomato plants. Some garden supply stores offer predator urine. Squirrels avoid the odor of blood meal, too. It is a dry powder extracted from slaughterhouse waste and sometimes is used as an organic fertilizer; it is available at plant nurseries and garden supply centers. Spread blood meal on the soil around your tomato plants, using fewer than 4 ounces of blood meal per 1 square yard. Blood meal contains high levels of ammonia and nitrogen; so do not apply more than that amount. Combine 5 ounces bottle of hot pepper sauce and 1 teaspoon of a liquid, mild detergent with 1 gallon of water, and spray the mixture on the bases of your tomato plants. Respray the plants with the mixture every few days for two weeks while the squirrels learn to avoid your tomatoes. Also respray after it rains. Establish a squirrel hangout with peanuts, corn, sunflower seeds and other food squirrels eat; you could even include some tomatoes in the mix. Give the squirrels water at the hangout, too. Place the hangout in an isolated spot well away from your tomatoes. If they get their fill at the hangout, they'll have no reason to raid your tomatoes. Use Water and Motion Install a motion-activated sprinkler that will douse the critters with water when they invade your garden. Another option is to install pinwheels, compact disks or aluminum pie tins in your garden. They will move and flash whenever the wind blows. These items work for a while, and then squirrels get used to them and go for the garden's tomatoes.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
If you have a vegetable garden or are thinking of starting one, tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum) are likely on your list of plants to grow. If you're looking for a variety that has flavorful, all-purpose fruits, a tomato called "Better Boy" could be the perfect choice. An indeterminate plant that keeps growing all season long, this plant thrives in strong light and good garden soil, with just a little extra care ensuring a heavy yield. Tomatoes are grown as annuals in all parts of the United States. [图片]Planting Seedlings Sow "Better Boy" seeds indoors about six or eight weeks before you expect outdoor temperature to stay above 45 degrees Fahrenheit at night, using moist sterile potting soil or soil-less mix. Cover seeds with 1/8 inch of mix and, once seedlings appear, keep them in a sunny spot or under fluorescent grow lights. You can also buy seedlings at a garden center but, in either case, harden plants off for a week or two by gradually increasing their exposure to outdoor air and light. Space "Better Boy" seedlings 2 to 3 feet apart , with 4 feet between rows. Remove the bottom two leaves from each plant and plant in a deep hole, so that these leaf nodes are covered by soil. Planting deep encourages rooting from the stem, making a well-seated plant. Sun, Soil and Water "Better Boy" tomatoes thrive and fruit heavily when grown in a spot that gets full sun, with six hours of sun a minimum for good results. They also need fertile soil. When planting, add 2 or 3 inches of compost to the bottom of each hole, along with a handful of bonemeal. Tomatoes also need magnesium for a good start; add 1 teaspoon of Epsom salts to each hole to provide this mineral. Water the seedlings in well and then water evenly during the season, aiming for about 1 inch of water each week, including rain. To prevent fungal problems, water early on sunny days so plants dry quickly, and use a soaker hose or drip irrigation to help keep foliage dry. Feeding and Pruning It takes about 70 days to get the first ripe "Better Boy" tomatoes, but feeding the plants is important for a good harvest. Start fertilizing when the first fruits are about 1 inch in diameter, and then feed again when harvest begins. Use a low-nitrogen formula such as 5-10-5, side-dressing each plant with about 1/2 cup of the granular fertilizer, but turn the fertilizer into the soil gently to avoid disturbing roots. [图片]"Better Boy" is an indeterminate variety that grows all season long, so it benefits from pruning to maximize fruiting and keep its size under control. As the plant grows, allow only one or two main stems to grow and remove suckers -- shoots appearing where each leaf originates -- to funnel the plant's energy into fruiting, using shears that you wipe with rubbing alcohol between cuts to prevent spread of disease. Also, help the plant produce the last ripe fruits by cutting back its fruitless top near the end of summer. Support and Possible Problems "Better Boy" is a heavy producer, with individual fruits weighing up to 1 pound each, so they benefit from support while growing. Either drive a sturdy stake into the ground, using soft ties to attach the stem to the stake at intervals, or use a commercial tomato cage for support, tying the plant to its wire as needed. These plants are susceptible to fungal disorders and fruit cracking, but ensuring constant, even moisture and giving plants lots of space in well-drained soil helps avoid these problems. They can attract pests such as large green hornworms and striped potato beetles, which can be hand-picked, and aphids, which are best controlled by washing plants with a strong water stream.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
[图片]茎粗壮直立,株高50—150cm,全株光滑无毛,有时幼叶上有疏毛。叶宽卵形,边缘有规则波状浅裂,基部常歪斜。花单生叶腋,花冠漏斗形,长7-10cm,筒部淡绿色,上部白色;,有时幼叶上有疏毛。上部常呈二叉状分枝。叶互生,叶片宽卵形,边缘具不规则的波状浅裂或疏齿,具长柄,脉上生有疏短柔毛。 茎直立、粗壮,主茎常木质化。 花单生在叶腋或枝叉处;花萼5齿裂筒状,花冠漏斗状,白色至紫色。蒴果直立,表面有硬刺,卵圆形。种子稍扁肾形,黑褐色。 [图片]曼陀罗花的施肥方法 小苗期间: 在其小苗期间可以施一些氮肥与钾肥,这样可以让它的根部更好的生长,而且也有有利于植物的粗实与健壮。 花期与果期: 曼陀罗花一年中有半年是在花期与果期内,所以在它花期前期,也就是生出花蕾时,可以施一些磷肥或者是一些复合肥,这样对它的开花与结果非常有利,而且还可以增加花朵的数量,使花色更加鲜明,花朵持续的时间稍久一些。 生长期: 其实它对肥料的要求算是比较高的了,所以在它的生长期要每7天至10天进行一次施肥,这也有利于后期的开花与结果。 注意事项: 日常施肥时一定不要去碰植物,尤其是不可以损伤植物,它的花、叶、果实都有毒性,甚至连种子就带有毒性,尤其是在开花季节,其花香也是有毒的,所以施肥时一定要小心。其实不单单是施肥,而是任何时候都要注意。 PS:还是要在这里提醒广大的友友,若家里有孩童的,非常不建议养殖此花;若有宠物的,一定要做好防护措施。
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
[图片]鸡蛋花落叶小乔木,高约5米,最高可达8.2m,胸径15~20cm;枝条粗壮,带肉质,具丰富乳汁,绿色,无毛。叶厚纸质,长圆状倒披针形或长椭圆形,长20~40cm,宽7~11cm,顶端短渐尖,基部狭楔形,叶面深绿色,叶背浅绿色,两面无毛;中脉在叶面凹入,在叶背略凸起,侧脉两面扁平,每边30~40条,未达叶缘网结成边脉;叶柄长4~7.5cm,上面基部具腺体,无毛。 聚伞花序顶生,长16~25cm,宽约15cm,无毛;总花梗三歧,长11~18cm,肉质,绿色;花梗长2~2.7cm,淡红色;花萼裂片小,卵圆形,顶端圆,长和宽约1.5mm,不张开而压紧花冠筒;花冠外面白色,花冠筒外面及裂片外面左边略带淡红色斑纹,花冠内面黄色,直径4~5cm,花冠筒圆筒形,长1~1.2cm,直径约4mm,外面无毛,内面密被柔毛,喉部无鳞片;花冠裂片阔倒卵形,顶端圆,基部向左覆盖,长3~4cm,宽2~2.5cm;雄蕊着生在花冠筒基部,花丝极短,花药长圆形,长约3毫米;心皮2,离生,无毛,花柱短,柱头长圆形,中间缢缩,顶端2裂;每心皮有胚株多颗。 蓇葖双生,广歧,圆筒形,向端部渐尖,长约11cm,直径约1.5cm,绿色,无毛;种子斜长圆形,扁平,长2cm,宽1cm,顶端具膜质的翅,翅长约2cm。花期5~10月,果期栽培极少结果,一般为7~12月。 [图片]养分的需求 总的来说,这种植物是喜欢肥料足一些的,自然要求比较高,因为它的成长发育的速度非常快。当然,植物的开花也需要大量的养料供应,土壤选择的好些还不妨碍。如果土壤中本身不令人满意的话,就更需要用施肥来补救一下了。 施什么肥 种类有不少,比如骨粉、过磷酸钙、各种有机肥(腐熟的)等等。不过最好用的还是复合肥,毕竟其中含有的营养元素种类比较多。 具体时期的方法 我们在春季的时候,最好给植物换一次盆,相应地可以在土壤中使用一些肥料。我们可以在培养土中加入二十克到二十克的骨粉,过磷酸钙要多一些,大约五十克到八十克吧。 五月到十月这段时期,可以每隔十天或者半个月左右施加一次复合肥(包含N、P、K三种元素的)。这是最重要的一个时期,一定要注意。 冬天的处理相信大家已经比较熟悉了,因为植物会处于休眠状态,对肥料就没有什么特别要求,所以整个冬季可以直接不用施加。 注意事项 植物在成长和开花期时,一定要注意营养的均衡,不能只关注一类营养元素。比如,如果只施加氮肥的话,植物或许会出现徒长的现象。 使用肥料的浓度也要控制,不能浓度太高了,植物喜欢稀薄一点的肥。 还有一点需要注意,就是我们在换盆后施加的肥料,一定要埋得深些,切忌直接接触到植物根的部位。
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
[图片]南天竹常绿小灌木。茎常丛生而少分枝,高1-3米,光滑无毛,幼枝常为红色,老后呈灰色。叶互生,集生于茎的上部,三回羽状复叶,长30-50厘米;二至三回羽片对生;小叶薄革质,椭圆形或椭圆状披针形,长2-10厘米,宽0.5-2厘米,顶端渐尖,基部楔形,全缘,上面深绿色,冬季变红色,背面叶脉隆起,两面无毛;近无柄。 圆锥花序直立,长20-35厘米;花小,白色,具芳香,直径6-7毫米;萼片多轮,外轮萼片卵状三角形,长1-2毫米,向内各轮渐大,最内轮萼片卵状长圆形,长2-4毫米;花瓣长圆形,长约4.2毫米,宽约2.5毫米,先端圆钝;雄蕊6,长约3.5毫米,花丝短,花药纵裂,药隔延伸;子房1室,具1-3枚胚珠。果柄长4-8毫米;浆果球形,直径5-8毫米,熟时鲜红色,稀橙红色。种子扁圆形。花期3-6月,果期5-11月。 [图片]南天竹怎么施肥 1.施肥的时间。一般是从2月份开始,每个月都要施一至两次的肥料,到7月份就可以停止 了。 2.肥料的选择。平时可以多施磷、钾肥,或者是饼肥和骨粉换着施加,但是浓度不能太大,到五月底的时候可以喷一次磷酸二氢钾。五月至九月期间,可以没过十五天至二十天的时间就施一次稀的薄饼水,大概没过两个月就要施一次浓度大约0.2%的硫酸亚铁水。 3.施肥方法。在南天竹的幼苗期液肥要淡一些不能太浓,一般液肥和水的比例是1:10,在南天竹的生长期,可以每个月施一至两次的液肥,这个时候的比例可以稍微浓一些了,液肥和水的比例是1:8,成年之后需要每年施一次干肥,分别在每年的5月份、八月份以及十月份进行,第三次施肥的时间应该选择在把它搬进室内越冬的时候进行,此时的肥料可以用饼肥或者是麻酱渣。在雨季的时候只能施干肥,而且每个月只能施一次,每盆约20~40克。 4.肥料的用量。肥量的用量一般在第一次和第二次要少一些,第三次开始就需要适当的施肥的量了。 好了关于南天竹怎么施肥的相关内容了,现在你清楚了吗?
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
[图片]三色堇茎高10-40cm,全株光滑。地上茎较粗,直立或稍倾斜,有棱,单一或多分枝。基生叶叶片长卵形或披针形,具长柄;茎生叶叶片卵形、长圆状圆形或长圆状披针形,先端圆或钝,基部圆,边缘具稀疏的圆齿或钝锯齿,上部叶叶柄较长,下部者较短;托叶大型,叶状,羽状深裂,长1-4cm。 花大,直径约3.5-6cm,每个茎上有3-10朵,通常每花有紫、白、黄三色;花梗稍粗,单生叶腋,上部具2枚对生的小苞片;小苞片极小,卵状三角形;萼片绿色,长圆状披针形,长1.2-2.2cm,宽3-5mm,先端尖,边缘狭膜质,基部附属物发达,长3-6mm,边缘不整齐;上方花瓣深紫堇色,侧方及下方花瓣均为三色,有紫色条纹,侧方花瓣里面基部密被须毛,下方花瓣距较细,长5-8mm;子房无毛,花柱短,基部明显膝曲,柱头膨大,呈球状,前方具较大的柱头孔。 蒴果椭圆形,长8-12mm。无毛。染色体数目不定,2n=20,26,42,46。 [图片]三色堇施什么肥,怎么施肥? 1.不能施加浓肥 三色堇一般都是经常施比较稀薄一点的肥料,不能够用太浓的,如果肥料太浓的话就容易让它的根系受到伤害,容易烧烂掉,所以一般以薄肥为主。在施肥的时候因为是薄肥,所以一般我们要做到勤施,但是每次要少施一点。这样子就能够让它的根系更好的生长。 2.不同时期的施肥 一般我们都是在它生长期内,要勤施一点肥料,因为这个时候正是它所需要养分非常多的时候,一定要满足它对肥料的需求。一般生长的最好时间都是在春天和秋天,但是等到夏天来的时候这时候我们就应该少量施肥了,尤其是夏天温度比较高的时候,它会进入休眠的状态,这时候我们一定做到少施肥,因为这时候它的吸收是有限的。等到冬天的时候,温度会比较的低,这时候也不能够施肥太多了,控制肥量,不然会容易让它的根系烂掉的。所以施肥是要看时间的,不同时候施肥的量也是不一样。 3.施肥的技巧 我们在给它施肥的时候,不能够为了省事就直接完事,一般我们都是先把它盆子里的土可以适当的松一下,这样字就可以让它的土壤变得松软,这样子透气性也好一点,然后再把所要施的肥料施进去,这时候就就能让它更好的吸收。还有在施肥的时候,千万不能够把肥料直接洒到根上面或者叶子上面,不然会让它的根系和叶子烂掉的,所以施肥的时候一定一要注意这一点。 4.施什么肥 一般在它生长期的时候都是以氮肥为主,等到它快要开花的时候就不能再用这种肥料了,要增加一点磷肥。这样子能让它开的花更加的多更加的好看。还有在气温比较低的时候也不能再施氮肥,会让它的根系容易烂掉的。所以什么时候施什么肥也是要有规律的。
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