Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Mushrooms go through three states to become the fungi you enjoy in various dishes. The first stage is the spawning stage, the second stage is the vegetative growth state and the third is the fruiting stage. The production of spawn is difficult and best left to professional mushroom growers. Obtain your spawn from them after you've prepared your own mushroom growing box at home and seasoned the compost properly. If you do things right, in about eight weeks, you should see a crop of mushrooms in the final fruiting stage. [图片]Step 1 Put on a pair of rubber gloves before you begin. You want a mushroom-growing environment that is as sterile as possible to keep bacteria and pests from making their homes in your mushroom growing box. Step 2 Cut a piece from a roll of plastic sheeting to fit inside a 20-qt. plastic storage container. Pull the plastic tight inside the container, cover the sides and secure the plastic over the rim of the container with box tape. Step 3 Fill the container 2/3 full with organic compost. Measure the temperature of the compost. The temperature of the compost needs to be below 86 degree F to add the spawn. [图片]Step 4 Add the mushroom spawn and combine it evenly with the compost using your hands. If you decide to use a small shovel to add the spawn, you must sterilize the instrument first with hydrogen peroxide. Step 5 Place the container in a dark and moderately warm place where you can monitor the temperature and humidity level. Indirect light on the mushroom box is alright. Step 6 Check the box often for three to four days for mycelia growth. You will see a fibrous substance that is either gray or white making its way through the top of the compost. Wait about 10 days to allow the spawn to go through all of the compost before you apply the casing, or sphagnum moss. Step 7 Remove the sphagnum moss from its sterile packaging and moisten it with water. Cover the mycelia an even layer, 8 or 9 inches thick, with the sphagnum moss. This casing encourages the mycelia, or vegetative state, to convert to the fruiting state. Step 8 If you smell ammonia in the compost, do not add the mushroom spawn, as the mushrooms are not likely to grow in this medium. When ammonia is present, the compost is not complete. After you harvest the first growth of mushrooms, additional crops will grow for up to a month.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Mushrooms are a wild plant that can be delicious when added to salads or tomato sauce, but not all mushrooms are safe to eat. If you live in the Maryland area, it may be tempting to pick mushrooms you find growing in your yard or in a wooded area nearby, but this may not be safe, depending on the species you find. Identifying species of mushroom found in Maryland can help prevent accidental poisoning. [图片]Black-footed Polypore Black-footed polypores are usually found on decaying deciduous wood between August and December. They grow individually or in groups. These mushrooms are easily identifiable. The caps are usually between 1 1/2 and almost 8 inches wide and are dark reddish-brown. The color gets paler toward the edges. Black-footed polypores are inedible. Their scientific name is Polyporus badius. Autumn Skullcap Autumn skullcaps have small caps, which are usually only 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 inches across. They can be found in forests or natural areas, usually on rotted wood. They grow individually or in small clusters. The autumn skullcap, which is also called the deadly Galernia, is poisonous if ingested. In fact, they are so toxic that they can be fatal if eaten. The scientific name of the autumn skullcap is Galernia autumnalis. Honey Mushroom The honey mushroom is usually found at the base of deciduous trees or pines or on old stumps. In some cases, the mushrooms behave as parasites by living on live shrubs or trees. The individual caps can grow up to 4 inches across and the stalks are about 3/4 inches wide, and can grow up to 6 inches high. True honey mushrooms are edible, but some people's stomachs can be upset by them. There are also poisonous mushrooms that are very similar in appearance. The scientific name for the honey mushroom is Armillariella mellea. Crown-tipped Coral Fungus These mushrooms look like coral found on the ocean floor, and grow on logs that are well decayed. They are common, and edible, either raw or cooked. The scientific name of these mushrooms is Clavicorona pyxidata. This particular mushroom is only one type of Clavicorona mushrooms. [图片]Netted Rhodotus The netted Rhodotus are usually found between June and September on dead deciduous wood, either scattered or in groups. The caps of these mushrooms are 1 to 2 inches across. They are red or pink with white ridges that look like netting over the caps. The stalks are around 1 to 2 inches thick and measure 1 to 2 inches long. Netted Rhodotus are not a common type of mushroom, and it's unknown if they're edible. The scientific name of the netted Rhodotus is Rhodotus palmatus.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Grow edible mushrooms quickly in your home with a few supplies. The optimal growing environment produces mushrooms in about four weeks with harvest several weeks later, depending on the variety. Choose button (Agaricus bisporus), shiitake (Lentinula edodes) or oyster (Pleurotus species) mushrooms for the best results when growing mushrooms quickly at home. [图片]Step 1 Make a mushroom grow box by cutting 11 sections that are each 50 inches long from 6-inch wide, untreated lumber planks. Attach four planks together at their ends with 2-inch long nails, making a box frame that is about 50 inches long and 6 inches deep. Nail the remaining seven planks along the box frame's bottom with 1-inch gaps between those planks to allow drainage. The length of planks can be adjusted to fit the space. Step 2 Set the mushroom grow box in an area that remains dark, has an air temperature of 55 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit and maintains a humidity between 80 and 95 percent. Step 3 Fill the bottom of the grow box with a 5-inch layer of composted horse manure. Moisten the compost with water, and work it with your hands until it reaches the consistency of a moist sponge. [图片]Step 4 Add a 1/2-inch layer of clean, dry hay on top of the horse manure layer. Add a 1/4-inch layer of composted poultry manure on top of the hay. Moisten the hay and composted poultry manure with water, and work the mixture with your hands until it reaches the consistency of a moist sponge. Step 5 Sprinkle ammonium nitrate and gypsum lightly on top of the grow box's contents. Step 6 Let the grow box rest until the growing medium reaches a temperature of 70 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. The growing medium should remain at that temperature during the mushroom growing process. Step 7 Sprinkle mushroom spores evenly over the growing medium in the grow box, using the amount of spores listed for the grow box's size on the mushroom spores' package. Work the growing medium to a depth of 2 inches to incorporate the spores into the medium. Step 8 Mist the top of the growing medium with water by using a water mister. Place two or three layers of newspaper on top of the growing medium. The newspaper holds in moisture and keeps light from the spores. Lift the edge of the newspaper layers every day to inspect the growing medium. Remove the layers of newspaper when white fungus appears on the top of the growing medium. Keep the light level dark after removing the newspaper. Step 9 Mix equal portions of horticultural limestone and sphagnum moss. Sprinkle about a 1-inch layer of the mixture over top of the fungus in the growing bed for a casing treatment. The box's contents will mound slightly above the top of the box. Mist the growing bed with warm water, moistening the contents without making them wet. Repeat the water misting task several times each week, keeping the environment moist while mushrooms grow. Avoid letting the growing bed's contents dry out or become saturated with water. Step 10 Monitor the mushrooms for the presence of fungus gnats and flies. Hang a sticky insect strip above the top of the mushroom grow box to kill catch the insects. Step 11 Monitor the mushrooms for deformed or stunted growth, a sign of a fungal disease. Apply a food-safe fungicide if the mushrooms display either symptom after the casing treatment. Follow the fungicide package's instructions to determine the amount of fungicide to use for the grow box's size.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
You can grow your own edible mushrooms in a portable 5-gallon bucket. Oyster mushrooms (Pleurotus spp.) are the best choice for bucket growing, because they are less sensitive to growing conditions and less picky about growing media than other varieties of mushrooms. You can grow the mushrooms indoors or outdoors, as long as the mushrooms have the necessary humidity levels and growing temperature. [图片]Step 1 Drill about 10 holes, spaced approximately 6 inches apart, staggered around the center section -- the space that reaches from about 3 inches above the bottom of the bucket to about 3 inches below the top of the bucket -- of a 5-gallon plastic bucket. The mushrooms will grow out of these holes. Use a 1/2-inch drill bit. Dump the plastic shavings out of the bucket after all the holes are drilled. Step 2 Fill the bucket about half full with moistened growing media. You can use coffee grounds, sawdust, straw or a mixture of the items to form the media. Step 3 Open the bag of mushroom spawn. The bag is usually about the size of a loaf of bread with the spawn packed in straw or sawdust. Break off some of the spawn and mix it in with the media in the bucket. Continue adding media and mixing in spawn until you have used all the spawn and the mixture is about 1-inch from the top of the bucket. Step 4 Cover the entire bucket loosely with a clear plastic bag. Cut 12 X-shaped holes around the top and sides of the bag to allow some air to get in. When you see fuzz start to appear, indicating the spawn is colonizing the media, remove the bag and cover the bucket with a lid or just leave the plastic bag cover over the bucket. [图片]Step 5 Place the bucket in a humid environment at a temperature around 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Create humidity by misting the bucket daily or by setting the bucket in a tub that contains about 1 inch of water. If the bucket is covered with a bag, mist under the bag. Do not remove the lid from the bucket if you are using a lid. You are not trying to wet the growing media, you are just trying to raise the humidity around the bucket. Step 6 Increase misting to three times a day when you see mushrooms start to appear in the bucket holes. This takes approximately three to four weeks. As the mushrooms appear, cut an "X" in the plastic bag over each hole that contains mushrooms if you covered the bucket with a bag rather than using a lid. This gives the mushrooms room to grow. Mist the mushrooms that emerge from the holes so they do not dry out. Wet the mushrooms enough that they are shiny, but not dripping or slimy. Step 7 Break off the mushrooms when they get to the size you want. Mushrooms will continue to grow until the spawn is exhausted. If you do not see any new mushrooms for three weeks, the bucket is done producing. Step 8 Empty the spent mushroom spawn and media and clean out the bucket to reuse it with a new batch of spawn.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
[图片]万寿菊为菊科万寿菊属一年生草本植物,茎直立,粗壮,具纵细条棱,分枝向上平展。叶羽状分裂;沿叶缘有少数腺体。头状花序单生;总苞杯状,顶端具齿尖;舌状花黄色或暗橙色;管状花花冠黄色。瘦果线形,基部缩小,黑色或褐色,被短微毛;冠毛有1-2个长芒和2-3个短而钝的鳞片。花期7-9月。 原产墨西哥。中国各地均有分布。可生长在海拔1150米至1480米的地区,多生在路边草甸。万寿菊常于春天播种,因其花大、花期长,故常用于花坛布景。 [图片]万寿菊的园林价值 万寿菊株型不高,开花艳丽,十分漂亮,具有一定的观赏价值,常被用作观赏花卉。 万寿菊可以盆栽观赏,单株栽植,可以欣赏花型花色,也可放在家中,散发的异味可以驱蝇。由于万寿菊的植株比较整齐,长势良好,并且管理粗放,常用作草坪点缀花卉,也可以在花坛用作拼图花卉,组成造型,十分整齐划一。 另外,万寿菊还可以作切花后水养,可以养很长时间,是优良的鲜切花材料,也可作带状栽植作为篱垣,也可作背景材料之用。 万寿菊的药用价值 万寿菊具有一定的药用价值,花、根、叶都可以入药。 万寿菊的根有解毒消肿的作用。叶用于痈、疮、疖、疔,无名肿毒。花主要是平肝解热,祛风化痰。一般能治疗头晕目眩,头风眼痛,小儿惊风,感冒咳嗽,顿咳,乳痛,痄腮。 万寿菊的花瓣用来泡茶,能消肿去毒,治疗人体呼吸道感染疾病,并且能达到极强的降火作用,其次,万寿菊入药可降低血压,并起到抗炎消毒、去水肿等作用。 万寿菊的其他价值 万寿菊的花有香味,可以制作芳香剂。 万寿菊被称为臭芙蓉,因为它具有异味,可以以驱赶成群的苍蝇。 万寿菊含有丰富的叶黄素。叶黄素是天然色素,具有一定的医疗保健功效,使用,万寿菊被用作生产叶黄素的天然原材料。
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
[图片]彼岸花分为红色、白色、黄色三种,红色彼岸花盛开于地狱、白色彼岸花绽放于天堂。 红色的彼岸花又称曼珠沙华,《法华经》中的四华(花)之一。原产于中国长江流域,分布在长江中下游及西南部分地区,相关记载最早见于唐代,被称作“无义草”、“龙爪花”。民间有许多关于“彼岸花”的传说。另有以《彼岸花》为名的歌曲和小说作品。 彼岸花,恶魔的温柔。日本民间传说中自愿投入地狱的花朵,被众魔遣回,但仍徘徊于黄泉路上,众魔不忍,遂同意让她开在此路上,给离开人界的魂们一个指引与安慰。地狱少女中的阎魔爱,就喜欢这种花。雪白色与血红色的彼岸花共同代表死亡。传言曼陀罗华盛开于天堂之路,曼珠沙华布满在地狱之途。同是代表死亡,一个却偏向于对死亡的另一种解释:新生,另一个偏向于对痛苦与悔恨的彷徨与徘徊:堕落。所以说地狱与天堂,仅有一线之隔。所谓天使与恶魔的区别,不过是颜色与背负的含义罢了。 [图片]彼岸花的园艺价值 彼岸花是东南亚常见的园林观赏植物,冬季赏叶,秋季赏花,是优良的球根草本花卉,园林中经常在背阴处或者林木下种植,有些还种植在山石间。 彼岸花因为开花时无叶,所以应该和其他的绿色草本植物搭配起来种植比较好。 彼岸花还可以作为花坛或者花境材料,也是切花的重要材料之一。 彼岸花的药用价值 彼岸花的鳞茎,味辛,性温,有小毒,但同时能够解毒,可以祛痰,利尿,催吐,一般用于治疗咽喉肿痛,水肿;小便不利,痈肿疮毒,瘰疬,咳嗽痰喘,食物中毒。 彼岸花的球根含有生物碱利克林毒,可引发呕吐、痉挛等症状,对于中枢神经系统有明显的影响,但是经过工业提炼,能够提取出对人类有益的药用物质。 彼岸花的鳞茎含有石蒜碱、伪石蒜碱、多花水仙碱、力可拉敏、加兰他敏等十多种生物碱;有解毒、祛痰、利尿、催吐、杀虫等的功效。 主治咽喉肿痛、痈肿疮毒、瘰疬、肾炎水肿、毒蛇咬伤等;石蒜碱具一定抗癌活性,并能抗炎、解热、镇静及催吐;加兰他敏和力可拉敏为治疗小儿麻痹症的要药。 彼岸花的观赏价值 彼岸花的花期在夏末秋初,花茎长30—60厘米,通常4—6朵排成伞形,着生在花茎顶端。 花瓣倒披针形,花被红色、白色,向后开展卷曲,边缘呈皱波状,花被管极短;雄蕊和花柱突出,花型较小,周长在6厘米以上。 彼岸花只有两种花色,花色纯粹,极具观赏价值。
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
[图片]网纹草是爵床科,网纹草属植物。网纹草植株矮小,匍匐生长,叶片娇小,叶面具有白或红的细致网纹,组成一幅十分美丽的图案,为新一代的小型室内阴生观叶植物。它在西方十分流行,在国内引种栽培也颇受人表睐。在室内盆栽种植可用于装饰布置书房、茶几、窗台等处,也可用作吊挂装饰栽培。姿态轻盈,植株小巧玲珑,在观叶植物中属小型盆栽植物。由于精巧玲珑,叶脉清晰,叶色淡雅,纹理匀称,深受人们喜爱,是目前在欧美十分流行的盆栽小品种。其实网纹草的历史不长,自20世纪40年代被发现以来,仅仅半个世纪。 在欧美窗台、阳台和居室中己十分常见,特别适合盆栽观赏。 [图片]网纹草的观赏价值 作为观赏性极佳的小型植物,网纹草的叶片美丽清新,清晰的叶脉,斑驳的网纹,小小的网纹草,展现自己不一样的美丽。 网纹草一般除了会在冬春季节因为低温冻害而产生一些腐叶烂叶,基本上都是会保持美丽的叶色,斑驳细致的网纹组成了一副美丽的图画,观叶极佳。将网纹草用作小型的观赏盆栽,在欧美地区十分的流行的,渐渐地,网纹草盆栽也在国内有了一席之地,将网纹草的盆栽用于装饰室内,放在书房,客厅等处,可以给室内环境增添一些清新的感觉,吊挂起来也不错,也十分的有清新之感。 网纹草的盆栽价值 网纹草的植株比较矮小,适合制作小型的盆栽,进行观赏。因为植株小小的,所以盆栽也是小小的,适合摆放在茶几、书桌、窗台等处,吊起来养殖也是很不错的。盆栽较小,吊挂栽培也很容易养护。也可以将网纹草用作组合盆栽,和其他的植物相组合,制作一个组合型的盆栽,也十分富有意味。 网纹草的调节作用 网纹草放在室内养殖具有一定的调节作用。首先就是网纹草可以调节室内的空气湿度,制造氧气,使室内空气质量改善,更加清新自然。其次就是网纹草可以调节人的精神,网纹草可以缓解人的紧张精神,改善视觉疲劳,养上一盆网纹草,放松一下心情。最后就是,网纹草可以美化室内环境,调节人们的视觉效果,使人身心愉悦。
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
[图片]双线竹芋:竹芋科,肖竹芋属多年生常绿草本观叶植物。株高可达100厘米,叶片长椭圆形,头状花序,小苞片膜质;萼片近相等;花冠管与萼片硬革质,蒴果开裂为3瓣,种子三角形。 产地巴西等南美及中美地方。喜温暖、湿润和半荫蔽的环境。由于该植物耐阴,甚适合家庭居室内装饰美化、绿化之用。可在较明亮的房间内长期摆放观赏,在光线较暗的房间内放置4-6周,对其生长也无太大的影响,所以可以长期在较暗的房间内摆放,亦能生长良好。 [图片]绿化 双线竹芋的叶片色彩丰富,白、绿、红三者不相上下,观赏性极强,并且双线竹芋是阴生植物,适合种植在阴凉处,对生长环境的要求并不严格。 双线竹芋可以种植在公园林荫下、路旁,华南地区已经把双线竹芋大规模应用在园林绿化中,华北地区则多种植在温室内,用于园林造景。 装饰 双线竹芋可以采用片植、丛植或与其他植物搭配布置的方法,种植在宾馆、商场、会场等地,在公众场所的边角地段作永久布置。 但在室内栽种要注意及时补充光照,并且按时向叶面喷水,提高环境中的空气湿度。 净化 双线竹芋作为一种多叶的植物,对于净化空气也有一定的作用。 能够吸附空气中的杂质和灰尘,净化颗粒物,所以是家庭养殖的最佳选择之一。 盆栽 由于植株外形比较美观,叶色数量多,颜色多,生存能力比较强,所以栽培管理比较容易,经常用于室内盆栽观赏,是世界上最著名的室内观叶植物之一。 家庭养殖可以放置在居室的阳台、客厅、卧室等,在栽培的过程中,每隔一段时间,就要把双线竹芋放置在阳台、窗外阳光比较强的地方,使其吸收散射光,有利于植物生长旺盛,便于长期观赏。 因为斑纹比较明显,双线竹芋还是高档的切叶材料,可以用来插花,或者作为其他花朵的陪衬。
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