Miss Chen
Miss Chen
According to research conducted by Ohio State University, "Uganda is an agrarian nation with more than 80 percent of its population engaged in small-farm agriculture." Needless to say, tomato production is an important part of Uganda's economy, as well as a food source for its people. However, Uganda's rainy season makes tomato plants very susceptible to diseases and pests. For the home gardener in Uganda, growing tomatoes is a challenge best met with planning and careful maintenance. [图片]Step 1 Buy tomato seedlings carefully. There are many varieties in Uganda, but only a few of them are disease- and wilt-resistant. Contact the Office of International Programs in Agriculture to find where to obtain these plants. Plan to plant tomatoes in mid-February. Step 2 Choose a planting site that has good air circulation and receives at least eight hours of direct sunlight per day. Prepare soil for planting tomatoes in Uganda by tilling it to a depth of 8 inches, adding local organic compost to the soil as you go. Rake and cultivate until you have a loose, fine, deep soil mix. [图片]Step 3 Plant tomato seedlings 18 inches apart. Drive a stake near each plant, and tie it loosely with plant ties. Do not allow tomato plants to grow along the ground--the tomatoes will rot during the rainy season (March through May). Step 4 Keep a sharp eye on tomato plants during the growing season and continue training the plants with stakes and ties as they grow heavy with tomatoes. If aphids or other insects appear, get a spray bottle full of water mixed with 1 tsp. of dishwashing liquid and spray the leaves as necessary. Step 5 Control weeds near tomato plants by pulling them as they appear to reduce competition for nutrients. Avoid using herbicides. Water plants only when the soil is dry to the touch.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Epsom salt consists simply of magnesium sulfate. It is often used to ease the pain of sore or tired feet in a foot bath, but it can also be used in the garden to enhance performance of fruit. It is reported to improve the growth of tomatoes and stop blossom end rot that can totally rot a tomato. [图片]Magnesium Epsom salt provides a good source of magnesium. Magnesium aids in chlorophyll production in plants. It is important because it enhances photosynthesis, or the manner in which plants breathe. They breathe in carbon dioxide and put out oxygen. Magnesium is usually found in the soil and is often included in many fertilizers. Sulfur Sulfur is a component in Epsom salt. Sulfur gives plants protein and other enzymes necessary for them to grow strong. Roots grow better with the benefit of sulfur and it helps plants endure colder temperatures. Sulfur is naturally delivered to plants through rain, but often they need a little boost. Magnesium Deficiency Yellowing leaves starting at the bottom and progressing to the top are one sign of a magnesium deficiency. Blossom end rot is also a sign. This is when the tomato blossom causes a large black spot on the very bottom of the fruit that gets bigger and bigger as the tomato grows. Eventually it will rot all the way through the tomato, rendering it useless. [图片]How to Use Place a few granules of Epsom salt in the hole before planting the tomato plant. Once blossoms appear on the plant, sprinkle 1 tbsp. Epsom salt per foot of plant height around the base of the stem. Scratch it into the soil and water well. A plant 2 feet high should be treated with 2 tbsp. Epsom salt, while a plant less than 12 inches high will do with 1 tbsp. Apply every other week. Other Uses Dissolve 1 tbsp. Epsom salt in 1 gallon of water. Place some in a spray bottle and use this to spray on the fruit and foliage. This will keep the foliage green and also increase the thickness of the walls of the fruit, making for a delicious tomato. There is no real scientific evidence that Epsom salt works on tomatoes, but many gardeners have been using the substance with both tomatoes and peppers for years with great success.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum) naturally grow into short, bushy plants or tall vines, depending on their type. Tomato varieties are classified as determinate, indeterminate, semi-determinate or dwarf indeterminate. Determinate plants, also called bush tomatoes, grow 2 to 3 feet tall, while indeterminate tomatoes are also called vining tomatoes and grow up to 6 feet tall, but can grow as short, bushy plants when their central stems are pruned. Semi-determinate, or semi-bush, varieties grow 3 to 5 feet tall, and dwarf indeterminate, or dwarf vining, plants grow to the same height as bush tomatoes. [图片]Growing Room Short, bushy tomatoes need deep, moist, fertile soil and plenty of room to grow healthily. Grow bush, vining and other tomato types in full-sun sites and organically rich soil, and space the plants according to the type. Space bush varieties 12 to 24 inches apart and vining varieties 24 to 36 inches apart. If you're growing large plantings of vining tomatoes, space them 24 to 48 inches apart in rows 4 to 5 feet apart. Alternatively space tomatoes according to the final growing dimensions on the seed packet or plant label. For example, space plants of a variety that grows 2 feet wide 2 feet apart. Water and Fertilizer For plentiful, disease-free tomatoes, water the plants regularly and apply fertilizer. Tomatoes need 1 inch of water or more per week in dry weather. Avoid wetting the leaves when watering to help prevent leaf diseases, and water deeply but infrequently when the soil surface is dry. Spread a 2- to 3-inch layer of organic mulch, such as garden compost, to help conserve soil moisture. When the tomato fruits are about 1 inch in diameter, apply 1/2 cup of 5-10-5 fertilizer per plant and work it 1 inch into the soil or mulch surface, taking care to not disturb the plant roots. Apply the same amount of fertilizer when you pick the first fruits. [图片]Pruning and Support Most tomato varieties can grow as short, bushy plants with the right pruning and support. Bush and dwarf vining varieties don't need pruning because they naturally grow into short bushes, but the plants benefit from a supporting cage. Place a tomato cage over the plants after transplanting them into the soil or a pot. To grow vining and semi-bush tomatoes as short, bushy plants, prune the central stems when the plants reach the desired height. Wipe your pruning shear blades with a cloth dipped in rubbing alcohol, and prune the stems above the second set of leaves that lie beneath stem tips. Tomatoes often produce shoots, called suckers, where the side stems meet the central stem. Prune suckers in the same way when they reach the desired length. Staking is usually recommended for vining tomatoes, but this isn't needed when growing them as short, bushy plants. Harvest Time Harvest times for short, bushy tomatoes vary according to the variety. Tomatoes produce a crop about 65 days to 80 days after sowing. Plants that produce crops quickly are called early varieties, Mid-season varieties produce a crop in 65 to 80 days, and late-season varieties fruit in 80 days or more. Bush tomatoes are often grown for canning or freezing because they usually produce their crops within a six-week period, then they stop fruiting and die back. Vining, semi-bush and dwarf vining tomatoes produce crops throughout the growing season.
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GFinger VIP function on the line, in order to bring better user experience, green fingers newly launched the VIP function Here is to introduce this new function for you Upload HD photos Users can upload and download high-definition pictures, let Gfingers become your high-definition picture of the cloud library, save mobile phone space, clear record of flowers every moment! Modification dairy date Users can modify the date of their own growing up at any time, in your busy, can not carefully record the growing days of plants, to help you restore the precise state of the plant daily. Watermark settings Users can enjoy the privileges of adding user name watermark and not allowing others to save their own pictures. Make your pictures clear and protected by copyright.More preservation of pictures, no watermarks, pictures perfect preservation, give you a more comfortable user experience. Blacklist settings To VIP users more perfect user rights processing, pull black do not like the user. Delete comments VIP users can delete their favorite comments. Your comment is up to you! Flower recycling station The flowers VIP recovery can be used to store the new user station is already dead or deleted the memorial plant, you have plants, and plants along the old time record. Remove advertising VIP users can enjoy the advertising function. During the use of green fingers, do not be disturbed by advertising, give you more comfortable and efficient application experience. [图片]The Gfinger aims to provide better functionality and services for the flower friends, but Gfingers also need to survive and grow, and need to increase revenue through advertising and other means,You can buy VIP services to completely bid farewell to pop-up ads, as well as upload and download high-definition pictures, watermark settings and other functions, Gfingers also want to have your understanding and support,Let us introduce more and better functions to serve you, thank you for your use!
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綠手指VIP功能正式上線啦,為了給用戶帶來更好的用戶體驗,綠手指新推出了vip功能。 下麵就為大家介紹一下這次的新功能吧 上傳原圖 用戶可以上傳和下載高清的圖片啦,讓綠手指成為你高清圖片的雲端庫,節省手機空間,清晰記錄花兒的每一個瞬間! 修改日期 用戶可以隨時修改與自己成長記有關的日期,在你忙碌不能仔細記錄植物成長的日子裏,幫你還原植物每日的精准狀態。 浮水印設定 用戶可享受添加用戶名浮水印、不允許其他人保存自己圖片的特權。讓你的圖片出處明確,並受到版權保護。 更有保存圖片不添加浮水印,圖片全面完美保存,給你更舒適的用戶體驗。 黑名單設定 給VIP用戶更完善的用戶許可權處理,拉黑自己不喜歡的用戶。 删除評論 VIP用戶可以將不喜歡的評論删除。你的評論由你自己做主! 花兒回收站 VIP用戶新增的花兒回收站可以用來存放已經枯萎的或者誤刪的植物,紀念你曾經擁有過的綠植,記錄與植物相處的舊時光。 去除廣告 VIP用戶可享受去廣告功能。在使用綠手指期間不受廣告的打擾,給你更暢快高效的應用體驗。 [图片]綠手指宗旨就是為花友們提供更好的功能和服務,但是綠手指也需要生存,也需要成長,需要通過廣告和其他管道來增加收入,您可以購買vip服務來徹底告別彈出的廣告,以及上傳和下載高清原圖,浮水印自主設定等功能,綠手指也希望有大家的理解與支持,讓我們推出更多更好的功能來服務大家,謝謝您的使用!
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Although easy to grow as an annual in the United States, the tomato plant (Lycopersicon esculentum) is, unfortunately, vulnerable to a wide variety of diseases. Choosing disease-resistant varieties, spacing plants adequately and keeping garden soil free of debris will help to prevent many common problems. Knowing how to spot symptoms of bacterial or fungal infection will make disease identification and control easier. [图片]Early Blight This fungal disease is caused by Alternaria solani and triggered by periods of heavy rain combined with increasing temperatures at midseason. Also known as foliar or stem disorder, it is characterized by brownish-black lesions surrounded by halos of yellowing leaf tissue, which together form a bull's-eye pattern. Signs of infection typically appear in older leaves lower on the stem first, followed by angry-looking dark spots near the stem end of the fruit. Address the disease by promptly removing infected leaves, and avoid overwatering container-grown plants or overhead irrigation in the greenhouse, which encourages disease spread. For severe infestations, apply a premixed copper fungicide spray to all parts of the plant every seven to 10 days and again after it rains. Ideally, there should be a 12-hour window of dry weather after each application. Bacterial Wilt The Ralstonia solanacearum bacteria invades small breaks in the roots and self-replicates in the cellular walls of the plant, displacing stored water with a white or yellowish slimy substance. The earliest sign of this disease is the wilting of a few lower leaves. As the bacteria spread, the entire plant will be affected and die, often quite suddenly with high temperatures and humidity. There are no chemical controls for this disease, so infected plants must be pulled and destroyed. The best remedy is crop rotation with plants less susceptible to bacterial wilt, such as common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris), cabbage (Brassica oleracea) and corn (Zea mays), for at least three years. Meanwhile, consider growing tomatoes in containers with sterilized potting soil or in a different location in raised beds to improve drainage. Fusarium Diseases Fusarium oxysporum is a tomato fungus that causes Fusarium wilt. Symptoms begin with yellowing and drooping of older leaves, sometimes on only one side of the plant. The same fungus is also responsible for Fusarium crown rot, in which leaves turn black and a "canker" appears at the stem base. Infected plants wilt and die because the fungus permeates vascular tissue, where it blocks the conduction of water. [图片]Because there are no fungicides that treat these diseases and the fungus can persist in the soil for two or three years, rotation with a cover crop in the grass family or another vegetable is the only remedy for this garden space. Plants that are less vulnerable to Fusarium include corn, some varieties of peas (Pisum sativum) and romaine lettuce (Lactuca sativa) cultivars. In terms of prevention, try to purchase certified disease-free or Fusarium-resistant tomato plants to start with. Also, increasing the pH of the soil to between 6.5 and 7.0 will deter development of these diseases. Leaf Mold Leaf mold, caused by the fungus Passalora fulva, produces yellow lesions on the upper side of older leaves lower to the ground. With high humidity, a grayish velvetlike coating may appear, which consists of fungal spores. Leaf mold may spread to stems, flowers and fruit, producing a black rot at the stem end of tomatoes. Prevention and control involves staking of plants to enhance air circulation and the use of premixed liquid copper fungicide spray. Apply fungicide to the entire plant at the first sign of leaf mold; reapply at seven- to 10-day intervals and after a heavy rain. Special Considerations The use of fungicides can be harmful to bees and other pollinating insects, although spraying at night minimizes impact. A time-honored alternative to treating tomato plant diseases is a mixture of 1 part skim milk to 9 parts water applied as a spray every two to three weeks during the growing season. Reconstituted powdered milk may be used instead, but avoid whole milk because the fat may clog the sprayer.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum) are garden annuals that produce the most fruit when temperatures are within a specific range. For Virginia gardeners, this means the ideal time to plant tomatoes is in a window in spring that takes advantage of the plants' temperature preferences. [图片]Beat the Heat To grow well and best produce fruit, tomatoes need warm weather, but temperatures that are too high have the opposite effect and hinder the plants' fruit production. When daytime temperatures are above 90 degrees Fahrenheit and nighttime temperatures are above 70 F, plants may fail to set fruit. Consequently, the ideal time to set tomato transplants in a Virginia garden is as early as possible so that the plants have time to produce an adequate crop before the hottest part of the summer, when high temperatures are likely to slow fruit production. However, tomato plants are frost sensitive, so they can't be set out before the last frost in the spring. In Virginia, the range of typical planting dates for tomatoes begins at the date of the last expected frost and extends for approximately the next seven weeks, a schedule that has the harvest period beginning as early as mid-June in the warmest parts of the state. Last Frost Dates The Tidewater region of eastern Virginia has the earliest frost-free dates in the state, with an average date of the last spring frost falling between April 10 and April 21. The Piedmont region of central Virginia is next; here the average date of the last frost is between April 20 and April 30. The Mountain region in the west has the latest frost-free dates; in this region, the average date of the last frost comes between May 10 and May 15. [图片]Planting Dates Given these frost dates, the range of acceptable planting dates in the Tidewater region is between April 10 and May 30. In the Piedmont, the range lies between April 20 and June 9, and in the Mountain region, the range is between May 10 and the end of June. Planting early within these ranges gives tomato plants the best chance of producing a good crop before the onset of midsummer heat, but it also exposes transplants to the danger of a late frost at the beginning of the season.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum) thrive in sunny locations where they're prized for their juicy, red fruit. Humans aren't the only fans of tomatoes. Various insects are also attracted to their fruit and foliage. Instead of turning to toxic pesticides, protect your tomato crop by planting companion plants that repel pests. Several herbs and flowers can help to defend tomatoes from some of the plant's most common enemies. [图片]Some plants, such as many herbs, have very strong odors. Pests may find these odors offensive. The companion plant's smell may also hide the scent of the tomato plant and keep pests from locating the tomatoes. Other plants release biological substances that directly kill pests. Basil The basil plant (Ocimum basilicum) has fragrant foliage that repels tomato hornworms and various flies from around tomato plants. This annual herb thrives in well-draining, moist soil and needs full sun, meaning it requires a minimum of six hours of direct sunlight every day. Most basil shrubs grow approximately 2 feet high and 2 feet wide. When planting basil near a tomato plant, space them apart by approximately 21 inches. Borage Protect tomatoes from tomato worms by growing borage (Borago officinalis) near the tomato plant. The full sun-loving annual herb has fragrant leaves and blossoms that repel pests, while the flowers also attract butterflies and bees to the garden. The entire plant is edible, including its flowers. Similar to tomato plants, borage plants grow best in soil that's rich in organic matter, so consider mixing a couple inches of compost into the planting site. For effective pest control, plant borage approximately 12 inches away from the tomatoes. Marigolds Many common tomato pests find the odor of marigold flowers (Tagetes spp.) repulsive. These pests include: [图片]Whiteflies Mexican bean beetles Tomato hornworms This annual flower also release a biological substance through its roots known as alpha-terthieny, which is toxic to more than a dozen kinds of nematodes that may occasionally attack tomato roots. All marigold varieties thrive best in full sun, but they can tolerate a wide range of soil conditions, including sandy soil, loam and clay. Tall marigold varieties, such as Tagetes erecta, can grow as high as 3 feet. Smaller varieties, such as French marigolds (Bushy T. patula), can be as short as 6 inches. Space tall marigolds approximately 2 feet away from tomatoes. Shorter varieties can be placed approximately 1 foot away. Mint The entire mint family (Mentha spp.) may have a sharp, minty scent that humans find refreshing, but many pests are repelled by the smell. These perennial herbs thrive best in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 4 through 9, with most varieties doing best in partial to full sun -- that's a minimum of four to six hours of direct sunlight -- and well-draining soil. When grown near tomatoes, mint helps protect against the following pests: Cabbage moths Aphids Ants Flea beetles Place mint plants approximately 2 to 3 feet away from tomatoes. Nasturtiums The trailing vines of the annual nasturtium (Tropaeolum majus) produce brightly colored, edible flowers that have a peppery flavor. The plant repels the following insects: Aphids Pumpkin beetles Squash beetles Cabbage moths Potato beetles Whiteflies Nasturtiums need full sun. They grow best in well-draining, moist soil, but they can also survive in droughty soil that has low soil nutrients. This makes them ideal for low-maintenance vegetable gardens. Space nasturtiums and tomatoes 1 to 2 feet apart. Onions Onions (Allium cepa) are renowned for their strong smell and taste, which adds flavor to a wide variety of meals. Bug pests find the odor less attractive, with onions protecting tomatoes from: Borers Mites Slugs Tomato cutworms Onions need full sun and well-draining, moist soil with high levels of soil nutrients. Keep onions and tomatoes apart by approximately 12 to 18 inches.
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